xt7qnk361p0s_608 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Engineering Correspondence, May 1942-August 1960 text Engineering Correspondence, May 1942-August 1960 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_117/Folder_9/1712.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_608 xt7qnk361p0s {4"}, INLAND STEEL COMPANY H REG. No.
3 R ‘g ) Incorporated ,7 0 fl
’ WHEELWRIGHT, KY. ’ .9 / /
L Emergency Order Form :'": 3 ,-. 3....
' Date___;______194__
Mr.___‘_~-‘_3—_v_____'__Supt. . , ,
Please order the following f0r_:__;‘_'_'_*_**_:;_:;_¥___;_;_____Depaxtment
i $
Quantity DESCRIPTION . To Be Used For Hail
_E .~ ‘ 3‘, 3.3, 3‘. l 32"“ I > ‘7’"... 3. 2; ». 3. «3,. {‘_1-’.’” .:’i\v’ 3’
l I I
3 :3 - a 1 I 3 .1
i j‘. .... '3. i .. 2"» 3-33 3'“ 3 {x 3“ 37' ‘3 i ‘ C3... \
t ‘ 3" ‘ I ~ “.‘.‘?me i
1 » “£52,. . " :"3 32 ,3, i a 3 1. 3 .3 21 it- ' '? ‘2 W“ *3 “'1
1 f 7 $2. .:'; .3 ’ x“ 7* 5
___—_._—T__—~_—__———_..—_—— I. ___—_..T—
- I
1 ‘ 3
_3,._¢___._ .. 3”” I;_____....._l'__
1 _ 3" ' ¢
! 3 333 35 fl __ -‘ l
| ' W’flI ’ “ " 3
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l v _EI__E_____D___
3 It:
| ;:
Appr.‘ .. h Praia: 5.33, " “ 4.» W“ E "3 Isl": f": "z- I",
I! - Foreman
> "— ”‘_-
2’ NI‘ Make out in triplicate. Supply clerk to ___—_._”
.~. In one copy showing requisition number. Storekeeper

 FORM WK-l 10M C. P. C. l-4l
Ma? 2
10 $2
To: L. S. Becker
From: E. R. Price
The Enfiinsoring Department will handle the con-
structicr of the aidifion to the Sewage Treatment
and DiSposal Plant.
jme'shoulfi, however, keep in touch with the work
Tso thatfihwwwill be thoroughly familiar with the
operation of the equipment.
I ""““~\.\i\\
‘.‘ \~\\v\ \‘x‘
- \L___ -,‘1 “ . -
Géfiergl Qupagintendent
cc: HOZimmerman
f/ ‘.‘

 , June 25, 1942
To: E. R. Price INN.“
. From: J. C. Osbcrne ///’:~~\\
Referring to your mergrandum of Lhy 20th égéceming the; Sump Pimps
in the Basement at the Fountain and also in tH‘eIBaseme-nt at} the Sewer
Flam. Office. v fi /'
, z [I]!
We received the motor which had , ._ 31:9 in arguiéhfiain and it
was installed this date June 25, l /21 \\ ,
' I.
. I made the following checks ”4% the founte§jt
hfiotov“-{atil1g\ ‘3; 5 volts/,,’ ,1
amp . 193531534 \ \W/ x/
Actual 3e ingMM 1725 .
Volta ’ _~ . consunpticn 4.0
_ tag; are Rise
At the Sewer Plantxff j/
”I. k //
ix Numx ,
a} MotorIgwg Volta 215-425 I
.I'\;.\ amp. 2 W31;
I {“““Wfleadmg taken volts 223 ,
I RPM 1725
I am: 11} No Rise in Tempature
I still fee the. two motcr are not the right design motors for this ' .
type service.
. .//»-:’M>fé//it/fl (If.
I 5:2 [44I I. .. . II
supt. of P 8: 11 Dept. .
L. 3. Becker-co.///”

 - . " >' July 22 . . l
‘ l 9 A 2 ‘
‘ ‘ W. E. Caldwell Company ’
' 1 Louisville,
_ ' ‘ Kentucky'
‘ Gentlemen: ~ _ , I
7 , i We have received the tank crdere on you on r Order No. ‘
‘ . 19835 and find the shipment is s t five 3/_ noop connections.
hill you please forward these lane 1 tely what we can
; y complete erection of the tank.‘ . :
On our Order No. 201 v 8 orders l~aver sets of tank flanges
s which were to be de l ered with thx tank. hose are the same .
' flanges regarding w.?~h you had 50" oorre ondenoe with Greeley ' .
and Hanson of Chion:-, Illinois, w . are our consulting engineers
’_ for the project on uh'ch the flang s are to be used. Greeley
y and Hene_ g'ven vs some ad-' lonal specifications in ‘
‘; connec ww e f . 1:» ‘ :-4‘tion to those stated in our ' .
‘i order. ' -'_
'f The sages referro 0 above were not received with the tank
9" - and would appreci hearing from you as soon as possible .
2‘ advi when you ect to make shipment. Befone we sen proceed-
_ ' with install 4 n of connecting equipment to the tank, it
is neces V . we have the severa1_flanges, and therefore
would like the earliest possible delivery.
, _ Yours very truly, - .
Chief fngineer v ,
. ‘HOZimmorman-g ‘ , y
‘ cc: L. S. Becker.//

 '”* " ‘ .»““ vv-w:rwr"rtorrewrwrrrreewrreesrowforerwtxwm
‘ . 1 *ri‘e
' 1 '- ~ " it?
. ' »" :w~5“s , “Ht-n€“”*TyfifiéiaaQ
. ‘ »' ' , . ix.‘-‘E’z‘3:7}=’;i'§1;{;;{"?$5
" .
February 13, '.,10 j TEE .
. . n*»?e§i
1 9 4 3 ‘ . . .1
. 3.::
3‘ '
. "g:?13ޤ
Mr. Kenneth v. Hill .
Greeley and Hansen _ ,,figfiggg
6 North Yicbigan Avenue ' fiffifififi
Chicago, Illinois . _?I§Fig%§
Dear Pr. Hill; ’ . ff;fif§§%§
, .m«isi§§a
' F13
I want to 7ive you a report of o o peretion .1 the sewage plant . aqggggr
since yOu left here February 10. , “Lfifififii
Sometime during the nigh 'f ‘-. vary 1' 6 gas chambers started . ,{ fggii
flowing so vigorously 'h~, seve': of ’se‘ over-flowed. When the rngfigg.
operator arrived on .= morning 0. ‘ e 1 t‘ the three center gas w;§fi§fi§
compartments were ov —flowing in a wontinxo e stream, and a float- . 13%etgs
ing blanket of Sludg‘ about 3 or 4 In hes deep had been deposited - efgfififi,
during the night on 'e flowing-thrrx:h chambers. In fact, the , j pegs
sludge was ~- -:ep tn I it was oveI—'lcwine the ba'fles and weir .Qfifigfig
screens , . -  .

. , . , , '\

© I I i \

 ‘ 771*" EE?-E : 5'5 '.‘ '15??? PURBHASEé-RERIE.R7:AGKNQWLEDEMEM-T 2;.»;- ORR. »
' ,1 - - Emit?» ’f‘i'i . , ,9 - ._ « '- g _
1 ’ 1 1 '.‘ ‘ 1 '.;: :j‘. 23"L7_oc‘ATi-:q-9N ci—iEs‘AeaAKEtaxoaiolnfig 7‘ 7‘; '17 ..1. .,_ g. :. '
3 1f. :;‘- * i ' Ym ' 10W)» 00mm a; ; . v
. 2 Feb, 26" 3943 '1 1 ‘ 1 1 .7 j
1 .: I]. Weherebyacknowledge iécéibt‘o’fgyburlbrdérfa‘é,hutfifiérédfibbgé and: wiillj_mqkeshipmefifi‘yia _ _1
i :'iléllél‘2-ii‘fiufing33.116150112- the date"; shown ,tpitheu right ofse’a'Ch 1&2me :1121 1;; ‘;.;: I, » ; . '-_
e2?" , .1 . Form A » i 1 1. ,1 2 1 By 2 a -
' . I’E SGEIPTION 528313;, 15;“335
' ' 1 . - 1 g ; 1 i ‘
l .
‘ - , - g 2 ,
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'Se‘ *vwiizl =
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":31“ .::; 61“ fodlr .712: :1 -;‘- . ., 1‘
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l‘imeSl “”“V‘* /W 1,, WhvchHS'r’LIM
TERMS Net/30 DEJS F0 3313.113).
9: 1111901111“! ,
medlatelyPromptlyInafewdaysSoonaspossflale, etcIsInsufflmentmformatlon
B—"Ifmaterlalls notlnstockadwsewhereltlscarrledTffromfactoryadeelocatwnof
factoryShipplngpomtlsEssenmal »al
”Kmdlyforwatdpaperscovermgeachshlpmentasmstructedonoglgmalordér 1

 4i. , _ ' I . .
n I? 4 7
February 26,
. 1 Q A 3
Yeoman firethers me any I ' 7 -
1416 Dayton Street
Chicaga, Illinois
Gentlemen: ' 1
, fie are sending yqu under saparqta cover part of the _ ' '
float switch. Serial Numbar 215$l, from ths motor -
\ “ control of one of Our Sump motors. This equipment ‘ ,
was purchased from ycu and insta13ed by the E. H.

- _ . fiarhoefer, Jr. Company, fldse.¥art, Chicago, Illinois. ' -_
Please repair or renlace the necessary parts and ‘ .
return to us as soon as nossible. I _

Yours verv truly v; w,

I ‘ - _ r

. Sfipfifllfi¢E¥GEWT ,‘_ '-1
Buildings and Grrunds " I

v ISBecker-r V._fia 9
cc: VCVahan I . . ‘ ‘ ‘_;

z \ , . .‘ 1 I :1;
IR I . ~ /’ ‘.' TL:
I ~ - , , . 4 , '2 f5»;

, I I ' .‘ 7 ' - * Iflfifi?fi 'V II“ ‘4 ngé§=:g-I:;'L4TEE

 .1 , , _ ‘ - _ ‘ . 1
February 26. 7 '
. , 1 Q I 3 .
Yeoman Brothars vanany ' , '
_ 1416 Dayton Streai ‘
7 v Chicaga, Illinois
, fie are sending yqu under separwte cover part Of the ,
_ float syitch, Serial Number ZISQI, From the motor v
‘ control of one of our Sump motors. This equinment ’ -
was purchased from ynu and installed by the E. H.
‘ 7 . Rarhoefer, Jr. Company, Hdse.¥art, Chicago, Illinois. ' 7
_ 7 ' Please repair or renlaca the necessary parts and ,
raturn he as as soon as tossihle. . . .
Yours verv truly ’ 7
I - _
' Buildings and Grrunds
'~ V LSBecker-r . .' *
cc: ECYOhan

i .,.V‘ Incorporated
' ' \l
’65.: v “5)" I v
. 3" fl? , P" I; .x‘ -' I i1f5f{.;«¢ 'L f l
'- ..A‘J" , I” - > I 'T‘ “"‘I H 7

~ . , I???» 7715 7“ » .

4 \r” .A-' 1‘ -.

7:7; é - 3 :*'~"' ‘ " “f—I
' 3’ I‘ ' ‘ i
4" L a ‘»
.-r’ 1;. '
CUMBERLAND PUB. CO.. PIKEVILLE. KY.. 5005K 4-42 239.74

 6 ,Q/ W'W/ Q ‘
b V
'fW W .
, %’5 /“
. I: ’ .

0 NWT" 6; $321535?
\y@@'!, r: TELEPHONE
I; . F 5 . MICHIGAN 5600
2 — T‘TU
___—“_W/Zzflffflreflfojo ___—_-
Inland Steel CO., March 2, 1943 .
Wheelwright, Ky. Tuesday
Re: P.O.2206l
Att'nz—L.S.Becker, Float Switch Repairs
Supt. Bldgs. & Grounds ___ Yeomans R-29683
-— Dear Sir: .
we are sending you via parcel post insured one new float cover\
switch mechanism and thermal overload cut out.
We do not have a heater coil of the prOper size in stock.
Therefore, we suggest you have your electrician remove the heater
element from your old switch.
We believe these items will enable you to put your pump back into
regular service. However, if we can be of further assistance,
do not hesitate to let us know.
Yours very truly,
By V
HW:ro Har y Williams

 \m J’5 , . - - " i ' i \\ .
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 , ’4' ‘
June LL13, 13's.»;
812.22: in Be;- 11. '.5m:';1,=é.;n3r '
il,.-‘L-.szo£ 52;. uis. ~
:.‘btzu 3.1:”. Ii. a). T2
' 3;..‘51 0:12": 3; z -
1:52:52: V._;I'LI'A'LES 1433:“; 7512.1: your ’.’.eat'tcr' 2::" (June 2!. 2. do not '
give 22:5 all i::;:.‘urasxa'tion we nee
Jo.“ so;..e’2.i;..: .';- 2 122.222 L:0;.2~2i"..."’a .:‘I2clle:.2. v.11 21‘ Labia
‘:.‘riti': 2.2.6 Lirim. ~.,:3cLLaniam i‘cr 7".- uJ." afis'trib r. .;e; .1232;- ..:; .12.. L.l:.-:. ".‘xzkgea’ss 512.3:L 222.232,; :3, beam
Wain": LLEL. ugh—2:21; g," ..hai;i.;;; "1‘ Lil .‘.; Acetic}: in
L..:‘J .:Le:3li;.x'.i;;;z.. ,.
Ii. is our twin-$10.1 9. r13].':l'*" a s:;=p;.::a:r"hi.x:-,;.; 1125.222: with a ‘
~. :‘-ed::lsig;m=3d \L I ' fr .»' :-1:.L:~i2.-:r: 5;:".221‘515; and rigid. -
, In ordar for as 52: Huge a aim in. we 5mm: have dimensions :
for all hole a " Lassa :.IAd emar 2.11 2295.25.21262232133.
as will 22091-13 .'.'..m your 3:23-31:25 us px'iuuzs showing 1:11 the
necessary data to :.60032, 5,32: :.s. I'sda'sig-Lz. Te wuul'i like
'.his ' 11.22223 soon z: possible as us awe of the Spin-.'-
io 2 pr “can"; ~ “““‘: _' were .111 not stand up much long--
0 its shaky 292263 LX- Dawning increasingly worse as time
‘ p ’ 9990 . ~
Yours vary truly,
H. 0. Zimmerman » .
. chief Engineer
ac: » '
I I .
cc: LSBocker/ " .

. ' ' October 10, 1944

SUBJEG'T: Sewage Plant. Sludge Pump Motor
To: $61.0) armament
From: J. 0. Scheme _
Confirming our conversation of October sixth while (213232”. :.'”a the Sewage
plant. I am giving you my findings and adjustments Ionic: I made

_,uhile I was thoreg and my recommendation. _ '
I found the voltage to be 230 for the 220 volt. motor ah ms in favor
of the motor. fine speed of the motor was according to i . name plate
rating 1150 R. P. M. The aviator Rating; Conv.. _ '~ .2 I..Ihile the
consumption was 8.2. In other words the mot," was overn r 1 camp.
The Overload Relay vetting was 8.2 and - ‘ I», s‘pping ou 3; often, .
so I installed-O. fuse eaitch'and i‘use' ‘ at. ‘9 ., and inc sod
the Relay to 11 amp. if the motor 1 ..umption —\: code '3 amp, 3.013 to
exceed. 10 amp, for a period of £0 - 1111311333 ”the " .362 will Open. The
' , Relay Dill Open on 14 any. in one rm .:e and . rty seconds. This ‘ 1
motor has D. rating of ~21; 3:1. P. , and . ~1e command a 2i. ii. P. Motor
for this job.
1;.; /(i m ’I'/1
_ [.,;/10% Ml
V J. Go 031301315
SLEEVE. PI 54‘ filo Dept?- I

JGO—th ,,
.' cc: F- e W -

ii a Price -

i. I Backer

. . ‘/‘ ' — ‘ g
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 February 12, _ ' , j ‘

_r 1 C) 1. 7 , ' -' g

. Wallace and Tierman Conpany, Inc. v I’v7f
Louisville, Kentucky" ‘ , '.sufl

Attention: H. N. Jernigan, District manager., _ ' ;,5fl

V Gentlemen: ' ‘ ' _»i_{5

When your representative was here sometime ago, we Vi :'fi

’ , ' -were aiscussing the subject of sewage disposal plants . ; 3,'J;

, , along with the questiom of chlorination and odor ‘” #>.;~g%

- control. At that time I asked him if he would send 4 f,>‘;}flf

~ me the names of some of the plants int too far remote ‘ '1 ':> if
from Wheelwright where Imhodf type of dieposel is N U3Img

, beirg successfully treated with chlorine. The reason ‘_\1 ;K}§
' for asking for this information was that possibly a. wrxéf
< I could visit some of these plants to see just what. v“ ,fi. fl”
, results are be mg obtained. Kindly let us hear from . , , 3 “‘jE
. you on the subject at your early convenience. m C,'f.5;
‘ . ’ Yours very truly, , ’ l‘flFftf

. Sugerintendent - a *“5g:fi

' Buildings and Grounds Dept; -'_- ~7i}jfi
' " LSBecker-j ; ' L ‘\;x1 ‘7' _A gigfringgiffigi

 A. O , O ._ , , -~ v: ;

0 February- 12, I - .g

. . 1 9 4 7 . _ ‘ '
State Department of Health of Kentucky j , '

Water Laboratory v ' . . ,. fi;

SEW“ ' 620 South Third Street I " vTrfirM'sk
" '_ Louisville 2, Kentucky I ' ' ,e ,9
'*' Attention: Mr. F. C. Dugan, Director - ' ‘4NE rsf’i
“ , ' I ._ 5 :’.fi

" Gentlewenz- ' . V " ‘v_ if

V " ’ Do you have on record any installations in the , H .1 “ g:’5 f
' H . state of Kentucky of the Imhoff type of sewage' ' I Agyg

_ ’ ' ditposal? Such information, if available, .-' -~ ' 7p ”

g, . will be of interest to as. . “ ,1 *~ .;53gfffl
. Iours very truty, - . 1"EQVXT

, ~ Superintendent - x (V VLsK

. 1' ' ~ LBuildings and Grounds Department ' ”9" f

g LbheckerfJ _ V x 1 — . I; ,,mgjfifflfi

~T, . ,' I" I ,‘ ,i.' ’1 ~ gi' 9v4‘WWTA‘”3‘
T‘ ‘ VL‘ I, ‘ = C . 7 , ' _ .," ~ V” ._x'f“‘f>jlwigv;gféflfggfih
~ * I ' , ', *> 1 J -, ,P, ,,Aa“ ,' < ,g‘] iI-gg?ul%fl Fqgfigyrfiflt
.‘wqfifl ~~ W. A " ~ 'fi“le Y. I Ag- 9 jg"fikfli:v/‘=”W<73¢55W157i3a%%§?§lafififi

I , ..‘.‘I- A V I ‘7 ' . Ls ' I . ’ ' "7‘“? \‘ ;. 3.:?” r ’ ‘ , .~ 7 , I -, ' ;4:f ‘ V 'LJ-‘I-vi‘ V, “ E_- .- " l I, ‘17:, 33.142311"— “0*!“ .1:“ if,” : 1,»;
“fifMa,v’.d“ *',iVLL'ElLEJEEIATEEVEQ53ftififiéfififi

“A“: . I
- D. E. BlacLePLq, M. D., 620 Sou“! Third Shed,
State Health Commissioner. Louisville 2. Kenfuckq. , '
1" "
rebruary 15, 191M
Ifr. Ti. S. Becker, Superintendent '
Buildings and Grounds Depa rtm'ént
Inland. Steel Company
;ih€81‘v‘fl‘l:- ht, Kentucky ' ‘
Dear Mr. Becker: 4
Replying; to your letter of the 12th, would advise you that Imhoff tanks ‘ .
f or sewage treatment are loo atecl at Hurray, lifarrodsburgt, Glasgow, 1*.iayf ield, V -
l‘fladisonville, Russellville and Monticello. There are possibly a few others. "
I suppose you realize ”slat an Imhoff tank: furnishes only primary treatment '~
and in most. cases has to be followed by secondary treatment, ‘
Very truly yours, ' . '_
v' ’1 ‘ . -
n I 1 I .
F. C. 7 6n, Director - -
_ Division of Sanitary Engineering '
FCD: edh "'7
» . -_ r
, £345? 2.;:
, - ,7 '3 5, ”$3,153“
- V b A. .-_ ‘E”'g:§2‘:
. - - . , .. 1,2 ,, F‘::?‘**-".‘§i16153 e5”
- . .’ - l y , , fl*’”e‘§
. v , , , -, , 3‘» .";:%--:;,;.,;,sa‘; V, 1232. (£3,
, " i . . ' :- ', “,'"? ~r1‘f‘v'1v} H’.‘xi‘»,s‘~4$91!:T»?7.~,.%3;9‘~”;;:~.%r~‘:fi3 L1 «£2229
. .‘ -‘ z a ‘» ".:fi‘n’l»Vitaliiéi’i-‘J'r‘mé“"125‘i§v§25§‘-75:{-.'7'.ui:“";3“"2'“fitk'é-:B’vi‘§§r‘:t'$€fv’9s‘-"Zn-n grim»;
a ,r , -- v ‘ r~ . _ . W hunky ~A<
r _ « ' y .55- .1; ;.a :x . . y , ”Mf’fgfiagwlwfifé‘y rig: gr gefi”ugi
’ a v ‘ 1‘ n ‘a”*W‘ufifiiimfi‘g”fii{;¥v~3§§¥w’?aflee“J’Wg’fl

 I. b
I 9 I March 14, , ‘_ V. . .
- l 9 4 7
6 Wallace and Teirman Company, Inc. ~ . l
Louisyille, Kentucky I ' , » v
. Attention: Mr. H. K. Jernigan, District Manager ‘_.; » _
Dear Sir: T . :I I i
‘ 'fla would be interested to hear from you in reply II _~
to our :nquiry of February 12. Probably you have . _ Ik
. delayed answering our letter thinking that your - 'a
representative might be in this area. , 1T7
Ynurs very truly, / , V

I . ' . W L?
_ ¢ 4 In;
V _ Superintendent - . ’ T‘”>':
. _ Buildings and Grounds . j
T _ ,I ' {“ W;
I ' I ‘ § T V V
I LSBecker-j I ‘ V V'T;, _ . fig
‘ V _ . f TITl T"I'7§7‘ '”IJ1lfi
.‘ T I ' T T . , x I 44.,-i- ;f. “ff‘P'I; r”

”’DT‘W '; II 1.7 I' 7T?" TWW 7w W 7* I
I-;--.;»‘..;.u- -A. .. I.-;L .-AI.:I
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*I‘h ' . 1,1, «IL .L. NJ.” I I
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