xt7qnk361p0s_93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Fountain text Fountain 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_96/Folder_3/5824.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_93 xt7qnk361p0s .- .. \ KlNCAlD SCALE 8:: FIXTURE COMPANY ‘
912-914 SIXTH AVE. P. 0. BOX 1446
PHONE 22356
HUNWNGTON.W.VA. Jan.50fiL1945
Mr.L.S.Becker Supt.Bldgs And Grounds
Inland Steel Co.
Dear Mr Becker:—
Refering to yours of Jan.l4th. wish to advise that all
the information we have states that the motor heads no mil or greasing
however in looking this over I think that it dose,If the motor you sent \
to us had not been disembeled they write that it would have been replaoeé‘ \\
Mr.Alverson will bill you for the Motor along with his hill. 3
I have been Wuting to fine out if Shaffer were going to
_ replace the motor before answering y ur letter,
Yours very truly.
Kincaid SC le & Fixture Co.
E F.K;ncaid. Owner.
4%, " ' w
I 1 6,. “J > : .. , :‘L ,‘ g _

 . - _ . _
Incorporated >
WHEELWRIGHT, KY. - , g :i .
Emergency Order Form , ' . , ‘
Dateh_____._____._194_~i_ . _ _
Mr._'__~_____fi5upt - ‘ r
Please order the following form“_m___Department _
Quantity I DE 5 CRIPTI 0N To Be Used For “096-341;;
l L
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NOTE—Make out in triplicate. Supply clerk to MW ”:";:‘?{i’;~;:‘§f
return one copy showing requisition number. > , - , V ~ Storekeejmi‘eA
‘ CUMBERLAND PUB. co., PIKEVILLE, KV.. 5M I241 232M ’ ’ ‘ ' - ‘ ‘ . ‘ _, ' - - (I . . v37.

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 ALBANY A *7/28 1161“,? (Q J”, 3 1,4,; 7. », C Q ,‘ ’5‘ MEMPHIS
QIE‘T‘TSSRE A’”’ a :b . C7 ’r v 12" “r 2:333:53
BOSTON ,wfil “ a“ L " 'V ’17 \c‘: ‘ar l. (.nlc “I; 05-," (.r‘ ,1.“ NEW ORLEANS
BUFFALO «‘ Q’:\‘ - “-———|:;;; :7':;-,/ z_ ‘1; f7 _ 7', "ll," '7 'V L V' ' ' ‘ A" NEW YORK
C‘NCINNATI , \. i,_, [‘71, ,,, ,,,, ~ ,_ , - , “*v‘ NORFOLK
333%?“ 636 BURNS STREET 22.323:
February 2, 1945
Inland Steel Co. Inc.
Nneelwrirht, nentuchy
Attention Leland 5. Locker, dupt.
guiloinws A Grounds
In reply to your letter of January 29th concerninr our
telephone conversation witn reference to the controls on
your combressor.
i an zireiu tout i so not 100p errse with our mecnenic who
oisconnected tee mien pressure control alreaov on your
comgressor. Unless it wee due to the fact that the nigh
pressure control was designed for sulphur dioxide onlv
wnereas your machine now has Ereon replacing the sulohur.
48 l explained to you on the phone tne nich oressure cut—out
on any compressor merely is an auxiliary safetv device. Je
use tnis device on all water cooled compressors for tne
purpose of yrotecting the machine provided tne Water sueplv
to the compressor was cut off. On an air cooled urchine we ‘
nave rlvsgs felt that the nigh pressure control was not nec—
esserfi ésoecielly if the electric motor itself hrs an overload
_ fl 1 . L . m .v A . I.
relay DUllu in. l must avreo Witn your reiriferation Man that
L was” . v, «mm; 1 4— - I J“ M ' '
but u~¢x Llfibouie cut—out woufl be a vslueole QT‘CtHTlOH can Wlll
t;row out toe mecnlne in toe case the mecnine is overloaded from
any reason whatsoever. We have a few of these hire oressure
cut-outs in stock here at Cincinnati which sell for $8.50. if
you woulo like us to send you one, ye woulu he more than 713d to
so so.
Very truly yours,
T3; Ll.flln OnfibUNlt CGHrOhlVlUH
fiervice Department
c;:jes '
/ \r‘
«4 3»
\ - fl

v I
L ‘.j’. V,

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‘ ‘ . .- u .. » * - ’ 5 .' -' -' .:- ~ : . ~:;~:.:x :f;':‘-':¥5i
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- ’ ’ - -' ' . ' » - ‘ . -' ' f_‘f.i “;;i‘w4
. .- - ~ * ~ -- 5%:
5mm 19» 1943 ' ' . x 34
' , :v- ' v~-,;‘;,w., my‘:‘.'.¢",“"»‘<‘=1?z.‘.3,k
, ' ' ' ‘ 1 " *Wfiéa
' v ' ~ , u w
' , ' . gym?
Linuic‘. Carbonic Cameraman _. i9"~’.:,""~::=..$
Cineiz‘mati, Ohio . " » l r ~39; v
V ‘ ’x~‘;,3:':v“7h‘§;g
, , ’ “ 4‘
' atfiefitions Efin ?Zr§2?‘.§’i£‘=;jlil ,f :7 “W
‘ X You 175.11 recall the writers; conversatian by telephane - _ ' 7 *3:
with you relatixre to the operatisn of the freezing cabinet > _‘;_-i"<‘f§-‘;,M
' . ~ 9 - -, > -‘ Agni 31.4.: 172‘Q‘L;'5%‘Vi3::=
. - in our i‘mmtam, 021:; fez: which yen sex-1t us a replacement ~ , M»
' themwsta‘tie central. . _ ‘ , J“
. I";- Lmfl was; mecessam' my: :28 t0 6:211 in 2 refrigeratian . -. ;‘ jug"
' * _ ' service mm m 6291:3315 some of our other equipment and a?) the , " ”W“:
: ' same ‘23:}.th had 1:21:22 check over the fountain installation. In _. V 7 1 . ”g
the course of his checimp, it was mated “mat the head pressure ' . _ “,;;
. _ - _ controls on the comprassars had been discammcted by your ' . . '. -fig:
' service Iran when he was here to mite the instaila‘hion during ‘ , ‘ {1:
~_ ‘ _ the last resrzmleling of mm fowa‘huin. This: man suggesteé that" . ”rig
’ we have installad on these cozpressors a high pressure cutm, . _ »f‘
. his reason being that sshould .:bhe; thermostatic contra]. fail ta- , ' ’ . “#3:;
, _ . operate and 81101116 the float valve centralling the gas flaw ' " '- f f 3;:
- - beemze coated with 109:, there $01215. be: no pmvision for dutting - V ~33
‘ ‘ > . ,, \- ;W.'x::‘jg:z;,~s5:~fia
off the actor. As a consequence, he states the entire system -' _ .. “”3334;
might baacome frozen incluéing the conpressar and which can:- .v ‘ - mg;
V difiion wouléi overload thy motor to the paint where it might be . , j ”3%; -
.~ ' burned out. ‘ - - r453
* > - —A ‘ 3‘ , 5:311:-;;;;-.'gkli‘xt‘aizgzagfirgt;
V ’ .— r- Jq:=":’}f “f‘ifffg‘fi'afufi‘f
. Fae wish 5 ;u would. advise whether or not yam agree and , . ‘54
. whether a high pressure cutout should be installed on» ‘hhese w fix“
093’“P1“‘33301‘“3- - “ . x?”
x . . , .' 7a». ; «5.11%:
Very truly yams, - ' ' f . '.'{I *mfiifi“
. . Mr; ._ v ;3 “way
(.. ' . . ~ “3f
duperintendm‘b, _ ' ~. ~&§
Buildings 5‘: Groumis » - - -- “ r; Umggs
“SBQCMIMI - ‘ » ‘. x '* ‘;1:.:;L::-€
F119 ' ' . ' ; . > : .’~ 32%
' ‘ ' > , - ,2 . -- “ a
‘ - a ; . a ._ s . 'j ‘2; :1
I I I ' » . , ':' .15-i 1 V‘ v. :3» Q2, ‘. 1 ‘ 5- 35i: - “Hz“‘fifig
' . - - ' » _ v ,‘ , ' .» k “«ww.
, ' ‘ » .7 . W - . ,.u —1:L.- Hawwfiv ‘
' ' ' - ' ’ - ' ' -' - : §i~ ;;;-,;zsx:\v*-w~ms.:‘~«“vf§“u“‘“?4&é&‘

‘ January 12
1 9 A 3
To: H. M. Wilkinson
Mr. Stallsrd reported to us on Saturday, January 2, th: the Fountain
Ice Cream Compartment Compressor was not 0p:l‘ . aoelly. He
also stated that it had been necessary fo ~veral mon “ to start
and stop the compressor by manual swit . heugh a the . ~tatio
_ control had been installed when the 'o. tain ¢.u last remo .-d.
We suspected the trouble to be in .h- thermo-c trol and req ested
Liquid Carbonic to send replaoem i~, which w; Jone, and upon
receipt of same was installed. .
When Mr. A. W. Albertsor serv1 - man‘ 0 'Hr. Kencaid, came to
Wheelwright Specifics r o chec: vour . en food unit, we had
him examine and test olt the Fountai~ coo i 5 system. The results
of his test are as f lows:
Due to the fa . that the gas fine was frost-covered from
the * + in o; ough the f.oo to the compressor and ‘
[ é; 0 he cum. esso - -:d, Mr. Albertson tested for
' rflf ; gigsh- entity of gas en (.-' he float valve controlling flow
”5;? 1f §*“%u“ of gas, both which could seriously affect the Operation.
ftgffiiwwflu 1, We found that ith the new thermostat installed and with the
is§€9*“:.oéieuid’ addition of a mall quantity of rns the ice cream compartment
“'.ggéfgfigfifiw”’ ompressor o e ated as it should, and there only remains the
Qwége?”' i q stion o" moerature adjustment which we ask that you
‘; 2w \ ‘0 WE; /y hillips or myself to makethuC/
fjfgn the Fountain compressors originally water cooled, are
if stop and start heed pressure controls which Were disconnected
~.w> it by Liquid Carbonic, they advising that these controls are
+HKVE f l unnecessary for air cooled machines. Mr. Albertson is of
; 1”“,j g the Opinion that there should be a high pressure cut-off
\{ m* 9‘ \f for the reason that if the thermo-control fails to operate
' ;“ ,' 3} or if the float valve needle becomescoated with ice, 3 .
‘V: n; E'lf‘ Vega pressure may be built up sufficiently to freeze the compressor
Vf’ifi; a A: i and burn out the motor. These high pressure cut-outs are
‘ké 53 3 3 / obtainable from Kencaid at a cost of approximately $10.00
" h oi each.
R "5 E a" I";
.,,kl.‘“o< “”'
. t\- V

 #’ U"-
Mr. H. M. Wilkinson
January 12, 1943
Page Two
— It is recommended that the ice cream cabinets be defrosted
when it is apparently necessary. This has never been done,
I understand.
It was reported to Phillips iiionday, Jnnuary A, 0 noise in
the motor 0? this unit. On examination we foun_ o evidence
of the cooling fan motor ever having 2‘? lthcugh
the man installing the unit told N . illips t ; .he
lubrication was sealed and inte is, , st for a L ind ‘
of years, I immediately telefi;o ed fir. K nceid's me .e
and Mr. Albertscn shipped i; ' once a e,lncement fan and
motor which was installed. ;fter appranimately twentwaour
hours' running time there we, .0 ev‘ 9 cc of coolinr, and
' consequently Mr. Kencaid, whet a" ;d of this condition,
had hr. Albertson ,ore +o Thesl' i'ht. Mr. Albertscn found
' that a large qu’.- ty of gee ad e.ked out, and after
stepping leaks t d replenishF-g gs. 6 unit is now operating
,' satisfactoril . I was told b. Harry ields that this unit
had not been . rating proner}v for several weeks.
N . c on br w 1". 1m the l Hp. motor which he and
llips installed ‘. cc of the 3/4 Hp motor; the latter
nstalled in cc of the 1/2 Hp. and this 1/2 Hp. motor
was taken to F tington. This is, I believe, the arrangement
. ou had with fir Kencaid.

. Q\ these f r/éompressors has been installed a water circulation
press; ’control. Mr. Albertson examined one of these valves
and fdfifia itmtombewclogged to aporoximately one—half its
normal diéfieter by a deposit from the water. He recommends
,thet these valves and the cooling coils be thoroughly cleaned
not later\than March 15. The deposit in the valves and coils

@ vradually reduces and may etc the circulation of cooling '
“a“ water, which in turn materia 1y reduces the efficiency of the
Jeyifiefifi unit and may cause serious t 0 bis.
;’ /' "“fiV fiw‘. ‘
:fex’ A’pgwm
,3“? ’~ " 7;.
(,i¥£o ,q
fill‘gi‘irr.a f ./ ’44,
I ““MM Supt. , d . & Grounds
cc: ERPrice

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 \ 1W‘H-m‘flv‘ 4:141 ’.‘mrul‘, q9_-.;_«> '4 to a ”W F u '1 -, ,"p;:?-;'fi,':;/v'-‘::“‘;.'c‘.2'_
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L . To: fig k1. 's‘a‘ilkinson ' ' _ , ,, ~31»
:' - From: L. 53. Backer SImJECT: ammomwmw EQUIPMENT _ :i if:
- . ?ér. Siallard reported to us on Saturday, January 2 , thot'the Fountainawi1~
; 5 ‘ Ice Cream Compartment Compressor was'not operating properly; Ho, ” "9*”«wl
' also stated ”that it had been nacossary for several months to start- "“*
I and stop the compressor by manual switch, although a thermostatie'f 13:”
3 ' - control had been installed when the Fountain woo last remodelod‘.m\_ "Lani:
‘ -;_f_. 7. . ”fie suspected the trouble to be in the thereto—control and rogue-stood. 3*”
, “1751f ' Liquidlcarbonio to send replacement; which was done, and upon ’ ‘ jg“
- receipt of same was installed. . ' f -- I‘j‘fi";_:._v
if: ' < I ' fihon Mr. A. W. Albertoon, service man for Er. Konoaid, came to. i , ',o:
' Wheelwright, specifically to‘check your frozen food unit, we had ~ ~ M
‘- ' him examine and test out the Fountain cooling system. The $361th ~:;_ 3'3»
‘ of his test, are as follows: . ‘ «wax:
l ‘ ' Due to the fact that the gas line was frost—covered from 5 ',2. 5”
v ‘ " the Fountain through the floor to the compressor and.- ' . " 1““,
' , including the compressor head, Mr. Alber’tson tested for _ f; 2.31 “1
’ ' quantity of gas and also the float valve controlling flow , f”
> of gas, both of which could seriously affect the 'oparafiion.,ffg: 1;?
— We found that with the new thermostat. installed and with“ themfigif‘ '
addif ion of? a small Quantity of‘ gas the ice cream. compartmoot‘g
, compressor operated as it should, and there only roaming $1945 ’.. ,_ ,lfiga
' - > quostion of temperature adjustment whi oh we as}: that you, “ ‘Vllé‘iéw
PM?"it ”1"- Phillips 01" myself to make. ’ v ‘ '. ‘ 5““‘KW
On the Fountain compressors originally water cooled, are. , - ’T'V:’“f:;
stop and start head pressure controls which-wore.d1soonoootéfiz1-glg_f.ig ”:33
by Liquid Carbonic, they advising that these controls are? ‘ ~l‘fijfié '
o . unnecessary for air cooled machines. Mr. Albertson‘ to of “fro“:
the opinion that there should be a high pressure outéoff' , «lug?
for the reason that. if. the theme-control falls to Operate “firm”
or if the float valve needle becomw coated with -ioé,~a ' ' " j“; 1?" £3”,
pressure may be built up sufficiently to Kresge «the ‘oompraioog' K‘"
_ - audiburn out the motor. Those high .preaouro' exit-rouga‘faggii: :«Lg
obtainable from fienoaid at. a coat of approximately: $29;90;;f"v-%§;
“ ‘ each. ' - ' ' 5 :‘ ‘:-~ax
v ' - ' - > ‘ '- .- relrl’ ~
,. A . ‘ V * ' , ' . ‘ ; » 2' v : -. as: T-'-‘<"~.vLilacsymflgp»rmé*4"”; l:ll«:~zm.4om

 , .
= -I. :~. »~:L‘=-+~~s IL,rx~w»2b¢'»~ wwww w EFF“WWUJ??fi%E$%Wflfi%¥fiwfififlfifigwfifififigfififlfifigé;
’ - ' ' ' . » ,. . .’ _ .» ’ -'. ' . . '. .,’. = " ‘ . .‘ i ‘ - s? L... "' . 5"L":' ,'3-' i ;'-' *‘TT I;IIE:*;=TI1_Lfi”g;fi?a
3‘. the man installing the unit told Mr. Phillips that the ' .I‘jL*ig*”fififi
. L.', ’ I lubrication was 593136 onfl intended to lost For a period ‘ '3;I\a=:;§§
fl. of years, I immediately telephonod'or. Koncaid'o office -, >7;-i*?ng§;§
,T;_g> — and Er. Albertoon shipped as at once o'roplaooment fan and , f. Ting;{.¢fi§§§
_'f; motor which was installed. After apyroximatoly toenty~fbur . ;*5W3{ffig§§
iLI, . . hours“ running time there was no evidence of cooling, and " ' _ ;3‘:f§£§I
,5 ' consequently Er. Kenooid, when advisoo of this condition, 7' '.'; f”gjgifj3
jjj. had Hr. Albartson come to Whoolwrightu or. Albertson founfi ,~ .. ‘715f§§;§
' It! - ; that a large quantity of gas had looked out, ono after ‘,1 >L'AA“7Qfflfi
;L, stopping leaks and replenishing gas the unit is now operating, 1 ‘ W -'fiiififi
.4L= .* satisfactorilye I was told by Harry Fields that this unit ’, ’: ’fgr{flg%
'1.- . had not boon Operating properly for several weeks. . .;;:»L>,qgfg3§
. _ - Comwsson mm o? STORE: ' . ,3 "
, ,’ Er. Albertoon brought with him the 1 Hp. motor which To and ; _:- 11.}fiffi€§;
. , - Phillips installed in place of the 3/4 Hp motor; the latter ' 3 ,,ijflfigfi
_ ] installed in place of the 1/2 Hp. and this 1/2 Hp. motor . 7, ,L *Q; go;
' woo token to Huntington. Thin 15, I believe, the orrangomont‘» g ._ L :gfififi
'you had with Er. Kenoaid. , ' , -7 .L;f,ag§§§§
- On these Your compressors has been installed a water circulation IQWIngififig
' ' Pressure control. Mr. Albertson examined one of these valves " ' '>~Tf$§§%§
and found it to be clogged to approximately one—half its- - f,73g3§fi%
normal diameter by a do sit from the wator. Ho rooommonda L.A j;”1}*§gfigfi
that those valves and fig: cooling coils be thoroughiy cleanody‘ .111gw’gffifiyfi
. ' not later than March 15. The deposit in the valves and coils : - :“igf§53§§
rrodually reduces and may stop tho circulation of cooling , ' ‘. ;_g;g§g§%
' water, which in turn motorially reduces the efficiency of thoi , ‘ ”7;j§€fi§§1
. ,. unit and may cause serious trouble; _ ’ ' , ,‘LLgfigfigggggz
' / , _ - Supt. Ridge. & Grounds _ _' .»i* ;_: I; Q; fflififig
’- LSBeokor—g , ' " - . I 'n»"fvm LIA:¥£§Ififfifififi§§%%§%
.- . - > no: ERPrico , ., .:‘.,'a,.f Hi»*“j ".:fiijj agtfjfg,jfiiggfffififififfififiéfififififififig
, , '. . , ' ’ .. . ' . ' “ . ,L,,I,' ‘7':‘: .I : ‘:I=1=..L.if'¥?* ;¥:’ ‘1;;},IIT‘£ ;é i=iii IQ‘EIL i Ifgit} :I? iiifsfiééiéfiIEAIIZIiLIZEITiiéiiifiiiéa‘

 I - . /'/ © /" 77 - g .0 , \A..\_ rm,
WEI-{E_finnfifins 5%“ y/I’v/U/H/I/Z’ WWW/ea MW ;
a "".‘ :'r '1 a_.,_,"'_‘__"”:'—""' ._“ ._.aAa—v“ "._L... .'.'l
ST. LOUIS, MO. Chicago . .
O W W '
Subject“ Instruction Sheet for Refrigeration
’ . DATE: 2/28/41
Tem erature Control T e 1620
p ’ yp PAGE: 1 (2 pp.)
W _
GENERAL indicator points to temperature at which 7
_ , it is desired to stop the compressor
The sw1tch unit may be mounted in any loca— thus completing the cooling cycle.
tion provided the temperature and humidity ‘ - .
. 3. With a small screw driver, turn the dif—
in which it is located does not cause a con— ferential ad‘ustin screw ntil the g -
densation on the switch parts. The bulb o abl i (113 t' g i t tu th te ra
should be so located as to be in the average I; V E: :1 gaigripodn : 3 t est‘aggeth—
temperature of the controlled area where ure a w C 5 es re 0 e\
there is good circulation. compressor. 7L
The 20 feet of capillary tubing should be 4' Replace the control cover. ‘ §
led over a path that protects it from in— ’ ‘*
jury from blows, cuts, etc. It should be CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENT ' .
:EEEChiist: 501$: Sigrcflacgtait‘; fregfifiiegoims This control has been accurately calibrated '
ha gloose (mix gs 21V n a 1:13: Ahould Se at the factory. If, however, due to the
1,11% d p d. c C dsate C p o y se t r adaptiOn of the control to the application, -
:0 ted in :33 ureb t nge C nveni n tp 0‘ or for any other reasons the control is very
so 8 ,OC? on, u uh er no.c mums ances far off calibration, it may be recalibrated 1,, .
should it be cut, as the opening of this as follOWS' ~ ff;
liquid system at any point will entirely ' V "
destroy its control. The capillary should 1. Measure the temperature of an average .\
be handled with reasonable care to prevent DOSitIOIl in the controlled medium when, " ’
twisting, breaking of the seals,‘ smashing, the compressor just stop8. _p
and Kinking caused by sharp bends. 2. Carefully loosen the two dial screws (See
. . Cut). Be careful not to turn the brass >
TO SET THE CONTROL nut below the dial during this or any