xt7qnk361p0s_707 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Obsolete Material text Obsolete Material 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_125/Folder_13/88m6_125_13__3020.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_707 xt7qnk361p0s INLAND STEEL CUMPRNY
10 November 1955

To: E. M. Pace

E. F. Eughes //

u. H. nooerts ///

h. I. McKinney

G. F. Leatherman

H. B. Smith

F. E. Conley

W. B. Cummings

G. Baker
From: H. 0. Zimmerman
Recently a large group of it-I° 'upply hou
stock was examined and ClaSo . as lete material.
Since there was sOme remote po~- "y that this ma-
terial might be used c - sowe nurpose, it was de—
cided to remove it . om sup. - hois‘ stock and dis-
tribute it to var -.s points .- ou. S-eration at which
it was felt it w0t d most like he .ed.
A list of this ma :rial showi - the items sent to each
point of d ibu on is atta ~d.
I won ike for eac’ - . to go over this list and
beco as familia with it as possible so that whenever
an o asion arise material from this list can be used
rath than purch new material.

.5 , { «‘1'
f ,
Manager Coal Properties


mm ..__...MM 1'0 W
2 AFC-1° ten and Hub xeeombly-Acne end Fordetr Compreeeore
7 FEQGS-B Unloedor Pistons for Schream Foroeir Conyreseor
12 EEESSoA Uhloeder Cylinders-Acne and Fordair Compressors
12 rE-993 Valve Litter: for Sohreun fordeir Compressor
3h FE-923.A Valve Cop Gaskets-Acne end torflair Compreeeorn
6 .FE-fiSE—A Discharge Valve Cope-Aoue «no FordaXr Compressors
8 A-16-19g6 Contact-Acne and Fordetr Compreeeore
h A-15-79 0 Contact Tips-Acre end Fordair Compressors
8 31u1-3v Bruohee—Aone onfi Fordoir Comproseoro
8 bsafl-D Broth Stud-Acme and Fordoir Compreeeore
8 k1 h9~AhB Brush Stud Insulation—Acne and yordair Compreeeore
3 60903-8 Brushholder~Acne ond Fordoir Compressors
95 335 special Breee Screws-Sullivan machine
27 #98 fipeeiel Brass Soreve-Bullivnn Heohine
6 13338-03 CE screws 8u111van Machine
25 13563-CB CE springs-Sullivan Machine
1 1 Pressure Switch-Sullivan Air Compressor
1 1-10739-w Piston-Sullivan Air Compressor
9 X~1fi981 Piston Rod-Sullivan Air Conproosor
2 1311h Wedge-Sullivan Air Compreaeor
32 lhflfifi-H Copper Geekete-Bulliven Air Compressor
h lh3fi?—w Piston Rings-Sullivan Air Compreeoor
h 1%681-W Boxes-Sullivan Air Compressor
19 X-lSfifih-U Shims-Sullivan Air Compreoeor
16 15631~l Laminated Shine—Sullivan Air Conpreeeor
1 x—16965 Connecting Rod Complete-Sullivan Air Compreeeor
8 21166—WA Wheels-Sullivan Air Compreeeor
2 26133-w rioton Binge-Sullivan Air Conpreeaor
1 2638 -H Valve-Sullivan Air Compressor
2 9638248 Goekot~8ulliven Air Congreeeor
9 xA-2ah32 Inlet Valve Assembly-Sullivan Air Compressor
Q 99982-w Spacer-Sullivan Air Compreoeor
1 29336-w Gasket-Sullivan Air Compreeeor
9 XA-996hh-H Discharge Volvo Aeeenbly-Sullivan Air Compressor
1 h1559 Plunsor-Sulliven Air Congreeeor
3 #9079 Genkete-Sulliren Air Compressor
1 l/k"3163 Ind. Ruhbor Rose for filling $267 Myers
Hheley Loader
1 175 Bear Cour. Armored Belt 26”~Hyere Wheley Loader
h 3~T-12 Tubxng-Lee Horne Inep. Car
6 A-3775-8 r1tt1ng-Lee Noree Inop. Cor
k A-33g9-s F1tting~Lee Roree inep. Ger
8 8-6 9 Insulation-Roof Drill:
16 5-7665 aoreve-fioot Drills
16 5~8361 Bushings-Roof Drill:
1; 168 9 Shoulder Bolte-J’effroy Mg. 60.
9 26 he Huts-Jeffrey Parts

 gnaawgwr PART no. gggggggggg
91 11973 fist fiaruvaol/k”-13xfi Sq. fid.-Je£frey Parts
I? D0036 PlatewJeffrey Parts
1 93k57 Lamp«Canvoy&LightoJoffray Part5
? 1 513% FlexihleoJerfroy ?arts
5 111?35 Cable BvahiBg«Jeftrey Parts
? 1117?1 Reverse Rod~chfrey
E 111737 Ena InsulationoJafrray
10 11:57u Cotter-Jeffrey
B 112890 Shoulder Bolta-Jaffray Parts
12 113339 Offset. Conn. Link-Jeffrey Parts
:9 115391 Roller Link-Jeffrey ?nrts
1 Iroagz 319? Conn. L1nk~Jeffrcy Parts
1 129333 51*” Offset Link~Jef£ray ?arta
{h 1?03h° Keller Links #100 Chain~Jeffray
1: 1E8;31 SprIHg Pin-Jeffrey ?arta
1 13?h59 BunewveJerrroy Part3
V 113 Track Bolts-Track Material
1 R3 60 1B. Cant Frog—Track Material
19 1539 F1no«Becn. Kodal 1:17 Sultan fitaud-Track Hutnrial
1? TOP-X33 Euthoy Leaders and Shuttle €«ra
h? 119KB Quick LinksoJoy Loaders anfl Shuttle Cars
T6 18333 "Or Rings«Joy Loadaru and Bhuzale Sara
1 S—élh—B? Epnr Get: Reducer—Comp.~Joy Louder and fihuttlo Car
3 13337-3 - sprackct Rim-Joy Loader and Shuttle Car
3 $-22969-1V Relay CoilaJoy Leader and Shuttle Car
1 A~?3939-900 Relay C011~Joy Loader and Shuttle er
1 A—3fe57 911 Recervoir-Joy Loader and fihuttle Car
h C51 :-3/hx3-1/1 Adapter Ring~¢odmnn Machines and Loafiera
a r-3/hz3-1/2 Bet. aaagtor Bing-Goodman Mnehinca/Loaéers
3 5&333 Pins—Geoamnn Machine and Leader
3 G-Ilo” a?” Elle-Misc. Supplies
? kl? R. H. frolley Frags-Trolley and Feeder Material
7 _ h/” L. a. Trelley Frogs-Trails? ana Feeder Material
P 2§9i000 Eeefier Splices-Trolley and Feeder Material
3* 15“”1 1 Amp. ;§¢ V. ?ule Cartridge~miac. Supplies
39 316? ?nae-3 Amps. - Mine. Supplies
3 fiffié Alamite Grease Gun- Mine. Sugplies
175 13505 Form f Telephana Insulators—misc. flapplxao
33 1831? Piece Bolt~03 Repair Parts for Motors
34; 1320-2515 Latch-03 “mare
O fibxh 1 Washer~OE Mater:
: f3flxh8 Door vifih windava-GE Haters
P lfiUPTQ washer—GE flotorn
Pk 3£3£§3 ?1ns~c? Matur-
R h3h043 Terminaln-GE Meters
53 7131h3 washer—GE Haters
h GSABQ69~G3 Switches-GE Motors
5 3511970 Cylindar Castinga~63 Motor:
f §T13789 Contact Bar-.02 Motor:
5 h?55331 Middle Cnntinge-GE M tors
5 #75633? Lever CastingooGE Motors

 ruaxwx PAR“ .
; 2§3§§ Ball~Euc11d Pitt!
15 “303? gioment inel~3uclid Parts
1? #5069 G e?entfleuel~fiuc11d Parts
6 asfififi nasaat-auclid Parts
5 £856» gtud:Euclid Parta
19 «67h8 fiat-Auclid Parts
5 €57h9 Hutusgclia Part:
E §6h17 Eon? glamp-Euclid Parts
3 100970 Dood “gringgEnelid Part5
1 100355 Cr§i§ vack-guclid Parts
8 100375 Cap bugl Tank-Euclid tarts
1 1071‘: Alan? Eim~3uc11d Parts
10 10233; Fir ngfoty Vglve-Euclifi Parts
1 10h98” pulb-mgclid tarts
h 107153 irainflaockffiuclid Earts
6 11?05h ose-figclld Farts
1 115663 Elamp Aim-Euclia Parts
1 1136 6 giitgh-auglid Parta
2 llfifigé Eladuegi Jyd; Mont. Valve-Euclid ?arta
E 115579 Val e a per-auclid Harts
2 1173y9 V 79 ixtennian-3acltd ,nrts
13 119353 Halve axfansion«Euclia Parts
3 119537 Huge Bali-guclid Part3
5 11956? an» Asay:«&uclid Parts
9 1195?§ Ease Eula-Rucgid Parte
1 11971 Etpyle Aasy.-$uclid karts
1 1197 a Rose Ascy.-§uc11d Parts
5 1197$3 Eesa Assy.:nuclid larts
15 1197?5 Hut Aasy.~§uclid rarta
h 119751 Ease-Bulkufiuclid Part0
4 k 119957 cog Aasy.-Euclld varfa
1 g fiipglfi Aaay.‘fiuclid ?nrta
1199?p Rana A“e ~E ~
2 119990 . a 3.3’uulid Parts
A kut flan”.—Br l '
‘ 119991 Hi , we id Parts
3 11999? H p916 Asay.-£uclid xarts
1 11 995 033 §u1k~Eunlid ?arta
1 1?glh9 Hose-£uolid :arta
1 1&0221 gcaa Assy.-Euclid Parts
1 120923 Hone Assy.~Euclid Part:
1 1?0§?? Hose fasy.-§uclid Purta
1 1505?? 3939 aaay.-§uclid ?nrts
1 1g0575 Boas §say.-§uclid Parts
1 125??5 aose: Assy.~&u011d Parts
1 130: ‘ one Aasy.~3nclid rarfin
1 leo?g8 gone Aesy.-Euclid Part.
1 1£gf93 Ease issy.—Eue11d Part:
3 1co.nm uae-nuclid Part:
h 3“; Ripple Alla bl -”
8 190399 R m y nuclid Part!
1 12°h9h one Bulk-Euclid Parfia
But Rosy.~3uc11d Parts

1 12°h9§ Hipgle Assyrfinclid Parts
10 129§gn Rosa Bulk-Euclid Parts
1 133901 Rose Asay.-Euclifi garte
l 1:9»5: Essa Asny.—Euclid Part8
h liufil? Eiyplfi Assy.—Euclid Parts
1 131107 Hose Aaey.—Euclia ?arts
3 1:5;§§ fiut Ansy.-Eucli& Parts
1 1:;g9c Hose Aaay.—Euclid Parts
_% 175$37 Hose-Euclid Parfia
3V9 a u. w 115 V. Gena. Ease 56 31. Lamps-Trolley and
Feaaar Assembly
f 13 Sockets-for Badger Cur Mover-Misc. Supplies
:3 3/hx3/hxl” fees Galv.-Hiac. Supplies
T 19“ Enamelcfi reflectura a clampa-NiSUa Suyfllies
}:’;'§I;I.:f.i 350. 1 £33.01
Sheet grsG—M.Car Part8
sheet yle-M.Car Sarto
': . V. . .. ';’ , ‘ L: :/