xt7qnk361p0s_862 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 62-104 text Houses 62-104 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_309/Folder_30/5965.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_862 xt7qnk361p0s W“
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 fiéfiéfléfllfi PUB Citié
lHlS AGREEMENT; made and entered into as of the fimm31_n= day cl
March ____E_=_l9_§§% by and between Mountain Ihvestment, log“) herein
cal led ”weer“ and £23§LE9§3£§33§£dalmathlffifljmgj1':B3E:,:'3£,°M_Mmm=
herein called BFBuyer “
W I T N E S b E T HE

THAT WHEREAS “Owner” has offered to sell to ”Buyer“ Lot No 10h & g-27_—
located in its Wheelwright Sub=division3 Floyd County, Kentuciyfi as shown on
map or plat in File V3ll8‘7 Floyd County Court Clerkls OfficeJ and improvements
thereon except as hereinafter set out? for the sum of $__;1L;QQ.OO 3 andy
in addition “Buyer“ chall pay the sum of $38;00 closing coets and $30u00 for
survey plat to be supplied by “Owner“, all of which is to be paid as follows:

$ down payment, the receipt of which is hereby ackx
nowledged, and the balance of $__;Z&$é§;igm_mw__, (which includes closing costs
and the survey plat costl on date of closing, and upon delivery of deed of
conveyance to “Buyer“ with cavemant of General Warranty of litle, subject to
the exceptions and reservations contained in those two instrumente of convey—
ance from Island Creek Coal Company to ”Owner“, referred to herein for source
of title and which are dated November 9. l966, and recorded in Deed Book l9l
at page 504, and XLSO in ihoee certain deeds executed by “Owner” to Harold
Telephone Company and levaom.3 Inc. dated June l5, l967 and recorded in Deed 7
Book l93 at pages 27l, 273, and 2755 records of the Floyd County Court Clerkls
Office, and ALSO deed of conveyance from ”Owner“ to Kentucky Power Company
dated December 29, 1967, and of record in Deed Book 195 at page 425, recorde
of the Floyd County Court Clerkls Office.

It i5 agreed that time is of the essence of this agreement and -
that this transaction shall be closed. all money due hereunder shall be paid
to ”Owner“ and the deed herein provided For shall be delivered to IlBuyel‘” on
or before ARTE; 15. lgézm” ,; In event ”Buyer“ doee not pay the
balance as herein provided on Dl befohe the closing date then the down payment
herein prOVided shall be retained by “Owner“ as liquidated damagee hereunder,
and this agreement i3 then void.

(Form 69xl7=Page I}

"Estimated taxes for the year 1969 shall be pro-rated to the date of closing,
based upon the tax rates for the City of Wheelwright, Kentucky — seventy
five cents per hundred dollars ($0.75 per $100), and seventy two and
two-tenths cents per hundred dollars ($0.72-2/10¢ per $100.) of value for
the County of Floyd, Kentucky."
The closing shall be at The Pikeville National Bank a
At the time or closing all rents and utilities due by “Buyer“
to “Owner” shall be fully paidn All rents on said property shall be adjustx
ed pro=rata to the date of closing“
Possession will be given ”Buyeh' 00F_A9ril ;5 w1262 m
Any further notice necessary under this agreement may be sent
by mail to the last known address of the party to be notifiede
The words “Buyer“ and I”Owner“ herein employed shall be con-
strued to include the plural as well as the singular, and this contract shall
be binding upon their heirs, administrators? executors, successors and asm
signsg and the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter,9 where the
context so admits or requireso
IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, “Owner“ has caused this instrument to be
executed by its duly authorized officers and ”Buyefll has duly executed same
as of the day and year first above writteno
,3? ,/
ATTEST: % / ,./’, ‘
B \«’££/Zfl%é71/// : Aflifitfkw
Jay/Ll: fi/Q‘f’fit'lvy
/ ./r I 4 .
, 4’ (‘4’) AéZ:;Aéé;%%§Li:fj
[I _yerfi‘d
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1&2”. 5%
' (Form 69ml7 Page 2}

WHEELWRZS+.”S:$ZZKY 530 AmEPE€ZZQ°°fiZifiZ§é°bidg.

March 3], 1969 Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
Joseph D. Reynolds, III, Esquire
Island Creek Coal Company
1501 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio hhllS
Dear Mr. Reynolds:

Enclosed is copy of deed from Mountain Investment, Inc. to ‘
George Robert Hanger and Kathleen Hanger, his wife , covering
sale of L°t No. '0“ and L°t No. 6'27 . Please prepare a release by
Island Creek Coal Company of its mortgage on these properties.

Pikeville National Bank 8 Trust Company is escrow
agent on this transaction. We have sent the original deed, and
plat, together with a disbursement letter, to our Kentucky attorney,
for his certification of the deed which is to be forwarded with the
other papers to the escrow agent.

Your letter to the escrow agent covering the release of these
properties and the disbursement of funds should be in form similar
to those provided in other such cases.

If there is any further information required, please advise.

Yours very sincerely,

(Form 69~l9)

PHONE 606-457-2761
March 31, 1969
Mr. John Allen
Attorney at Law
Post Office Box 4%]
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653
Dear John:

Enclosed is deed prepared covering LOt No. ‘0“ and Lot 6-27
Wheelwright, to George Robert Hanger and Kathleen Hangar, his wife,
purchasers, also copy of the plat covering the same property and

Pikeville National Bank
the original of the disbursement letter to
3 Trust Com an . Pikeville Kentuck
P 7. ', y which will act as V
escrow agent for this transaction.

Please certify the deed and forward the papers to the escrow

agent, advising us when this has been accomplished.
(Form 69-l6)

 530 American Heritage aide.
. - >3 . ’ ”#2
Marci: 3;:, 35%? Jactaonville, f' a 52“;
George Robert Ranger and Kathleen Hanger, his wife
has its. 3% and Let fie. fee-27
Fineviiie fiatienai Sank e Trust fioeipany

 ‘ .)
John Young April l, I969
Gordon Brown I Sale of Lots l0“ - G-27
Enclosed is the duplicate original of the Agreement of Purchase
covering Lots th - G—27 and running to George Robert Hanger
and Kathleen Hanger, his wife. I believe this is a good sale.
Congratulations! ’

I would like to make one or two comments on the proper method of
handling the Agreement of Purchase forms, for your future guidance:
1. It is well to get a small cash deposit when the

prospective purchasers sign the Agreement.
Normally this would run around $100.00, but there
should be a minimum of $50.00.
2. Also, be sure that the buyers sign both copies of
the Purchase Agreement.
The duplicate original which I am returning to you does not bear
the buyers' signatures. This is a dangerous practice, inasmuch as
it allows the buyers to claim that the Agreement was never executed.
When you deliver the enclosed copy of the Agreement to Mr. Hanger be
very sure that you see both Mr. and Mrs. Hanger sign on the lines indi—
cated for the buyers' signatures.
Gordon Brown

March 31, 1969
Mr. John Allen
Attorney at Law
Post Office Box 44]
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653
Dear John:
Enclosed is deed prepared covering L°t No. 104 and L°t 6‘27
WheeIwright, to George Robert Hanger and Kathleen Hanger, his wife,
purchasers, also copy of the plat covering the same property and
the originaI of the disbursement letter to PikeviIIe NationaI Bank
8 Trust Company,'Pikeville, Kentucky which will act as
escrow agent for this transaction.
Please certify the deed and forward the papers to the escrow
agent, advising us when this has been accomplished.
Cordi aI Iy,
(Form 69-16)

WHEELWRIGHT. KENTUCKY 41669 PHONE 606457-27“ 530 American Heritage Bldg.

March 3" 1969 Jacicsonville, Fla. 32202 ~
Joseph D. Reynolds, III, Esquire
Island Creek Coal Company
lSOl Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio hhllS
Dear Mr. Reynolds:

Enclosed is copy of deed from Mountain Investment, Inc. to

George Robert Hanger and Kathleen Hanger, his vdfe . '
, covering

sale of Lot No. ‘04 and Lot ”0' 6'27 . Please prepare a release by
Island Creek Coal Company of its mortgage on these properties.

Pi keville National Bank 8r Trust Company is escrow
agent on this transaction. We have sent the original deed, and
plat, together with a disbursement letter, to our Kentucky attorney,
for his certification of the deed which is to be forwarded with the
other papers to the escrow agent.

Your letter to the escrow agent covering the release of these
properties and the disbursement of funds should be in form similar
to those provided in other such cases.

If there is any further information required, please advise.

Yours very sincerely,
’../g‘ H 2%[2

(Form 69~l9)

PHONE 606-457-2761
530 American Heritage Bldg.
March 3l, l969 Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
Pikeville National Bank & Trust Company
Pikevi 1 le, Ky.
Re: Sale of House No, 10A fl §_27
Enclosed is executed deed to the above captioned real estate, running
to George Robert Hanger and Kathleen Hanger, his wife.
Island Creek Coal Company will shortly deliver to you an executed
release of this property From the mortgage held by it; also its dis~
bursement letter.
Please collect the full amount of the purchase price of Seven Thousand
One Hundred & 00(l00 - - - - - - - - - ($Z,I00.00I — - - - DollarS,
and remit 80% thereof to Island Creek Coal Company, in accordance
with its disbursement letter above mentioned. In addition, please
collect From the purchaser the sum of $30300 for the enclosed plat
of the property, and $38.50 closing costs.
Recording fees for the deed and for the release are to be charged
against closing costs, as is the tax due the State of Kentucky.
The net proceeds due Mountain Investment, Inc., the $30.00 charge For
the plat, and the net closing costs (after disbursements authoriéed
above), are to be deposited in the non-operating account of Mountain
Investment, Inc. in your bank, with advice to us showing all receipts
and disbursements of the transaction, accompanied by a duplicate de-
posit slip.
Yours very truly,
Notice to:
Escrow Agent
(Form 63—ll) Lot No. _9fl_:_Ef27

(MXCO) ,
P. 0. BOX 357 PHONE 606 457-2761 PLlAu Annun- Rzru To:
Being two separate tracts or parcels of land
lying and being in Floyd County, Kentucky on Otter
Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the town of Wheelwright
and being Lot No. 101} and Lot G-27 including the
dwelling house, garage and appurtenances thereunto
belonging located on said lots or parcels of land of
the Wheelwright sub-divi sion as shown by first party's
map or plat in file No. 3’48 records of Floyd County
‘ Court Clerk's Office.
. Being part of the same property conveyed to
party of the first part by Island Creek Coal Company
by Dead dated November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed
Book l9l at page 501+, records of the Floyd County
Court Clerk's Office. 1
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* ,°—’-G . .r . MOUNTAIN INVE’ ENT, INC.
_ .. .w_ __7—__. ....________ . . nu I. '..’)“ - /e/’
N- 1 . 1 34"":“1 1 By ‘ \~
1 0 - ’ “ ' President

 r' * -
THIS DEED 0F CONVEYANCE made and entered into as
of §* S / ' 19¢, by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc., a Kentucky Corporation, party of first part, and
George Robert Hanger and Kathleen Hanger, his wife
party (ies) of second parto
WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum
of Seven Thousand One Hundred and 00/100 ~ - - ~ - ($7,100.00) - - - -
Dollars cash in hand paid, and other valuable consideration, the receipt
and adequacy whereof is hereby acknowledged, party of first part does
hereby bargain, sell, grant, convey, transfer unto second parties, their
. heirs and assigns, the following described property to-wit:
Being two separate tract: or parcels of land
lying and being in Floyd County, Kentucky on Otter
Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the town of Hheelwright
and being Lot No. l0“ and Lot 6-27 including the
dwelling house, garage and eppurtenancee thereunto
belonging located on said lots or parcels of land of
the Nheelwright sub-division as shown by first party's
map or plat in file No. 3&8 records of Floyd County
Court Clerk's Office.
Being part of the same property conveyed to
party of the first part by Island Creek Coal Company
by Deed dated November 9, l966, and recorded in Deed
Book l9l at page 50%, records of the Floyd County
Court Clerk's Office.

This conveyance is subject to the exceptions and reserva-
tions contained in those two instruments of conveyance from Island Creek
Coal Company to party of the first part, referred to herein for Source of
title and which are dated November 9, l966, and recorded in Deed Book 191
at page 501 and at page 504, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
party of the first part to Harold Telephone Company and Tel-Com, Inc.,
dated June 15, l967 and recorded in Deed Book 193 at pages 27l, 273, and
275, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's office, and ALSO deed of
Conveyance from first party to Kentucky Power Company dated December 29,
l967, and of record in Deed Book 195 at page #25, records of the Floyd
County Court Clerk's Office.

 , a

First Party hereby further reserves a right of way
and easement with right of egress and ingress and entry on and over
said premises for the purposes of maintenance, operation, repair, re-
placement, relocation and removal, in whole or in part, of any and all
of the water, gas, electric, telephone and CATV lines and cables, sewer
mains, connections and service lines as now located on said premises in
its operation of said facilities, which right of way and easement shall
endure as long as Said systems or any part thereof are operated by
First party, its Successors or assigns.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the parties of second part,
their heirs and assigns forever, with covenant of General Warranty of
Title, subject to the exceptions and reServations contained herein,

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF first party has caused this
instrument to be executed by its President and duly attested by its
Secretary as of the day and year first herein written.


 .~ . '1
I, , a
Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, do
hereby certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance from Mountain
‘ Investment, Inc. to George Robert Hanger and Kathleen Hanger, his
"”9 dated 3' g ('éZ
was produced to me in said County and State by Gordon Brown
as President of Mountain Investment, Inc., a corporation, party of I
first part, and was acknowledged by him as its President thereunto
duly authorized to be his act and deed for the purposes therein
stated and same was duly attested by Frank M‘ Arnall as
Secretary of said corporation who duly affixed to said instrument the
corporate seal thereto as its Secretary.
Given under my hand and official seal of office this
the 3 I day of MAGIC/59.. WET.
My Commission expires on the day of
19 .
No ary Public - Duval Cou y
,= Florida
I hereby certify that the
foregoing Deed of Conveyance
was prepared by:
‘ Attorney

 John Young April 1, l969
Gordon Brown Sale of Lots 10% - G-27
Enclosed is the duplicate original of the Agreement of Purchase
covering Lots th - 6-27 and running to George Robert Hanger
and Kathleen Hanger, his wife. I believe this is a good sale.
' Congratulations!
I would like to make one or two comments on the proper method of
handling the Agreement of Purchase forms, For your future guidance:
l. It is well to get a small cash deposit when the
, .prospective purchasers sign the Agreement.
Normally this would run around $l00.00, but there
should be a minimum of $50.00.
2. Also, be sure that the buyers sign both copies of
the Purchase Agreement.
The duplicate original which I am returning to you does not bear
the buyers' signatures. This is a dangerous practice, inasmuch as
it allows the buyers to claim that the Agreement was never executed.
When you deliver the enclosed copy of the Agreement to Mr. Hanger be '
very sure that you see both Mr. and Mrs. Hanger sign on the lines indi—
cated for the buyers' signatures.
1' Gordon Brown

P. O. Box 357 PHONE GOG-457476! PLzAu ADDIEII Run To:
Date May 29, 1969
To: Floyd County Tax Assessor, and
City of Wheelwright, Kentucky
Re: House and Lot No. 101+ - G-27 _
‘ City of Wheelwright, Kentucky
The above captioned real estate was sold by Mountain Investment, Inc.
to George Robert Hanger and Kathleen Hanger2 His Wife ‘
mailing address Wheelwright, Kentucky
,. OI!) MB! [Cféfiz for $2 OOQ 09 total purchase
Please indicate on the tax rolls that this property is now owned by
the above named purchaser(s) and that all future tax bills should be
issued to him (them). Also please remove our name as owner of this
Very truly yours, '
Certified Mail file on '
Return Receipts in/Lot No. lll-l/Z
1 Tax Notice/
(Form 68-13) Lot No. 101+ - G-27

 C ' May 27, l969
P Mary Ann O'Brien
Gordon BrOWn Sales of Real Estate as follows:
. I67 - Oscar Snith - $5,000
104 - G-27 - Geo. Robt. Hanger
202 - Joe Thomas Yates - $6,500

We forwarded to you some time ago form letters bearing No. 68-l2 - addressed to Hall-
Music Agency, and No. 68—l3 - addressed to the Floyd County Tax Assessor and the City
of Wheelwright, Ky. These forms are to be sent upon completion of a sale, consequent-
ly both of these form letters are to be sent out for each of the above mentioned sales.
Form 68—13 is to be sent not only to the County Tax Assbssor lbut also to the City of

Please send the letters to the County Tax Assessor and the City of Wheelwright regist
tered mail, return receipt requested. When the return receipts are delivered to you
please staple them to our copy of the form letter and send the form letter, together
with the receipt, to me.

I am enclosing a copy of Form 68—l2 showing how to cross out the parts of the notice
which do not apply if (as always seems to be the case, HalleMusic is not going to
write the new policy for the purchaser).

These forms should not be sent until the Escrow Agent reports that the money has been
paid in by the purchaser and the deal actually closed and paid for. You may have to
follow up with the Escrow Agent in each case to be sure you get Word on these cases
when they have been closed.

Please check back through your records and determine whether these notices have been

' omitted in any case in which property has been sold. If so, please get out the

notices promptly and send us copies.

Copies of both notices are enclosed so you will recognize them.

Gordon BrOWn


Encl o

 May 27, 1969


H Helton 8 Linton

P Accountants

Y Pikeville, Ky. Al50l .
Attention: Mr. Robert F. Linton
Gentlemen: .
Enclosed are photocopies of the bank statements from Peoples Bank 8
Trust Company, Montgomery, Alabama, and First National Bank, Prestons—
burg, Kentucky, also photocopies of two deposit slips from Pikeville
National Bank 8 Trust Company, and one from the First National Bank of
Prestonsburg. These three deposit slips represent the sale of
three houses and one garage.
Lot 167, shOWn on the First National Bank, Prestonsburg, deposit slip,
was sold to Oscar Snith for $5,000.00. 80%, or $4,000.00, of this
amount went to Island Creek Coal Company. $1,000.00 was deposited in
our Non-operating account as shown by the deposit slip. Our cost on
this property was $978.00.
Lot 202 was sold to Joe Thomas Yates for $6,500.00. The full amount
plus the closing costs, less recording fees and taxes, amounted to
$6,555.60, and was deposited in our Non-Operating account in the Pike-
ville National Bank, because of the fact that the Island Creek mortgage
had been paid in Full and discharged of record when this transaction was
closed, and the lot was not included in the mortgage to the Liberty
National Bank. Our cost on this property was $l,370.00.
House 104 and Garage G-27 were sold to George Robert Hanger for $7,l00.00.
60% of this amount, or $4,260.00 plus $9.77 being interest to May l2, l969,
was paid to Liberty National Bank. The balance of $2,883.33 was deposited
in our Non—operating account at Pikeville National Bank. Our cost on
these properties was as Follows:

Lot lOA - — - $2,175.00
Lot G—27 - - 57.00

Very truly yours,

P Pikeville, Kentucky

May 9, l969
Mr. Frank M. Arnall, Secretary
Mountain Investments, Inc.

530 American Heritage Bldg.

Jacksonville, Fla. 32202

Dear Mr. Arnall: Re: Sale of House No. lOA
Garage No. 27

We are enclosing our duplicate deposit ticket in the amount of
$2,883.33, covering the net proceeds due you from the sale of the
above mentioned real estate to George Robert Hanger.

We have remitted $4,269.77 to Liberty National Bank and Trust
Company For 60% of the purchase price, plus $9.77 for interest to
May l2, 1969. We have also paid the recording fees and tax amounting
to $15.40, as outlined on the enclosed deposit ticket.

It is a pleasure to be of service to you.

Very truly yours,
(s) R. B. Johnson
(Cost - Lot kxxxx No, 104 — $2,l75.
Lot G—27 — — — - — 57.)

 Gordon grown ”a? 7: 7%?)
Frank M. Arman
Gear Gerdom
fir. Schissier caIIed reference yaur request far releases on the
four houses on which saics are pending, and For which reIeases had
aiready been furnished by EsIand Creek. fiis particular question
was related to house 30. IO& and 8-27. It appears we did not in—
'c!uda $0. 30% in the mortgage to the bank in Louisville, but did
incIuée 6-27, and he was interested in breaking down the sales price
between the two. He aIsc mantioned that as far as he was concerned,
ficusc KO. 202 did not require a rateasa from tha Baflc.
I think at this time it is chI to maintain a rcaI guod rcIatIon-
ship with the Bank, So I instructed Mr. Schissler to go ahead and
issue a release on Ho. ISA and 5-27, and to Instruct the Escrow Agent
ta 66y 60% of the wet sales praceeds on that property to his bank.
This seemed to please him very much, since I couId not give him a
breakdown as to the distribution cf thc $7,109.00 sales price be-
tween the two segarate properties involved (30% and G-27
It tharefcrc aapears we wit? recover the fuII saIes price of E0. 202
ufithout dIsbursement to the bank.
‘ This memorandum is for your information and for the record.
Frank M. ArnaII

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April 3, 1969
Pikeville National Bank a Trust Company ;
Pikeville, Kentucky 41501 ‘1
¢ Ii

Gentlemen: ‘ Ln

We refer to the arrangement of Moufltain Investment,
Inc., whereby you are acting as escrowfaoent for the sales
of their properties at Wheelwright, Kentucky, which are
subject to a mortgage from Mountaifi'lnvestment, Inc. to
Island Creek dated November 9,fl966, and recordeo in the
mortgage records of Floyfi Coufity, Kentucky, in Volume 32,
page 385. "of

_ Monotain Investment has now requesteé that Island
Creek/raleaseii§§§lien of mortgage from lots designated
yfio. 104 and G~2 w~th improvements thereon situate at
‘RWheelwright and‘fo ward to you the Release of Mortgage
Eoeeringwegigflpeofierty. Enclosefl herewith is Partial
Release of flortgage covering Lot No. 104 and Lot G~27.

This Partial Release of Mortgage is forwarded to
you with the understanding that at the time the transaction
is closed, you will forward to Island Creek 80% of the
grogg regeiots (purchase price) received by Mountain In~
vestment from the sale of said property. Mountain Investe
ment has informed us that it has already made arrangements
with the bank for the bank to record the Deed and Release
of Mortgage and remit the balance of the remaining 20% to
Mountain Investment, Inc.

Sincerely yours,
ORIGML 3:09:25 1;": _
Joeeph L. Reynolds, III
Corporate Counsel
and Assistant Secretary
- ‘ Ir. Gordon Brown .
«,’I’Er. R.A. Bradbury
! F.A. Macdonald, Esq.

 9W W l/fljf
TEL_886-2431 fl
April 7, 1969 ./2
_,I 'V' f
likeville Eational Bank // /
n u , _. /
F1kev1lle, kentucky 41301 M, ~w"“
VI‘I/‘l/ ‘I‘\L\\‘\_
Gentlemen: me: George Bobert Hanger and Jife \
Deed fir~ House 104 and Garage 27 l
Jhealiright, Kentucky /
X‘fi. l.” . V
\\\—-N...-a- «wt-mm 0.,-,W,, I-w'm’V'v‘ .. in
Enclosed is deed of conveyance from Mountain Investment, Inc. to
Georoe Robert Han er and Kathleen Han at his wife. This deed is to be
.2 9
l U delivered in accordance with letter of instruction to you from Mr. Brown,
\\- which is attached thereto.
Ye rs truly,
I D ) . ' /W
Copy to:
Mr. Gordon Brown, Fresident
Mountain Investment, Inc.
530 American Heritage Building
Jacksonville, Florida 32202