xt7qnk361p0s_560 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Exterior and Interior text Exterior and Interior 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_110/Folder_7/7534.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_560 xt7qnk361p0s INTER-COMMUNICATION BLANK
February Bk, 1955

To: B. I. McKinney
From: H. 0. Zimmerman
You may organize to do the special repair work

_ to our buildings preparatory to painting. This
work is to be charged to the paint reserve
account under rent and utilities.
The work should be organized in a systematic
way so as to obtain the greatest possible
efficiency, and the men assigned to that work
should be held to it as a more or less separate
I think we ShOuld get together as soon as pos—
sible to discuss some of the details as to how
you should conduct this special repair work and

' also establish some maximum amount that we will
spend each month.

HanayeZECoal Properties

cc: BSmith
P. 8.: At our meeting this afternoon relative to
the above, it was decided that we had available a
total of abOut $16,000 for the repair work, which
was to be spent at the rate of about $2,000 per
month. It was estimated that about half of this
would be for material and half for labor and that
the labor force would be approximately three men-

 Jr '11? '
Price, Kentucky § / “J
June 21, 1955
. Inland Steel Company
Wheelwright, Kentucky
I; the undersigned, Ollie Burgy, agree to the following
conditions on painting of the Refuse Bin located on the
East Hill at Price, Kentucky.
(1) To scrape and spot paint with a metal primer,
any places which are worn, corroded or rusted.
(2) To apply one brush coat of aluminum paint no '
all spotted areas.
V (3) To apply enc syray coat of aluminum paint to
the entire area affior all scraping and spotting
arc done.
(h) I also agree co furnish all paint brushes,
scaffolding, anfl ladders necessary to do a
firstuclass Job according to Comyany speci-
All labor connected with this projcct is to be at $2.00
per hour, plus 15 per cent.
' Inland Stool Company is to furnish all point and spraying
Yours very truly,
Painting Contractor

 , :x’ v .3 4;?
Whoelwright, Kentucky
June 27, 1955
Inland Steel Company
Wheelwright, Kentucky
I, the unflersigned, Ollie Burgy, agree to do all
interior painting of the miners'rbatthuse at
.5 Whoelwright, Kentucky for the sum of $2.00 per
hour plus 15 per cent. .
. All work will be done accorfling to Company speci-
fications and subject to inspection by a Company
I further agree to furnish all paint brushes,
scaffolding and ladders necessary to do a first-
class Job according to Comyany specifications.
Inland Steel Company is to furnish all paint nec-
essary for this Job.
Yours very truly,
Painting Contr c or
I /?Z/‘J/J ~—
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M 1235'3122323 Ca;33t'i‘§iAC‘Z’i}i*£
Paica, RY.
To: Inland Steel Sompany
'a’haelwrighn, Kentucky
FOR: Fainting Labor on %iinera Bash Reuse, interior,
Wheelwright, Kentucky, per agreement. dated
3?; Ianohours @ 2.00 I 2 y5o.so
K 15:2”: = 422422232
‘ 2 862.50
Less Pagimexgt-
I ' made 9 1" »55 a... I. 100000
Aygtgoverfi 3%: ,
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August 31, l9§5
Mr. E. 3» Gavin
Manager; General Accounting Division
Inland Steel Company .
Chicago: Illinois
7 we are presently energing tl,hQC a montb 20
our paint reserve under the rent and ut' kties
eceouut to take care of the periodic pa «71mg
, we give our buildings here at H. '7 ,7 .
Whie amnnnt was established 7..- three yeu ‘
use based on cost at the demo. ,' View o .e
increases in labor and 7‘4t of ma arial ainea
that time 3 an of the osinion that this reserve '
will not be sufficient - cove» r-e cost of
painting when we do this is 37,.,
Therefore, I .7—-mme‘- 7hat .7 increase the
amount dope“. ed to th'< Vegav-e by $200 per
, month comma 4ing this Se ’emb ~ 1955.
1 would 11k: your appr077; of this increase
to t res>~ e succumb
L III/,7 ’7‘”!
Manager goal Properties
30% A» tannucsa
cc: CBJacabs
WBCummings ,7

 4n / ~ 4 ”r“
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genie 533$?
immense commerce DUPLICATE
I {V f“;:
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?$; Ifitnfifi STEEL CGE?A§Y
eat: Eeinting leeer on Steel sets: tank ieeetefi in
iewer end of fiheeleright, Kentucky, per
to nan-hours e 2.00 ; $120.03
,4! mg; 2: mag .tu
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' Whealvrlght, Kentucky
Hovamhor 23, 1955
Inland fitool Company
Wheolwright, Kentucky
We, the undersigned, each agree to do all interior painting
of the Wheelwrtght Hospital, WhooIVright, Kentucky, for the
cum of $2.00 per hour, plus 20 par cent, each of us to be
paid according to the number of hours worked by each inaividual.
All work will be done according to Company sptfifiestions and
subject to inspection by a Company inspector 4: ore payment is
Any work doomed unsatisfactory by the Company Inspector will
be done over at no further cost to t'a -u:»::
We further agree to furnish all ac :. - ushes, : :ffolding,
, and ladders necessary to do a >‘rst-cl.:w Job.
Inland Steel Company is to In nish a1 maint necessary for the
. 30b.
.... Ollie Burg?
© L. H. Hubbard
Herve Johnson
on: EQZimmorman

 2a // WA )4
,2/ / 2/ . / é J/M
7! 4,; Ci 7” 72,
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WEE EL WRIG HT , KER '1‘ UCK fl . “Wm..- .. ......W, «I
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3; ‘Hfi »qu if“ i
E}, Gigi 3..;"Lrv'!" ‘ 5 3“" 1‘
m: Inland Steel Company ‘ “W_MMJ
Wheelwright, Kentucky WWW“W‘ -
FOR: Labor on interior painting, of Wheelwright Hospital,
“giheelwright, Kentucky per agreement. dated November
9A5}; tan Hours w; 432.00 .I 189.00
,1 20;;- 22.80
.;;-2 226.80
I (‘= I « ”‘,‘/,1 . T/
A" raved dy: 7
. Charge Acct. NO.W I

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Mr" ‘1 f‘:"‘"";‘ s nmr n 4,4,,-v w
‘ PQIEEIMEH>1VHilift’kaf‘gfijw if 5::th
fiHEEuwRIun .I‘, imrgi‘uun I “flaw" ”W i 3.;” h {A E '65,.»
1' . ‘ Li“ “‘
I §\Q I; EM» .2
3&2 “ . {"514
T “ xx fflfi“*§w
g ?.‘\t’.\ §§VM
# KEN “‘i‘: “I
TU: Inland Steel company \ fiwflww”fl’ _
wheelwright, Kentucky “”
FOR: Labor an interior painting of Wheelwright Hospigal,
Wheelwright, Kentucky, per agreement dated ficvember
23, 1955.
TOTAL 3 27h.80
1 I 7’” <7 ‘/_2/9,./2 W
A.prove fly: _
t a
Charge Acct. No. fly 2&M*£——« '

 A 1
\ ‘“ R, .7 /7/ .
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" ' December 14, 1955
To: W. B. Cummings
_ From: R. Io McKinney
Listed below are dates and hours each of the three
men worked, who signed an agreement November 23,
1955, to paint the interior of Wheelwright hospital.
The joh is completed and an invoice for each man is
No. of Hours For: I
. Date Burgx Johnson Hubbard
Nov° 24 ll 10 10
25 - - -
26 12 11% 9%
27 9% - 7
28 3 3 2i
29 3 3 2
‘ 30 L» L» -
, Dec. 1 3 3 -
2 ‘ _ .. ..
3 11 ll 9
h 10 10 10
5 3 3 31
6 1W: 3 l3;
' 7 31 3 -
8 he -. -
9 7 6 -
10 10 10 -
ll 8 8 —
12 5 5 -
13 ___L. ___L. ...:._
TOTAL llhs 94% 55 '
‘ ..:"..{F/ '
B& Depar ment

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V I N v 0 I c a;
FAI’x‘ETIi‘ZG CUisf'i‘nj‘sC‘I‘Ufl
WHEELWRIGHT, Kifiivf'i'Usifl :
. 1M :.www- 4,
L Di 933; 1
T0: inland Steel Company gyé .2 div“
Wheelwright, Kentucky
FOR: Labor on interior painting of Wheelwriggi‘n’c hospital,
fajiheelwright, Kentucky, per agreement. dated :iovember
23 23. 1955.
55 flan Hours {55" $2.00 ; 4;; 110.00
' ,l 20:31 _ 1 22.00

TOTAL 95132 . 00‘


Apéfoved E y; 7
  Charge Acct. 53mm