xt7qnk361p0s_698 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Lawn Mowers text Lawn Mowers 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_125/Folder_4/88m6_125_4__2769.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_698 xt7qnk361p0s “I £73753 _,,.“
,_ , ' \ MOW Your lawn SMOOTHER, FASTER, EASIER—Season-After-Seuson—
...AND HERE’S WHERE -_ - . , .
so; __ , \, WII'II PENNSYLVANIA...rated best by Amerlca s prolessmnal lawn mower experts—
THEY All com: FROM ‘fe K . _fi 7 , 3
I31 «I A ,~ 3 "'“ , smce 1877! I9 power and hand models to choose from. There s
V.,», ,I r “l : , . , I’ '
‘ Iii-’73;? v, ; - 2 gm \3 ‘ one for your lawn—one Ior your budget! See them today.
’. ‘ "'»‘ ~ i" \ H d I
'.x‘ ‘ 4 , I» \ ' America's uncha enge awn-mowing penns Ivania .5 i
_ "1) , .,I/ > i ““"" K j w/ champ. More than a match for any lawn. D E {UXE $1 ”fig
3* ii 1 K i 3, 0 Pennsylvania's exclusive self-whetting, dou— , ,
Here at Exeter Pennsylvania in the newest ts. t Aria)! {in , l ble-ground, crucible analysis, exactingly Power (‘_' 31¢ ,
t m d in W | nt ih th w Id .' \‘z" ':x. _ a 3 q . g Y tempered steel blades. Normally stay sharp Mower ’ “A: ’ ,
mos o em 0 er pa e. or ' ls { x -, Ii . ”i H l i for Years of Spring—through-Summermowing, 21” Cut ;;;“! I
where every Pennsylvania Mower IS made. . 1% \. ~ '4’! " w _ 3' ‘T '.," __ . 3 ‘ “If can
. . .. ‘,, R . rs ‘ , _ I: 3' 0 1.6.H.P.,'4 cycle Briggs & Stratton . WV .. L
It Is, In addItIon, the storehouse of more Wily .3 E. t, . ». 1.:; engine WIth rewmd starter Model T-45 l') _ E? I
' - i "u; - “ " ' ..' '3': on.
than three quarters Of a century S ac _ ~/ ' '4‘ ’ 5.2,: ~' ' ' 0 Fingertip controls. Large diameter .— ‘ i r/
cumulated lawn mower manufacturing _ ': ,’ ;k:" ”,1,” q g sectional wood rollers. ’ ltt, 4y 9',
experience. ’élb’fik‘ " i j.“ ' * r 0 Grass stripper keeps chain and i M l “- 3,”,
. . guy," ¢ W " \3 V ' ~ . ,1 , ‘_'; s
From ”“5 modern, yet tIme—proved com- /—)" .t \ g . J, sprocket free from weeds at all tImes. , W WWW“. 1‘lil 5
bination comes the unapproached cutting V c i ' 8 All-«I1 i ° Chain and belt completely guarded. , x. In! l" ‘ ' . D
action and traditional quality of Pennsyl- 3' 4 3, “ .3534“ 2 5g “'1‘. “:.;-g If g _
vania Mowers. It's the combination that has _,,: gfiékfgf fl , ~:_ ’ , Pennsylvania W w .v A ' 3 pa“* 1 3‘
kept Pennsylvania the most respected name ,8; [Him i? ii ,, L }; 3 EXETER ,W,» , \
In mowers . . . smce 1877! I?! ifiqtfitl il‘iq‘vg‘rt“ IRE ”by!” [if " Power Mower For Larger Lawns—Country Homes
See your Pennsylvania Dealer and let him fa. ii‘l I ,lg'l.,,f.r"”i,l;.,air’, ll MW]; 18" Cut /
prove time-proved Pennsylvania perform- 'r ,. V
once is best for you — best for your lawn. 5 Model 182 .it-m. ' Lawn»engineered and budget-designed for
See him today! PENN YLVA N'A I ' "' today's homeowner. Exeter features easy-
3- 3 “V turning, tight»corner mowing needed on sub-
PENNSYLVANIA MOST RESPECTED NAME IN MOWERS l i e ,3‘ urban lawns . . . at a price you can attord.
LAWN MOWER DIVISION F K, . 0 Exclusive self-whening, double-ground,
. _ ,, i” a. - crucible analysis steel, perfectly tempered
American Chain & Cable Company, Inc. C. M. LOVE 8. CO. ,W ,1 n . ‘ blades. Normally stay sharp for season—
SIEVEHS lane EXBlBI’ Penna Hardware -- Seeds "‘ié— . ,_ 7;.3: A ,_ .,,fi after-season of heavy duty mowing.
. Y 7 i 10403' 3 Avenue lll \ "f L . ‘i' 0 Smooth, steady power in l.l H.P., 4 cycle
Bridgeport 2, Conn. HUNTINQON, W. VA. . '. _ Briggs & Stratton engine.
Ex ,0 , ,.2309 kA PM". 5‘29 "’” i 0 Finger—tip controls give instant command
For epur men . or venue \ x
New York 17 N. Y. U. S.A. over every move of the mower. Rod type
, ‘ A clutch, lever throttle. Grass stripper.
DH-473 Limo,” U.S.A. \ mm For Average Lawns—Suburban, Residential 0 Large diameter, sectional wood rollers.

 Penns Ivania
2 Here's your way to easy mastery TRIMMER & EDGER \ , ., y
over tougher-grassed tastor— ' ‘ l ‘ ” ./ PENNA-iA‘aVN
' . . ' 0 For Paths, Gardens and ‘ /. 2’
ROTARY growmg lawns. Whips through Fl we B d . / . A waned mower a? me-
caIt-high weeds —— yet gives . 6'? Cruttieng‘. 'dth 5V .. \N/ P / (4‘ , L ,
. wt . 2 . .\ =.' g &4 . , ...
3 Models 9 I 3 ' Replaces grass hook, , ‘. 2' 4;: ' " I . . 2‘ We?" N c‘autglr: n'ourtc b odes.
o ”Litt-and-cut" blade artlon. hand sheau, ’10.. ‘1 . _ ,.I' 3 ‘g, I W 7" ‘ (Q 1 ”2.4“; » .... 3:,- . Lock “raw adjustment on
. Mows within V2” of walls 0 Wheel one side only '11“ l: “gm: :, 't/-- F‘Le_ r’ . if,” .l kt .’fi ,, K 1E“: reel cones.
and fences. 9”“ closest "'m' l l e l ":72 31;:‘5. ;_;9y;—:nbg l I" l A] - 3% .igs ' Light weight—yet strong
. .. -\ . . 1. r l fie ‘_- L w 2*
0 leaf mulcher Included at no 9 3/' "in ru’— 2 13: I l (55¢ “a 3. and durable.
. f3 . "' 2; ’ \ ... J
% m extra cos d bl Pennsylvania m 23W
, ' 4 position a justo e . 3 3
\ Ht. of cut 1” to 3”. 2 GREAT AMERICAN 3 .
' . « 3 Pennsylvania
‘2‘ ° Adjustable handle. Tops with professronal garden»
18” Cut (lllus.) \ ers. Mows smoothly season» METEOR
. . ' ’ la in lawns ver fine rasses.
Nationally known after season Wt'h the excluswe ' For, steep s lp g , y g :
16 H P 4 cycle . Pennsylvanla seltewhetting (U9. 9 l6 and 19 (5 blades) for steep lawns. l“, ' e3“ Pennsylvcno
. ' " ' - - ' Sperial 7 blade 16" for very fine grasses. ”"” “6""
‘ ‘ t a ton . . . now on ever
gasoline engine PCSns (”lama ualit mower y ' Aluminum alloy side plates, wheels for I SPECIAL
20” Cut Y Q Y ~ 25% less weight, ,I;»"' ' For sfnrtaller lawns glean.»
. up 0 er power mowmg.
Natlonall known . Y . . 5
2 5 H p : cycle \ . FUI! ball bearlng cutting « “V/ r l ' 5 high-carbon, double.
. I: ., . \ actlon. / Kl ‘,,.an . . ground steel blades.
3:;(lridesfci‘rgllerie : ll . Grey iron frame, “I” bad" 2 y by‘wu‘: ,,'-'- ‘7 ‘,2 ‘ lock screw adiustment on
H \2‘ ' Sectional wood rollers, seml- ‘ fl _ [if ' r it: , reel cones.
‘ 158 'Cl'l/ HP l \‘ pneumatic tires on Hi-Cut. I \3. ' ' 0°59“ pattern wheels——
. . l' I‘ . . . ‘
pecua 3 e er rlc .l, . Rubber roller, knobbed tread \\ "J 3 W3 ribbed tread rubber tires
motor. 3450 RPM \ , r “g l" ”...”.
'. tires on regular. " 1" ‘ ‘ e , 3
Furnished with 50 or ‘3 w M
lOO foot cords it specifiod ‘ . H ‘ ‘ '1’
2 Models t 17” and 19” 2
\ u o - ,
‘»‘;fi Regul: and ‘ Cutting Wldths f ‘ «'2...ny /. .,
\3g 3 New I-Cut «32 on Both Models ’ \ f “1‘."‘ 3 \~ /.3.
“l . '3 ,., . ‘— _.- 4 . .
..1 ., e» . ~— 22.) Pennsylvania Jr
..- 3 h . \ . 3. e; .32 . ,1 — I, m. _ m ‘
.§“3 [l i W M" ..4’ ‘3; K T} 1"” , I ' Triple geared for tough
,h K“ I E 3 3 Q» '~ . fi ~fi Devil, Bermuda and Crab
1 \ Lr:1"y‘ . e‘s I L; . f fl f=;:_;ff‘ f 3 1“. Grass.
' 2 2, r ‘., awe-e. ,=~<....;'«;: 3g 2 ’ " .—-’- ' " . .
‘ .. ,/ \ r. . \efi A 33 ' Train of three machine
\ '2 . \l l ’zlg‘fi". .._ . ‘ Penns Ivania 2""? . Cbfi ‘-‘ ‘U' 9"” em ‘ide °f
I. .‘ -. “fl ‘ \“J’ ' % l‘ PEerETTE 4 3.. ‘é’ - '.'. '-, 9‘ :: mower for extra power.
‘ w l‘ L ‘l .” ”’4 l. ' Two models. l7 (High
. is; o Narrow—forthose Hard-to-getvat plates. 3“ .7 ‘lir' n, 3 1 f ‘32:, Wheel) and 18” (Low
0 12’ and 14 cut. Ball bearing mounted cut- .2,\ x ‘- _nfl; . _gr 9 Wheel)
1 ting. reel. \l 3‘ 1‘s“ I. MM/ljya 0 Ball bearln mounted cu‘
For Tougher-Grassed, Faster-Growing Choice of Professional Gardeners ' 4 H'gh“°'b°"2 “We 9’9”“ “eel blc’de“ " ‘ 1,???“ ' “n I g '
“Problem" Lawns ' Hardwood handle. Stores In ‘.'"Y small space. 35,—.” ' 9 rec.

HUNT!NGTON.W.VA. May 114,, 1955
Inland Steel Company
Wheelright, Kentucky
Attention: Mr. R. L. Jones
Dear Mr. Jones:

Your inquiry to Branchland Pipe & Supply Go. here has been
referred to us in as much as these people did not have a machine
which seemed to fill the requirements which you requested. We
are pleased to quote on this inquiry a Pennsylvania Great American
lawn mower, which we believe is the nearest thing obtainable to
your requirements. This machine comes in 17" cut and 19" out.

We quote, F.O.B. here 17" Great American at $33.65 each, the 19"
at $36.65 each. Both less 10%, terms 30 days net, less 2% Cash
in 10 Days.

This is a machine, Gentlemen, which is used by U. S. Engineers,
Golf Courses and Cemetery Associations and people of that sort who
have a lot of ork to do. The outstanding feature of the machine
is the‘arégtéiz’tool steel used in the cutter blades. We haVe these
mowers in sto .

Anxiously awaiting your commands for these or anything else
you may need from us, we are,

Yours truly,
C. M. LOVE & CO.
L/fC/II 5"“‘WgzzzlPres.
Enc. l

 /7T;:: Spa-[£1 anal (551mb; fo'z G4[[ cIIa/a’sd of gaging; anc] gum: Cutting gL/ui/nmsnb ::4—
S N I D E R ’ S
::4ut/z’o'u'25J Eat-Libido” 94m Coofscl $313015; and f/Dcuts
1136~1140 FOURTH AVE. TELEPHONE 522-4613 (‘n J‘ .; j. G 17¢
. W '7;er
uanuary <0, iyob V
Inland oLCGl Co.
Nheelwrigbt, Ky.
with reference to the four power moweis you brought
in for repair.
Ne estimate to repair these mowers and put tzem back
in good conuition will run approximately as follows:
Mower “o. 1 $25.47
flower No. 2 53.30
mower No. 3 33.00
mower No. A 20.00
Ihis of course is an estimate, as it is impossible
for us to give you an exact price on repairing thtse
mowers without stri wing them down first. however the
cost should not vary within a collar or two.
on receipt of your apcroval, we will go ahead and
repair theee mowers. Thank you.
thy truly yours,
3 N l D L n ' é
.' 1 7
JAIMJ/ ELL/~41,“
George H. Snider

 \V . 1
A . I
L: J ..‘/..,‘l'ml ."Y A. ’ ‘..“;

'nider's 1-, 3.1 ’g'v as
Huntinaton 3, ..‘ :igiiu.
utti“, ‘L;’. ‘ or ;. '. T 5.5:-
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J‘h‘ir‘f ‘.'0‘5 "'“)“ 1" " 2‘1; :"tz,

‘,'vll'al'" "I 4' ‘. )


Eu \\5/1‘1.n‘.-‘nr.a'nr,. r W .nev wrtmer:
