xt7qnk361p0s_908 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 135-204 text Houses 135-204 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_311/Folder_18/ww_311_18_762.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_908 xt7qnk361p0s “.‘:—___“
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By . .

Dated: January 6, 1969
This article of agreement was made and entered into on the above date I
between Mountain Investment Corporation and Oscar Smith and his wife,
Georgia Smith. I Oscar Smith and Georgia Smith agree to pay
Mountain Investments the sun of $5,000.00 for house # 167 and garage # 23.
Inverted V-Shape line is to be straightened out according to agreement
bv Oscar Smith and Mountain Investments. V-bhape is now a part of lot # 162.
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‘ ohn ?. Young, Resident Nanager
mm, INC.

ML -‘
530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
January lh, 1969 ’
Mr. Richard E. Martin
Prestonsburg, Kentucky #1653
Dear Mr. Martin:
Due to the fact that there has been in the past several months a 100% change
in ownership of the stock in Mountain Investment, Inc., and since we were not
aware of the details of any agreements between you and former management, we
have requested Mr. John Allen to resolve any problems as to compensation with
you and to advise us the outcome. We are prepared to perform on any accept-
able basis, and to satisfy any just claims for work previously performed.
Future work will, of course, be currently compensated.
Since we requested Mr. Allen to get together with you and work out details
several days ago, you will doubtless have already arrived at a figure which
Mr. Allen will recommend to us as being in line with his thinking on the matter,
and we will then take such action as might be indicated.
Meantime, it would be appreciated if you would furnish us a legal description
of a tract of land now comprising a part of Lot No. l62, triangular in shape,
and which would be that portion of Lot No. l62 as presently shown on the plat
which would lie roughly northward of a line extending the present boundary be-
tween Lot No. l6l and Lot No. I62, roughly westward some 35 or #0 feet to a
point where it would join the existing boundary of Lot No. 157.
We are in the process of selling Lot No. lb7, but the Purchaser requested the
lot be enlarged by the addition of the triangular tract enclosed within the
area formed by the extension of the line just mentioned, the present boundary
of Lot No. lél, and the present boundary of Lot No. l67. We would like to
convey that lot on the same deed which conveys the present property, and your
prompt compliance with this request will be greatly appreciated and will fa~
cilitate the speedy closing of this sale.
Yours very sincerely,
Frank M. Arnall,

 530 American Heritage Bldg.
February l0, 1969 Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
Mr. John Allen f
Attorney at Law ,
Post Office Box “Ml
Prestonsburg, Ky. #1653
Dear John: //2
I am enclosing the deed pregared on Lot lb? and Garage Ho. 23, ”T,”
also copy of the plat covering these lots and the original of
the disbursement letter to the Pikeville National Bank 5 Trust
Company who will act as escrow agent on this transaction.
Please certify the deed and forward the papers to the Pike—
ville bank, advising us when this has been accomnlished.
Frank M. Arnall
Fl LAW/ml
Certified Mail

P February 14, l969 ‘
Pikeville National Bank 8 Trust Company
Pikeville, Ky. AlSOl '


Frank M. Arnall, Secretary of Mountain Investment,
Inc. has advised Island Creek that Mountain Investment has
arranged for the Pikeville National Bank 8 Trust Company to
act as excrow agent in connection with the sale of Mountain
Investment properties at Wheelwright, Kentucky, which are
subject to a mortgage from Mountain Investment, Inc. to
Island Creek dated November 9, l966, and recorded in the
mortgage records of Floyd County, Kentucky, in Volume 32,
page 385.

Mountain Investment has requested that Island
Creek release its lien of mortgage from two designated lots
with improvements thereon situate at Wheelwright and forward
to you the Release of Mortgage covering said properties.
Enclosed herewith are two Partial Releases of Mortgage
covering the following properties:

1. Lot No. 167 /
2. Lot No. lll-l/Z

These Partial Releases of Mortgage are forwarded
to you with the understanding that at the time each transaction
is closed, you will forward to Island Creek 80% of the gross
receipts (purchase price) received by Mountain Investment from
the sale of said property. Mountain Investment has indicated
that it has already made arrangements with the bank for the bank
to record each Deed and Release of Mortgage and remit the balance

- of the remaining 20% to Mountain Investment, Inc.
Sincerely yours,
(s) Joseph L. Reynolds, III
Corporate Counsel and
Assistant Secretary

Mr. Frank M. Arnall
Mr. R. A. Bradbury
F. A. MacDonald, Esq.

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 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202

February l0, l969

Joseph D. Reynolds, III, Esq.

Island Creek Coal Comaany

lSOl Euclid Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio “AllS

Dear Mr. Reynolds:

we are enclosing cony of deed From Mountain Investment to

Oscar Smith and Georgia Smith, his wife, covering sale of

House No. l67 and Garage Mo. 23. Please prepare a release by

Island Lreek Coal Company of its mortgage on these properties.

The Pikeville National Bank 8 Trust Com any of Pikeville, Ky.

is escrow agent on this transaction. We have sent the origi-

nal deed and plat, together with a disbursement letter to

Mr. John Allen, attorney, of Prestonsburg, for his certifica—

tion on the deed, which is to be forwarded with the other papers

to the bank in 9ikeville.

Your letter to the bank covering the release of these properties

and the disbursement of funds should be in fonn similar to

those provided in other such cases.

If there is any Further information required, nlease advise.

Yours very sincerely,


Frank M. Arnall



' Encl.

{- P‘ 0, BOX 357 PHONE 606»457-2761 PLzAst Annual! REPLV To»

, Dated: January 6, 1969
“ This article of agreement was made and entered into on the above date
b' between Mountain Investment Corporation and Oscar Smith and his wife,
Georgia Smith. I Oscar Smith and Georgia Smith agree to pay

Mountain Investments the sum of $5,000.00 for house # 167 and garage # 23.

Inverted V-Shape line is to be straightened out according to agreement
‘ by Oscar Smith and Mountain Investments. V-Shape is now a part of lot # 162.
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#1? fi'fi 1m , I
March 22, 1969
Mr. Gordon Brown, President
Mountain Investment, Inc.
530 American Heritage Building
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Dear Mr. Brown:
Mr. John Young delivered. to us deed dated February 12, 1969,
conveying Lot No. 167 and Lot No. G—23 to Oscar Smith and
Georgia Smith, his wife, to be delivered to Oscar Smith upon
receipt of payment from him in the amount of $5, 000. 00, which
is the consideration recited in the deed. We are holding the
$5, 000. 00in escrow subject to receipt of release of lien from
Island Creek Coal Company, before making disbursement.
In addition to the property referred to conveyed to Oscar Smith,
I enclose a. copy of an option to purchase, dated January 6, 1969,
whereby a V—shaped portion of Lot No. 162 was to be conveyed,
but this particular piece is not recited in the deed of February 12,
1969, nor have we been furnished a separate deed of conveyance
of title for this parcel. I enclose, also, a. copy of the plat on which
I have inserted by pencil a dotted line enclosing that portion of Lot
No. 162 to be conveyed.
I suggest that you contact the one who did the engineering on this
property, Mr. Earl Martin, Prestonsburg, Kentucky, and request
that he furnish to you the proper call points so that an additional
deed or one supplemental to your deed of. February 12, 1969, be
executed so as to include this portion of Lot No. 162 and that Island
Creek Coal Company be requested to furnish their release of lien

Mr. Gordon Brown, President
March 22, 1969
Page — Z —
As heretofore mentioned, the purchase price in the amount of $5, 000. 00
is being held by this Bank in escrow to consummate this transaction; how—
ever, we have been instructed by Mr. Smith to rid make any disbursement
of any funds until such time as we are in receipt of the deed of conveyance
for this additional parcel referred to in the above mentioned option and that
we are in receipt of the proper releases of lien from Island Creek Coal

Yours very truly,


Burl Spurlock, President
Mr. John Young
Mountain Investment, Inc.
Wheelwright, Kentucky 41669
Mr. Oscar Smith
Kentucky 41669

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.‘.ountaln Investment, 1.4.".
530 American Heritage -.;ullding
Jacksonville, Florida .3202

 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202

/ ‘\
April 29, l969 \>

(T) w ‘$}/\'

, l
Helton 8 Linton
Post Office Box lll
Pikeville, Kentucky 4l50l
Attention: Mr. Robert F. Linton
Enclosed is Xerox copy of duplicate deposit slip covering deposit
of Mountain Investment's share (20%) of the sale price of House
No. lll-l/2 to Joseph Bartuka at $7,000.00. An additional charge
of $68.50 was made to the purchaser for the following items:

Plat - - — — — — — — — $30.00

Attorney Fee 8

Closing Cost — - 38.50
As indicated on the deposit slip, Mr. Bartuka made a down payment
of $l00.00 on the property. This was deposited in the Pikeville
National Bank Non-Operating Account on February 7, l969. Pikeville
National Bank also paid out (of the $68.50) recording fees and taxes
of $l3.40, leaving $30.00 of this amount for the plat and $25.l0 for
attorney fees.
The bank also remitted $5,600.00 to Island Creek Coal Company, that
being 80% of the sale price of the property. This left a balance of
$1,355.l0 which was retained in our account.
Our cost on this property was $2,CB0.00.
> Also, on April 2l, l969 we sold House No. l67 to Oscar Snith for $5,000.00.
No closing cost or plat fee was collected from him. 20% of this sale
price, or $l,000.00, was deposited in our Non—Operating account at the
First National Bank, Prestonsburg, Ky. The balance of $4,000.00 was re—
, mitted by the Bank to Island Creek Coal Company. (Our cost on this $978.00).

Very truly yours,
Gordon Brown

 John Young April l, l969
Gordon Brown Sale of Lots lb7 8 G-27
to Oscar Smith 8 wife
Enclosed is a copy of my letter of this date to Burl Spurlock
regarding the sale of Lots l67 and G—27 to Oscar Smith.
/ [7ZLt€.
Please show this letter to Mr. Smith, calling his attention
particularly to the last ewe paragraphs which say to Mr. Spurlock,
in effect, either get authority from Mr. Smith to proceed or re—
turn the papers to us and the deal is off. 00 NOT TURN OVER the
enclosed copy of letter to Mr. Smith under any circumstances.
. ')

[.1’/f J
Gordon Brown

 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
April l, 1303
First National Bank of 9rastonsburg
prestonsburg, Kentucky hl653
Attention: Mr. Burl Spurlock, ?resident
Thank you for your letter of March 22nd, lac? relative to sale of Lots l67
and G-Z7 to Oscar Snith and Georgia Smith, his wife.
Mr. John P. Young has advised me that he has delivered to you the Release
of Lien from Island Creek Coal Company on these two lots.
With ressect to the triangular portion of Lot le which Mr. Smith seems to
be interested in, please be advised that the ”Option to ’urchase” dated
January 6, lSU? and signed by Mr. and Mrs. Smith was never executed by Moon-
tain Investment, Inc. The signature of Mr. Young, our Resident Manager, as-
peers on the document, however he is not an officer of Mountain Investment,
1: not authorised to sign documents relating to the sale of real estate, and
nis signature appears on this writing only in the caiarity of the title
which orecedes it, vi?. as a witness.
Mr. Smith has been advised by Mr. Young that we will not convey title to land
in Wheelwright exceit in accordance with the plat, further that the triangu-
lar piece which he wants to purchase includes in dart sidewalk easements and
rights of way which are dedicated to the public and provide access to Lot 152.
For these reasons we will not convey the triangular piece to Mr. Smith.
If Mr. Smith is not willing to acceit a deed to Lot lo? and Lot 6—23 in pay-
ment of the sum of $5,Uflu.03 (M ich was the Arice agreed upon in negotiations
subsequent to the date of the'lngtion to Purchase” of January u, 295)), it
will be necessary for us to cancel the deal for the sale of those two lots to
Mr. Snith, in which event he should be oregared to vacate the premises aromat-
ly inasmuch as we have another sale for the properties.
We are furnishing Mr. John ?. Young a copy of this letter, with the request
that he notify Mr. Smith of its contents.
If you do not hear from Mr. Smith promptly we request that you return the deed
and the plat to us, and that you hold the release from Island Creek jending
further instructions.
Very trulyhyours,
L“? 1“)
Gordon Brown




Y May 27, I969
Helton 8 Linton
Pikeville, Ky. 4l501
Attention: Mr. Robert F. Linton
Enclosed are photocopies of the bank statements from Peoples Bank 8
Trust iompany, Montgomery, Alabama, and First National Bank, Prestons-
burg, Kentucky, also photocopies of two deposit slips from Pikeville
National Bank 8 Trust Company, and One from the First National Bank of
?restonsburg. These three deposit slips represent the sale of
three houses and one garage.
Lot l67, shown on the First National Bank, Prestonsburg, deposit slip,
was sold to Oscar finith for $5,000.00. 30%, or $0,000.00, of this
amount went to Island Creek Coal Company. $1,000.00 was deposited in
our Non—operating account as shown by the deposit slip. Our cost on
this property was $978.00.
Lot 202 was sold to Joe Thomas Yates for $6,500.00. The full amount
plus the closing costs, less recording fees and taxes, amounted to
$6,555.60, and was deposited in our Non—Operating account in the Pike-
ville National Bank, because of the fact that the Island Creek mortgage
had been paid in full and discharged of record when this transaction was
closed, and the lot was not included in the mortgage to the Liberty

. National Bank. Our cost on this property was $l,370.00.
House 104 and Garage G-27 were sold to George Robert Hanger for $7,l00.00.
60% of this amount, or $4,260.00 plus $9.77 being interest to May l2, l969,
. was paid to Liberty National Bank. The balance of $2,333.33 was deposited
in our Non-operating account at Pikeville National Bank. Our cost on
these properties was as follows:
Lot 10h - - - $2,l75.00
Lot G-27 - - 57.00

Very truly yours,

 C May 27, 1969
P Mary Ann O'Brien
Gordon BrOWn Sales of Real Estate as follows:
167 — Oscar smith - $5,000
10h — G-27 - Geo. Robt. Hanger
202 - Joe Thomas Yates - $6,500
We forwarded to you some time ago form letters bearing No. 68-l2 - addressed to Hall—
Music Agency, and No. 68—l3 - addressed to the Floyd County Tax Assessor and the City
of Wheelwright, Ky. These forms are to be sent upon completion of a sale, consequent-
ly both of these Form letters are to be sent out for each of the above mentioned sales.
Form 68-l3 is to be sent not only to the County Tax Assessor lbut also to the City of

- Please send the letters to the County Tax Assessor and the City of Wheelwright regis-
tered mail, return receipt requested. When the return receipts are delivered to you
please staple them to our copy of the form letter and send the form letter, together
with the receipt, to me.

I am enclosing a copy of Form 68-l2 showing how to cross out the parts of the notice
' which do not apply if (as always seems to be the case, Hall-Music is not going to

write the new policy for the purchaser).

These forms should not be sent until the Escrow Agent reports that the money has been

paid in by the purchaser and the deal actually closed and paid for. You may have to

follow up with the Escrow Agent in each case to be sure you get word on these cases

when they have been closed. ,

Please check back through your records and determine whether these notices have been

omitted in any case in which property has been sold. If so, please get out the

notices promptly and send us copies.

Copies of both notices are enclosed so you will recognize themo

Gordon Brown



PHONE 6067457-276I
Date—May 29, 1969
To: Pkwd County Tax Assessor, anc
City OIL Wheelwright, Kentucky
Re: HOULBF‘ and Lot No. 162
City of WheeIwright, Kemtucky
The above Captioned reaI O>tdte was soIa‘ h/ Mountain Investment, Inc.
to Oscar Smith and 6:90:33 3113}th His Wif_e
maI 11'an a'Ier‘SS ‘dheemrj ghl: Kentucky _r___*_V
M _in Max 5.-/771:1; _(Ur ,_1’200 00 ‘ «..‘ :nwpba‘se
PIease ’i'TLIIraLe on the tax r' . ‘ hat 1M;- Iiru'm w IS now owned by
.hc aboxe mind ,.~.T'IhagerIg‘ 'I'-«I ”at .I' '"utur‘ a». bIIIS SI'VJL’ICI be
‘I‘)SUE‘L‘ [PI hr” Iahzwz}. AI L L. .I. I " ‘7‘»"L‘1‘3r I (III:
I]! '300r I y.
. "‘I‘ ..vf‘v‘. 2“» ' 7 17‘
Certified Mai} file on
. . ' .‘ I
Return Recezpts Tn/Lot EEC. III—I/Z
Iu- ‘.‘.I‘ré‘
(ILIrm Iii/1.4),) Iru' HI $07

l , .
. 31()LNT“LIN XXVf'i,‘s'l‘f‘v;;),\';‘, :NC.
P. O u’QX 357
wi-«aztwnlcnr. numuch 4mm; PM”: ‘ ”"'”““’-/“7“‘ Au“ AWN" RU" To
L?FIZZA; ?_97
Being two separate tracts or parcels of land
- lying and being in Floyd County, Kentucky on Otter
Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the Town of wheelwright
and being Lot No. 167 and Lot No. G—23 including the
dwelling house, garage and appurtenances thereunto
belonging located on said lots or parcels of land of
the Wheelwright subdivision as shown by the first
party's map or plat in File No. 3h8 records of
Floyd County Court Clerk‘s foice.
Being part of the same property conveyed to
party of the first part by Island Creek Coal Company
by Deed dated November 9, I966, and recorded in Deed
f Book l9l at page 50h, records of the Floyd County
3 Court Clerk‘s Office.
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THIS DEED OF CONVEYANCE made and entered into as
of 19 ___, by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc,, a Kentucky Corporation, party of first part, and

Oscar Smith and Georgia Smith, his wife
party (ies) of second parto

WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum
of FIVE THOUSAae a GO/lOO ~ - - - - - - — - — - - - ~ “5.000.050
Dollars cash in hand paid, and other valuable consideration, the receipt
and adequacy whereof is hereby acknowledged, party of first part does
hereby bargain, sell, grant, convey, transfer unto second parties, their
heirs and assigns, the following described property to-wit:

Being two separate tracts or parceis of land
tying and being in Floyd County, Kentuoky an Otter
Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the Town of theeiwright
and being Lot H0. 367 and Lot 6-23 including the
dwelling house, garage and appurtenances thereunto
beionging located on said iota or parcois of land of
the Hheeiwright sub-division as shown by the first
party's map or piat in fiie No. 3&3 records of
Fioyd sounty Court Cierk’s Office.

Going part of the same property conveyed to
party of the first part by Isiand Creek Coal Commany
by Deed dated November 9, ifieé, and recorded in Deed
Book 191 at page 53%, records of the Floyd County

This conveyance is subject to the exceptions and reserva—
tions contained in those two instruments of conveyance from Island Creek
Coal Company to party of the first part, referred to herein for source of
title and which are dated November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed Book l9]
at page SOl and at page 50k, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
party of the first part to Harold Telephone Company and Tel—Com, Inc.,
dated June l5, 1967 and recorded in Deed Book l93 at pages 271, 273, and
275, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk‘s office, and ALSO deed of
conveyance from first party to Kentucky Power Company dated December 29,
1967, and of record in Deed Book l95 at page #25, records of the Floyd
County Court Clerk's Office.

 First Party hereby further reserves a right of way
and easement with right of egress and ingress and entry on and over
said premises for the purposes of maintenance, operation, repair, re—
placement, relocation and removal, in whole or in part, of any and all
of the water, gas, electric, telephone and CATV lines and cables, sewer
mains, connections and Service lines as now located on said premises in
its operation of said facilities, which right of way and easement shall
endure as long as said systems or any part thereof are operated by
first party, its successors or assigns.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the parties of second part,
their heirs and assigns forever, with covenant of General Warranty of
Title, subject to the exceptions and reservations contained hereino

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF first party has caused this
instrument to be executed by its President and duly attested by its
Secretary as of the day and year first herein written.



I, , a
Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, do
hereby certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance from Mountain
Investment, Inc. to *“~‘V ‘ ' 9 j ~r‘.‘ ”~ I #3


was produced to me in said County and State by 7=:‘ 7'“
as President of Mountain Investment, Inca, a corporation, party of
first part, and was acknowledged by him as its President thereunto
duly authorized to be his act and deed for the purposes therein
stated and same was duly attested by ‘r , . r ' as
Secretary of said corporation who duly affixed to said instrument the
corporate seal thereto as its Secretary.

Given under my hand and official seal of office this
the day of 19 0

My Commission expires on the day of
l9 .

Notary Public - Duval County
I hereby certify that the
foregoing Deed of Conveyance
was prepared by:
’ Attorney

I’. 0. BOX £157
\VHCELWRlGHT. KENTUCKY 41009 ““4"“ “UV"‘U'V’V' mu“ “UH” RU" 70‘
CFFICZR; 9797.- _
Bein two separate tracts or arcels of land
9 ,
lying and being in Floyd County, Kentucky on Otter ‘
Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the ToWn of Wheelwright
and being Lot No. l67 and Lot No. G-23 including the
dwelling house, garage and appurtenances thereunto
belonging located on said lots or parcels of land of }
the Wheelwright subdivision as shown by the first ‘
party's map or plat in File No. 3&9 records of
Floyd County Court Clerk's Office.
Being part of the same property conveyed to
party of the first part by Island Creek Coal Company
by Deed dated November 9, l96b, and recorded in Deed
Book l9l at page 50h, records of the Floyd County
Court Clerk's Office.
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P. 0. BOX 357 PLEASE Aoonzss REPLV To:
PHONE 606-457-2761
February l0, EQGQ
PIKevxnie Hat1onal Bank 5 Trust Company
.. . .
PTKEVIIIE, kentucky #1501
1‘27 ....1 ‘_f

Rc' Sa‘c 0* qut€ H: '“J “n‘ ‘ '3
ENCTOSGU 15 e-chfed USCG fa f“: accuc CaJT‘H“C? Cd- c:*erq, v”"fij
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£§|and Creek Coa'l Company WT‘T shov*uy ce‘ice' *9 we; 4“ Q~o;.‘cn
”QTeate of TOW? QFOJC"7 F’CW *h: m0"flaqv HCIQ H ’3 a‘:w ‘1' n '
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P. 0. BOX 357 PHONE 606-457-4761 Puma: ADDREIB REPLY To:
A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd County, Kentucky
on Otter Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the town of Wheelwright and being
Lot No. l67 including the dwelling house and appurtenance thereunto be—
longing located on said lot or parcel of land of the Wheelwright sub-
division as shown by first party's map or plat in file No. 348 records
of Floyd County Clerk's office.
A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd County, Kentucky
on Otter Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the town of Wheelwright and being
Lot No. G—23 including the garage building and appurtenance thereunto
belonging located on said lot or parcel of land of the Wheelwright sub-
division as shown by first party's map or plat in file No. 348 records of
Floyd County Court Clerk's office.
Being part of the_same property conv