xt7qnk361p0s_90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Community Building text Community Building 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_95/Folder_12/5717.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_90 xt7qnk361p0s C. M. Acct 80 . INLAND STEEL COMPANY .
Proieci Cos’r Sheet
Proiect No. WW, ,, , Acct. No.W_n":9WlW"W1,8WJ_-,§W,WW Sheet No. ,W,,,WW,WWW,,,, _
0 "? fr 36’1/
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Proiect Cost Sheet
Project No. __._—__._— Acd. Neill—8.1M. Shea? No. __.—__.___.
panama“ ‘3'“ S‘VC-P (Floor Tile ) _Dmsnmd July 30. 1963
Date I AfiUZD is: 7 \/ 1.27:: \/ Total Rem;ks
M _, M1- ’ M M
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.777 777 I 7 I" :f: I7 III“: __ _M_:

  Distributor’s Warranty Vmacher I (Abilm NO- /2 4‘ 4 .3
‘ 111111 N11.4372?/
/n/a,9,/2 Jam-:4. (1;. /»/§
(‘ux‘lumrr's Name
LLCabinet Modem
WALL—ELIMIG InstalledL/L/g]
City 8111171
. V5244 gag/g: ,2“ I’PA >’ Cc -
Dealer’s Name
[_'Zon’Z/n/é Zen” (AZ: l/[i «—
(‘ily Slzue

: :3 Material Return Order No. Item I
E: From
_ City * State
. Part Name
’ Part No. Serial No. 17’ 44 3 t ,
I InstalledmRemuvedm
E Model No.WRealacing Invoice Nam
E Defect

 . ModeIJZLt:_M .JJ Serial._12_ig;_,,,,,,J
«:1L'. CA.“ 3.599
- Motor;;;.ac;/JJ,,,,JJ Commie, Z,&Z{,,
V . Please return this stub in case of error or damage.
E Always give the model and serial number when ordering
" repaifs.’ ‘ ‘ ,

 W” Gown/as; “ ‘
7fi385L4- '
,. 53/528

 regularly. It is excellent practice to do this at least every three months
when oiling the motor.
All I’El.(l() Beverage (Ioolers are designed for DRY operation
with the bottles stacked or corded in the compartments between the i INSTRUCTIONS
refrigeration plate dividers.
NOTE: If the refrigerating unit is turned off while running or for the
the extension cord is pulled out and the unit is immediately turned
on again. it may not start until enough time has elapsed to allow the ‘ . .
pressure to equalize. This is no cause for alarm as it is a normal Installatlon! Operatlon and care
condition and several minutes should be allowed to pass before trying
to start the unit again.
of your
(labinet too warm, or I. (Iheck to see that electric extension PELCO BEVE RAGE
refrigerating unit does cord is plugged in. |
. not run. 2. Be sure that there is current at the C O O L E R 4
electric outlet. Check fuses. ""'"—___— l
3. Check temperature control. Turn to
comma setting. A
..1. Check electrical connections to tem- _..
perature control. ‘- ‘ ' -
Refrigerating unit operates l. See that unit has ample air circula- . i
too long. tion.
2. Brush any accumulation of dirt oil
the condenser. o
3. Check temperature in cabinet with
accurate thermometer to be sure
same is not below desired tempera-
4. Check lid gaskets and see that lids
close and seal properly all around.
Cabinet too cold. 1. Check temperature control. Turn to
\Varmer setting.
Unit noisy. 1. Cabinet not lerel or floor weak.
causing vibration.
2. Loose or Vibrating parts or tithing. ‘
El. Loose fan blade. . _ . . .
.1. \Vorn drive belt (on Model 530E Reuye¢alwn 2‘0‘4‘0'”
only.) .
Should any service or repairs be required other than those sug- Portable Elevat‘or ManufaCturlng col 7
. gested above. consult your refrigeration service man ‘ Bloomlngton, 111111015 ' ~

 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Refrigerant charge in all models is Iii'corr 12.
Uncrating and Inspection Coolers equipped with conventional open-type reciprocating re-
——+‘_ V ' ‘.'”,N'U» '|.2«.|.' f v' t ‘..... ‘..]! A ,,
Each PELCO Beverage (10010]. has been thoroughly tested. In, [liberating units tic sl]ll)])((ll\\lf,ll tllrc units sctlurclyliiltcd :lown to
~ - - ~ r ‘v* 2 21“ - 2 t ,. ‘10 rant 0 ‘l (r .' )
spected, and crated at the factory and should arrive in perfect con- 1) C UN. < I‘m let to aunt—filth o lLVl gc tn )ing (111 ng sripmcnt
dition and handling. REMOVE SHIPPING 1’10le .\i\l) BLOLKS from
. . . . . refrigerating unit base and he sure that same floats freely on rubber-
However‘, the cabinet arid the refrigerating unit should be care- . . . '
. . . . . ‘ . . . cushioned spring mountings.
fully examined at the time it is tincrated for possible danrages which
might have occurred during shipment. Any such damage should be Start-Up and Pre-Cooling
reported immediately to the transportation cornpanv and claim filed. , , , , . _
l 1 l 1' ll ‘ l . ’ . _ l Check electrical outlet and circuit wlrrclr is to supply current to
(irate 5 m” d )0 Cd” n )' removed and I” lowrng items ”lsl’ul“ ' o rerate cooler and he SURE that sairre has sufficient ca Jacitv and will
. . . . . I l 7
Refrigerant “‘b‘l‘g 11““ and connections. not he overloaded by the additional wattage retpiirerrrent of the cooler.
Condenser. Plug the electric extension cord of the cooler iirto the selected
Motor pulley, flywheel and belt (Orr Model 53(l-E only) outlet after all of the above instructions have heerr careftilly followed.
Tern )erature control. Allow the cooler to o Jerate for a >er'iod of 12 lronrs before )laciiw
l l l :3
Installation any bottled beverages in the cabinet for cooling and storage. DO
WE] ('0 B ‘ l l . . NOT PLACE \\’;\R.\l BO'EI‘LES IN COOLER BEFORE SAME 18
re. c\cr tgc (oo tr short d be Installed in a (,lcrn. dry. 1‘ UlilA (“”111”).
well-ventilated space and should not he located adjacent to any source -
pl llrcat such as (Kiting: spacelllrcatelr, pollen1 etc). 1w: inches or three OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS
inc res c car'mce l" l.‘ ‘ )e '1 owet '1 on r i re 'lti' o the c'ihinet for . , . t . . . , . . H -
1.] ti ( ‘ \ll l' t (l L I P f (ll f' it _ llre Pl:l,i(i() Beverage (roofer is eqtnpped with a IEMPERA-
. verr ,i 21 ion. i o) ec s must )e c J, 'iwrv r‘om re re rivera in ) unit, . . , ,, . . .
. ‘J . l K .“ . . ..E. P IURE C()l\lROL which automatically starts and stops ilre re-
cornpartnrent grill so as not to impede air Circulation. Cabinet should . . , . . . ' .
. . . . friger‘atirrg unit to maintain the proper terrrperature in the storage
be checked for level and must be aligned w1th shims when necessary. ‘ , . . . . .
_ y y . _ _ compartment. lhe cooler leaves the factory set for operation wrtlr an
Abdel“ ”(f-1L (”Hf 513—014” are equipped w1th lrerrrretically sealed average temperature of 33° 1". Controls rnav be turned to COLDER
/, refrigerating units/desigpcd for-11011.0 troll, 60 tyt/c (I/[(.imilzirg (,ll) or VVARMER settings as desired.
reii/ (Hem/ion on i. '1‘ re service va yes on these refri ‘eratinO‘ units . . . . . . . - ~
I I) , g . D . PERIODK. cleaning of the cahirret interior is advisable and
are open when shipped and should NOT be touched when installing . . . . .
, V . . . ‘ may be accorrrplished by pulling the extension cord from electric out-
these models of coolers. (,.ondenser fan motor hearing should he oiled ' . . ‘ . . . . .
. . . . , . . . let and washing with an alkaline solution of baking soda in water.
initially With a few drops of good quality light, motor oil and then . ‘ . . . .
. ‘ ‘ ‘ then flushing otit the cabinet interior thoroughly with clean cool
oiled every three months. ‘. . . . . " . . .
water. A drain is provided in the bottom of each cabinet interior to
‘ 1’ ' — 4 ' V ' ' Y. ‘ ' I . ' ‘ . ‘ i. . . . . .
. lIOdEI. ”(He is equipped1 “ltll a coriyelntitfmal open .ty pe leCIpr o lacrlitate flushing operatrt'm.
catinO‘ re rt eratinO‘ unit, anc motor may )e or o )eration on other ,, . . . . . . .
D g a .. . ’ , , . 1., EX TERIOR of the cabinet is finished with high grade baked-on
current than above. Check VOLTAGE and Cl CLEb of power supply , - . . .
. . . . . - enamel. Ihis finish should he prr'rtected bv thort'iughly waxrng same
as same must corncrde with specrfications on motor nameplate. The . . . . . ‘
. . . . . . initially and periodically thereafter.
compressor suction service valve, discharge service valve and liquid ’ , \I ’1 ,1 . i l 11] 1 l . 1 . 1.
- - v »- - - r i :f -" so 7' 1‘:" " P‘oc -
receiver service valve are all CLOSED at time of shipment and are LII) R \ILh ”I?“ .mfl To} ml? U H u ( )‘L 111')” if“ 1“] l
5” tagged. DO NO’I‘ S'I‘:\1{’r THE REPVI{ICVYE1{'\'IINC; UNII' UN’ (All). [\UUHllUfHC Sflllx lU )llftlllf IS lLtUllllllLlM L( ()1 lllh 1)11ll)()5x.
TIL THESE THREE VALVES ARE OPENED. To "PC” remove For operating economy. CABINEf LIDS should only he open
valve caps, turn valve stems ontwardlv (conn[er-clockwise) as far as when loading the cooler with bottled beverages and when serving
they will go, replace valve caps light/y. Oil motor bearings with a good (”019(1 beverage-
grade of S.A.E. 20 automobile oil initially and then oil every three Any lint or dirt. on the CONDENSER 'of the refrigerating unit
months. will retard air circulation through same and must be brushed oH

 an?" i,, '47,; *3? ,’ S, ,L ,7 Factory warranty 'f’f‘:"r—‘,,:_’,:i”" :7, if; D
i Portable Elevator Mfg. C0,, Bloomington, Illinois i
Providing the date of the original installation is recorded with the factory on the equipment warranty
' card furnished with each rahinet within ten days after the original installation is made, the company

warrants to the person, firm. association or Corporation for whom the equipment referred to herein is
originally installed, the cabinet so recorded to be free from defects in material and workmanship when
subject to normal use and serrit‘e.
This warranty will not apply to any unit or part thereof which has been sulujeet to alterations, accident,

I misuse, or failure or damaae resulting! from the of any refrigerant other than that named on the tag
attached to the compressor or any unit that has been Connected to a load that is in excess of its pub-

. lished capacity.

The Company’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replarintz any part or parts
of said cabinet which proves defective within one year from date of original installation, and which our
examination shall disclose to our satisfaction to lie thus defective. Any part or parts Claimed defective
must be returned, transportation t'harges prepaid, and if defective, will be replaced FUB factory.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, and of all obligation or liability on
our part.
If the date of the original installation is not recorded with the factory within ten days thereafter, the

. warranty period expires thirtren months from the date of shipment irom the factory.


l Bloomington, Illinois

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April 19, 195%
To: Creed Oney
From: J. T. Parker
There seems to be some confusion in the 1 dling
of the key for the kitchen in the Commun t Hall. I
Hereafter, when an organization “‘1w‘d a1
wishes to reserve the Hell, p . ascert ‘
whether or not they want to 1:~ .1 kitchen a so.
Several times in the pa -after pesnle have
arrived at the Hall, th ' start 1 to look for
a key to the kitchen.

‘ Er. Becker will ,‘~ t you a key for the
kitchen, and ' svill be _=ceo‘ my for the people
using the He 3;to call as ;our 0 fice and secure »
the key, for Thich they mn=t siO . When the key

. is returnea 5. you, the rzseipt will be handed
to them. ‘ f
If ~ast -‘-:a 3 fien charging for the use

l the Hall, we 5 ..3 continue our regular rate
Me ag r goél Properties
f <
JTParker-kf ‘23?
cc: LSBecker

 l ‘ ,_ .> :
l ‘ ‘..,“
Jeptemher 2, 195%
To: L. 8. Becker
7rom: J. T. Parker
Is there some way the front of the Community
Building can he cleaned?
It appears to he that in cleaning the porch
the front of the building has been splashed
with soapy water, and I am wondering if we
cannot clean the hri:k in some way a: it
presents a very bad uphearahce.
- If fhi: can he done, we should do fhe joh
before the arrival of the Inland party.
r/) .
7’9Vlfl'm . :3.-I ‘.‘-mpnr‘l‘iaq
“W.NU- ,.,m “v-o,o”o_


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::: Jana-yell Memorial. 1.,05335-13‘31 . . , _ ,,,“
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wry-2'. _ , a ~ 1‘9 :- : ' Vi‘flgle-lfl‘fi’fi '4
£353. :4;: Adri A rial- “ave me 3’0“? “we t° 90‘3“” ' 9%
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£9?” . n {l t\ 3.5!}.(“391 alga" " ,2) . .,. 3M 1““?"4-3-
2 - . i- g 313 c» b» , "' Fromm an December 2.8 . ~ .:;2:§::"I§3‘h%,
r ‘ ". ' ' ‘ I a '9 *‘ - ., - .« 5%; :::
13:35.: -, tile Dan ,., _ ' IA
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firm" . ”I, '5 . 4w . ,‘j?!’ " ‘1 (5‘ a “ Uta}. 0 '4 ,7 " \ .,,befi.“ ..,.”n’ ‘
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'. _ . *«L: ::I’fl‘rgmi.
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an x-a an "tar »x
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8 January 1957 ~
Mr. Adrian L. Hall ‘
Assistant Administrator
~ McDowell Memorial Hospital

McDowell, Kentucky

' Dear Adrian:
Thank ”0 your letter of January h in
respo' ‘ to .e complaints I ha& made re-
gardi 1 the c qunity Hall.
I ha& ‘ w id :‘fldl:3 a bill for the extra
work inv0lve' - wrote my letter, and I
appreciate ynut ;e-tion that the Memorial

, Hospital Rec1e= Fin‘ be billed for this
additional ex;e ;—.
The key to the Hal' ISS:;:>‘e n received. I
Thank you. 4

‘ Yours very uly,
Assistant to
Manager Coal Properties .
ABradbury-kf '
cc: RIMcKinney p//

2 January 1957

Mr. Afirian Hall
kssistzat tc Uh: Administrfitor
Hcfigwell Hemoridl Hospital
McDowell, Keutucky
Dear Adrian;
.. L .. , .. I, . . a , L A .I . /' .4 .
L regret Egan L LLO; LU 33333332; 39 compLaLn ET you apout

the caniitiufi of SAG Comdunity Hall following t? dance; ~
which wag given by yam? graup 0; December 25. l

The litter of whiskey bottles and beer/£a¢§ wasz'he worst

‘ n- , ....r’LL .L '1 "15' .., L..,. _ . .\. ... I

we gave Over expcglcgueU. luej were go. , v uh Own around

the Hall; but somc hgi been Circus “LO thc com: ,9 and

Wflsh basi; in One Acfl'fi rest roqgéj gag L cupg we‘e alga

throw; lute the mommudg, cauELufi/it 5O OT~IflOW 0n= the

_ floor Of the rest Egon and t7 /fiall catai e.

The rest room floor was covere< xxth w mit; creating a

must repulsita cauilti T-~L

We had to employ OWL”é:;;;l h”lj Bi Legtnre the place t0

gecency, and it was necessary “r cal? in LNe plumbers to

unstoy the common .

I am sorry ‘0 have O complair 'o yum) Adrian, but E feel

Una; 30% w‘ ‘ U ke iyfiua to *r’ng this to the attention

:5 thosn regponsibleu

This ergerience Will cause US to become very reluctant when ‘
futuxe requests for renting the Community Hall are re-


i might a~‘ EV't the Kay to the flail hag not been returned '
to the Reiu *‘erK. We wOuld lika to recover this as soon

as possible.

KLndest personal regards.

Yours very truly,
ABradbury-kf Assistant to
Manager Coal Properties
cc: RIMcKinney k//

 ‘ .71.;- I , -
Form W. E. Acct. 22 . , """ ,/ /
. '/ '
. ? /// / ’ 7
,- v 4 /’A , 195 ‘-
/, hjg—L— ..._
T0/// E.'. —’
. FROM: ;;;»)..JL/ 7 / ’,,/‘_‘ '2
The following repairs are requested by 4:..__._._L______,£___
. ,,‘ . _P ,' / ' ¥
._..__—_ ..“—._..__. House Noi r’,<:z'.4/r7///~4¢ '1/5 1
,_ «(’14 /,/
, .27-I / / ; 'I / n _,j ' , .
V -—/ ,11 if“? ,7: '2’ {/1/ /,1/ f2, 4:7, «""c/ g q/r'o c: // g; c)” (22
/’” N , ' n
/ i/ "I“ Kfi’l'22’r': : 1//, 7: : 2//,[/ :g 74; g :jfl/ 5 1/
”21773;“ : M . ,,
(;MV"; ‘., If. > M7,
Approved—44%;? , ___—___
‘ Sup . ntendent of Buildings and Grounds
. Work Completed W, 19%..-.
I ' Foreman

 .r ”’7
' Form W. E. Acct. 22 I} ; if" '
' o ‘
. TO: I ’ .
FROM: ’ 7. , ‘ R
The following repairs are requested by________..___.__.u:_.2:__z_
' 4 . ”—'—-—-—-—-‘—-——— > H0115? NO. _—____.‘ "~ 5 -’__
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
,,« Tr /v— . ' 2 ., A
. Work Completed 1;" /? 34 if?“ _ /u‘3 , 19__.
f r 6“," T: T ’ j /
Sign i A». .r", nag-g “Mfr” muff
t . /

Electrical Material
» (JOE) 8H4R§DI5 \ (HERB)
REGULAR HOURS: 7:30 A. M. TD 5:00 P. III—SATURDAY T012q0 P.‘ M.“CALL 36423

 September 2537,. 19:3? ‘ , ’ . = .
I -’ ' I
.. ' West Virginia Electric Supply Co. 7 , 7 _ . t 7 :-‘
7 $50 Third Avenue . ,7 L ' , :QL
', 7 Euntingtwn, Heat Virginia ", '3. :21
,Z_’ 7 Gentlemen: ' ‘ 7 Li?
'fl7 h', Please have your salesmen, who Bertinee this area,7 _ '. “;
f,'” ’ to call on no hie next trip te Wheelvrignt. . ' 7 .m5
I I[“» i I 7 Very truly yours, 7 . ,.7VLQf
‘ 7 ‘ 7 1:"7 . I . MC Kinney, Supt: . 7 7 7 ‘ Wit—.77
7. _ 7 3&0 Begaxtment- ' 7 >*,,
' _i "n71 77'. . :7 7 7‘ 7 7 7 777:?
. 7 7.. .I,; (‘33,; £7106. . g
. ,.I“\ ' , . 77 ‘ : I
, ’,1 .. I ”74””, p’v' .7 , - . p i7:
" / , a . , ' -:7:-
KW» . 7 , D g - . ‘. 7 7 ‘ . .. 7N,
( (2769/ 1 ~—' _ . .. 7 ,
\\ / _. / 7 7 _ , 7 7 p .
7 7 ' .7 ‘ 7 V 2 . ..,7*~"‘Lv,mlflaf-TjnjfaglbjjfifiVfi
7’. 7 , _ 7 , , _ . '_7~-, 71”'~L5‘.*7'Rw735' FIX791777fii [f3g3fifffidf5fiffi§

 ' a

 , - . - . ’ ' . ’Dficember 1‘7, 3.955? “ "1?:

. - ' . 'wr‘*«fiffifigéfii

' ‘ ‘ ' . s ”g???f%%

j; _ Tn: Eu 0. Simmerman ~ 7, ‘; ;L"f?§1%

'k a; From: R. :0 McKinney v ‘ v .'7 -“ jgf333*$%%j§

giir 7." ' Yau aakaa gamut metering'cf gag &a_the cofimuuity Buglfiingg' _-gi¥fjffif

fling 1‘ j ; Euxlawing is fihe way the buxlfling is aglit 9a gag meterap' a _ }‘\fifigfi

‘ I ‘i mafimr Em: 'kitchefl u§$ta1r133 ateve {31:14:91 7 — "1%“

gigf'm5. ' _ 1 mater fer tfia Fauntain, hat plafia only. _ L. ,flgaféggggg

fifji.,/,j ’« L ' -1 meta? f9? thé Bawbar Shag, hat fiatar‘taflg,» 7 'I’ .4;}?ffj§fi§§
63?;5 ~ . (the Earbar Shay has separate has water iaflk) »V ., Vu;3fiiififi’ -

{5167’." ‘ l mafiar for tha Rastaurant, sfiaves ama.figt fiafiar‘ ‘ ,7f{TW§3:§$§@§

w9='< —_ ' far aha r932 cf the huildimg. . ; “‘C33755§f$3

if? ‘ ' ' haefifl faefi af gag 19 ahargefi ta aha Fouatain mach ganth‘a§&5?fiiigi§§§§

- gg-. ' v -shauld be creditafi ta tha Beafiauyant 3&3 @111 far hat yater"? ;mflagygg

1mm! from that Bantam-ant. hot water tank. ‘.. , , . '13

{3321:5- mefiain is heing’ chargmi ft)? £12m. gag} but-fihei-cai'd, fidfiésg “:‘”

1' flat show where the Raatauramt gets the craflit. ’ ' ff .j¢43 ;§;f§

-" fig charg& ix haing mafia fie the Feat“9ffice ar”Kitchan uggtaitififlfiéf§§§

. for hat vatar used frcm fihia tan&. _ ' ,_ H ‘gfhgjggfig}

" A separate tank can be pufi in far tfie Faumtain and‘materfifl fif533i§§§§3

thraugh their meter far”about $100;. Tha uysfiazra kitchen,'§jfg“§figigj

and Post office will continue to get not water tram the, ” @y' €j§j§§g§

. . Raetaurant tfink. Due to fine small amount of hot'uatar~eagh“{fisgggfiggfi

~ Vof these use, I-dc not think that they‘shuuld ba-putVaufa-‘;J;gagegggflg

aeparate tank &nfl meta». ‘ *. ...1,/Vl-Q'},a;fgg§g%§§

what do yau think best ta an? Fleaaa‘adv&ae.r’ -I;g inwifiyfigfififififigg

[ . g *’ . 1 ‘, ' “z, ,‘ H\;’_”V ,wTypfuéswkaj~%‘Tifiéfifififififi?

- ~ . ., : _, E. ‘ . i: mamrflmwwwgfin

; B—I'Mckinnav;/W&«’.. , i 7., J ”*“LE§EQ$VWXIS§

' . .- . . a , -' ~ -u.‘ ‘-; ‘17"..a »2 "Tii&x;;u;«i;i*j’;j :;:E;~‘14Ea1:.,z L{iialfi§?2%*fié’fir:Hff<¥3*§?fix%fiw$§c§%xfii3fifi§$¥1¥¥f?ifififi§%Eek

~ .» ~“ ‘ he 5‘ , i WSCW£W"”Q"NJ*%§Z«;W‘W¢§
~ -~' . x~ “- e‘-< Gi‘ ;»
\I—f /
l Beccuher 1958
TO: I. B. Cummings
Exam: H. O. gimmerman
02 October 1*. I iasuefi a letter oufilininm the manner
: .3
in which the Community Kali was $0 be let out for deuces
an; omher social events in an effort tu'hvoifl some of the
damage an; ubuue we he; see; experiencfég in the past;
24¢; Lebtcx sflétcfi what before &§§IQ£&J?IE&Gh such event,
“Inna; ficxinney, in comyany withIhhemfimohfior of the event;
aII-III inspect the III- I, \> -
// ‘-
.I. ,. 4 .. N I1 , ’x . > I . _ _ > _x J I
~ In 30w seems more :quIulcétu Q$VJ CurI Gore make image
inspectIons since fie Ia th‘fi fiigyéuai who actually lets
Out the Eull, taaea the gap «19 equireg an; makes any
refund to which the agyfigitiu Srganiaabicn may be 93- I
titled. Therefcrn, ié/fihe\§§$"e Car; Gore 1% to mehe
fihe inspections. { ( 3)
‘ I
-" a v“: "v - . .. _- ..I“ . ‘ I <‘ I “r. .1 1 I‘m. I .. I“: ...III. 1 z, I,
II carI uot;cee,&a¢Ia&@;§::yr unnee, he II ud IOIIfid flouaey
Aeginncyg uhu,w;k%“thum\rIIe an IQSQGCLLUQ and estimate to
determine thefafiauut, I tag demage ané Sflfifl ta Eastern the
Hall ts the egfie cwgfi"timn It was in prier t0 the affair
in; Igigh thcathQIZt wee mIdeI In thic latter case, mg
IIerRa I: §? we 3339'W3t11 afificr Scinoy Hafi;mn¢y has made
LII thfiqulOR.
I 7
(Qt; -..} .
c I5 ‘lrjriw
Manager'féfii §Eoyerties
cc: RIMcKinney

- ‘ ’ ' ' WHEELWRIGHT, KY.
" . x ' .13 October 1958
_v- To: W. B. Cummings
2 ' ‘ From: H. 0. Zimmerman
.” In the past when the Community Hall has been used by various
g _ organization or grouys for dances uni other social events, quite
_. often it is left 13 a very disorderly condition and dumage is
. , done. The window draperies are found hanging loose and inoper-
_ ‘j ative, light shades have been tamperea witu and are out of
position, requiring oowrection. cher abufie has also often
. occurred. g;
. 5 §
. In an effort to groveut abuse and uZ:egew$fl this kind to the
'., Hall anfl its facilities in the futu ,neefixxwganization or
. ' group, including school grouys, 623$"ing to u'e it for dances
’« . or other purgoses must make a dzfi§s§$tof $30 to cover the ex-
. , pense of reconditioning the HoIL/aefl its facilitie