xt7qnk361p0s_770 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Vacation Labor Needed text Vacation Labor Needed 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_128/Folder_17/88m6_128_17__4139.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_770 xt7qnk361p0s 5 I ‘ A
/ .r
x I. if“ I ”If I
May 12: 1955‘
To: H. 0. Zimmerman ‘
From: R. I. McKinney
I would like to have three plumbers to work dur—
ing the regular vacation period.th15 year to make
, necessary repairs to the boiler in the miners'

bathhouse at Wheelwright.
Two of the plumbers I have talked with would like

. to take their vacations starting June h to include
J11? 13.
Waula they be required to take two full weeks or
could they etart back to work after the ten-day
I have not, as yet, told them that they could have
their vacations at this time.
Please advise.

‘ I}//
T I, I ,fT/I)
B-G Depa ment


. a

 May 20, 1955
Mr. Scott Wallca
, Proaiflcnt ,
Local Union Ho. Sfiyu _
Whoolvrifiht, Kcnfiiwky
Dear $12:
I Wunld like to have three Sf our plumbing crew to
vark during the rnfiulur ninors' anatiam 0f thin
» your. The men I have Sutnctqu mug VLJ have agreed
to Work durlgg tun periods specified, ave as fol-
Virgil Hall, check 30. 1587, will start his vacation
August NC.
Waltaw Jenkins? :HUCK NJ. 1;?9, will start hie vaca-
tion August $0.
Julian Danton, check Ho. 1615, will start him vaca-
v tion July 11.

If those men are yormittnd to work during the vaca—
tion periofly pleas” noti”? m0.

Tans; vaxy fiyuly,

.4 {’37

Superi tondont

Buildings and Grounds

cc: Beginneruan -

, i

 . \ , < ‘
VA/ ” k
" 1 ‘ v
dune m7, 435
UK; :cnif tfliith
Lanai iniax 131 *399
Whealvziamt, {entacaw '
Bear dirt
{1:: “Hum, 'r-x cry" sag-ms mix? of. mu? “11112136127 crew
Unicw : P¢“1?”66” to warn fiert“t fi€z cewqinr vaca-
tixuy f Wdhifi 113$ aw ua¢é tuxee mare.
my: ‘01 mew mgr. can; to :.wc‘: m“ rum .gja‘r-r’mflge! nauling

trucw wflfl Ga: anus? an a b?“%fl driver on odd Jone.
Ihuy are $3 zoliawas

Yuwtar Llfi93&; fiafirf wu. Jufis n will utart n13

"amiatizm .ficcé‘é“‘7‘*:\;.~r #1.: 1.22118.

glnyg LittLg, ch33; Ac. Ljib » will starz his

vacatiJ’Ja 13131.15?) 20, 1.95,).

qunu Mariia, c4933 MG. {Gas w mill Bfiart his

'vC‘LC‘aEiQH (Lily; Jul. 153).

iomza veg; truAy, ‘
"w. ,//
I ’H'L .2! 7L]
.” J ¥
_ I k7”6{ \
Euildlnda anfi Grounds
cc: fiOlemerman
. .

 l ‘ I
x i I
, ‘ t
I_, .
1 »
/‘ t 1‘ (I ’l/ I’
'(ll‘ I. I .’ [K j I,

 é.- ‘/~J"C
5%. TA—u/ ' M M, /MA/é/ W
@(LZM W 34W _
, ‘ .~ “ K .»\ .9 . ‘ ~§ .,
, at“
363"]: FOYc€7l A/eajSomé //3/&) /c)’~.§’7
/J‘//‘— 2356/L férr 1'5 ‘/ carp} [J‘- //
/Yao—j/Lm.fi. m 1/ (Cw) M (20
M73 4e: mecawv (”in“) bet/awe flaw, ~ ”'73
/64;, Veg/cf L,'///c. S) L: arbaq-e ,7ruc K- #MWZJ7
V/S/L .jLD ‘7' ‘.;/Yet. { 'v " ,éé /J’/é
Wiewaa a W
x /ff7~ NEwSoMe~ 7 f A "E ,"1 ‘.'“ ,
' /J'// ‘ fi/ZYT/S —— bola/12’; 47" 110. \sepf/ézl. /9J-—¢
, /737~ Wane/wk, h 540‘ 74 Jc,>/. /§é‘u/,/9d‘fi
Age-~73 _ manlygwx \ 44%, g ‘3 .4; .41] w,» A? g;
j . ’ T ~¥ /'2V_J9—¢*
XR‘W ./ 0661" LI///¢ (14" Qeauawc p/J/Vzl)
l6 ‘7' L,'{//~< __ aafédqe , ' « x~ , / WW ._1319,‘{’. j 3+
_/\,' If, J I ,1“ I6; ‘w ’ ' ,, A I"; 7 I (5 4:1
[800 WWW» $14} $1M - 2; 14111- /6‘-"‘"
, V if

 f. LV/
1. " I
f I
June 8, 1956
Mr. ucott Hall
Local Union HQ. 5899
I Unitea Nina florkers of America
. Wheelwright, Kentucky
I Dear Sir:
I I vauld like to have the follawing men work éuring the
‘ regular Vacatian period thi4 year. The man I have selected,
I and wha have agree& to work during thiS pepiod, ara needed
9 to do special mainfieuanca work 9; Due miners' bathhouse
I anfi water plant, also two men for garbage handling and
I Dawage plant work.
I Forrest fievsome, check Ho. 1557 - will start his vacation
August 2, 1956.
~ Russell Harrie, check No. 1511 — will Start his vacation
weptember &, 1956.
Francis ahers, chock Ho. 1860 - will start his vacation
Jeptcmber k, 1955.
ForDAE 3. Lilliams, check NO. 1757 - will start his vaca-
tion .eptcmber h, 1§5C=
Lea Ccflcwn, check E0. 1$y3 - will start his vacation
I I - «: on 1’. "
.ughSu Cw, .:.:156.
Yaater Little, check H3. 1669 - will start his vacation
December 20, l?55.
V1036 Kittie, snack Ho. 1515 - viil start his vacation
DJcember 20, 1&55.
Yaura very truly,
_ a
b erintendent
- Bu laingu and Grounds
Department -
RIMDK1nnoy-cla .
cc: HOZinnnrnnn
I 63131!

 From the desk of
Supt B. & G. Dept,
Wheelwnght, Ky.

 " v
”'77 /f/ / ‘ /,/
/ < I ,A . p/ "/ x/L
’/ ' / ‘V _ .4: , 74 / ,~ ’
/ // (,r’ / // . , I, / / / k , (y) // ,-
, l , / / - » A
// / / / /,' "g. r / ~ ’ ' «R g 7_
... J , I
’ .1
‘ , I (’4‘ ’/ ‘Nl
. _I. , , L."
’71 , , .’.!
' \/ \( / ‘ / ; // "
\ " / - , - ~, z/

 ,/ ' i, ,

 Lucawbcr E, 195%
'.‘“J‘. ”891%, flail; 1‘2";‘:*i".£§71}3‘.’?
Eecal 1L:;ua gm. 5‘51
{E.E-Lo ‘13:) o
T cclvrigai, 2;,
LEE: ”2%:
E veal; llgu LDhAVE E3; gm” {Esaau nuisu ;9 work éuriug the
Cirifilxgfl vguhgzo . T;qy ngc Q93¢¢fl L3 wart axfi take tae
fiLfie af? ¢t ; ;;tav 3;;9.
The ffillOUiV5 J43 ;9U Era Es Ufiesu.u tqe water Elana and do
a:¢cr:;wuc5 3,’»121;:.‘;,, 3. 3::-21,79.
v' " 17 v V :- " .~ 4 -\ .'. ‘ . VH- . ..‘ 4"
héitw? wfifimlxfi, EH. ,3. 15“,, E0 wen“ jug. 5Q uufi 2G,,s Ll
' Ln of: live. Q1"? "5.7; Pa}.
hayrcgt Auveegeg fig. 3a. £§§?, La use; iec. 31, but prflfers
'- E2; Luigi: (313;? Fwavri‘i. :71.
Tge f0113WLJ; Evc Jib guy x3 Ad 419 ggrbage. 4
411; Wwyd, CE; L0. iécB, ”a $39; Dec. 2%, 25 au& 31, to take
733?? Jilin 1'," 3?} ’.;-:5; ii, 1:315?‘ ”“““’ ’» 'A L ‘ ’ ,"
VEHLXQM: 41341.39 3 .. ”u. $.:/«59 vb Var; ..s ‘JLJL. £9», «(a and 31’ t0
; r (3‘99 ‘5‘” V 'F 73,1 1., ‘a 3 r .3 *3? 4.9 > E. 1._-.__
nun“- 4‘ .. ..E-E.E. ,, 3 A-‘ul \Juétl u. no, ‘9‘, _,I 4 . ' _.
T,g Belieuifig tvu 49$ arm SQ a:¢:: 1 Cir regular vacation
*QQ. 23 £3 5; 3 Elm: ve. 4E15 beiug tzfi firai year of fine
acriqg Wm ViChtiGt32485 wfivu Egremfi to Lmfifi 336 three daya off
::i z; 1;; Lia" was.
7‘3-‘uav J .‘.; ‘.’ 7 . “j ., xx. v., ‘1 ;'f;,r?’_,~‘-, .. ,. , IV .5 4.“ ,,, ,‘;. ‘, ,1 r
1‘». .3 LLi ..4. hawk}: ‘7,“ ) JU- .Lvrkfi- ,w, VD Lfiwfi- M18 “85,133.13!“ VEICVJtioJ
begifiaiad 18:. 2C 2g 31 i elusive. no will take of? the extra
t ya; dEgs JEz. a, 3 and %, E§5?i , E
:iLJd ‘1tiic, Ck. £0. 351$, to start his regular vacation
Dec. 30 ac 31 iatiugivc. He prefers to take off hue extra
E rea flags Gem. 1?, 15 an& 19, 1956. ')
~ ,.Mj ’7',
7; . ~ ,2127’17/
Q VV/y/Ct /g/
B 5 6% Department
cc: Hozxmnerman a
sflPacQ , '
63131: 7 .

 / , ,
, x ' ,.
'v , _ _ ‘
/ .
,w’ I, . ,
, ‘ _ I' , ,_
/ . ,, ,_y a . ‘ ‘
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l - , l - ' ’ ." "I
’7 a V '/ ‘ ’ '
, , r , ' ».- f ' ,' ‘ l" A‘
' ' v 7 A " I I"?
, ' ,‘C a V .» r. a. 3: a iv v‘
t, . ., ‘r- _. ’.1 / ,,- c: _‘ t . 4L 5 2,. I . a

 1 , r , .
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‘ /

 / —l /( < «9:133 AJ )/:zr2z:/ —   ‘ fl? :1: ’1' //£ {14 4 /((1‘ (k ({a-u "J [/1 f” 2‘41” ,‘
j ~ ~ ' ‘ >
.   /\)(l’( f/ré I’C A if! £421.“ 7“.” —\/L’/l'<’ )3“; _fi
1’ ‘ y
’41-} (($18, ::./4:, ‘( A —‘ Aj%/J’I/ //(/ f (I/ / Jr'r'sl” V
/ ,7 . ‘ ‘ . _ r - (I
/ 1‘22”];274 ‘ f/ 6'. f/ 2‘ Z \rt‘jJ/~//L ~-
. - v I 1‘
[t L!( /( [I ‘t (( " //l (f j / 7 . 7:— S-(:/.) f, /r ( _
’> ( M W")
J [mun/m- 4 25¢} )’a “ ) 574.- a y z 50,7- 3, ..L ,
x I C :4 ,,L/1 (/ L ‘
Jim «(1. (5;:/M — J( /7 n 2: ;7';,/./~ , v“ ' ._
./" ‘ ' I’ J cKNC — . v ‘
LéLLZZL—v/‘II //l I — '2]! I Livy /)d:/ ('Z’ t )(l') / j r X 4 “(f7 / ,I (I ’.'
~ (Kw-197:7"- ‘ u
.i'a/(L) :“d V/ ((7 [L .»‘;(4 (2 1115/1 ’ jK/‘Jf 3)./'«7 Z j/fJ/, /y . _,
’7 .
(\ 4(4 10, ,

 4.131 «if arm-'2' ~
...-41., .u'.‘, -.’} ;
Mr. “:Jtt fafii, Fr JLdLJL
Lacs}. 1; 1;“; 3.1. [5.3”
T33 £59. 31;: o '1; £9 ._ ..
Hrmelwrifvfia Vagina“;
9&3? “ix: '
z w .t? 21.3 LG .4ua Ewu mo; liatnfi heluv ta wank during
:53“ it ?; :.::luu V¢ugaic; Qcfliwnn 14%: EAVc agruufl to
3“~_.[- s 0...! ‘;1.1g;;-‘ w” 12.; \. 3.4.132: mate}. i gave
lisaai a“: uv1a'x1uma4149 b10;: ”EM“ gnu. 3;“? nova selflcted
if: I _ :3 '31:; '6.";s.,2..~'1',i<.é..
The ioiguaiu; five “:3 to v.nf; an pge Luxtmqy: Lanélinga
{1: Tad“ {49“. ,., 15'1ou 3"“ hwng .:Ua ”ii. ,~ " Jhfi¢u$fimg1¢ fit:fl~t,é Imufig 32..) 135’?.
{95} “fil‘i 3:1"...‘1gu. in; 9:1. '11,; ... “413431.03“. .1'3...11.‘7‘.:r$ “2.11.739 33.“, 195'“
1;; iollgwiu; :u;: up“ t; uc?; og hyfifliLl Lai4$gzx$ce work at
{Xe Luthhuuas, kaiUJ glwzt “ad cad jsbaz .
iii 4g;24: ngJga; - :a. ig. 1§g$ - Vucatlan ‘tarts aug. Bk, 1957.
(E) Leouuri Ls;a::a - ;g. 30. limb» Vacatiwa ”tarts July 13, 1?57.
:3; $13-5 J¢V¢ w ;"6 Se. — Vavddifld 5£a£t8 Twpt. 3, 1957. ,
i4; Uwrcuwc .. Axllimma w dww fig. 113; a Vacaziau fitarto ,
”*§&- 31 1957.
. ;u4: uu¢¢tgw-gi_ud Ci;¢ u; chfitly aggreuiuttia
fears very truly,
, 45"”
fl«/I.\Ag£23nay, ”apt.
Buildings & Grounds Dept.
cc: K021mmerman
Anradbury . ..
wnCunntngo ‘ ‘ ,
calnir ,

 z i} f . / “\\ . s
Io-r' K J96: Ac m/t- fit”, - 2‘ U r13!» 6 L/fi";*‘7{” “r 1'" 6‘ 3' “Ff
Qazdéac 5: Q/Ke s :1./ow
Mes-74x Z;///c » (mm- '9:
[6’6 /7/'_5-’ C'oaww cz/va- v ., -
, ,". f/ I . ”___ , v ,, ;
V ){CF/c‘W kWh/‘3 ' V //,A "'5' PC [/eVFa’V/Mr‘v 573/2“. /" x 765‘.
I It , .
/退 f7}; (75“) A/ V W I 1.13.“ ; ' /g' 8.1. . ./ ;7"”3.
"W“-f) ; , , /
f‘cré‘fl }%‘(UJD//2 c. CK r/c , ff _' 7" - 77 wt , ,é’
I ...M. -a
‘é’v/Vt'a‘ Jr»? (a ..‘? - (”X we . 2.5"; _7- 7?» 14‘ ’Y.
Er‘xN 4 f/affi/cs/J - 6%" M / 7 AF 7'0 .2 ,.
C 99'7" 'Z’ 7 a/ f f m x’ .7 2 '75
«LN-5* ”$4“ ~ «GU/Z 1 7?? Kc: L/ica/I’rn”- {752/7 - Z 5‘ I 7333’
i; c,/7I/:.f . a. ‘. ' J/l'fi." 5,35 ‘7‘.”{4
f A ‘.N, /, '- ’1 " fig! 4 _ ,1 g?‘ / 7:5
‘._-4 I, I, I ¢ ’..
'Jt“ ///Y' 25,71 4'» / 3 3‘ / 9 are?
, @1611; fob!

 1"” ' /
June a, 1338
fir. Scott gall
irrifiiiniifii. L.
Local Union fie. $899
1;. .1. hi:- 3;. 5» .
wheelwright, Kg,
near Sir:
Please find listed below a group of man when I w¢uld like te
WUYh dusted tac segatar winera‘ nacetion y&?14i. gas: u“ tge
men have agreed tn work,and I have List‘l the the data oppnsitu
their name that tie; haVa selected he tug: theta vacation,
:1»? i’vJ’litwfitg, two new it" » u‘é‘ gm kiln? 13,133 max-:lliu‘):
{1} 792;:: Iltttu - $2. do. lei} - Vacation atarta
Refit. 13 1358
iii) Lee inlerfotm .. Cat. :::,}. 133,3 m vacation xterm; 5;:.5” $3.95 137;;
The :QlifiTxng faur new t1 Ea anemia! nniitnflfifice work at it:
bathhouse, water plant and nag Juha:
(ll ?orest fiewanwe - Ck, fin, 1357 - Vacation ataxta
Jitlg 13, 1:41:13
{a} waiter Jenkinu « CL. do. 132: . Vacatzcn starte /
June 7, 1956 /
(3} Enoch fiatfielfi - Ck. Bo. lflfi - Vacation atastu
3‘." ‘Q liar?
.ava‘). ..‘-.3, _l j J
(h) Jenn Epyn - Ck. Do. 172? . Vacation starts
Aug. 16, 1?;8
Year consifiezution wtll be greatly appreciated. _
Var; trul, years,
I '1
- l /:=‘"2¢I/
5&6 Department
cc: EOZAauerman

~ I/aca/I'oxv \SzéeuJ/e. -
§avéa¢c ~
[/aS'i‘Cr 1,77%- may. :74” Max:114)»; Deg/2" gm! 0643/“
Will WQYJ- /& 63- " " Sept/7‘“ - EHJ- (QC/.4276
P Amé/Né _
j;l/,:a~« Day/M2 -/(/C- 5‘79” Vacafi‘a/V. 32/, /3"‘ 23a. ”7:4, :WF
gres‘f A/Gu/xome -/J'J‘7- " 32/7 qu - ENC/- 311544“ f
(’:(fi’a/VCV Ia x163“ A537 J/zr’a’. ’* j;#?v.75i. 4*; .Ene/ Zé W"
£141 215;:5 /757- " " £7va /:f. Ema/”5}? A/Lf
(“p/[g }//€ éMM’L/ _ ill/4:91 7/ 4»
_/. ’- fJV [/5
f/z/ 791p Mara. . J/an‘ flaw/I’M W
Sea/846‘ Z/QAL/ ijt’w'a/ny
U/f,‘ Gil fi/au. 350 L 595 7773‘. _
(9569f Z.-///e. 3J'03— 579% Vac. J74 (”a {En/d. 313/7 17"

 l .
3 cc: HOZinnnrnnn ' ,
/' W“.
1 Abs-“hwy /
/ Gilli:
June 9. 1959
it. '3th Hall
Local Union No. 5399. U.M.W.A.
Wheeluright, Kentucky
Dear Scott:
Please find listed below a group ofman that I would like to _
work during the regular miners' vacation period. inch of the
ma has agreed to mark, and l have listed the date opposite ,
their name that they have selected to take their vacation.
The following two men to work on the garbage handling:
Venue: Little - Ck. No. 1699 - To begin vacation /.
Dec. 18, 1959 -~ ’
Will Hard - Ck. No. 1663 - To begin vacation
Sept. 19, 1959
The following 6 men to do special work on the water plant.
miners' bathhouse and odd jobs.
V/L’. a. Hubbard - Ck. 2‘30. 1599 - Vacation starts
July 13. 1959
Lee McCom - Ck. No. 1593 - Vacation starts
August 26, 1959
,1. Deacon - Ck. No. 1616 - Vacation starts
/ July 13, 1959
’ . ' ' July 23, 1959
o: "Jmkina - Ck. No. 1529 - In now taking his vacation -
/ starting Juno 1, 1959 “ .
)wtk Rogers « Ck. so. 1781 - Has already “ken his
maxim — started April 1. 1959
Your conuidoruion will be greatly Appreciated.
Your: very truly,
2% ’fl/
. 1. tie may. supc.
356 Department

 June 23, 1959
fur. Scott. kiall
Local Union Z-Io. 5899' LJoZHoWoAn
Whealwrigm , hentzucky
Dear Scott:
Recently I wrote you requesting; permission to work
aaveml men during; the regular miners" vacation
pariod. I had listed on the request 1". Jewsom, CEO.
Plb. 1557, vacation, starting July 23, 1959. hue ti;
:3 recent illness, hr. ”mom has asked us to let. him
take the regular vacation pericd and replace 111:: with
hormones 618%.

, ” I have selected John Loyd, 33;. €60. NET, to work during
this period, and he wishes to start: 31:; vacation august,
25. 1959-

I hope that this mests with your approval, and I ar:
sari-y it was necessary to make the chwge.
Yours very truly,
(7)/(3% ‘
R. I. ILCE-Zigney, inparlnmadent
Euildings Grounds impaxtmmt
CC: Elozimnenaan
‘ WBCun‘mxingzi

 / , .
-‘LI / . .
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 /_/’———~V ,
;ii i . g s“
. . ., ' - J / 7 ,,1. ',I
' , , _, / 7 l"
. - f/lzj f?
/'z§ :4 j
a“. ": ‘.‘ 7/4
>- ‘I‘ "I
, , , firezl

 Jun 15. 1960
#2. Jim 'mornuhwry
‘ 2'1-alum
Saul Union 330. 5399
mun-right. Emma,
M Jim
The Inn “and below haw «grow ta writ during tiw “..:-“min
an' vacation pa: Loch 3m mate.» but may will potion
will in for mu}. smacks: 0*.” aim was plan. WW wumtwu
I and mum jobs a! miatwamct mm: can boat in dean at
cut the ouch yams.
"rho an that they hum: astound Lu «um kiwi! vmmlon in
“and opposite their man. ,.
rm“: m. cu. m. 1557 « Vamtinn scum July 16, 1960 “"
M113." M1193. §kc (”:3. U329 " x N wt. M. 1m
JON m Ck. &- 1727 ' ..' n m. 2’. 1m
Enoch Indian, ck. W.1713 - " “ Aug. 2%, 1m
Lu meow. Ck. 25;. 1593 - “ " m. 16. mm
Vum uni-I. {‘31. 5M. 1669 ’ “ "i 5429:. U. 1960
“‘1 W“. (3‘9 {b- 1%:§ ‘I U N 5&8. 29. 19%
Your «“1an cm. to greatly wanna.
Your: very truly.
.‘r- 4’ 7’ //
k}—Eycc:§<. '
R. f. ' . mum:
hiking: a Grounds Depart-In:
QC: mm .

 my 11. 1961
It. :9: Masonry
Local mun lo. 589!
Mints“. Intact;
Don: Jul:
‘13. on tum below on may: to perform dust” I: the nu: plant.
gum collection. and cant. nonhuman jobs that can but be m at
this “a“ they“. whmaummuukandhasummthotm
to out: In. use nooks' caution. as noted mouse mu mu.
Chock incl-um
that.“ um. 1669 noel-bot 9. BM
Hut and 1663 august 26. L961
Ben. Johnson 1506 m 10, 1961
6111. My 1632 50pm 2. 1961
I‘m“: W 1557 July 17. 1961
no new 1593 soot-nut 23, 1961 ‘
Your mimetic: will be greatly ”puck-tad.
was? truly.
i ;I’ , /
E. 1. mm
me warm:
cc: mam

 , 97779 « ~ - , ,,, ,,‘, ,, 2;, 79799779< W ,,, 9~ , 9W7_
7: , 9 W ,,‘, - « , 9 , 7, r— , , ,,,, , ,, ,i, , 977—7i779 4W7, , 3
,, 7 , , . :_ ,, , ,, , ,,, V9": ”7”” , , 74,: 7:, ‘_. 77_

Juan 1. 1962
Mr. Jun ‘fhornsbcrry
Local Union 80. 3699
whcclwlsnt, Kentucky
that Jim:
In: man listed belaw are needed to pcrform duties 3: :ha wa&cr
plant. garbage aollcEtton. and {attain walntennncc joba tune nan
has: ha don. at this aim: or the year. finch at; agreed no work
and aa& solagtcd an. film: to start tacit five weoua' vacation,
is noted oppotlcs tacit nines.
gggg gt, fig. xacaugon g£axcg
John Boyd 112) mug. 25, 1902
Halter King 1339 Au$. 25, 1962
Vesta: Little 1063 Doc. 12. 1962‘
will uar¢ 166; Aug. 23, 1962.
Lee McCoun 1393 Jcpt. i. 1902
Julian uoaLon lhié July 23. 1962
fun: consideration will be grcncly appreciated.
Yours var” 'rul .
/’5 Y
; ./ //,, /
(\ Q (6:66
'. I. McKinney
$n rlncendana
B&G Ocpaxtmant
on: M'ut
fiflkiliinson, Jr.

 . 6
r W ( ,
Jun: 3, 1963
fir. Jim Tharnsborry
Local Union Ho. 5699
wheelwright, Kentucky
Boar 41a:
The inn listen below are n¢efied me perform antics at the water
filteratian ylnnt, garbage collection, and certain maintonnnce
Jobs that csn best be écne at this time of the year. Eyck as:
agreed to war! and ha: selected the tins to tiara tncxr two
weeko' vacation, as noted oyposite their name.
@922. 95935.32; 1'5191 1:.233. _; 5.22.2
Forr¢zt gownomc £557 July 27, 1993
Enoch Hatfield 1713 tug. aé, 19é3 (
»W¥s;tar_;ing \i$;%,,, .s;x+w;r~+4e§wfiffgs¢
Elijah Tuakott 1&3; July 29, Lfiuj “‘
Venter ‘tttlo 1:69 Sec. 9, 1gb}
Such *cgera 1”fi7 Xuly L5, 19%}
Youru very truly,
y //7
/Ré I. McKinney
3 pt. B&fi Ve¢:rtmtnt

cc: Efifiace

fififli th


dflxilkinlon, Jr.

fiuauell fitrrtl

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-cra; ;n:ou So. 5399
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J ectq.‘ E; 1 “new; 5.3.: .. .. us". c3" :1.: bin... 21 ; 2:.)
v.:n threugh ;n-u reguwap rc2at;cr ,r'. ea:
Late their vacation later this felt. ire of
:hc mee, matter .in;, (heck no. .§;,, -; no:
;O-a5 to Hera ouritg uLLL jer..7 5:? to tie
place I hove selected {reek Leticia, thee: fie.
l;75, vie :e:::el Lenora; ., 1 n5-
rears ¥e:; truly,
C ' z" i ,
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spL. i g 3 Lagarz&rut
Ci. 1 .:Ak'tce
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 flé)’ rr 5’77 £4.64»
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r _

 Van working: threw-:1: verifier vacation
‘ Heme _ _Q‘neck number vacation starts
Forrest Williams l‘ltif- ”zujust "4,1116:
Ezibch Hatfield 17]? twast i961»:
Vester Li"le 1‘6“ $fitfi$t¥3§21$éfi *nvemIer “*.i«’r
Eli*1}. Tac etfi 1"”! Wins? 1"»,17'35
E‘Crnnst T‘Iewscme l“? Ju‘v 1",1‘4"
S's’fl: Rogvers 1'75? Jr"? 7,4,35,53
/, 3" ‘1
/ I"
It, -/
, , ii 3‘
i 4 /
I ’;/-
/V /
1'5 " '

 h June iauh
S'. Jla Tnotngberry, Jresxaent
:uutl union Em . 5 )1;
:beelvrlaht, mQuLUCky
fies: Jim: 1
The men listen belov ore needea to perform specisi
duties at the actor glent, sorbese collection and
certain maintenance Jobs that can best be gone
during this ties of the your. Zhey are to work
during the regular miners' vaoatlon and have agraoa
to inks their vacation, beginning with the date
following their nsne.
£3.25. $53.33.". f'é‘éfifflfiELiEEQ-E
John 301d 1727 Aug. 2», lack
iorrest willxana lfihh fitt. 15, lgou
vector hittke 1969 Rev. 23, 196:
will herd L8fi3 nag. 2%, Lack
Lee Motown 1593 Sept. 9, 196%
Raltsr Jenkins 1529 Aug. 2%, lava
. 4’
% uQ par was n t

cc: E. M. sacs

a. Selth

E. a. doberza

a. M. Wilkinson, Jr.

R. fisrris

 / / 7
la l‘L-fi‘ #:3;
”r. Jie increanerry. reefreer
ram}. ‘.fii . r . 1 ‘
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.ear fiim:
The 34; 2?<:*f 1‘11; at: ::;.e; 1A . sf A e e.::;
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‘1’179' '3 . 3 , 1 l" . 1:3 .j,
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 Men vvcr‘g- :1}: HI? (.‘Il~‘I‘I r0 {‘1 1 tar v on t i on
Name Check‘nzzmber I.I'ALr‘stLviI {I__Swtgg'tn
John DJ’OJ‘. I7I/“L“ Entrust 95,1055
Enoch Hatfield 17“? SET-Inn be? 1,1065
Jack Rowers 1771f Aur1:s* 97,1)66
..'Irli'n Deaton 15"") 351' 39.1347
Vestnr ”Lit-t1»: 1713 Decor‘hnr' 1,1”45
311: h Tarkett IVIu Aurne‘ 1,3I64
‘. / Li ’I I I
I , I«

 17 June 1960
Mr. Jim Thornsbury. Dresident,
Local Union Ho. 5599
Eheclvright, Kentucky
Wear Jim:
we are going to use the following ncn to perform Special duties
at the water plant, garbage collection and certain maintenance
jobs that can beat be done at this time or year. They are to
work during the regular miners' vacation, and viLL start their
vacation as listed orvosite their name.
Ck. No. iggguion acurgg
John D. Boyd 1705 August ED, 1200
Enoch Hatfielu 170? septembcr l, ljba
Jack Rogers 1710 august 27, l)cb
Julian Deaton 1709 July 23, 136D
Veater Little 17L} Jecember 1, ljbb
Eligah Tacketb 17Lh August 1, Lace
h; I. McKinney
Superintendent Bus department
cc: R. Brudbury
E. B. saith
H. H. Hilkinson, Jr.
R. Harris