xt7qnk361p0s_950 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 205-237 text Houses 205-237 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_312/Folder_28/ww_312_28_1822.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_950 xt7qnk361p0s * * * ~k * -k a: * x x
PROPERTY LUT- wr- SEMLEJ’. “ ;.__ A ' ;_ ;
DATE 11-24-75 BUYERfiSidney & Elizabeth Justice I :
PURCHASE PRICE $__2,000.00
’ ‘2
Credit for Prepaid Taxes V r“ __ :
Credit for Plat ‘ __ 30.00 .__ P
Credit for ......C.l.O.S.i.n.g. 9.05:5...” ___ 165.00
TOTAL ___2_,_1 9 5 ._0_g_ _
Deposit on Purchase Price $w_1_09#‘0£'
‘ Balance Due Seller “73995-00 ‘
TOTAL— $ 2,095.00 2,195.00 ‘
Liberty National Bank & Trust Company ’fil,200.00~_7¥~
Ollie Robinson, Clerk, Floyd County Court _ __
Mountain Investment, Inc. M 7ZQ;92_*__|’
Francis, Kazee and Francis , ‘
Closing Costs - __7_l__2_5-90>___‘
TOTAL $ livogr).ia‘ ,
"‘" n" '1 w'_—’L.‘_‘ i
J4 /' ix ' i
. ##L“_;._.__J_j L. ('.:.Lgr'rji. ,.... K

5lOl Yacht Club Road
JacKsonville, Florida 322l0
(. (
Fred FJCHL,S, Esquire \/ l3: .;[¢;v5/
l; C ur: Street . i/ ' ’
Prest nsburg, Kcntucfiy #1053 ‘T U)
Re: Lot No. :2:
Enclosed is executed deed to the above captioned real estate, running
to a v V. ,,I [HI-v (.. , 121! R. . -. «, ; 1'.!l"( .I.» -.- ' ",::
Liberty National BanK and Trust Company, Louisville, hentucmy, will
shortly deliver to you an executed release of this property from the
mortgage held by it; also its disbursement letter.
Please collect the balance or the purchase price 01‘ on: T: usond
H'rE yr24 rd {6) : q Dollars, and
remit 0% thereof to Liierty National Benn of Louisville, Kentucky in
accordance with its disbursement letter above mentioned. In addition,
please collect from the purchaser the sum or $50.00 for the enclosed
plat of the property, and $n?7 closing costs.
Recording fees for the deed and for the releaSe are to be charged
against closing costs, as is the tax due the State of KentucKy.
The net proceeds due Mountain investment, lnc., the $30.00 charge for
the plat, and the net closing costs (after disbursements authorized
above), are to be deposited in the Non—operating Account 01 Mountain
Investment, Inc. in your bank, with advice to us showing all receipts
and disbursements of the transaction, accompanied by a duplicate de—
posit slip.
Yours very truly,
By .,
(Form 68—ll1
(Rev. 8—8—7 )

 ' 1‘ >. 1 H?" (“a 7;. z; 7.: 1‘
' 2. ;_._:.:::__.."~ :_“.:__"_..* ._‘ - “‘.;:.:.:_::"‘.
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‘ ‘5 LL: .kuLLieuhzni; rxzde arnl e:“::;*eu ;:»;o is I); I;ne loldh
.l . in or 2 ‘ morn: ‘ -, ,I_,,,, . ;
iiy at aepzemter , Lyzo , o; and er.een flouawaia
~~ ' ' A , ,- ‘ -- :jm‘w, , yr ,3“ ..A ~1— . 2 ..W.) ...1
investment, Inc., herein called owner and IMMCQJ ubsuiww ano
._.._.______.___ -,i _i_n.. i..i~_._____i_.
.1‘““‘ u; Dear Juszioc, his wife herein called ”Buyer.”
w I T N 3 S S E T H:
HEAT WHEREAS ”Owner“ has offered to cell to ”Buyer“ Lot 43.
333 located in its Hheelwrign: 33o~i;"ision, Floyd County,
Kentuex", as shown on map or plat in File 325. Flo d Couatv Court
U A A _. k .1 0 u
Clerk's Office, and improvements thereo" 51*ept as hereinafter :2:
; _' Lnl» 2, n A T FF“: ’7‘”, , ~ 2% ,,,;,~,:: - w 1:, . ..i._ I! ,,1 ‘<~
own, Por the Sum 01 e Lgqu-wv , and, ;h :iiition Buyer seeii
w... Jun» ~~ -. ~D 1* 4": 'ir~?-M. , ~ (""o r.‘ .w-y Y- .. ,; -' A,
”can; LIL: 024.7. Oi L‘JZQQCLJ CLUEJ.;'_A:LI [JCJJ‘JES _Lud ”fjc, )Q 101” 731,,_‘=_’.,w,:9-,r plea {.p
~~~ 1:r~-‘ '.- Y' » H . " . :‘- f , ,A : q ' ‘- .\ .2: 1 .. .' o, M.
-: u\pp;_cd by ‘Owner , ail u; Hmidg is to be paid as Poilofio.
‘../\f“ ,"~ ' ~ > . 1 . 1 . . -
a loo.oC :own payment, the receipt of whicn is here-
-- Aw- ,.“ 4N _- n- ..L) s ', oo ~ ., .M ,V
c, euinomleeged, and one balance a: p (y«n.H~J ,(nnicn includes
,.o , .t ._ , .~_ ' A.‘ A w .4- 1.. , V‘ * L . . - N ‘3
dissing costs and en: survey plat cost) Um date of cloSLng, and
H" Hy} /:J1i"ro‘ri" .‘ 9 Task: 9 'n' a"’:‘ Q 4‘ ”B: 1 a?” 1‘: 4-In my Q)», v, V’— , 5‘
,A_i»,.‘ eviixvig/ L); C.,« Oi COLA-Ivyuflcu b0 JJx.-. MILD). Quit—“513p >31.
e/H.~v, “ H .2.. o :4— r. W .-a,,' 4— . x“ a . .
,eie-ai warrano; 3. Title, JUQJtpC b0 the exceptions and reser—
vations contained in those two instruments of conveyance from
-.‘-1 r. ,_ . fl.‘ ’w . . '1 _.. '1 _ ‘ - ea“. D ., ~
L3;and Greek Cog- oompany to ‘Owner‘, referred to herein ior scarce
f, g. , 1 73": . 1 4” - v V _ K,’ K I -~‘ ‘ -
oi title and ni_:n are dated November 9, 1900, and recorced 1n Deed
4— 2_A "F“ ‘ Aron 7' (V «n - .\ ,,. L. , n-
Book 191 at page :ue, are ALso in those certain deeds eAeCUtei b;
‘1 .. H ' 1" 3,-" ‘ “A A R All ,1
aner to nasoid Telephone Company and Tel—Com., Inc. dabdu
-.A ‘x 1: o’er “y: —« :32 .:., "2A , ~e - . .\ r.
sire i3, lye, and secorucd in LCEQ Book lyj at pages 271, 273, anu
“”'” ~ ~ 4" «1‘ ‘fi . "1 .y,., a *1 , 4. 'z 'I .:' - r1
: :, records or v3e :loyd county LOhro Clerk's Oxfice, and ALSo
:, ,_: in ,_‘,,‘,,_ D, H ’7 rr.. . , 4 r 1, '
ieei J; convevah;; i:»r Owner to nentucky Poner Company oated
«-.L,‘ a. 1A,;i’7 A ‘ p ,A ' 1 \ , ‘
LCQCEbBT e9, -jvg, and 0. record in Deed Boox 195 at page 425,
n fl ‘ :‘ ._‘ T“. - ‘ *1 L. n -‘.— 1, n a ,v
r::orcs oi one ployo tounuy court Clara's Oifice.
‘74- ‘ rfi ‘1 " .'_ e.‘ 2' :\ L‘. «w . ’1 ‘ a a. ‘~
it is agreed that time LS Oi one 3303303 0: this agreeneno
as: tzat this transaction shall be closeo, all money due hereunder
,,-,--1- = ,. w 2, :— Hm I? .A. ,. ‘ ' ,n w -: ' , n '. 1* «...
M”:;L :e paid to owner and the deed herein provided lor snail Dc
2. 1 1 .-W , * H _ H ‘ r 1‘. . A ‘ M - ~ 1 " {3'15 ._--
:e-_.ered to Buyer on or beiore Voucher i5, lpi, , In cygnt
"—-‘ ”,-, H ,; 2 I L1 x 1 . v, , - ,- .
ry,e: does no pay the balance as herein provided on or before
.'_' ,. ' 4. I. ‘ ._ .. . I .2 ~ ,
one ClOSln” date then the down pa ment herein orOVided shall be
0 , - J -
_ »‘—,\-: -.. H 7. r H n '1: 12,. 2_ .u ,4
reusined by Owner as l;quidated damages hereunder, and Luis
agreement is then VOld.
" ‘ L g I. 6‘1 ~ ‘ 42. .,~ 9 ~ _ ,- ~ ‘: ,,fi .1,
Taxes at the rate oi yi.jo per leu.OO or selling price snail
~,_ - ' ..: ’ ~ - J." , , ..\,,1 -7 L_:, -0
:e prorated to the date of clasing and taxes for the unexpired portl)n oi
..«i.. a - - «x 2 ,,~ ~ ,— : ~ H 2 '=
,ne year ioliow1ng date 01 clOsing shall 5130 be paid oy Buyer‘ ,3
"A . 9 ’ . ' .* . , . ‘_ * -.L.,_ 1‘: ,N ,r: '-‘ ,.fl ”H
“owner” on Closing, all unpaig reota 1nd u,ili,, L lls age ‘u.e
;ali iiso 3: gal; 13 23:3 :5 ‘;:;i3;.
‘1‘ 1")?“ :,Q——1-r7—<fi"f‘o '1 F,
5-x. .. ‘e/ _‘.,- fCL-j‘v .L - c,

. .
3,, ~ , ;-- Office 3? Fred Francia,
1 A
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