xt7qnk361p0s_875 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 105-134 text Houses 105-134 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_310/Folder_13/6576.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_875 xt7qnk361p0s JOB TICKET ‘
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Date (Z — Z _, 4 (Z
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(Form 69-18)

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Date 5 / 1" 1/
EMPLOYEE: . " " 5
, ~ .4 {4, HOUSE NO. / ~»
(Form 69-18)

 ' I \
‘ " 1’; (7 "7‘ . )
€42,152 ié 4,, ,-
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Date é ‘~ //\ 7/
WM ééégémj’ HOUSE N0. //é
(Form 69-18)

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Date T . r.»
I .1 .,. 3f . 4,/ HOUSE N0. 1.34;»
(Form 69-18)

1%: d 'h-‘lj ‘-»u'. -, :r')-".’:w;/ “'" " ‘.‘ ' / {AI-3: ’3»: if .. (:- -:r -
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Date U4 “’" 4‘ L ,' I
EMPLOYEE: _‘ I """““";‘*f"f““"‘
a H,» ;<(;;f ;,4£; HOUSE N0. 5 i” g
(Form 6§-18)

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Date 3 ‘7 S- ” 2 /
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gottfig 242491ka HOUSE NO. //é
(Form 69—18)

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9‘ 1' 1445 _, A‘ A
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3 4
Date 0? -~\ 4 2 r 7/
arc/Mfg; flacéézbf HOUSE N0. //é
(Form 69-18) I

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Date 76 ’ 2: 2 - Eéz
1 HOUSE N0. 1 g Q
(Form 69- 8)

Z: ggzLdI-LJ ézffléfliz
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/v [17644 on) ,4 .1 A._ . X31
" ’ _ 4.4/3 «)1, " I —’ a” /0/I
Date ’ I &
M @074 HOUSE NO.__/__/__é__
(Form 69-18)



HOUSE #_3/1 C TENANT l7l/4; ,w [237/,,, DATE (4 7.37/11; -
PERIOD OCCUPIED )2 f 2' ' / 2’ 45 2’ 7 LL, 7

REASON FOR LEAVING /3 77 7 ,. i .
, W5


: o mons's— n43.oo' ~
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O_ Easements to this lot not shown. 0
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 TO: Mary Ann Johnson September 16, 1970
FROM: Gordon Brown Re: Mr. Harold E. Conn
Dear Mary Ann:
This will confirm our telephone conversation regarding Mr. Harold E.
I don't wish to dignify his protest by an exchange of correspondence.
This memo is therefore for your eyes only — not for his. Drop him
a note and ask him to come into the office the next time he is in
Wheelwright, to discuss his letter of September 8, 1970 to me.
When he comes in make the following points:
1. It is contrary to our policy to rent properties
to people who in turn will sub—let them to others.
Any properties we own will be rented directly to
the occupant. In this way we maintain some control
over the use of our properties.
2. I am not aware of any deal Mr. Conn may have made
with Mr. Wells or with Mr. Young for reduced rental.
However any such deal must have been more than a »
year ago and in the nature of things would have ex-
pired by now. No reduced rental deal could be expect—
ed to extend indefinitely.
3. We are under the impression that the County fixed the
road to #116 — not Mr. Conn. I am quite sure Mr.
Conn does not have the necessary road grading omnip-
ment or the time to repair roads.
Please convey this information as pleasantly as possible to Mr. Conn -
but yet be firm about.it.
Cordially I
./"'/j ’ I / a A] /i
(£5 Hz " .
Gordon Brown [J
GB/mw U

 u ‘5. A -
September 8, 1970 ' ’7
Mr. Gordon Brown
530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Dear Mr. Brown:

For a number of years, I have had rented a building known as
the ”Scout Cabin” which is located in a remote section of Wheel—
wright on the right hand side of the hill. When I rented this
property, it had been vacant for a long time and was badly torn up. ,

The highway or road leading to this property had not been ,3
travelled for a long time and I had to rebuild this property road
before I could get to the house. Mr. Wells, the man in charge of
the property at that time who now lives at Wayland, Ky., told me
that if I would fix this place up and keep it from being destroyed
due to its location, that I could have the place rent free. When
the bills began to come out, I was charged $11.05 for rent, and
I saw Mr. Wells and mentioned it to him that I was supposed to
have it rent free, and he thought that $22.10 a month should be
regular rent and he would charge me % of that for token rent which
was not in agreement with our first contract.

At the time I rented this property, i was supervisor of
Island Creek Coal Company's property and had done much to help
protect the property of Mountain Investment without any fee. Due
to this service is one reason why Mr. Wells wanted me to have this
Cabin to live in.

I had one woman to stay and help protect the place as I
couldn‘t be there occassionally and she was to help me with the
utilities, which she didn‘t, and I had to pay the bills of about
$400.00. When she left, the house was broken into by the door
being busted down and the furniture was damaged and items taken.
During those three months, I paid the utilities as though I was
using the building. The house next in line to this house, which
has come empty since I rented this Cabin, has been destroyed by
vandalism. The Cabin I am occupying is in a good state of con—
dition, and it is not a place that could be left by itself and stay
in a livable condition. The lady that I have now that stays there
was raised with me in this County, and I persuaded her to come
here and help take care of this property.

The Courier Journal and the Louisville Times had been con-
ducting a survey of the empty houses in Wheelwright in an attempt '
to degrade our town. Mr. Wells and I were trying to get as many ‘
homes with furniture in them as possible to offset this count, in
order to try to keep our town on the boom as much as possible and
I have solicited other people to come to Wheelwright because it
is a town where I have done my police work for the last 20 years.

 fi—j b ’
Page 2
Mr. Young wrote me a letter in 1968 and asked me about this
rental contract, and I explained to him and he said he would
explain to you the situation here at this location and hope it
would be justifiable. It is hoped that this agreement will be
satisfactory, and when you are in town, I would like to meet you
and discuss the situation with you and show you the condition of
the property I have been occupying.
Very t uly yours, lié7
oIde. Conn
Box 146
Wheelwright, Ky. 41669
Hszaj 7
x I
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 / V ‘ J’jl‘.‘ / ,3 / I,
, /
November 25, 1968
Mr. Frank M. Arnall
530 American Heritage Building
Jacksonville, Florida 32202 (f /. I:
‘ Dear Sir‘ K/Z,,w””‘”
In Re house # 386, I understand that Thomas L. Teate rented this / '
house with an agreement to repair and paint the house for the first (
few months. However, I do not have a record of this transaction,~——w~rr
but will investigate it at the nearest possible moment. THouse # 116,
which rents for $11.05, is the old Boy Scout cabin and was rented to
Mr. Harold Conn for storage space. However, I believe this is now
being lived in by some person or other of which we have had no know-
ledge. I will investigate this matter and refer to you in the future.
I hope you can appreciate the fact that I have absolutely no record
of such transactions as these, and it will take me some time to make
proper adjustments.
In regard to vandalism, I have talked at length with our local
insurance office, Hall-Music of Prestonsburg, Kentucky; and I have
agreed with them that I will make a survey of all damages starting
Tuesday, November 26, and file reports with them.
In regard to boarding up windows and repairing broken glass, etc., it
will be necessary to employ extra help to do this work since the few’
men that I have at present are unable to do much work outside their
regular duties. However, I will direct them to start this work in
their spare time, if they have any, as soon as possible. Please let
me know if you wish to employ extra help on this project.
In billing address, I will mail notices to every customer, along with
their utility and rent billing cards, that they are to pay all bills
at the Clubhouse office, Wheelwright, Kentucky; and that no business
will be transacted at Prestonsburg, Kentucky after November 30, 1968.
I will give you a more detailed answer concerning your inquiries
about rentals, etc., after I have made a thorough investigation.
Res tively-urs,
. Yo gm Manager
' JPY:mo

PS: At present, we have no envelopes or stationery with Mountain

Investment identification. We did not receive any from David

Allen. I will have some printed as soon as possible.


 M E M O R A N D U M
To: Mr. Frank M. Arnall
From: John P. Young
Date: 12/13/68
Subject: House Rentals
House # 116, rented to Mr. Harold Conn fOr the sum,of $11.05, is the
old Boy Scout building; and is now being used for storage only by
Mr. Conn. No one lives here and I do not believe it is in condition
for anyone to live in. Mr. Conn is a special officer for Island Creek.

Rental I
Report of Proposed ESaie of House No. é4é’é2g527193 /Z; /é%3%%~J§?/§7’?Cj
To: ZZQ/é/ :5,} /:;/&9.:
Present Address: {gag/{454% - Q
Present Status of Profiirty

Vacate: Occupied:/( How Long:
If Occupied:

Present Tenant:

What basis:

Date of Notice

Will vacate: (Date) to vacate:
(If repairs are to be made as a part of the deal, fill out and attach
Property Rehabilitation Report)


Occupation of PrOSPective tenants: 747 " A JZ2/?¢A<%:u7fl;bZ/¢T5Zk:%b

Mr. £244ZaxéV/xj?x}? V’Z/fli I/bfifi:giggé%%;;10yed

Employer Address

Mrs. Lpbtééovvj How long employed

Employer Address
Bank Account / How Long:
Credit References: (Include addresses: ;;Z; ; igé2ZZ;é 4%éé%22£%é222;§2
Reason for Interest: éfiéwflflz é;égé% @: 542%; @424 réfig.‘

Sale Price $ Closing Date:
Place of Closing
Date Possession:
Financing: Deposit Paid S
Bal. of Down Payment $ Due Amt. Financed $
Lending Institution

Terms of Loan: Rate % Term: M0. Payment $
Insurance: Policy to be written by present agent?
If other, state name and address

Approved __________________________ 19_______

Change of Status
——-————————— Lot No. {45

(Form 68—10)

. Hose No. 444. Deposit ow
To Mountain Investment, Inc:
Name 22W g g ZgQ/éjx/ Age 4% Z
Number of Dependents éé Ages / Z _. { fi’L. {:3 __ / {.1 52
Present (or last) permanent address
Telephone No.
I .
Local Address Z2:ZéQ;Z/[Cjétgfijééé Zféfi
Telephone No:
Present Employment:
Employer‘s name and address x52£0 I
[24,: g b‘iafl fl gj gQ $4
DlVlSlon or Department Badge No.
Present position
Length of service
Previous Employment:
Employer's name and address
Division or Department Badge No.
Position held
Length of service
' I
Bank Reference: Name 2W 22w, W726)
Automobile: Make Model
Year __________ License No. __fi_________________
Trade references:
l. Name 222%; Qfifi/égfizfié 3%41/jflag 6a.
Address {9&221’ g};
2. Name I
3. Name
The foregoing statements are true and are made to induce you to
extend credit for rent, gas, water, sewer and garbage collection to me.
I agree that any payments made by me may be applied by you, in your dis—
cretion, on any account owing by me.

P. 0. BOX 357 PHONE 606-457-2761 PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO.-
530 American Heritage Bldgo
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Liberty National Bank 8 Trust Company 67
Post Office Box l499
Louisville, Kentucky 40502 ‘ ‘
Attention: Mr. John Y. Van Bibber, Vice President
Enclosed is copy of deed from Mountain Investment, Inc. to Millard Keith
Newscme ac: mtie Ellen Collins Newecme. His wife 1 covering
sale of LOIS 13.5 . Please prepare a partial release
by Liberty National Bank 8 Trust Company of its mortgage on this proper—
ty and forward it to First. Mammal Bank. Frestonahum, Kentucky
which is Escrow Agent for this transaction.
We have sent the original deed, and plat, together with our dis-
bursement letter, to our Kentucky attorney, for his certification of the
deed. He is then to forward the documents to the escrow agent.
Your letter to the escrow agent covering the release of these ~
properties should contain instructions as to disbursement of the pro-
ceeds of this sale in acCOrdance with the terms of your mortgage.
If there is any further information required, please advise.
Yours very sincerely,
(Form 69—l9) '
(Rev.5/l/69) I

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