xt7qnk361p0s_689 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Group text Group 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_124/Folder_9/88m6_124_9__2572.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_689 xt7qnk361p0s ,t
FEBRUARY 17, 1961

We would like to (all your attention to the rules that apply to group
insurance coverages when empl'yecs are laid off, go on leave of absence, become
disabled, or whose employment is terminated for any reason, These rules Specify
when your group insurance ceveraget terminate or the CfifliltLOnS under which they
may be continued for SPElelCd per; do cf timex Also, we wish to announce the
availability bcglnning April 1, l9éi, of conversion rights icr hCSthal, surgical
and in~hOSpital medical Loverages, Sucn canversrtn rights are available to any
person whose coverage under the Group Insurance lrcgram or the Company terminates
for any reason,

Below is a complete resume cf thrse ruirs which we hcpe y:J will read
very carefully since, at some time they may be imrartant in your situation,

This summary at these rules regarding the grrip insurance coverages and
the conversion of hOSpital and surgical irsirance at well as (enversicn of life
insurance coverage will serve as a guide, We trust that you Will take the neces-
sary actions as rtqurrad to prev>nt tha list :i whatever insurancé coverages are
availablt to you that you may wrsh to continue Any queifiens VLU may have on any
of theSa matter: should be rwi tied to the Supervrs”! Emplrym~nt and insurance
where such matters are handltj. Aptiicaticns for all : "H'vczcn pellcres are
available ther;,

We are pleasrd to anncn“rt the availability of conversion to an indi~
vidual hospital, surgical and in~hftp1tal medical policy with the Fqurtable lite
Assurance Satisfy“ This converted p Licy will first be eff ctivr April 1, 1961.
It is available on that day tn all thos‘ WKOCr hefpiral and Surgical tévrrage in
the group terminated an or after Recembrr 3;, 1960, who apply witn;n the period
March 1, 1361, are March ?1, 1th, Eurrwqient TV March ‘1. 1961, any person
covered by thc group covaragr Err the h “gl'el ans furglcal :ovcrage whose
coverage terminates after March 31, 1%61, may cgnvrr: to this indivicoai peli:y
if he applies within 3i gays follow;ng hfiv CtImLEéthfi of his e verage in the
group, No medical examination will be reqlirrd, ltemiumfi are payable directly
to the insurance company,

In case of layorf— if yen have rue er mire vcars TI service at the date
of layoff you will have your htspital and surgical benefits continued for yourw
self and your dependents for Six unntns at no cost TC you. If you have less than
two years of service, your rtrpiral and surgical insaranTG terminates at the end
of the Hmnth in which you last work unless yen elected to continue it by paying
for it by the 15th day of each month, ?3a may, in this case, cont;rae it for up
to three months on layoff,

lf you are on leave of absence, you may {L.EI if ccntinu? your hOFpital
and surgical insurance by paying for it by the lSth day of each mncth for up to
three months, However, if you were on leave of absence cr in layoff and your
hospital and surgical insurance terminated as of December 3l, 1960, :r in January,
February or March, 1962, you may, iuring these three manths, elect to continue 1t

 .Page 2
if you Wish. To continue it in thi“ {05% during any at all cf these IRIFL mtnths,
please come in tc the office Frizz t: March El, 1901, and make the necessary payments.
This is a special arrangement mafia to permit ysu tr c;n:inue your group ccverage if it
terminated in this period while 0n Eravc 0' lavozf until the indiVidual policy
beginning April I, 196l, is available.
Conversron rights f¢r life iisuranae (antlnue [C be availabir as in the past.
Your life insurance W11: ranting: for 31 days after such insurance otherwise termim
mates. You can change :tir insuranwe rats an iniiviisal golicy dur1ng these 31 days.
A medical examinatien wzii fist be rrquiraj. You WLII be able to pay ytur premiums to
the insurance to ‘any. H.2eVrr yum any: finkw yzur 1w: arran smears with the insurance
. ) .
company to do this.
Belcw are the ruia: r~guréing when icvsrages under the Group Insuran:e
Program terminate. It LE imptrrait tzur 9:; know of thnse ra1e£ Sine: the con»
version rights specrfind abovs nqy‘ he excrczsed wpthin 11 days of the t>rm1naticn
date of your hospital and surgical insirsnry ~ fct yourself and your eligible
dependents - as well as within 31 jays n: the terminat;cr dat~ cf yzur life insurance:
Insurance coverage terminates at th~ erllnfi’ vi the 131.0wing srtuat;3ns;
If your emflflfifl_lf 31.131432 9' :1 '
~All insgrancg. ‘-vrrage ~ni€ at the end 3f :hr month :n which the
termination JWEJYF.
In the event you (P651 Virx “6:4Jrr :i p530}?
“11f“ Inturazp: C‘nt1r203 i7! 6 m;rrns With at (as: to yfu.
if .30: layoff rerthlrr hevnnd 6 mcnrts, vnu may
elvrt 1' «drains: svnr 31f? LfifsréfiC? I:r u; to 18
menths mire ifijlfiCfi VLC tax: gay? 11? 3f 60 cents
per write {1: SIOOO “1 1:16 ETSJI53H4 b: the 13th
day Si 90%: T”?Cfl.
~Hospital ani Sergzra; _nturancL if v»; net» '2: fr mrrs years of
vetticr at the Tate if .ayofi; v>ur ccwtrage
r rt;r;er tcr v.3 1nd w“-r d?;€ndr“f9 fer 6 mnnths
witntut 145? 'v y.:
Ii ye; have gees than tut years if s twice at date
of laviif, V?Jr c verage enis a: the was “i the
m."tn in Wiztn V'J last wsrk, ixtrpt, yd. may elect
t: Lentinue 7;"h insuranre fer 0; :“ tnrsc awntts
privziti ye; nakv full premium gavmert by the lirh
cf each menin
~All Other Insurante; Coverage ends at (”5 end 1i the m nth V'J ;ast
Should you cease wcrk because wf ghAVI 0? EtSLNHL'
~Li§e Insurange; Continues for 6 r;~thr without cost t: you.

 Page 3
. -HosEiLal and fiqrggcal gflgurfince fisverage ends at the end of the month in
. whluh you last Wer, except, yru may elect to continue Such
coverage for up to three months prov1ded you make full premium
payment? hy th: E3rh day of each mirth“
~All Other lnsurance; Coverage ends at thr and 3f the month you last work”
Should you cease work becadse of ygngCUEnggg l Q;§5§;£;E§ (other than pregnancy):
—All lnsurance, ijcra“e contlnuee for 1“ to Fix mmnths from the end of the
___—._.__.___ E t
month in whiffi you last work”
nLife Insurance. Cczerage r'rtrnuec for up to an additional six months (if not
covered uni r Wa1$(T”Cf pIrIILE pYCVLsrons). (Under conditions of
total disabllzty, for ;n551tlv djdlrional Laverage) see your
CCYtifiCfit” cf insuranc 63
~L1fe Ineuranzs. Continu s a: full amount nail} age 636
folinwxrg wh.xr at l? 1»du(edw The full amzunt :f
Lh‘ ruduarxon we: he :unvertedq
~All Other iggurange, div:ragc rncs at rry und of the month in which
cwpltyment terminate: &u( t! rvt.reswntV
DEPENDENTS' EOVERAQE Jndrr harplhal ani surglcal lnsurance ends“
When the dependent child reached age 19 or marrlvs
When a dependent ceases to hi 3 d pendvnf becaJee if death, divsrce, or employment
by Inland, or no longer otherw;se anal-f.e¥ 39 a dependent under lnLernal revenue
service regulationsr

 Page 4
NOTE: For those eligible for maternity benefits at the time hospital,
surgical and in-hospital medical benefits coverage ends,
maternity benefits are available for an additional nine months.
Please retain this letter for future reference. Should you have any
questions on these matters, please come in to the Employment and
Insurance Department and discuss them.
Supervisor Employment and Insurance