xt7qnk361p0s_880 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 105-134 text Houses 105-134 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_310/Folder_18/6830.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_880 xt7qnk361p0s ‘¥ F
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Date €{_ /{ — éZ
I Zé .. .z /* %
A LL51: -. , (.47—L HOUSE NO. :2 I._
(Form 69-18)

L 1, h \ I , H I}, l
I? III III, I z’ ”i e I? "
I a, , ' __,. ‘ I
Date q2i:;Z2::1£L§§__—_———-————-————
(Form 69—18)

HOUSE # (2 3 TENANT fiZZ/gg 42'; 722;; DATE Z’é‘éff
PERIOD OCCUPIED f, 30‘ é 9 "If W170. law? 7%
REMARKS 6 )fi 4&1 éfl, a: éwgfii Mfiz who Méém'dglévéy
W W' W 1.%~ 4,1. .


HOUSE 6‘ 123 TENANT Douglas Collins DATE 1145—69
REASON FOR LEAVING Moving to Michigan to work for Ford Motor

HOUSE # 1 . , TENAN‘I' A__,_____ w __.__...—
JOB Wfl_w.w 5
DATE COMPLETED i: 4'; v 43"} SIGNED 155 555/Z ”E__...LL-

x53 «3 ‘.3-3233‘ 3 33 3’ >3 €21,339 3
I I,
W cosr
Date MR
. .:.? ' ,. _ )
(Z ‘&.’Z 2» 3 M22 HOUSE N0. LL
(Form 69-18)

P. o. Box 357 PHONE 606-452-4212 PLEASE ADDRESS REPLV To:
3733 University Blvd. W
Jacksonville, Florida 322l7
Fred G, Francis, Esquire
Professional Building
l30 Court Street
Prestonburg, Kentucky 4l653
December l3, l976
Re: Sale of lot # 123, Wheelwright , Kentucky, to Luther Tackett and Beulah Tackett,
his wife.
Dear Mr. Francis:
Enclosed please find executed deed to the above captioned property.
Balance due after $100 down payment is $2,165, which includes plat and closing costs.
Closing shall be at the office of Mountain Investment, lnc.
After‘certification, please notify Janice and she will either pick it up or ask you to mail
it to her.
{7%er truly, '
Frank M. Arnall, President
FMA: fd ' . ‘ -
cc: Mrs. Mabel L. Brown
» cc: Janice Brown '
Janice , please deposit net proceeds to the non-operating account.

 THIS DEED OF CONVEYANCE made and entered into as
of tl : k :12 19 76; by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc., a Kentucky Corporation, party of first
pa rt , and Lufher Tocke'i'f and Beulah Tocke’r’r, his wife
party (ies) of second part. ’

WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of
the sum Of Two Thousand Dollorsl$20001
Dollars cash in hand paid, and other valuable consider—
ation, the receipt and adequacy whereof is hereby acknow—
ledged, party of first part does hereby bargain, sell,
grant, convey, transfer unto second parties, their heirs
and assigns, the following described property to—wit:

A tract or parcel of land lying and being in
Floyd County, Kentucky on Otter Creek of Left
Beaver Creek in the Town of Wheelwright and
being Lot 123 (One hundred ’rwenfy- ’rhree)

including the building and the appurtenances
thereunto belonging located on said lot or
parcel of land of the Wheelwright Subdivision
as shown by First Party's map or plat in file
number 348 Records of Floyd County Clerk's

Being part of the same property conveyed to
Party of the First Part by Island Creek Coal
Company by deed dated November 9, 1966 and
recorded in Deed Book 191 at page 504 records
of the Floyd County Clerk‘s Office.

This conveyance is subject to the exceptions and
reservations contained in those two instruments of conveyance
from Island Creek Coal Companyuto'party of the first part,
referred to herein for source of title and which are dated
November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed Book 191 at page 501 .
and at page 504, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
party of the first part to Harold Telephone Company and Tel—

. Com, Inc., dated June 15, 1967 and recorded in Deed Book 193
at pages 271, 273, and 275, records of the Floyd County Court
Clerk‘s Office, and ALSO deed of conveyance from first party
to Kentucky Power Company dated December 29, 1967, and of
record in Deed Book 135 at page #25, records of Floyd County
Court Clerk's Office.

 THIS DEED OF CONVEYANCE made and entered into as
of DecembEtIS If) 76 , by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc., a Kentucky Corporation, party of first
P3 I’ll : ENC] Monroe Newsome and Dorcus Newsome his wife

party (ies) of second part. I

WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of
the SLHn of Eigthhousond§$8zOOO)

Dollars cash in hand paid, and other valuable consider— -
ation, the receipt and adeQuacy whereof is hereby acknow—
ledged, party of first part does hereby bargain, sell,
grant, convey, transfer unto second parties, their heirs '
and assigns, the following described property to—wit:

A tract or parcel of land lying and being in

Floyd County, Kentucky on Otter Creek of Left

Beaver Creek in the Town of Wheelwright and

being LOC 399% Three Hundred Ninefx-Nine and one-hell)c

including the building and the appurtenances ‘

thereunto belonging located on said lot or

parcel of land of the Wheelwright Subdivision .

as shown by First Party's map or plat in file

number 3&8 Records of Floyd County Clerk‘s


Being part of the same property conveyed to

Party of the First Part by Island Creek Coal

Company by deed dated November 9, l966 and

recorded in Deed Book 191 at page 504 records

of the Floyd County Clerk's Office.
' ‘ This conveyance is subject to the exceptions and
reservations contained in those two instruments of conveyance
from Island Creek Coal Company to party of the first part,
referred to herein for source of title and which are dated
November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed Book 191 at page 501 .
and at page BOA, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
party of the first part to Harold Telephone Company and Tel—

' Com, Inc., dated June IS, 1967 and recorded in Deed Book 193
at pages 271, 273, and 275, records of the Floyd County Court
Clerk's Office, and ALSO deed of conveyance from first party
to Kentucky Power Company dated December 29, 1967, and of
record in Deed Book l95 at page 42:, records of Floyd County
Court Clerk's Office.

 .1 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as cf the 17th .
day of November , l9 76 , by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc., herein called “Owner” and Luther Tackett and

Beulah Tachettz his wife herein called ”Buyer."
W I T N E S S E T H:
THAT WHEREAS ”Owner“ has offered to sell to "Buyer" Lot No.
123 located in its Wheelwright Sub~division, Floyd County,
Kentucky, as shown on map or plat in File 348, Floyd County Court
Clerk‘s Office, and improvements thereon except as hereinafter set .
out, for the sum of $ 2,000-00 , and, in addition ”Buyer" shall
pay the sum of $165.00 closing costs and $30i00 for survey plat to
be supplied by ”Owner”, all of which is to be paid as follows:
$ 100.00 down payment, the receipt of which is here~
' " byeékndzvéiéd’gea, and-the-balance-6fm$n22095100 " ;(O’hibh includes " ” '
Iclosing costs and the survey plat cost) on date of closing, and
upon delivery of deed of conveyance to ”Buyer” with covenant of
General Warranty of Title, subject to the exceptions and reser—
.‘vations contained in those two instruments of conveyance from '
. Island Creek Coal Company to ”Owner”, referred to herein for source
of title and which are dated November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed
. Book 191 at page 504, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
“Owner“ to Harold Telephone Company and Tel~Com., Inc. dated
June 15, 1967 and recorded in Deed Book 193 at pages 271, 273, and
275, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's Office, and ALSO
deed of conveyance from "Owner” to Kentucky Power Company dated
December 29, 1967, and of record in Deed Book 195 at page 425,
records of the Floyd County Court Clerk’s Office;
It is agreed that time is of the essence of this agreement
and that this transaction shall be closed, all money due hereunder
shall be paid to ”Owner” and the deed herein provided for shall be
delivered to "Buyer” on or before December 17, 1976 . In event
>”Buyer" does no pay the balance as herein provided on or before
the closing date then the down payment herein provided shall be
retained by ”Owner" as liquidated damages hereunder, and this
agreement is then void. I
Taxes at the rate of $1.50 per $100.00 of selling price shall
be prorated to the date of closing and taxes for the unexpired portion of
the year following date of closing shall also be paid by "Buyer” to
”Owner” on closing. All unpaid rents and utility bills due ”Owner“
shall also be paid at date of closing.
(Form 69—17~Page l) - 2 I .

 . t ‘v ~ '
V The closhnjshaH be at. MOUDtainnlnveEEEEEEELMEESL_
__ Whee lwr'ighh _I_{_;y_.__)_+ 1669 __ _______a_w_____:_____________fi_~
R: the time of closing a}? wants an: u:i1ities due by “Buyer“ ’
to ”Cwner“ snail be fully paid" A}? rencs on said proper:y shal! be adjust— V
ed pro—rate to the date of Closing-
Possession wil] be given “Buyer“ on __23E11;_}E;;~l97€: “n":
‘ Any Further notiee necessary under th€s agreement may be sen;'
by mail to the last known address of the party to be notified" _
The words “Buyer“ and “Owner“ herein employed she}? be con~ I'
.,_ stiued to.inc}ude the p1ura1 as weil as the singular. and this contract shali ‘
be binding upon their heirs, administrators, exeCUtors) successors and as-
signs, and the masculine shall inCEUde the feminine and neuier, whece the
context so admits or requiresu .
‘ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, “Owner“ has caused this instrument to be
_ executed by its duly authorized officers and “Buyefl' has duly executed same -
as of the day and year first above writteno'
ATTEST: ‘ {'.. - '8' 7*
I ‘ - ' Bywmmm , ' ~ '
~’ I 2%ikj " i> ., ": 7‘ -‘ h ' . President 2 ‘.
“‘—~’”*77:;» Secretary}:‘- 1 V , ~ .
‘ . ' ”Buyer“ 2 I
3 2@%&s__%jmfi
(For? 69—17 Page 2)

 /92 fl fl , ‘5" cfl/(D
' Hoe Ho. fl; Deposit $ e417 e—a
To Mountain Investment, Inc:
Name 42 £40 fl Z/wdé’fl Age __5___§_
Number of Dependents g Ages g, {j
Present (or last) permanent address fic'fé/ fl g2,
Telephone No. 61403 7g/
Local Address
Telephone No.
Present Employment:
Employer‘s name and address
Division or Department Badge No.
Present position
Length of service
Previous Employment:
Employer‘s name and address 61.0! b £5 C15? {/7 6’6)
2w LW 5 1‘55, ’4 fl fiwfloz c/<%
Division or Department Badge No.
Position held Cd & 5' ffiESj
Length of service kg {fig 3,
Bank Reference: Name {3% Wfllzfi/‘ofi fig {if/(jg Z ii 5ffl/dégfi7
Automobile: Make Model
Year License No.
Trade references:
I. Name ZZZ/5A ”($2 ZQZflgKE/
Address 4224;] (g '52
2. Name SEE/€5— 5 égfittéfi
Address (Zfi flMQfi/gfll/Z; LL poo/S"
3. Name 5220 flZQMfi—é% égéé/S '
Address 572%!) &! ftflf §;:/_' 1 :12? S
The foregoing statements are true and are made to induce you to
extend credit for rent, gas, water, sewer and garbage collection to me. '
I agree that any payments made by me may be applied by you, in your dis—
cretion, on any account owing by me.
. gfl/M M/

Rental _
Report of Proposed ESais.of House No. /526’@§c{225”9 Z; nééflk”d éfil/§ZQ%9
To. [gay . 2.1%
Present Address: {liéiég é%2«
Present Status of Property

Vacatefll Occupied: How Long: Q‘égflgfi g/é “sex/é
If Occupied:

Present Tenant:

What basis:

Date of Notice

Will vacate: (Date) to vacate:
(If repairs are to be made as a part of the deal, fill out and attach
Property Rehabilitation Report)


Occupation of Prospective tenants: £>4guu/¢‘jeé¢4§ éléq/ //¢?42/%fl

Mr. giggle/LCAQfifl HOW long employed

Employer Address

Mrs. Hflg22fiégfl/ How long employed

Employer Address
Bank Account ;ggtf Z47 70ébé2£éthi ZZEZVgi How Long: €3,th4/,
Credit References: (Include addresses: 42¢ éééé/EZ nggfiazé/ZAL
Reason for Interest: “ 7 7 sz%24> WL&7éZbu

_ . . ._ few Z/w M.
Sale Price $ Closing Date:
Place of Closing
Date Possession:
Financing: Deposit Paid $
Bal. of Down Payment $ Due Amt. Financed $
Lending Institution

Terms of Loan: Rate % Term: Mo, Payment $
Insurance: Policy to be written by present agent?
If other, state name and address

Approved 19

Change of Status
______________________——————— Lot No. [@957
. (Form 68—10)

(Rental .,, L, 1
Report of Proposed (m of House No. ___]___23__ @ $41515,” beginning “'30‘69
To: Billy Ray Max
Present Address: Johns Creek, K1. .
Present Status of Property
Vacant: X Occupied: How Long: Approx, 3 weeks
If Occupied:
Present Tenant:
What basis:
Date of Notice
Will vacate; (Date) to vacate:
(If repairs are to be made as a part of the deal, fill out and attach Property Rehabili—
tation Report) '
Occupation of prospective tenants:
Mr. Miner How long employed 2 mos
Employer, Island Creek Coal Ctddress Wheelwright, Ky.
Mrs. Housewife Hleong amfloyed
Employer ___ Address
Bank Account No How Long
Credit References: (Include addresses) flMeek Store, liilheeIIJIII‘Zl.ght2 Km.
Reason For Interest: WWW
drive so far to work.
Sale Price 3 __ Closing Date:
Place of Closing
Date of POSSession:
Financing: Deposit Paid $
Bal. of Down Paymt $ Due Amt. Financed 3
Lending Institution _____
Terms of Loan: Rate % Term: Mo, Payment $
Insurance: Policy to be written by present agent? __________
If other, state name and address _____
Approved ;: / ;ZO / _____1 19 Q:
Change of Status
, ___*_________ Lot No‘ 123
(Form 68—l

r . I -“. r" ".,‘
I I A -. I . .»‘
.' ..', - Lip- / . ji .. ,3;
. .1 “.‘..-fin . .
t i g '.‘ y . ,
.III II“: .2 i‘t.-‘-"
I» ‘1' “ IMP. .isint’“
I .. , 5, :..! i. ..
9 . -
,LH: A, I! ~, . 4
' A
.; / A -
' , ”.1:. n

 3 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 17th _
7 day of November , 1975j , by and between Mountain
7 ””’“—”MW _..._... Tackett
Investment, Inc., herein called ”Owner" and Imthor rarssssr and
Beulah Tacketb} his wife __herein called "Buyer."
W I T N E S S E T H:
THAT WHEREAS ”Owner” has offered to sell to "Buyer” Lot No.
193 located in its Wheelwright Sub~division, Floyd County,
1 Kentucky, as shown on map or plat in File 348, Floyd County Court
Clerk's Office, and improvements thereon except as hereinafter set _
5 out, for the sum of $ 2,000.00 , and, in addition "Buyer” shall
pay the sum of $155.00 closing costs and $30.00 for survey plat to
be supplied by ”Owner”, all of which is to be paid as follows:
$ 100.00 down payment, the receipt of which is here—
' ” by 'aéknc'sméagea, ageless"sashes*5f“'$21‘,‘095‘.bo ' ;'(”V‘,‘hi'cfi includés '
I closing costs and the survey plat cost) on date of closing, and
upon delivery of deed of conveyance to ”Buyer" with covenant of
General Warranty of Title, subject to the exceptions and reser—
7 vations contained in those two instruments of conveyance from '
. Island Crack Coal Company to "Owner”, referred to herein for source
' of title and which are dated November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed
a Book 191 at page 504, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
”Owner" to Harold Telephone_Company and Tel~Com., Inc. dated
June 15J 1967 and recorded in Deed Book 193 at pages 271, 273, and
, 275, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk’s Office; and ALSO
deed of conveyance from ”Owner” to Kontucky Power Conpany dated
' December 29, 1967, and of record in Deed Book 195 at page 425,
v records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's Office.

It is agreed that time is of the essence of this agreement
and that this bransaction shall be closed, all money due hereunder
shall be paid to ”Owner” and the deed herein provided for shall be
delivered to ”Buyer” on or before December 17, 1976 , In event
”Buyer" does no pay the balance as herein provided on or before

i the closing date then the down payment herein provided shall be
retained by "Owner" as liquidated damages hereunder, and this
agreement is then void. 1

Taxes at the rate of $1.50 per $100.00 of selling price shall
be prorated to the date of closing and taxes for the unéxpired portion of
the year following date of closing shall also be paid by ”Buyer” to
”Owner" on closing. All unpaid rents and utility bills due "Owner"
shall also be paid at date of closing.

(Form 69—17mPage 1) _ 2 . I

 ."' ‘..” ‘
The closing shall be at _Mountein Invostmentsinil‘v“
I:::1_;:LJ:_:L};6__~_____-- ”-_..__:
A: the time of ciosing aii rents an: utilities due by ”Buyer”
to ”Owner“ shail be fully paidn A}? rents on said property sho}! be adjus:~
ed provrata to the date of ciosing.
. Possession mil] be given “Buyer“ on ~_Qecenmmfl7 12 lgzfi;m~f
- Any further notice necessary under this agreement may be seng'
by maii to the last known address of the party to be notifiedv : _
The words “Buyer” and ”Owner“ herein employed shall be con— I'
“_ strued to.inciude the plural as weii as the singular. and this contract shali -
be binding upon their heirs, administrators, exeCutors, successors and as-
signs, and the masculine shall include the Feminine and neuter, whete the
context so admits or requiresu
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, “Owner“ has caused this instrument to be
executed by its duly authorized officers and UBuyefl' has duiy executed same -
as of the day and year first above writteno‘
ATTEST: 22" ' ‘ i
' »' g55,- ~ , ‘ ’ i' "" _' . President 1 ..
. - 3fimni_ SecretaryEL3e _ . f . fl
. Z :77; g / ‘
' > ' ”Buyer“
' [giéecégzgs¢._§1<2eaélZZZE
{Form 69-17 Page 2)

 : )R7L4L ER‘. Ky”
)1 .,,/{17
Report of Proposed (Site; of House No. 123 i: V513”) beginning I+~3O~69
To: fiiilx 33v Wax ____Ju_____.___—————————————————-
Present Address: 51913.13 C129: '»k h}: ,
Present Status of Property >
\mcant: x Occupied: How Long: Apbrng 3 W§§k$
If Occupied: I
,Present Tenant: ‘ , .
. , What basis: I I c 5’;
Date of Notice '5 pl
Will vacate: (Date) to vacate: .~
(If repairs are to be made as a part of the deal, fill out and attach Property Rehabili-
tation Report) ”
, Occupation of prospective tenants: ' '
_' Mr. NH 5 How long employed 2 mos . ‘ ' _
Employer Island nggk C99,]. (Mdress :«Jhgglwxlght, K1. 1 U '
’Mrs. HQWSQWifQ How long employed I
Employer __. Address . ,
Bank Account ' N9 How Long
CreditReferences: (Include addresses) Island Creek Store. ‘.'Jheelwright, K".
W.. 4 I
, : Reason for Interest: Wants his family here with him so he doesni't'have to
drive so far to work.
' Sale Price 1$ Closing_Date: 1
Place of Closing I I I 3- ,5 I
Date of Possession: - I 1“
Financing: Deposit Paid $ 5
Bal. of Down Paymt $__ _ Due Amt. Financed $ P
Lending Institution ;____
Interest >
‘ i \\Termsyof.Loan: Rate % Term: MO, Payment S
'InsdEance: Policy to be written by present agent? __________
If other, state name and address _fl
Approved ______ l9 ___
. Change of Status
______ Lot Nos 123
(Form 68—10)

 ’ ' H .g I, _ fig}?
7 4 4' 7:" ‘ 4‘?
t ‘ ' ‘ : .‘y'i 77243;?“
‘ - .7 . _.;~,.-,- , 3141.; jnrr'r'lifc-t‘jiv 7‘}:
(MICO) f 1, . _ 7.
742;:kajpwwn'"___.____ mum DATE, b29311” ‘ l
7‘ . 1
UHLI'FY SERVICE. will be disconnected without further notice if
’PHANFQOUE; BHJAI‘JCE" is not paid on or before "DATE SHOWN" Cm ‘ "‘
,_ > 3 3::
73113 Noticcx ' ,7 > ' .
sai‘tcr this date, the total amount of this bill is due and if , ;
;i;;e«10e_‘mevr:'t,.52c .=.: :eccrmection charge must be paid for service , V '_ ' ‘
in L»: mmmmed. A cash security deposit may also be. required. ' M
Infra)? ti) recmrmec Ci on . ’ ‘_ ‘ l 7 fig
. \ ’ S '.7.‘ ; 7 4. “in
If.“ “;xgzu have o‘mdy paid the"?REVIOUS BALANCE", please accept’.; L 7 -‘
cm: 'llhmiks. , 7 - ' . 1. >
’f'ii‘l‘LL £3.44}th HATER Z’c SEWER: _2_8__9.i6 _ _ __ .,::.-:1 . . '
“PREVIOUS BALANCI‘: it; no. gain or. rm nui'rmé 'L‘A’ITL .:TTT'V'N' cm
I: 7
I; . . , . .
2‘“ , [1:118 NOLLII‘E’.
. 4' After this datw, the tow]. :mmua. m‘ ths m1? 1.1". mu» am? .2“


dir;«.;onnccted :.a. raw-ETITUPCLion "TTTU‘FL must, be paid "or s<::‘\'.1«_-<'

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7' . .

it . (.1 I" hanxa .

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