xt7qnk361p0s_83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Air Conditioning text Air Conditioning 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_95/Folder_5/5266.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_83 xt7qnk361p0s JAE / V r‘
i.‘//; ir.‘\.¢ ,,/37 a i
‘i J ‘v/ 9 .5 e 9, J
5% l M A .«
l, / g" *‘
Any new Jacuul Sump Pump that proves electrically or
mechamcally defective wlthm one (1) year after date of
, Installation, may be repaired or replaced tree of charge
except for transportation charges to and from a factory or
branch. Any unauthorized repairs other than cleaning may
vord the warranty. Any motor for whrchthe warranty period
has expired or which becomes_ moperatlve through neglect,
abuse, accrdent, overload or Improper application, may be
repaired or replaced at a moderate charge when returned
prepaid to a factory or branch.
1,“, :2
<0) /4 > ” A—Momr Assembly
(if B—Float Assembly
“ c—Case Cap Screw ‘
l “((3) D—Seal Sllnger
* , ll?” E—Shatt Key
6} fi’ ‘v” Gv—Lower Volute Case
air {JUL H—lmpeller Washer
"a , "77f“
{E} n ,,,,{I “‘3‘; *DJ J—lmpellev Screw
CE) \., (17/"3):? K—-—Float Rod Gulde
1;: ,,,J/
v r»x\'/,,r// .,
::l' // 9r ‘ I L/ When orderlng replacement
{»J’lggli‘fl parts. be sure to glve
(FD—-93 ,, complete pump name plate
X (a) WWQ) lnformatlont

Branch Ofi'rces In all Princlbal Cltles

and Basement Drainer
1. Connect a 1%” discharge pire (Alto pump outlet and lower
' pump into sump. Sump shou d have firm level bottom and a

depth sufficient to completely submerge the motor. (A sump
of at least 1’ x 1’ x 1’ is required.)

2. Check voltage and frequency shown on motor nameplate (B)
on top of pump with power to be used before plugging motor
into power supply. A grounded outlet box (0) should be used
to receive the three pronged plug. if a grounded outlet box
is not available, the circular grounding prong (D) may be cut
off so Plug will fit standard two prong receptacle, but at the
cost 0 automatic grounding.

3. Plug power cord into outlet and if liquid level is high enough
to raise the float to ON position, pump will automatically
start. Pump will continue to operate until liquid level drops

. sufficiently to allow float to fall again into OFF position (F),
when the pump will stop. If pump should not start when
' motor is submerged, check power supply and fuses.

4. if motor does not stop when liquid drops below motor, pull
power cord at once because the mechanical seal will be dam- .
aged if allowed to run dry.

5. Unit requires no lubrication.

Ii. Don't carry or handle by power card, use handle.

7. Don't open motor housing for any reason. For service consult
your dealer. ’

-. "‘- / ®
‘- -9 ’ I C?)
° “ Hip)
®~ E
®—--’__Ar .ln‘ SEC 400
f' 7' ' "*DW '4 Jan I963
\ fi\ ( (Til .

 z .
5 l/A’IZ'MP/
April 10, 1946
Inland Steel Company E
Hheeluright, Kentucky i
Gentlemen: fittn: Mr. L. 8. Becker 1
We are pleased t: receive your inquiry and have enclosed f
literature desoritirg our equipment.
31 y lor Airtomp produots will be available for all heet— l
ing, air conditioning and mommyroial refrigeration needs. 1
Although our praseut prouuotiou is limited somewhat due to '
reoouversiou problems, we are able to deliver through our f
dealers sumo types of equipment with reasonable promptness. V
Your inquiry is being referred to our regional officei who .‘
will acquaint our doulor in your locality with your inquiry. }
We want to thank you for your interest in Chrysler Airtemp ,
products and shall welcome your inquiries at any time. 3
Yours very truly,
‘ Airtemp Division O
H. A. Maloom ’
EAfizer General Sales Manager ‘.
:iif.‘ _

Year 'round Air Conditioning - Boilers for Oil Packaged Air Condilioners
or Gas . Furnaces for Oil or Gas - Water Healers Cenlral System Air Conditioners
for Oil - Oil Burners Commercial Refrigeration
A familiar name throughout the world, Chrysler refrigera‘rion equipmen‘l lhe words Chrysler
sl’ands for pioneering research. engineering leader- Air‘l‘emp are a guaranlee of excellence and
ship and qualify produclion. On healing. cooling or comple‘le salisfaclion.

A 3‘.
. . . . . . "g.
Winter Air Conditioners. Cast-Iron, Gas . . . 2 . 2 Page 2 Vapor Flame Oil Furnaces . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 --
ConversionOllBurners.......... .............2Page3 PackagedAirCondil‘ioners....................P0989
' ri ..,,;.,.2.;.........Pae3 - - - 122‘
0". Bu n “.9 WaleeHeal‘ers , g Commercral Refrigeration . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . .Page l0 _é
Winter Air Conditioners. Steel, Gas or Oil. Pages 4 and 5 C + I S ’r C l' E . + P l I
- enra sem oom uimen ..........,..ae ’2
PercolatorBOIIers.............................Page6 y g qp g 2
Combination Summer and Winter Air ReSIS’rance Welder C°°lm9 Uh” and ;
Conditioners (Furnaces and Boilers) .... ...... Page 7 Liquid Cooler Uni+ ..2.....,....2..22...... Page l2 ,
. 3r
. ii
as...“ : .
@5‘ ,- a A l R B [l N l] l l I ll N E R S 2 0
g” 1;.»), . 3"" :..3 >73. N“, 3313333. 3, .. . Mr. “,5“, 2)4&{4(4 .
.1 r : . ,1
Wei"°‘r/1f . 11:. 2 -:_-2? 1 F, i 1 0
”ivfiw‘fiiyw‘if'i? » f ‘ ~, . I” C
M? -. .:2 ‘ G A 5 'F I R E D H ST ' R 0 N M 0 D E L S 2' “
.M’V ‘2 1 2 r
», 7&3Mé’332fi27é;22‘21’2" 2‘ 2 . 2 -, 3 « 2 3 3’, F
«fivfigfijgt’fliix », » 3,7.“ c . F . M o 9 2 0 T 0 1 , 2 o 0
”‘tzwtfflwgm': z”1~ .
4M”? .1 2 - - - - - ' '
{taéfm‘fi’i 2 2- -2 g 7 These Chr sler Alrtem Winter Air Conditioners are identical
7’.’ ;éfisr’vf»:‘2141‘.%%f§(§;}5ié» 1.? » - .1 *, . y . . . . .
”’ft‘wiih’ehs , .2 3., 3%” m many ways With the gas-fired steel arr cond1tioners described
« "g;r7;y3f’2‘31-”,‘.;;_1,»:§ if .3 ’ ’i' " .2 ‘1 2‘;I':33:.~'i~232.3.zIf..=lfi';;.:g== 263‘ . . . -
maker, a s 2 » . ~ « fiwflv” . on es 4 and 5. The differ 1n havmgr a heatm chamber of 1
r;3*::’~f_ 2': ‘2' 2 ~ ,. w .,;,t cast Iron 1nstead of co er-bearm steel. The heatm chamber
;;‘ié'efimtr:~rwr 2 2» « - »’a . . . . g . ‘2 . .
fame 3 , 2 15 sectional 1n construction and of tear-drop de51gn for nnmmum .
. ‘:2.»::z 36411“: . ‘ 2 2 ‘. ~ ;«. ‘ 19‘ ;;;». . . . . . 2
l” 1 «f alr resxstance and even heat distnbutlon. The center rows of .2
1“ LM LR.” k.» “;;;; 3315.13»; heating fins extend through each sect1on to prov1de maxnnum l
kg... (X "Wig: heat transfer. The cabmets are of heavy gauge steel “Bonder- i
2 . » 2 ”19" -
32 2L,_\__ tr”. LN“ »fi» ized” to prevent rust, all access doors are flush mounted. All ;
' 2 (‘.‘—”k K ‘1 controls are completely enclosed. The Airtemp gas bumer is
L‘s-«i... KN Rx” ,,,; qulcklv adapted to natural or mlxed manufactured gas.
1.; T\--;N [\K ‘ i-c,‘»":~ '.‘/,.’filit'viéyfpb 3»,. -
u- ““"‘722-~~a » 2 ’ l
~ . . *\.\£ CA PA C | T l ES A N D D l M E N S | 0 N S g1
2 » , '33” 2‘
, . 2 « é"; ; CAPACITY BLOWER l
_, » 1 2 » My 2 2:
- 1 . .:. 2’ . ; thzfirfmkff- ; £2 m— “___—___.—
» . , 12,2, 3 - *5”:’”*513f ‘ ‘ C- F- M- ‘l
,2 . ~ 11.1%};2, , 32.. '». ., l Input I B.t.u. Measured 1;
2 ‘Xefi’lw; - (”.'. I u e B.t.u. Output utput :- otor Outlet in Fan 3'
- . . 5T W :2»» .. . . M d ' 0 @150 M T t
' ' §“§%{12 . , 4’ ‘21 ‘ ’ No. Per @ @ % Vel. Speed Size Filters l;
(3,23 *val ‘ ’.‘ VI, Hour Bonnet Reg- Free .10 .20 l;
_ 2 2, gay, isler SP sp n PM Watts No. l,
3 3 _ ;_ 2 We 7‘» fi- _, *2 *1;—g - _, .,.,k , , ”2,, -.,, ,,,.-- 7.» -.-- ,,,
it? seer 62,5ool 50.000 45.000 920 022‘ 790 175 1220 2100 10x7 1 16x20x1 l
”j' 75GF 93.750 75.000 67.500 12001119 900 290 1210 2300 10x10 1 20x25xl .j 'l
'2 l 2’! .1 ll
Airtemp Model 50 e 75 GF DIMENSIONS ' 5
Winter Air Conditioner l I]
4 l Air Return Gas Mag- ‘
- , _2 ' i 7' _. Overall Dimension Dis- Con- Smoke Chimney Shut- netic Pres- ; C
_ _ Model Length Width Height charge nection Pipe off Gas sure i 1.-
- . ' No. Size Size Diam. Aron Valve Valve Reg. 1
’ , . A B C F S E Fl Diem. Inside Size Size Size 1 C
3 . _, ,7 W -— e ~72, ~- ~ 7‘73» *7 r~~w:— Ai— 77* iv; — S
2 . 5an 3274/5 20 59 12x18 iexzol s 6 28.27 122 ’ 1/2 1.5
‘ . 2 75m7 387.12 22 1 5910.». 17x20 16x20 1 6 e 28.27 . 1._; £2 lé 3 l
. , 3 3
.. 3 . ' 3 - ' Smoke Pipe l
. . » _ ' - . Model Gas Line Bet RC. Power Line l'hermostatCnble Location I
, 2 . _ i , ’ ~ - No. 7__ __ __ ,_7 ——3— 2
' _ » » G H J K l L 3 M l N o l P .
l ' ~ I . »' . . ' l 3‘777 ,7. _..._. A — 3 , [133 .3 . _ 2 1 '. 3 _ - _ ’ seer 314' 231.. ’ 3 l 45‘.» . I 55“: l 10 ‘
f j . ». - 2 , . - ‘ 756F . 31;; 247.;z 3 ‘ 451. ‘ 3 55M 11
‘ ' 2, ' . ' I f ' . . . . . 2 '- 2

 '2 ’9 , : ‘ w , 3 1’," ,
l } a
l Airternp Oil Burner, Models B-‘lO and C—10
STANDARD OIL BURNERS operation the unit has ample pumping capacity and low- '
. wattage consumption. A diffuser in the draft tube directs air
M0d€l A'B' “NEWS: “1000—'1 66'000 8' t‘ u' mm” per Hour into the oil spray and assures the proper mixture of air and
Model B-lO, Ratings: 187,000—346,500 B. l. u. lnpul per Hour 0;] for most efficient combustion.
M - ' : — . . .
g Ode] C10, Rahngs 346500 623500 B t H lnpul per llour MOTOR: Motors are of the long-hour type with thermal—
' Alrtemp 011 Burners are 0f simple deSIgn: contamed in a overload and low-voltage protection. Models B-10 and C-10
, one-piece, cast housing. Inclusion of the electrical outlet box have extra capacity motors. NOZZLES: Nozzles are of non-
on 3'“. _mOdCIS except.A-8, ellmmates'the need for-flex1bfie corroding steel available in various capacities and angles of
con wt and wire fittings fpr connectlng the motel to t e spray and are equipped with strainers. TRANSFORMER:
i- transformer. Close InaChlnlng and ngId Inspectlon of all . . . .
arts assure interchan eabilit De endable and uiet in Of the mtermlttent, IO’OOO-VOIt mid-pomt grounded type,
p g y. p q shielded to eliminate noticeable radio interference. ELEC-
‘ ‘ I Length ' DraftTube TRODES: Made of heat-resisting stainless steel and insu-
Mode! Height. Min, Max Min Width __|__ lated with isolanite. CONTROLS: Standard Airtemp con-
. l i ' Short l Long trols which are com letelv automatic. A roved b Under-
. l P PP Y
l 3-10 I 181/.‘.,” ‘ 3134,” 17,, } may } 7M } 22,, writers’ Laboratories, Inc., and bear the seal of the Official
. ”"0 18W ‘ 32"?" ‘8" 193-2” 7W 22” Inspection Agency of the Oll Burner Industry.
l 3
I .
}‘ Approved by Underwriler's Laboratory for No. 3 Fuel Oil i i
,7 l MODEL own 7-8-9 , '
i The Airtemp oil-bunting hot water most oil-fired water heaters. Airtemp i .
_ .1 heater is fully automatic. A thermo- water heaters are available in 20-,
, stat in the tank controls the oil valve, 30-, and 45-gallon capacities. Models i . 7 V
, 1 meters exactly the amount of oil re- OWH 7 and 8 have a 34-gallon- ' § ‘ l
- , quired at the burner for pilot or per-hour heating capacity, Model L” lg}
’ } high [lame operation. 011 pilot flame OWH 9 a .50-gallon capacity, based I in ': -
i ' operation, oil vapor burns from a on 80 degree water temperature rise. W
_ specially constructed opening which Approved by Underwriters’ Labora- g ‘
uses about V2 the oil required for tories, Inc.
‘ M d | N l A l;— l D” l Centir of lnletINater Oi-l Intake 3 .
l o e 0' Height } Diameter i .Stack Stack to Center Pipe-Height "Eight from
> z ‘_77 ,,,, ,,,, ”777} Diameter } of Outlet Pip: from Floor FIN"
. ‘pwm _, } Wag/2" l 16; if V 57777} ._ i 4 71hr”, if 7175777 i 5"
— ”EEE; iss 3/213'77 2718’" I l 6T7 },,,,,,4 1/2'7T—l 15 174';- 5"
7 0WH-9 __ _5fl1i:l 22:’ i i T sfifilviis" 7} 17 5/8” 77371727—
l? l l l
3 .
l . ___—..___..g

 ”i 3.4.. 4' '.lu. " ' 1. 4 . i - , ’ " ' . :
v x : » OIL-FIRED STEEL MODELS C.F.M. 1,000 T0 2,300 ‘: B
k, p _ ‘7 . _,_ ,.. .4,
~ _ / ' .,, I: GAS-FIRED STEEL MODELS (LEM. 1,000 T0 2,300 4 is
. > _ ,, , .139}, :..;s . . . . . . - ' 11‘
, I, __‘ };:, ,;-;-‘?-. Airtemp ‘ther All‘ Conditioners heat, humidify, filter ; a1
‘ J .- ' 'V and circulate the air. All equipment and controls are .2 d4
* . y i - il‘ll! ‘ *~ compactly combined in one unit which is thoroughly in- f tv
““'“??? -,.. ‘1‘: sulated and beautifully finished. The cabinet is formed a
’ ""7? from heavy steel sheets “Bonderized” against rust and N.
f _j,_ . , ‘V- \3 corrosion. The exterior is finished in an attractive two- fa
3» ik' ‘30“ J ;«rg tone crinkle enamel. Special interlocking seams prevent m
M‘ . Tm air leakage. l\'Iillboard insulatlon lined w1th metal fOIl 01
. 4 ii: .:.v _ “”‘ prevents heat loss.
{C \_ , ‘ ‘ if 2“, The one-piece heatlng chamber IS made from heavy- l
‘;;)“ .:. ““‘~* 3” gauge, copper-bearing steel for long life. Seams are elec- :
.. :4; ", . tric welded and gas-tight. The crown sheet slopes toward ,l
‘0 I 4. the blower, thus seeming best heat transfer and highest
“ -- ‘1, efficiency.
T‘Wwfi‘i" Airtemp Model G-70 ——
Win98? Air COHdi'ioner The heating chamber has rectangular radiators mounted M0
,, 2mm?) arallel to each side of the firebox. This ives extra lon N4
T l , . AlR OUTLET p g I g
.. ‘ .:. _ ‘ “ ., — _ . m flue travel and ample surface to extract all posmble heat
~— _‘ ' ...'.;a M9 . . _
\-- . , , g « first 4 from flue gases. Clean-out panel makes flue cleaning easy. 0:
,1 QT3§S§£$S M o ‘:2? _.“./K V 8'}
..I: . .,4_ $45. v ”k. -_ .4 -‘
W ~ .. -__ l ‘ 0-
$3.34» 75 . _. 4,. 4 THE 0 lL-F IR ED M o D E LS
o a r I ,4» 3w . . . ~
3§~?:.:‘4 1 1' £4,131 The combustlon chamber in the Oil-fired models exactly '
- ’ . ”1:5 ' “NM ‘ fits the flame. It is made of heat-resisting metal and is
y ‘ ‘.. > fish,” _ . . .
/ mi: . , ‘ a" suspended in the heatlng chamber to radiate heat in all
..;..t.‘tt,tu,\.~.4atu 4 'H A 2747 ’ directions. A matched Airtemp Oil Burner is a part of ‘
“fl“ “ i LL... ,7 ET the complete unit. The Airtemp Model B-IO (see page 3) M
:’ZEEZ ‘ E ' g +9, . is standard on all models except the O-7, 0-70 and 0-10 “
2’:-it . ‘ ‘ ',‘, 13’3“ which use the Airtemp Model A-8 Burner. _
, ; i t s. - . - N 0-
" - V i The Airtemp “Silent Flame" Gas Burner is quickly
) adaptable to natural, 111anufactured or mixed gas. It is
“New: Model G-13 completely silent at all times, and produces a uniform, _
w""‘" A" c°"d"'°"°' cone-shaped blue flame. Its non-corrosive steel grids can-
not clog and are unalTectcd by high temperatures. M0,
Standard equipment on Airtemp Gas Burners includes N0
an automatic gas valve, shut-off cock, safety pilot, press-
} , . "‘ «.r— .4 ,4 . ure regulator, pilot and burner shut-oll' hand valve. ‘ _
, “"“‘“Www «meme.-e’§¥%” _ . 0'7
' T , , _, ._.__ Eh , All Airtemp Gas-burning Winter Air Conditioners have 8::
' _ gm i 3”“ been tested and approved by A. G. A. Laboratories. 8:}
L 1 a.” I" Jae!“ 3‘ 4 4 EEE
. v.7»..«xwtz'fi "far“ 2 l ‘
_ . 3:43;; i gag”? % { l
. . : .,.-(faint, .~ -':“ “ZR; 4
3 ‘- .3 a f . ’ ~' ’I. “333.» i
t "M \-i/ f . - he“ “.8“ ' ‘
:::: r ; » N - ~ ‘s t» ,
,.‘- ~ . i' \ifimrii “ i ‘ ..E“ .. " i
i ‘17w 5 l’ 2 $5 “ ~ . ~ ‘7 ' , -.
i E“ ‘k ‘ 'i, 4 _. i ’ . ””'" . l4 ‘ i ’
i Air'emp Model 0-13 I T 0:13;; ':f': i ' '
1 Winter Air Conditioner V at; i
. Airtemp Silent Flume Gas Burner i ' I '
f 4 4 . ' ,

‘ i
lI . . .
.. BLOWER: The slow-speed, multiple-blade, centrifugal fan voltage protection. FILTERS: The large-area filters are of
lS rubber-mounted and dynamically-balanced. It is con- the replacement type. CONTROLS: A small attractive Air-
nected by canvas to the furnace body. The Models O-70 temp room thermostat for wall mounting, a combination
- and G-7O use the same type blower mounted on a sliding fan and limit switch, internal wiring and switch assembly,
1 deck, below the heating element. The fan shaft revolves on are standard equipment. Optional at extra cost, is an electric
. two self-aligning, cushloned bearings, no metal-to-metal clock operating a day-night thermostat. HUMIDIFIER:
. contact. The fan has a V-belt drive, adjustable motor pulley. Pan type, with a float control which automatically regulates
MOTOR: The electric motor is mounted in rubber on the water flow. The vitreous enamel humidifying pan is easy to
fan assembly except on the O-70 and G-70 where it is clean. DUCT CONNECTIONS: At the discharge and re-
mounted outSIde on the Jacket. Designed for continuous turn connections on the jacket is a one-inch flange which
operation, It has automatic thermal overload and low- facilitates connection to the supply and return air ducts.
—'—I——‘T‘_‘T __._ T—‘—__" ._1‘ I#__‘_._—_ % Tmi’_ fi‘
I 1 Heated Air I I I I . Heated Air 1 I I
1 Btu. ‘ B.t.u. ' I C.f.m. A.G.A. B.t.u. B.t.u. . - . C.f.m.
Model' B.t.u. perhr.Iperhr. M Blow-1 Mo- =Out- Tip Fen @ Model B.t.u. perhr. perhrNMifl R.p.m.I Mo- Out-I Tlp I Fan ((1
No. .perhr.}0utput ((3, FreeI0.10”'0.20” er tor lot Speed 8119 65° No. perhr. OutputI Q2 IFreeIO.10”I0.20” I tor j let ISpeed Size 65°
, Input @1 Bon-I Regis- Bon- sp SP R.p.m. Wetts Vel. .25” Input 1@ Ben-1 RegiS- 800- SP SP Watts. VeLI .25"
I I net I ter net SP I net I ter netI I 1 SP
__._+__.__— —_ __ __ __ ‘_.A_ _—‘—— — — _1— _—-— V_._;—_— _— _— _‘.—.‘-
0-7‘ I 60,000‘ 70,000] 63.000I1.000 660 I 750 I 220 .950 I 1.970I10x10 1.160 G-7 I 67.500j 70.000l 63.0001.060I 940 765 , 240 1,050I 2.000 l0x10 l1.17o
0-70-I 90.000I 70.000 63.0001.000 660'. .. 750 I 220 1950 I 1.97DI10x10 1.160 G-70. 87.500 70.000I 63.0001.000I 880. . . 765 . 240 1.050I 2000 10x10 11.170
0-10'1130,000100.000. 90,000I1.370‘1.22011.070 650 265 600 I 2.040 12x12 1.860 G-101125.000100.000. 90.0001.370I1.2201,070 650 . 265 600; 2.040 12x12 ;1.660
043; 165,000 130.000I117.000I2.000 1,670 1.640 505 295 660 I 2,020 ‘1514‘x12 3.600 G-13 1625001130000 117.000 2.000 1.6701540 505 . 295 660 2.020 151,,x12 3.600
0-16I 205.000 160.000 144.600.2300 2,000.1,790. 515 330 720 2,060 1514x12 4.240 (3-16 200.000 160.000 144.000 2.300 2.000 1.790 615 330 720. 2.060 151,x12 4.240
'Equipped with A-B Burner. Equipped with B-lo Burner.
’77' 'TwT—ITTTTSWTIWV 7,,_LI_.___%7 fiivifm—fiflf— "
. Filters Overall Dimension .__ _i.,____ Chimney I filters 3 Overall Dimension I__—._.hj. Chimney
Model I > “a I Air IReiumI I _ Model . _V _ ,~ ‘ Air IReturn ._ , ,,,
N0, 4 . I I . Dis- IConnec-I SmokeI I No. L _ “ I Dis- JCOnnec- Smoke1 I
No. I Size ILengthIWidthIHeight chargeI tion Pipe IHeightI Area No. Size LengthIWidthIHeight charge} tion Pipe IHeight' Area
I A I B I C I Size ‘ Size :Diam.I I A ‘ B I C Size Size Diam.I .
7.7—_I 1 ‘18x25xlI 44 . 26 I 52‘; 8x20‘ 8x20 . 8” 30 I 8x8 G-7 1 1 16x25x1 44 . 26 I 521-; 6x20 8x20— 6” aII—TEE“
0-70 I 1 16x25x1I 31 I 26 . 46'}.6 23"!,,.x8 25x16 6“ 30 1 8x8 (3-70 1 16x25xl 30 I 26 , 4891;. 231ml; 25x16 6” 30 8x8
o-10 I 2 16x20xlI 60 I 26 I 46 14x23 16x23 7” 30 . 8x12 G-lO . 2 16x20xl 60 , 28 . 46 14x23 18x23 7" 30 8xl2
0-13 1 2 20x25x1 6934' 35 I 58 I 13x30 20x30 8” I 30 . 8x12 G-13 2 20x25xl 693.. 35 55 13x30 20x30 8” 30 8x12
0-16 3 20x25xl 73,1... 37 1 56 16x32 20x32 9" 1 30 12x12 G-16 2 20x25xl 7313 37 . 58 16x32 20x32 9" 30 12x12
I I 1 I 3 2 41 I 51 I 1 2 I 3 I 74—WTMMTTT'
Smoke ——I#— —-———-— —~*~—— ’i’Wf ‘ Distance Smoke *—————— -—-—-———I——— __— _ DIstence
Model: Pipe Knockout I Knockout Knockout Knockout I Openlng Between Model Pipe Knockout Knockout I Knockout Knockout Opening Between
No .Loca- for for for for for Duct No. Loca- for for for for for 0”“
' 2 tion ‘ Humidifier Humidifier Oil Supply I Power 'Thermostat Connec- tion Humidifier Humidifier IGas Supply Power Thermostat Connec-
I Drain Supply Line Line Supplyiglne _“ngleflfi. tions if Drain Supplyyje 1 LinL Supply Linefl. Cable “mi
. ~__._____—iI___..77IA._I_._ ___._ I—-1—————~— ._____
o-7 16% 23I 61..I117/,.101..I 1 46', 11 I 41; 38'. 9% G-7 16% 10!. 1 61. 1178'I2134I 7a. 361, 4ng 11 I 6}, 91;.
- o—70 7%....” ...I. I.. -I . .. G-70 7% . . I 1 . a
0-10 2713 2,1,. I sagaorgl 61., 1 361.11 41.; 28',,I 10 G-lO 2712 91, 1 655.1015: I 1212I 67.", 28,14 4‘2I 11 I 65,. 16
0-13 32% 234 1 6%I1574s 14L, 1 40 . 412I16 27‘21 13,15 G-13 32% 141.1 1 63Z3‘3I157/3’7'X: 11“,ng I 4121 16 2712 1312
046 I332“ . 29, 61.11674 I 1411 I 1 . 40 41;. . 16 12713 ‘ 1412 G-16 33315 1414 l 1 . 63‘. 1151,»E I 7114;2 I111},2 40 I 41,... . 16 I305, 141;.
I lThiS is opening for thermostat cable on 0-7 and O-lO.
:This is opening for power supply line on 0—7 and 0-10. 5
I .

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0 l l. ' l: l R E D CA S T - l R 0 N M O D E L S tone crinkle enamel. Simple in design and cabinet has flush
_ access doors.
“3““95- Sleam- 430 l° 630 Sq- ft. Water, 700 *0 1'0“” Sq- fl- OIL-FIRED MODELS . . . Larger boiler models use the
G A S _ l: l R E D c A S T _ l R 0 N M 0 D E l. S Airtemp Model B-IO Oil Burner. All controls and the burner
_ itself are completely enclosed. The combustion chamber is
Ratings: Steam 430 lo 630 sq. “’.; Water, 700 l0 1,000 SCI. fl. suspended in the boiler sections, surrounded completely by
heating surface. Proper draft is assured by the draft stabilizer
AlRTEMP HlGH-SPEED PERCOLATOR BOlLER which is standard equipment.
Chrysler Airtemp Percolator Boiler permits a smaller boiler GAS'FIRED NIODELS - All Airtemp Gas-Fired Boilers
to do a better heating job by utilizing the percolator prin- use the effluent Chl‘YSICF AIrtemp “SIlent 171:”an G35 Bur-
ciple to bring about a more rapid circulation of water and ner. Its 51ml)le constructlon affords trouble-free sdentopera-
faster heat. transfer. Airtemp Pereolator boilers are available “911 A draft dwerter prevents drafts from extlngmshmg the
for either gas or oil fuel and can be adapted to steam, vapor PIIOt or allectlng the Cffic‘ency 0f the burner. All AIrtemp
or hot water systems. The burner and boiler are matched Gas-Burmng B0116“ have been “35th and approved by
and coordinated to extract and utilize all possible heat from AmerIcan Gas ASSOCIHUOH LaboratorIes.
the fuel. Heating sections are cast iron—0f lifetime construe- CONTROLS: The controls furnished as standard equip-
tIon. Hue-gas passages are arranged to accelerate the natural ment are: Primary control, pressure-limit control, low-water
upward flow of combustion gases. Extended fins of each cut-off switch on steam boilers; water-limit control on water
scene“ are in staggered rows which are completely wiped boilers; low-voltage, room thermostat, current-supply switch
by hot combustion gases. The cabinet is rigidly formed of and internal wiring. External water heater for added capac-
6 heavy steel “llonderixed” against rust and finished in two- ity is optional at extra cost.
~ g / ’5‘ 59‘0st i- 00000 ‘.;.9: “' fig; ' : ai'
i “5433‘“; 1 :5 $5: i“: "' l 00 3 l :2." tux-53‘ M" of
. find 5 a: -‘ ~‘g-s l) 7i ,_e ' ' .
; tZK-rviiitl:.ii~'dr:-:’:5 a ,_ - , .’l‘ ‘.2 «loci .‘ ' . ' WI
i "t'lb l « Sli I“ i “l \ / " - sa
45.15.3533 . °u It nncouron ‘ \ "“".‘
. “is; 4‘25 ~. mnem- -" \ ;
i two, .‘. - l ‘75. ' st“ 34L?) \ 3%: Ci
i K / slim \ ar
- ..,.: ::‘f ‘ // :,,/gs; 295% \ A‘ 01 B -
1 ‘ _v » ,4 5‘ ‘ " \ "””"P ' ""“" ' P‘
. " ” if, ._ / g" . -\\ Models B-1() 8. C-10 01
5 _.‘9" ”“1" ~‘ / NDYI’IST \
_ rt‘ 5 gran-fists ‘3 .», ._ - ‘ ““"‘" . . a
g i “"5": ‘ _ 1’ Diagram shows ‘ » .
Z ' " E‘s???” Qfixji how steam bub- H
~ a s . t ““1 “""‘“ f
l ' “ 2‘ i‘f‘“, H: i“: above honest s-r , . ' ' d
i {in} itiviugm‘éig . // surface, rush '_ PW“ Wm (
E ‘ N j \3\:§31§:l /// l upward in per- : ._‘ La.,...» “:WW'V. Pl
t . \“1' . ,1 colutor action— I , . , ‘
. . . '_‘; ' _"l ..I/’._} l cause foster wu- l _ MW} 1'.
, ' ’ ' .5 :i .{\ ter circulation. " 4 M ' : ‘ . p]
i i F @ \..,‘_ ——> J® 32.3 l, i ‘ O]
i Airtemp Percolator Boiler Airtemp Silent Flame Gas Burner
' Models 50.4 a. 55.4

 . . FURNACE: The Airtemp. year-round air conditioning unit is the BOILER: This is a combination of the 3 or 5 H.P.
culmination of a 3 H. P. Airteinp packaged cooling unit and any of packaged cooling unit and the Percolator Boiler.
’, the larger Airtemp air conditioning furnaces. The same blower, It’s a very flexible installation for stores, restau-
filters and ducts which Circulate, clean and distribute the air in mm; bars and shops. The cooling unit may be ;
. _ Winter are used for summer cooling. This combination unit will placed on the main floor and the boiler in the base-
. : prov1de year round air conditioning in homes up to 10,000 cu. ft. ment — or, both may be installed together behind
. . _ . a artition on the main floor. To do awa with
3 CONSTRUCTION: The deSIgn and construction of the furnace duIEtwork the attractive coolin unit can beylaced
_ is shown on pages 4 and 5. The cooling unit is the same as in the - - ’ . . g . p .
. 3 H P acka ed unit described on a e 9 exce t that it does in the air conditioned space With the bOiler out of ,
_. not have 1; bloyger p g ’ p sight. Installation can be made so that entire build-
I ' mgs can be heated, but only part of it cooled in
INSTALLATION: Shut-off dampers must be used at supply and summer. A hOt water C01] 111 the bOIICI‘ Will furnish
U return openings if duct distribution system is zoned. If zoning is hOt “’3th for normal {ICCdS- . _ ‘
not used, it is advisable to use shut-off dampers at all outlets in _BY plaqmg a steam C011 311d humidifier m the C001-
. mg unit, the blowers which Circulate clean, cool
" , de-humidified air in summer are used to circulate
__ clean, warm, moist air in winter. Both units are
" ” ”18% “ thermostatically controlled and entirely automatic. ‘
3’ _ 1%? CONSTRUCTION: The percolator boder is des-
5: cribed on page 6. Design and construction of the
I " “ ' cooling unit are the same as those described on '
\ .-, 1 _ page 9, except that a steam coil is introduced
-*=—=——-——:: WW“ "i’gfl‘ above the cooling coil and a humidifier added.
”W , $3; The air filters are identical with those used on the
gi’; . ' f”: Packaged Air Conditioners. age 9.
!\ i . £K¢§J~r ‘1 b . p D
ii a 2: ” . . . .
Ii : ii: CONTROLS: A built in thermostat on the cooling unit,
I Juliet : it" operating in the return air, automatically starts and .
r E % stops the unit in summer to maintain the desired teiii- .
I —; {SQ/t perature. Boiler operation is controlled by tlieniiostat .
; 3% ‘y up properly located in the area to be heated. If desired, a
E 793$ :_:_ so special control, containing two thermostats and a
f . ';. :5”; ’ summer-winter switch can be used at slight extra cost.
. E v HUR’IIDIFIER: A spray type humidifier is provided in
. "" the Packaged Air Conditioner at slight extra cost.
‘_ Airtemp Combination Summer (“W “t -. .
- , and Winter Air Conditioner, us- 32. i l W EL .' .
ing Model 0-10 or G-lO Furnace 3.231451: if ”I” MW“ V' '
rooms which do not have returns. Supply openings in all rooms to >~~,:-;~;3;
be cooled can be at any height from floor, but if at or near floor . ‘j; .9,
‘ air deflectors must be used. Insulate the cold air supply ducts . . .
l which pass through unconditioned areas to prevent condensation f ~ 1. I
, of moisture during summer. In other respects installation of duct . _ i f. .
' work is same as for any forced-air heating system. Air filters are .5: i- : .
' same as those on the winter air conditioners. ._ g , I “Wyn”
‘ . . . . 0 ' . . ' 93%“;
CONTROLS: In summer the cooling unit is automatically started (- MIMI/.7 : _ . 4'3! .
and stopped by a built-in thermostat. This maintains dc51red tem- f ' gt;
. perature when blower has been placed in operation either manually f ‘3 ~ “2%)."
or automatically. A special control, containing two thermostats and : :1. . . . ii“
a summer-winter switch, can be furnished at slight extra cost. . 1-.1 , , £3
HUMIDIFIER: The Vitreous enamel pan-type humidifier is . .’ g 1" é‘ifita
described on page 5. , ~ . . Iwgg‘t
’ POWER AND \VATER REQUIREMENTS: The 3 H.P. 1750 ' " Emmy”, Combination
r.p.m. motor is available for 220-volt, (SO-cycle single or three- Summer and WITH; :1;
' ' . ' 0 led condenser is described Conditioner, using o e
. phase alternating current. The n ater c 0 50-4 Percoluiorao-ler
on page 9. ' ’ ’ ‘

 . ' W‘5~7§‘*§,,-, ~. ._ z , .
hv Underwrxtcrs’ Laboratories, Inc., and have passed 3"§::‘ . ‘ , F A
' . $2M ' - '- ; , ‘
the performance test of CommerCIa] Standard CD- . A»??? .:‘,.:~- , lln
. . . ' asww e0:
75-39 for automatic mechameal draft burners. “ix > [‘_fi “In,“ w, is ‘
. , -‘ - ’ l ”‘V’ I '. au
f 5* z: {3: SUI
' _ , t «ml g , . 5“
I [I‘ K; ' 1;” ‘ ' ‘ pr‘
' f; {1235. [i 1 . Pa
,,, 7,, A_ . g , : i 5
Smoke Junction Oil Line 4 l2 .‘.“ .I', 2 . ‘ :I 11
Mum-l Piuo Box Connection . g 2* m9}, \‘J‘E'I ‘ O]
N” J ' K L M I N l 0 E ‘3»; -:gslg ";.‘7'
, W 1 ,7, , 7 7,77 l g L”? E > -, , a for” de
EO-G l 35} 12’ 37 18114 4mg ‘ 25m; . E t... rel
Eo-o l 35’ l 12' 3' 101.5 4|, lzsll , _ .x, ‘ _1 _ ?=
I I I » i I .. ..‘, 33’ SC
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.:,1.~;Q.'2.- 5T“~-.~.,,,,,z’ 2} , S I
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:5“; I - ,w, ‘ ‘1'“; .
_ _ . . 3:;, ..I} ' Gt Ifflxf. w1
- int“ f @ ,l 0p
CAPACITY RATING . . v A‘s! f 01
7 vi 77777#l IV Cf‘ln- \ "V 7‘77 Mi Vilifi _ H , ‘H' ‘ ‘ \ g’ V ‘ C0
lnnul l lnITul ‘hnstinn’ Bonnethl l Bonner ‘ Bonnet l Posltlve ' . g l N]
Modal B.I.uf , B.t.u. l Effi- Fret- Air ‘ In 1 (it 1 Fan Motor Draft , » . . .
Nn. hr.’ l ‘hrf uioncy ‘ Delivery 0.10 SP ‘ 0.208P Control ‘ fat
‘ ‘ OIIIIIIILI , 1 ‘,,,,,,,,,,,,,__I7, _ 1
Hiqh Pilot ‘ ‘ ‘ Watts ' MC
FlJllllI Flame Btu. B.I.u. CTF.M. B.I.u, C.F.M.I B.I.u. >C.F.M. R.P.M.l R.P.M.l Watts . .
[0.0 00.000 12.000 09.000 50.430 470 , I , ,. ,, 1500 l 20 - Sn
EO-u 00.000 I2.000 60.000 55.000 710T 152.700 520% l53,7oo I 520i 660 l 190 1500 I 20 l {01
I l . _ , l
Wu 1 or No. 2 Fuel Oll End point not to oxcood 550‘ F. leIcludps filler. ‘ _ '..’ . . ‘ fa]
I . pl'l
I I Thfif ' ' . > ’ - —*
.II I - , ~ Bob!
MIIIII‘I Dlgl‘li‘frrs‘luns l A” "‘l“ l A” 0mm 1 Smoke 1 1 Filter HEW" 1 of . ’ 0‘
I No. I l ._fii PIDE ‘ No. Size Set I Duct . ' ‘ Di
l Length Height I wmm ' wmm Height Width Length ‘ ‘ “5“ Flange , _ _
, l A l a 3 c : D E Dlam. I W W F GT " CI
is 7, fisiis~iit , , ,7 7 ,, ,,, 77 , e , _ , H 7 -7 77¥il____.__ *_, .. . . '
£043 24" l 55~ 24" 22" I8" 22" 22" 0" WI 20" V . ' I _
- em; 24* I 05" ‘ 24" 20” I 16" ‘ 22“ 22' 6" 1 psxzoxvl 20" ‘ I~ , _ . c.

 Ratings: 3 H.P., 1,200 C.F.M.; 5 H.P., 2,000 cm. ,z ““1"“3
Chrysler Airtcinp “Packaged” Air Conditioners either singly ' ' """"“wwwascrg
or in multiple will cllicicntly take care of 85% of all cooling / ' fa““""“rww W...ww_W‘___ . ' ,
requirements. The well-designed cabinet is rigidly formed ‘T ‘
of heavy-gauge stccl, “liondcrizcd” against rust. The sec-
tional discharge air grille permits directional air delivery. 4 » '
The return air grillc contains the removable filter. ; ‘
For year ’i'ound service any Airtcnip Packaged Air Condi- i mung/.3}. ‘
‘ tioncr may be equipped with a steam-heating coil for con-
‘ nection to the existing heating svstcm and a spray typc ’
. humidifier assembly. :.~~~»;-a—