xt7qnk361p0s_690 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses text Houses 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_124/Folder_10/88m6_124_10__2577.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_690 xt7qnk361p0s o o , fl 1 ,
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 February 3, 1955 [
To: 5. P raino
From: R. l. chinney
Ref: Insurance of Houses:
The houses listed below have been altered or changed
as follows; and reported as complete February 1,1955.
Total Sketch ‘
House Alteration Cost Needed
No. 317 Underfiinuing £78.95 N0
" 53~8 “ $18.02 No
” 375 " 699.57 No
" 21—8 Bath Conv. 175.58 No
" 58-? Bath Addition 487.96 Yes
<\ 75);; 'w 7‘ I
Buildings and Grounds
Department _
cc: H. O. Zimmerman ‘

 March 7, 1955
To: Joe Peraino T '
' From: R. I. McKinney .
Ref: Insurance of Houses: I
The houses listed below have been altered or changed as follows; T
and reported as complete march l, 1955:
House Total Sketch
Number Descrigtion Cos§_ Needed
90 Canopy over Porch Q 2&0.00 No '
59-8 Bath and Press $88.40 ‘
Underpinning . 832.83 Yes
TOTAL $1521.23
lS~B Bath and Prese/ 819.87 Y
Underpinning W Storage 1190.35 es
TOTXL g2OU7egl
LOB Bath and Press 637.2t
Underpinning ;§&.&6 Yes T
TOTAL e j .70
L28 Bath and Press 6?8.l}
U P-Bath Additiwn >”.Bé Yes
/ u L TOTAL $ 7%5.39
17a Bath Conv. 999.45
Underpinning l£§§.gé No
TOTAL $l7h3.07
£96 Beth and Press 5fi5.33
U P add‘tion §§.§T ves
L TOTAL $ alO.c; T
#21 Beth and Press 837.37 , T
U P addition §§.T§ lee
TOTAL $ 02.82
115 Inside Clothes Closet 172.36 No
BC Underpinng 1238.05 No
-—1' WW W T WW/ fi—é‘ “' WWW
9T 6 >
RlMcK/jb B & G Dept.
cc: HOZimmerman »

 7 _ April 6, 1955 7
To: Joe Peraino ‘. ,
From: R. I. McKinney
Ref: Insurance of Houses ’
The houses listed below have been altered or changed
as follofis; and reported as complete April 1, 1955. i

Total Sketch , _
House No. Description Costm" Needed_
AB-B Bath & Press 678.31 Yes
A7~B " " 8bh.86 Yes
hO-B " " 71h.08 Yes
#46 " " 815.70 Yes
48—8 " ” 7h0.39 Yes
’ 429 Basement Room 371.23 No
11h " Storage Rm. Shb.8o No
84% Underpinning 807.33 ‘ No
use ". 709.52 No ‘
313 " > 385.5L No
23v " - 683.6h No ' -
221 Press addition 398.58 Yes
72 Outside Stairway 779.15 Yes
ZO-B Underpinned 661.1A 4
” Bath & ,Press 800.gl
TOTAL 1h 1. 5 Yes
' 19-3 Undp. W/Storage Rm.1093.a1
" Bath & Press 630.80 ‘
TOTAL 7 b.21 Yes
57 U/P 956.85 __ ~
Bath Addition 686.22
TOTAL 15h3.57 Yes , -
88 K001 Vent Awning 272.25 No x
1 S p o B&G. opt.
cc.HOZimmerman . ' ' . ' ‘ ‘7 L

 E I 7
1:33.] .'_;‘2’ 11355 '
To: Joe Pcraizu
From: 7. 1. ECVITE y I
Re inuurnnze 3f Houses
The ha” Uh Liana“ bald? gave ucefl aigurea a: changed as
f0] 1014,“, 5 5:53:1- was. 51E: 0. u" rig: .’.:‘r In". at. I 9 Jr" 1; “f. 3
,- 1:11 i, etch
Hoznx; Qt, ig-p;;ug);gf1; ArTii- lRHIfled
Apt . ’-6 512““? "3.20m: 111K102: “(LU . I. .,i 120
AOS Uwflayvinning :pjgfii HO .
18 Ua&evpiunimg 71p.ob N0
, #07 Hudarpinniné SOY-0% No
r -. ', V'I ’
' déh Juderpinninu 6;}.61 No
53 Underpinning 535.30 No
hhfi” Hath addition 764.51 Yes
55-3?’ 33th additIon 035.65 Yes
393f J Bath addition 393.47 Yes
h13g’ Batu adaition $14.19 Yes
66zr' Bath addition $51.98 Yes
216’ Bath miditiou 5:3:j.’97 Yes
216’ Underpinning 153.77 Ho '
57-B Underpinning 380.96 No
.-" .)/.—’7
.E>/// \ ,
E ' ' 2C2” 4VZ’Q/Z/‘e
'Su erinte; ent é/fi’ ‘
Buildings and Ground -
HIMCKinney-kf ; AQLJSK
r “u” ’
/ .’"//"”"— x
I . 7 ‘.. ._' _/
CC 2 130.4 iflhflei Klan ’7 ~ [MM///’/

 Juno 3, 1955
. To: J. §oraino
* From: R. I. McKinney ,
‘ Be: insurance of flanges ‘
Only one house was comyletca flaring the month of
May, 1355 and reportoa as complete June 1, 1955. .
Iig'aou g; 61 macarpinmm with .
ofiorago room under $1,555.15
' r
Sugo intondent
Buildings and Grounds
co: H021mmcrmau
. x ' i

 July 5, 1955 l ‘“V ,‘
To: J. Peraino
From: R. I. McKinney 1
' Re: Insurance of nausea 1.
The houses listcd belov have been altared or changed as
folloWu anfi reported as sampleta July 1, 1955:
Rouge Tofial Sketch
Number Descrimtion Coat Needed
Rh Uhdaryinning 815.93 No
901} " 1,020.09 *°
205 ”j 605.36 "
61-3 1933.11 " '
377 “ 600.30 "
1P? Underyinniug & Sturago 1,3?2.39 " ‘
181 / “ " " 1, 032 .h‘? " ‘
S'fh ‘31 W 3‘ 988.55 '11
98» Extra 300:: 1,363.53 Yew
97 w " "' 1. ,71‘3 . 2? " ‘
181M Bath Addition £7.31 "
77:15?“ .
Supa’fixjtandent "
B&G Department
RIMcK—csa -
cc: HOZimmerman .

 ”~92" />‘ I- I
.47 d z
August h, 1955 ‘ f‘
To: Joe Peraino '
Fran: u. I. HcKinuey ‘
Re: Insurance of nausea
The nausea LiBEEd below Java been a;tcxcd or
changed as follows uufi reported as cagplune . >
' august 1, 1955:
Jeane Total pketch
No. Bescrigtion Coat Needed
222 Underpinning 5G7.76 No '
Big Bush additiUJ 971.03 Yen -
' bluE// Bath adflition 731.28 Yes
A 7 \,7‘)("'/’ V I/
C y“ "7'4"? 5
i - dugarintenifint ’
Bui dings qua Granada
RIHcKinney-kf ’
cc: HOLimmerman
K / ‘ . 4 7,

 Septembor l, 1955 7
‘ To: J. Peraino 7
. From: R. I. McKinney -
Re: Insurance of Henson
The houses listed below have been altered or changed as
, follows and reported as complete August 1, 1955: '
Hmuao Nu. Deacrigtion Total Cost Needed
h6 underpinning 1,020.h0 No ' ’
392 Underpinning 63h.52 No
11 Underpinning I 1,1h9.65 No
' ‘ 271 Basement Storage Room h72.65 No 'n
96 Room Addition - 1,510.37 You
297 Room Addition 1,083.3h Yea
hko Bath Adflition 8h9.83 Yes
7 ,
j/ }
’.‘ ..,» (if >
" rfnf’en ent . .
But dings d Grounds
cc: HOZimmorman .

1 October 10, 1955 ,
‘ To: Joe Peraino _
' From: R. I. McKinney ~»\.l
Be: Insurance of Houses
The heuses listed below have been alter:’ or
changed and rerorted as comylc. 0 ..- 1, 1955.
3 House
L'J No. Dean-121213;; A Cost '.etch‘
} L23 Undorpinn - o 5.28 No
295 1.111% 300v -L,153‘-.1l-8 Yes
, 391 3. , 651 . £32 Yes
>/ ,1” //
S/ crin‘ben em;
B&G Uepa': men’s
cc: HOZimmerman

 /37/ //
November 7, 1955
To: J. Porcine
From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Inigrenca of Kansas

the houses listed below have been altered or
chenfcd and reported as complete November 1,

house Total 536%: ch
”E94”. Description gggt Needed

135 Vuderpinning l,%h%.93 No

”Ba " ?hl.27 "

M56 ‘-’ Tish . 19 "

150% " 5%};3 . :1:." "

.-,...A" I- 'u 1‘ , , , _~.-3 (.0 '1

5(0 Dir-J/Btorugo 1,)5a.JW

393. U/P-Eztra Boom 256.3",3 " ,
Apt .E.-3n}: Flashing Front ?oreh BELMQ'}: 'f
Apt.A-5-2 Enclosing Front Porch ShU.9? “

2U5 Beth Addition 693.90 Yes

, (wits-r" 7’”,
on erintendhnt
, B& Department

 December 15, 1955
To: J. Peraino ,
From: R. I. McKinney
Ha: gnsurango 0f Houses
Th9 houses liatefi below have been altwrcd or change&
and reparted as complete December 1, 19357
House Tatal Sketch
39. Descrigtion Gas?“ Eecdcfi
1551 TI/P only 95%.01:
” Bath Addition $1073.31»
TOTAL C,G3?.50 Yes
375 U/P Only array-:3
Extra Know and Bath gzfidfi.°fi
TOT.“ T. 5‘ I.., 343 . in Yes
Lu," we H ~ I-‘. f: I: 4‘,
wig»! H/.. 'M) 13* )jrw . a9 1; J
16 WP Only 5::-1 130
135 TT/P Only 7:78. ‘ro 3:0
/ 2
. ,._-—«’i’,/ /
C» - 732?)“ .
Sup rintcnfi at
BEG Depart ent
cc: 3021mmerman
3 W\

 ‘ 7
f/ — / _,
January 10, 1956
To: J, Foraino
From: R, {a HcKinney
The following houseg were altered or changed and
reported as complete December 31, 1955.
Total Sketch
House No. stcrigtioq goggu Needed
zen U/P Only 888.22 No
261 a}? only éhO.78 fio
153 Ex.Room & Bath L,676.92
Underpinning _"Q;3LZZ
TOTAL a,596.é9 Yes
27 Bath Addition 678.15
Underpinning _“gpb.21
TOTAL $1,6Lh.36 Yes
_ \,
Mr V 3 v}
Superinténdent “
RIMchnney-rm '
Copy: HOZimmerman -”

 April 5, 1955
To: Joe Peruino
From: R. I. McKinney
Be: Insurance of Houses
LG§AirS to the following houses were completed as of April 1,
1956; as noted below:
£02465: Totil
_Eofiw Ecscrigtigg Cost
31? Extra roan l;597.67*
8% Room extension 1,336.03!
253 Both addition 712.22*
L3? Barth addition 680.3 "
lho Extra room 1,990.§1*
3G Underpinning only 771.56
11% Buth addition 86A.hr
15h underpinning only 1 8’2.70 2,717.12%
13? Bath addition 655.72
13? Underpinning only l.0h0.36 1,695.08*
:38 Int. Remodel and bath 2,25h.97
138 Unécrpinuing 1,699.hk 3,783.71“
3%] Extra room and bath 2,?57.8h*
158 Bath addition 9hh.66
15? Uuierpianinr lzhhh.81 2,389.h7*
153 Bath addition 1,009.6k
1&5 Underpinning 1,21L.LQ Q,25%.09*
' *Iudicates sketch needed for changing the maps
> “ I )
Su erintcndenk
B&G Department
cc: HOZimmernan

 fl . “‘
,4 /1 ,L— 7
May 3, 1956
To: Joe Peraiuo
From: 3. I. McKinney
Re: Insurance of Houses
The houses listed below have been altered or changed
and reporzcu as complete Mxy 1, 1956.
House Total
‘ Ho.‘_ Descrigtion Cost
261 Bath addition 717.73“
260 Bath addition 7fl7.h2*
207 Bath addition $32.87*
183 Underpinning only l,h3£.3h
1h? Underpinning and storage 19259.31
52 Underpinning only 1,h36.55
53 Underpinning only 8hb.90
M*3”::6*£'.(°,3:x needed for changing the map.
”MM/d 4’
/1' ”
Supe nten nt
B&G Department >
cc: HOZimmerman l

 June 29, 1956
To: Joe Peraixo
Fr;¢: R. I. dciiauey
.‘ “‘,1 '= I‘m-mm 01'" HOuBFJB 'y
r ’2’“ -, :;~( 1.. >_;r2- 17‘? ' .‘.gi, ;; 31,1 ’1,“ \, x.“ 11px; ..‘. ,..w. e. gay;
If." “.h' w ’ ,»., Q. 5‘5 ‘: 'f ”5“ “, (EH/..' ;, .' L956:
L fiousw Eutal '
'au A z ; “L245 306%
>v.—A .,.-4.. u.- M\’ ».aroéE’v-(“u-J m
4‘\ .V.“.LI. « t - "1L... 92:91.}:‘016
auf 4;' fin; »{JyLLe ;,3ub.32
(’3 :111':4 H‘ if ' ‘.‘... ’1 i; j“: ‘ 5y :‘rbo .015
37‘ V?” we; 5,5.h2
:13 6!? Gulf 753.81
22 Tgtfn Boo; {track¢;) 2,996.03*
109 )JA inrca 1,596.19*
153 3 300mb Under ¢,250.77
113 J¢bh xlditio* $55.32*
3;",3'9 1; :, ’:‘\ ';»1‘:1;LGE_C‘;1 ~.~"')'f.41*
972 n/w Dnly 1,365.56
*JKutsh queflad for changing the ;;3
.» t,»/
_ ’ , / '4‘, 7
\ 4
C: ' 5’
Su 2 intende t ‘
Bui dings a d Grounds
n11 ..V
n Ayn-(239,
cc: H021mmerman

 L 7" -. {I
September 28, 1956
To: Joe Peraino
From: 3. I. McKinney
he: Inaurance of Houses
The houseg listed below have been altered or changed and re-
ported as completa September 27, 1956.
5 and 6 U/P Only 7y9.26
7 and S U/P Only 982.56
270 0,7 and Storage 1,2h2.36
103 Partial U/P 293.99
10% Partial U/P 27u.o5
105* Extra Room 1,860.53“
303“ Extra Room l,597.7h* _
256“ U/P and Storage 1,877.7h
253' Bath 652.1y»
11v Bath $00.00*
*flketch needed for changing the map.
7 , ‘l A ‘/_,
~ I: " {t/yl‘ // :1 : i ‘ ‘
Superintendent \
Buildings & Grounds Dept.
cc: H. O. Zimmerman ‘ ‘

 V. _J u ...-.._._‘ 1:, 3. 7,7,7.- 4)
i1 , » ,4 , . .. .
47,. .. .:.7'-w.~)
‘ . 4w »4 ¢ 4w . , -J
' - ' . 4 .u 77'
‘2"? . .-'L.:_c\: 0.5. .‘OESGS
.. ,.1: pf...) . ,2‘ ...1‘ 7 J V. 1 . .7 _7 4.....i'J ..1 .13.. ...-..:. ,.; 4 _.,,7; 7 ..‘.-EUQ.‘
-. » 4 ' 4 ‘ . i» . -.' .3 7. 7. 7,
x; «.,.J J ‘V.; m“): “bk; “..E.. 4.1.». ...1. 4,4 1):.L'H‘7U‘L . Jay _- ,, v u.
r ..,.E . »
7 . 4. E- cu. ..
E ,-7 ~ 1'4.
-., __.w7,_ $50., ,
44 . _ 4, V». ‘7‘ q E.._.,
7:7", 11‘“. 4'. .' 7 . ..J-wi:,VQ‘:‘,"
r'x'7‘vv‘ 7 ’ ' ' a 75(771‘
5» . I‘M-0‘ v"
1.77"» " 3*
1 ~-.,* n: ‘ .' -. g: g;
’Jf 14032: .3 4. ;. ,2. ..ve'
~ 7 , ‘_' ..J ‘,, . 7,: .: ‘4
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H / k
< 2 7
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amiwl ;Q a grwmxas “egg...
'0 ‘1‘, ' . 4. , . 4., -
r. .1 c“ :1 1.1.1623! flag
" ."' 4 .
cc : a20mill§.»@3‘lfl€£il
5’» , 1

 . , «
3", «.»:,14“: .3 ;_,.'7nr.
JUL-41...)..- ...9 ...),
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 March 29, 195?
'34: Jae Qua-gig“;
:‘ T‘ MIA? r7" ' ‘5. v 3:62:21: 11;": S
Re: lusuranra 0f Lcusca
fine uuubns listed b luv have seen altered {x cLanged and
reported camplutu April 1, 1957.
3;. Total
:3. fieacrggiion Coat
“mm! m.- “ M
32% Lat; ‘§¢:z;wr 760.29%
; 'kd 1) My 2' R! 30 . 0“*
L#% " " $23.59*
223 R002 " l,5£h.87*
91 neon 3 33th Ada. &,186.030
*Hkatch neaaefi :or cdxn¢£xg tLv map.
_ _. ./
I / (‘3' j»
t .-//f/:” (’(‘1 /.

/, )


cc: HOZimmerman
ABradhury “

 may it 195?
To: J. Permian
From: 3. I. Icgiumey
Re: Easym-usise
The houses listed below luVG hoe: alturci sad reporiea
complete We; 1, LJSVE
‘ 3° . 373‘- 1155.“ 33313252335;”... »
$6 fizdarpinaing finly 66%.9G
330 Extra soon and buta 2,469.350
I.) '1 Q 2 '4‘ , -,< t V’ n. "
01 L313 Amunélo“ yubo&~*
#35 Butfi Addition b§3.97*
or Roan Additiao 3,337.??*
286 noon Edditifiu 1,359.57“
negate: needed for CFflugiflfi the rug.
duperiatenfieut ,
see Bepartment
RIMcfiinney/mcd _
cc: HGZimmerman .

 3.33,; 1' 2.1-, .1,
‘.'o: 3,, .. o
:‘xmm: R. g. 311;-.Lz.‘..£§¢'
ism: figummuumfi 1:3" 7mm. vs?
Tim he‘saaea '13-.qu influx 'u.m3 um; , ;. é <4.-;vm=' mm"; :.:y:.;..=-xt.mrl nunaplefie
3‘12 12' 1 s any
, lied «,.’ “J, g I.
, Total
Ea. first lfi'iaegtafzggg £338?-
. 259 3}» July 013.59
’01 :.fld vgi ail;- “ ’Q-C.\.)»n "3219" 15*
342‘? ‘ $7370. 51*
rm}? H - »'[ M.
as“; ;,ub4.¢0*
"113:; Clofihi‘etf ‘I.“,JJBUZJ 50:31:63
“Wasatch =‘xm-‘s...";z».':. Tam chugging; the r4112.»
' "2
a” TR “\
l 1 a
,. V ngg/iuzczndzmn
. A -/.
kiwi: LGPC—Ek‘tmusi‘i
B .32 E—kfiKi’kflr’: :- [mad _
Cs: : 3021121136213:qu
CBlair -

 fieptember 6, 1957
To: Joe Peraino
From! it. I. Eric-Kinney
Re: Insurance a: Ranges
The houses listed below have been altered and reported
complete fieptomber 1, 195?.
Ho. Total
Ho. alteration Cost
152 Porch anlosuro 67b.53*
. 55 — Room Addition 1.695.509 \
83:2; " " 2.11:9.03» .e
185 Bath " 1.317.210 ,
“Photon needed for chune1ng the map.
7 éuperintandent ’ ’
B&G Department
RIMcKianey/med ,'
cc: Hozinmerman
ahradbury A
C8131: ’

 November 3.5. 3.957
’ To: Joe flames
from: J.. I. noxious}
E19: insurance of Houses
The houses list-3d below rave had alterations mde
' am). are we: consists.
House Total
Ilm‘* gamma} W 3‘
£531. Kieth Addition ';,055.345'
M2 Bath Addition 8.33.56" .
£552 doom mm tion 2,358.7?"
181$ flows under .. 213;: two -
atom Muse 2.043.140
"fleets-3h needed for chmgwyg the “my.
2% I. lic‘xihmy
Amt. windings and Granada .
cc; lmziim'mn - .
mum A
03131.!- <

 February 3, 1958
To: Joe Peraino
From: R. I. McKinney
The houses lieteé below have had alterations made and re-
ported complete.
NO. Alteration Total Cost
262 Room Addition 1,3h2.16*
126 Kitchen thended 1,170.40”
381 Room Addition 1,799.33*
277 Roum Addition 1,616.bh*
*Sketch needed $01 changing the map.
- _‘. . "- /’/
C ~} )7 ',7-
3&8 Department
\ ~ 3

 I . j
, I,I
\. I’
{I r
March 28, 1958
To: J. Peraino
From: R. I. McKinney
. Re: Insurance of Houses "
The houses listed below haxe been altered and are
now complete.
fig; Alteration Total Cost
291 Bath 989.76* - ,I
292 Bath 827.95*
19 Extension of 2 rooms 2,287.hh*
316 Extra room & bath 2,h86.21*
A06 Extra room 1,568.98*
*Sketch needed for Changing the map.
Superintendent -
B&G Department
I RIMcKinney/mcd

 December 10, 1958
To: J. Peraino
From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Insurance of Houses
The houses listed below have been altered and are
reported complete.
Ho. Total
fig; Alteration Coat
37h Room and bath added $2,52h.78*
132 Room added - kitchen
remodeled - bath re-
modeled - Closet added h,312.37*
10 Kitchen added - rear
porch rebuilt 3,070.55*
hlB Room added - Rear porch
rebuilt 2,008.10*
17 Kitchen extended -
storage room on rear porch
rebuilt - new kitchen cabinets
and link unit 2,256.h6*
*Sketch needed for changing the map.
B&G Department

 December 30, 1958
. f
To: a. Ferdino
From: M. A. flcfiinneg
Re: Insurance of Houses
We have listed below the houses that have been altered and
are reported complete.
Ho. Total
$2; ;£xexiiiga «£223
lhl fioom addition $2,343.37*
300 Bath addition 1,194.51*
288 Bath addition 1,u41.94*
139 Bath addition 1,u68.53*
*Sketch needed for changing the map.
'b rin ndent

B&G Department


 . July 14, 1959
To: J. Peraino
From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Insurance of Houses

Projects listed below have been completed.
Ho. “Total
No. Alteration Cost
314 1 Room & Bath $ 2,784.05
167 2 Rooms Extended 2,893.21
426 1 Room Extended 2,095.08
128 1 Room and Closet 3,196.78
411 1 Room and Closet 1,661.89 '


B&G Department

 3 , _ ,y .
.I’ ”-5 ? J r”;
«31 f
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I ’M ‘3, x _._) ‘5
... .._\
,3. l _3 3 '3 42‘"!
nil . I . V '. ‘
:r’ f r-"'/”r'r " /’ ‘-
“’4’” - . . a; "' a ‘z I... (“.L,. '33
I, / ..—~~ '
, I. .. }
3}! "‘ “N,“ ,_.

 January 21, 1960
To: Joe Peraino
From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Insurance of Houses
Projects listed below are now complete:
Ho. No. 419 Kitchen Addition $2,043.73
Ho. No. 428 Bedtoom Addition 2,244.45
Ho. No. 429 Living Room Addition 2,868.08
Ho. No. 94 Living Room Extended 2,218.39
Ho. No. 71 Living Room Extended 2,483.30
Included are sketches for changing the map.
J //; :7 Jr“)
R. I. McKinney
B&G Department

 June 7, 1960
To: J. Peratno
From: S. I. liekiImey
Re: Insurance of Houses
IrOJecte Mate; below are new chI;p‘Ia:;e,
’:é.(.uu«:,e . ?OEA ”flail; COIIIEI‘OLCIII 62%.?!)
House NO. 161//¥ Kitchen extended 1,637.98
110'qu Ho. IO'.’/- 4 ..
flouse No. 113”- ” ‘ 2,u06.60
amuse ha. 144/ - {Room (Imam; 2,162.30
House Ho. .573/- " 2,073.53
Iiouae 80. 374/- " ' Limo»
Includcg are SketcLem needed 10: Changing the map.
dupex inteudeut
B&G Department

 December 13, 1960
To: 3. .errnfiu
(mu; 2;. I. i'leiQJm-ej
:1;: Insrrezage a; "noes-es
303me listed below are not; ..«nnpls—tfi;
’ hogan No, 4.30 - Room awed Lgn/ J A;
v L_L Ng; 157 * Batu, NE: __ _7, / 1L; 2,2?
y Lease “veg; -‘o;~sx_«1gg_ L, a" 3.5" r
» 2$L1___«_;_;J_a\.-__ulu« wee 1,4? [414; 3 -_
A ~;*._ :10. git, - “._.le L.L-file. wwgflufl‘] 4:97.44 2’ ‘
Inqlmxe; “kg-N._ «;s needed .5.-11‘ ‘.Il‘fliwlfiu Luv- tr. 1;.
_ , /
(* ~ 275,29" _
_IJ‘JQL; M". Hem:
B&G .LkpieamxenL
l~.L£<.I§:..mc) , ...- -

 December 6, 1961

To: J. Peraino
From: R. I. MCKinney

Re: Insurance of Houses
Projects listed below are now complete.

No. Description Amount
28 Kitchen rebuilt 2,698.00
130 Kitchen extended 2,151.00
114 Room addition 1,725.00
120 Extend and modernize kitchen 3,557.00
219- Extend living room 1,413.00
133‘ Extend and modernize kitchen 1,732.00
320‘ Room addition 1,954.00
124~ Extend and modernize kitchen 2,940.00
433“ Extend and modernize kitchen 2,115.00
405 Rear porch enclosed for wash room 255.00
Sketches are included for changing the m8p.

B&G Department



 January 12, 1962

To: J. Peraino

From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Insurance of Houses

Projects listed below are now complete.

House No. Descrigtion Cost
382 Room addition $1,696.00
425 Room addition 1,190.00
416 Room addition 2,374.00
386 Interior work -

no feature change
to Outside 709.00
Sketcheu are ineiuded ior changinb the map.
B&G Department

 December i0, lyo2
TD: Joe Eeraino
From; R. I. McKinney
Re; Insurance of houses
Projects listed below are complete:
qflh). 96 Kitchen and bedroom extended 4 2,835.57
+LHO. 300 Room addition l,3h6.h7
i“ H0. 151 Room addition 1,763.38
\»4( Ho. 91 Kitchen and living room enlarged h,5hd.70
Ho. l25 hitcnen remodeled 595.19
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16 October 1963
To: Robert Smith (3)
From: J. Peraino
Mr. Soukup of the Factory Insurance Association inopected
our property last week and made the following recommendations
regarding condi