xt7qnk361p0s_756 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Telephone (General) text Telephone (General) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_128/Folder_3/88m6_128_3__3872.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_756 xt7qnk361p0s z’ x
6 February 1956

To: U. F. Leatnernan

Fron: f. $. iljmerfiun

At tge staff meetin; gituriaj noruia; a disc vslan
was Held seéirdin; the failure of file eagle ich
disruptel 31: telephone service.

It was pointei cg: that this was lac t1 tin ‘ I
of drainage from the couiuit an* '7 Arles at t-;
rear of the office, store and . -ecreatio:

This is act t3: first time 3 -.. difficulty
in this section of our telep.“.- 2'2t3n due t3

the lack of irainage ; ‘ I fa: .ome ztegs anguli
be made to carrec ‘ c‘eu ‘uture failures
from this cause.

It was fleciied It you would ook into this matter
to see what coul be dame to p ovide proper irain-
age. You ma; ca on 5:: Te' 130 and Kodney Kc-
Kinney a he . 'ou neao

I we appreciu a report from you as to wnat

ate you feel c be taken to correct the condi-

. )m/
I /~
Hanagér Coa Properties
cc: JPeraino /
RIMc K1nney/

 5:9 \TEM‘ 4., . ‘ “ '\ 3’ V H"
”..3"; P" ;‘vly‘ :3, fi3i11~1 ..,}? $31?“
‘1 ‘v L." -‘-,.,. ' A ' _.‘, 7 ,1 . .«. g
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'I v V' a“ ‘ :.‘va t 2'
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‘.: ‘ ’.:“ ‘..-.i 1~ "av, 1‘ . -
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v or . 3* «it! * ,.
a . .~ : (fl '. ammo
‘ '.‘ ‘ :3“..Z: I.
7 May 8,, 1957
v ‘V’ t 't' .
idem. ptwidt (an? wxmm rommurl'wmns m (a: c then (cimypc unite is hot swag a‘vh
an} nail new,” in too not. Ibis m .:v~.~ mu: ent-nan: up: of v m mnmw‘cwmn cod :1 is
aspen-rm co mderrahd emf no it '9;le gun mgmwu
Thug in the: clung: n! n‘ryxams
FHLL RATE — '11: mm "fix!'1"?yirgf w’m wot-ls m :9:- (Ihuxcs we .M‘x For oui
sddmc—nal w-wro luv-gr de- awn tan: M V l'O 7hows.
DAY Lf'l‘TfiR — Tor. mmzvnm (hour is "4 \O woydc or 11:: and 31 higher than 139mm.
nmi irwet ”an 2 mr;-’.: ‘vv fw‘i :‘Blf. Charge. amt name for rock
unjust-net "nu-,7 ‘ wrrdn ‘Jeruge iNEverv ime I! 2 to 5b.”:-
NEGWT LETTER . To? r‘!.IP;':yuL'x (?v'cr m .'" WW nerds (H has and :0 lower rhnn :‘nl: Hw-
or d?!» Lever ""ar;~« ?L‘ ['.»le for 'I“'~“. miiitéunif group of ‘ sun-Qt
Manny’s s-: '-' vrrrvi "or ' T‘ufl‘m; nmr'm‘.
funny?" of telegram rhurglw , ’ ::n .30 w ‘ ‘w anx
A\ E RAE-‘."
7'. WWI-,'w‘ 77 r-zm’sfi '.1,. WOW)“. DELIVERY TIME
,.- “.._.-..l- ,._.. ._,.... __.....- .._.“ _.__._—_,_....
FLJLL RATE $1.50 33 "' SK “ 2'0 lbs-Mt
C’YLCTTLF 15‘ 23‘ ‘.R‘ loo‘w:
.’:ifiHL ilflf'fi 1 1C 7 .'v 1 2“, Mn A '4
Eu?! Clll shock; be iecidcd or. V: ovn Her): in- germ ‘.' ”all?! m folio: or"
.'ULL RATE ~ L':,“ where some day dcuvcrv q repent “.4 wattage us {on M
l‘ words.
DAY LETTEP ~ L':! where tam» div 4clevrn ‘3 nquucd and nun-ac :3 ram than
N. coffin. '
NIGHT LETTFR ~ Lie ‘5": next TyCHT‘wn! ;ir?iv*17 m :c rptablc at More mun” l0
erm 1h” 5‘70 9 M
Stitch». the court! clan of "run: will help reduce om co-nmunucation (our
“a“ ,
'W~m‘m.flvWW-~ " ‘

 . E
k 7 I
my (3, 1957
Messrs: J. G» Phoehn - Inland steel Company
C. E. Jacobs - Inland Steel Company
w. M. Scully ~ Inland Steel Company
R. J‘ Cooney - Inland Steel Container Company
L. J. Huge - Inland Steel Prcducts ompany
Recently a study was made of I e1 2- ms orig ted
by Inland Steel Ccmpany ana asidiar omgany 0 can.
In many instances, It was '. cc that o-ecesazry ex-
pence was incurred due to i-; 0pc: -sif1cation of
telegraph service.
Th1. expense m -- ”I ,. Nun tlally by follcming
the general rule utl'lned - th trachea Ryernon
bulletin. It is :«yortent th.i the 'cletype or tele-
graph operators wderatand t- w service and perhaps
distribution of similar b - bin to certain other
office e o eee *.uld be h.:;ful.
H. H. Ruebe
cc: Manure. V. D. Roger:
G. E. Handtrama

: ,2 /
J g“ /‘ / r /
9' /’ r , 31” 7
‘:2 I
it flag 1&5?
Tu; x. E, Cummingg
«. Xv Mucra
:1“ so A: 31193
9. 2. Canley
g1 i ) o .." EQLQS ,’":
C. u Tami m3 /
£1. .‘. . '"icfiiuneg— /
3'2. '3. Smith
Erma: : . L12. iz‘aca-E
fiztuckee is copy of a wire ccmmunicat a”: E vtit,
unLch svsa fart: some Jensrml :¢ , ‘cz abzu- ‘3:
use 9? telegrams. If these r clplg Ar: f;1 x;
mhcsrvaiag bt»t:rn Evian ta g-nrh 3e ‘1CQ; it VEEL
nave cur Campany maney.
fiberefare; gleam“ 59: that L- w” in ytnr flapsrt-
meat whw hax my uccfxwu. ,0 ye legrap? ncrvirz
.‘.or Lg~upnny bugs". ;,3 e? h, m: principles. 25.31;
farth An the at »-Lefi Emile 'n‘
‘.r’ .’ y
( z// 1” e—L/(fl-(’.
/ a, ' ..
Gangral nupcrintcnucnt

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.~ .3.. ~ 2.. v 4 J. .I. . .,I ..,.. .,‘ 1. I4 I..I I, \-v.4 I'.... ». .. ..: v N .I I. :.,’. .3 In. L -9L- L UH. ,,I,.~;,.;»."- \.
. , ‘, 4 ..., I.I..g‘ . , ,I . fl; I, ‘ , ,..,_ 37‘; «a ~.,‘r fr
.....I , . k I..I.» .I. ...I,II ..I, , . I, ‘.4 .‘ . .. e. .. . ,.. 2.1; .L'..‘ ..I. u I.. : «..'. ~., ,I .e. I‘.. II..,,” a

353135 34533735 -3” febraary b; 1955
The inarease in colléct cgll chargea @150 change: the picfiurc an
telephone crefiit cards fur outbida aalasman. lg tma pusfi callect
calls from our salesmen inte our officgs ware flfirfl costly than
credit card calla witnin a radius Qf twenty-five a? thirtyafive
miieg fiepanéing on tag aerving welephene Company. In aha fitfit§
Ufi Illimcis 1% is nu? aura CCQnOfliCui as use ayedit :3rda refiarfla
less 0? milwaga.
?lc&aa inventigune fine gituation in 591? teryitar; *ud be c; ta:
alert for lacreasss in culleg; 2;;1 cuargeg. isu? weal Eeleyuea:
353 any refiréscntative ahauld be 5116 $3 :35?1; y;; with the gases»
J 1 ¥ ‘ . A {‘5 .
aary rain infatuaticn. If yam nave fliffécgat; can; $135 tnia inn
fgrmaticn, please let me anon.
on LL. 3:112:st
fiufizafi ::::::

 A ’.‘
General Offices
April 25, 1958
To: Mr. H. 0. Zimmerman
From: Carl Jacobs
General Manager
Raw Materials Department
Effective April 20, 1935, the Bell Telephone System
is changing their billing procedure on person to per-
son long distance phone calls. Prior to this time,
charges did not begin until botn persons were on the
line. Now, charges will begin as soon as the called
person answers. I suggest you bring this change to
the attention of all people in your organization who
have occasion to make long distance cells so that they
will adjust their telephone habits to stay on the line
while the operator is placing the person to person call
for them. In this way we can avoid the extra charges
from being incurred when the person placing the call
leaves his phone for some other business while the
operator is completing the call and then is not avail-
able to talk immediately upon completion of the

J' m‘ 1
0 § /
29 April 195G 2
Yesterday I received the a tter from
Mr. Jacobs in regard to a 1 saible crease in
long distance calls. : tdat charges for
long distance calls -- 5 'e Agril 2Q, 8111
commence as soon as ‘w ' led person reyliee.
In order to ho . 6 5 f long distance
calls down as - . 38 1e, all persons
placing such 0; . id make every effort to
follow the 31 1 4.: suggested by Mr. Jacobs
in carr‘ hee. = a to complttion.
*4/54 ‘1
// U. *7 KT) .
Manage{ Goal P operties

 x/ / // ' K,
/ ‘7
/ 5,“
/// . ; ~

L. a

21 June 1300
in; G. F. Leathermafl
from: E. O. memerman
i; tne past Lt seems to have been the practice to
charge some mine or coal productiomgaccoant wixh ex—
vcnseg in connection w;th work {OukLan gower Lines
an equipment serving enuerprise d111~.435 an: facili-

L i: S - L L »\
itartin: immediately, exgengés of tjfis‘kLnL should
3L charge; to Entergrisy$,4 LLEKI an Lowcr - Unit 5L.
for ::assiflcatioa of tnéSe charges) refer no your
,.‘11‘ . of ace-our: Lu . L YT"'¥~1;~>1‘G_L~',LI'<-: :3..sz 116.51” fits regar‘i-
an; the proper Cgéssirigaxkgfi, i siggea: fag get in
tgicn with T. M.{J;LALnQOK, Jr.
L L " ,.
_. , . ,\ \, -' V’ . . . , .
uxpeases LanIIfiS.CQM£O%AeUtLOL thn gave: lLfleS an;
equiymentvsérving aay mine buildings shoul¢ be charged
as in the/gust. ,x

L _ L L L . ,
Enterprisa_figiy¢iugs incluqe houses, store ouildlngs,
garages, ebugepera.

Mine buildings incluge miners' bathnouses, HLLe off-
ices, sheps, et cetera.
L, //
xl/LI/L //
C 4
Manager “oal Lroperties
cc; HMWilkinson,Jr.