xt7qnk361p0s_631 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Projects Completed by Tenants text Projects Completed by Tenants 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_120/Folder_10/2873.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_631 xt7qnk361p0s I ‘ . 4 I ,,
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To; L. 3. Becker
From: 3% R; Price _
Ltonard Hall as a working foreman looking after the men ,
who war? on the constructicn of the additians to the houses,
under Special A; repriation No. 103, will receive a straight
time rate of 91.35 per hour and an overtime rate of $2.025
per ho r, a
Hall and his men will worl eight hours per day and will
tale out thirty minutes for lunch for which they will not
be paid, The carpenters worlfing under Hall will receive -
pl.25 per hour, Hall and his men will receive the straight
time rate for the first five days or the first forty hours
in a week and gremium pay of time and onewhalf or rate and -
oneehalf after forty hours or for the sixth consecutive work
day of a week. '
The only reason we are allowing Hall premium pay of time and .
one-half after forty hours is because he is a working fore~ _
man and we will expect him to fumtion in that manner.
, ,
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Gezeral dupelintendent
EfiPrice—v '
cc: ESmith

 FORM wx-I“6M c. P. c. 746
K, ' '
I'March 26
l 9 4 6
To: L. S. Becker
From: E. R. Price
You should follow the instructions contained
in my memorandum of March 10 and charge all
house additions this summer to Special Ap—
propriation No. 163.
This is in reply to your letter of March 14.
Geieral Eupe;iétendent I
cc; B. Smith



January 3 , 1948

To: L. S. Becker ' I":

From: E. R. Price A

Special Appropriation No. 163 has been closed,

and there will be no further charges made (5“ 5

against that appropriation._ a

‘ We .
«::fi’jrfix \ \

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Gen ral Superi 1t endent

ERPrice—kf v
cc: BSmith " 3%

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 DRM WK-l 5M C.P.CO. 5-47
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Septemher 25, 19%8
Tc: 1....‘3.B€c:}:er
From: 75‘}. R. Price '
I am attaching here-Ito the 3:33:21 0“ 4.73“ lease
which is. 315:7»: in warming cur 711012835.
Please 3:- 01.761" 1119 lease sarefully, and thert
advise me if yet! feel we coulé effeci‘, a saving
in rent exzverzae by E- 12101‘6: strict compliance with
the terms of the lease. If so} to what EGZZf-GIE‘LZ?
1 NZ
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__ General Superintendent-
EJ-‘If'ri ce—kf‘ .
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THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE made and entered into this thc.______day of_____.___.___~_. 19____. by and

between INLAND STEEL COMPANY, Incorporated, a corporation, hereinafter called “Lessor" party of the first part, and____.___
_, hereinafter called the “Lessee," party of the second part.

WHEREAS, the Lessor is engaged in the business of mining, producing and marketing coal, at and in conjunction with its plant at
Wheelwright, Kentucky, and in order to accommodate its miners and other employees engaged in such business the Lessor has now under
its control and maintains certain houses on its lands at and near the mines for the sole purpose of providing suitable homes for its em-
ployees in order that they may be convenient to the work they are required to perform, and,

WHEREAS. the Lessee has entered into the service of Lessor, and desires to occupy one of its houses as an incident to and in connec—
tion with his employment,

WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the following monthly rentals to be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor: $_________
per month house rent; $___.__.___per month flat rate for electrical energy; $__—per month for sanitation ;____cents
per 1,000 cubic feet for all gas consumed ;_.__..cents per KW for metered electric energy ;M
the Lesser has leased and let and by these presents does hereby lease and let to Lessee House No._._.______, ___—_—
_.__.______—________.___._—___. for use by the Lessee and his family as a residence only for such period
of time and only for such period of time as he shall be and continue in the service of Lessor and safely observe, keep and perform each
and all the terms, conditions and stipulations herein recited by him to be observed, kept and performed.

The amount of metered gas and electricity consumed shall be measured by gas and electric meters installed and read by Lessor or its

It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the right and privilege so to occupy and use said premises is here— '
by given to Lessee with his family because, and only because, of hls being in the service of Lessor, and in order to better facilitate the
wor in which he shall engage for Lessor; and, that in event such employment shall be terminated, whether by reason of the voluntary
termination by Lessee or by reason of his discharge by the Lessor, either for cause or without cause, or from any other cause, the right
of Lessee with his family to use and occupy the premises shall simultaneously end and terminate and he shall immediately vacate the pre—
mises, and upon his failure to immediately do so, Lessor shall have_the right, without the necessity of giving any notice and Without lia—
bility for so doing, to remove Lessee and his family and his and their goods and property from the premises.

For the right and privilege so to use and occupy said premises during the continuance of such employment, Lessee covenants to and
with the Lessor as follows:

1. To pay to the Lessor all rents charges and other fees hereunder, both fixed and variable, each month when due; and, Lessor shall
have the right. and is hereby authorized, to deduct the amount of such payments from any sum or sums then or thereafter owing by Les-
sor to Lessee for labor or on any other account.

2. To take good and proper care of the premises and to preserve and maintain the improvements thereon, including the plumbing, (gas,
water and electrical fixtures, appliances and connections, in as good repair as when received by him, fair wear and tear excepted, an to
keep the premises, at all times, in a sanitary condition: to not commit or suffer any waste therein or thereto: to not sell or permit to be
sold thereon, any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or any grocerles, wares or merchandise of any kind except farm produce; to not per-
mit any gambling or gaming of any description for money, or anything of intrinsic value upon the premises, and to not harbor upon or
permit the use or occupancy of the premises by any tramp or character objectionable to the Lessor, and, to not keep or allow to be kept
any hogs whatsoever upon the premises.

Any damage done to said premises. appurtenances, fixtures, equipment and appliances, by Lessee andlor his family, may be repaired by
the Lessor and the cost thereof charged to the Lessee and deducted from any amount then or thereafter owing Lessee by the Lessor for
wages or other account. No additions or alterations shall be made to or on said premises, nor any additional structures or buildings
placed thereon, without the consent in writing of the Lessor being first had and obtained, and all such additions or alterations so made to
or on the premises and all additional structures or bulldings placed thereon shall immediately, thereupon, become the property of the Les-
sor, without cost to it. _

In event Lessee should be allowed to cultivate a garden upon the premises, that fact shall in no wise affect the tenancy in the house,
created by such contract.

3. In event the Lessee should violate any of the covenants and conditions above named, or fail to remove any objectionable person
from the premises upon notice from the Lessor, or upon the default or failure of the Lessee to pay the said rents and other fees, both fix-
ed and variable, each month when due, for the use and occupancy of the leased premises, this lease shall immediately become forfeited,
null and void, at the option of the Lessor, and the Lessee shall immediately. upon demand. vacate the premises, and upon his failure to
do so. the Lessor shall thereupon have the right, without the necessity of giving any notice and without liability for so doing, to enter
and take full possession thereof and remove the Lessee and his family and his and their goods and property therefrom, and any objec,
tionable person who may at the time be upon the premises.

Lessee hereby assumes and covenants and agrees to save the Lessor harmless from any liability for damage and claims for damage
to or on the part of himself, members of his family and every other person whatsoever, arising from or in any manner growing out of the
use and occupancy of the leased premises.

5. Lessor reserves and excefts unto itself, and Lessee agrees that it or its agents do and shall have, the right at any and all times
to enter upon, with full rights 0 ingress, egress and regress in, on, to and from the premises at any and all times for any and every pur-
pose which it may desire; and, the Lessee shall not have the right to assign this lease in whole or in part or to sublease the premises, or "
any part thereof.

Lessee covenants and agrees that in event he should violate, make default or forfeit the lease under any of its terms, any failure On the
part of the Lesser to declare such forfeiture or to take possession of the premises immediately or within a reasonable time thereafter,
shall not be construed as a waiver by the Lessor or of any subsequent default or forfeiture, whether for the same or any other cause.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have hereunto subscribed their names, the corporation by its officers duly authorized so to act,
on this, the—day (Kw—___, 19___. '

General Superintendent for Lessor
Witnesses: ___—___________.____________
Lessee \

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THIS INDENTURE, made this______ day of _._—___, 19..., between INLAND STEEL COMPANY, INC., party
of the first part, (Sometimes hereinafter referred to as “Lessor"), and ___—___, party of the second part,
(Sometimes hereinafter referred to as “Lessee").
That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the convenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, and to be kept and
7 performed by the said party of the second part, does hereby demise and lease to the said party of the second part house number.__.___and
the lot surrounding same, located in the town of_________~__.____., Floyd County, Kentucky, to be occupied by lessee“ _»
and his family solely as a private dwelling and not otherwise. ~ -~ 3“,, - " M ” " d‘”
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same for the primary period of three months, commencing on the _._.— day of ___—_._
_, 19__, and continuing thereafter from mouth to month unless cancelled or terminated by either party in the manner provided in this
" agreement.
Lessee, in consideraion of the said demise and lease, convenants and agrees to and with the Lessor, as follows:
FIRST: To pay to Lessor at its office in Wlheelwright, Kentucky, 8 monthly rental of ___—___...“— Dollars
($____—) payable in advance on the first day of each month during the term of this lease, it being understood by the parties hereto that the
time of each and all such payments is of the essence of this agreement.
SECOND: To take good care of and keep in clean and healthy condition the premises demised and their fixtures, and to commit and suffer
no waste therein or thereto; to make no changes or alterations of the premises Without the consent in writing of the Lessor; to preserve and
maintain the improvements thereon, including the plumbing, gas. water and electric fixtures, appliances, and connections in as good repair as
when received by him, fair wear and tear excepted; not to bach in the premises; not to sell or permit to be sold on the premises any spirituous. vin-
ous or malt liquors: not to harbor any person or persons guilty of committing an unlawful act and not to keep or allow to be kept any hogs, cOWs or
poultry on or within the premises.
THIRD: At the termination of this lease in the manner provided herein for any cause. the party of the second part shall thereupon yield im-
mediate possession of the leased house and lot to the party of the first part.
FOURTH: In the event the employment of the Lessee by the Lessor should terminate for any cause, the lease shall be forefeited and the
Lessee shall surrender possession of the house immediately.
FIFTH: Lessee hereby assumes, and convenants and agrees to save Lessor harmlcss from, any liability for damage and claims for damage
to or on the part of himself. members of his family and every other person whatsoever arismg from or_in any manner growing out of the use
and OCCUDELHCY of the leased premises. Lessor reserves and excepts unto itself, and Lessee agrees that it or its agents do, and shall have, full
rights of ingress, egress and regress in, on, to and from the premises for the purpose of inspecting same and for any other proper purpose.
SIXTH: The Lessee further agrees not to assign this lease in whole or in part. or to sub-lease the premises or any part thereof.
SEVENTH: If the Lessee should violate any of the covenants and conditions _herein recitedhor upon the default or failure of the Lessee to
pay said rei'its each month when due, this lease shall ll.]lll(‘7(llately become forefeited at the option of the Lessor, and the Lessee shall immedi- 3
ater upon demand, vacate the premises, and upon his failure to do so, the Lessor shall have the right without the necessity of giving any notice
and without liability for so doing to enter and take full possession thereof, and remove the Lessee and his family, and his and their goods and ,
property therefrom.
/ EIGHTH: It is agreed and is one of the considerations of this lease that in the event any improvements are made to the house herein k». '
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fr rented, or in the event of any general increase in rentals applying to the houses owned and rented by the Lessor in the Town of ___.— 1‘
\ i‘ .
"\ ___—.__, then the rental herein provided shall be increased by the Lessor, and if the Lessee, after being notified of the increase ’
\ ed rental, does not agree to pay same, than upon written notice by the Lessor to the Lessee, this lease shall be terminated thirty days after ’
\ date of said notice.
NINTH: Lessee covenants and agrees that in the event he should violate, make default or forfeit the lease under any of its terms, that any
failure on the part of the Lessor to declare such forfeiture, or to take possession of the premises immediately, or Within a reasonable time
thereafter, shall not be construed as a waiver by the Lessor of any subsequent default or forfeiture whether for the same or any other cause.
TENTH: Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, it is agreed that the Lessee has the right. to terminate or cancel this lease by
giving Lessor, at its office, VVheelwright, Kentucky, notice thirty days in advance of the date of cancellation; and in consideration thereof, the
Lessor reserves and shall have the right to terminate or cancel this lease in the event of sale or other disposrtion of the leased premises by
giving the Lessee notice thirty days in advance of the date of cancellation.
ELEVENTH: This lease cancels and supersedes any prior lease or agreement between the parties hereto, and it is agreed that no represent-
ations have been made by the Lessor to the Lessee that are not herein recited.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto subscribed their names. the corporation by its officer duly authorized so to act, on
this the ___. day of ___—___, 19__. .".
By ___—___.—
General Superintendent, for Lessor ‘
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 , I FORM WK-I . .
February 16, 195M
To: H. O. Zimmerman
From: J. T. Parker
While Creed Oney is responsible for th