xt7qnk361p0s_825 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 28-61 text Houses 28-61 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_308/Folder_22/9760.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_825 xt7qnk361p0s «3% . fiw‘“ ‘ WW I I...
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5101 Yacht Club Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32210
c (a?
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',‘L /7l '/ . ,~ 1’ D
(. :17“, i“ .4, EQLEL
Firs 3; Na tions 1 Bank ,2 ‘” I»! "
Prestansburg, Kentuvky #1653 / L“““ .
Re: Lot No. :.3
Enclosed is executed deed to the above captioned real estate, running
to Tenn Mushy and Ann’g B_ Mrspy. His Eifle
(Grantee s .
Liberty National Bank and Trust Company, Louisville, Kentucky, will
shortly deliver to you an executed release of this property from the
mortgage held by it; also its disbursement letter.
Please collect the balance of the purchase price of . ,, - _.fl
gyndnfid (¢. jag) iollars, and
remit 00 thereof to Liberty National Bank of Louisville, Kentucky in
accordance with its disbursement letter above mentioned. In addition,
please collect from the purchaser the sum of $30.00 for the enclosed
. plat of the property, and $165 closing costs.
Recording fees for the deed and for the release are to be charged
against closing costs, as is the tax due the State of Kentucky.
The net proceeds due Mountain Investment, Inc., the $30.00 charge for
the plat, and the net closing costs (after disbursements authorized
above), are to be deposited in the Non—operating Account of Mountain
Investment, Inc. in your bank, with advice to us showing all receipts
and disbursements of the transaction, accompanied by a duplicate de—
posit slip.
Yours very truly, I' '
By , ,.,/.24"-
(Form 68—113
(Rev. 8—8—7 )

 , AGEEiMENT 0? Pdggfigéé


THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 23rd _

' day of September , 1975 , by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc., herein called ”Owner” and_leon Mosby*§gELW
. Annie B. MOSbY: his wife herein called ”Buyer.”
W I T N E S S E T H:

THAT WHEREAS ”Owner” has offered to sell to ”Buyer” Lot No,
__50 located in its Wheelwright Sub-division, Floyd County,
Kentucky, as shown on map or plat in File 348, Floyd County Court
Clerk‘s Office, and improvements thereon except as hereinafter set
out, for the sum of $ 2,300.00 , and, in addition ”Buyer” shall
pay the sun of $165.00 closing costs and $30.00 for survey plat to
be supplied by ”Owner”, all of which is to be paid as follows:

$ 100.00 down payment, the receipt of which is here—
by acknowledged, and the balance of $ 2,395.00 ,(which includes
closing costs and the survey plat cost) on date of closing, and

' upon delivery of deed of conveyance to ”Buyer” with covenant of
General Warranty of Title, subject to the exceptions and reser—
vations contained in those two instruments of conveyance from
Island Creek Coal Company to "Owner”, referred to herein for source
of title and which are dated November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed
Book 191 at page 50$, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
”Owner” to Harold Telephone Company and Tel—Com., Inc. dated 1
_ June l5, 1967 and recorded in Reed Book 193 at pages 271, 273, and ‘
275; records of the Floyd County Court Clerk’s Office, and ALSO
deed if conveyance from ”Owner” to KEntucky Power Company dated
December 29, 1957, and of record in Deed Book 195 at page 425,
records of the Floyd County Court Clerk’s Office. \

V It is agreed that time is of the essence of this agreement
and that this transaction shall be closed, all money due hereunder.
shall be paid to ”Owner” and the deed herein provided for shall be
delivered to ”Buyer” on or before October 23: 1975 , In event
”Buyer” does no pay the balance as herein provided on or before

I the closing date then the down payment herein provided shall be
retained by ”Owner” as liquidated damages hereunder, and this
agreement is then void. ‘

Taxes at the rate of $1.50 per $100.00 of selling price shall
be prorated to the date of closing and taxes for the unexpired portion of
the year following date of closing shall also be paid by ”Buyer” to
”0wner” on closing. All unpaid rents and utility bills due ”owner”
seali also be paid it iate of closing.

{Form 69—17—Page l) — 2

I“? C“fifiwg 5v‘: :2 y: The First National Bank,

Prestonsburg, Ky.
‘2, ._._ ,,‘v; . ix...“ .., 7A _," , 1' ‘
*‘i x. 2' :2- E '_.:55; -. ';‘,. i.‘. . ' 1 'C'HT'L' Q/ _I-‘

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i 1 '

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