xt7qnk361p0s_744 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Scrap Handling text Scrap Handling 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_127/Folder_10/88m6_127_10__4568.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_744 xt7qnk361p0s /'I £9191”
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Wheelwright, Kentucky
3 December 1956

On August 19, 1955 a letter was icsued from this
Offlfia'fhiCd; among :fiher instructions, outlined
the manner by which scrap iron was to be collected,
weighed uni Sold. This is Item No; 1 of the
August 1) letter referred to above.
Suboparagrapn B of Item (9) in part contain the
following instrwctiona:

"On tricks coming from Wheelwrlb-

weighcij flutter Thomia wi, :11 the

Shipping Clerk, who wil? M tu notify

the weighmacter. The ;psed d \ving time

frnm Thsclvriwht to scales 4 Price is

b . ,

to be note; on the w» ‘t tic‘< .“
It has come to my s :A. .on b s‘ this part of the
itstructions has =,u ,;: \cte and this memorandum
is to insist th.v the inst' cti. v be carriei out
juat as specif’& in the la» er . August 19“
If there is an‘ reason why is cannot be done,
please let :0 h‘.wo OEHe37150; I will assume
that l. r L ing Lane.

(A I
Manager C; ?ropertics


Wheelwright, Kentucky
3 December 135$
On August 19; 1955 a lfitter was distributei from this office
cgataining Several items outlining the graceiurc t3 ha fol—
luwcfi in tug haniling 3f supplies.
This letter is for the purpose of revising Item (L) an; Item
((1 of the Au; 3% 19 letter and to &&i some supgiemental items.
Iten (5) steel Rail and Ties Store& at the Port-gs Revised)
The present practice of delivery to gortai shippers
of 3teel rails an; ties uni charging Gut of :ame aa
regiisitiuned is to be aontianQ. However, or proper
control} F. E. Conley will regular ‘« “ "u tn caeck
the Quantity of this flayerial at ha par a : 0 see
that it agrc¢u wit; the quanti‘ '. c:rried o: ”s supgly
Hausa auras. If a differenc: 5 fun; between =9 ma-
terial on the various yar‘» ;ai the ;‘antity lib ed on
the earls; ha will aivise 1~neral Sip-rintendent Face
by memoranixg with c0§ie$ .0 W. B innings and this
office" F. 31 CanLey will bk~u be instructed as to
the manner 13 whir’ . fie e* e 13 to be cleared"
1303i"; (1’) Otsgle '00 {fl Max- ‘ ials Revise-i)
A committee as isting of E nville Sparks, flunter
Zhonas, a. J. : Kinney and Ibert Smifih will review
the su"v ' nous~ ecoris 5' stock &bsut every six
mon“: i i :53 , .refi a, ens to remove from active
at . any material . may feel is dead stock. A
3 enient tim' far this would be a$ soon as possible
a at the inveznory of Hovember 3G is taken and again
iv ing the min: 3' vacation period. The reaommendatiou
oi dig commi’ e is be come to this office for final
ie,‘. on rev‘ ting the disposal of the slow moving
StOCh - 1y; any mfiterial that is not moved for
tau years will be considered 35 deai stock.
Item (10) Equi‘ment BrouUMt to Su 1v fiause for Shiiment to
Outside Concerns for fiegair iHew Item}
All such equipment should be tagged by the iepartment
head (or someone he may designate) who is responsible
for having the equipment sent out. The tag snould
carry all necessary information to permit proper and

Wheelwright, Kentucky


3 December 1955

?age Two
prompt handling at the supply house. The truck driver
shouli be instructea to deliver such equipment to the
same door of the amply house at which he usually re-
ceives supplies for delivery to the mines. If this
is not the appropriate point of delivery, the supply
house man can have it delivered at whatever pa nt is
suitable. The supyly house man receiving th~ ;quip-
ment to be ahipged out shoulé immefiiately no ’3 F. E.
Conley, who will take prompt action to have ’ shipped
out as required.

Itcm (ll) Material Re~uisitioned But‘ggu.;n3tock \ rw Item)
when the supply house receiv:: equist 'ons ca;:N§-g
items of equiyment not in r .ck, F. E ,onley wil
forward to the party making the req*. tion a memo-
randum stating the reason do. err as not made and;
if possible, when it be u: - »0 that the party
making the requis . . undr .tend why he did not
receive the mate: , in acc~ anL with his requisi-
tion. Temporar :, these mewlrnnt .s will be in
written form our an apprOpn ate m meograohea or
printed form ca; he preyared f none of the material
on the re uisiti‘- can be d—. vered, the requisition
will ed, 2 tached 'x the memoranium of explana~

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Manager Coal/?roperties