xt7qnk361p0s_731 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Retirement Plan text Retirement Plan 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_126/Folder_20/88m6_126_20__3106.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_731 xt7qnk361p0s thzremmt 13km
‘ OF
. Effective Date—January 1, 1936 -
Amended December 31, 1943

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E ,
E .
E December 1, 1943.
E To Our Employees:
t . , .
ff For several years there has been in eftect in our Com— .
E an a retirement roeram designed to su lement ‘
p y - _ p o 0 pp .
i the benefits prov1ded employees under the Socml
E-‘E Security Act. The plan, since its inception, has met
E with such success that the Company has had under
E consideration for some time the thought of extending
it. the plan in such a way that it could be made available
E to a greater number of our employees.
\Ve are pleased to announce at this time that an
extension of the plan has been effected under which
all employees who have attained age 30 and who have
v’ completed five years of continuous service on De—
I cember 31, 1943 may join.
E The details of the plan are outlined in the following
E pages.
‘ E Membership in the plan is entirely voluntary on the
f.’ part of the employees but it is hoped that everyone
E ' Who is eligible will join. The plan has been arranged
E“ for your benefit and protection and in our opinion
.‘ l . .
E; ‘E offers each of you distinct advantages that you could
E E not otherwise secure. »
EE' Very truly yours.
E President
3E .

for Employees of
3 _ Amended December 31, 1943
Section 1:
. \threver used in this plan: I ‘
. (a) .The word “Board” means the Board of Direc— 3‘
, tors of Inland Steel Company.
3 (b) The wOrd "employee” means a person in the
service of Inland Steel Company and Sub-
sidiaries and includes officers and officials.
I (c) The word ”Company” means Inland Steel
Company and Subsidiaries.
(d) The words “the Equitable” mean The Equita— I
~ ble Life Assurance Society of the United ,
. States. _ .
(e) The word “member” means an employee in-
cluded in the plan who makes the required
. contributions.
(f) The word "contract” means the Equitable’s
\ ' Group Annuity contract issued to the Com-
‘ pany.
(g) The words "the effective date” mean January ‘
. 1, 1936 or the date thereafter as of which the
employees of a Subsidiary first became eligible
for membership in this plan, whichever is the if
later date. i
\Vherever used in this plan, masculine pronouns “
shall include both masculine and feminine gender, 3
unless the context indicates otherwise. '.'

Section 2:
All employees of the Company who have not *
attained an age of more than 64% years, who have
been in the service of the Company continuously for
five years and have attained the 30th birthday will
be eligible to become members of this Plan on '
December 31, 1943.
Other employees will become eligible to join the
plan on the January First coinciding with or next
f following the completion of both the following re-
‘ (a) Attainment of the 30th birthday, and
(b) Completion of five years of continuous
An eligible employee shall signify his intention to
become a member of this plan by completing and ‘
signing an Acceptance and Payroll Deduction Au—
thority card.
Section 3:
. ' The Normal Retirement Date for employees who
were members of the plan prior to December 31,
1943 shall be the January 1 nearest the normal retire- '
ment age birthday as determined under the terms of ‘
the plan previously in effect.
The Normal Retirement Date for employees enter—
ing the plan on or after December 31, 1943 shall be
the January 1 nearest the 65th birthday.
Unless retirement has taken place earlier, the mem—
ber will receive the first retirement income payment
h, under this plan on the Normal Retirement Date. -
‘7‘ With the consent of the Company, a member may ,
I retire on a reduced amount of income on any date
‘ which is prior to his Normal Retirement Date by
not more than ten years, provided that if one of the '
jf Optional Retirement Benefits described in Section 8
.- 3

 shall have previously been elected, commencement of
annuity payments at an earlier retirement date shall ”
be Subject to evidence of the employee’s good health »
satisfactory to the Equitable. l .
. . . . . i
No employee Will be retained In active serv1ce after 3
- ' the normal retirement date except upon year—to—year
[approval of the Board. In Such cases a member’s ‘ 4
contributions will cease and retirement income pay—
ments will commence on the member’s normal ‘
retirement date, as if the member’s service had I
terminated on that date. I ..J, {
Section 4: i
_ (a) Normal Income Basis: 1.
The retirement income provided under this ;
plan is on the Life Annuity basis, which pro-

' vides for the continuance of income payments 3
during the retired member’s lifetime, ceasing '
with the last payment immediately preceding -
the annuitant’s death. A member may, how— i"
ever, elect an Optional Retirement Benefit .-

‘ subject to the provisions of Section 8. '2
(b) Benefits:
1 Future Service. At Normal Retirement Date 9
' each member will receive a monthly life in—
come as shown in Column (6) of Table I on _‘
- page 6 for each full year of membership in f
‘ i this plan, in accordance with the earnings .
class to which the member may belong. Z
‘ Minimum Income. It is expected that each i‘
eligible employee who becomes a member of ‘
the plan on December 31, 1943 and continues ,
in the plan until normal retirement date will A
' be provided a minimum monthly income of ‘
$15.00 per month at normal retirement date, W
provided he will have completed ten years of
continuous service on that date.
4 i

l .
4 Section 5:
1 Each member will contribute by deductions from
‘ earnings each month the amount indicated in Col— .
umn (d) of Table I on page 6, for his earnings class.
- The Company agrees to contribute each year dur-
. ing the continuance of the plan the amounts re-
' i? quired over and above the contributions of the mem-
‘ bers to provide the normal retirement income. Such
.4 Company contributions will exceed the amounts '
contributed by the member provided he remains a
'.. member until retirement age. .
In addition to the above the Company While not
. guaranteeing to do so, hopes and expects to purchase,
_ over a period of years, the minimum retirement in-
. comes described in paragraph (b) of Section 4.
3 The contributions by the Company and by the
, member will be paid each month to the Equitable.
-. All contributions cease With respect to a given mem—
ber at the member’s normal retirement date or
i earlier retirement date, or Whenever the maximum
income as provided in the contract has been pur- ~
. chased. ,
.V The plan provides that each member’s total earn-
“ ings for the twelve months immediately preceding
1‘ each January first will determine his contributions
for the succeeding year.
is!’ ’
5 ‘
ii- ,

(a) (b) (C) (d) (e) _
Monthly Life '
Member’s Income for Each
Monthly Earn— Monthly Full Year of
Earnings ings for Pur- Contri- Membership after I
- - Class Monthly Earnings pose of Plan bution the Effective Date
1 $160.00 and Less $150 $ 2.00 $ .75 '
2 160.01 t0180.00 170 2.40 .90
3 180.01 to 200.00 190 - 2.80 1.05
4 200.01 to 220.00 210 3.20 1.20 i
5 220.01 to 240.00 230 3.60 1.35 .
- 6 240.01 to 260.00 250 4.00 1.50 i m
7 260.01 to 280.00 270 4.80 ' 1.80 ./f '
. 8 280.01 to 300.00 290 5.60 2.10
9 300.01 to 320.00 310 6.40 2.40
10 320.01 to 380.00 350 8.00 3.00 '
11 380.01 to 440.00 410 10.40 3.90
For additional earnings classes, Columns (b) and (c) will increase
by multiples of $60; Column (d) will increase by multiples of
$2.40; and Column (e) by multiples of $.90.
_ Section 6:
i (a) If a member dies before retirement, there Will 1
be payable to a beneficiary designated by such
_ member an amount equal to the sum of such
member’s own contributions plus 2% interest
compounded annually. Interest is credited on
each year’s contributions from January first
’ following the date of payment to the first of ,.
the month in which death occurs. The A
Equitable has the right to change the interest :-
rate in accordance with the contract, but the
6 . -
. g.

 i 2% rate is guaranteed with respect to the con-
tributions made on or after December 31,
, 1943 and prior to January 1, 1949. »
(b) If there is no beneficiary designated by the
" member or surviving at the member’s death,
the payment described in the preceding para- .
graph that would otherwise have been payable
to the beneficiary will be made to the first
surviving class of the following classes of suc-
cessive preference beneficiaries:
. »- The member’s _
m (a) Surviving widow or widower,
(b) Surviving children,
(c) Surviving parents,
((1) Surviving brothers and sisters,
7 (e) Executors or administrators.
Any minor’s share, however, may be paid at
' a rate not exceeding $50.00 per month to such
adult or adults as have in the opinion of the
Equitable assumed the custody and principal
, support of such minor.
(c) There is no benefit in the event of death after
the retirement date unless one of the optional I
retirement benefits outlined in Section 8 had
been duly elected and approved prior to the
retirement date.
Section 7: »
i (a) Before completing five years of membership
'I I' in the plan:
t A: If a member’s service is terminated voluntarily -
. IT or involuntarily, he may elect one of the fol—

 lowing options with respect to his own contri-
(1) He may accept the life income begin-
ning at Normal Retirement Date which
his own contributions have already pro—
» - Vided, if such income equals or exceeds
$3.34 per month; or ~
(2) He may elect a cash withdrawal value
equal to the sum of his own contribu— '
tions to the Equitable plus 2% interest “, s
, compounded annually. Interest is credited 5}
on each year’s contributions from the I
. ‘ January first following the date of pay— a ’ t
ment to the first of the month in which f
‘- withdrawal occurs. The Equitable re- .- ' " r
’ serves the right to change the method of . , ‘
computing withdrawal payments (in— _
» cluding the interest rate) with respect to ‘
contributions made on and after January .
1, 1949.
Note: There will be no benefit to the member
arising from Company contributions made in i.
' ' behalf of such withdrawing employee.
(b) After completing five years of membership in ' .
. the plan: .
If a member’s service is terminated voluntarily
\ ‘ or involuntarily after he has completed five 1 -
years of membership in the plan, and he shall ,-
not have been retired on or prior to such V
termination, and provided he does not elect
l the cash withdrawal value prior to retirement, '
he shall be entitled to receive at Normal Re— ’
tirement Date in accordance with the plan all . 9
’ retirement income provided for him by the. 8 -
Company up to the time of termination as -. '
well as the retirement income provided by his ~
own contributions. . 7
8 .

 If such member elects a cash value with re—
spect to his own contributions at any time he
Will lose the retirement income purchased by
the Company’s contributions in his behalf.
The Company Will advise an employee at the
time of termination of service of the amount
~ of his benefit as determined by the Equitable.
,.,, Section 8:
k ' The retirement income normally provided under
a . this plan is on the Life Annuity basis, which provides
for the continuance of the income only during the
.- - .. retired member’s lifetime. However, instead of the
_ , - Life Annuity, a member may Choose: .
. ’ (1) A Joint and Survivor Annuity—This annuity
. form provides for a smaller amount of income
' payable to the member and for the continu—
ance of such income payments to his joint
annuitant, if living, after the member’s death.
. (2) A Modified Joint and Survivor Annuity——
This annuity form provides for a smaller
5 . amount of income payable to the member and
. for the continuance of such income payment
in one—half such smaller amount to the mem— .
. ber’s joint annuitant, if living, after the mem—
' ber’s death.
: (3) A Modified Cash Refund Annuity—-This an—
; .7 nuity form provides for a smaller amount of
, ' income payable to the member and, if the sum
’ of the payments made during his lifetime is
1 _ Q less than the death benefit described under
- B - paragraph (a) of Section 6 at the time of
s -. ' retirement, for a lump sum payment to the
s . designated beneficiary of the balance of such
. 7 death benefit. , '
' 9

 The Joint and Survivor or Modified Joint and Sur- pT
vivor Annuity may be elected by a member any time T
at least five years before a retirement date to be g'
designated by the member at the time of the election. a
The Modified Cash Refund Annuity may be elected ti
by a member at any time at least one year before the
member’s Normal Retirement Date. Employees be—
3 _ coming eligible for the plan for the first time on e
December 31, 1943 who cannot comply with the 1“
above requirements may elect one of the above op— ‘ e
tions before April 1, 1944. as.
If the choice of optional annuity form is not made 4 ' ta
within the above limitations, the Equitable will re-
’ quire evidence satisfactory to it of the member’s ll' 33
3 good health. Once a choice as to annuity form (in- ‘ oT
' cluding joint annuitant, if any) or retirement date is p-
‘ . made and accepted by the Equitable, it cannot be ‘
» rescinded by the member Without the written con— _
sent of the Equitable which consent may be made oT
subject to evidence satisfactory to the Equitable of re
either the joint annuitant’s or the member’s good - t-
health. oT
In the case of the death of a joint annuitant before ‘ e
» the member retires under the Joint and Survivor or C1
_ the Modified Joint and Survivor forms, the Life An- .
nuity will automatically become payable at retire-
ment date unless the Equitable shall consent to the '3 b‘
nomination of another joint annuitant. In the event 1 3
' the joint annuitant pre-deceases the member after re- 0‘
tirement, the retirement income payment will cease = t'
3 K ' upon the member’s death. If the member dies prior :
to retirement, no income payments will be made to
the joint annuitant.
«T». 5‘
Section 9: 3;; E
In reckoning the term of service of a member after 1 t
the effective date, credit will be given for the com- aT

 pleted years and months in active continuous service
with the Company, except that no credit will be
given for leave of absence granted to the member, if
any, nor for service rendered after the Normal Re-
tirement Date.
If a member leaves or is discharged and later re—
enters the service of the Company, the years prior to
re—entry shall not be counted as continuous service, '
. except that:
QI’ If a member is granted a leave of absence or is
temporarily laid off for a period of not less than one
I month nor more than twelve months, the time of his '
; absence only will be deducted in reckoning his years
of service except as provided in the next succeeding
_ Employees entering military service after one year
of continuous employment with the Company will
receive credit for such service in determining con-
- tinuous employment with the Company for purposes
of this plan, provided such employees return to active
'. employment within sixty days of honorable dis—
. charge from military service.
If an annuity to which a member would otherwise 3
- become entitled under this plan Should provide for
‘ income payments to commence at the retirement date .
of less than $3.34 per month, the Equitable may grant
.3 to the member in lieu of such annuity a cash pay—
: ment in accordance with the terms of the contract.
If an annuity to which a member w0uld otherwise
«'9. become entitled under this plan should provide for
'5 income payments to commence at the retirement date 4
of $3.34 or more but less than $10.00 per month, the '
‘I'; Equitable may make the income payments quarterly, .
I the first such payment becoming due two months
after the retirement date and the amount of each

 such payment being equal to three times the amount _
if payments had been made monthly. 15
. . r
‘ Nothing in the plan shall be construed to affect the i
right of the Company to dispense With the services of ti
an employee at any time. l0
Section 10: j in
No assignment by a member of any of the benefits
under this plan Will be valid or recognized by the f -
Company or by the Equitable. 1
¢ of
. . of
Section 11: 3 m
The Equitable issues to each member a descriptive . m:
. certificate outlining the provisions of the plan. 7 p3
At the time of retirement, the retired member Q,
Will receive from the Equitable a supplemental cer- j,
tificate, outlining the amount of annuity and other ;
benefits to the retired member and the conditions of
payment. .1
, V Section 12: -._
The Company expects and desires that this plan '
will be permanent, but necessarily reserves the right
. by and through its Board of Directors to discontinue ii.
or amend it in the future after 30 days’ written no— -
. tice to the members. '
i \ Such action shall not in any way affect annuities “
already purchased and then in force for members pre- ,3
‘ viously retired under the plan, or for members still {m
in service, except as stated in the next following
paragraph. Any former member entitled to vested l.
annuities in accordance With paragraph (b) Section ’l‘"
' 7, will in that case receive a paid—up annuity contract
from the Equitable.
12 a

 If the plan is discontinued and the paid—up annuity
is less than $3.34 a month, the employee will be
granted a refund of his own contributions and also
a cash value arising from the Company’s contribu—
tion made in his behalf. If the total paid-up annuity
jointly purchased by his own contributions and the
Company’s is $3.34 or more a month, the employee
will receive a paid—up annuity, the income commenc—
j ing at Normal Retirement Date. ’
The foregoing is a brief summary of the provisions .
¢ of the master contract covering the plan, the terms
I ' of which govern the interpretation of any statement .
3 made in this summary. The contract is available to
~ members of the plan upon application to the Com- ,
7 pany. .
3 13

___.._ tha
, Assume an employee enters the plan at age 35 and
that his monthly earnings to age 65 are as follows: .
Age 35 to age 37 inclusive. . . . .$270 per month i ,
Age 38 to age 40 inclusive. . . . . 300 per month .
Age 41 to age 46 inclusive. . . . . 375 per month .
> Age 47 to age 48 inclusive. . . . . 310 per month .', Th
, . Age 49 to age 54 inclusive. . . . . 400 per month pu
Age 55 to age 64 inclusive. . . . . 475 per month A
. This employee’s retirement income would be com- = 1
puted as follows: _ A
Age 35 to age 37 inclusive, 3 years in Earnings _.
Class7—3X$1.80....................$ 5.40 3
Age 38 to age 40 inclusive, 3 years in Earnings 1 Ag
Class8—3X$2.10........,........... 6.30 , l
. Age 41 to age 46 inclusive, 6 years in Earnings , Ag
.- . Clasle—SX$3.00................... 18.00 ‘
Age 47 to age 48 inclusive, 2 years in Earnings 17
Class9—2x$2.40.,.................. 4.80 _ Ac
‘ Age 49 to age 54 inclusive, 6 years in Earnings ' l
Class11—-—6X$3.90................... 23.40 . Au
‘ \ ‘ Age 55 to age 64 inclusive, 10 years in Earn— ‘
ings Class 12—10 X $4.80. . . . . ... . . . . . .. 48.00 '
THE PLAN AT AGE 65 .....$105.90/
In addition, the estimated primary benefit under the Social ll In
Security Act for this employee would be $54.00, making a total 1:; Sec
monthly income at age 65 of $159.90. , ll. mo

Assume an employee enters the plan at age 30 and
that his monthly earnings to age 65 are as follows:
Age 30 to age 37 inclusive. . . . . $175 per month
Age 38 to age 41 inclusive. . . . i 195 per month
Age 42 to age 48 inclusive, . . . . 215 per month
i- . Age 49 to age 50 inclusive. . . . . 190 per mOnth '
" Age 51 to age 54 inclusive . . . . 220 per month
‘ Age 55 to age 64 inclusive. . . . . 235 per month
" This employee’s retirement income would be com- '
puted as follows: '
Age 30 to age 37 inclusive, 8 years in Earnings
= ClassZ—SX$.90......................$7.20 '
' Age 38 to age 41 inclusive, 4 years in Earnings
‘1 Class3—4X$1.05..,........,......... 4.20
3 Age 42 to age 48 inclusive, 7 years in Earnings
g Class4—7X$1.20.................,... 8.40
‘ Age 49 to age 50 inclusive, 2 years in Earnings
_ Class3—2X$1.05..................... 2.10
. Age 5 1 to age 5 4 inclusive, 4 years in Earnings ‘
V Class4—4X$1.20..................... 4.80 .
' j Age 5 S to age 64 inclusive, 10 years in Earn-
ingsClass 5—1OX$1.35....H..,.....,. 13.50
i ' ___.
, 2 THEPLANATAGEGS.......,......$40.20
1 I In addition, the estimated primary benefit under the Social .
1 li Security Act for this employee would be $50.00, making a total
l; monthly income at age 65 of $90.20.
2.2 '
232 is

 I 'I





Assume an employee with 20 years of continuous I

service enters the plan on December 31, 1943 at age I

57 and that he is earning $161 per month at which I

rate he remains until Normal Retirement at age 65. I

This employee’s monthly retirement income for 8 I

» years of service after December 31, 1943 in Earnings II
Class 2 would be 8 X $.90 or $7.20. However, this I;

employee will have over 10 years of continuous serv- I

ice at age 65. Therefore, the Company expects to I,

purchase an additional monthly income of $7.80 for I:

him so that his total monthly life income under the I'

’ plan at age 65 will be $15.00. I
In addition, the estimated primary benefit under the Social \

. Security Act for this employee would be $36.00, making a total I,»
monthly income at age 65 of $51.00. I







. . II
I l
16 ;r'

 It ' ,



l '


I , '



II‘ .











i » .






‘ i



Si ,


 .. . . _ “w“ , .. I“ .. .

wnsszmcm. KENTUCKY
September Q5
TO‘ J. T. Parker
R. M. Wilkinson
L. S. BeckerL/
Blaine Smith
G. F. Leatherman
E. 0. Zimmerman /
J. W. Bailey, MD
A. B. Smathers
From: E. R. Price
Mr. Eilfred Sykes, President of t ompa , recengii>
issued a general bulletin readi ' as foil 3:
”In order to obtain the maxim part 7ation by
eligible employees in the Reti e ension Plan,
the following procedu t - be owed:

1. All employee 'lgible t. wart pate in the
plan, (1. e., tho; employees 'to he five (5) or
more years of conv nuous servi~ and who are thirty
(30) years or nor: of age), wh- mave signed waivers
in the past dice :g a desi-: not to enter the plan,
or who t dre - ‘rom .: plan, will be per-
eonall nterviewed p . 'ovember l, 19h8 to ascer-
tain - they now sire to enter the plan. In the
evenu ny such an yee desires to enter the plan, he
ehal e eligible ' do so January 1, l9h9.

2. . employ e who become eligible to enter the
plan in t will be contacted as in the past,
and if the not desire to enter the plan signed
waivers will be obtained.

3. Any employee who waives upon becoming eligible
or who enters the plan and withdraws may, upon re-
quest by the employee at any time thereafter, become
eligible to enter the plan on the January 1 subsequent
to the making of the request."

Under this bulletin, employees who had rejected the group
retirement plan have the privilege of accepting the plan
on or before January 1, l9h9.

v ,
To: J. T. Parker
H. M. Wilkinson
L. S. Beckerv
Blaine Smith
G. F. Leatherman
H. O. Zimmerman
J. W. Bailey, MD
A. B. Smathers
From: E. R. Price
Date: September 25, 19h8
Page Two .
I am listing for each department head the ample es in his
department who are eligible under the , rel b letin, re-
ferred to above, to participate in the§;::ES:Zeh rement
plan, even though they had previous acted the\plen,
or had accepted the plan and late ' w. \f:>
The letter "R" indicates empl . as who r ,ected the plan
when it was originally offered\tp them d the letter ”w"
indicates the employees who, after ac ting the plan,
later withdrew. \\\V
‘\\ K <
The department hea‘ ould pefihpne . contact the employees
in his department v are eligi le t rticipete in the
plan January 1, l9 , and exple d to t am the provisions of
the plan. \
Mr. Smith ppl§\$he ecc nce form, which should be
signed ch -ploy ires to participate in the
plan. _ DQ\‘“T’
I" f)
\ //’// (J) \ ‘j » ‘\ _
\\___fl,././ ‘ f) L I ‘\_ .-.)
Ge eral Superintendent

’ ‘ 3 ,
J n ~ “I
' _..—‘..;Hfé‘h‘... “Iraq ......“-J-J ......” J -. --.m..... .. .. .,.”.
, I r v, o
J. . . . ' J" V: J _
J. , e ~_ - J, - J I ‘ a
’ ' ‘ ‘ ' , 'r 'I ‘1 1 »