xt7qnk361p0s_881 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 105-134 text Houses 105-134 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_310/Folder_19/6850.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_881 xt7qnk361p0s MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT. INC.
5101 Yacht Club Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32210
. . r 347
N' a d)“
I I w
First National Bank ' [99$]
Prestonsburg, KentuLLy
. Re: Lot No. . I
Enclosed is executed deed to the above captioned real estate, running
to - n 7.7“ -.. '5‘- },1n “VI 75‘“ 'II). '
(Granteefi‘swih ‘t"‘ ‘ " “ " 3 ‘ " E 3 '
Liberty National Bank and Trust Company, Louisville, Kentucky, will
shortly deliver to you an executed release of this property from the
mortgage held by it; also its disbursement letter. .
Please collect the balance of the purchase price of ,,,,MI, ..,

: q , I H {L‘Tbiia%§i and
remi%u5@%§therégf‘toILiberty National Bank of Louisville, Kentucky in
accordance with its disbursement letter above mentioned. In addition,
please collect from the purchaser the sum of $30.00 for the enclosed
plat of the property, and $53.53 closing costs.

Recording fees for the deed and for the release are to be charged
against closing costs, as is the tax due the State of Kentucky.
The net proceeds due Mountain Investment, Inc., the $30.00 charge for
the plat, and the net closing costs (after disbursements authorized
above), are to be deposited in the Non—operating Account of Mountain -
Investment, Inc. in your bank, with advice to us showing all receipts
and disbursements of the transaction, accompanied by a duplicate de—
posit slip. h
Yours very truly,
By ‘
(Form 68-llI
(Rev. 8-8-7 )

Denver Osborne
House No.
12h 7
Interested in House No.

E I500.00 .,

 August 30, 1974
Mr. & Mrs. Denvermlosborne
House # 124
Wheelwright, Ky. 41669
Dear Tenant:

This is to notify you that we have had an offer for your
house of $7,200.00. As the present tenant you have first
chance to buy at that price. If you what to purchase the
house please contact me next week. If you decide not to
purchase the house you will have 30 days to move. If we
can be of any assistance please call us.

Yours truly,
Janice Grigsby

 House Nulber /1“/5
‘ ' Lot Size 1 _,,: 11
, E Foundation fjfga' ;
,'Step’s ' 1 y . ,

- ' Ba‘s elent , 9 50 111/1711132 113/533:1:
Outside Halls jJ/Z‘“ . w
Frofit Porch *°)/;7§

‘ Rear Porch '

' Roof ‘ ‘.,‘
Inside Walls ‘7: i1r’ ”
Tria "
Floor \;¢.4 1
Number of Rooms ;g’
Kitchen I (figfiuifL /}3
Bath 1/ >‘

' -Heat ifjiggfll ,7535
Square Feet {fl ?TV/ I
kppraisal based on $_§i; sq.ft.

Land Value 3 /0 £49

Improvements 5 ere/yufl

Total Value 5 2.2 Q—a

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December 5, 1974
Mrs. Donald Hamby
House # 124
Wheelwright, Kantucky 41669
Dear Mrs. Hamby: '

We have four (4) sources of checking and recording all
monies coming into this office. 1) Receipt book 2) Office
account cards 3) monthly bill cards mailed and 4) Deposit receipt

We have twice checked all of these sources and have found
nothing to show you paid in the month of July or September.

We have also checked your other payments and they are all
recorded on the dates you paid.

Everything checks out except for the months of July
and September, 1974. You did not move into house # 124 until
October 1, 1974 so you owe us rent for the month of September

Unless you have your cancelled check for July, 1974 we
must insist on payment of both months of July & September which
is a total of $122.00.

Yours truly,
(Ms.) Janice Grigsby
Manager & Resident Agent

 July 23, 1975
Mr. Donald Hamby
House #124
Wheelwright, Ky.
Dear Mr. Hamby:
Next month will be a year since you bought your house.
At the time you bought the house , you signed an agreement
that all bills would be paid before you picked up your deed.
Mrs. Hamby came in here and paid the utilities and promised
that she would pay the remaining $122.00 owed in rent on
house #105. I believed that she would pay this bill or I
would have instructed the bank not to release the deed. I
know that you can afford to pay this bill because you have
spent thousands of dollars on your house. I am now asking you
to pay the amount owed or at least begin making payments on this.
Yours truly,
Janice Brown

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