xt7qnk361p0s_755 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Taxes (Rates) text Taxes (Rates) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_128/Folder_2/88m6_128_2__3865.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_755 xt7qnk361p0s K, . . W-
' Commonweulth of bentucny ' '
a7 ,f Ernnkfort
* I“; ’
\ ' '. '«y ‘ 7. ‘ n r
\ ff ,,ILI‘CJ‘. 416, 1940
A \ K K,
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 " i) ” 7 Z?
(5 772 ' V97” “V
- I ’
LPPLOVED: C. X. C. Porier, Director
/ /"0\ Division of Excises
/\/ (C (346 C /(\)Q 6 7m/0 0
E. Clyde _eeves
Commissioner of Revenue

 ‘ ‘
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V “7 . fi 4.--
u. Latv oi pn4.
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14: fits. ,. -4b3v .4CkPLQ L; .C. .-r 1,VOL, :4-“ "-1:_;41
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”,0UO — bi; lsknvo nbbln ;-¢. 4D. ,14. .44: .4; 34:1,0-,
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-‘ ‘33 ‘7'? - .. «VJ-.41.. . ‘. ..- .3 ~' .- . .. -... ' 4'. ~.
3- ,;:.;u 51L” 041..l4, ?4fir 2.. .Lc -1~1w;.ad 93,2 *3 ..ruc
J-‘ 1--'.-. 1 . m. 1. . m ., -' . ‘.,--- ,1 ,..- :' .. ',. ,. '7‘...-
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arly 1r QTDL {housu335. TLC? gr7 aruiluFI: i: fihi f Llfiahq“
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"7 ‘ ,/ "4,, J 4,7“ .7 3' / 4‘ '7 1-,.- ‘...J.‘, -.- "
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.UI. .L S 1,: ..7.‘..A. .44]; ,L} I111... -,' 7...“ " .7 . -.--7\..’.
. -, .’ .. r ' L. 4 r r‘ ,1.... r .' . 14.4: 4...-
..~I, 177 1.1,: 81...: f...‘.‘. 1.3;. 4.7.1 9.2.- -' LE. .1 j,..lT 15
1’? . r7/.1...-— n.4,...
“'x“ . 1.7 1.]. _.,_, '- "“““‘LL
L11 ¥i* Wis gym S‘Fi‘ll? Tufibfirfld 4:1 no #50 iivlwf; “T
JR. [<1 17 . 1,7'7- ~'- \* . w 1 ‘ «. < «1-11 - M \ 7. i . 7 ~ 1
_,;_“ .1 4 m c.1211C.,4.;...‘ - 1.. .u. .n ; 1. . 4 , :..; -¢1\1‘. 7:7. 4.. r'..
1 .. .,,.1‘.~.-' .‘ .- .1 A. ‘ ,..-3 . ..,...~ 2 H .1»: ,:_ 1 s: ,‘ ,. 4
217‘ :17... .473. ;_'., 7a.!“ “4.:. :.I‘ “ha .3 ,,4 4...,
, , . . . . 7
if 31~ L“?LUFV331§. .; 1:1;H>47.'
..-‘ ..‘.” 4,4 L.:,.7..... ~‘,_\.. , ' .1 1"“ in .
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b“ “am-7
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(~ ".7 -,J. '“ .,. ., .. "n . .,...-,. ,-‘7, 1 ,. "‘7 ». ‘ '
3. _.'.A"‘l‘~r.. Ll f..‘. gL’JIfz. ,.1 I'»._L1.>(-'-. .7‘...,‘-. 1.77 7.», ‘41'1, 7,. 41.1.- 4.”,
..‘,,: ,.- . 4.:,1, ; » - «1... ‘ -. . . ,1. .. v- ., ,v . 3.
gu-_2.17, -0”-.c; 4.r m4.1.. 44¢ .aiubH ,-177.-., -._0 .,
YT?“iT‘, 3r Lorrcm uzy udyL. LC: 7i? 2%: fr;: 2:? wursru
unlwfia Uri¥x7 \ ‘7. 4., ,-
. . leydfi' Luz: ILS
m up; ”(‘7‘ ,7 :7 f m—ww
\-,..7.,,..-Q__01.1.._ O- .7 171,111.10

 ‘ ‘ ‘
_ _. g 9
Com crmcglth of Ientucky
(June U, 1956)
Revised Lurch 26, 1940
Re: Ldnissicn Tickets
Pursuunfi to Sections éz€lf~é, QEBlf—S, and lZElf—O through QLSlf—lt of
Carroll‘s Kentucky Statufes, Baldwin's 1986 Revision, all places of unuscnent m:k-
ing & specific charge of any kind for amusonent or ertertninment are required to
usa OdFiSCiOL tickets or chick: that comforn #0 the :pccific:fions heroin ccntuincd:
1. Specifications. BUCK tickct or CLOCK s all hgvc yrinted fiborco;:
E. The numfi 3f tbc plant of Enusexcnt or :nttrtuinmont to which
thn purchaser is enti+lod to admissior;
b. The price for which it is :Eld and thc Unount of t"x “ol—
102tcl (this may bu stgfid cithfr "Estrblisiod fricc fl
, m *. h f I _.T——
plus fl tax,” or ” E, 131 1gcludou’);
3. Serial ziLunb r OIL cum} (and befirmirg :.b 011: i‘ar 01C: prim
class fhd crlDr 3f stock;
d. The idcntifyinf ccdq numb r assign d by this Db”grtxwti EC
bank plgcm cf anuscncnt or CEELTTKlDLORE; und
O. The following staioncrt ii typu not SfiillLT this fivL—pULRt
Silid ”This tickxt 113% by torn CLESSIIS: txrcuyb fir
031151.13 orb—11.11." [ivUn to ‘L't'rcn, ORE—I‘llli' ruflgrxililrd.”
3. decd latter. Tiokuts may bbg: :ny Edfliiigizl mafia, st i myrt,
gist rx, or syrbnl 3(r i :ofifiirt;mt with ih" forafcirfi
S. Ordurs. All orlgrs for fiiokgt: arr to bL fcrwgrin f3 thU
Division of Exciscs, Dujgrtx,nt of REV ruc, Fr ntfart,
Kontucky. The Pcfxrtupit, after ai‘rcving th; 9rd r is
to Shocifiputicns, will fhcm forward tic ordgr f? Shh
print r designated by tn: aboritor Cf th; blues cf unusu—
4. Form. Lll orders for tidbcts or checks are t3 b9 rado uyfin
Rcvunu; Form 579, forms t3 bU furnished by thv Departmcnt.

 .‘ .
n“ ’-
. .
Commonwealth of Kentucky

(June lb, 1956)
Revised “arcl EC, l940


TC’ .;Ll iL:CC}Il:TCLZ S 019 PlrLCZJS 01‘ Q; Z731;Z;/ I .IIly/Cu_ ;LiTLEiZX-Z‘i ZiIT:

Psy1ent of tries (unless tex—ysid tickets are used) and reverts shgll be hide
to the Department of hevenue by the tenth of eacL north, covering the busixess
trsusscted during the month previous. Tux remittances in the form of certified or
cashier’s check 3r postal or express nosey order shall be made payable to the
Treasurer of tha Commenwoslth of Kentucky.

Customers’ checks and all other boots, paper: end record: relating to fimuse—
ment tax liability must be kept for a prlOd of not less thmn two years or for suCM
period up to two years _s is required by the Dcyirtncrt to gels ; comelrtc fiudit of

There follex rules governing th; :ctflods by which the tax impesod (n svvcrdl
classes of admission ehsrges shell be collected 4L1 computcd. Tgxscytrs must con—
sistently follow one method in case :ltcrigtive hotbed? erg opticncl.

T n“ a .w / A. n «v A Y ‘“.,flw ‘.- ,rfli aw . fl. »VH w

l. WTBLs BOLD huD/ Us DIILUIIQ s Sifl.st “KL P ursGsIC “L InLM 1 lb


Proprietors of businesses felling lL this classificstiom Kay collect and rerort

the th by either of the two acthods which folldrz
"“V (‘n N 't
“ii _, 4‘s

Itemize each customer‘s chect, tab; 35 f‘F cent of thx tetel, which is can ed
the charge for cmusemvnt and/or out rtri:;ucfi:(scc Section 1, V. 3. 525, lOlC Str—
oral Assembly), and compute th tax on {his urount t the fello inf rit s;

If the amount is lOfi or less, no tax.

11¢ to 16¢ 1%

19¢ to 28¢ 2c

29¢ to 38¢ 5% plus 1; for each 10% or irficticx
thereof in excess of 38c up te and
including $1.00. In excess cf 51.00
the rot; is lOfl plus le fer QQCE fbfl
or friction thereof.

If the amount be in excess of 38 Jouts, tb; tax is 5 cents plus l cent on each
10 certs or fractional part thereof in excess of 58 cents. For example, a customer‘s
check is §Z.OO. Twenty—five per cent of this is 50 cents. The ti: o: 50 0 nts is
5 cents. If the customer's check is ,5.00 tht tax is inresed on ;l.25 ind amounts
to ll cents.

. ~ ..
BLT l. 'ECI‘LM 111*:

Report total daily {‘I‘os: rescipts 13.111111: 1:11; 1101.111: Cf entertaiizxfii 2:116. compute
the taz: at 2: per our}. 01‘ this amount. Tito and 0313—1an 961‘ cm}; 0.7} 1.1;: {‘I‘STJS is
10 p103 cent of 25 1152:“ cant. live and. one—half 13:11 cent is 2.11 arbitrary,“ ratio taker.
as the average amount of“ tit: ta: ‘.';l‘.icl'; would be Charged if if): tax ‘..‘Cl‘x‘ 00:11:35.1 011
cucl; individual check.

11. 17113117: ILL; JCT/OZ. I..:Z'f. .1.; 861.1733 117']? 1519328819341- 11.12317 13

173.371.017.799 .'.:ff. .'. C1311; (37217.5.ij 18 2,313.

Proprisigor: of businesses filling in xiii: Cl:;:.f.'ii‘ic:=tica: mg; collect (4.111.. r.per‘f

the t2: 01‘ citizt 1‘ 01" the txro 1551:9123 1:113:03”. I‘Cllozrsz
;:.TIU"‘LJ Lil)

(Injurte ”::.. 3:5:.‘110; the com? charge or :1;»); III 1‘ on“. o-‘ :o'-.l 11:37,
6; L0 0.2.011 cu:’:‘.o:...:‘, ‘..:1icELC'V’r is film-afar. for C:.'ZL1‘.‘.'_..’1.., :1 somr chirp- 3:" EC
carts is 1".L1fl-C. :‘Iu' ’fi‘.‘3’7;flli(‘l"f1 total bill is £1.00 (including “Lit: ccv '3 0111.32).
1'"..1:.2:tj,'—f:':_1r<.; '1“ 1‘ 0’11, of tit: tctil bill if. 75 CCZPLQTT. ll". 1.111: seen, ‘l.»..- 'L_.i-: will “:::
coxputod 0:1 7"; 01.113? rather 45.71111: 1111; SC‘ cct‘ts COV' 1‘ 1:21;,1‘gfc. Cc:1f‘i.‘,_ 1‘31. 4:71;: ..‘:
tin; rate: 3 t out 1:1 2:31”; I ::bovx.

TM "1 TT 1" 3".“
;...... l-.. .l.. .. ;....

COIKPTH... t};- 1151il; tux upon all not; 2‘ c.1113: :..: sit 01,17” 1:. 1. 51:11:.6, C1": 1: 7:1“: I
about {...111‘1. a". P. 12:." :' :i‘. o..." tot .l (..L .ilj/ gross r 1; ".:. Hui":._‘ 1.31.. 201:3," '3 1:3,1‘1qi11—
1:1..11t, 9.316. jf L r :..-.3113??? :::—.‘.:— Eifflw ‘.. _-_---

131. 1”I..‘.CTTS ‘ J ..’ 337; 23, I 9 3.1.1; 1‘ ‘..TL ' ._ C - 1'} .'.l“;

FF. : .'I'.._._1 I.I? 11.213131? ."...L $113L1.. i’ (‘.‘-ITL ‘.;. .,’.lL‘I 17”.-
ULCLQL .333.'.'.-‘1 C LL.. .'ii‘l.-.’ ;-.CHL,‘ 12.3 Li). 1' ‘57.; .'.'. 11.40; If
.’..” 1113: EL. L.,/"7.7. I? .‘.‘.": .'..l. 77;.

Eh“; :::1..:i;;,;:i<::1 c3:...1“”v: :.z.‘ b‘.L¥lI.L sac: ;L'illi: .L.: tlfic al-...‘i‘u‘LJ; ‘;icp ::‘_.,ll "1.1;.
onlrfiutcti 0:; 1.11.. {will of all Leaves .-.6‘...‘ 1: «;..cF: .'1.71.2ii:i:.‘1fl.l .i: 2211...: :1. l: 611.”:
in [art I c.1123». I "111 ailisiozi 13.1.12;./ “3.: 10 .113. ‘11‘ 133:», '.i, 1‘. trill ”.:. :C 1:.):
12.312311 i;1.:& sharp, 7.3111; 11y 32,131.31 uunt slurr“. Ludo l'cr :g‘v 61 l c- C1“ 011,1:
fiCiliiii: 0:10: :.fl_ir.sio1". is: o”‘ui::ixi;"..al shill by snuffeft ‘0 4.1.2; “by L..;jiili’fl' ‘31: 1:13.113?
of 6"“.1311 svbsoqucf, 3:11.113: to L11 o:‘i(‘f?;.:xl‘. viij‘jw; for <:1::'...§‘l1 , l.‘ :2 ,I:‘C§j::‘i~ 11.31" ‘i‘

-: ti: ctr- 11:13.13 L. tax—I‘m. Cl1‘..l‘{j\; of 113 grin ;‘Cl‘ [6.11.1 .1«:“:.’..’.:1313:1 5116'. 17:173.”... ,1..-.1":
chrrgjc of l0 Certs for ::jccirzl scufli'.’ or 2115.11 1“ .'i:~::7.li*ios, ‘ ‘L‘<“‘Ctj.l 6:141:31 c; {30
cents shrzll b. s:1:.‘:.;'.;c’ 12:, ;; L «cant: tax.

'.’..‘1110' ‘13}111'23101. obtain. <1 0 :.11 :1..:‘.:.sL':':u;‘:Li Err whirl. x ; .7..“. ';xi‘ {1.11111 ‘.;E'Iicgio:
to ".ii‘i‘rr'xt C.:’é.:1sc:\.<..:1t ;‘w:1‘forr.,.;1cc for .". ’Z.’3‘JC.;1 r I’LL: is; <:‘ii..‘_ry«-.:i .1111? 11:13.
'.'.‘itl:i_;: “:31: :.z'mlosz‘rcs of 4:116 first plum. of ."J“.‘JSWL,\'Z".L., Liv: tax is. not. 301.1: utgd c1. ("1.
toil 011.1213” 01” 1.11.1 : ":(L:‘.:‘.:.‘Siu:.:’: but 0:; 01.432‘. 1L;s_:7_