xt7qnk361p0s_75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Bath House text Bath House 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_94/Folder_4/4406.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_75 xt7qnk361p0s o ’_
Proiect Cost Sheet
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has. No. .»W ORDER
'5 , N? 2126
_ ,.x 3 r. .. INCORPORATED
""‘7“‘ a 3/* d
...E I,» June 15, 1931 E~ ‘
Lyon Fetal Products, Inc., 3


” icaso linois . . .

We herelby acikndwfizldge receipt of your order as numbered above and W111 make shlpment via
the routing and on the date shown to the right of each item below.
(Signed) l‘"
l .
Form A By’ -
' D E s c R 1 P T l o N SIDHAIEEASQFT Rc‘ixtgnllqzi: _3
‘ — r I .. _ C1 1 v E -‘

. blOu Green nnsmel steel Lockers, single tier, sloping 9 file R03 94'9”
top, sufficient louvers for ventilation, approx. “ - _
size 15” side, 18” deep, 61” front, 71” back, Extra for erectioao

. without legs and fitted with standard equipment «.78 each
’ consisting of one hat shelf, four coat hooks, hrs 8 H —s
number plate and flat key lock with two keys. .A Double 30‘ w4°b’
total of 5 master keys are to be furnished. Lo Ier ea. 3'
. _ are to be purchased at this time for the first and nxtrs for erection
. . second floors only and are to be of general ' sign a»73 eacn
_ and located as shown on blue prints attache and
3. Jane to consist of: 3 I
. ,3‘ ‘ ’:.-w»: " 3 , 170 -= 1:1 D‘ NS ‘
I Ihfiaéisingle—ticr single faced lockers (3 r as or 13
, ' ~' 'E E each) f.o.b. Ca s
56.»,“}. i” " ” ” (9 rows of 4
_ . ,I 3 . each) Destinati n “511%". 1;. .
. ‘ 88 ” ” “' 1' ” 8 rows of ll wright Ky.
. each)
96 ” m " double ” " 4 openings wide

' back to pack, consisting of 12 sections of 8 cash.

264 Single-tier double faced lo" ers ll Openings E l

' Wide back to back consisting o. 12 sections of 23 I
each. 5

. all lockers to be shipped k ocked down and Grated. ' E E

- norm: (

hold for shipping 1 structions. Erection not w
far enough along for p icing of lockers. “ill sd~
Vise you in ample time.
W ..._—_————————-——-.-—-—
3‘ . 3 3 _ 5 IMPORTANT Es
"Peblal AtQPWMBfiQNAWoAJTfi’ECIFIC DATE OF SHIPMENT. Such notation as...‘fIm'medi-
' ately,” “Promptly,” “In a few days,” “Soon as possible,” etc., is insufiicient information.
B.—If material is not in stock advise Where it is carried. If from factory, advise location of
' factory. Shipping point is Essential.
C.-—If delivery is in doubt, RETURN THIS FORM IMMEDIATELY, advising such is the
case but do not delay getting definite information to us, in a later mail.
D.——Kindly forward papers covering each shipment as instructed on original order.

 . ;7 .6 -V «.,',7 1,4,9, V..-V6.96.- ;. 3 6, GHQ ,3; 0;; H“;
V ... . ..V.-,... '. . 7,1,“; ;A,V;,6L;’V:V7‘-‘.V“T“f,z?-:;6..,L,;;.;i_;:__=;,-;7;;V,.._,f;..,_.;.3.7.; .‘.;7__;,;;.;x.,;3;;; :-~'6.z»;'V'V4~,;V..»V;6;5. \\
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