xt7qnk361p0s_745 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Septic Tanks text Septic Tanks 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_127/Folder_11/88m6_127_11__4572.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_745 xt7qnk361p0s I‘ I fi‘?
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. UN Under no Circumstancas should the tank be
l1/b Z- ZJ‘ d ”I locatbcl nr-arer to the, I'E‘Sif’létif‘r“ than 20 feet
a '3 ‘ *t A...” “ ant Slimulwl he (FXC'lHI’iPd TY‘OT‘J tl1~ VICInity mt
S E P T I C TA N K 1") /,,. (,,‘ x E ””““ “”” 5' 341,ng 14?“? (A . Tanxs should on, establirflhed at at point
. ,/ "W _/ I _ _.53 > 177,; < a “t ’5 ” “ é s’tIIITICIwntly low to pvrnnt of the ireD drainage
Tl “'5 V. I3 . , ‘ W (,1,. f :j _ ' W; j g . fl ,' ‘ :.t wwarie Int”; than, Tilt; 5179, 0: the (Eewpr
I} ,' , T: J Ti - : :3; I,“ i: . 2; if ' is? f 2: : tiit‘“ IIs~l troni lItP‘I'a’SlIlPZTCV‘ ”to thn prtic
Svptx‘ Tank Is maria III? l ’ l :3 I; ~ . EB; m ' :1“- ‘r I}; 5. Tank Ellmtlll ”.Ol bl) “A” lll“! 4 m. (Iiarnetear.
: law; I “ IIII Ire I‘OIII‘IHI'tInn rmwzptarlns 0r IThII'I' " ' ‘ z/ A ’- N g . g. “It L2». I ll ‘9 [INST lw lald Will; lllll‘l ll’l’llrlal‘ ml bituminous
‘ , ‘ 7' ¥ \ ' vm; -» ~~”m£ ‘ I't‘tliEEVlltlkl Imnts. A txiznnirv; Trap should be
Iva: Itilf) wrtII‘II all 5‘9erqu dittl waste watwm W “, Installmt iIt E'flllit shown It; :skutr‘h on OppOSttP
ttm home Hmptws, Through the‘ airl of salt “NM"; ‘- f: 1; , WWI“ Tm»; Wlll Plf‘Vt-‘l‘il ll?" P5550"? Ol odors
77““91'I’3l11‘1 organisms dn’l lM‘i‘lPIlfl Tl“) swwaqw ,f ,1 A Ia g ' 4 anti gafiws T’rorii 89min Trilill Tl‘T".lI.Tli the: lltZP
is reclIII‘Rt to a llqtllxl state. DIIP t0 the ppmtliar J m ’ % , , f3: . K tn. tlzw aw»:lhn‘t. ,. ‘ V

. . I ,. HA _, w- I -:I . my; a» Thr >~XIC1,I;tt

sorsmcrm at m 5mm Tm, Ihv How _ - » » - . 5* p I . I, I I . _
‘ ‘ V , V : “...; ., waif ,ng .If‘ .Ildtn‘ 0 IV I‘ I. Iz—‘b «Inair‘ Ill dldl’hr‘Tef
JFWaCIK‘ horn tho tang Is retamerl IIIItII worripiwtw \ . x 3:: tl'tit; thw outshl: _ih’immht: A: It” \'-pti<: Tank,
"hst’fOSal action has transpired Wltt’FPLLpOII thw ~.. ‘ ' .,I . » ' - 2’ 3': .Itgl thw Ilrpth «3,4 my E‘}'("_ri‘y';jtli"t} gttgjtlel pprnut
tank (lisChaFQPS itSPlt automatically and the ' ‘2 '- a iotmlatirit‘. <3: Feirpn‘ at leuist 4 if.I"lj"-S thick.
Plllileiit Is distributed over the disposal tier‘ltt if"; W“ §§ STYLE No 1 lit“ lif‘i‘t Fl”? fill” Iiidkfli“ lll" t'ti‘V‘VFS-“il‘i/‘PXj
whm‘o UPH‘ purltifatmii is CPI‘HI‘PCl through the ‘ / ”H V § I ljllvjlml: l5; ll“; arreatxntr O: G “pm mortar Dal
‘ . ' ‘ E - IIt thv l’IrIttcm at F‘XC'IEVGT' ":1 I:.":I<"l1 rt‘Icrtar‘ be}
PTOC‘PFF Ol T‘»1lrll1(‘dl1ml- ' § I. _ is to tw: the lmgnvlatirrn :z’zr firm Santtr Tank.

“ ,1. _ ~ 2., . Style No. and Capacxty of Vanous Outhts BI i6“: H.” t‘jf‘rt‘ldi‘ h,” 3‘ ‘Ttif [(EITVEIY ‘ltritItWI‘f‘l
H: .~ g: .1 ,, thv-tat'1tx‘ st‘IIIIlI'I be plaiivw :IIW'WI ttw we'mlnt sf?
W H Y U S E C L A Y ? I r‘ . n ,‘ , I <1 I‘-II that whnn tl‘lr’"t,‘(3t1(‘t'3lv‘ his law Sena} tlir: trail-1
*, Im II . 1V _ 1:,” . thl h» held tIIIIIly It" {fixtu‘i‘ le ._zrinris lint“
. qtalt Glazwl Vitritier't Clay ptpw 1:1 thp only POI“ ‘ ‘ M} , ‘ t I, t ’ ‘l “ l”: llf‘r’lu‘qg“ M “in at?“ ldfl“: flwlfll lldl'r‘; d
‘ rnartent material tor handlinq seawaae. Concrete The above sectimna. mew ;. lk‘Vvlo l1? any II ‘ ‘ . \ ‘ Iall (It at least 4 Iraq if? :om ans :1 maratsér
fl] ‘ 4 M _ M . , ‘ 4 Tank as it should be Installed. » It 12 r» 1 w‘ I“ F‘ 1“ tf- 1‘? drop wnrrr— pycssmle. (rovers tor Universal»
uigniteqrates iron rust.» and woott rots, (..Lie to . ‘ ‘ 7 ‘ y “F, I”? V American Septic Tanks can by furnished tron:
the; action of dCldS and Chemicals contained In It Consists of two pieces of strdlfitht SPWELI' ‘ ‘ l l “ l ‘ l L T T Salt Giarnrl ‘.'1tT1T1€%C‘l Clay and Will he ever
sewado. This is not the case With Vitrified salt pipe, either 24", 3‘7" or 36” in (liainetpr, two 4 ‘1‘ I .I _, .rIoI—‘z, ‘P' rm ‘E- lasting, The covers or tsps should be mad?
«Tlamd Clay pipe as it withstands all the d0 sections with SpPCidl opmnnqs, tmir‘ pieces 4x4" airtight With no ants, as the BHUTP prinCInle
structive torces of acids and decav both from or 6x4" Sockotlwss Teas aritl two pier“ 4}" We also manufacture Super Tanks 30” and 36” in n: ‘lllp 39?th Jan-‘1 .19 nased 0? keeping t9":
_ V " , I . tang airtight. Lare Should be taxen in plaCInQ
Within and WlthOUt. Double SOCKPTS. dxameter for Factory or School. the COVPI" on thP tank as Wéll 6S In hflaklflf‘t all
connections l‘otwr'mi hcxzse am tank.
~ ~: .2.-c. .. . ~ 2_ 1». _ ‘rs'tylt'. ' ,;. ... , - I an. ,'\ »; 2.7.2“, .5 [159” ' g . 5‘;‘-:Iag, )‘h‘w‘ awa." ..I, -_,- ' wig-”v. ‘ ‘ fivflv‘
. ”““ I“... , . I“, w" I. .. I

II. mu Hm“. _. .
;; _____________________________________________________.__—__._______________
P E R R Y ' N E W1 Y C>R K
1_ Aurust 2?, 1945
Inland Steel SC.
Thenluri ht, Kenttcky
Htf: T. I. Wahan
Z1973: L.E‘-7<.
Tentlemen: \
n3 yen re”‘tsted in yo“r lrt hr of the 25th, "0 arr
WI”KT ” t; at web Lliustreted literature en Iaustine Sentio Tanks.
You wfll L_IW thxt we Edv a Si ntord ir‘ov iron and
a standari FL*“I Series of Sentio tan 3. ?ric s are as inlicutef
Tr r “Pie? SET-ts TETZL and “““"D resroctivolv. “ran these Trie~2
fair vrr? rential Wisccvnt vii? he 2T]; WP find tLht inc he CTL
celllr : set on tht 3&1» :? 1r“tic ten 3 :‘Ot we 3' 1 beunahio to
0“Ter “’2 a ”irn “u:twii u at this Lin”, huL tie Trice: as ifliiCxtéd
an the “rite Shw‘is are the?“ 'rlces n efieot '1 the You LnWTend,
llu‘Atlii LC Jili“3.
If there 13 wry adILtLC*il ‘ntcrn'tl fa» wish enn-
c-r in“ ur“ or at 9' livvrk, “l“fifie he free to contact no.
‘erv trulv “ours,
.IJ'STl,i 3 ‘.TAZDE LrC.
/ ’J
I- V
. H. J. frocks
9:? «r“ —" Sales Manz'er

KAus mu»
limo "..»....“
MARCH 30, I942 PRlCE LIST T. E. B. 2—K
ln/ft “Cu/lg) (— _ _ .
4—" "E"*~“""*g , , ,—~ W " ,’ y _‘A 5};
' ; ; {11‘ CONS rant: 1 no of I’ure I, » \
E E l Ingot Iron: heavy Plastic . [he ii
"" : l Enamel coating lnSldC and out— SE - . . ANK ii
43 { . ‘1 Side. applied by hot dipped or
i: q 3 :i 1(y 9. ~ ,\ q- < X? x «r I ~ MM IV , of/ .
5“;/”re 2’ ‘ .0 1- ID 1L0( es“. ELLO‘. able . ..A 1’3: , .a .‘ _ ..
»’U a. >
t top: Simple dCSIgn: easy to 1n~ ,
l stall; effective in operation. 3' a,
:4 WWW
H—r-rr 35 7 iii—t .
\crlixul l}pc PRICE LIST
7 47 MIN," .\ 1. ..r i--.. I»
Vol i122.” ‘.‘“rkifua’ ”m Pr l in . Innmmnm Uauxe ‘l'II'I’H'L' Prim-s \i..
Calm (‘i"““"“ i ‘H mcir |n~t <.-i.....| l".|clnr\ “K" H"
man”... i U ' - - .
7 \l‘lt'l'lt.\| 'l'\\l\\
(v2 ‘.Il3 zoo l p u. o I’, i: m” an. x m” II 221) swan 02
63 .5l3 31”) (t to ‘l 23 2‘! Wk” tlla, \ lily, ll Lilli; SUI.“ (I3
(U) 530 ‘ 1‘)” I0 [n H" IO 3“ 7.2” tin. \ hll” ll .5011 till)“ (13
HUIH/HVl‘H 'I'\\k>
81 33o '.oo lo M :o to 3’. 1:".l..;.\t.o” II 11.3 7’. oo as
mo 1|3o looo :o n. to Ho To 1:” tint. \ lo I: :53; Moon 81o
in: 11.7.: lsoo to n. :1 12o M3 ..:” m... \ Ir t.” l.‘ Hm an;
ago 2:31: :ooo T'. [0 I‘ll) 1m [to o' «hm \ lo’ 1:" M” 2:71) 820
“2.”. 11701) :23oo loo (1) 13’» 21o [TT. o 4“... \ H 3' a” :oT'. I’rlcen 823
mo ISMo .tooo 121m 12o :30 :oo o .h... \ 13 lo' I. ’ coo: .,.. mo
in; :wl: .szou no to 1:: 21m 1;: I. an. \ 1:: n" i, ” .ms Itl-.,..m m3
ato HT: Iooo [no it. zoo .sto 37o o‘ in... \ 1| 2" i, " ‘ we: Mo
81.: 3on3 Hoo [no 1.. 21'. 37o .tof. o .I.... \ 1: lo" M] 1w. m3
830 13m zooo zoo In 21o Ho Ho o' in... \ :o l” . " moo 830
.‘ttecilicaliona and |Ir|1't‘~nl|l:lrflt‘rLIIIh-llplu I‘HWU gallon“ furnished on reque-l
'I‘ior 1..-a rc~|||l~ .mr A. long [mm] ..1‘ “..:. \u' .7.-.-t....n.i-na on- ‘.‘“ at [he um |_ir;.u-r «|/:' Low. in...“ ... home rallng coin...” are .-i-i»i........-...ip.i ln
health oll|1~ial>, In no inslanccz 1'\l'" for tempura“ I|~l'. ~huulil maumum runny ln» r\ccmlcil
.j if 3? - K AUSTINE Pure Ingot Iron Septic
If: ‘ ' ” ”M " __ ‘1' Tanks are made in two types. Nos. ()2.
I ‘. I ()3 and ()5 are vertical tanks designed for
ii i” ” ’ "' i _‘ *“ '—' l' " t homes and small instituti0115.
. t .
l l l .
‘1 l. l ‘ Nos. 85. 810. etc.. are horizontal tanks
ti 1‘ ll :
.i r . .
l . ll ‘l adapted for use Where larger capacmes are
l L l .
l I required.
l l
t I ii'i" “ 'i’" 7' "i”ii" W'fi
: : Tile connections on tanks from No. 623 up to and
I ( including No. 81.”) are designed to aeconnnodate »t”
l ‘I or ti” M‘“ er pipe. ()n tanks No. 820 and larger. tile
| - ~ ~ y, .
Li ,, Viinm #TV:TVA::>___i_;_ ,fuj connections are designed tor h or 8 3.0“91' pipe.
if gm ”mi/(mg. hi," 7 W I Larger sixes ma) be specified.
P G R R Y n E 111 Y 0 R K

.. «a. j, _ Fl1 HE purpose of the Syphon Compartment with Auto-
" ““‘. ' matic Syphon is to receive and retain the effluent
' . I from the septic tank until the compartment becomes
V lilled. By an entirely automatic action the syphon then
discharges the contents of the compartment into the ab-
' sorption bed or tile field.
\V'here the soil is heavy this gives the absorption bed an
. H; opportunity to rest and dry out between dosings.
i w . . The Kaustine Syphon Compartment like all Kaustine
'_i products is made of Pure Ingot Iron. The syphon itself
2 1.- is heavy cast iron.
". ..,,,? The Kaustine Syphon Compartment, with Syphon, is a
HI \ I 1 unit entirely separate from the septic tank, made specially
uurnliny , \p um am i . . . . .
s l (_ for the purpose for which it is des1gned. Being a separate
» \ I, It!" (illll‘dl'llllt'lll I . _ '
unit it can be placed at the most advantageous pomt.
Sometimes it is desirable to place the syphon compartment
nearer the tile field. At other times it is more convenient
to install it close to the septic tank. The Kaustine Syphon
Compartment with Syphon is adaptable to any arrange-
ment desired.
. . . . . _ . N._ .» . _ \' .~ \. .l.. . ,, l i ,. .
("““'"’“ M" ”””""""”‘ “""‘“'”‘ l {..'.ik".‘\'ii.'..l..-'.~I' «......iff-l...” ”"'H'il‘ H l-I.ii"\i|';'.'..ii.. l """" “1351." ‘ “““"” ”"”
i 131 ‘ .‘lz x 23 .30 L'Jl. ,,3 “M M l" :" mu :..]. . 3 11mm 210 . 15] .
152 m x 23 1m pal. (,3. 1; ,p M., & “A, 1” l' Km ml 3mm :51; 152
1:33 l 03 x :27. 230 gal. ;;31L v.33 .\ ::m I" l" «m wl l'llHHl 320 I 153
'l.‘.:l.l) (»3 x 23 230 cal. :l2u. :2:: a Hm I” ;’ lm ml. 331:,uu 390 . ‘15:”)
134 ‘ an x 23 ’l ll) gal. ;;;; N ”1,, l” 1" ‘II! pal. Imum ‘ film [34
‘154-1) l 80 \ 2'. .Hll :14]. ::.:1 .\ ::W l" 1" w NI, 271,01: l 8'10 '154—l)

15:3 . m) x 23 110:4]. .111“ 1:3,, 1” 2" lm L.L :21m) 1000 155
‘155-1) 1 00 x :3 1m tau. 311x31“ 1" A" an ...1, Hum 10m '1554)
TTTIV‘T.Z:ML illiplc‘x :4\plinn I'Unlparllllv‘nls .- lulpgvl'll mil. 1m. ~\|:llull~ ulm-h n'n‘rdlv .lllv'rll .1le. I .n-ll ~\ plmn nllllt'! van ll!‘ vnnuri'leilfll:n arrrliaralcililt‘
field and all lhev Murk :lllu-rnulrh c-m'll [lll‘lll'lllr4'1'l‘l\"‘4llllll)l"[lll'rl"l pn'lml. 'l‘lu- :lupl -\ mmlp'ulm 'nl- .Irr‘ rm-mnmrmlv-Il parliculurlv fur lleavv Clay soil:

where drainage is ill)“.
Kaustlne Septic Tank, Syphon and Syphon Combinatlons
I 0 make it convenient to order a Kaustine separate units each designed for its special
Septic Tank with the proper Syphon purpose. the Septic Tank to give proper di-
and Syphon Compartment for the capacity gestion of the sewage and the Syphon Com-
Septic tank ordered. we are listing below var— partment with Syphon to provide periodical
ious combinations. As stated above they are dosings of the tile field.
‘ ‘ :l'nlal li.||hl"|1‘ \\ plum Dischargi- , \pprUKHllflh‘ ‘
Cl lalog Number ‘ .‘t‘llllr Link and l’rr “mm“ l-nm- Sllippiuu \\ eight ‘ (.alalog Number
5\ plum linullllll’lllll‘lll "
-,, .. 7627475717 230 gal. .,.. tall. 3 (mm no I 7 7 55.151 ..-
03.151 :lsu [1.11. on gal. Tmm . 103 l (.3451
05.132 om “..1. 'm gal. 107.0!) 703 , ’ 65.152
85.152 ‘ ()lll Hill. "ll ;ztll. IZIJNI 73” 83-152
HID-152 lllll gal. ”(I pal. lT‘HH) Ill!) T 810-152
815-152 lhlll gal. ‘Hl pal. lll-r . ‘ I 813.152
820-153 13220 gal. ‘II) gal. 218 Ill fl‘ ‘ 820-153
825-153 ‘ 272!) gal. ‘Nl gill. l’ri(-:-~ on {2200 .' I 325-153
330.153 ‘ 3220 gal. on ::.ll. 3m?) 830-153
“5.15.; . 32w: gal w gal. lll'l'llt‘~l mm ‘ 833.151.
840-154 ‘ ljliw pal. ‘m ;..], Hum ‘ 3.10.154
345.155 1010 pull. on pm]. 3303 2915-155
3510-133 3H“ gill. ‘ 'Nl pal, l 3800 850-153
’— Notewlfdniide:s;dmn «'mupairrlmI-nl» rquippv-vl \\Hll [nu ~\ Illlllll~ .:rc- “illlll‘ll uilli am of lllr ulmu- l-mnluiualions:ul‘d_g2mT:the list prim- and [»E‘
[hell-ner Unite-11hr numlu‘r. For luv-Innu- Iln- IHNH) ;1.llll|ll Link \\llll (l|l[>l(‘\1'!)lll[r.|rlllll‘lll \\Ulllll ln- \u. 3.50-l1”).
KAUS l lNE COMPANY, lnc. «—
Form I235 lm IA-hl OVER

Manufactured by Kaustine Co. Inc. Perry, N. Y,
MARCH 30, I942 PRICE LIST T. E. B. b-D
Our Welded Steel Septic Tanks compare in quality with any other
steel septic tank on the market. They are constructed of high quality
" ‘ steel, coated lIlSlde and out With black plastic enamel.
i , They are of electrically welded construction throughout, no spot welds
- or rivets being used. Covers are securely fastened with three bolts.
Properly designed inlet and outlet baffles and a sludge baffle are provided.
:1 ’ The 200, 300 and 500 gallon tanks are recommended for ordinary
'f home installation. For best results over a long period of years we
._- V recommend the use of the next larger size.
Dimensions Persons Accommodated Approx.
No. Net G. r. ‘ . .
ql‘ D13~ Depth Home Hotel Factory School Price “ eIghts lbs.
42 Vertical 200 38:?”487, 6 s 12 15 .l; 25.00 215
43 ,. 300 -_I6Hx18fl 9 12 30 25 33.00 285
45 ” 490 -. [’2 5,60 18 25 35 40 53.00 375
55 Horizontal 500 9% XfWH 1011?: 18 25 35 40 65.00 400
510 ' ’ 1000 02 xii” long 40 .30 70 so ‘ 116.00 780
g5 _ “’ A The disposal of grease in connection with any septic tank installation is
GRE I always a problem. T\thn this condition is met with. a specially arrangcd
SEPARTi grease separator is recommended made in several sizes that will meet the
:s 9 need of any installation where our VVcldcd Steel Septic Tanks are uscd.
f: They are made of 14 gauge high quality steel, coated inside and outside
6 is” with black plastic enamel. They are electrically welded throughout and
5‘ prov1ded With threaded connectIons on the inlet and outlet Side. thereby
securing absolutely leak-proof joints.
T N T i i T Specifications ~ _ Approx.
No. Total Gals. Dimensions ; SIZG‘ 0f COIUWCUOHS PM“) Weights Tbs.
Dia. Depth Inlet Outlet
456 150 32" 50” 3" 3" $33.00 150
T’ricesimilargeii‘ap:ic1tie_s:f gens; :seTmnTigiTifiibe’furnishedi on request. W —

 _ 7 . l’" a The E-Z Drain Tile Connector elimin-
4,,7gr?§;5;.., ates the laborious and at the same time
a. - y. ' "' anthuated method of cutting and covering
”2;.“ ‘ as: 1 a the Jomts of the tile In the absorption bed
. .,. 3,3,9." l ,.21 ’.'.(‘z‘w
.. \\fififiy . 9:; af‘i? With a strip of tar paper. Simply slip the
433 l {I ”.527”: connector over the end of the tile and
‘ 1 \‘ - shove the next length of tile Into 1t. The
. Jomt IS made properly and protected
__...: L, ..‘ ... MA _ . .
against the falling in of the earth used in
St N . | Stl N . 1 -- - -
we ° ye ° backfillmg. The tlles are held tightly and
perfectly in line. At the same time the spacing between the tile is accurate so that an equal amount
of liquid will be discharged at each joint, thereby assuring an equal distribution of liquid over the
entire bed area.

E-Z Drain Tile Connectors are made in two styles and are adaptable for any type of soil or method

. of backfilling. Style No. 1 is used in firm soil where gravel lines the bottom of the trench. Style No
2 extends completely around the tile at the joint. It is adjustable to fit the various sizes and makes of
tile, provides an opening at the bottom of the tile for drainage, and at the same time holds the tile
securely in place. This style of connector is recommended for use in open soils or where gravel or
some other coarse aggregate is not used for lining the bottom of the trench.

The connectors are packed in cartons of 100 and are procurable through all the leading jobbers.
Style No. 1 for 4” tile, $3.75 per carton. Shipping weight. 13 lbs. per 100. Style No. 1 for 6” tile,
$5.00 per carton. Shipping weight 20 lbs. per 100. Style No. 2, $6.00 per carton. Shipping
weight. 26 lbs. per 100.

Plan No. 10 Plan No. 11
u n ~ 7 ,7 »
303:1 33: ,rWW A.“ A” if ’1 x ,,,/«U
val .‘(CIEl " l J 1‘ I X J—1
Efizl "viz-‘2 .. ’.t n l ‘ ‘ ’5 ’ ':
.; 79 <— ”5F(M,t u atnt....eu ,- [i ”I: A} f , 2
u 255 j ,gt .1 R . SEPT]; TANK ~ ; {I / E
m‘zz A‘ZL" va.....n........\/J\'T ‘< A ~ i O
3 i <1 ‘ L‘R ‘~ l‘ / , ‘\ U r::.—fu|:.—:j<}—’k}{e~— I
A}? iTJ ‘ \_/7T;l” "1‘“. l g lat/”WV (Emmi l. l»; ‘5 \l E
" 5:.DTTCTANK j"IIT‘,'.I.3TLAAYTIE“arr—6m; 4; Cf ‘33:” KSS" ‘ \k l \ Li
I l) ""L " MET? 542* \ v ‘ ‘1. 'T
“14;“;an “LLLLAS-l r 1| as E ‘ as E X \
:i '3 )z‘Zl' lQZl-I
, . . . «x <

This lypeofivntallalion proudes lllt‘ heat di~trihutiou and a-«un‘s proper This [\p9 of installation uhould he used only where soil is porous will
leralion of the effluent. “illl‘rt‘ Hull is «run-porous tht- leaching pool can he rt‘adilv almorl) Ihe (‘lllllt‘lll and whn‘rt‘ plcnlv of room is available.
eliminauzd. if soil ill t'laV :t leaching pool the Hlli‘, of the Illnk nhould he

Plan No. 12 Plan NO- 13
SW" 3m“ _«Y’>_ ‘f’ “I O J VENTm’t<’>
Z s 2 “' ' " " ' Yr“, 1T'Tt, ~r,ir 1L:

J. :53; 51:4: . . L“; :vtNT: LEACmNG f *1 ”3% f AN r/
T m ’33:" ’ gal“: - 7' I ‘ POOL a; “50k 50% I.” f 450 f jLEACHING
.0 wt .35: : :2 : 3 ‘ 2w“ Zm“ * ‘v 38 .4 V POOL

8 :2 , gr . . .<( . . L.) (uml TEMQI x C I? 9‘ i
1.44,. saw: a 3% 2 E S 5.42.- L942 :5 x
l DEPTIC TANK : :2 : : O 55} iel‘i 3 3 ~33 V17
. .u t H J I > 2 l— >_ o I l t t (K .
: :3 : . a: z 22*- ~ ~ +8
I I? C a < ./ l ‘1 .5 xi Riv 7 i '7
. . y 4:1:1] :1’rr ”a r “’3 Lj.:1¢_.

This arrangclncnl should he used where the sewage installation if! on a This plan may he used with either poroun or nun-porous soils. ln porous
hillside or whore the ground hll)'\l"4 streply. The absorption llc1l l" laid in soil the leavhing pool may he eliminated; in non-porous soil same leaching.v
long lines as indicated. prarliralh level around Iho hill. Thr- short linew pool as rm'onnnendrd in plan [0 should llt‘ used. In either can: a vent should
('.arrv' EIHIIenI from [he one level to Ihe nex| one below. lu- provided as indicated. a

PERRY, N. Y. ,
Form I237 lm 14-42 OVER

 l ‘i
Thu-J ‘ mimic.
o g -
mm: Man.
The follnwnii‘I is otlcrcd as a giiidc lor tlic picpaiatioii ol ~t‘ccili to ll.l\\‘ a H in. diaiiii-tm iiianliolv with (our Tank sliall l‘l‘ coaLLId Tx’
cations coveringI installation for Kaiistiiic Septic Tanks. Tllt‘ llllUl’ iiisidc and oiitsidc \\‘llli lilack plastic L‘lléllllt'l applivd lw tlii' liot Lll‘ ,7;
iiiation outlined is csscntial Tor obtainingr tlic best iiiatcrial and propcr process. 1 COM PANY, INC. 5‘. 4
dcsign and to enable contractor and iiiaiiiilactiiicr to figure priccs (‘YLIVDRK' , . . .
. . , . .. , l l ’ ,i ~ \ -
accurately. These outlines arc not iiitcndcd to dcscrilw in dctail, 5 1 , . . 5‘1 -H( RIZ( TTAL T) I h (' ”“‘“U‘l IMHHHH ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF S E PTIC TA N K S
. .. .5 . . .. \ ‘ .. ,‘ ' ’ nisi and install a \o, kaiistinv liiiiI lnuot liIiiii Siiiitir Tank
Tables and dceription ol tlic \arioiis ittiiis as giwii \Hll cnalilt‘ lllt‘ t“ h. con [mud 1 H 1 l l ll
i . 5 \.l . , ‘ \ __ 5 \_ 5 ‘ \ N57“. ~ I o ga LIV Pliic iioii Limit}; lli‘ o owing;
‘ka‘tl‘atmn “lit” .to (_lfmm‘lt‘ [h‘ jljl‘l‘h‘dlmll "l l“ “l, dk‘llL“ analysis: railion. iiiangancsv. plimplioiiis. slllplllll and >lllt‘till ~li ill SEWAGE DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT G R E A S E S E PA R AT 0 R S
CatalogI numbers. dimensions and LilT‘detIL\ ol tanks~ and gauges ol “BMW 1 totil ol ”6,5 [“1 . . I l 1”,, .. T k l ‘
in‘tal. .'ic shown in [ll‘ \Iarioiis talil‘s, . Is - i . ‘1 a L a iiiaxiiiiii ii_o , 1. an' to a» m
L I L L T 1\gallons iit»t Working tulT‘iIVITT and ol lollowinu diiiiciisioiis MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY, PERRY, N. Y. S E WAG E E J E C T O R S
; 5 ll'lll lwiciiiHIl Itl lI l5 I l IT5 I‘
KAUSTINE PURE INGOT IRON SEPTIC TANKS lll 5 _t L q lyTLk \\1 \ liiil. HUI Ll ant ~11L LII LLT‘(l~IIllill
V _ kallli‘s of standard I\aiistini5 th‘~l_flll and \Vllll iiili‘t and Ullllt‘l con CONSULT TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR LOCAL OFHCES TILE CON N ECTOR S
VERTICAL TX PE Contractor shall liirnisli and install a No. ncctlons to take si:ti standard piiu‘ oi tilc. lnlct and oiitlct
Kaustinc Purc lngot lron Scntic Tank to lac coii~tiiictt5d ol l-lgaiigc coiincctions sliall lit‘ moudcd \\Iitli tilc stops. Tank sliall lii‘ \‘LTIIIT‘I‘t‘tl '
pure: iron ll£l\'lll;1 tlic followniLI analysis: "carl’ion, iiiaiigani‘sc. plios \\iilli iilimlwr ol lo‘Iiii. dianictvr iiiaiilioltIs \\'llll \'il\\'l\ liiIld iii
pliortis. sulphur and silicon, sliall ;i\Ii5iaLIc a total ol MN] and a I‘acc \\‘itli lililts \\'1Ill lirass iiiits Tank sliall lic coatvd iiisidi- and
maximum ol .1094." Tank to lic ol gallons tit-t \\‘HI‘l-(lllfl Ull[\ltlr‘\\'1[ll lilavk l\lil\llt' t‘llilllli‘l .Iiiiiilii5t] ljiil. PRODUCTS AND ENGINEERING SERVICE
capacity. and of Tollowin;I dimensions , Tank sliall lie cqiiippcd HURIZUVT Kl TYl’Er (hmhm‘ r h [H NH” 1] ind m “H
\\Ith mlct 9nd wild ammaiam >IIIt~Illi “I .iaaniiiwa.a. 4 m ‘.‘ m, .\a I\.lllstiiic in...» lnnot In.” sumgwm ka h, i“. W“, ITH its corps ol cngiiICCis at the lioiiit ollitt, and in tliL litld. l\;\l MINT. (aiMl .\.\\. l.\t .. tan adv
standard pips or LllC. lnlct and oiitlct conncctions shall lie proudcd sti"1i"tcd ol I .1 3 5. I } ll _ .. , . . , . . .
5} 51’ f > T' k li5 ‘1‘” ,.11' 'Ill‘l l _ 51 , Ll b» ‘ llkllllh “UH MHIlL‘lo oninuanalysis: cailion~ . ‘1, a 5. .'1 H - 11‘ . ..1. Y 5» 5.0V» 15‘ 1 A-} \»[5 \5 T 1 < ”.5 m. 5 -\ “1‘41
\\iti tit 5.01». an to L \ Lorna \ “L ttt lllilllL‘lUth an to t mlmumf‘t thrhm“ “11mm, ,md ”Hm 1“” ,n I“ x t til I Lllllltt } LUPL \\ltl Ll 11103 Lllls 1L iltlllg, U1 >L\\tlht, klsllbil . IL HILL 5 {1. ”lg [11. >LI\1LL ilIL lL1L\Lt
Is 5 x 55 55 , . 5 ‘ . , ‘ \T I ‘ x .~5 .V.;c.’ or o i
proudcd \Kltl] l’LllllHdTIlL Louis litld in Flatt \\itli loiir bolts \\1th “6" and A mflmmm ol lll’l." 1ka I” h. “1' ”HmM mt l 1 , 1‘ . 1 1 H ,5 ,\ “'t 5 t 1 1»? 1 5 1 ' ‘t’ 11 t. 9' iv {v t‘ tl » -» W» \ t~ 1 t} x y 1'»
NM mm Tank anti he Mimi ”Mm. and MIMIC mm lilack MN“. \Mknw ”PM” md la’ MW 1011mm“ {1mm 1 n ‘ I “15} o tit Lttai s o suxagt tita inLn p ant thiLn ant ins a a ion. . 1m} y s a L It ittliiiitnitn s o it 1.11 1L
5; l'cd 'lIl 1 '“ss , ”I. " -.‘\ ‘7“\' "‘“l . ~ 7 . ‘ ,. . . .,'.‘. ' c .., I‘ .
Umml 1W” l“ I“ “I‘ “P ““‘” \\iiltli. l .lliciglii , Tank ~llitll 1m 1 5slial‘i‘kl m iaim. iiiii iilai‘ lolx I\.5\l?STII\lt (ioMIIAM. IMI., \\‘lll liiinisli oi assist in all ol tlit iicLCs>.tl) Plans and sl‘ccilications.
_ Him! a WHH‘P Ii‘lh‘al l‘ottoin and llal Ion Tank sliall liiI \‘xllll"‘ \l « V . . - . - - -
KAUSTINE SUPER SEPTIC PURE INGOT IRON TANKS mm mm. Wm “Wm “mm” mm mm. mm.“ halal}. Litcratiirc. containing \‘aliialilc inloi‘iiiation I‘L‘SPCCUITQ tlit‘ Various types ol appriiv
VERTICAL TYI’I‘: Coiitiactoi‘ sliall liiiiiisli and lll\l.lll a No l‘lact- \\Iitli liolts \\Iitli l‘lil~\ Illll~ 'l‘aiik to lia\iI Illli‘l l"\l tillllk'l lii‘His ' .
Mumm. gumrgwm pm“. 1mm hm Tank I“ h. (.,,Mmhd U, Ami .Wmii. .i.5.1,4.....i aim“: imii... ”mi Juan KJWNMHUH WW_ [Cllilllccs which go to make tip coinplctt st\\agt titatiiitiit plants. as \\Lll as plans ‘ 4.. 4.} , ,,
gaiigc nurc iron llitYlllfl tlic lollowniu analysis. ”(.II'TNYHV m‘m» Illli‘l and outlet coniiiutioii sliall lu‘ iiirlii's iii tllillllt‘lt'l and <}]( )\\'lIlU llllll. Tlit‘ \‘t‘i‘tical t\'}\‘> (Nos. til. (i3 and (i3) art" leigiii‘d I? ' "TWIN“

‘o\I5rs 1‘ in a“ Iit iir Is It uss s. i ‘ ~\5 \ x- E t o 5 i - a . ' . . 5 ' - ' 5 i» . 5 ‘35. ' ‘2.
l l ‘ p “ v‘ ‘ H U m l l“ m” ”H 1” ”””'” “”‘ ‘1 .. “lll l‘ I‘ ll “” ‘1‘ ll“ lll“ lor lioiiics and \‘Illall institutions. TllC liorizoiital typos (NW. N‘. \ll‘. 01(5) «II'L‘ \lwlilhkl liII' , ‘-
iisc \\‘licrc lai'gci' capacitii‘s arc rccniircd. All arc constriictcd tlii‘oiigliiviit o1 l‘lll'i‘ ingot ii'oii. i ’
SIMPLE INSTALLATION PLANS which is notcLl litll' its i'iistIi'csistiiig Lliialitics. and arc, coatvtl iiisitlc and not \\itli plastic vnanii'l. 'ww'l I
ha,“ applivtl liv Hot Dip l’i'occss. \\Iliicli proViLlcs additional protection against Corrosion, ‘ "My
1 :'I "“5”“ .5 . . . ,5 5v. ’. . N . tam-Y-
I .. . ., 3' ' ' 7M , ;_ 5‘ H -‘ ‘ 5 . I") Tlit‘ \It‘i'tical tanks arc niadi" iii jot), nllll and 4‘)Il«~;al, si:i‘s.aiitl arc \\‘llll‘l‘t‘tl \\itli a l‘L‘IlliiVill‘lt'
. , , -. ‘ . , 4 f _ _ 5 , . . cover. Tlic liorizoiital tanks arc niadc in capacitics 11p to SIIIIII gals. and arc iii‘iw‘itlcd \\Iitli two 7
‘ ' ' ' ‘ . .. ' ..; .- ‘4 J "V x ‘ . ' . ‘ . . _ z I,- . i ‘ . or tlii‘cC inanliolt‘s. according to si:t‘. TliL‘ inaiilioltI covt‘rs arc st‘ciirt‘lv lioltctl to the tank slct‘u‘ \\‘itli V . ,
‘ .. i ‘ _ ,....J .V .‘ 5’ 1‘ .5 _ . _ _ . , , erhcalSephc Tank
[_J l--- ‘ ‘ 4 .»f - I ., 2‘) I.‘ -; lii'ass lllll> \\‘liicli \‘llllllll.llt‘\ corrosion at tliis point. Tliis typo «it rovrr l\ tnisy lll i'i‘iiiim‘ and lll>lll\‘.\
LWW} J \ “a 'n, ‘5‘ \_ - 5 - " C ‘ ' quick acct‘ss to Hit" iiitcrioi‘ ol tliLI tank \\‘liciicvcr necessary,
Pl N 10 PI ’ Tlii‘ intci'iial dusign ol Kanstiiir Tanks is lllllclllt‘.
an 0‘ an N°' H Pl‘m N°‘ 12 Plan N°5 ‘3 Ball‘lc platt‘s arc [Ilact‘tl at tlic intakt‘ and disrliai'nt‘ SPECIFICATIONS—STANDARD SERIES
Pia: [\U .,, 5M“ up“ ‘: ‘NL‘H'HM “mm in ”J“ “I, dwmn‘“ mi m " in” mas. ‘1‘ z. “I“ My. 1‘“ l: M '.'“ m: \i. if MM tilit~lllllg> and a Sllltlgp lxalllo is placml llo.ll' lllc‘ tint \\\5.‘v \ Y . 1
Aliklilikliwifllnll wrliitiiiilwi W‘Hiiir \\Ii.1i5~ ~11 i5- swiitvw‘i ~12 153311”; iwll lwll wiiiiia III -n w . 1 ,51 i. no 5. I52. .. i. \ ,- 5 -. i I. win. win lt‘t. This construction Litilizcs tliii cntirt‘ capacitv ot I'm-al ‘ M l” “I Tl)“
C‘. .a LIL. f5il i.~ ; .i inn ill.‘ fin sizia sixv ,.s ..Iik sii .it' yii\i..5.. ‘i‘u. :5...i,. ;.~ ;- .i,. H]. 15 .‘ . c M . j “I” _ . ‘. I,‘ ‘I. . ‘2 . 5 5 / \ii H i. ‘7 l ... 5I W" l' .n ii ll ‘3
\{L 11 1shiaila 1w iiE-i-a' only “lint- B..ii i“ was. “ill i5..aii-. awn» mm.» ..i..i i. I’M-..,. .I.. .. I l i. ..‘i,~5. ~Hi ,.. I. i]. .. .'i 5,. {a ,l \ ‘5 .5. ‘ ." ‘ . tlic tillllx. \Ict \\‘1ll not allo\\'t‘1tlit‘i‘llii‘ st‘iiiii on tlit' l :l\ 'llwiIt , i H V Ni ‘5‘ I “ “iv"-
Tliitillat’iorlni: (in «Tlllll\lllq\“‘li;1\\lI-‘II‘ :iiiiiiitl\slii;‘is stir": ;il];51 l:\l5:iii;iitiiltllilixl is \IV‘iIil I ”I! r i“ i l H“ l. H , l H I L h l in“ l lUT‘ UT lllk‘ ‘lllklflk‘ ill llh‘ l‘lllllilll [H l‘i‘ Lllulltllg’i‘tl, g: l“ . ‘ ‘
Ill addition 1to llic \1‘.‘t‘ial Hanna‘s iiotL‘Ll alIch. VerticalTonks
INSTALLATION INSTRUGTIONS attciitioii is cailiitl to tlic llL‘\\‘ sizcs and cliaiigcs ol
- v ’ l: 3 5»? J l iii’i Vi J l, i \, Ill ll "’i
gauges ol iiictal sliown in tlic talil