xt7qnk361p0s_629 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Plans and Specifications text Plans and Specifications 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_120/Folder_8/2780.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_629 xt7qnk361p0s /
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April 19, 1955
To: R. I. McKinney
From: H. O. Zimmerman
This is your authority to tear down houses Nos. '
2A6, 2&7 and 252, which are threatened by the
slide that developed early in March due to the
heavy rains.
As soon as the houses have been torn down, he
sure to notify me.
. g; 50 ‘
Manager C l PrOperties

 ,- J . l
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' ' 3.4;". -
A April 21, 1955 , -
ED: Q. J. Leetherman / ' . ,
. ;rom: R. I. Mcfiinney - "
zleauu diaeonuccu electric and televigion . _
cable from hOuSES R08. 240, 2&1 and :52. V .-
,- - Eéuue gauges are in a Dad etutu of regair ’ ~
3.41 W111 be icon: down. - ._ V ‘
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37.39113}. 2.1;, 1.;;.
?o: m. E. Sunginga , 1
iron: E. I. Hofliana;
$10aaa fiisaantinuu Eny racerfi fiflfi boing fifipfi on ’ ‘
fiouou yo. Ehfi. Ehia flange in heing town flown E
aaé will net ha rahuiit at yywsamt. ' R
@3a cenfiitiou of the House 13 SS vary %&§ that va'
two coat of ranvvatian waulfi exfleefl ifia valua, -,v -
Elma the fac% Shag ia i$ tag last of thfl koamag .7
lwoatefi in & alifiifi; afiea wflich warranta 3&3 I .1.
YGEETOVé’alo , ~ '
Wrecaiah fine kuuae will ES completofi swag by 1;»
gnocm fifitfialfi, anfi ma Sum agreeé to haul all ’ ]‘
Sebrim from fixe @?fl§%ffig afi aw coafi OS the .,‘ .
aim-W935. I " .1
- auya. ntendrzt gy
‘ B&G flapartmfinfi - '._,57
Blinkinneg/mca _ "(VJ
cc: Haaimmerman _ .‘fffif
;Eraéburg ”1";
averaina . -I‘Cfif
Cfilair '.jfififfl“

 I J W ‘
31 August 1959 2 '
Mr. John Melvin Hall ‘
Wheelwright, Kentucky ‘
Dear John Melvin: ’ a
You have advised me that should we ever tear down any more .
of our houses, you would be interested in doing this for .»
the material you might salvage from it, plus a certain 'Ȣ
payment. “5
We want to tear down our house number afih and will permit 1 7
you to do this for any material you m’ at salvage, pluo a - 9
payment of $50 in advance, and 2;--2 we further condition . '
that you will remove all debris 1;: ;v e the grounds at
the house site in a clean c0a.v on whe\ on have finished. \. _
A further condition will .. a ~e will assume absolutely - '.‘S.
no responsibility for inj. - «on or anyone whom you may I~I
employ in tearing down e ~ui ding and removing the ma- 2 ' 1,2
terial. 2 5 c
If this is acceptab a -u please sign on the acceptance “ v "i1
line below and retuv. “1. The work of tearing down musfi , HT
not start unt . r h a u; as you have returned this let- '5'
ter, indicat ; your ac optance, along with the $50 payment. ,2- ‘
You may ret=~- one ~py of this letter. . V 2 IL?
Yours very truly, V _ , 1
M naéer Properties - “ifr?
HOZimmerman—kf ‘ 7T1
Accepted by me this day of -_
m. 1959“.” . - ~
Witness: ’ _ '°5ff
CC: WBCummings I , 111/j
RIMoKinney/ .

 .A‘ ‘
gotcha: 2233 i959
To: 2"L M. Wilkinson, Jr.
Hum; 23:. I. ficKinney
House No. 254 has beam: {21(er damn Please fiiwmxtimza
any record now being keeps on. 2‘.-him house.
John Melvin Hall purchaaw the house for thfi “um 05
$50.00; dismantled it and moved it away at :10 coat
to the company. '
Sugariatendcmt .
B&G Department
CC: HOEimmex—mm
ASraaibaary ‘ .

 my 8. 1961
To: B. 0. Zimmn
from R. I. We,
’ Re: Report of kind end condition of old house: we might not to
tear down.

lbuee No. 249 - 4 Room end Beth Home No. 251 - A Room end Beth
me ~ Box Type - no:
Floors - Good pine floors - 3 m- pine; 1 oek; good
0/1’ - Block DIP - Block
Planter - Bed Pluto: - lad
General Condition ~ Bad Gemel Condition - Bed
Home no. 253 - 3 Room and milet House No. 260 - 3 Booms & aeth
Type - Box Type - Prune
Floors - Average Pine noon - Pine - lad
U/P - nook U/P - Block
Planter - Averege meecer - led
General Condition " Fair General Condition - Bad
House No. 264 - 3 Rooms 5: Bath House No. 265 - 4 Rooms and Ruth
Typo - Frame Type - Frame
floors - New Pine Floor: - Very Bad *
HIP - Block U]? - Block
Plaster - Average Pie-tor - Vexy Bed
General Condition -Good Generel Condition - fled
Home No. 267-6Roomofileth Home No. 268- Silvana-leek
Type - Frame hype ~ Frame
Floors - 2 oek - good Floor- - Good rim

2 pine - 1811' U]! - Block
U]? - Block Plaster - Good
Planter - led General Condition - Good
General Condition - fl:
Rouse No. 269 - 3 Rm: 6: Beth House Ho. 270 - 4 Room 5. Beth
Type - Fresno me - Frame
moon - Good Pine noon Floors - Bed
VIP - Book III! - Block
Pinter - Good Pinter - Average
General Condition - Good Genera Condition - lei: '

 To: a. 0. Zia-norm
From: 2. I. McKinney
Duo: my 8, 1961
Page: 2
flout. no. 271 4- 4 Room: at Bath House No. 272 - 4 Room: a. Toilet
Typo - From me - true
Floors - 01k - Good Floors 9 3 Good Plus - 1 Average
UIP - 1‘11. HIP ~ Ilook
Pluto: ~ Average Pluto: - Anus:
Gonna]. Condition - Good Goo-rel Condition - rot:
Ebuu No. 273 - 3 Rooms 6: Toilet Home No. 274 - 4 Rooms 6: Both
Typo - Frame Type 4- Frau
Floors ~ Average Fine Floor- - 4 Room oak ~ Good
u]? - Rot underptmod u/r - neck
Plum .2. Bad Pluto: - Good
General Condition - Fur General Condition - Good
Home No. 275 - 4 Room 5 Both
Typo - Fun-
flooro - 3 Good oak
1 Good pine
U/P - Brick
Plaster - ltd
general Condition - Good except.
2:71;" ;(?¢444
366 Department
CC: Alrodbury

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, , . _WWWC..W-WWW"..W,,,,.WWWWWW-___W,,.._W.,W,, ._WW , U, W
/§{_ WWW/1’34 ”gill/4W.W341. i A
,/ {/K Jl/‘f , .-/Vi///’/i’ . {A /
WWWSWWW, .W,W,W;.‘/*WWW_KWW(W1WW_:WW‘C'W’_WW, WWW__W.WWWWW.WW..W.ZZ€%WCF~{.(W é‘l’iii/M /:,::"‘ sW
. (2’ 2 . Ti/ ‘ ' . v V

“__zjé/sjovofilai/égwemgww ,, ,.
_M/«aéagiézzlillli- , . ,
iifiimé’igwfé_iflgglwggélzifigc¢I§frfl _

 ‘ ' b—Q
April 18, 1961
To: H. 0. Zimmerman
From: R. I. McKinney
Harry, the men listed below have asked for one or more of the old
houses we might want to tear down.
A. c. Crisp " mu Welch
House No. 28 City
Ed Smallwbod Walter Jenkins .,., CM flé Z “5 5
City C1 ty "“““‘—”""’" “”“‘
Oscar Smith Estel Johnson? /
City John M. Hall. "
Jacks Creek \ c7
Buc R 1‘3
(P1 er's Helper)
‘ De rtment
I suggest that a d-r,.._".;: of at least $50.00 put: up by each person
to insure the clean up of all debris caused/‘by tearing down the
" perintendent

 any 9. 1961
3)): I. I. 311%. .E.
from I. 1. MW
V imamctmmrmdmhmmtam
manna-am. Mum-’ckmmm
m. th- my. 1: Indians.
a: an ant. to cha m.
mm mm:
G6: m

 ‘ -
From the desk of
R. l. MCKINNEY‘ ' ‘
Supt. B. & G. Dept
.,.. ‘.7 r“
// A- / 4 I“
:7 '- - .g. . .r/ l .
..x #4:! 'jfi(//-"2 1 L 3,51,,‘1 '
:,_7..I:’J; n'vj-C. {ix-:4 '1 t f: «iffy-EN vi: (“.37 5 14""; ‘
,.,m- w w ,4 _ , > _ 71.,4...
(r L w ' a /
If; . 2”."
:' ..‘ , _.fi ({1-1’.’
,/ "‘ .
.',.; I ”A ‘7 ( ‘5‘.” / _’,"'La€,_,,
., :2: , gum c5434" «1 a i ' ML”
rv a; .,’
al/ {J I“!
,.,w’ ",7 _ ' r n ma-
.,‘723‘2’3’ ”21:/(f;- .r;:»rf4rtA/<’( f/ai/ /’(~'/;A‘( (”21"6’ A, d /
. /l ,
KEN. 5,./0"); fifr‘f 35d ‘ ‘.’
x21? ,, '/ f :77 I5”! J 7'
«.../i /’
,, .v 7 '11, ("£96
.,‘; ("In "W I
/ "‘” " /
.J/ J) /‘
Wheelwright, Ky.

 I hereby pay Inland annex Company $ »IE. " for
all utterialu in house number ..~"5 of that company and
agree to (a) tear down said house, (b) remove all materials

' completely from the property of Island Steel Company (c)
thereughly clean up the premises is the vicinity of the house
site to tho satisfaction of on nutharixoe representative of
Inland Steel Company and (a) complete all of this vithin
vvm"‘ dayl.

$ v?“uaJ .of the above amount is a deposit at a
pledge that I will carry out the above stipulations. I
usdaratena this ameunt will be forfeited to Island steel
Company should I 1:11 on to do. ( /
Witneas: (signed) "7 I ‘I-I~"" 3»
. . . ‘ I , rate: -- .:.; :’
nepasit a: a ~fy.v:: received

Igzpegi;"EgrEEited“inemtn”fniifi§eIto carry out the abate
I ctipnletiem.
Date: (signed)
Aaroeuent curried out satisfactorily by
and deposit returned , , receipt of which it
hereby acknowledged.

 I hamvith my mum awn fianpwy $7" " arm»
n). “tau“: in house mm: «e um: creamy can: name
w h) uu- dm ma Mun, (In) “new In mural; couple‘s.”
tram the prayerty of Inland Steal Coufiany (a) tharamahly «let»
up tag gremisea in tha vic1nity $1 xhe hunt! site ta tha sstisu
faction of an authorised rtyrasontnfiivu at xn1&n& Steal Coup-ax
Qnd (a) camyaeta all a: this within 'f"3fy £333.

én‘”7fi*‘” _ at the abovo amount is a aagasit an a
yleaga tkst I will tarry ant the abevc siiyulntianu. I unfiarm
stnna this ammunt will 5% forfeited tn Iniaaa Etnal Caapany
aboulé I fall so to do. 7
Emma”: {Manual} ([224, 5'34”???
3199.3: of a “éflk ”12*“~_~ msaeivad.;”" ";f¢” .‘.'fli'”fiiwi::ff

{Eisnad} ~ 5” "”;‘ ' f'/”

:5, {,,v.;;i;‘:«jl:3 {Vaé:;*}'<.f .7, f::j,m;,~ m; 73¢ , -; j. ;_ .,5f,- ..». .‘, _,~ Q,figzh .M
Diyoaii {biffiiiifiwflfiiwfid failurefto carry eat tan abave $$ifia~
ntte: (sigaca) >
iartaaeut anrrxeé ant satistaatoxily by , _‘
uni fieyonit ruturnea . , rnceiyt a: which it hereby


 «1., ”w 7' m-
From The desk’ of .,,
S f. B. G. D f. 7 I
up & ep ’/’/., 2, 3 If; /
1;??4/ )él/Zt‘ap-«n /
14X 4- 0' U .,_;
IV '7 C’i/LE;L2 (Inc: C? 5' , d.(;
v » _ / J, //1/4 1901.4va
‘r , a ,. YEW—Kr .
/x"..:’;J-'Zl¢vt/ ;,Z’I‘: 3‘76 w‘ z.» >
w 2: 4 7
$7 M519,“ /(,0.
r; l
J” ' A2. W Am WI van
Zw/ £153..»Aw ,4. a .. {:5 y ‘
(9’ /" I. II LL
‘ ' ."C Fizzch ”a?“ ..
[dz/(L. [-4.143 277 .«4— f 6’ .. '
y ‘ V
. n . I: f. 4,; ,,1:— V): 4 ‘.’/EMIL.
’y ‘fl/‘fi’gJ—C’ (ffx. L/ .I» . .1
I“, V . ‘ - $242.11 I"'?»A'L" 5' "
,11: ’0 w , (.22 I 'y ‘jv’fiuyjl
’ ’ if
$724”? I? ”
. ,3
.I' .. .. ,_..-.” :“Kfl’”. (r ’
r‘ v" I"? c~ I.» "p .4,” I ll
"7175/97 (’.’ -I,/4” K//
. V j
' Wheelwrighf, Ky.

 I herevith pay Inland Steel Company $VT5 “’E for
all materials in house number #i”f' or that company and
agree to (a) tent down acid house, (b) remove all materials
coupletely from the property of Inland Steel Company (c)
thoroughly clean up the premisea in the vicinity of the house
site to the satiufaction of an authorised representative of
Inland Steel Compmw and (d) complete all of this within ,%1§W '
$ ria‘mqé of the above amount is a deposit as a pledge

that I will carry out the above stipulations. I understand thifi

amount will be forfeited to Inland Steel Company should I tail

to to do. A ,3 ‘
Witneaeg:7 (signed) X TTY:€$L(§L/Z:ELH—I ;Zé%:{<::ifivfil

é&?§;azf%:;aV5:gw Date:

I /
Deposit of $ vqi”3¢» received

éiaésiéiééeiéliaafééa t§7fai1€§eJteiééiry out the above stipu—


Date: (signed)

Agreement carried out satiatnctorily by

and deposit returned , receipt or which is hereby I



 From the desk of
Supt. B. & G. Dept.
//« z 7— 4/
k2, 75.71%;MW
a ,
cage/M M 2%.. — Met 54 ”3
">70, ’2» 53 , ,1»
, » , - ,. ,.,. (..- 010N-
/ , ..-
.. + M.» W
Bade/M fl “”1 ~ .
k, ‘/ .. LL;
.-. {LC 1. r"-
‘A/LKV / I i
#7 ‘771-1-‘3’1" '
C/I Ill/1 2 5121-); .1
Wheelwright, Ky.

 I herewith 3m: Inland Steel Company $" for
all Enteritis in house number 75,51j5 of that company and
serve to (a) tear down said house, (b) remove all material;
completely from the property of Inland Steel Company (a)
thoroughly clean up the premises in the vicinity of the henna
site to the satisfaction of an authorized renroaentative of
Inland Steel Company and (d) conylete :11 of this within
TTEIIM flags.

$ ff}’ffiv of tha above amount is a deposit as a v
yledge that I will carry out the above stipulations. I under-
stand this amount will be forfeited to Inland Steel Company
should I fail a: to de. ng——~— / ' ’
Witness: ’ (signud)wwCzifl34j/ggzgz;1?3 ‘.
_ 1% 91':
cfi n L ..«uf‘fiile
4m .

 1 1 . -. 1. 1 ,
, .,1, 1. V 1. ,--. ,.-
3 1 r 1 3°-
11-3. 13.2. ~1 31 au‘wd: »1 Add; 4.1% u
‘3. . z.- ' .11 ‘l
’2 .1 ;1 .1 . . ~~.. ..1 311,.” ; 1
' 3.151.243»; ,1. ..~ 1 ..3.“ . 1, ..., at”; 1 13.31.31}, , ".13.; at: -1. ..3. I..-'2 1» a)“
.,3 A :31. J K 12.1,». 4 . ,3 .. ,. 111. 2. 3» wax... ‘-. ‘ 11 , ‘ 1 u. 1‘... 11 - -
'.,L.'3 " R11. 1‘. 1., ,,"1 ,. ,. .' .‘ , H.111:
:.' .111 1.1.. 1. 11. .11, 532;. .-... 1" .- 3 - 3.
1.1'351 . . 5 9
. ...,r/
1“. wot/,9” .12" -3’ .
h » Lr‘ .33‘1’112.’ .2‘1'119519331 '—'«'~e-f’»‘.’..."«
1 .1 321"». 5. 4.4133" «as.
'.x . ..:..1 ~33. s"é"£~‘5 a?
~31 3.‘ 1 I ~ "
“he be .. E313 «(1'13
‘.3 a 11313} I"? '
I‘ ' "r. , I, w
1; 11 . {11"13211. 12C?
-. V3“"R”‘".“‘1 ,.
.- 1 1: “Jams :4 ,A 1;",

 é march xaéfi
T0: 3. 950 fiilkin‘9a' J!"
Frau: fi. 1. Sefilanay
?ienac aisauatiaua any raeura now being kcpt
ma finnae fia. 259 an& 293. ?hesa nouuaa are
haing turn down and will scan be r9mwv¢é fram
campany yreyerty.
Rouse Ho. 2ké hafi to be aoademnsfi because at
fiha hill alidina. moving the faun$atica from
uadar the franz af the buigéina.
Rousa KG. 293 fiia aat warrant the float a!
regairu and painting #0 gut it int» ahaye tar
fiuyt. 3&a aapnrtmunt

CC: E. 3. Face

31. 3. {With

C. Gore

J. Peraiaw

K. aarrzu

 33 fifiVQflbfir 196%
“2‘0: 33. .fi. aiiifluiga“; Jr.
wranz %. z. fiaxinney
919313 éiteoat;uua agz r¢¢¢rfi haw beta; kept an
fiaasaa fies. 83$ ana é. whwse banana aava kuoa
turn awn: nag removed tram tha catwaay graparty.
?ha aaaafltioa and laeatiua of the honaaa hi3 ant ///”
warrant fiha aaat at rnyazra to put than in akaga (
far rtnzina. ,/~
' fingerinflanfient 3&6 acpnrtaant
ac: $39tc¢

 .4 A"
, ,r ,, , .5 ”
/ “{_‘,..,::r ‘?‘\4 " ’»‘ {(11 ’ ' '

foe K. M. fiilximwun, Jr.
#rea: a. I. ficfiinaay v
Fianna diaenbfiinua any reamed new fiaing kept an Ransom flea.
31?. 31% and 3&3. Thaae menaws havfi h¢aa ter§.dowa and ran
aovwd {ram thy eomyuny gr¢pet%y.
2% was aacauamry ta ramave thcae huuaes £9 ante raga for a
naw mime rwaé he fihe Central fihwp. V.;:)
K‘ E. fimfi$naey
$-9°®. n finiiéiaas a firéuaéu
cg: R. A. fixadbuty
£9 3. $33.11!}
13: (3162‘:
5. Blair
K. fiatrifi

 Mtge‘ )Z’C’,.,:, L 7 I/lLfi v, . :3 V , , , 1’1/:74 (£41014, #77
‘L ‘.. #77,,,, 7 , flan/(av /"/~J.'Jf/ . 7
3' ». 275'» , fax/ye /€w"J’“
7’ 274A , A/wz .: x6fl’di1, , . ,
a” ’1 7’44 6621} _, /.7u’2 / , , 7. . V.
,7, g 24%, :77”; 77 /¢~J’X / 7_ 7 57.03% AAA/flaw
7 ’7 AV 7 769877 /€d/7'*f fafl 777 AA?
X 2W 7 Way /‘Zé/f’” ' 7 7
9’ ‘L 27"?” 7275227 ,/"~?é’// . ,_ , g
m —: 2w. MAd/‘ié/ : _ .. AAA» Xi/fliée 7
fl» -. ,24’3 7, »ngl 7, ,7 /76:'/5 , , ,, edema/V XAAZZA ,
/;" “ 240m: 132%.. /7€[,/ ,,éfflfcé ”flaufi , 7 .
M 7 7,2: 4 7 //%/ /4’£$‘_, , 7 ._(fl/A/x/e) 7‘” "cm/My Mile.
#2»; 3x3 W .. /“7éj r 7, 7 éiAAmfl ”502% 7
Zfl'w2_Qc? fl/«L/ [95% ”,,_l ., ,, , ,, V .
25L " ‘ (”A . , 'éq’
fl¢~ 2%? WNW/76:1” ;/ 7 ”(I ( N vé 7 _,
24 .12? 7.2: Moral-::_V/,.igaf fins/p /:/:-7_7,G::?:fl £67m Hm» 7
244; arc/19,: TWA/mt, 7’” 7. u , ~
Zimyé/f 494w _,,/{64 ,, (A, 0 _ 7 7
3:72.: :.:gfimmm 'WW.’ :_:m7_[Zéé;::me”LL, Mg“ 7 , ,
37’ ,. ,,