xt7qnk361p0s_673 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Gas System text Gas System 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_123/Folder_11/88m6_123_11__5209.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_673 xt7qnk361p0s  2 \
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January 8, l95h
T03 H. O. Zimmerman
From: E. R. Price
Refer31ng to my memorandum of Decem u ”‘ L9
Leland Becker and you and to y Q{\“encil '\
note on your copy of that e oran concer -
ing the large loss in ga~ Price
At my request, Juhn Paer, diBC‘W* u cWis
matter with Willard Jone a r of the
Hazard Cas Compa". V‘llakd * de several
suggestions to ., 1gb 11 not attempt
to pass on to 'ou, but Roul‘ ike for you
and Leland B vaer to mak: : tr to Hazard
and talk witl fillard Jon within the near
CL—f) \ __ ‘ __
>:/ ”>

\\_M/// k 'gé§ Coal Prop rties
ERPrice-kf //
cc: LSBecker

. «.,' i) ;‘XT’
‘fl: T."~.‘,~:Z~r'
firm: FF. L. " 2 ~
1‘ EE:: s ‘ 'zj‘ ’ i :. 1 __:":;?~.*'
13‘ ::w:‘:‘ ‘: r f. m ' i. "c; :’~* ‘1. ~ -
3:._:~fi.~ dint-t ‘7 . "A’ '4‘ .:r/
Wax s
r ". m1 —
ti": "‘. xiii“; , ‘ ,1 i ; "‘.1 “’7
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W24: cfl/X

 Eacembor 1k, 1955
To: E.E.aimmmmn
From: R. I. McKinney .
L1. 96 below are meters use& at wheelwright Junction:
' Gas Meters Regulatorg
Egggp Used Sine Make Price Make 130 Prica
Church sf Co; 51 Ironclaé 1%“ 27.96 Reliance 1%” £9.65
Principal‘g SUHSC 15B Mttric natal 1%" 27.32 Reliance 1.» 27.9%
Gymnasium £03 ” " 9 208.57 Reliance 1%” 27.93
3:12,- Eepoi $3 " " 1;" £5.03 Reliance 1?" 27.94
grim :«zitcm ".1 :1; " “ 13,-" 25.03 Reliance 12‘" 27.91; 223.11 LOB " " 1;" {Cale-O Fulton 1. 27.9):
’... f .,.4 .

B&G Department


 a _ ,,e’
19 January 1956

Church of mod
bypro, Aentucky
ittention: Hr. John Brock, 33x 79
fir. Lille Little, o. “felvin, ;;e.l‘ic.‘..) ,

R r
W! "i
L“. ‘I ' L," 1.;;: I :‘

vflbuagev ‘oal Properties
H immernan-kf
CC. Mo [:1

R rcfltinneg’

We will have the meter read on January 31 and
will bill the consumer for all gas up to that

 19 January 1955
fir. V. 9. Turner
Floyd County schools
Prestonsburg, Lantuck;
Beer Hr. Turner:
fir. Hike Little, of nelvln, Kentucky, has n
franchised by the Kentucsy Public service -
uiugion to Supply sue to consumers in Knee
wright Junction and tne adjacent
we, therefore, must discont1.*' ,; I mg the
schools at :heeluricat June 'r :‘ mas, eff
tive Sebruary 1, 195b.
2%. Little nae installed . .z ..I to provide
service to you, and will tar; . 2. on that date.
: er: uly,
‘ I." , ,
. W.W
’Egey ual Properties

H2 immermanokr
cc: B. I.. 1

Eli. Littli’


We will have the meter read on January 31 and
will bill the consumer for all gas up to that '
time. I

 19 January 1956
fir. F. D. Johnson
The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company
Bypro, Kentucky
Dear Dewey:
fir. Hike Little, of Kelvin, Kentucky, has oa~n
franchised by the Kentucky Public v; '1ce o..-
miasion to supply gas to consumer. . .. :
wright Junction and the adjoce- - 4a.
We, therefore, must diocon ole our '5 your
freight o.d express offic vith gas, -ffoct1ve
February L, 1956.
Mr. Little has lusts  .eacrvcd to
you and to thc Inland c asl Coeafi.y the right
to cancel thin agreement .r Io, cause upon
written notice 0” .. mar. - the other party
sixty (50) aa~ .. 1 cc the date of can.
In accordance vi the above . oviaion, we Vill discon-
tinue serving yo ,g of April , 1956.
If you be ‘ncctec , Mr. Little’s system prior
to Ap 1, i is a” 5.. ~ 1th us for you to do so if
you 1 notify ' to taut effect so that we can have
the ter read 0 he data you specify.
Yours very truly,
\ I ’
Mnngger 22:1 Progcrtxes
cc: M. Little '
RIMcKinncy/M -

19 January 1956 ,. if” ‘
agj‘ fi‘ Ag}

f: ‘~..a" '1 "

‘i‘ 'yi‘fiih'yi ‘1

L. . ,ghr- , ‘1_)!
Mr. will Hall yi ‘ ”'”l’& ;y
Bypro, Kentucky "» h,»_; {2;
Dear 3111: " -.\‘_.*._j,.}:’k"’
You no daubt by now have became avare that Mr. Mike
Little, of Melvin, nos obtained a franchise under the
Kentucky Public Hervice Commission to serve Wheel—

, wright Junction and surrounding area with na 31 gas.
3 This campels us, of course, to discontinue a ling you
h under the agreement vs have with you, dated ‘ 31,

J lShS. Euragrnph (9) of this agreement reads 3 follows:
, ‘Unleso one of the parties herets shnl - the
q other party fifteen days' not : nuzdiatoly o—
w ceoding the expiration of t»- 11x mu tho peri
f herein provided, this c0v -:ct and 1 its tor-s
; and conditions, shall c0‘ ~nue in ‘o co from mOnth
Q to month, with the right -‘ eith' sarty to termi-
@ note said extended contrac so. itteen days'
2 notice given to t%' . .,’ pa prior to the first
' day of any mont‘ 2; ~ eo- nc‘ a extended as
aforesaid. An‘ :otico ho n ms: ioned shall be
in writing an. olivered 1o -era‘: or by agent,
or mailed to .u: postoffice :ddreaa above mentioned,
and, if nailed shall be d:-~ed delivered as of the
date an": is d-n-sited in .e postoffica, properly
Wuh'u ‘.- 'dd Med.
In - uplinnce w 1 that provision, this lettor con-
ati tea notice lat, effective March 1, 1956, we can
no ..Eor supply V u with natural gas.
If y- wish to . connected to Mr. Little‘s system prior
b Ear ‘ = agreeable with no for you to do so if
you will -- fy no to that effect so that we can have
the meter read on the date you specify.
Yours very truly,
(Mfr E
5.! ..
Manager th1 Properties
cc: M. Little
. . . -- ..:w v '-':" "117.45?" ‘ 13"}! *uflmzwfi‘hmwwwr I” F

 9 / y
iebruary 10, 1956
To: 3. I. ncfiinney
from: W. L. Cummings
de: needing Gas and Light Meters
In order to distribute the peak work load in the
office, gas and light meter readings should be
made on the 10th of each month, beginning with
the month of February, 1950. In the event the
lotn falls on a weekend, the meters snould then
be read on the first working day in the next
week (1. i. Jonday).
/ .. “*2
%W 77
manager Line Accounting
cc: RIMCKinney — 2
:Kflfijkinson, Jr.

2 Lccenber 1900
My. Fffcrt Hail
Bypro, Kentucky
hear Effert:
bioce chore presently is one less Lance being ”crvEe
from Jour gnu system, we are agreeable So the additguu
of the residence or Mr. ago are. Everett Hillcr to Lhe
This will increase to eaves the numbez of xesidenceb
or other typea of establishments served by your system
and is the total number allowed by she Agreement in
effect betveen you and Inland.
This permission is with ghc understanding that all of
the conditions or the agreement and supplements yreeeut—
1: in effect, Ly whch 543 La furnzsac; Lo Jvui sySLey
iron Lie Iniand ayatzm, viLl be conglied with.
roar“ very truly,
/ , //
fiWf'v .
Mansger Joe; .rcycic;0u
CC: Mr. Everett Miller

 I." q
’. Q / ’2/
August :i, 1961
To: H. 0. Zimmerman
From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Gas System
Today we repaired a bad gas leak in the two-inch 586 main that
Garvices the upper part of Hall Hollow. The break was near
houses No. 260 and 261 on the branch line to Lawrence Hicka‘
I wanted to pass this on to yOu because of the shortage that
has Jevelopei in Our 5a; system the past iew months. We
haven't any idea how long this ledk had been there before it
became larfie enough to hear the sound at eagepins gas.
The dirt area around it shows evidente that it could have
been an old break.
B&G Department
CC: JPeraino
HMWilkinson, Jr.

 " "q T I - O -’~
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@ I K rail 3
Calif Y; L1 itzi‘r
CC: ‘.'” Zimmerrnaa
B {it ch’inney

Apparently these meters are Chechi; Vex“; frcgucmn.

 October 27, 1961

To: B. O. Zimmerman
Prom: R. I. McKinney

Re: Testing House Geo Meter.
We have been spot checking house meter: for the last month, per
your letter dated September 1, 1960. Following are the results:
House No. Qgte Tested g Feet f Slow
207 9/26 2%
395 1/2 9/28 3%
303 9/28 2*
155 9/28 2 1/2%

52 9/28 2%
129 10/17 5%
282 10/18 3$
399 1/2 10/18 1%
216 10/19 0 o

59 10/20 1%
Thele meters were adjusted to within a range of 1% feet or 1% slow.
In every case, the meter is set as near zero as possible.
We plan to carry this check further and will report our findings

B&G Department

CC: JPereino

 October 27, 1961

To: J. Deradno
From: R. I. McKinney
In reference to your letter to far. C. E. Stewart of the Kentucky
West Virginia Gas Company regarding testa made on their gas
meters, I was wondering if you cmfld have them run a check
on our two gas well meters. To my knowledge, the meters
haven't been checked for accuracy for several years.
This in only a suggestion, but! thought that due to shortage
in the gas system it could be partly caused by a, meter running
too fast.


B&G Department
CC: HOZimmermen

 0'1 )W 4, ”1‘ 1‘
/- :2

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q 9
Sega-II}: er ls! , 1301
To: E. M. lace
From: J. Peraino
Early this year fl. 0. Zimmerman appoinaeu G. B. Leathermaa n. I. ieKinney,
and myseli as chairmen Oi a committee to inspect the heating sxstasa in
all Mine buildings is have taese systems put in good operation ton ition
and maintaineJ taat way. This survey “as now bee completed with Insults
sunmfirized as follows:

1) wheelwright portal building: have never esented a problem
and therefore nothing wan PaeleizyE1fimur this area.

2) All heaters in builuinbs at Pr' e , Price Buckingham, Bates
Frauen, and stuold fork are ’0‘ cod oyeratinh rendition:

1 new repleterent “Qaffif w s ece t y installed in Friar l
car shop.

;) lhere heater tans m1 It -9 u‘eu i the Ammrer for ve1tiiatin5
purposes three-way/e 5, av trues ha\e been inetallei
whereby the unit ca. v Operate for fiuummt ~48, winter
use, or cut otf.

4) [he B&G Dep r ent w ll continue to make its usual pre~winter
check 01 a 1 heater nu In addition it will set up on its
maintenanc ,hedul pre-Sunner lubrication oi fan motors
for those u t v g a three way SWiCLh. It was also
suggested that ng the heatin. season, as meters are being
read, the meter reader miéflt take a cursory look around ior
anything obviously wrong with the heater an; report same
for corrective action.

5) It was thousht that in an attempt to discourage (Lupetlfie
yitn in: heating bymlgwb t; unauthorized persona, suth a»
has been Jone in the past it might be deli Ior you to issue
instructions to all conterned to the effect that this is not
to be Jone and that any uetett in the heating systems must
be reported promptly to the BLG Department for ccrte:tion.

C et Engineer
CC: RIMcKinney °////

 _. 19w“
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Mac, for this notice to be effective, y0u will have to inform me
of all instances where the above procedure is not followed.

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 '7 /" 1
January 3, 1962
To: E. M. Pace
From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Testing House Gas Meters and Others
We have been spot checking house meters for the past three months. Also,
some of the meters at Price, Kentucky, were checked per your instructions
late last month. Following are the results:
House No. 2 Fast Z Slow
157 2
73 l

449 1

225 3

Youth Center 0 0

Machine Shop Office 2

405 O 0

298 0 O

390 0 0

Water Plant 2%

Price Car shop 3

Price No. 1 Machine Shop 7*
*The threads were stripped on the tangent post, causing the meter to operate
slowly. The amount of 7% slow was recorded on our testing equipment; but
due to the condition of the meter, this amount could have been more due
to difference in testing pressure and the actual line pressure at Price.
We plan to test other Price meters as the weather and working schedule will
The Wescott orifice meter at well No. 1 in Wheelwright was tested by an
outside concern, adjustment was made in the pressure, and the 7/8” orifice
plate was changed to a 5/8" plate. For details on the change and adjust-
ments, please see Mr. Peraino who was present when the test was made.
The main gas line to Wheelwright Shop broke under the building. The line
being under the concrete floor, it was impossible to make the repairs at
or near the break. We put in a temporary gas line to service the shop and
the outbuilding. We are running a new gas system into the shop now large
enough to service the building when the empansion to the shop is made. We
will take out the temporary line as soon/as the new hook up can be made.

uFer ntendent
B&. Department


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Jenuary 11, 1962
To: E. H. Pace
From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Ges System
As y0u already know, we are showing a lose in the Wheelwright
gas system for the peat few months. I believe we found at
least a goon percentage of the trauble and corrected it today.
An inch and one quarter feeder line to two 0: the vacant hou as
which are being torn down in Hall Hollow was broken. We elim-
inated this line at the main. The bill in this area has been
sliding for several years, and other breaks have been taund
in the: are: before.
Although it will be another month before we can tell what
difference this will make, I hope that it is the answer to
most 0t our problems. We will continue to search for more
leeks and will keep you informed of our progress.
C/ >1 2M2 N N Kl/Elé A LWC‘CE
/ 1, 5 '4 J/ d; 7 l3 (7 /’0

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