xt7qnk361p0s_907 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 135-204 text Houses 135-204 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_311/Folder_17/ww_311_17_750.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_907 xt7qnk361p0s JOB TICKET
«14¢», M [Cl/n 55¢» /r’:£
A/e; Sid/5:51;} ,‘;,» !' Lgl’ff ,fl-VL’ g / ,_n/EL/Q
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«’ )I‘ 1‘ /‘ 7’
Date Q- (é " / (Z
1/ / .; j. 5/ . ,
fl 4 1 , f",/ 3 2 {.1'-» HOUSE NO._Z/5f« /»
(Form 69—18)


’ .4",' T H T . 1'" ,-


Date I” . f .1 ‘


' g/ ' ‘ HOUSE NO. ' _

(Form 69-18)

,’ ‘4 . 7 r ’ // 7
/' _ / ./ /_V ,/
/ 22;/_6/222 (é 21g? ./ £g,¢fl£,¢/’7f‘ LL’ Z’LLZ’. ..(;
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g I! ZL/LC {tint/l g Aflét/L/
f ,/ g 6
Date 4 ~ 1 ,3 -.. é /
. (A V
éL/4f" £2 2' 4 22 if; '2 HOUSE N0. /%é
(Form 69-18)

HOUSE # TENANT___., _,_ __ _, ___ ___,«W .
JOB__‘__,“____, ___,” “,_.—_W_W_ __ W é __ "
DATE COMPLETED /" " {j i '7 SIONRD____Hu D ,

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A.:'a&§-ébt£ New, 315. .E.
h: Sii‘FVFN , "2‘: sn‘ :r'e .~ ": :- " ‘“< 423,”.. ”:y'
......u_.-.‘fv.'r,,, m ..-.._.._. M 9‘43! 7', ar" («9' . sen M; r;— " Ln -. ‘r; " " :, _‘ r; ; - A
= ‘ii't 3'3 -mlfi&da?%m%wl --.}..Y’Eél ,‘iést‘fifff?’ .. - .. .
hr‘e n is 1%“ E.y€'.
W l 7 N E ~ E ‘ m'
'HA‘ wHEPcL\ ‘$m'e "a~ ;‘fe HT 'W 6‘ *c E ye‘ ..' NE LiiVZM
‘ocsled ln "< whee ~“lgh' >Lt cf.l:‘u:. C “y? 12.nry, Keplvl.y, g» hulr 1' '
map 0” plat in Fl 6 3&8. F fyj C@-r'y 9g- ' {-6 k : 0f*ice. dng Wp‘m enen‘:
tHE‘eon except a» he’e=we‘*6’ -e' ucl. *v‘ 're ~um cl Srjtjffififiithw_u' ard.
1h adOlrlvn ”Boye‘ ‘nc" p5, 'n; en “T $38.00 ‘ i““g *6 'i i“? $*C,OO '1
3;- by pier ’» be ~upp ‘%? Cy O 09' . a w’ mh~ir l~ Tr :< pale a- *“v‘fl~»;
S.-.“ _..._ .T..._...._ 7:: m pg, ymen', 'hr; ’9’6’1 pr cf ,.'r; h '-. h; ’ECV :/ k
Hrw’edged, dfld 'h9 b‘ dry? 7F 3-":qwih;e_gi.n__' (“high In ibje ‘ Oz‘flq "7‘
5”d ’he * “€y fl‘d' ' ‘" 74'v 5 ': irj. e'i 'pvw he "w ./ “9v? ..
rnnweyeh r '0 EuyC' l’h '- 'nan' 0’ flex: .. MA” er'y “9 " ‘ 7. .brs '
“"e Ex'i‘p’HJFI .:rl". awe d”~;,:r\ ’3"ng in. ‘hr »65 mm; m" ' v:l’{‘>r“* v ’ : r ,
afiif f“-“m I\ ah“ L EEK L~4~ {TWEEMy '* lwre‘ . e‘e"&c '~ he'v c “r‘ ._ .5
l? 'l"e are Ohi “ a'I ”d*r4 N~ Hnbl‘ 9. 955. erd ”v."dec ‘n “»vv szk 9-
5‘ page SOL. and -50 [w ‘ho»5 as 'd‘” Prol- E>;.,ls“ Ev ‘ H~' '~ H; w»?
".r'gspl'l'fn'le lj‘lfl‘pafly arm“ 7t. r ;"I_ daigfl' i‘,.l"l' 1:. ”9’17 Jill (3, .1 “:71 I:
Elluk ‘93 a? page 7 . ..’/"7‘7. amt] 3"} 0'7“”l iii The * 'yf' (in -‘v'y "4w" . l<
Qf‘lce, 3rd fiifib ave? .l 0“ Gyerl* ‘ ‘W flame ‘» Kefi'crky 9% P F¢TD<'V
da'ec DFLQWbP’ 29, r9é?. 5rd w? 'OFo-d 71 Oreo Bock 95 a' page DEB. ’C;:‘€*
7* 'V'E‘ Fl’lyd C"."1V C’V‘l-H ‘ 1‘34“ (Vl’ll‘kl
I' " ‘ :;l (*é'i Thu" 'lVT'r" l r’l'f 'l’ll‘ L‘ ~TQ‘W’,‘ ' ' "”1: 1" ("NV-"r '5' I
”m“ “r.} ~ ”all .. '.' " “We" r341 l- w}, 31"? nxr'vl‘wv rl-,v hr 5: “1'“. PM; i’! Dm“
i. l). "P” and. h ”r C" ”W” . l3" lm‘ hie“ r-. “f I‘ ~' ' E" "V '
('7 7‘ +15 “1.: ....Q-J.’1F~?. ..-.:.‘.;‘..;.. +.":‘ , . .. .. _. . ¥ ( . V 7 ‘6‘ I“: " . M ‘0’: V
be er , ‘2 E,_{:W. p,. . x . , , ,,n _ .HC , In. da‘5> w. ..‘ ..1. 9 /fl_.
r; E " p’ ‘“” “i" "’ ” é ' ' “: “~‘v' I "a«"1 " ‘gvaww~ ’~' :“~
in? ‘":\ ao'armlw' - ’er \ w
J‘[""”'Tl 4:9 -? {\‘H'JI .
‘ , .

 4 ’
‘ scimaLeé taxed :or the year 1}»? shall be er-Pgted to Lhu m;;e
of closing, Vased upox the t;x rates ‘Qr the ~le 01 aheeldfi ha,
uenmcxy - seventy fire cells per hlnfirefl fl¢liirs (u.?, c AL- g8?
alwu), and seventy two 31% two-tenths cents per hundred doliirs
,.,, — ,- ‘ 'u r' _ . I," I,‘ L- Ivy ‘1
(.Q.;d-:/10¢ per 100.) of vilue bar the »Clntj DI -IoId, neJV4cn].
Th? 5 "' mu <« I :9 9’ - .r -
' rikevii&e—uaGieaa£—d&g&_hm_mu
£145.;“fizgnggmw;;1733",.E$.L1- s31- .-:§.¥;l}:r£?.'é)’:_. _._.". ..‘.Vwmmmmw m. __ _,
At L“€ ”Ime /’ In fig 3" ‘eh'a and uYJZ‘TTGS due by EUVe"
‘9 ”Own?“ Sh; ‘ Us fu » p? it Q“ r"“ ”fi :510 pfimpewiy 9hdt' be adi.<'~
er; pm”— ‘ara m :M as" :-"’{I:-
P ‘ ‘- 9 bye __im_:&;i_ir2-_
A? y’ "HE" nz‘ ' ' I 6‘ '9?5; :.x’y -,.'Hde/ 'h’ S agreement may be sew
by m511 ’0 the le¢’ kfi'wm ed” € ‘ r’ '0? Pa 'y ‘0 be noTIFdeC
7ne we “' EJVL" Anfl 'mee" he‘eln employed GhaT" be Con— '
1* uéd To ‘Nh';fe ’V9 p u‘:’ a: we' a; *re 3 flgu 5“. and ‘h?? CW“TfaCF fihal'
he :IKpdul‘Q ijr‘. 'I"-I: ‘ W? ' . a‘V‘I"F" 1' é'v’Er‘. EXPflL‘CI‘n. .r1.<":’\_".3"<\’71' : abr} 37‘
“ gn‘» aNd 'Hh m1~l¢ =vv he ' 'n.‘ 40 'He Femwh*h€ and neq‘9“q whefe rho
(U’KExI :0 afimz' 9' va'v Q ,
{N w‘ I M: ,~ :IIIIF L-. .. ' 7139‘9‘”); ah: :: III.- I» .ned‘ be
vx: U'Ffi by "” ”» a 4» ”w ‘r:‘ w9"~ * Er: “B-ye“ nafi 4n v execufed {awe
a? "; ,he a‘ay fi'/* Y':‘ 5 ‘ .:n“ 6 ,w""esh
V '5 ‘,' ‘ 4
R , / 1’ / ‘ ,
' )I p-41. ._.._..vyg.-." ._.._...“ «WW_—H
f w . President
//. I, T543673" I ,
“:«3' WI 1— :7 ., " 7“ .' . ’
I...“ «-.7 m... ., ‘..u_;.._.w...:_1..:__rw;m ..W»!
I ." ,' i , C ,:‘I‘ .4“ I 1' /.
..,," .. -_.--W Wm”. I.-.....---....
‘ ”Buy? ’
In I? 69. f; page

 . ' ‘ a ' ‘ Being'sojd to Julia Davis - _-/¢i¢.. _
‘ . >. See file on Lot l62 fl.--§;.v:
P. O. Box 357 PHONE “‘,‘-‘.’.21.‘ PLIAu ADD-u- eru To-
A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd County,
Kentucky on Otter Creek of Left Beaver- Creek in the Town of
Wheelwright and being Lot No. 166, including the Dwelling House
and appurtenance thereunto belonging, located on said lot or
parcel of land of the Wh'eelwright subdivision as shown by first
party's map or plat in F.ile No. 348, Records of Floyd County
Clerk's Office. '
Being part of the same property conveyed to party of the first
part by Island Creek ‘Coal Company by Deed dated November 9, 1966 and
recorded in Deed Book 191 at page 501+, Records of the Floyd County , ,
Court Clerk's Office.
\_ «Q 557.)? l
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E 0) ul \.\, x»; v- CC: .‘-J 1
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..:! A,» VD , ~ a; a; Lame w T
2°52 w-,72.83/ «4: a," \k ; ca“ ‘ «r < _‘;5,e4'——1 s:
«-_.—— ; tux—N" g—a—-»-—.‘~. ~4+_~ .I., v _ ' . .
‘” . 24°:7'3o'f\ _, o 'w 046w “G— ,
1; MAI/3 _,AW 5 has)? 9.1 LLE” -
By_______— ‘
V President

 K .
911.15 53-? .“.5 N. . _9‘ f 55219; E
H: » LCLCFVFN ‘ H5”: ';r‘r‘ s> 't‘: e: ‘ r J _ 3 I "’0 ”BO-W ’73y ‘
WWWHWnggCH_._W_H_.UW 9H69W “y 5r" 68'266” Mo r'a " ,P 2 't;h'_ 3, ,_ be :Jn
= J 2"? __.EP?%°°‘Y"Q§¥¥E%PQJL111€.PEYiSW, HJWH W. __ W
he'e n ta «no E.y% .
w I 7 N E ‘ E I m' I
‘HA' wHEFtfl\ 'Dwre na~ CTIE 9* 'fi e > 'c E ye‘ L.' NW mL§§E\
‘ocaied Jn v*< whee m'ign' 5th ¢i~1 '3'. 5 “y” C: wry. Kenrux y. s- numr 9
map 0' plat in Ft 6 3&82 F Cy? CCJPTy Lu" J {‘6 k : 0*‘Jce. ene Tp'w ener'i
'ne’eon excepT a: he‘s ne‘VE' ~e':wn, tn 're ~qm at S ~E1999:9Q WW3 andr
in ade'tion “Baye/ *a" pa, 'ne en “t $38.00 3 rs‘mg “‘:'- 5W3 E‘C.OO J-
’s“ :y pier to be ~upp.-:n Cy Owne' . o rt «hJcr » 'W :& p5"? er *““U'-;
$_N_WWMHWW"“, 7‘~fi paymenr. 'he ‘? (Jp’ ft un :“ '~ “I'ifr a k
newledged, and 'he be aha? it SWWIE,0§8JifllWWW“' ’wh‘L“ ‘01};50 ; ”i “C !‘7
and Jhe %W"ey p‘s x' 3' ds'r ’ .J; *rq‘ d“W 30?! 6e J'v ’ “E~‘ “'
fen/eyafirs 'H Epyf 2‘“ ,, 'nen‘ 0’ tea: ; Me‘ sr‘v :5 " é. .h a ' ‘
”‘6 Exr'Pp"’TJ’J 5'1“ ’.‘"‘T’ d"-_3u" ';"(Jr‘ ‘2‘: ‘Cwl’le “at; ‘r‘ ' _Wprh J’ ‘I : rJ-J."y~
an:€ t‘vm Isiah“ t eKK t“1> C”Tpa“y '\ Wx'e* , 'e‘y'“e" “ hr @ n “v *; re
4‘ rir e and Whi n 5’; fid'ed N~ wwhe 9, 955. are ”0:2 dew ‘r “~21 Eflak 9
5* page 504. and .50 J3 'hv-& iE"e'V “:efl- it? .'e“ by P~*v' ‘J H5 ‘
Wrrliph’gl’iF‘ twnparw arr“ 7r, ’T da't" ...r’n "2,, 9%? 3"": ’L‘. “.‘7 7“ ‘75'
quk 193 d7 page. 2f.. 53%, awn X79 'c:»'fi 77 fine L Jyd (vgw', (Wu" J a k
Uttito, and biTU drt? 2* ”“ Crcr'r ‘ ‘m CU“? ' ‘” Kth'k'k: P”»9' F “P>/r
da'ed UPLembe’ £9. i967. and fl? *GFU'U ‘fl Bren wak \99 a? pad? Q35‘ ‘0 f-C»
".II 'He Frf)>/d C:_,y"‘y ':(\LJf” ’IL‘HK. - LII I16.
lr ‘ ea £91 r%5* 'st v mt Jhr r- eflav '9 'n1~ an “VWPF‘ an“
’ha‘ ‘h£~ J’am 4,' ~ hair by I» v}. Ji' mflhvy Mme rw r “fie“ ~haii Fr 01‘"
in '0 na" and 'h» wwrd hm J " L ~ “‘f r\. ”9“ :u ”F ‘ J ' BL«( ‘
tfid qu €' a rwg—JW r p'v» "fg" " , fi“‘ J'v ‘ni' '! , J’Jq 'ia'z? ‘: v “*v~ JV :J gr g”H”‘
h!- . 5‘1( p) :42”: _lq:;" my J___ , , %er NW» C, , L1"."‘-: ,I,, (wile-WI“ ,W_ W4.“ ,
and '“’- en'etmrnr 1~ Jrrr \ w
{(3 an 49 ‘ Yrquv ‘

 ‘ "Estimated taxes for the year 1969 shall be pro-rated to the date
of closing, based upon the tax rates for the City of Mheelwright,
Kentucky - seventy five cents per hundred dollars (0.75 cents per
$100), and seventg two and two-tenths cents per hundred dollars
($0.72—2/10¢ per olOO.) of value for the County of Floyd, Kentucky."

I"? ’I ’I ”q “I “I ’I IRike‘villewNatiQnalflliankmsiww"
Trust Company, Pikeville, Kentucky.
Ar ;*6 'Iwc ,; “a no s‘ 'eh'a and ui:}I*'e€ due by IBuyB
IIJIwrw-F" sh; " :Is to Iy pas, M ‘I . on raid p_‘(:p€“"y She? be e~"'I.:”- -
GF‘I pn’j‘» flare 7n jho nér; ..- “Q?
Prw‘ it“ Tom I or? g Buy? ‘- on {une 20, 1969 ‘
Aw II»: "rue” not re «ya: a y \er'le“ Th’s agreement may be '5':”'
by (MW *0 the 3847 imfm ad: r.:’ .,I «.9 pay- To be norIFIem
1m.) wv :“ Ewe" ‘ am UM!€"I he‘em employed sha‘f be com
:» ...'—:1 I0 IncI‘ut“? We: DIN/CI a: me' a. We vogue". and ‘hzs (curfew ::hai'
hr} Crrwg'g I‘th, mp ' : aw ;~ e’o ~A €I§Pg;.“V‘III‘. Juicer-W": am am
-’ ng and 'th m-i» _.; -.,.:; r3 ‘ ' 4!) "re Ferww‘r‘e and neuter, Ade“? ”we
(','r'hew to. a‘IWI' »'5' Hey. A I
IN WI-IV ,, #4931" .I r== cameo ’hw 11332 mew ', be
Fm. ”no/j Dy -. r‘ (4 Ix, 9” w- ;II” ;("I "r_3«,.ye" he? {’I, V Q/tg‘fl.’E‘(‘ 73%?
as r“ ”We ::"::~v 5*“?3 y»;’ ‘ ‘ chive w
/ \syc..:I,-;;i_.;f ,_ -’ -' ’ i
/ “I W President
// II”II ""'EeP 97} y
,...,I. V.‘ ...- "thaw .I.l-.._-ru...5_‘... 371.515.th
I .’ “BIA/F“
”F- ‘T‘ (39.77 page 1’,

 A ’
9113.5 EEK? N_,._0_‘_ _.E 55215}
h;; agLCCNFN'. w5~2 3n* c»re4e” r1; a- PF '“e ,_ Gay 2‘
...41‘” ”,_,...”
" “_N_Mi#; Vn_ _ _flmr 9_3} ?v ar“ CE'wEEh Mo.r*e " 1* 3 ‘r%fl', 3".. he iub
he‘ein fa <60 E.y? .
w I T N E g ' E ‘ d’

‘HA‘ vHEFL#\ ‘Dmpe new :ffe'94 '3 -&'- 'c Euye' L" Nx ,_£::”
‘ocated 1n =’< whee w"xgh' :Lt #4 xi‘or, 1 fiyd CT‘flTy‘ K&hrua‘y. e- 'hUmr Cr
map 0' plat in F1 6 3&8. C-syj Coghty £CJ’? {-6 k : 0f‘1ce. ans 'vp'o €men':
'neveon except a? he exndffe’ ‘t' rut, *0 're ~Jm 6* 5yflija;ti;1fh__u' dad“
1n ado‘::on “Evy?" fra" péy rm; um sf $38_OO ; (S'mg a? '4 ifi: S‘0,00 T1
~’ ‘ry DEE” be ‘UPD ‘ed Cy Ome' ‘ 0‘ »:*' Mflch 1~ *P :6 De”: 0 "t“viwvz

S‘mrmwmmmv j: Am. paymen', 'he ‘eiewpr Cf uh ’V‘ ‘~ hl’i‘by aik'
howledged, efid 'he bd ence 6* $«MLL}¥$MIJJELWW_W' [whWLh \p:i;j9‘ _‘p:~ng {.f
an”! ”’16 ;,r gy p'g' ' \v "r "—:‘E; :5 __um‘Ir-Q" drwj Jpcq ’36 3.,». 3'" "C’E'f ,»
Cfiflweyé‘kt *0 Euye ’ _,(h :* =nam* or Léfie é' wa"ar'v 0f ' ' f. p@ a ' ‘~
'he exlep"©n 5G7 'R-e a'xgr- ,3”'j"r¢ ;w ‘hfiée 'wo -n" ,W9P*~ v; _w” “w
arts *‘mm I\3am? L EEK L“< C‘Wpary '\ flare’ . ‘e‘é ”a? ‘7 hE’E h “g’ ‘;"E
u‘ rifre ard whii” a-e fld'6° N‘ vwbc 9. 955‘ 5rd ’e:* Geo ‘w “95‘ E~;k '9'
5‘ page Ebb. and .50 -. 'ha-e re 'a~n ~refl~ c»e:»’@fi by i nw’ 'w H; m “
7r'ephdne Cfimpahy and ‘g ridm.. 30‘. da't” !,vv ‘5, ‘957 and ‘0. ‘iEJ 'fi [€21
Bank ‘93 at pag¢ 27.. 3?1. and £75 ‘vcm‘fi :f the L~~y4 CC d¢€o 2f vb Oybfi z ’ \m Uune ‘ r; KEn'ptky PM 0' vapa’y
da'ed Dggemte’ 29‘ .967, and Hf ’CfU'd ‘n 0680 800k '95 a? page DEE. ’OZD‘C‘
-* *he Er'Jyd Caz/Ty C(‘JTV ‘ID‘V >(W'W'E.

" " 53'66“ 155‘ 'Imé =3 0* 'he €~~€nzp Mr 'hii ac venerr aw"
'Iqa' rhi . ’/ar‘ 3 '2 ndl. CE" 1/ 9U, ,1" Fray-"raw, (kw hrd F; '(‘i‘t’ ' ~4I"2~“' ‘.’" Di; ‘
'f; Ugner‘ (3’14 'Hw 12m" how; u {)"r‘ MM} "0’ .hs“ :r' “fr . N B-‘lmm‘ Hr
’* '1‘”? V.EJT‘E.,t:_i‘:...l_9(:’.?u .‘ ,. . "“ ‘ch' I v“ Dr,
be 59:” A F-e'er'r‘ p' '1:-5‘ A r *hs‘ *- wr, dew“ t "*w" Pit/"W““v'
”5‘“‘" P'O $694 2h2“ Fr "‘5 “ ' P¢ ”~”~ & "Q4-6fi :0 ’3W«QV* "”'T«”7J'.
:4? 'WJ» aa’erm(m' ‘- ’“éF ‘ W
(Lh.m 49 '7 quc E

 ' ' 9‘.i_;>..x;- 1 1.1.11: 01' L'vc 19.1.6 4 11:41-; I? 1:71-11. 11.: 1 x
‘ ~51 1 .,,1.‘, A ~.~ ..1,.- ~.,." 1 ll,
_ .u‘...J.1.»A1, ASL: A.:.}L'K 1' t 4..)! rgk .‘1 "3’ L.." i . . . 1'11. L .1 ,
1 " . .1 - A . . - ,V‘ ’ .,. t ‘ ‘ v
.. 1:31 ~ 5114:3111"; .113 1-12.1.1 :,vr 1 n N11 I";s.x!‘3 1.11.. ,. 1., ., r:
E”. , m- mJe 1. $1.110 311’} Lao-LE'LLF‘.. #111331 1131:1191? /‘.<1;1.,...:‘;~
”: . ' ‘ « 1 -1. ,‘ w , .. '1
K J. -- / L'J§: ‘27.] .Lvuo . k1? V149 - CI. wi-k‘) 4- 4 Au,’ fl .’.Of“, "6 ivJCh/o
”r: n ' 1.x] w; to 3*
' ‘I ’ ‘ ‘ ..._... _t... ___—_.___._-”. -
f—t'jh ~’I-..\= “3-. Liz-I’I: ».11‘4-
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:._':.....}..i-..“.'.- E. .1__;é;_1:4...;..._-~.-.:€_f31.-Ll? .’- 'h§.:,é.§.£€{fl..gn “_,W"..- -..r...r.__....-.v,_.._..f..-“--.m._.“mmmr
Ah :We ‘11? 1’ ‘1. rg 5‘“ ‘eh'% and uiIL1I'es awe by ‘Bqu“
'0 'Own?“‘ $h3 I U? fu y p? it u 1r”’7 Mb :91” p ope“ y €nd7; be adas<’~
9? p m~‘3Ia 7“ :h? da'= -* _ 1 fi01
Prx'~-_1 11m .1 1 35 -' » 51.16"“ Sn -~11 ,.
- ’ 4 V .__.Aa-_‘.,.,.w_._uwvmm....
flry “J 'h&' 30"{9 9'7: =‘y undeT 'h’> agreemenr may be 66"
by m51I '0 the 1a=‘ kfi'wn 541 6" 11 ‘WP pd"y ’0 DE nor1fiedC
1he we “' Euv»" %=0 uwme“‘ he‘e1n emp‘Oyed shaI” be Cah-
1' we? to 1hh”u€e 1r€ D u’:7 c: 19‘ 3D ’he 21nQu a”. and ‘h1? rnhrfair Fhai
hr} :.‘r1141'1u1p171r- '1’1-9 ' .,‘ 9‘21 r" '»‘ e'I'EW. EXP'.L,I‘- ‘"~, (YET-8'“ : 3rd 13”
’ a“? and 'H1 mz-n. In» ha 1 1:.‘143 '«e TEVTH‘“F avd ne,‘e . whe”9 ’Wo
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