xt7qnk361p0s_735 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright S (General) text S (General) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_127/Folder_1/88m6_127_1__4222.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_735 xt7qnk361p0s K “- .
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You'll find no one thing more important '0 YOU’ counter. ~l°UHlan Sanitary regulations are becoming more rigid, enforcement bodies No employee likes to wash dishes in harsh biting dishwashing NOll“”9 3 more priceless l0 0 ’95“:me 0’ fountain than C! reputa
’Ortbor 2 . . than thf: g'lE'Snses 11:” Tseilh’eY're'wTehfirft thinas'yogr less tolerant. Requirements increasingly specity low bacteria counts solutions. No customer likes to see rough, red, rawvlooking hands :gaigyloéusffgless clesglriertegzsnAnd fewththri‘ngs ciln b‘uild‘that rfpu
‘US omers see ' ' ' e I as y 00 0 mos ' BY ye 9° 0 e per ”lens'l‘ The be“ way to get ”‘9'“ ’5_ Cleanlme“ A glass making his sandwiches, salads . . . handling the glass from which i ' i i y i i ' a spar ing y cecm g 0557
more than lust cleanl that's clean _ , 4 that sparkles wtth life > , _ means a glass that‘s he is to drink! ware Hence, any hand glass»washirig product that makes glasses
When 0 customer 5695 streaks, grease spots or film on one of your sanitary . . . clean in the strictest sense. And that's iust the way ‘ . ‘ . ~ , Clean“ l00k'”9 'Sr ObV'OUSlYi WO’lh every b” and more ”to” the
glasses ~chances are you'll never see him again. Why take these your glasses will be if Tetrox does the iob of cleaning them. Tetrox Tetrax eliminates once and for °ll ”“5 harmful ”“lul'on '0 your lew 59”” Cl mast, per day 'l C°5l52 TEl'OX pays for ”59” many
chances? Use Tetrox —and smudged, filmrcovered glasses become cleans not onlY clean, but hospital’CleOnl employees ' ' ‘ ”“5 dangerous annoyance to your customers. times over m SGl'Sfied customers who come back!
things of the past in your restaurant. And they're eliminated with Using Tetrox provides a form of health insurance for your CUS. Th°°9h hard 0" 'd'" and grease, TClFOX '5 harmless l0 hands. in But think how much more Tetrox does for you! It not only prevents
less time, trouble and worry on your part than ever before! tomers. For lime mm, traces of lipstick, small spots of grease con, tact, Tetrox contains less alkali ”‘0” "‘0“ hand 'O'IEl SOGDS- unsightly lime film on glasses, it keeps them fresh, sweet, sparkling
Tetrox is new -—and different! It takes the hardness out of water and do, harbor bacteria. Then the natural warmth and moisture of Employees like to use Tetrox because it gives them the quick, easy ' ’ and do“ thesame for your Sink ' . ~ saves Sink cleaning ~ - ~
instantly lt doesn't iust combine with lime, grease and dirt . . . it the average restaurant promotes bacterial growth. Your best cure results of alkali and phosphate compounds—without the danger “Hes you money '" time and trouble
shatters them . . . places them in suspension, makes them easy to for this is prevention . . . spotlessly Tetroxed glasses! It's your of skin irritation usually associated with these more or less corro- TE’tiOX. '00, SUVBS compound COSlS» A little 9085 twice as for, does
rinse right off. Result—glasses that really sparkle , . . glasses that safest, and yet cheapest way to attain super cleanliness, the best sive compounds. Soothing to hands, Tetrox naturally will not harm twice the work Of ordinary COmDOUHdSv TWC? 0" three pounds per
are clear as well as clean! safeguard against disease! metal equipment or utensils. It's non-corrosive. day at Tetiox are all you need for even a large restaurant.
.. ., . . _ _ It's labor, e ui ment, breakr
Tetroxed glasses air-dry . There is no substitute for , Unlike ordinary alkali 'and q p
/ 2/ . . . / age, laundry, hot water, and
EAKS filmless . . . save towel-dry8 NS cleanliness —— disinfectants REE phosphate compounds,Tetrox not d' h h‘ d
i i . _ . . . l WC! In
NO STR ing time . . . reqwre no CLEA are of no avail without it. F G makes suds. But unlike soap that S 3. ho crampount '
‘ . rUn U l5 was In C05 5.
(a g RUB rubbing away of streaks, ’a g ERM- Where perfect cleanliness [A g INSlN suds, Tetrox suds are free In $2 These thi: amo tg to at
. __ . . ‘ ' . - 5 un
' To I smudges or spots to make » ‘ G ' :betvurilgedegls'l'neffigini: :29, t \ . R 5| from greastness, They rinse ‘ least twent‘: time h t
\ . l t: ' . g , . . 2‘94 . s w a you
ér OFF- YOUT glasses. Uniform y .‘ FREE germicidal. But Tetrox rer ..,‘ SUD qumkly’ easfly, freely. "‘3" pay for any compound.
bright, sparklingly clean. ,,, i moves all traces of film and my Tetrox SUds’ too, give you a s Th h k'
Te”°"r l°°i keel" ““”" Vi. other kinds of dirt that may ready, visual check Upon the ‘3' e" W Y 5 ”"" °” “W“
~ ' Sinks free from grease and fl ‘ harbor bacteria. lt provides ~ ‘ proper concentration of so- N pound? YOU ll get better Fer
‘ m film . . .saves "washing out" g the safest form of health in- lution in your hand glass2 it ‘ _r sults, save money when you
a I time and trouble, % i surance, super-cleanliness. x washing water. y use the best —Tetrox.
1' I" ’ i g i

 Dissolve one ounce of Tetrox (two heaping Iablespoonstulll in the
butter tub water, which should be as warm as hands can stand. ,. A llTTlE 0F
_ _ _ _ . ., Wash glasses, and rinse thoroughly in hot water it glasses are to . V r"
:ifg'lghgll (5; be toweled. If glasses are to be air-dried, rinse in cold water. __ :J "’ . , ,V THIS NEW,
IF f '5 E “if”? :2: Th d' I' I i I f h d (I in) - ' ' 4‘4 ‘ ,
\ @ HQW_/ ese irec Ions app y o wa er 0 average ar ness en gra s _ , , c . w ,
\ \ \‘I\__._,._.,.._ Use more or less Tetrox depending upon hardness of water. For _ & fi‘fiy DIFFERENT
J\\§IIIIIII'IIITI"IIIIIIIT r a rulerotrthumb method of iudging water hardness . . . of making "[33, '-.. ., . I DISHWASHING
% I “ ,_‘\\:=f-II:I:I.I=I:I-=:- ’ sure that proper concentration of Tetrox is in water, observe the 'I " i Iifu'
NFL (1) I ) / \ll“._m—-u—I~__I stability and Irothiness of the light suds which appear on surface II '3 w “ POWDER .
I i) i ‘ '1 , "I ‘ ' of solution. If the are scummy, add more Telrox‘ ‘ a“ II I: , ' I
. . ‘l; IlHlIlIIIilI‘IIIIIIIIII'IIIIL'lI’ Y ,,,, r
' l ill j IIIIIIIIIJ-Illll-III-lflI-l
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WM\ .W
IE él/ ”,_,—,_,” A EWW‘:
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== 3% , I‘ .. -..- :: ———~-———_
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‘ww o .1 i
:53 .- w i";
3; Pp ‘ iIII
. 3*. ' v -\ o
,, _. V
\ j .. I, \«f. STAND
.. :TI..S 0 Registered Trade Mark
‘ " -. / Packed in 300 lb. Barrels, 1001b. Drums, so lb. Kegs
Manufactured Exclusively
I\\\ o by
I Executive Olhces Manulacturing Plant a
The SYSTEM That Washes Glasses CLEANER . . . EASTER. w ouardsan swam 1100 we“ 37m st. NSHWASHING ,5 - g
Saint Paul, Minn. Chicago, Illin0is If NS 1'
The quicker your glasses are washed, the more prompt your serve Advantages offhe Tetrox System of Hand Glass-Washing “'..: Representatives and Warehouse Stocks in the Following Cities: WATER h ”3‘?”
ice . . , the more time your employees have for more careful I. It reduces the amount of cleanser necessary by up to 80%. BALTIMORE, MD, GREENSBORO, N. c_ OMAHA, NEBR. I)? ., 1‘ ,
preparationond SEI'VICIe of refreshhmegts andbto:d. And Idhe cleaner, Reason: Smaller volume of water needed to fill the butter tub over BOSTON, MASS, HARRISBURG, PA. PHILADELPHIA, PA. \ 3", ”e;- ,’
more sparkling Your 0 OSSWOVE. I e etIer OI YOU on your cus» amount needed to fill sink. 2 It saves valuable cleanser solution In BUFFALO N. Y INDIANAPOLIS IND PITTSBURGH, PA. \“o; .. f is- »*
tomers like itI water. No dumping of a lo to 30 gallon sink if water becomes too ' I ' I ROCHESTER N y cl’I
To get the cleanest DOSSIblE glassware in the least possible time IS cold. Merely Iurn hot water spigot into butter tub and add a little CHICAGO' ILI” JACKSONVILLE FLA' l I I AND _ I I
, - - CI Cl ATI OHIO 57' Lou's, M0-
the purpose at the Tetrox System of Hand Glaserashing. Its a Tetrox to solution. 3. It helps keep solution water clean because N NN ’ KANSAS CITY' MO‘ SALT LAKE CITY UTAH
DVOC'ICUI SYSIem 0f hand QIOSS Washing, not lust a dIShWOShing slop need not be disposed of in dishwater. Margins around butter CLEVELAND, OHIO LOS ANGELES, CAL. SAN FRANCISCO CAL
product, It has been proved highly efficient and practically fool- tub leave balance at sink tree for slop dumping. 4, Wooden butter DALLAS, TEX. LOUISVILLE, KY. SIOUX CITY IOVI/A I
proof in thousands of restaurants throughout the country. tub reduces glass breakage. 5. It insulates hot water in butter tub DENVER, COL. MILWAUKEE, WIS. SYRACUSE, [Ia Y. I l
The Tetrox System at Hand Glass-Washing takes into consideration from com WOW" “"59 '" other halt 0‘ Slnk» Helps keep hot wotEF DES MOINES, IOWA MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. WASHINGTON, D. C. ‘
the wide variety. of conditions prevailing behind restaurant bars hot, cold water cold. 6'. It Involves used a cold water rinse which, DETROIT, MICH. NEW YORK, N. Y. WICHITA, KAN, - ...
and soda fountain counters, as well as the even wider variety of bY COMIGM OVEFflOW, IMUFES free drainage and Clem, clean rinse
equipment. water at all times, By using cold water, rather than hot, glasses Copyright 1939' Economics Laboratory, Inc. I
Equipment inyohed in this System is simple and consists of: drain clear, require no towelling, whereas it hot water is used, hot n.
I. An ordinary butter tub. 2. Either a motor driven or a hand water evaporates before unrinsed solids drain ofl glasses. * ’,
operated DIOSS brush, 3. A wire glass basket. For an efficient glass basket which allows tree drainage, air circue \ II I .
Arrangement of butter tub, brush and glass basket is as shown lation, and which reduces handling and breakage, we recommend “ . .
by the above illustration. the ProtectrArTrayI‘. *\ I ‘
. ,
(fiaarantn V“ , '5 , ,
TAKE THESE 4 STEPS TO PERFECT HAND GLASS-WASHING . . . CUSTOMER-SATISFACTION we win assume the entire risk of your up- s l 4;”.
at proval for a 30—day test with one of our ~
~ A I’ r< standard packages of Tetrox. . x
.’ ._ ‘ I I \" . . . I
J '.. _ I’fl It, in your opinion, Tetrox does not give you / I ‘
i g If; '1 a. I '. ‘8‘. I” at: , better results, you may notify us Within 30 , r
’ » ‘.ng - ' ‘ "£55m is"; H . days and we will give you disposition of - , 3 ,
”I“ “w ‘ ‘3. y‘hfimi‘WPP‘fi j“ . A " - - - - I I
. r} 2 m ‘ ‘s .' fl}; ‘4‘”‘5‘Wsh- - v any remaining material. There Will be no - \‘
,. .;. ‘t ,. . - “-.' . a ‘ " I K ‘ . S
i “I .. if a ”-5311,“,“2 £94! WI" “ charge made for the amount used. You are \«x _ I \‘y
y, . . . we" .3' a . . . 4. 4*“ _.
a « N‘ ”c / ‘Snj‘mfimf.'mll.i '.‘ 4:! n ., ' t the iudge and the iury, all in one, and there . ‘ex_ 08‘ \ i
, 5, 3, ‘ , __ .4 ... . . . >
4 s ‘K; 3‘) ,, Mi? all,3fi.h‘fri‘ 7’7— ' is no appeal from your verdict. ,_ .- % g. ‘
1:4 I. i ‘1' _ to. - Alma [in ’3 a i ‘.‘
III.” I I “I; 'I' ‘ I" I ' 3'33"“; .'.I I “ ‘ You must be satisfied! , 3A., J.» a
. f r”, .
ADD TETROX . . . WASH . . . DRY . . . SERVE . . . ,
‘ my ._ 1!

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Washing dishes costs YOU money. _YOU must And where s the thrift When that cheap C°m~ WHAT IS SUPER SOILAX? First, Super Soilax is a water softener.” iokes monewsaving speed and ease . . . superior- switch to Super Soilax. It has eliminated the
Pay Son’b lekor, eiUIFmentl. CleanllT‘g C0”; :o:ndturnstputf‘illmy—lookinrg gtlcissei,:rec:ked Here's one dishwashing compound that may the hardness out of water— makes it “rain llY of results . . . impossible to get with labor and expense of the special operations
oun , rea a e, o wa er, owe in an is es, s o srverware a mus e ow- . H ‘ . .
p g . g p y cost a few cents more per pound than ordin- barrel 50“, instantly. cheaper products. necessary to get really clean dishes With less
laundry. Not to mention general overhead! elled by hand before they measure up to d b 7 7 7
. _ . 2 _ ary compoun s— ut returns that extra cost . . Su er S 'I . H h h' . ef’fiCient compounds. It has eliminated tow—
ln fact the mere process of washing dishes Y°UV standards 0i cleanliness. HON?! towellmg t ,- ~ - | 7 Second, Super Sorlax IS a cleanser. It takes p 0' 0X 9”“ YOU 0 l eset Ings in one . . .
I _ _ 0 you many imes over in its owei cost per . 2 l d' h h' d N elling, hand-scouring and rewashing. ll hCS
costs you at least fwenfy times what you pay alone Is for more costly than the best dish- month A d th t' h . I the hardness out of cleaning, too! 5mg e ‘5 W05 Ing compoun 1 0 wonder . . .
. . n a s w at interests you most. t» 7 d l h eliminated scale,grease and odors from d|$h<
for any dishwashing comp0und, alone! washing compound money can buy. cos per poun means even ess w en you . _
. It's called Super Soilax. It's a Unique dish- Third, Super Soilax is an emulsifier. It not buy Super Soilax than when you buy other washing machines ' ' ' prevented clogged
.Surveys show that where the total dishwash- Also, you've paid hundreds, perhaps thou— washing powder developed in the labora2 only combines chemically with grease . . . compounds! drains, reduced the necessity for expensive,
ing department costs average $1000 monthly, sands of dollars for your dishwashing tories of a corporation with l5 years it emulsifies (a physical action). It shatters periodic ”cleanouts”.

‘ cleaning compound COS“ are $50 or less, machine. Where's the economy when you experience in the exclusive manufacture of grease and dirt into millions of tiny globules HOW SUPER SOILAX SAVES 5 2 d S S ‘l h d' h
where 5509 monthly, $25 or less. That means use a cheap compound which prevents your specialized cleaning compounds. You'll find . . . placing them in a state of suspension Super Soilax's extra cleaning power quicker 0 l: ge uper Z! ax—orbany 0! er '5 ‘
your cleaning compound C05“ are less than machine from giving its best...your money's Super Soilax in thousands of the country's which means quicker—rinsing, cleaner surfaces. action and greater efiiciency step up your was Ing compoun —not .y ”.5 price per
0 ' o . ‘

5/o ofyourtotaldishwashing departmentcosts. worth of the results you've paid for? leading hotels, clubs, restaurants and msmu_ dishwashing operations, cut down your gen- pound, but by the results its gives you In
Where's the saving when you pay a few tions. in their kitchens, dishwashing depart Fourth, SUper SOilGX is O concentrate. One eral dishwashing costs keeping down overall expenses, and by the
cents less for a cheap compound? Simple No doubt about it w“saving” money in dish— ments—the harshest proving grounds in the pound of Super Soilax does the work of EHOFHGSS WOY ll produces clean, clear, fllm-
arithmetic shows the fallacy of ”saving" washing compound can eat away your dining world —Super Soilax has proved its greater two or three pounds of ordinary dishwash— Time and again, in actual test cases, real, free dishes, glasses, silverware that you can
money where C05“ are least! room KNOWS! efficiency and economy. ing compounds . . . and does it with a worth-while savings have been effected by a be proud to set before your guests!

 llo he best d' hw
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e' ompound s '
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- ' ‘ i 24' 5“ '1 2;.-1 ’ 2- 7. ."1 "‘-\”.~1 3 W 12,: :~' 2
DISHES 11 2;" / 5e ‘ ‘.‘ 1‘: 1 ‘ If" 4 “ A 1 1 ‘~ 2‘ y ,._ *2“ _ 2’ 2;; E. O 2 ' ‘ we; ‘ «>._
t 2. 2 21..» \ 1 z 2‘. t .1 132‘ 2 ...’ 1/
per Soilax is b .1 W. . 1" 4f; 5%! ‘4 91‘ . ~' " . :‘. .:’ .~ «2231; , *3: 1m] ‘.’
5CIenfificch Y n0 me if ‘ ' r'; 7" \ '5‘ w A “I“ ‘ ' ‘1: flue—1"?“ ” 2” 2 ‘15; . 11-1 = g ' I
w . 'Y develo °”‘ 0 “Jack ‘ “‘ '82 ‘3" ~ ’ ' ¢ " ‘3’ ‘ 21 , " _ 1 \ I
osh'"g, alone Wped Chemicol c ‘of'C‘ll-Trades M ’1 '1, 2 G ' 1"“ 4am .’:.“ ; $111: " t' \ '.'1 2" ‘29 N g " ..1.“; ::4. .1 f": ,../l
- o . - 2. . ,r .‘.. ‘ . 1 ~- _ , :,.~ 1 ‘1’. 2 ‘ ,1 ’,‘ ,1 2
M°de for o e do "°' reco mpound mOde OSter °f Non [ASSES ' 2- ’5'" 7 \ " 75 M a " d ‘ M
“ ‘ 2- ' I' -12 ‘ ‘ ~ ' " ““2 ' -
_-.A TOb is: "e specialized mmend it f0 solt‘l‘ly fer m e ! It's a . . I -' r“ 7. -' ...‘! ; 2:53;;13 Agggf,’ 1 ’3 M
° Give ”Se 5 T CW oth echanic . llme fl 1 1 . 1 ' .2 - 1:;. g 1 1 g
b .. You cl ' Uper S . er 01 d'Sh lm . 2 1 ; 1 ,,4 w. .2 1 .. r z .
y clean" Bane, dish Ono" do - pUrDOSe. — Cle ' I ' coffee - ‘3 a? '3 ‘ 5:571“ * . 1125:: .2. "7
Su we mean 1 e‘2‘1uicker 6‘ "‘ i°b su ”Se“ SUpe 5 "°'"5 9 ‘ v 1:1 a, .11 1"
per ‘ cBar ' perlcrr' 1 . r o‘ . ' ‘ ' rec »« 1, '_ ' e 1 . 2
Sorlax solves o [mm-free 05 w I! Wlth less Work lvely Well That preclp'ta'eS hOId ”ax d”Solves Ii 59 snr'Udges A “‘6 < W ““' "
' ”‘60 e o - °nd ' ’ s the . me So ‘ Ware “ . 1
"d for all Yo s sanIYGry! expense; And The True m In Salufio “52 preyem r softener a 1:221qu ’2’“ ; ‘1 2 ~ 1
, Ur most diffic I a ;r test of supe S ” fOr quick d 5 them from f 5 Well as w 2 ':2-“2% " I 1
Ut dishw ace Of f‘ r Otto an e °rmin hat " I 1 1
‘35th '1'“ sh x mm. GSY fre - 9 Stick sUpe . ' m ‘2' ’1. .2. r ' 1;}
g pfobl wcfe . °Ws u pVEVem- e‘l’lnsi Y M r 50.10 ,2 I 1.
ems_ 'v ”nsed . p on The' 'On lies . ng. Ore S X does f ; 1212» 17‘ ,1.
Spark“ In Clear If transpore In YOur gl I Uper Soilox Or dlshes | 1 f} 1
ng with life y Wm" dried b m surf”Cezs w asswme; Her marke” Quick1 can defarni 1, 2gassware it 1
' 0” Was X a“ ' Oshed ’ e, eVen sta‘ Y2 (Jim 5 them I 0 5° doe
fe no time and m", QIGSSes Come In Super-SOIIOXed efl‘lnsr food marks f 051 oUtomatica” as We" as any sp 5 far your Silve
on . o Ic‘ ro Y, eci rWa
eY Wlth foWeI' Ut CrYSTOI—cl tency; Super ‘ In all SiIVerw SuPer SOHO 0' detomish r8,
; . ling, hand ear; 0 SOIIOX Sa ; 0re_ Just x remOVes er On the
5 v ’ 2 ‘pOIishi "9 tair - vl”gs in another ' tc"nish
2 " 1 n9! Trlol of mater] msTOnc I sulfid
; 1 You That h SUper 5011 01 and lObo e of Super . e
:'ngj. ere; of lost . tax in You ‘ f. S°||Ox
I 2" ’ '5 fhe ' r d'shw 2
1"”. “ .1; dlshWash‘ Oshlng d
0‘ a t: 2 . 2} mg c°rnp e°°”ment -
11 »..“ . Ound YO ; wm Co .
‘ "2 " ‘1- ”ye 10ng h "vae
. :1:/1. 5 i . ' Unte
"Research" means \\tt\e un\ess the product at that research . d!
does the \ob tor wh‘rch '\t‘s meant. And does 'tt conststent\y ' . " ’1 J; J .
better and at \ower cost, year otter year‘. $19 / Q; 1 I
And research ’m a \aboratory, atone, '\s not enough. What 3 .. ‘ 1; ; I ‘“e “eW\‘ d‘SOOVe‘ed /.._,.1.,/,,... /
. . 2 1» 111K; 12 ,1,/1 1 / ;
may work pertect\y '\n a \aboratory, may ta\\ under fire \n n f: ( .~1«~; 1 2 ; - /
your d'rshwash'rng department. ‘22 2 ; ; \“G“E“\E“I‘
'That '\s why Super Sor\ax research \5 carrred on constant\y 555% x 1’1 13:, 0 / 11‘ .. 1.
'm the t‘re\d as we\\ as '\n \aborator'res wh‘rch have made - ‘.; ; 1’
an outstand'tng name tor themse\ves \.n the c\ean\ng com— 72,121; $1,511,153”. .1 '_ 21 . . . gummy cmmsms _ SWERSMNT'ORMS
pound bustness. ’ "“1 ‘1 / T . \n Super So'\\ax, you‘\\ find the only dtshwashrng compound contam- NR“ STE“ 1 “ENTIRE.
_ . " ..‘ 2' .. t, 2 2 ‘1 2 'mg a new\y deve\oped chem'tca\/\atest deve\opment tn the Super “‘50“th PREUHTMES . ““‘st soumotts
When you buy Super Sor\ax, you are assured that the dorms W2 2 1,: . 1 1 1 11 1 , F\ 11 . q ; 1.
. , 1_ 1.1 Sor\ox compargn agamst Dtshwashmg \m ‘1”2“ .1
we make tor \t are backed not on\y by our \aboratorres but 1 .1 '/11 .,. F t h h k \Nh ‘ ‘;;;Z&;W1; z; 1
2 ” 1 ‘.; " 5 ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' h re mement o p osp ate roc . a '
a\so by research deve\opment and \mprovement at Super _ ‘ ““5 new \ngredrent \5 0 “‘9 .1 1
—-—— So'\\ax r'rght whe're 'rt‘s used/tn d'tshwash'tng departments/ 9 ,,,“ "”‘“ L 7 A” .2. a prem'rum gasohne '\s to ord'tnary gasohne, th'ts new phosphate '\5 to . * ' “(4%“;
A ‘ '1 _ \arge sma\\ and med'tum—s'tled‘. '1 ‘ ord'tnary phosphates. And \ust as h'rgh—compress'ton gases g'we more
power, qutcker p'tck—up, \ower operat'tng costs to your car, Super
/ So'\\ax adds the power at qu'tcker, better \'\me prevent'ton at \ower
’ ; - month\y costs to your d'tshwash'rng operat'ron. O Beaker at \ett shouls sticky, 'tnsotubte precipi-
_. Mg 1 am Thanks to th'rs new deve\opment, Super So\\ax does a qu‘rcker, better tates formed by ordinary cteansers.
0,.m _ ~ “"56 3 t- , 1 ‘ ; ‘2. .22. . . .
I r; “21;; 1ft 11- ; 1 ; N \et) at d'tsso\vmg hOfd Water sa\'ts . . . gtvmg dearer, more tree- ; ‘ T . . \
e “ e‘ “\\a1 391' ',‘? 1’ T5125 twat—'....‘T. :71?» r'tns'tng so\ut'\ons . . . mak'tng your d'rshes, g\asses, s\\verware br'tghter . 590k" °‘ "9‘“ 9‘0“" ‘- 3‘": tee-nnsmg $0 —
t 2‘11‘1 2 ' ‘ “ts-*5; 3:57: \ ut'on formed b 50 or 50“OX
. .1211 221-2:2 .5 ' 21 ‘ :.;”- as we\\ as c\eaner than ever betore. | Y P -
1' 2' "62 ' 73.. _7' ,1; ._ .;_ ”:.;.” ,; - '1 '1
5*» ' «11?,1127"’<‘T " if"; “”1 11.139251; . 1 ‘1.
O *1: “i2 ‘1. '7 ‘I Mg" ““' 1 ..j '1
Super So'\\ax sav'rngs do not stop w'rth Super So'\\ax, \tseh. An 1 ‘ " ;1 1 ; 32;: £1 : ;n; ...
‘rmportant part at the Super So‘\\ax Mechan’tca\ D'tshwash'rng 1.111.; 1 111 1 2321 '; 1:; 1.1; ;; _; {1.. _; .3;} 1 . /»
System 'rs the