xt7qnk361p0s_555 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright 1946-1950 text 1946-1950 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_110/Folder_2/6804.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_555 xt7qnk361p0s , 1
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 .3. ram. WK-x 5M c. P. G. 7-46 '
October 15
1 9 4 <3 3‘
To: L€ 3. Becker
. From: 3. H. Price

Referring to your memorandum of October 10‘ -
It will be satisfactory for you to sell 75 gallons of ivory
paint, EEC gallons of colonial yellow and 75 gallcns of light
greeo paint at 93‘00 per gallon. The amount received for the
sale of this paint shoulu be credited to the painting reserves
Paint new on haul, charged to paint reserve, should remain
in the reeerve account ani not transferred to the supply
Discuss witd hr. Smith the procedure you should follow in ‘
the sale of the paint.
You should carefully check from time to time the pint in the
painting reserve so that you can account for loss of paint
by theft and for all paint used‘

( ' \Q


Gegera 'ouper‘ntendent
cc: Hamith

 "‘ Eff” ' A ' h ' ;. ‘-7 . .K ”?. th? ;‘ ,71"’ T'V*ff1"“* _939fi55§$
' April 12 ’ _, ,
. a l 9 4 6 ' .‘
' ' p U. S. Gypsum 00. g
thieago ‘ »‘
" ‘~ ~ ., , Illinois ' . f
l gentlemen: '
‘ kindly send us information, quotation, etc. ' a»
. cwzdknwfiticel paint., . L
' . anrs very truly, a we '
Leland S. Becker - i _
‘ Superintendent
“ , Buildings and Grounds r ‘
L339 Cher-ck ,
, ‘,

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V)- ‘4‘!"
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April liz:,l£‘)1,6
Inland S te el G OI'rIpany
.211 e eli‘rri ght
Attention: Lr. Leland :7. Becker
Lauildizigs and I‘lrounds
This till acknowledge receipt of letter dated April 12, requesting
information and, quotation 0:: an acoustical paint.
e wish to advise that our acoustical :.Tatzrial is sold. tI'Irough
authorized representatives, the nearest one to .:116‘311".Ti57_§11t, E‘Iemtucky,
Pram: ti. fjroves
529' west lltltI A‘ITeI-me -
liuntingzton, Lest Virginia
e are referring; ~four inquiry to these people, request-ing them to get
in touch with you. You should hear from them Within the next few days.
Yours very truly
LIIJI‘i‘al Lil‘AT'i-l'j iLYi'i‘I'ZU‘L‘ COZ‘J.1‘£1.L.I
industrial .'i-i-ales Digision
@ ‘6 / ’ '
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Inland Steel Company
Attention: Mr. Leland S. Becker
__ Buildings and Grounds
Gentlemen: V l
we have your letter dated June 26 requesting information in connection
. with acoustical paint.
We do not know Of a paint which has sound absorbing properties and in
this respect your request is not clear to us.
If you are desirous of obtaining a paint to be used in painting
acoustical material already in place, kindly advise us the type of
» material you wish to paint. He would be interested in knowing whether
this is our Acoustone, Auditone, Perfatone, or Sabinite Plaster.
~ If you will kindly write us and give us more information regarding
/ your job, we will gladly help you.
Yours very truly v
{/5/ ‘
. C. E. Ber:E§:;:f£ZZL4/L:2;/
PFG%EGC Central Indus rial Sales Manager

 . 7 ' , v
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uUIsLersot nmealcen PHInT JOURnRL
nmemcnn Pmnren & DECORRTOR F
€11me 3M0.”
Aeril 2. 7,947
Tub-Hal Steel ~3’Wii’lalli‘, Tue”
1:718? 11:11“ 1.3211: ,
:Lent :1 0‘1er .
Lt‘tanfision: In in 8. Becker, Superintendent,
‘ Buildings ;: Grounds yepartrnen‘t.
In renljr, i711“. Beekera . . ,9
to jrri‘qr taieé‘il‘t‘um receimar‘: this 1301111211“: re adino‘:
“14211:; 7 “It? L1; "1 TESL) {mot-{3515 “72w“ 7111*“‘_éI‘I‘IT'rI‘vZZ“: 370731 1117“,.‘1' 1).“30 I”‘~l?-LT"?_‘
{‘7' Gilly-11> fill? 11‘3”” 715711 b‘“"‘?‘i‘7f”fl if“ 'F‘ITT "7U'ELI‘15’1‘ ”.7773: T"‘»CI“‘RLI”
we wired 1131), as. '93 lions: 7
”310 I"_‘. I). LIA. ."ri‘v', “if, 1:36 0‘43’1‘ 251%, 7 LE; ' 13314—71737 7:7”...
11:77-37} 17:1 . 1"};wft. 3)., t '1‘?" LESTT J‘EI‘UC‘.L.11“'17;S”
1.“ we “at: confine.
'2‘Jze 931-eve 0011031‘113 2‘13 fir'is “that": market oain‘t Ii’i,eo'.ii::"3-I1“J:3 thrmrh rise:1 es;
For rear-lie to rainfiinw and deooratfine contractors and JCC users of paint.
in addition to those firms, the ,‘FOllOl‘I‘..1’l‘”f concerns waflre't nain't Iieofir‘z'ants
"to ‘oaiwf mamtfaC'httl‘el‘: "In 71111" quantities to be adrieri to “ain't at: the
:i‘11(:rbo rir':
'mwsava‘to Q‘hemioal 301110511131, 1700 Souti‘l Second £513., St. Louis, '_io.
..\.1"~m1v:1'i:io '1-‘17-"~:n.1;:*t‘,s, 7130., 1.5 last; 30th St.) 2.er York 16, 1‘- Y.
I'Tviflraur‘t'Lin—1)elazvtanna, 1110., 330 Lest 1’12an 513., Herr York 18., i3. Y.
Yours cordially,
f". L. Lie-2‘1,
TEL-'1:? Sezfirioe Uj_1~eo-bo?‘.

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ALL M ESE/AGE: 1' 1.11m m T1115 company ARE. so 1).; Eur To TH E 1'0me he TERM:
To guard against mistake: oralelaysnihe seiirif-r of 11. message should order it repeated, that is, telegraphed hack to the originaiing office for comparison. For this, one—half the
unrepeami message ram is (11:11-19:11 J“ audition. Una-SS otherwwc indicated on its face, 11.11315 1111 unrepeuied message and paid 101' as such, 111 ci)!ibidCi‘:l£iCil whereoi it is agreed between
the sender oi Lhe message and this Lyonipuny as 10110115:
I. The Company: shall not. be lialaie for mlSmKei m- 1ielays in (he trnrinniissionor delivery. or for non—delivery. of any message received for f‘rEumrniusiou 1111 the unreneated—mrssnga
raie lieyrmtl 1111: ;-11111 111‘ ll\'U 111111111111! (illiiill'm'l 1101‘ im‘ 111i: 1:11.121 01‘ 1101:1111 111 the li‘ililfliilflfiiilli or (lolii'ory, or (or non-delivery, of any message reversed for irazrsreira‘inn an the rammed-E
- moss-:ago raLo beyond the 15111;; oi Live Lilihiiitlhl dollars, unless ripenially vzuucd; nor in :1111.‘ case ior delays arising from unavoidable interruption in the 11*orhiujg oi irs lines.
2. T11 5113' event the (“onimzuirshaii 1101. be lielzln (or 1111111711703 for miqtqires or 111-19.313111 the transmission or delivery, or for ti1e11011—1leliyery. of any mczcge wheiher caused, 11?
the11r~:|1:;<‘111-eoi11.;seru'uuin11r1.1‘:11‘r1-.1.~1‘, beyond 11111311111111111”. IiUL[1908111131711111113: evenrihe sum cilivellmuiaml111:1l111r;1,flL\\‘l1i1‘l1(1111011111lid-maideroi0111111.messagerepresrms Thai;
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agreed in he 1111111, 111111 1111 1.1l(1111u11:1l marge 01111111 to (Illll-Li'iilil of one Dul' 00111, of the unouhb by which such valu:11io:1 shall excmai in e thousand dollars.
3. The Company is hereby made the agent of 1110 SClldCi , Without iinhii'ii‘, to forward ihifl message over iiielines oi (my OiiiCi' company when necessary to reach its destination
~ 4. Excem‘ :13 oineru'iae 11-11111'111 d in mnneetinu with The listing of individual memes in the tiled 11171113 or 111e, ("nnmnny, the armunt paid for the transmission of a domestic telegram
or an Humming Hallie 41l'l“iillU mesapw11:12‘01‘511«Iloiiazrry 1141111111111-leilopi'inz11111115: in ciill‘Sf‘i‘20.2.‘131‘1111100(11‘Infll'L‘iiiiliiliiliilllsWilCi‘J iiil: Company 11:51 :111 (1111"1‘Vvh1ch. 11551101271 by 1118
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chargeimm1511::1V1J151'1's:~,1e:'.1111111111-0511) pay11111'11111l-li1‘1«~11:~! 01151111: if it 13 no; 1,1).131’I(:d from the Liiiiii‘CSL‘IL‘C. There will be 110 Additional charge ior delivei‘iee 11111111; 1'; telephone “1111112
the corporate 11111114 of any I-iiy or 101m 111 111.1111 :111 oiilre oi rho Company iii lol'zrieni.
_ 5. Iflo responsibiliiy amu‘lles to 11115 (lmnpatly 1-«111111‘1‘111113 111essages uriiil the same are accepted at one of its ironsmiiiirig offices: and ii 11 message is sent to such olece by one oi
. the Company's musseugers, he 110:1 ior 111111 purpose as the llgiliib oi the sender.

1' ('1. The Cohmemj \\'111 11111 iielialilo for damages or 111,:11,1Ir,u1‘y 116111111 10:1 in the case of any message exrept 1111 iniresmie 11113551120 in Texas where the claim 11 not, presented in writing
(01111.- (‘iifilhiiiijy' 11111111:tinny11113221111111'1111:111123321111: mail 11111111113 Company for Lr1111sr111s51ou, andin :heeascoian1r11r115tale1ne§5agem Texas the Company will not, be liable for damages
or 31:1111Lur1'1111111111112;whereiheolaihi1a111'1L11re‘1‘11111l111wriIingi11111_12(_)r>11111anyW_izhiiiinnely—m‘e(1111'saiierThecausei>iaciion,1iany,shallhuvcncuruod;11rovldcd,howcvcr, Lhat. neither
01 these i'UL‘uilliUilb‘ shall apply to Cl1111nsior (111111113115 or m'vrchargcs Wilhlli iliopurviow (115121111011 .115 oi The Couimlinuutious A01. (ii 1034.

7. It is agreed that in any aeiion by the Company to recover the 10113 for any message or messages the prompt and correct transmission and delivery ilierco! 5119.11 be presumed,
subject to rchuLml 11y compote-111 evulence.
8. Snevial 111mm governing the transmission 01 messages according to their classes, as enumerated below. shall apply to messages in each oi such respective classes in addition
to all the foregoing ‘.Ui'iiia'.
9. No employee oi the Company is authorized to vary the foregoing. _
__‘_—___... ._.___—_.___
A iull-rute expedited service. The s1 aurlard service. at iull rates. Code messages, consisting of S-Iemer groups onlyr
. at a. lower rule. ‘
___—_‘_: DEFERREDS
A deferred Service at lower than the standard telegram races. —— .
l’lzlin-lunguage messages, subject 1.1) being deferred in favor or full-rate messages.
.. Messages sent in 809110113 (hiring 1he same day. —-——-—.—-—_—- ,
Overnight. plain—language messages.
_..._—_.___.— . . URGENTS
Avocpietl up to 2 A.M. ior delivery not earlier 1111111 1110 following morning at rates -——-——— .
eubaiunuuiiy lower than the standard telegram or day leLLer rates. Messages taking precedence over all other messages except government messages.

Hmemcnn PmnT & OIL DEHLER
Hmemcnn ‘PfllnTER & Deconmoa 37CWH5HInGIon five

 ‘ G dBooksonP't' '
The Mixing of Colors and Paints. By P. N. Van— Graining, Ancient and Modern. By William E.
derwalker. 296 pages; illustrated; cloth. Color Wall. Revised by F. N. Vanderwalker. 240
theory and principles; COIOT harmony; 39190 pages; 64 color plates illustrating graining in
tion of color schemes; specific formulas for imitation of many kinds of woods; complete
mixing Ct large variety Of colors and tints. instructions, with lists of tools, materials, etc.;
Prlce! $250 cloth. Price, $4.00.
Interior Wall Decoration. By F. N. Vander-
walker. 491 pages; illustrated; cloth. Work— House Painting Methods With Brush and SPICY
. ing methods for plain and artistic finishes. Gun. BY F- N- Vanderwalker. 385 pages;
Glaze colors, tiffany blending and mottling, illustrated, cloth. Description, uses and care
spatter, sand float, sponge—stipple, Spanish of tools; painting on wood, cement, steel, iron
palm, Roman travertine, old English, Holland, and brick; tinting colors and their use; paint V
French caen stone, Italian plaster, etc. Price, oils, thinners, driers and removers; exterior
1 $3.50. stains and staining. Price, $2.50.
Any Book Sent Postpaid on Receipt of Price
American Paint and 011 Dealer
Book Department
1 3713 Washington Ave. St. Louis 8, Mo.

 . fifiifitf" Mums :J E' ”mu" 9 '5. switched from the right to the left side of f ""4“ 1' :' V‘.‘ s” ""f;
. Q r M" “”4in SJ'I,‘ . ‘ - - . 1:711“ . , ' _ 4 "- WW,
::T;&;;;:_ 1:1...(11114115 ti.” 1 a laddei instantly, and that it eliminates aw"; .- 17. t t ..:-d.- g:
«1 _ :1- 1 -V much handling of paint cans. With such a :1? 3.4 m7 ' a :2»
. 1.1.0141”. .13.!" _. ' * hook, the company adds. paint cans may :51 “2:1.“ \ \ [”31“ , " ' '..}
‘WJ {QL’I “05555ng $75 Iggm be placed where needed for ease in paint- if? . . V1“ ”if- 53;!
“’9‘ M-“ wffluflvfl ~:~? ' ing. The hooks are simple to use and fit ”Mummy: 7 ..3 nmmmour

Rsanr‘TpA‘snzu 2 , numian‘mu‘uuus any size can. Two cans may be hung on "n“"m' """m‘m’
"“’”""”“”"""‘"’"9“" 1‘.“ MW"MWWM' opposite sides of a ladder without interfer-
f ._: ..3 3 ., ~' , ": , " ence to the painter. The retail price of the the accompanying illustration. It measure‘
hooks 15 21: cents eaglé.‘ Additionaéingorma— 39 by 42 inches. with ten-inch side wings t
acture of the wallpaper, and so meowm 82211312121113] Ziecaie 10:: iii: T-u - Birssor: give depth and make the display stand se
ated into the product that it does not show fieldl Nebw Jerse enwoo en e, oom curely on Its base. Seven other displays alsc
nd will not rub off. The DDT wallpaper I y. are available, as well as full-color windov
s guaranteed effective for one year or Sanding Booklet Available banners. tWO large 00101‘ Ocards showrng _al
ore and is similar in appearance to the . A new booklet ex lainin the advanta es colors in the line in four—inch chips, 3 price
'edar closet wallpaper which many house- fth St 1. 100013 blgEl . S 5 card dESléfned ‘50 how a quart 03111 3:“
olders use to line closets bureau drawers 0 e er mg . orta e ectric an er separate display cards for X-Cell-All pain
‘ has been published by the Sterling Tool d . 'h d X-Cell-All brus
d clothes chests. The paper has a natural P d b an varnis remover an
:edar odor. 'ro L11“: C03???“ The tookleé wastde— cleaner. The company also has prepared
s1 net or ui ers. am ers, ecora ors. - _ - 11 - -
The new pl‘OdUCt is 501d in packages 0011- cogntractors and dealer: or anyone inter— 3;): Sage P001126: egtltfi?’ 11 chltonirllurfie‘.

aining 48 feet 0f paper 15 inches wide, ested in sanding wood. metal or plastics. 111m}, fir fes est dS1 iwd 1 rran e
lacked in a box and wrapped and sealed in It is available on request from Sterling p 10 fig anil sbo lsiugggsde. Y n 0“; aial ga‘ ‘
ellophane. The retail price is $2.98 per T001 Products Company, 395 East Ohio gnen it . ed g0 in .155 aglrrliaerf mi
ackage. The rolls are narrower than stand- Street. Chicago 11. Illinois. Those request- .1: ? aéne 3t, utmhlnaiv tea (ilsChl—eei 2
rd wallpaper. WhiCh makes hanging in ing the booklet should specify “Builders’ c 31g“? yfw? ing Ce a 101133517 eSm Ct}
mall areas easier for housewives. Addi— Booklet.” an 3?“ ac firing gorrlilpany, 0“

‘ ‘onal information about the product may May Street, C icago ’ I mors.
e secured by writing the Trimz Company, New Valentine Products _
i c., Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Illinois. . Two new products. Chippendale Semi- HCIndbOOk 0n Insulation
. . . . Gloss Varnish and Duncan Phyfe Dull ° A“ informative handbook, “Insulatior
Combmahon Stain cmd Flue]: Varnish, have been announced by Valen~ and Your Home.” illustrated with chart.
A new combination stain and filler for tine and Company, Inc. According to the prepared by experts. has been published b},
rniture finishing, called Filcotone, has manufacturer, Chippendale Semi-Gloss Var— the National Mineral W001 Association. Th6
een put on the market by the Gliddcn nish produces a fine finish with the charm, booklet is designed to give 179th .the horn:
ompany. The manufacturer says this new depth and beauty of rare old Chippendale owner and members 0f the building trader
roduct gives in one application the same furniture. Painters using the new varnish a practical understanding 0f mineral “’00
esults for which three applications for- are said to obtain approximately the same insulation, its uses, its forms, its method.
erly were required. It stains, wash coats effect that the old—time craftsman obtained 0f installation, its heat and fire-resistan
nd fills in one application and dries in an through applying coat after coat of varnish properties, its endurance, its advantage
our. Filcotone is produced in all the and rubbing carefully between coats. This and other points 0f importance.
tandard modern colors used in wood fin- new product gives the effect of a rubbed The booklet also provides yardsticks de-
. .. ... .. 1 . .. .. 1 .-. ~-..-1 1"” . 1. -n- - nu -- II i - -i eers tC

 .- I
\c‘ ‘5
By George Boardman Perry, Editor of the Amer- By Frederick M. Crewdson. This book thor-
ican Painter and Decorator. This book tells oughly covers the subject of color and solves
ou how to plan the color scheme of a home the most important problems of color har-
nd gives a wide range of color schemes for mony and arrangement for the colorist. It -
~ach room in the house as well as exterior analyzes the behavior of colors in their en-
colors for the small weatherboarded house, the vironment and their relationship with each
- large frame house and stucco homes. The other. It presents a practical approach to
hook is an invaluable guide for the proper color mixing, matching and rounds out the
- application of harmonious color treatments not subject with descriptions of other color systems
only for walls, ceilings and doors, but tor based on the sciences of physics and psy- -
drapes. furniture and accessories as well. One chology. This book is invaluable to anyone
complete chapter is devoted to the subiect of who has anything to do with color. 121 pages.
mixing colors and gives lZ-color s p e ctr u m and
-I ore than 125 color mixing charts, size Sl/ix73/4, cloth
rmulas. 96 pages, 27 i1- - - covers. Price, $1.50.
Ltrations, 8 color plates, Repl'll‘lled AIIICIGS
ize 5%x81/z, paper covers.
Price, 50:. How to Produce Blonde Wood.
‘ No.101. Price .. .. ..10c
How and Why to Starch Walls. MIXING OF '
‘ No.102. Price.,.,...,,.5c
SELLING How to increase Your Business by COLORS AND
. Following Up Building Permits.
WITH COLOR No.103. Price..,.., 5c PAINTS
Why Shingles Should Be Stained.
'73y Faber Birren. Color is No. 105. Price. . . t . . . . . . 10c By F. N. Vanderwalker. This
Ireated in this book as a How to Care for Brushes. book contains color formulas
business science. Its mys— No 106 Price 25c and useful color cards. It
ones are analyzed and ‘ 7‘ ' gives a description of the
neasured according to ex- DECOI’HUD” and ACOUSUCS- properties, theory, harmony ~
tensive sales records and 7 N0. 107. PFICE. I » 4 ~ - . » l . . .50 and management of color
research studies. Its focus How to Imitate Mosaic Tile. for inte rior decorating,
Is on the mass market and No. 108, Price 100 house painting, arts and
Ihcilse flolrcEs in color wlhich ’ crafts, turniture and poly-
(7i se t 9 most merc an- . chrome finishing. 296 pages,
ise. 244 pagestsize 81/4x51/4 SEMI 50C for entlre grouP illustrated with color chart
riches, cloth bound. Price. and drawings, size 5x71/z,
~ 2.50. cloth covers. Price, $2.00.
Any Books Sent Postpaicl Upon Receipt of Remittance
OCTOBER. I945 43
I, .

 t .
‘ WA ”gr m News items for the next issue should
PAINTING be in the hands at