xt7qnk361p0s_933 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 205-237 text Houses 205-237 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_312/Folder_11/ww_312_11_1532.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_933 xt7qnk361p0s REHABILITATION 0:; HOUSE: / =
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(Form 59-13)

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EM PLCVEE: ° W m _,_ k :1 - ..,”..WNW M
(Form 69%???) (J,


//;— 7‘ v ’9


_TI_ME m
/’ Date / T X ‘ /’..

X ' ‘ .. ' HOUSE NO. /' ‘7‘
_.__—“___ ___.
(Form 69-18) x .

/fl”'¥;..-‘ ' “ 1‘ /. _,xri’i A
Date '~« 7 V ~- Q
-* , I. , .1. HOUSE NO. T- ‘
(Form 69—18) /,, J ’4 «a;

7. ’V [CL /; ’ [/1- /’. , r-rr'i /\ ;..
/ , o , , 7 , _
‘ g
Date . 7' /.:7. ’ :iiv' /
, ‘ HOUSE NO. ... _, SJ
(Form 69-18)

,/1 I
J 5' /£/ :11 _4/7. " .___—_.__._.—
A kia'quA WK, .‘:, / W; I / 7;.)
/ //
.T" , / ,
Date If) — /Z I 2 5:
({ {/¢¢ f _Igctf ; ,foT HOUSE NO. -42 /75
(Form 69-18)

" (MICO)
WHEELWRIGHT. KENTUCKV 41869 PHONE 606-“2"”: Suite 127

3733 University Blvd W
Jacksonville, Fl 39217

January 17, 1977 _

Mr. Spurlock

First National Bank '

Prestonsburg, Ky 41653

Dear Mr. Spurlock: '

Re: Sale of Lot 215 to Duane Oden and Kalawese Oden, His Wife,

It will be appreciated if you will handle the closing on subject

property at the earliest possible date. After this is done,

please remit Check for net funds to our Wheelwright office.

Thank you for your assistance.




WHEELWRIGHT. KENTUCKY uuo PHONE 60615242” Suite 127
3733 University Blvd.W
Jacksonville, Fl 32217

January 17, 1977
Fred G. Francis, Esquire -
Professional Building
130 Court Street
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653
Re: Sale of Lot 215 to Duane Oden and Kalawese Oden, His Wife, .

after down payment of $1,000, balance due is $1831.50

(which includes $195 closing costs). Closing shall be at

the First National Bank, Prestonsburg.
Dear Mr. Francis: '
Enclosed please find executed deeds to the above captioned property,
which should be delivered to the First National Bank of Prestons—
burg where closing will be held.
Very truly yours,

 « ' .. I PLHLLLLZLL '

THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 7,1 .
day of f'johwf , 19 V , by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc., herein called ”Owner" and an; CW“ r,»

_**. 3‘7””7“ “4’“~ 37” ”5"' _w~”_herein called ”Buyer.”
w I T N E S S E T H:
THAT WHEREAS ”Owner” has offered to sell to ”Buyer” Lot No,
“5 located in its Wheelwright Sub—divisionJ Floyd County,
Kentucky, as shown on map or plat in File 348, Floyd County Court
Clerk's Office, and improvements thereon except as hereinafter set
out, for the sum of $ .' (T.CL , and, in addition ”Buyer" shall
. pay the sun of $165.00 closing costs and $30.00 for survey plat to
be supplied by ”Owner”, all of which is to be paid as follows:

$ (iflf’ down payment, the receipt of which is here—
by acknowledged, and the balance of $ .' J<‘ ,(uhicb includes
closing costs and the survey plat cost) on date of closing, and
upon delivery of deed of conveyance to ”Buyer” with covenant of
General Warranty of Title, subject to the exceptions and reser—
vations contained in those two instruments of conveyance from

~ Island Creek Coal Company to ”0wner”, referred to herein for source

of title and which are dated November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed

, Book 191 at page 50“, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
”Owner” to Harold Telephone Company and Tel~Com., Inc. dated
June 15, 1967 and recorded in teed Book 193 at pages 271, 273, and
275, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's Office, and ALSO
deed of conveyance fram ”Owner” to Kentucky Power Coxpany dated
December 29, 1967, and of record in Deed Book 195 at page #25,
records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's Office.

It is agreed that time is of the essence of this agreement
and that this transaction shall be closed, all money due hereunder
shall be paid to ”Owner” and the deed herein provided for shall be
delivered to ”Buyer” on or before*_:;;;f"‘ l, V‘” . In event
"Buyer” does no pay the balance as herein provided on or before
the closing date then the down payment herein provided shall be
retained by ”Owner” as liquidated damages hereunder, and this
agreement is then void.

Taxes at the rate of $1.50 per $100.00 of selling price shall
be prorated to the date of closing and taxes for the unexpired portion of
the year following date of closing shall also be paid by “Buyer” to
”Owner” on closing. All unpaid rents and utility bills due "Owner“
shall also be paid at date of closing.

(Form 69—lY~Page 1) ~ 2

 t ’ '~ ‘
“ A.
The closiflq shaII by at '"; “ ' “ "“ ' "'7 “ "
T . . ‘2 , ,4, [,-
.. 4 , .,.
“1 Inc Lin: uI CIOSIHQ a]? fienzs In; uiiIILi:D flu: by 'RUygf'
L3 ‘Cwner” 353?} b: fuIIy pqidu AII Tani; mm Said pfopgrty ihjli be adiu31-
cfi pro—rats 90 Lb: 63;; e7 ciosing.
Possession wIII be Si“en “Buvcfi‘ on I . . .
, “__‘~»7fl“¥~w _----. 7‘ _,A_. ‘.NW»J_ “_,._,_‘
Any further notice fi22353O7y undar this agregncna may be 533:
~ ,_,\_;~ A _v, , P- ,V ,\,‘,..I. :- ., , , .. '. .."t- ‘
3y $321 LO In: 135C known udSICbp OI Lhu pDrCy L0 be noEI.Iadn
The words “Buyer“ and ”Owner“ harein canoyed ShJII be can»
.:.., 'nn‘..l I. , .,, .I ., ._ ;_', ..' , . A.‘ ‘ : ' ‘
s;;ued to IMLIMCC Lb: pIu,dI a: wQII a; Ina JIngulgr. and _nIs concrac: ShJII
L " " ., ‘L ‘ ‘».‘.——~ . ’ “,. — 2.-“ ,..-.. , ~
De owndTng ugun Luewr be.I>) JdmInIhtlaL013) exeguuorS. DUCOD340$3 and a;—
STQnS, and the mascuIIne shaII include Ih: feminine and neu er, where Cne
context so admit: or requiresu
IN WITNESS UHEREOF, “Owner“ has CJUBUd thIs inerumunE to be
executed by IE3 duly autfioriatd Officers and ”Buyefl‘ hxa Cuiy exccuLgd same -
as or the day and year firzc abave WEICECMC
‘ \
_ Bl] ~_,_,.___,fl__<_ _, __ . _I_._ E..—
g. PrQSTdent .
,. Secretary
- K, I _ITN
_..:L_;:.J_/ 4£¥Q;__WI S711 -.':.-..EH.E_.
. ' ' "Buyer“
/ I.
.2 K K K
. .773 )/y /K 7/
. 4 '/ , '
i .7 M 4 1 fix, < 2‘ , y,,<
/; ..1. W- _._/.I_E: .-.wu.‘_, ...»...Equfwa '
{.T'Jrzx ELI—I7 “'33-: .7.)

 1 I “
THIS DEED OF CONVEYANCE made and entered into as
Of gzckberIZ h376 , by and between Mountain
Investment, Tnc., a Kentucky CorporatiOn, yarty of first
Part, and Duane Odenimd Kalawese Oden, His Wife
party (ies) of second part.
IxmleTNESSETH: That for and in consideration of
f ,
the spm of TweniL -Flve Hundred ($2,500)
‘ _____l X ____~_“___l_______________________.
Dollars cash in hand paid, and other valuable consider—
ation, the receipt and adequacy whereof is hereby acknow—
ledged, party of first part does hereby bargain, sell,
grant, convey, transfer unto second parties, their heirs
quuflkx F
and assigns, the iollowing described property to-wit:
a y ‘ E
A tract or parcel of land lying and being in
Floyd County; Kentucky on Otter Creek of Left
Beaver Creek in the Town of Wheelwright and
9einfi LOt #ZUL11mgitmduxLEfikficLu_.____m_______
J including-the buliding and the appurtenances
thereuntowtelonztng located or said lot or
parcel of land bf 1ne Mheelwright Subdivision
as shown by First Party's map or plat in file
number 3MB Records of filoyd County Clerk’s
office. ‘\_ J;
‘ Being part of the same property conveyed to
Party of the First Part\ty Tsiand Creek Coal
Company by deed dated November w, l._
HOURS .27... 2‘; .I‘ ,7. ‘,‘":7‘"1}‘L."‘. ..._ _ 7 '_‘ _ 1 -_‘ _‘_1 7 _ _
"J2 ' 1 ._ 7’ L up,
- 77 7 7 7 7 ,7 .,./”4“ 7777777-
7 ...v .'Civama 7 77 .. '7 x/
..2 4 4 2 -.,. ,,. _,,, _- , ,.....
7 7 x

 Jacksonville, Florida
TO: Mary Ann O'Brien DATE: March Ll, l969 _
FROM: Gordon Brown SUBJECT: House No. 100 — Rental
House No. 2l5 - Rental
Dear Mary Ann:
I appreciate the information you gave us on rental of House 215 and
House lOO, and am enclosing the Change of Status Form to show how
it should be used in connection with a rental. I believe you will
find the Forms, once you get used to them, to be a considerable time
All of the items checked on the left hand margin should be Filled out.
If Mrs. Armour's daughter is a widow you can simply show under ”Occu—
pation of prospective tenant“ that ”Mr.” is deceased.
As is so often the case with forms, something was omitted From this
one. (I did it). I should have provided a space to show the amount
of the rental and the date rent is to begin.
We will include this in the next batch of forms to be printed, but
rather than destroy those we have now I wish you would indicate the
monthly rental and beginning date right at the top, after the house
Yours very sincerely,
Gordon Brown

,{Renta} , . ' x!" ; . 5 .'1 .n, ("la
RepO't of PEoposed +5919 0+ Hou'ze Np. - .1' / 7 L, f I
' Presem Add.- 07' __._.W.____E.E. ___” W .-..,.._._._E,.._._E__.--___ ________________77__
F f- F ELSE???)
. hauant; O ': .'..Ipv 6‘7: H:: E. :0"? _,__.WI_____
. P ”e sent ‘ ehah * ; _______WM_NV . ._ .E... W_ ._.___.____.E.__._.. .E-,_.,_,E__._-_
. Wh d r_ be if E : .__...EE,...__., .. ._. . . ._ .E.E.E_.E.E.. . ..___..E... ...E. _,,..- ..._E ..E ,.,_ ___-.. __. __.-.."
'Ciete of Notice
W‘ 1 1 vacate' __._.._.._,..EE..__. ”___” “___ _’ {Ia re 1 Tu: «Vacate: ____._____~_________.
(If repairs are to be made 32 .5 pa' E OF the deaT , F‘ 1 ‘i any arid a! tech PropeWy Rehabi 11 -
tation Repor t .1
if- 51? 5.15.3:
Occupat i on a? p’ :»1:pec T 1 e. rerdrw ._.
. M E ,. -.___.E_,._.._...-.___E-..-.E. _.. W HM W: 09 amp 4 2‘, en . “___,“W_'_______‘W__
, Emp ‘I Oye' ..___._..-E.EE._ “.E.“. - _ . PW" e: — .. V E.. ..._....-.-..._.E..”_WW..- ____'_____________
Mr 3., ”___MMMWM .-___..m ._. HEW Wm; errpl .‘yam ._.....__._. ”___ ___, _____m
, Emp ‘- nyer ___” -.._--.. W ACd" e ;1 _ -.._-..._ M.......E_ _...._.__E.._E.E.__..EE_--_..,_E-, -
Bank A5‘~°"n‘ .,E_._,.g..,.,..-_ W__ E-EE. E.E--.E... .__...,.____EE.."M_.--E..-.E._.,_E-E._,E._ HO“ LO“? .E...___.____
C ' er.“ ' Re f' e ’ em: e <. ’ I h 1: 7 Us: adv -' r? < ~E ‘: ‘ .-_- S...;.E_‘.. w W_W .....1-.; _._w “___WNW _,_,_________.-M__7W'_W___“_WW
E.-.._EEE_‘_;__-; -EE: .--..EE‘.-_.-.E._._-E _EEE E _.,.___E;.__.. E._.__.._ . ’ ._-, ..~. _- _ . ‘ -
E._'.~.EE».EL_E.JE_EE _.'". ..__~E._~_ L..... ___.E .‘;._.E....._, .....EEEE. .EE. E._E_.EEE._EEE-.E-..- E-.._E..E_._E.-__EE._E_..._-...E_ ,_,_,”. _..EE._
Peas”m ‘0’ Irtf'e’eiw‘; “__-_..__E_E_.._. . 7_W__1_r__ __._-.."_._.--._..E.._..,.E_____E_E..
3 5.41.}.
.i5‘ 6 P ‘2 EE: S___WW_UW W W .. C v: - 1 mg i’ 4 ' C: ._-EEE..._.___-E__E.._.“--..._-__E_.__E._m
P ‘i ate 1* C1011 mg ..-E-._..--,E._E--E.E WW _.___‘___7 - _‘ _._-__..E“...___
De t e of Pa: E 3. es- -;1 cm: ___w_______‘ “___ E. _> ..E... "WWW,“ .__E._-_ ~--_E__EE.....-
F '1' nanm mgr 'Jepo’s“ r Pa: Pi ‘.'“me ..-_E.. .E..--“
8.31 of anr‘ Payrr“ SW ., ___N w p _...E_.,_-EE____. Amt, F1 nahced $___‘____V___________
Lend' mg I r1 I * i T u ' 1 (W ...E... W W_W W“ , __ M "WWW _..EEEE._.__E_--,. W -.______E. W__________~______W__ «
Terms OTC Loan: Rate WWW” _,Z' we'm' ...,.E_____._,_ MU. Payment SWWWW
Insvance: Poi 1 cy to be M 1 item by Evesen+ agent? “WV____W__ .
If other , state name and addres: .-__.___.______E__.._..__________.__._.__________________
%_____J________E_________E__m ..___...E___ .-___—___mmm
Approved ______I __ 19
___"— ___. ' “— Change of Status
WWWW__WW L of NOE W ”5a
(Form 68-10) ’ ‘

' . I ...-----....-..L.--l_i-- W..il.--

THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the I11 ”1~_ .
day of 11_ @1;;L;:011_ 1_, 19 7 _, by and between Mountain
Investment, lnc.J herein called ”Owner” and i“"*=_1“ n ” :__
11~_ T“lfi”‘2? V‘IM, .ig "’11_1__1_1_11__herein called "Buyer.”

I4 IE {P II IE 53 53 I3 U? II:

THAT WHEREAS ”Owner” hasAGIfered to sell to ”Buyer” Lot No.
1111 : located in its Wheelwright Sub—division; Floyd County,
Kentucky, as shown on map or plat in File 348, Floyd County Court
Clerk's Office, and improvements thereon except as hereinafter set
out, for the sum of $ ,,7;173 , and, in addition “Buyer” shall
pay the sum of $155.00 closing costs and $30.00 for survey plat to
be supplied by ”Owner”, all of which is to be paid as follows:

$ fiff'f° down payment, the receipt of which is here—
by acknowledged, and the balance of $ , / u ,(nhich includes
closing costs and the survey plat cost) on date of closing, and
upon delivery of deed of conveyance to ”Buyer” with covenant of

. General Warranty of Title, subject to the exceptions and reser~
vations contained in those two instruments of conveyance from
Island Creek Coal Company to ”0wner“, referred to herein for source
of title and which are dated November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed
Book 191 at page 50M, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
”Owner” to Harold Telephone Company and Tcl~Com., Inc. dated '
June 15, 1967 and recorded in teed Book 193 at pages 9Y1, 273, and
275, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's Office, and ALSO
deed of conveyance from ”Owner” to Kentucky Power Company dated
December 29, 1967, and of record in Deed Book l95 at page #25,
records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's Office.

It is agreed that time is of the essence of this agreement
and that this transaction shall be closed, all money due hereunder
shall be paid to ”Owner” and the deed herein provided for shall be
delivered to ”Buyer” on or before~1;1 . ‘. “1' . In event
”Buyer" does no pay the balance as herein provided on or before
the closing date then the down payment herein provided shall be
retained by ”Owner” as liquidated damages hereunder, and this
agreement is then void.

Taxes at the rate of $l.50 per $l00.00 of selling price shall
be prorated to the date of closing and taxes for the unexpired portion of
the year following date of closing shall also be paid by “Buyer” to
”Owner” on closing. All unpaid rents and utility bills due ”Owner”
shall also be paid at date of closing.

(Form 69~17~Page 1) — 2

 The Ciosing ohail to at ”>r ‘ 5' “x:' »r -,-"
..I“ E_L.,L‘L.JL_LZCI__.;;L-LIL.L_;.;;___; L;;__.LI.LL”_,_L_L_,.fi,,_,_M L_,L- “__L,AL_ L I_LL L. "-_,__L __V,_LL__C~,LLL
A: in: :im: of ciosing oil fiéan you uiiiiztos do; by ‘WOyof'
Lo ”Owner“ shall be fully paid" Ki? EEHLS on said property fihJif fie adjusg-
a? pro—rata Co the date o? C305ing.
Possession will 5: given “Buyer“ on “ I "; ' ' -
Any further notice necessa y under Lhis a:rc;::nL #37 b: 33m;
3y mail to the last known address of the onrzy to be nOEITIodp
The words “Buyer” and ”Owner“ herefn employed Sh}ii be con—
Sirued to inciude the plural as well a; the singu11r. and this contracc shgii
be binding upon their heirs) administrators, QXECO ore, Succcsgors and as—
sfgns, and the masculine shall include the Feminine 3nd neuter, whero the
context so admits or rcquiresu
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, HGwHCF“ he; caused this instrument to be
executed by it: duiy authorized officers and ”Buyefl' has duiy executed some -
as o? the day and year firs: above written:
_ By___“___w_n_w“_‘v_~_~_
53 President .
g. ' Secretory
I I /’ ,/
.. ‘.‘ [’(' ‘r V. _. ‘ ’ . 1,7, «
){K . . '~ ' 5' .
1 ' ‘ \‘ _
‘ , ,
‘ _ ‘ ‘r v; ‘1 -, , . *
‘ . ’ ' ‘ ¢ A
‘ ‘ H L . "A ' ‘ " ‘ >H , A
~ ' ‘3 " 1“
‘4 x « 1'4”,“ . v/J .\
- “ ‘,L-J; ‘ ‘ .'j’: J , ,
\ ‘ _ [.__ , 7 ,. //
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x , /r L,
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I I ., » ’ ,1 _
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> . ,_‘- , . 1., y/
‘ ‘ ' A .‘I, , ‘ ,
< -‘- x ' !' ‘.’ 1‘" ~ 1’ ; :'/‘/ ~ ~\ xv ‘V'1 f ‘
Lin, ‘_‘_’.."‘.‘.\ 4:11,) ‘A, w '1‘ U .LJ‘MH‘J ‘ . g- 3.,
‘1 . , J, .'.;

 Jane 16, 1969 '
Tazcl Armcar
dneelwright, my.
Lear Senant:

Jhen your daughter vacated house 5 ;13, she left a
balance of 23.9} owing on her itilities, for which you
are resgonsinle. :lease see Lhat ;his is taken care of.

‘ Aincerely,
John 8. Young,
Hesident Hanager