xt7qnk361p0s_920 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 135-204 text Houses 135-204 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_311/Folder_30/ww_311_30_1154.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_920 xt7qnk361p0s JOB TICKET

Date J m 5"
,’ " I . I ‘ ~ ' HOUSE NO. , ‘ ‘
(Form 69-18)

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L/ :5 flag 3 g >5, 271474 HOUSE NO. OZ” /
(Form 69-18) h

- A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd County, Kentucky
on Otter Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the town of Wheelwright and being
Lot No. 20l , including the dwelling house and appur-
tenance thereunto belonging, located on said lot or parcel of land of the
Wheelwright subdivision as shown by first party's map or plat in file
No. 3H8 records of Floyd County Clerk's Office.
Being part of the same property conveyed to party of the first part
by Island Creek Coal Company of Deed dated November 9, 1966, and recorded
in Deed Book l9l at page 504, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's
f:_—-—-— ...I- . . _._-_ “-_” _ “_.‘“
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PHONE 606-457-276!
WHEELWRIGHT, KENTUCKY 41669 53a merican Heritage BIdg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
April l0, 1909
Pikeville National Bank 5 Trust Company
Pikeville, Kentucky HlSOl
Re: Sale of House No, _E?‘
Enclosed is executed deed to the above captioned real estate, running
to Elmer Ferguson and Hazle Feggu593, his ujfg ,m______.~___. __
Island Creek Coal Company will shortly deliver to yOu an executed
release of this proyerty From the mortgage held by it; also its dis-
bursement letter.
Please collect the full amount of the purchase price of Five Thousand,
Five Hundred and 00/100 - - - - — - - - - - - ($5,500.00)
_____~______._________________~_. _“_M ”_W_. Dollars,
and remit 70% thereof to Island Creek Coal Congany, in accordance
with its disbursement letter above mentioned. In addition, please
collect From the purchaser the sum OF §3fl.00 for the enclosed plat
of the aroaerty, and $37.50 closing costs.
Recording fees for the deed and for the release are to be Charged
against closing costs, as is the tax due the State of Kentucky"
The net proceeds due Mountain Investment, Inc., the $3Q,®0 charge far
the plat, and the net closing costs (after disbursements authoriied
above), are to be deposited in the non—ogerating account of Mountain
Investment, Inc. in your bank, with advice to us showing all receipts
and disbursements of the transaction, accompanied by a duplicate de—
posit slip.
Yours very truly,
B >’._.W,._.,_-_,. :___s_ cm - __
Notice tn:
Escrow Am '2 lL
. ‘ - ‘(
(Form 07-11) LOl ”0‘ j§i1__-

PHONE 606-457-2761
WHEELWRIGHT. KENTUCKY 41669 r . I, q _ . _ . . t ’
25o hnerican heritage Bldg.
, , , Jacksorv’lle T‘ . '“202
April 10, I909 ' ' ’ ‘a 5‘
Joseph D. Reynolds, III, Esquire
Island Creek Coal Company
l50l Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio hullS
Dear Mr. Reynolds:
Enclosed is copy of deed From Mountain Investment, Inc. to
Elmer Ferguson and Hazle Ferguson, his “are , covering
sale of Lot No. 201 . Please prepare a release by
Island Creek Coal Company of its mortgage on these properties.
The Pikeville National Bank 8 Trust Company is escrow
agent on this transaction. We have sent the original deed, and
plat, together with a disbursement letter, to our Kentucky attorney,
for his certification of the deed which is to be Forwarded with the
other papers to the escrow agent.
Your letter to the escrow agent covering the release of these
properties and the disbursement of Funds should be in form similar
to those provided in other such cases.
If there is any further information required, please advise.
Yours very sincerely,
4 .
( Ft; rm (»‘EJ— I ‘9)

- PHONE 606~457-2761
WHEELWRIGHT. KENTUCKY 4l669 530 ;Anlerl Can Her-i ta‘je Sui lding
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

April 10, I969
Mr. John Allen
Attorney at Law
Post Office Box uhl
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653
Dear John:

Enclosed is deed prepared covering Lot No. EDI
Wheelwright, to Elmer Ferguson and Hazle Fergusonz his wife
purchasers, also copy of the plat covering the same property and
the original of the disbursement letter to Pikeville National Bank
8 Trust Company, Pikeville, Kentucky which will act as
escrow agent for this transaction.

Please certify the deed and forward the papers to the escrow
agent, advising us when this has been accomplished.


CC - Mr. John P. Young

Resident Manager

Wheelwright, Ky
(Form 69—16)

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 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
July 23. l969
Liberty National Bank 5 Trust Company
Post Cffice Box lh99
Louisville, Kentucky h020l
Attention: Mr. W. E. Schissler
Dear Mr. Schissler:
Roz Lot 20l ~ Sale to

Elmer Ferguson and

Hazle Ferguson, his wife
The captioned property was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson for $5,500.00
prior to the date of your mortgage. The Pikeville National Bank is
holding a mortgage release From Island Creek Coal Company, who held
the mortgage at the time the transaction was set up, but of course
there is no release from you.
Will you please forward your release and disbursement letter to the
Pikevlllo National Bank & Trust Company, Pikeville, Kentucky, atten-
tion Mr. Robert Johnson, as soon as possible.
The enclosed Xerox copy of the deed is for your records.
Very truly yours,

\Vé/B I
Gordon Brown,
Encl. .
CC - Mr. Robett Johnson
Pikeville National Bank 8 Trust Company

 ' in»
530 Amerloan Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
July 23. 1969
Liberty National Bank 8 Trust Company
?ost Office Box lh99
Louisville, Kentucky #0201
Attention: Hr. W. E. SChissler
Dear Mr. Schlssler:
Re: Lot 201 - Sale to

Elmer Ferguson and _

Hazle Ferguson, his wife
The captioned property was sold to Mr. and Hrs. Ferguson for $5,503.30
prior to the date of your mortgage. The Pikovllle National fiank is
holding a mortgage release from Island Creek Coal Company, kmo held
the mortgage at the time the transaction was set up, but of course
there is no release from you.
Will you please forward your release and disbursement letter to the
Pikcvllle National Bank 5 Trust Company, Plkevllle, Kentucky, atten-
tion fir. Robert Johnson, as soon as possible.
The enclosed Xerox copy of the deed is for your records.
Very truly yours,
Gordon Brown,
CC - Hr. Rohect Johnson

Plkevllle National Bank 8 Trust Company

530 knarican Hes-1 tage Bldg. -
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
July 23, I969
Pikevitte National Bank 5 Trust Company
Pikeviile, Kentucky Q1501
Attention: Hr. Robert Johnson
Dear Mr. Jahnson:
Re: Lot 20! - Sale to
Eimr Ferguson and .
Hazte Ferguson, his wife
Enclosed is copy of our iettar of July 23rd to Liberty National
Bank, which is self-exgianatory.
will you glcasa disburse the proceeds of this sale upon receipt
of the required reiease from Hiberty Nations! Bank in the usual
manner, viz. 60% to Liberty national and the balance to ourznon-
operating account in your bank.
Very truiy yours,
Gordon Brown
SC ~ Liberty National Bank 5 Trust Company
Louisviile, Ky. Attention: Hr. Schissler

 530 fimerican Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202 .

August 7, 1969

Bolton & Linton


Poet Office Box 111

Pikeville, Kentucky 41501


Enclosed are photocopies of two deposit slips to our

Pikeville National Bank e Trust Company Non-Operating

Account. ‘

The slip dated July 26; 1969 records the sale of Lot 201 ,

to Elmer Ferguson for c5:500-00: with payment of $3,360.50

to Liberty National Bank, and deposit of $2,197.10 to our


Our cost on this property was $1,370.00.

The slip dated August 1, 1969 records the sale of Lot 91

to Delbert Davis for $5,500.00. A deposit of $100.00 was

previously paid by Mr. Davis on this transaction and was

deposited in our Pikcvillc National Non-Operating kccount.

This slip records the sale of this property to Mr. Envis

at $5,500.00 with payment of_$3,36fl.72 to Liberty National

Bank and deposit of $2,086.78 to our account.

Our cost on this property was $1,20&.00.

Please Spread this information on the Mountain Inveatment

records you are keeping in your office.

Very truly yours,

Gordon Brown



 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
July 23, l969
Liberty National Bank 5 Trust Company
Post Office Box lh99
Louisville, Kentucky h020l
Attention: Mr. W. E. Schissler
Dear Mr. Schissler:
Re: Lot 20l - Sale to

Elmer Ferguson and

Hazle Ferguson, his wife
The captioned property was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson for $5,500.00
prior to the date of your mortgage. The Pikeville National Bank is
holding a mortgage release from Island Creek Coal Company, who held
the mortgage at the time the transaction was set up, but of course
there is no release from you.
Will you please forward your release and disbursement letter to the
Pikeville National Bank 8 Trust Company, Pikeville, Kentucky, atten-
tion Mr. Robert Johnson, as soon as possible.
The enclosed Xerox copy of the deed is for your records.
Very truly yours.

; ca: ,,>
Bordon BrOWn,
CC - Mr. Robett Johnson
Pikeville NatiOnal Bank e Trust Company

 July 1, I969
Helton 8 Linton
Post Office Box lll
Pikeville, Ky. #1501
Deposits in our Pikeville National Bank Non-Operating Account since our letter of
Hay 27, 1969 to you are as follows:
May 30 - Julia Davis - Deposit on purchase of Lot 162 $100.00
June 13’- Julia Davis - Pro- rata share of taxes on Lots 162-165-
h38 166 116.97
June 13 - Julia Davis — Deoosit on purchase of Lot “438 for
Earl Moore 100.00
June 19 - Delbert Davis - Deposit on purchase of Lot 91 - - - - 100.00
June 19 - Paul M. Watson - deposit on purchase of Lot 87 - - — 100.00
, June 19 - Harold Morrison - denosit on purchase of Lot 88 - - 100.00
June 27 - Elmer Ferguson - deposit on purchase of Lot 201"’/””’ 50.03
H " Prc-payment of Pro-rate share of
1969 Taxes on Lot 201 h7.13
June 27 - Vernon F. Bailey (for Mary Bailey) - deposit on
purchase of Lot “52 100.00
June 21 - Felmon P. Blackmon - Purchase of Lot 312 3,395.86
June 27 - Julia Davis - Purchase of Lots 162-165-166 5,h63.38
Details of the closing figures on the last two items are shown on the deposit slips.
Our Costs on Lot 312 was - $ 978.00
Lot i65 - 783,00
Photocopies of all of the deposit slips listed above are enclosed.
Please note that we are collecting taxes for the unexpired portion of the year in some
instances. It is our understanding that since the properties in question were on the
tax rolls in our name at the beginning of the taxable year we will be required to pay the
taxes in full when they are due. We are therefore collecting at the time of sale for
taxes applicable for that portion of the taxable year from the date of purchase to the
end of the year and hfill plan to pay the whole taxes when due at the end of the taxable
year. Please advise us as to how this should be hand1ed on our books.
Very truly yours,
Gordon Brown V
Encl. ‘

 530 American Heritage Bldg. I
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
July 23, l969
Pikevllle National Bank 5 Trust Company
Pikeville, Kentucky hlSOl
Attention: Mr. Robert Johnson
Dear Mr. Johnson: -
Re: Lot 20l - Sale to
Elmer Ferguson and
Hazle Forguson, his wife
Enclosed is copy of our letter of July 23rd to Liberty National
Bank, which is self-explanatory.
Will you please disburse the proceeds of this sale upon receipt
of the required release from Biberty National Bank in the usual
manner, viz. 60% to Liberty National and the balance to our;non—
operating account in your bank.
Very truly yours,
' , IA)
Gordon Brown
CC - Liberty National Bank 8 Trust Company
Louisville, Ky. Attention: Mr. Schissler

 . THIS DEED 0F CONVEYANCE made and entered into as .
of I0 (AIQAAR l9 éii, by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc., a Kentucky Corporation, party of first part, and
party (ies) of second parto

WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum

I of ’ ya “ ,:;2 ” "" »4 ':- é 3» “ ” ’ ‘ ’ ” f 9’“ V“ L
Dollars cash in hand paid, and other valuable consideration, the receipt
and adequacy whereof is hereby acknowledged, party of first part does
hereby bargain, sell, grant, convey, transfer unto second parties, their .
heirs and assigns, the following described property to—wit:
.I. " I I. ‘13:”: _ I I, :' I, r;~m
‘Vi'iirt, lfi1m* ‘ -, 3'3? Is: I r r ‘I “

This conveyance is subject to the exceptions and reserva-
tions contained in those two instruments of conveyance from Island Creek
Coal Company to party of the first part, referred to herein for source of
title and which are dated November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed Book l9l
at page 501 and at page 50k, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
party of the first part to Harold Telephone Company and Tel-Com, Inc.,
dated June 15, l967 and recorded in Deed Book 193 at pages 27l, 273, and
275, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's office, and ALSO deed of
conveyance from first party to Kentucky Power Company dated December 29,
1967, and of record in Deed Book l95 at page 425, records of the Floyd
County Court Clerk‘s Office.

 First Party hereby further reserves a right of way
and easement with right of egress and ingress and entry on and over
said premises for the purposes of maintenance, operation, repair, re-
placement, relocation and removal, in whole or in part, of any and all
of the water, gas, electric, telephone and CATV lines and cables, sewer
mains, connections and Service lines as now located on said premises in
its operation of said facilities, which right of way and easement shall
endure as long as said systems or any part thereof are operated by
first party, its successors or assigns.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the parties of second part,
their heirs and assigns forever, with covenant of General Warranty of
Title, subject to the exceptions and reservations contained herein°

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF first party has caused this
instrument to be executed by its President and duly attested by its
Secretary as of the day and year first herein written. I

By ‘ \


I: .9 a
Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, do
hereby certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance from Mountain
Investment, Inc. to irr “T “? H 'v . v”l_fli . ' v“”

was produced to me in said County and State by r: i I
as President of Mountain Investment, Inca, a corporation, party of
first part, and was acknowledged by him as its President thereunto
duly authorized to be his act and deed for the purposes therein
a , 1“ 1.

stated and same was duly attested by I as
Secretary of said corporation who duly affixed to said instrument the
corporate seal thereto as its Secretary.

Given under my hand and official seal of office this
the _____ day of _____________________l9___o

My Commission expires on the 7 day of 4
l9 .

Notary Public - Duval County
I hereby certify that the
foregoing Deed of Conveyance
was prepared by:
' Attorney

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'HQ' WHEFEL‘ 'Umre oar :rfe #4 'w e 'x Ecye LT' NR :9} H
‘mcared In I'< whee A Igh' 5r: diII ‘31, i 7y” Lyinty, Kéhial y, é, m;J"U
map 0’ plat in F1 e 3h8i I Tyj C”Or'y {14 I {>6 k - 01*Icev ans ’Tp'u ffl9f'5
'nE‘eoo except a- he'e=nd*re‘ ~:' ALI, *u 're ~um “’ S giéogfgguw.m_n' JOC.
In ado'ticn “Boye' *a“ pr 'H9 *u“ “I $38.00 ts‘ug 6‘ '* O“? 5‘0 00 "
’;‘ ;y pier '* be uppi'efi Cy ONOE' c I’ An CV x~ 'r CE pa'fi a- '“"M»v;

ESQ—..’)Qmmwnv Tl‘ “(I payrllfifi’. III? ‘FP'C'Ipr (‘T 4.x», l" -. I h: -Er)y ,O‘I<
VITN'IE’FIQE‘d‘ (:W'I’T‘ Th6 t‘i ér‘ifrf ."' 5‘52518.OO_ . ",»i’xvih 17w Ivr'vdfl g "~‘I'wq v_ T

. and 'he \J"Ey p‘a' ‘ *' “:‘e T VI; ‘rg, dml ij" ce ”‘x I' *GN‘ w'

("H'I’f‘yifu'r Ti? E'J'y'? i ~‘Al" '» "671' '.‘r U? N: ;I ‘A’H' éi"‘v' ‘ it ' " . -I' 7" i i '
”‘6’ E-*-'r"‘p""‘1i .~'T"1 *‘w' d"~u.‘~“ * ’cI'r’“ “3 ’h’ 6' HM: ' ,zrnrh‘r r‘ H F *w
3679 f‘vm ixvan" ; xix Lfla- [~mpapy '" W-“e , 'v*e ‘2" '* hr e c ’I “_ IE
‘1; TIME ér'l whl '"~ 5": ""3'47» N" ”Yin“ O 9.54;, art] "Pi .:IE‘!‘ 'v' i535, Est-p <5.
5y page 30h, 3nd .530 ‘I’H 4; : ’3 " "an‘j‘ r If;.-.'&:“ by I? ‘I Hi -, " ‘
"riephjfle (wmpao, an? I? .Wm. i~I. dated :Oce ‘97 ‘957 :“d 0. 7%? P I~EJ
Ewuk =93 a? pegpv $7.. 25%, avo I]? ctn'd ;f rhe F‘wyt IIJW'I CMJ’I L P k -
fltFice, and Erik deco Ir up e/Er E * ‘m Gun; ‘ in Ken'c by Pu.E vap: /
Oa'ed Decembe’ 29, I967. and of “GFU'd In 3060 800k '95 a' page “25. ’Cé‘"3‘
'.T the I7I-',>/{I Cygfiy ':,(IIJ-“' 'lk”l" ' (Ill Wit.

1* 1- 9,":1'eeci I‘Né’ 'ifl‘rf l~~ of the e 9:110 f ‘ni-- aq 43mm r" an“
'“6* ‘hi; "an 94* ”P ~heiI De I ~ed. :11 mun“y OE« hp 9 "fiF' -h1I: RI oa~*
5“; '0r,,fig_>"‘ add (hr) r'pe‘d Inc: 5 v, D‘!‘ 'rIKI‘i I'm, ‘hg‘i [+1 I-ir _ 97“” '2 BLW‘U ‘AI
be an E a he’c‘c p'w Ids“ ~" I nE*I v 'fi? 'Iw Tug da‘o 'h' ‘HH J'»” P yfiffi'
he’el" D’0I=fie* IMETF me E‘: *.' by ”wu" 9' "qi‘”1 -" ifiqufl‘ FV'“~"I?'v
and ‘ni» ao'eemew' ‘ tWm O U
(Vnrm 49 ‘7 Page l

 Estimated taxes for the year of 1969 shall be pro-rated to the date
of closing, based upon the 1968 tax rates for the City of Nheelwright ($.75
per hundred) State and County ($72.2 per hundred of full purchase price).

The cToging shall be at __EEASZZllflii.§§£é£flyil_éfiflfl£L____

At the Time 0* closing all hents and ut§11twes due by ”BuyeW
to ”Ownerll sha11 be fui1y paid“ A]? rents on sawd property shall be adjust-
ed pro~rata to the date of CIOSTng.

Posseessuon wiTXI be gwen "Buyer" onl‘fifl lO2 1969___..___.___"

Any further not1ce necessary under this agreement may be sent
by mail to the last known address of Lhe party to be notified»

The words ”Buyer” and ”Owner” herein emp1oyed sha17 be con-
strued to include the piural a$ wel1 as the singular. and thie contracL shaII
be binding upon theTr heira. adm1n1$tratoes, executore. successors and ae»
STgns, and The maSCU1ine shail 1nC1ude the Feminine and neuteh, where The
context so ameLs or requires“

IN WITNEéé WHEREOFV ”Owner” he; caused Thii Instrument to be
execured by it? duiy authorized officerfi and “Boyer“ ha3 du‘v executed same

‘ as 0F the day and yeah Tirsr abOHe Nf1ltenp
”(Q-VT?” “7 44:1?“
v/y Buyer
7 y/
' . I, / "Buye‘" "
(Form 69m‘7 Dage Z}

PHONE 606-457-2761
WHEELWRIGHT. KENTUCKY 41669 ‘ - I, . . v . , .
>30 aner:can Heritage fluxlcing
Jacksonville, Florida 32232
Mari l l0, le'u)
Mr. John Allen
Attorney at Law
Post Office Box hhl
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 4l653
Dear John:
‘ Enclosed is deed prepared covering L0: #0, 23}
l’I I Wheelwright, to Elmer Ferguson and Hazle Feruusonz his ydfo
”I purchasers, also copy of the plat covering the same property and
4‘] the original of the disbursement letter to ”l~2epf '3‘ heevwlrer »er aw. ’ro 're ~UW O“ SW?IS_O_OO_??_ W“.
M2 AQOVtTOC “BUSQ- ~"cl‘ pay 'h’ ~Lm'r~f $38 00 . CK‘Wg «"Fi- :17 5‘3 WU
V 5? p10! 7‘ be “Pp ‘93 by UNWF“' c!‘ OF wh‘ik :. 19 ER 9610 O “’ W»"
3.“-792£¥1_W,_W_ gfi-un pdynwgmr, the 'e:e:1pf r?* »»5v’,h r > ’V ’9? . k
Law? We -.« Ev T—"Vi’ "we a“ PM, («‘."vi a 3+, - - :r
fwr'u»%f~« 'H Eu:" T"“ '* snéfi’ u‘ uffir ,« we ‘jF'v '? '*':<. IL»:“
“I_./3 A CAN-43:» 5'15 7.4: d'}“,1‘ 'éi 'J‘ 'rT ‘l’T/‘mfi’ T'\,r(_, MT ‘ ,1‘rr3r"~‘ T ‘ ~ I ,
".1" 1’4”?" ' var"? :. {,‘Ll\’ is)“. {:.gyvpamy ‘— 'yflq‘Wx _ ,€‘,T’6,. ..,,T:: v.“ hk (,.le , ,
u r: < are >,;:’”IT’_*‘. 5a:- agar: Mr r* 9‘ »L‘O’i, a) T'dov‘ -' Hwy; F.- r
pail? élflv'w‘. AMI ISLE "TO-v: (iv '.3: = NEGI :.v'»:‘.'-:«'€‘-’T 'iw [~1va “it , ‘
:w'sphqne mepafim and 7e (um , 2" fia.ed ‘x’t 1?: '9I7 53W ICL‘ TW1 “ ‘
BMW. l‘flf til ['44 >7 afld g'M'C‘ “L?“ l"(l T The :"Inrm‘ [T IJTTE ",,U j:
",THmm, 3rd ,‘2‘ if; ("lr‘G’j g? ‘_zT'x {Ff/army T WT '11::th ‘ 724 Kgfl’wlg: 0:: *3 CIT"L~ '
fldfgfi DELembE' 29, I96}. and ml IQLO'J 11 0060 Bwnk :95 at page “25. r< ‘ V
of" 'he Cum/C} {I_nr‘ty lbw" CHE-"K _ (HUMP:
l' ‘ a; (01 thfl‘ 'TWC |\ 0? Int 5a~5fi{( ~r :h:_ a” p,u,- » ,
'Ha‘ MT: 3’5“ 4LV“H »halv HF In 9”. a" mqwev dur “P F'“3Iv "hell ”' V “
:9 "Uw“F" afid Yfia dead M9":‘“ 9’0 ‘flflfl {0‘ The’? :W We‘»-C'"~ 'x bu,
T‘d‘P‘v’? ~ 6% It": ‘” p' F NIL” w“ T O‘ig‘f: v ”MI I , T‘Wi item) ':a; Ink ‘ [3, r» '
ll‘EIHIP I“ INT”: »‘LME‘;‘ " 'é‘", ‘ l": '7 {'3 j 'lt_,:,‘