xt7qnk361p0s_736 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Safety (Meetings) text Safety (Meetings) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_127/Folder_2/88m6_127_2__4323.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_736 xt7qnk361p0s \l <3
July 18, 1955
To: J. Peraino
E. M. Pace
R. I. McKinney//
W. F. Hughes
Leon Porter
Ralph Banks
H. B. Smith
G. F. Lautherman
R. D. Greer
B. Grimm
E. H. Roberts
0'. we LOCkin
H. 0. Zimmerman
From: Arthur Bradbury ‘*
The July safety meetings §i 1 be h on Wednesday, July
20, at 11:06 A. M. and 6:3 M the Wheelwright
Theatre. .
The principal f ure of pr am will be the presentation
of Joseph A. H as Safety ‘ soc on Medals and Certificates
of Honor. Thi preeentatio ill oe made by Mr. H. J. Sloman,
Assistant to D actor, Bure of Mines, who will come here
from Washingto or this p one.
It esir la t a the best attendance possible
fo his occae n in or to make Mr. Sloman'e trip worth-
v i e and anyt i 3 that yen can do to help the attendance
v be grentl ppreciated.
Assistant to
Manager Coal Properties
(I; 5
‘\ no?)
ABradbury-csa N§\$Ti:::?>\\
<9 I.» 5;)
v ,~ fl?
5 wuss? 2‘3;
95 'Rgciii‘lfiax ;{A‘
6;; [W:fl’busel (0. 52’,”
5* B.&:Gv (uy’
:Q/p ‘ V658/

31 January leY
To: H. 0. Zimmerman A. Roy
A. Bradbury D. Davis
E. M. Pace B. C. Ferguson
w. F. Hughes W. A. Pack
L. Porter K. B. Deal
A. B. Smitj G. F. Leatherman
H. Holbrook "R. I. McKinney
P. Adams if m' waia
Arrangements ave UK 1 made to gold snfiety meetings for
all worxmen r ' offi.ials es snown on tac schedule below.
Tnese meetingb u , of -1 minute duration; éfimencing
ten minutes before .t. 3 time uni continuing ten min-
utes after starting *
Febzwzard 5 - gntcxirpgha. - ' :‘J j“. M.
o — Buckinduam - 3:; M. - 3:50 P. M.
Y - Price Mine H ‘ 3. M. - 3:50 P. M.
- l 2;! P M.
o - Bates Hrancn - 1:3” A. - 3;L5 P. M.
l0 - Price Mine #2 - 11:50 P M.
ll - Price Mine $9 - 7:30 A. -35 P. M.
12 - Wheelwright Portal - ‘ O '. '. - 3:50 P. M.
- lpo P. M.
l3 - Jacks Creek — 7:05 A. M. - 3:10 P. M.
1h - Otter Creek* - yzuo A. M. - 3zu0 P. M.
1h - Coal Preparation Plant - 11:50 V. M.
15 - Carpenter Shop - (:20 A. M.
Coal Preparation Plant - 8:20 A. M. - Lzoo P. M.
Wheelvright Machine Shop - 11:20 A. M. -
5:20 P. M.
*Meet in assembly room due to not having the proper power
at the portals.
w .. /‘
Safety Engineer

 hpril 27, 1359
To: 2'. (J. Willis
H. Thomas
R. I. McKinney “
From: A. Bradbury
At a meeting of the Hanagement Safett tee, whic s tel;
on naturday, April 25, it was deci” that - Jieue of r sr
belting he provided for the orer s or he, held, elect cal
tools to stand on while uaing -i where tb 'rame grounding mi
these tools is not pranticable ‘ Basalt
If there are any object -‘: fol . :3 this proposal, please
advme. 0
Assistant to
Manager Coal Properties
AB d
CC: :4'
alffa. -”

 From thé (1‘25’4 0“
Supt, B & (3‘ Dept.
Wheelwrighf, Ky.

 ~ ' a
h June 1959
To: w. F. Hughes
Leon Porter
Bobby Grimm
R. I. McKinney ’/
From: Olney Collins
The Ground Committee will consist of V. Greer, Chairmen;
korley Mace, James Conley, J. P. Gibs¢ , Rusaell Tacaett,
Warren Stanley and Jack Justice. The n duties will be to
mark and rope of? field, lay out grou q sheets and to help
take up same at the end of acute

’ The Transportation Committee cons t of Paul Curry,
/ Curt Blair, Elmer Ferguson, 1 y ¢add es, Tommy fiemurray
and Harold Wakeland. The ' ill be to see that all

f first-aid equipment, chei a ables are truneported to
and from the bell perk.’ /

The Clean-up Commit e: vi 0 st of harrison oparke,
Chairman; Charles R llins zn. Clyde Mosley. Their duties
will be to clean tn atand , dugout: and places where the
teams will be n,. ‘o is to be done before ground
crew lays on d.
The guard, R Soul rette, will guard material at ball
park until c rte. Then he will act as guard of
Judges while t e marking up score cards.
Parking of automobiles will be in charge of Carl Johnson
and John Chullun.
The Ground and Clean-up Committee: will report to unfety
Office at ?:30 A. M. June 13, 1959.
Trenlportation Committee and Guard will report to the
safety Office at 10:00 A. M. June 13, 1959.
if for any reason these men cannot be available, please
notify me before the 10th of June.
(J15- ", ‘VKLA CKQ/‘L L/V‘r’)
Mine InéQector


 L t p , 9 i ii
lémamme; Smelt. @emaemm /
{\Zfl‘m ' "é 25 fif‘gzfimai Her?» é'i " l


The Sixth Annual Inland Safety Day and First-Aid Contest will be
held on Saturday, June 13, 1959, at tne Wheelwright Ball Park at
1:30 P.M. In case of rain. arrangements nave been made to nold
toe contest in the Wneelwrignt nign Senool Gymnasium.
Eleven teams of men representing Lne coal mines and tne preparation
plant will participate in the contest, These teams nave been busy
practicing in preparation for tre eontest during tne past several
weeks, and a good keen fignt for Lwfi championsnip is expectedv
Tue winning team will earn tne r1g1t to mold tne Cnampionsnip
Trophy for the ensu1ng year” Tue Helpers of tne tnree leading
teams will be awarded individual prizes and will represent the
Company in the Distriet Contest, wnicn will be held at Pikeville
in September.
Ceremonies also will include presentation of award watcnes for
25 years of continuous service Mleh Inland Steel Company to nine-
teen employees.
All employees and their families are cordially invited to attend
and to encourage the teams in tneir excellent efforts on behalf
of safety.
Free drinks will be served, and an attendance prize, consisting
of a portable T.V. SEE,M1ll DC given away. A drawing :ill be
held for this prize during tLe Contest, and every employee and
his wife will be eligible for a erence; but the winner must be
present wnen the drawing takes place“

Yours very truly,

7 ,
Kiwi/u; /J/ Mb“ 'f/

Arthur Bradbury

ASSistant to

Manager Coal Properties

 .. ’ . E‘ (V
Emmy I‘ Sr: o._“, (3'. .,,»
and “mast, JWAENY
June 6, 1959
A portable T.V. set will be given away as an attendance
prize at the Annual Safety Day and Firsthid Contest whicu
will be held on Saturday, June 13.
Two tickets with each employee‘s check number will be entered
for the drawing, one of which will be marked with a w for the
employee‘s wife. The person whose ticket is drawn must be
present in order to win. This means that if a tioket marked
with a W is drawn, the man’s wife musr be present“ Tne drawing
will be continued until the nuwber of a person who is present
has been pulled.
Please pass this information on to all members of your crew
as soon as possible.
Arthur Bradbury
Assisrant to
Manager Coal Properties

 73 7’“
(3 . )C 272L162 ,; j"; .'
'1‘...) wk Ta 4" ,1 lib: ;.
."...vr certain reasons, ;t VAL; “’53 «messakxfi, ‘a’: "cry-V1:
tin;— staff :xxoefimg tum 16)....Li m2: fl: ';:..~.r\,.¢v. ,
..:t-aurzr 3L, -..;2..:er re.guLar sage-1;; .
.4 new fine VLLL be :‘mcideeitmn«{tcr 4:2. ',.' ~
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WV /' j
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f?”- + -
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© J
=1 ’.i mane mum -.;.1'

 3) y
i. O. Zimmerman B. Grimm I. K. Daniel
A. Bradbury P. Adams W. A. Pack
E. M. Pace D. Davis K. B. Deal
W. F. Hughes H. Holbrook B. C. Ferguson
L. Porter A. Roy G. F. Leatherman
H. B. Smith R. I. McKinney"’ G. W. Lockin
Arrangements have been made to hold safety meetings for all workmen and
n‘ficials as shown on the schedule below. Most of the program will conu
sist of a movie commencing 15 minutes before starting time; and for the
first and second shift meetings, the manwstation building windows will
need to be covered.
Jan.: 1960
31 Price Mine No. 1 ~ 11:45 P.M.
Feb.l 1960
1 Price Mine No. l - 12:15 A.M., 7'30 A.M.g 3_45 P.M.
2 Price Mine N0. 2 - 7'15 A.M.‘ 3:30 P.M., 11:45 P.M.
3 Buckingham - 7'35 A.M., 3:45 P.M.
4 Buckingham — 12:15 A.M.
4 Bates Branch - 7:30 A.M. - Sec. 10 & 143 ~ 3:00 P.M.
Sec. 11, 13' 15 & 58B " 3"45 P.M.
5 Bates Branch - 12:15 A.M.
5 Arnold Fork - 7:35 A.M. - 3:45 P.M.
8 Otter Creek 1&2 - 7:25 A.M. - 3:25 P.M.
(Meet in Safety Department Assembly Room)
9 Wheelwright Portal - 7f15 A.M. ~ 7°45 A.M. - 3'45 P.M. ~ llrk5 P.M.
10 . bN~BBildings and Grounds Maintenance Shop — 7:15 A.M.
Coal Preparation Plant ~ 8:15 A.M. u 4'00 P.M. M 13°45 P.M.
Wheelwright Machine Shop - 11:20 A.M. — 5 20 P.M.
Safety Engineer

 s ‘ >
H. 0. Zimmerman D. Davis K“ B. Deal
A. Bradbury Hw Holbrook B. C. Ferguson
E. M. Pace P. Adams G. F. Leatherman
W. F. Hughes W. A. Pack G. wo Lockin
L. Porter A; Roy i/Jn Peraino
H. B. Smith J K“ Daniel Re I. McKinney
Arrangements have been made to hold safety meetings for all workmen and
offiCials as shown on the schedule below. These meetings will be of 30
minutes duration; commenCing 15 minutes before starting time and continuing
15 minutes after starting time. The program Will consistprimarily of a
new U. S. Bureau of Mines film entitled "First Things First" and so the
man-station building windows will need to be coveredu
2. — Price Mine #1 ~ 7-.30 A.M. ‘ 8:00 AM. - 3:45 P.M.
3 - Price Mine #2 - 7:15 AoM. - 7:45 AiM. - 3H30 P.M.
4 - Buckingham - 7'35 A.Mn - 8 15 A.M~ - 3:45 POMQ
5 - Bates Branch — 7:05 AGM° - Sec. 10 & 14 B — 3:00 P.Ma
Sec. ll 13, 15 & 58B - 3'45 Pun
Third Shift ~ 7.45 A.Mo
*6 ~ Otter Creek 1&2 - 7:20 A.M. - 3:30 P,MJ
9 - Wheelwright Portal - 7;15 A.M. - 7:45 AnM‘ - 3;45 P.Mn
10 ~ Arnold Fork " 7:35 A.Mq - 3_45 P,M.
11 ~ Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Shop - 2‘30 P.M.
Coal Preparation Plant - 7'00 A.Mu - 8'20 A,M. - 4‘00 P,M)
Wheelwright Machine Shop ~ ll.20 A.M. - 5~20 PaM.
*Meetings will be held in the Assembly Room of the Office Building°
Safety Engineer
April 27, 1960

 K) > '/
H. O. Zimmerman D. Davis J. K. Daniel
A. Bradbury H. Holbrook K. B. Deal
E. M. Pace P° Adams B. C° Ferguson
W. F° Hughes W. A. Pack Ga W. Lockin
L. Porter A. Roy J. Peraino
H. B. Smith B. Grimm G° F. Leatherman
Ro I. McKinney V/‘
Arrangements have been made to hold safety meetings for all workmen and
officials as shown on the schedule below° These meetings will be of 20
minutes' duration, commencing 10 minutes before starting time and con—
tinuing 10 minutes after starting time.
3 ~ Price Hint #1 ~ 7:35 A.M. , 3&50 P.M. - 11:50 P.M.
4 - Price Min1 #1 - 12:20 AUMD
4 ~ Price firms #2 w 7:20 A.M, ~ 3:35 P.M. - 11:50 PuM. -
5 ° Bates Branch — 7:35 A.M.
Section 10 & l4-B - 3:15 P.H.
Section 11, 13; 15 & 58-B - 3:50 P.M.
Third Shift - 11:50 P.M.
6 - Buckingham - 7:40 A.Mo ~ 3:50 P.M. - 11:55 P.Mo
7 - Otter Creek 1&2 - 7:45 A.M. - 3:45 PDM. — 11:45 P.M°
(Meet at Golf Shelter on #4 Green)
10 - Wheelwright Portal - 7:20 A.M. - 7:50 A.M. - 3:50 PuM. - 11:50 P.M.
11 — Arnold Fork - 7:40 A.M. - 3:50 P.M.
12 - Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Shop - 7:20 A.M.
Coal Preparation Plant - 8:20 AnM. - 4:00 P.M. - 11:50 PoMo
Wheelwright Machine Shop - 11:20 A.M. - 5:20 P.M.

 I WW} LQ/Lb: 5 7” 2,
J77; MU

 I I — 1" "I I: >».>//
H. O. Zimmerman G. F. Leatherman J. K. Daniel
Ao Bradbury D. Davis K. Bo Deal
E. M. Pace H. Holbrook 3, C. Ferguson
W. F. Hughes P. Adams G. w. Lockin
L. Porter W. A° Pack in Peraino
H. B. Smith A. Roy B. Grimm
R. Io McKinney
Arrangements have been made to hold safety meetings for all workmen and officals
e; shown on the schedule below. These meetings will be of 20 minutes' durationL
commemorng 10 minutes before startlng time and continuing 10 minutes after start-
ing trme.
5 - Price Mine #1 - 7:35 A.M. ” 3:50 P.M. - 11‘50 POM"
6 - Price Mine #1 - 12:20 A.M.
6 " Price Mine #2 - 7:20 A.M. - 3:35 P.M. - 11-50 Pay.
7 — Bates Branch - 7:35 A.M.
Section 10 & 14-B - 3:15 P.M.
Sections 11, 13, 15 & 58-B - 3:50 P.Mc
Third Shift - 11:50 P.M.
8 - Buckingham - 7:40 A.,Ma - 3:50 P.M. - 11:55 POM.
9 - Otter Creek 1&2 - 7:30 AoM. — 3:30 PaM. - 11:30 POM.
(Meet in Safety Department Office)
12 - Wheelwrlght Portal - 7:20 A.M. - 7:50 ABM. - 3:50 P.M. - 11;50 P.M.
13 ~ Arnold Fork - 7:40 A.Mq - 3.50 P.M.
l4 - Buildings and Grounds Malntenance Shop - 7;20 AOM.
Coal Preparatron Plant ~ 3:30 P,Mo ' 4:00 P.M. - ;1;5C P.Mn
Wheelwright Machine Shop — 11:20 A.M. - 5:20 P.M.
Safety Engineer

 K / T ‘7/
‘// /
H. 0. Zimmerman H: B. Smith D: Davis
A. Bradbury B: M: Grimm H. Holbrook
E. M. Pace R: 1. McKinney/ P. Adams
E. H. Roberts K: E: Moore A. Roy
G. F. Leatherman w. F. Hughes J. K. Daniel
J. Peraino L Porter K, B Deal
G. W. Lockin W: A. Pack B. C: Ferguson
Arrangements have been made to hold safety meetings for all workmen and
officials as shown on the schedule below: These meetings will be of 20
minutes' duration, commencing 10 minutes before starting time and con—
tinuing 10 minutes after starting time. Since a film will be shown,
man-station windows will need to be covered.
6 - Price Mine #1 - 7:35 A.M. - 3:50 P,M: - 11:50 P M.
7 - Price Mine #1 — 12:20 A Mo
7 - Price Mine #2 - 7:20 A,M. - 3:35 P.M: - 11-50 P.M:
8 - Bates Branch - 7:35 A:M:
Section 10 & 14-B - 3:15 P M:
Section 11, 13, 15 & 58-B - 3:50 P.M:
Third Shift - 11:50 P.Mz
9 - Buckingham - 7:40 A:M: - 3:50 P.M. - 11:55 P M.
10 - Otter Creek 1 - 7:30 A M: - 3:30 P,M. - 11:30 P:M.
(Meet in Safety Department Office)
13 - Wheelwright Portal - 7:20 AqM. - 7:50 A.M, - 3:50 P.M - 11:50 PNM:
14 - Arnold Fork - 7:40 A:M: - 3:50 P M
14 - Merchandise Department - 5:00 P:M.
15 - Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Shop - 7:20 A.Mo
Wheelwright Machine Shop - 11:20 A.Mo - 5:20 PnM.
Coal Preparation Plant - 4:00 P,M - 11:50 PuM:
16 — Coal Preparation Plant - 8:20 P.M.
Safety Engineer

 ’ V
H. 0. Zimmerman H. B. Smith D. Davis
A. Bradbury B. M, Grimm H Holbrook
E. M. Pace R I McKinneyV/' P. Adams
E. H. Roberts w. P, Hughes‘ A Roy
G. F» Leatherman L, Porter J. K. Daniel
Jo Peraino W. A. Pack K, B. Deal
G. W. Lockin B. C. Ferguson
Arrangements have been made to hold safety meetings for all workmen and
officials as shown on the schedule below These meetings will be of 20
minutes' duration) commencing 10 minutes before starting time and con-
tinuing 10 minutes after starting time.
3 - Price Mine #1 - 7:35 AyM. - 3:50 P M - 11:50 PWM.
4 - Price Mine #1 - 12:20 A\M
4 - Price Mine #2 - 7:20 A,M - 3:35 P.M - 11:50 P M
4 - Coal Preparation Plant - 8.20 A M
5 - Bates Branch - 7.35 A M
Section 10 & 1A-B - 3:15 P.M
Section 11, 13, 15 & 58-B - 3:50 P.M
Third Shift — 11:50 P.M.
5 - Buckingham - 7:A0 A M. - 3:50 PiM, - 11:55 P,Mo
7 - Otter Creek 1 - 7:30 A My - 3:30 P.MH - FfEiTTTTt
10 - Wheelwright Portal - 7:20 A M - 7:50 A.M. - 3150 P M‘ - 11~50 P.M,
11 — Arnold Fork - 7:40 AtM - 3:50 P.M
12 - Buildings and Grcunds Maintenance Shop - 7:50 A,Mt
Wheelwright Machine Shop - 11:20 A.M. - 5:20 P,M
Coal Preparation Plant - A;00 P.M. - 11:50 P M
Safety Engineer

ll. 0. ZUW‘dli-T'ITl'iztfi H 3‘ ‘.‘-ii’fli P. Adams
A, Eratibimy W ti:.fi;;t:€.~=.‘- A. Roy
F1. M. Pam '... Dior-or ,l' ti. 01:12.21
hi. ti. Mc'vtvr'fis W. A. Pact; K 1‘}. {float
g “array". D. I:::J’fl‘n E C” FLTE’IJS'“";
C. '.J. Their.“ 2". “
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Ln“tl.’“ .ctz.‘ rate Git-g». F-tvif’L‘ngt .tmtg.
MW. '."4'
‘ ':‘:“C< M v #3 - 7 t3 A M. _ '3 P .M. - 11.3“..- FEM.
T - ”r'ti'r M. 1h. t AM.
, - _t V .~, if. 5 3'“ A M. - 5,33 P M. ~ ‘,3 3i,“ PM
'i 12y ~ :41» - 1.1 ANS.
FCilhr‘S if) e5. tat-F. - 3‘1? KM
tt:.r_:;r';.s ‘.1/ 1'3. 15 Ex 58-1; “ 3.54) RM.
.‘":“." 5. Shift. " 11.3)?) P M
-' , ., i t. [I \.4 ‘ 't,'t,’_ D M lt xi; t) .M
II t}. 1,: l“_ , - . <-', /\.M. . t. it“ 3.:ka
t". i ' 'i E-thi‘tu 1“»..pctr1'rwrt
‘ .a 4 " - . ~ . at“. - 7‘30 RM, ' t ‘.‘it? P.M ‘ Win-C" i’aMa
" . 1.; 1 ”it ~ 7 ~ 2.30 FRM.
Safety Erlgi my,»
‘ o

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 I WV ‘ «
j ’ 32/
E. IVI. Pace H. B. anifh I". "\rfiJn.»
A. Bradbury W. F. Hughes ,'\_ Hwy
E. H. Roberts L‘ Pork: J, K. Dunn!
J. Pcraino W“ A“ chk k; 3%, i)(‘]
Cr. My. LOCIUH Pu Rimmmmu ‘1", J 5 2'1:
G. F. Ltfafi'mflnan LL Holbmmk 1")“ U'firsn";
i L \1 {\Z‘Hw‘,
Arrangvnm Ms hmw- t): M] ::Linir Int 11(1 5 ‘ \fl M. :_' ., -»:I * ‘.: H ,&i
:dllFL’ilsé fab :hwwz‘. mm ',‘m Hfl‘vdmc in lwxa i‘m r- r: x w 1:1
ZO IniflUTrS: (,if,1:‘-fl,,im‘x, umnlm urn»; W ::i.:.';{\ > "a " ‘ " M
(uranium; IO J‘ni'uur‘a UNA"? «VXrLM; fliym‘
D(‘(,.. Nib]
4 - PM“) Mirxw #1 - 773"} A! BL - j. H"! w " ,‘xf
‘3 — Prigw 3111119 #1 - il'iO A” RI,
‘> — Pt'wv I\1;1n #3 — 7:30 A, hi, - . '1 - *H i-‘ ‘7.
t) — Bit“: 9 Br; Hath - 7V :1. .4\ N1
51. l;uI;’—' W M 1—1- - ’1' l" P‘ M.
5(\ ‘ZJ?1~€H‘ 12'. h 37 ’I":- ”'“ I) ;\1
['mrd Shin - il‘N) P. M.
I - I", ‘.:,_' w: - 7 E11. .\ \I - 3 ‘ P, .‘k’. . E‘ ‘
> U-‘m (Zn 3 7 w 5x M » ‘ :1 P M,
(I\1«:‘1:‘;\,~ Ila,” Row; '1' .‘id‘vtx 21¢ M‘nnw
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1 , W'W‘ i’K “ ‘, I Q" '. K', m “ W, . 2’,
11"?!" ‘1’» 5.1.
13. - Fxt‘nmd Fm"? - T 4‘) M. ~ ‘t'\() P. H
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1‘. , I’)L:1(1H‘Ifdi€JI!(’1(I:HuH(15 I\r1111'l’(¥1’§t‘uvSL'WD * 7:50 A. M
WM «,1xvr‘;-;.;t;‘ Mm; ‘rtlrw Simp - H‘Kl') '\.f\1 - 7‘ .50 IR M.
(.Uffl PW})‘41‘:L!,iI>r; P1711]! -‘ if?“ PL MA.
501- Y‘,’ EHEH‘I‘ ;’

 ( /’I
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5 ,3 7/
One lost~rimc injury was reported during the month of Dccembcr. This accident was
causcd whcn a 12RB operator knocked down CWU safety posts; and while he was pitching
them out of thc way, Somt nvgxhanging coal fell, causing a fracturcd right ankle.
The lost-time injury {igurus tor December and the year to dflfr are shown below and
compared with ftgufcs for the same periods last year.
1 9 6 0 __ __#Ll____
Year to Year to

Lost-Time Accidents gig. mDats Doc. Date
Wheelwright Mine #1-2 0 3 1/3 0 3 1/3
Wheelwright Minc #3 0 9 l/% l 5 1/3
Buckingham Mine 0 10 l/3 U 4 1/3
Price Mine #1 i 2 O 7
Price Mine #2 O 5 0 5
Coal Preparation Plant 0 0 O O
P&M Dcpartmcnt O l 0 0
BoG Departmcnt l_ l _9 0
Total 3 32 l 25
Twelve of thSC accidents occurred on ngCle underground crcws, and thirteen on
producing scctions. A turthcr bruakdown at thtsv ZS lost-timc injurics is as
Price Nine No, 1 ~ ? Accidcnt or produCLng Sacriwng " 6 G_U_
Price Minc Yo. F - & Accidcfitsnn P P”lucir‘lg Sections — l G.U.
BuCkingham Win: - 3 AccidenUth producing sccticns " 1 1/3 G.U.
theiwright No. 3 u 3 Accidunusun producing sections — *2 1/3 G.U.
thtlwright No. 1-2 U m: Accidcnu;nn producing scctions - l l/3 G.U.

13 Accidwnusan producing scctions - 12 G.U.
*Wozc not men who portal at Bull’c‘S Ranch.
These tiguros show that much ‘rmJiws to be done by [ht general underground crcws.
This is even more apparent when wt chlizc that they rcprwsunt about one-tourth of
the underground mcn, and yct thoy had almost onv-halt ot the lostntimc injuries.
Comparativuly speaking, thc pfoducing crews did a good job. However, wc must rea-
lize that cvcn 13 lost-time injuriss arc too many for our operation. Included in
th. total are 8 rcni~tall type at injuriis which is two morn than in 1960.
The chailtngv that is bcfurv us is to raducc this numbcr of lost-time injuries and
stop nccdlcss suffcring and hardship,
Twp Valuc Stamps and turkoys, it is true, arc for injury-free crews in '62.
January 3, 1962 whcclwright, Kentucky

 E. M. Pace H. B. SU‘ith Adam
A, Bradbury W. F. Hughes A, Roy
F. H, Roberts L. Porter 2, Kg F.,1¢1
I. Peraino w, A. Pack k, 3, PufiL
G. W. Lochin P. Moscxtp W C. FutguSJ”
C. F. Leatherman H. Holbrook B. Crinw
R. 1, Nehiuxav
Arrangements hdvu been made to hold Safety Meoti*g: [or workmen and
otticials as shnwn on the schedule below. Th 5% we flfiffl will ht 3t
A0 minutes" duration, commencing 10 minutes before st :ti:_ .imc and
continuing 10 minutes after starting time.
Jill; £53.92;
8 - Price Mine #1 - 7:35 A.MD W 3:50 PVN. “ 13.*U V.”.
9 w Price Mine #1 n 12:20 AuM.
Q " Price Mine #2 ~ 7:20 A.M. W 3:33 P.M. - 131‘? ?.Nl
Q . Coal Preparation Plant — 8:20 A.M.
10 ~ Ratrs Branch ~ Sections 10 a lAwA , ' 2” A V
Sections 11, 13. 15. & 17~A - 7:33 A.M.
Sections 10 a 14-5 - 3:15 PiM.
Sections 11. 13. 13, a l7-B - it?” P.N.
Third Shift - 11:50 P.M,
1‘! - Phi-kingpin. - 7350 A.M. ' 3‘50 P,,M, - 113:7" Psi‘fl
l; Otter Creek 1 ~ 7:30 A.M. ‘ 1‘15 PUM.
{Merl in Assembly Room at Satcty Department}
1“ _ Whtelwright Portal - 7:20 A.M. - 7:50 A.M. ' 3‘50 POM.
112R0 P.M.
1h - Ainnld Fork » 7.A0 A.M. ' 3:50 P.M.
1h 2 Coal Preparation Plant - 11:30 P.M.
'7 ‘ Foildings and Grounds MaintenanCe Shsp - 7 30 A(N.
}' ~ Wheelwright Machinw Shop — 11:?0 A.M. - 3::0 P.M.
1' ~ Coal Preparation Plant - 4:00 P.M.
Safetv Engincat

 l h
Eu Ma Pace H” B“ Smith PL Adams
A“ Bradbury Wu F1 Hughes A0 Roy
E. H. Roberts Lu Porter Ti Kg Daniel
J. Peraino wu Ar Pack hr at Deal
G: W. Lockin P. Moscrip 31 C4 Ferguson
G. Fa Leatherman H, Holbrook Ev Grimm
R” f. McKinney“
Arrangements have been made to hold Safety Meetings tor workmen and
officials as shown on the schedule below. Thes~ meetings Wlil be of
20 minutes' duration, commencing 10 minutes before starting time and
continuing 10 minutes after starting time.
The Kentucky Department of Mines and Minerals will luruish a movie
for these meetings, and the man-station windows will have to be
covered for the first and second shift meetings
March: 1962
5 - Price Mine #1 - 7:35 A.M, - 3:50 PaMr - 11:50 P,Mu
6 - Price Mine #1 - 12 20 A.Mu
6 - Price Mine #2 - 7:20 AuMa - 5:35 P.M9 - 11:50 POM.
7 - Bates Branch - Srctions 10 a 14-A - 7:10 A.M,
Sections 11‘ 13, 15, a 17-A - 7‘35 A.Mu
Sections 10 & lA-B - 3 i5 POM"
Sections 11, 13, 15. & l7-B - 3-50 POMD
Third Shiit - 11:50 PQMD
8 - Buckingham - 7VAO AQMO - 3.50 PoMo - 11:55 PQM.
9 - Arnold Fork - 7‘40 ADM? - 3.50 P,Mo
12 - Coal Preparation Plant - 8:20 AUM.
12 - wheelwright Machine Shop - 11‘20 AOM, - 5,20 POM“
13 - Wheelwright Portal - 7.20 AcMn ‘ 7‘50 AtM“ - 3:50 PuMo
11:50 PJM,
» , 14 - Buildings and Grounds Maintenance fihop f 7:50AA3M. ‘ I“
14 - Coal Preparation Plant - A,OO P,Mg
15 - Coal Preparation Plant - 11~5O P,Mi
Safety Engineer

« / /
"N Ll P girfi'E‘I-L @mmflf
Aprll 17. 1963
,7 y 7/ (.k/ In”)
/\ 1, W ’ /
To. All FCrthH
From, Ralph Banks.
RC2 TOD Valua Safcty Stdmn Bonu5
PIgHSL let vuur men kHJW (ha! sinc« nut MCC2U~“! lewrd Has
been so grtatly imprmvvd this V(d[ it has bewv d‘kldrd LU award
a b(n1us L)f Tin) \LilUL' St.nnns.
This humus NIH in :nmt'dkd “my [hr Lomnlyiii‘h 01 [ht LirsL
{OLJr IUKHILI1S !lli§ \W‘JI‘ r<) [ni;‘» s dl‘d dk p lYf'Hz HI 5 i’ldi }Wd\’t H<)L
had 3 lost-HUM i'Wth‘v As ”I, 53735 data. Pr‘iar Mi'u N0 1.
Pricr Minv NH 2. thelwrighz Minn Nw. 1-2. BULKinhdm Mifiv,
POM/tr vim! Mochur‘icd} 1M (hiil'fflx'ift. and I‘m Ru] Jdiv‘gfi am) Groundg
Deparrm. :11 an yliblhj,‘ Hwy jugt hum: In 11',~»1>:h thy nrvulh
of April in I'i‘L'tl‘H Hus] :mxlrt‘v bwmm
Wt r«gr ’ ’ VA/
/ I
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 (‘waI D ryffjfi i Plat? A11 Operations
fw'lb? M: i‘v? RiCHéId Watrs
€“V\ 9*“.t» Aifrrd Rhea
ugharl F. ,. Rilabd Smith
‘Lu; :.§.§ " ‘qhu Herrv Tackson
A - ' H '3 jwh; H?firy Scott
’_y ;"';1 CFQVgP Wuods
7*};J_wg Cf2;: #1 AJfia“ are Tuam Members
H‘33J H S‘vv’ gchn Eu Litale
T‘rwar "awed. F” William P. Wells
LL :1 A1 {AH/"54
(2' L" . (1., '10'Vrh
f_ ,‘ k: “.1' l
3*: Cw w‘=.x:x
Tkgs‘ Lvama = ,;' av ; ‘vr<~d 17 the furdawrvrafs 9t i:"9' aid The competi-
t:gw wi33 *1 h‘r . WFJ Y‘Uf r~ uriLC w 1: gr9?11v cflcaL"“;: tH91r Efforts.
Uévy :tuly ycurs,
Mfw _
, ’/
Sarrtv DfrECLOT

 E. M. Pace H. B. Smith P. Adams
A. Bradbury W. F. Hughes A. Roy
E. H. Roberts L. Porter J. K. Daniel
J. Peraino W. A. Pack K. B. Deal
G. W. Lockin P. Moscrip B. C. Ferguson
G. F. Leatherman H. Holbrook B. Grimm /
R. I. McKinney b
Arrangments have been made to hold Safety Meetings for workmen and
officials as shown on the schedule below. These meetings will be of
20 minutes' duration, commencing 10 minutes before starting time and
continuing 10 minutes after starting time.
8 - Price Mine #1 - 7;35 A.M. ~ 3:50 P.M. ~ 11:50 P.M.
9 - Price Mine #1 ~ 12 20 A.M.
9 - Price Mine #2 - 7-20 A.M. ~ 3;35 P.M. - 11:50 P.M.
10 - Bates Branch ~ Sections 10 & l4wA - 7:10 A.M.
Sections 11, 13, 15. & 17-A _ 7:35 A.M.
Sections 10 & 14-B w 3215 P.Mo
Sections 11 13, 15, & l7-B — 3:50 P.M.
Third Shift - llfSO P.M.
11 - Buckingham - 7'40 A.M. - 3:50 P.M. - 12:00 Midnight
12 - Arnold Fork - 7:40 A.M. _ 3.50 P.M.
15 - Coal Preparation Plant — 8;20 A.M.
15 - Wheelwright Machine Shop _ 11.20 A.M. ~ 5320 P.M.
16 - Wheelwright Portal _ 7:20 A.M. 1 7:50 A.M. - 3:50 P.M.
11 50 P.M.
17 - Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Shop u 7:50 A.M.
- Coal Preparation Plant ~ A 00 P.M.
l8 - Coal Preparation Plant - ll 50 P.M.
Safety Director

 lfy~ 3 “Z
n ) //‘
E0 M. Pace Ha B. Smith P; Adams
A. Bradbury w. F. Hughes Au Roy
E. H. Roberts L. Porter J, K. Daniel
J. Peraino w° A. Pack K. B. Deal
G. W. Lockin P. Moscrip B‘ C. Ferguson
G. F. Leatherman H. Holbrook Bu Grimm
B. In McKinney”
Arrangements have been made to hold Safety Meetings for workmen and
officials as shown on the schedule below. TheSe meetings mil: he cf
20 minutes' duration, commencing lO minutee before Starting time and
continuing lO minutes after starting time‘
govember, 1962
16 Bates Branch - Sec. l0 _ 7:10 A.Mi ;‘;o P M“
19 Price Mine #1 — 7:35 A.M¢ - 3:30 P,M. _ ii,;o PiMa
20 Price #i - l2220 A.M,
20 Price Mine #2 - 7:20 A.M. _ 3;35 P M, — Ll250 P.M.
2l Bates Branch ~ Sections lh-A - YflO A.M.
Sections ll,l3, lTnA _ 7 j? A M
SecLions lM—B — Bri; P.M‘
Sections ll, l3, lY-B — 32fi0 P.M.
22 Bates Branch — Third Shift — ll 50 P.M.
23 Arnold Fork - 7,Lo A.M‘ - s<5o P.M.
26 Buckingham - 7ruo _ a:vo P‘M. A l2'CW Midnight
26 Coal Preparation PlanL , OfEU AIM.
2e Wheelwright Machine Shop 1i220 AVM. — Hleo P.M.
27 Wheelwright Portal - Y'lb A Mi — 7‘50 A.MV ~ fi~$w l.M
ll‘b‘ P.M,
28 Buildings and Grounds Maintenance shop - {2&0 A.M.
Coal Preparation Plant - L100 P.M.
29 Coal Preparation Plant - ll:$0 P M.
Safety Director

 E. M. Pace H. B. Smith P. Adams
A. Bradbury w. F. Hughes A. Roy
E. H. Roberts L. Porter J. K. Daniel
J. Peraino W. A. Pack K. B. Deal
G. W. Lockin P. Moscrip B. C. Ferguson
G. F. Leatherman H. Holbrook R. I. McKinneyv/
B. Grimm
Arrangements have been made to hold Safety Meetings for workmen and
officials as shown on the schedule below. These meetings will be of
20 minutes' duration, commencing 10 minutes before starting time and
continuing 10 minutes after starting time.
December, 1962
3 Bates Branch — Sec. 10 - 7:10 A. M. - 3:20 P. M.
3 Price Mine #1 - 7:35 A. M. — 3:50 P. M. - 11 50 P. M.
A Price #1 - 12:20 A. M.
' u Price Mine #2 — 7:20 A. M. — 3:35 P. M. — 11 50 P. M.
5 Bates Branch - Section 1A—A — 7:10 A. M.
Sections 11, 13, l7—A — 7:35 A. M°
Section lh—B — 3:15 P. M.
Sections ll, 13, l7—B — 3:50 P. M.
Third Shift — 11:50 P. M.
6 Buckingham — 7:A0 A. M. — 3:50 P. M. — 12 Midnight
7 Arnold Fork — 72A0 A. M. — 3:50 P. M.
10 Coal Preparation Plant — 8:20 A. M.
10 Wheelwright Machine Shop — 11:20 A. M. — 5:50 P. M.
10 Wheelwright Portal - 7:15 A. M. - 7:50 A. M. — 3:50 PM
11:50 PM
11 Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Shop - 7:50 A. M.
Coal Preparation Plant - Azoo P. M.
12 Coal Preparation Plant — 11:50 P. M.
Safety Director

 ’.‘:  “’..-F: "J 5153". E74 ’.fo F04 «6 ' I”‘»,E's T“ 731 K1
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