xt7qnk361p0s_609 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Equipment Manuals text Equipment Manuals 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_117/Folder_10/1845.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_609 xt7qnk361p0s _J




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111 ‘ 7 ‘~ -- L _ _ : Model 2597
, / 61, ‘RS ’ _ 1
l 1' ,
1 ,
' l
1 ©Hach Chemical Company, 1973. All rights reserved 2-22-73-2ED


Control Range ’
504500: 10C or 410—1130Fj 1.80F 3,

Dead Band (Heater OFF to Refrigerator ON)
1 /20C j 20%

Hysteresis (Heater OFF to Heater ON)
Approximately 0.20C

Motor Control Limit
Up to 1/2 horse power compressor motor or 1 6 Amp RMS .

Power Requirement '
120 Watt 50—60 Hz ‘
115 Vac;L 15% or 230 Vaci 15% .

10” long x 5—5/8” wide x 3-3/8” high

5 lbs

Power Cord »
7—1/2 ft, 4 wire, 16 gauge 3

_ 2 _

Model 2597

The Model 2597 lncuTrol*/2 Regulator is a self-regulating temperature controller designed to convert

an ordinary refrigerator into an incubator. The instrument is Often used with the Hach Model 2173

BOD Apparatus for incubating wastewater samples during the 5—day biochemical oxygen demand test.

When placed in a working refrigerator, it will maintain a constant temperature anywhere within the

range Of 50 to 450C. The instrument can also be used to control temperature environments in other

sealed Chambers where the required temperatures are above room temperature but do not exceed 450C.

The temperature is maintained by means Of temperature-controlled electronic gates which appropri—

ately apply or interrupt ac power to the heater and refrigeration units. The fan runs continuously to

I insure an even temperature throughout the compartment. A 2-inch dial thermometer, mounted on the
front panel, provides a convenient, easy-tO-read temperature indication. The temperature is set with a

7 screwdriver adjustment control also located on the front panel. Power receptacles on the rear panel Of
the regulator allow two BOD respirometers tO be operated simultaneously.

The lncuTrol*/2 Regulator can be purchased for either 115 or 220-volt Operation. They cannot be

converted since the heater and motor differ between the two instruments. The power required is

approximately 120 watts.

115—Volt Instrument

1. Place the liiCtITrol=‘“'/2 Regulator on one Of the upper wire shelves in the refrigerator compartment.
Best results are Obtained when the unit is above the BOD Apparatus. Connect the regulator
power cable to a convenient 3-wire receptacle and close the refrigerator door. The cable has a

' flat design to allow the door to Close tightly without affecting the air seal.
I 3. Connect the refrigerator power cord into the top Of the regulator cable plug. Allow the temper-
= ature to rise until the refrigerator begins to Operate.

3. Check the thermometer reading on the front of the lncuTrOl*/2 Regulator panel and adjust the
temperature control accordingly to establish the desired incubation environment. Clockwise
rotation increases the temperature; counterclockwise rotation decreases it. Several adjustments
may be necessary until the correct setting is achieved.

4. Once the desired temperature is reached, the incubator is ready for use. Connect the BOD
Apparatus power cords to the receptacles provided on the rear panel.

7.20-Volt Instrument

The 7.20—volt version of the Model 2597 lncuTrol*/2 Regulator comes equipped with an electrical

outlet box in place of the power plug as supplied with the 1 15-v01t instrument. The power cable leads

from the instrument are brought out to a terminal strip within the box for convenient connection to
7 facility power and the refrigerator power cord. Also supplied with the 220-v01t instrument are two
3—prong power plugs which mate with the regulator rear panel receptacles. They are provided to adapt
220—volt BOD measuring devices (other than Hach’s) for Operation with the lncuTrOl‘ti/2 Regulator.

Perform the setup as follows:

1. Open the outlet box cover and remove the appropriate knockout discs to admit the facility
power and refrigerator leads.

2. Connect the facility power and refrigerator leads at the outlet box terminal strip. Sec diagram

3. If BOD measuring instruments other than HaCh BOD Apparatuses are to be connected to the
rear receptacles. remove their power plugs and install the plugs supplied with the regulator in
their place.

. 3 .

 4. Place the regulator on one of the upper shelves in the
refrigerator compartment. Best results will be obtained
when the unit is above the BOD instruments.
5. Apply power to the instrument and close the refrigera- a
tor door. Allow the temperature to rise until the refrig— _. I _-
erator begins to operate. =l Him—220m
6. Check the thermometer reading on the regulator front Fiflfll {Efifmm
panel and adjust the TEMPERATURE INCREASE . Mfifll SEESZEWOR
control accordingly to establish the desired incubation IIEE'q/Aq) 300533
environment. Clockwise rotation increases the tempera- - «El 3315:?“
ture and counterclockwise rotation decreases it. Several -.@| 22:51:“
adjustments may be necessary until the correct setting is lsllcl ~
achieved. a El
7. Once the desired temperature is reached, the incubator “““'“wmm” I;
is ready for use. Connect the BOD instruments to the '
rear panel.
No scheduled periodic maintenance is necessary for the IncuTrol*/2 Regulator. As long as the proper
incubation temperature is being sustained, the instrument needs no attention other than watching the
thermometer readings. If there is any question as to the accuracy of the thermometer reading, a
second thermometer known to be accurate can be used to verify proper operation.
Should a malfunction occur in the instrument, the trouble can most probably be isolated either
through visual observation or by performing continuity checks and resistance measurements. .
Figure 1 identifies the major assemblies and provides wiring information to assist in the replacement of l!
defective components. All major assemblies plug into the circuit board and can be disconnected il
without the use of a soldering iron. A schematic (Figure 2) has been included to assist troubleshooting.
Replacement parts for the major assemblies are listed in the Parts List. The following paragraphs cover
malfunctions which could occur and describe the corrective action to be taken.
I. Unit is completely inoperable; i.e., fan and heater assemblies are not working.
A. Unplug the power cable.
B. Check fuse F71 (or F~2) by performing a continuity check or by installing a new fuse.
C. Check the heat limiter by performing a continuity check.
D. Check the fan motor by applying ac power directly to the motor leads. If the motor does
not operate, it should be replaced.
E. If neither the fuse, heat limiter nor motor is defective, replace the circuit board.
II. Fan operating but unit will not maintain the proper temperature. it
A. Check the heater assembly by disconnecting the unit from the circuit board and performing a
a resistance check. Resistance should be approximately 150 ohms for the 115-volt heater ,.
and 500 ohms for the 220-volt element. If the proper resistance reading is not obtained,
replace the heater assembly.
B. Check the temperature control potentiometer by disconnecting the potentiomenter
assembly from the circuit board and measuring the resistance at the plug. The resistance
should vary from O to 150 K ohms. If the proper resistance reading is not obtained, replace
the potentiometer assembly.
C. If neither the heater assembly nor the temperature control potentiometer is defective,
replace the circuit board.
. 4 .

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Model 2597
Parts List
Any correspondence concerning the Hach |ncuTrol*/2 Regulator should be accompanied by the serial number of the
Instrument and the date of purchase.
Ref. Description Cat. No. Price
F—l ......Fuse,153mp,115V 11817-24... .30
F——2 ......Fuse,10amp,220V 5272-24... ..25
H~1 ......HeaterAssembly,115V 11913—43... 10.00
., H—2 ......HeaterAssembly,22OV 11912-43... 10.00
‘ HeatLimiterAssembly 1202543 2.00
InstructionManual1221000... 2.00
, M—l ......MotorAssembly,115V 11914-35... 12.00
‘ M—2......MotorAssembly,220V11915<35...12.00
Plug,adapter,circle”F",220Von|y 11827200... 1.50
Potentiometer Assembly, temperature adj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11917-56 . . . 5.00
PowerCabIeAssemny,115V11008-56... 9.00
P0werCableAssemb|y,220V12040-56... 9.00
Thermometer............................................. 5464-31... 5.40
All prices FOB Ames, Iowa, USA. and are subject to change without notice
* IncuTrol is a registered trademark of Hach Chemical Company
Seller warrants equipment of its manufacture against defective materials or workmanship for a period
of one year from date of shipment.
The liability of Seller under this warranty is limited, at Seller's option, solely to (l) repair, (2) replace-
! ment with equivalent Hach equipment, or (3) an appropriate credit adjustment not to exceed the
original equipment sales price of equipment returned to the Seller, provided that:
a. Seller is promptly notified in writing by Buyer upon discovery of defects,
b. The defective equipment is returned to Seller, transportation charges prepaid by Buyer,
c. Seller's examination of such equipment discloses to its satisfaction that defects were not
caused by negligence, misuse, improper installation, accident, or unauthorized repair or
alteration by the Buyer.
This warranty does not include limited life electrical components which deteriorate with age such as
vacuum tubes, batteries, lamps, photocells, electrodes, etc. In the case of accessories, i.e., recorders,
valves, etc., not manufactured by the Seller, but which are furnished with the Seller’s equipment,
Seller’s liability is limited to whatever warranty is extended by the manufacturers thereof and trans-
ferable to the Buyer.
This warranty is applicable to the original Buyer only and shall be in lieu of and excludes all other
warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchanta-
. bility or fitness. The foregoing shall constitute the sole and exclusive remedy of the Buyer and the
sole and exclusive liability of the Seller, whether Buyer’s claim shall be for breach of warranty or
negligence. Seller neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for it any other obligation or
. liability in connection with the sale of the equipment. In no event shall Seller be liable for special,
incidental or consequential damages.
May, 1970
Hach Chemical Company Hach Chemical Company
P. O. Box 907 P. O. Box l0823
Ames. lowa SOOIO Houston, Texas 77018
If you wish to return the instrument for factory service. please write or call the Mach Sales Department
first, for shipping instructions. Without prior arrangement, charges for “Collect” shipments are cus-
tomarily rebilled to the customer.
- 7 -

Main Office and International Sales:
P.O. Box 907, Ames, Iowa 50010 U.S.A.
515-232-2533 — TWX/Telex 910-520-1158
Sa/es and Service Centers Throughout the U. SA. and Most Overseas Countries
liv¥i ,77.¥fi§ERM

I. I



”First in Water Analysis”
P.O. Box 907, Ames, Iowa 50010, 515-232-2533

For arsine analysis using the diethyldithiocarbramate colorimetric method. Clear- _‘ ‘
Seal joints do not require grease eliminating this source of contamination. '7 E"
Catalog Case 1 20 “m
Number Pack Case Cases ‘ .,
w j-
180021 Arsine Absorber 2 15.21 14.45 W“)
180022 Arsine Scrubber 2 13.23 12.57 ‘i , ..
635926 Erlenmeyer Flask, 125 ml 12 36.72 34.88 '
Reference: ASTM F50 part 32, May, 1969. All joints are same size except for
top of acid bulb which is for No.22 Flask Stopper.

. Catalog Case 1 20
Mia—___AM ‘ ' .
180040 COMPLETE 1 $70.95 $60.66 g ' ,
180041 Acid Bulb, 125 ml 1 29.10 24.88 E 5°;

180043 Flask, 200 ml 1 29.95 25.61 3 i
297931 Condenser, 200 mm 2 21.42 20.35 "“’" “"‘ , ,I
ll > g .
l’ )
Designed according to standards set down in “Standard Methods for the Examina— ‘.
tion of Water and Wastewater.." Integral bottoms have good optical characteristics. ’
Graduations on 50 ml size are within 1.5 mm, and on 100 ml size are within 2 mm. (5
Catalog Diameter x Sub- Case 1 20 {
Number Size Height,mm Divisions, ml Pack Case Cases
294332 50 ml 20 x 300 50 12 $34.13 $32.42
294333 100 ml 24 x 375 100 12 41.80 39.71 _ lll
294334 100 ml 24 x 375 50, 100 12 46.87 44.53 C . m
For Acrolein Determination by 4-Hexylresorcin0l. Graduated at 5 ml intervals. l H “Y" NH!
Ref. ”Selected Methods for the Measurement of Air Pollutants”, U. 8. Dept. of ”‘8:
Commerce. ‘
Catalog Frit Case 1 20
WW_—__W \mw
709283 30 ml EC 4 $43.20 $41.04 } ”
‘ l
i D
For determination of dust concentration in air or other gases. Incoming particles
‘ . are impinged at high velocity on a deflection plate 5 mm below nozzle.

Catalog Case 1 20
Number Size Graduations Pack Case Cases .- "
753348 500 ml 100, 250, 2 $79.60 $75.62 ’ i E

500 ml . __

‘a'ziV For incubating diluted samples of polluted water. See “Standard Methods for the
n Examination of Water and Wastewater", Thirteenth Edition, 1971. Stoppers are
, “a. tapered to prevent air entrapment. Bottles are numbered consecutively from “1" ,
, \ through "432". >
Catalog Diameter x Case 1 20
.' 101 ‘ Number Size Height, mm Pack Case Cases
227494 60 ml 43 x 115 36 $67.72 $64.33
227497 300 ml 69 x 165 24 58.10 55.20
V1530 227499 500 ml 83 x 193 12 32.51 30.88
_ p. -
A B Similar to "A" except manufactured from VITRO ”400" brand borosilicate glass V
for highest chemical resistance. ~ _
”,,,.“ l : ‘.;... 227557 300 ml 69 x 165 24 $72.36 $68.74 -
IN" “’15:?" 227559 500 ml 83 x 193 12 43.96 41.76
Q A polyethylene cap which snaps over the flared mouth of Wheaton 60 ml and 300 ml ’
B.0.D. bottles to prevent evaporation of the water seal during the 5 day incubation
C period.
Catalog Diameter x Case 1 20 '
Number Height, mm Pack Case Cases
227720 38 x 25 200 $21.60 $20.52
Jr...— 5,: r 1
kg. ' /
I ”g\ . . . . . . .
\‘x 9.7 ., I:: Rugged WIre racks, heaVIIy coated With PVC for corr05Ion reSIstance and quiet.
 Racks, which hold 12 Wheaton 300 ml B.0.D. bottles, interlock for safe carrying
‘IN- I . . .
[.‘K.$%£?/< In stacked posmon.
ԤJ\\\ s 9 Approx.
\ g Catalog Length x Width x Case Each
\ F WM
D 227730 13 x 10 x 7 1 $14.84 Net
Vlfflo Used by water filtration plants and health departments for collecting, transporting
’ and storing samples. interchangeably ground stoppers have hollow peg.
Catalog Diameter x Case 1 20
Number Size Height,mm Pack Case Cases
Q: r« H 227914 60 ml 44 x 89 36 $41.80 $39.71
\.1- 227915 125 ml 55 x117 36 51.19 48.63
”Hm mu“ (U.S.Patent 3,474,003) ‘
‘.'—JW- Simplifies the checking of potable water for the presence of coliform bacteria. .
Invert, swirl to mix the water sample and media, inverta second time. If coliform
/ bacteria are present, a positive reaction occurs and gas forms in the inverted vial.
1%th The steps of sampling, dechlorination, inoculation, culturing and gas observation
/‘ w take place in a single container without laboratory manipulation. Ref: ACombi-
,1/ nation Sample Culture Bottle for Bacteriological Tests, Hirsch, A. Adler, Water
‘1’ and Sewage Works, Reference Number, 1966.
' Catalog Cap Case 1 20
.. 20ml Number Size Size Pack Case Cases
‘ _J 227951 120 ml 33-430 10 $34.56 $32.83

 :5 _ 7
raisaifigi", i . . _. .
~ 4 3‘ \_
M” ' ~ »
I n 3 .
, . I’ll? . w -'.
Easy to set up, easy to operate, easy to clean. But that S Just ,3?th 5. I ,, .‘ I
part of the story. AUTOSTI LL 5 is fully automatic in opera- fifffl ' '5‘ ‘
tion and produces high purity, pyrogen-negative distillate gaff“, if ,1 : ‘
. in an all glass system designed for reliability and long life. IN II . .
AUTOSTI LL 5 incorporates automatic features to cut off [at
heaters and water supply at the still when distillate receiver WI ' _; 5 3‘ ' a
V is full, as well as automatic cut-off of electrical system if ‘j;‘ ' 3 ' -
water supply fails, automatic cut—off of water if electric u, . ~
. supply fails, and thermal protection of heating elements. ,,‘;M 'q'}, i n
' All distilling system parts are manufactured from chemically , .. 4 n
resistant Vitro® or quartz glassware, and all distillate tubing M , 1' , i \. \ : 4» o»
. is inert teflon for maximum purity of water. There are no WI . \ a .. ,, 1
metal parts in contact with the water in the distilling section. ‘1' ' ”X"
AUTOSTILL 5 input water passes through a solenoid valve, water pressure regulator, and control flowmeter for optimum
efficiency of the distillation system. The water then enters the cooling coil, where it acts to condense the water vapor
produced by the action of the water boiling in the quartz-heated boiler. The preheated water then passes through the
pressure sensing tube, into the constant level tube on the side of the boiler, and replenishes the boiler water as required.
Excess feed water runs to waste from the constant level device. The 3 1200 watt quartz-sheathed heating elements convert
the preheated water to steam. The steam escapes into the steam trap, where entrained water droplets are removed, and the
water vapor then passes into the condenser. Distilled water passes out the lower section of the condenser through a Teflon
. tube and into a suitable receiver.
‘ During operation, the pressure sensing apparatus will cause the entire unit to shut down should either the feed water supply
drop below a safe operating level or the distillate receiver become full.
Capacity Up to 5 liters per hour depending on operating conditions, electrical supply, and water being distilled.
Water Purity (single distilled) Resistivity 1.5 — 1.7 megohms/cm, pyrogen-negative per U.S.P. XVIII, as reported by an
independent laboratory using tap water from Millville, N. J.
Power Requirements 208240 VAC 50~60 HZ. Rated 3600 watts, 15 amps @ 220 VAC.
Heating Elements 3 — 1200 watt quartz-sheathed immersion heaters.
Controls Automatic high temperature thermal cut-off 0 Automatic low water level boiler safety pressure type cut-off 0
Automatic ”full distillate” container pressuretype cut-off. Fits any suitable container having a neck opening of 1-1/2 to
2—1/4 inches 0 Automatic constant level device 0 Master power switch/circuit breaker and power-on indicator lamp 0 Fast
fill switch/circuit breaker and power-on indicator lamp 0 Flow meter with integral input water volume needle valve
Bottom boiler drain for fast clean out.
Cooling Water Consumption 30-50 liters/hour.
Housing All aluminum ~ two tone enamel finish. Electrical section isolated from water section. Smoke color plexiglas door
over glassware. Supplied with adjustable feet for bench mounting. Can be wall mounted with optional wall mounting
bracket. Unit shipped completely assembled. Merely slip heating elements in place, remove packing blocks, and connect to
‘ electric, water, and drain lines.
‘ Catalog Width x Depth Case Each
Number x height, inches Pack Price
901800 18 x 10 x 28-1/4 1 $945.00 Net
Heavy metal bracket designed to support Wheaton Autostill. Merely attach to wall with suitable fasteners and hang Autostill
. on bracket hooks. (Not Illustrated)
Catalog Case Each
Number Pack Price
901801 1 $ 16.95 Net

- I
I b10091
I W125“ I Used in determination of settleable matter in water and wastewater in accordance
I I with procedures given in “Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Waste- .
I ”I water", Thirteenth Edition. Externally graduated from plug up to 1000 ml: 0 to 1
I I ml by 0.1 ml; 1 to 10 ml by0.5 ml;10to40ml by1.0ml;40t080 ml by 2.0 ml;
I .:I 80 to 100 ml by 5.0 ml; with lines and numbers at 250, 500, and 1000 ml. Easy
‘, 3‘ to clean by removing leak-proof plug.
IVIII Catalog Top Diameter x Case 1 20
IéaVI Number Size Length,lnches Pack Case Cases
, ::j'I 342570 1000 ml 4—1/4 x 17-3/4 4 $38.74 $36.80
1 Three place rack constructed of heavy gage steel, hot-dip galvanized to provide
A :1 long life. Supplied without cone.
:::} Catalog Length x Width Case Each
I: Number x Height, Inches Pack Price
U. ___—__———————-——————————_——
"" 342580 17-1/2 x 5-1/2 x 16 1 $15.70 Net
l ‘II I For recovery of free ammonia nitrogen from surface and ground water. Clear—
.7.;4’1-7'1 . | Seal joints do not require grease eliminating this source of contamination.
\@/§‘S\§/ ’ Catalog Case 1 20
I a” , Number Pack Case Cases
I 990910 COMPLETE 1 $39.96 $34.17
‘= 107396 Connecting Adapter 6 46.76 44.43
*\\ 124656 Connecting Adapter 6 46.44 44.12
309414 Graham Condenser, 300 mm 6 81 .86 77.77
B 428673 Flat Bottom Flask, 1000 ml 12 49.03 46.58
g 924234 Glass Stopper 12 36.83 34.99
‘V_ / _ H (License Ronor, S. A. Berne, Switzerland)
i I - For use in determining chemical oxygen demand in water. Clear-Seal joints do
\ I” s" not require grease eliminating this source of contamination.
_1 s —_—__—————————————-————_
V -"==< g 990950 COMPLETE 1 $14.06 $12.02
V $. 327364 West Condenser, 300 mm 4 38.92 36.97
. §m 635940 Erlenmeyer Flask, 250 rrl 12 37.91 36.01
C l

I For determination of fluorides, etc. in a water sample. Ref.: Standard Methods
I_“l for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Thirteenth Edition. Clear—Seal

A joints do not require grease eliminating this source of contamination.
.—-— D 990965 COMPLETE 1 $39.71 $33.95
. 109936 Claisen Adapter 6 49.52 47.04
124906 Connecting Adapter 6 44.55 42.32
165556 Thermometer Adapter 12 30.02 28.52
- V 309414 Graham Condenser, 300 mm 6 81.86 77.77
' 438793 Round Bottom Flask, 1000 ml 12 46.98 44.63

///V » . . .

- ,.,/j/ I__ Contact Wheaton today for the names of distributors In your area and for our
Vé r F/ i complete Air and Water Brochures, with many other innovations for the environ-
:- _ I.I mental laboratory. Prices subject to revision without notice. Minimum order -
I I $50.00. Primed in U.S.A. Copyright- 1974. February 1,1974.

—=- e
I” 1000 NORTH TENTH STREET TWX 510-687-7558
MILLVILLE, NEW JERSEY 08332, USA TEL. (609) 825-1400 EXT. 314