xt7qnk361p0s_98 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Jail text Jail 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_96/Folder_8/6070.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_98 xt7qnk361p0s v " “ "
THIS LEASE, made and entered into as of the lst day of ,
_June, 1955, by and between INLAND STEEL COMPANY, Wheelwright,
‘ . Kentucky, party of the first part, hereinafter referred to as
Wheelwright, Kentucky, party of the second part, hereinafter ‘
referred to as Lessee; é
WITNESSETH: That Lessor, in consideration of the rents ' i
. and covenants hereinafter stipulated, to be paid, kept and
I performed by the Lessee, does hereby demise, lease and let unto -.
said Lessee the room in the City Hall known as the Court Room,
‘ also the Jail, located in the basement of the City Hall and the
p room housing the fire truck, belonging to the Lessor and situate ’
in the Town of Wheelwright, Floyd County, Kentucky. I
This lease shall be’snd remain in full force and effect
for a period of one year from the date hereof, and after June 1,
1956 shall continue in effect from month to month unless either _ I
party gives notice of cancellation to the other party thirty days -
_ ' I in advance or the date of cancellation. 1‘
Lessee, in consideration of the foregOing lease and the
privilege of maintaining and operating the above described
‘ business in the demised premises, covenants to and with Lessor
' as follows:
(1) To pay Lessor Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) per month
for rental, One Dollar ($1.00) per month for water and One Dollar ‘
($1.00) per month for garbage and sanitation. In addition the
. Lessee will pay to the Lessor Fifty-five Cents (55¢) per 1,000
cubic feet of gas for all gas consumed and the established rate
per KWH for all metered electricity consumed during any month,
when said gas and electric meters have been read by n representa-
tive of the Lessor and their consumption established. Such charges

 I are to be paid not later than the 15th day of the month follow- .
. ing the month in which such charges are incurred.
(2) To take good care of the premises and equipment and .
I return same at the termination of this contract in as good order
as received, ordinary wear and tear excepted, unless the build-
7 ing and equipment should be destroyed or damaged by fire or light-
ning, or other natural causes; and further agrees not to assign
i this lease or underlet said premises or make any alterations
therein or thereto without the written consent of the Lessor.
(3) Lessor retains the right to add to and make any re-
pairs to the demised premises at any time or to any extent which
it may deem necessary, but will make such repairs at a time and
i, in a manner so as not to unreasonably interfere with the opera-
. . tion of the leased premises by the Lessee, for the purposes here-
V inabove set forth.
(h) The premises leased shall be used for the purposes
' herein mentioned only and not for any immoral or illegal or
other purposes.
V (5) Any cancellation of this lease by the Lessor shall 5
be without preJudice to the right of the Lessor to recover from ‘
a the Lessee all rents and other charges due to the time of such 5 '
cancellation. I f
(6) For violation of any or the provisiOns of the pre- V i?
‘ ‘ ‘ ceding numbered paragraphs, this lease may be cancelled by
Lessor, at its Option, by written notice to Lessee, which notice {
may be given by letter duly mailed, regardless of any other 3 '
termination or surrender clause in this agreement. ' i
_ (7) Lessee shall surrender immediate possession of the i
premises herein leased to the Lessor, on the termination of i
i this lease, for any cause herein provided. T
g (8) Lessor shall have the privilege to enter the leased
premises at any and all reasonable times for the-purpose of
p . inspeCtion and for all other proper purposes.

 (9) If the Lessee should become dissolved for any cauSe, '
E then this lease shall thereupon be automatically terminated and i _
cancelled. i I
(10) Lessee, in the use and occupancy of the premises
7 . herein leased, covenants and agrees to comply with all the
i applicable laws of the United States, the State of Kentucky
, ‘ and every political subdivision having Jurisdiction, and to
save the Lessor harmless from any and all damages and claims
I _ for damages growing out of, or id anyvise connected with the
M use and occupancy of the leased premises and conduct of the ,
i ' business therein.
. (11) If the Lessee is an employer to whom the provisions
' of the Workmen's Compensation Ihvs of Kentucky apply, he (or it)
shall qualify and operate thereunder and furnish to the Lessor a
copy of the certificate showing such compliance.
, . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto subscribed , -
. their names as of the day and date first hereinabove written.
By W '
WITNE”S: Manager a1 Properties
./> fl/ (6:?‘ . Lessor .
_hiifiiflézzgauaai4_lk____ I” .
[ ;By E. Z J :_P' <7-/" «LE //‘1
. “g Elsa/(Z :
fl. #7. flégflzglwfs
_ ' '3- 7

 9 I ‘TL
. ‘ ‘ .
January 13,, 1963

Alumina: Planking Fixture Corpuration '
?78 Burlway Road
811171112353sz Ifiifgoruia
Genfilemam .
Please send me, a new cataloz'; on unbreakable plumbing;
I as. especialiy intere-Esmzi in. a unit; that can be used.
in the 3311. Also, 3319.333 give me the name of the
filmsmst dealer or warehouse that I coal-i contact
servicing, 2411123 area. .
Please direci; ‘5qu reply tr: tile atteution {if the
under signax‘i .

Yourz; very 21313;,

R! 1. McKinney, Superintendent

Buimings 45: Grounds Department
CC: HGZimneremz-I

. mulkinwn, Jr.

 I; .,’ .__lew'
x v _ 7-
’ x ., I / ,‘
\ . 7. ‘ '
I ._.. , 1. 4 g , , ,
5 ,7 v
..—v' '_.; I, v _7-1‘ :1“ ;V . i'f ..‘
4a,. .I,-L ‘, .__
4,», CL ’4' A,
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J' I‘.? . ""5 3‘ g A >' - ' , ' I. I
«Lg-.,.:aw/s ‘- I,

 . \ ‘
‘ i U N IT R O I.
2. Adjust pilot burner air shutter (if pro— 2 ' '
vided) to obtain a soft blue flame. i THIS APPLIANCE IS EQUIPPED WITH A
NOTE: If Mini—Pilot is used, adjust pilot 2 .
’ flame to point where only a trace of yel- :1 'ROBERTSHAW u N I T R o L V
low tip remains. 2; , ‘ _
a T0 ADJUST BY-PASS (Minimum 5 lI0005'|I
Flame): i V _ , ,
A. Turn Temperature Dial (1) to No. 9 _ .
position (main burner on maximum The Umtrol 10008T on your heater is of ~
flame). the snap throttle type. When the room is
. B, Turn Temperature Dial (1) very cold, the Unitrol 1000 valve snaps open
x slowly clockwise until main burner whlch prov1des a high flame on the heater
. flame just ceases to reduce in size. burner. AS the room approaches the de- '
C, Remove Seal Cap (3)_ su‘ed comfortable temperature, the hurner ‘ 0
D. Turn screw under seal cap counter- flame 1'5 reduced to the exact pomt re-
- clockwise to increase by-pass, clock- qu1red to maintaln comfortable room tem-
Wise to reduce by-pass. perature. During moderate weather when
NOTE; The by-pass flame size must be little or no heat is requlred, the Unitrol
adjusted according to the heater manu- 1000 Will automatically shut ofl“ the heater ’
facturer’s instructions. burner flame entlrely. The Unitrol 1000
E, Repeat step A amd B to recheck by- snap throttle will automatically, without
' pass adjustment after at least five any manual attention, adJUSF the burner
minutes main burner operation. flame to the exacthelght'requlred to main-
F. Replace Seal Cap (3) over adjustment tam the room at a premsely comfortable
screw and set Temperature Dial ( 1) to temperature. v
desired temperature position.

- 5 1. Depress and turn Gas Cock Dial (2) to
I: ~ “ “OFF” position.
(($17 , 1' f} 2. Turn Temperature Dial (1) to “NIGHT
' ‘& \x‘efi L U \ OFF”. ‘
. ' ' . 5 iv ‘9’ _ o 3. Wait five minutes to allow gas which
“ i. l ' 3 a" ’ 2 may have accumulated in the main
. o w ...3» \ \5/‘ burner compartment to escape.
‘ ., . a, _. 4. Turn Gas Cock Dial (2) to the
. ‘ ,I 9‘5: \ ~. “PILOT” position.
. ‘23. i \ 5. Depress and hold Gas Cock Dial while
‘ (,9 ,,w- I 5 , lighting pilot burner. Allow pilot to
2V ' burn approximately one-half minute
0 I:,-/' 3 1 before releasing Gas Cock Dial. If pilot
' ” 5 4 does not remain lighted, repeat opera- '
—— tion allowing longer period before re-
‘ leasing Gas Cock Dial (adjust pilot if .
/;‘ necessary).
’I” 6. Turn Gas Cock Dial (2) to “ON”
~ c” position. '
7. Turn Temperature Dial (1) to desired
_ . _ temperature position. '
These instructions are intended as a guide NOTE' BY-PASS MUST BE PROPERLY
to qualified servicemen who may be called ADJUSTED FOR BEST OPERATION
upon to install or servme room heaters If by-pass is adjusted too low, the main
equipped Wlth a Robertshaw—Grayson burner flame will throttle or slowly re-
Unitrol IOOOST‘ duce in size until the main burner goes
completely out or the flame “flutters” on
HOW TO USE the burner. If by—pass is adjusted too high,
. there will be little or no reduction in flame
The FUHY Automatic Robertshaw- size until the flame snaps completely off
Grayson UniIrol Room Temperature with an audible click.
Control and the Automatic Pilot. PILOT BURNER ADJUSTMENT:
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Remove Pilot AdJustment Cap .(4).
UNITROL 100051- Adjust pilot key allowmg flame to
completely envelop the end %” of the
FORM N0. 28-050-0026 PRINTED IN USA ‘

 ' 447/ 57/ 44/447 C / ,
. ' ’ PAGE
' I FOREWORD _ __ __ 1
Size the heater 2
Locate the heater 111 3
Installation of Control Assembly __ 4
, Right Side Installation
, Left Side InstalLation _
.; Connect the heater ___________ 5
I Vent and chimney connections ’ , 6
The gas input to the heater ____________ 8
,- . Adjust the gas input to the heater __ __ 9
I I I Check and adjust the pilot burner __ __ lO
. Check and adjust the main burner _ lO _
I - Installation of radiants and glass (Radiant Models only) 10
Removing main burner and control assembly 11
I Lighting instructions __ __ ____ ll
I - Instruct the customer l2 ‘
Repair parts list 13 8. l4
, A—458'Zl
. \.

You have just purchased a TEMCO Gas Fired Room Heater from the fine
line of heating equipment. Each part of your heater is of high quality ’
material and superior workmanship. This heater has been tested and is
approved by A.G.A. (American Gas Association) and it has been laboratory
and field tested by Temco Engineers. This has been aimed at bringing to
you the utmost in product quality. '
For you to realize all the advantages and years of reliable serviCe
that has been engineered into your heater, you must follow through by
observing all the instructions contained in this book regarding in—
stallation and Operation. Your installation must further conform with '
all local codes and safety regulations pertaining to heater installation.
Keep this book in a safe place for ready reference. This book will
serve as a guide for heater operation after installation and will aid
in obtaining maximum heating comfort from your heater.
Your heater was carefully packed in a container which complies with .
the National Safe Transit Tests. This means that the packaged product .
with normal handling, wil] withstand the dynamic load conditions en— r
countered in transit and in handling.

The heater should be sized properly for the area it is intended
to heat. A heater too small will not provide comfort in very
cold weather. It will be slow to pick up heat under a thermo—
static control or when outdoor temperatures dr0p rapidly. A
heater too large tends to waste heat. The most comfortable
' heating is obtained where nearly constant air circulation is
obtained. Sizing the heater properly and controlling the heater
thermostatically is the best means of obtaining constant air
' circulation. For several rooms, or one very large room, two
smaller heaters will normally provide better comfort than one
large heater.
From the map, Fig. 1, determine the zone in which the heater
will be installed. On the heating capacity chart, Fig. 2,
follow across the line showing the zone required, then follow
the zone down until it crosses the cubic feet of space to be
heated, then in the left hand column, read the required B.T.U.
per hour to heat the given spaCe. Because of variations in
construction, the figures shown are considered to be estimates.
For a more exact estimate, the heat loss of the building should
be determined by a survey based on the information in the current '
American Society of Heating & Ventilating Engineers Guide.
..‘ "lqizz A ‘30
"" " I '5 I“ I ~J- I
: :7 -20 .E '- 5 .”"'
. .- 3 -3o ‘1" . -
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. if Tm - “we“. -20 :g‘” .- in...“ ; -|O :
. > V : , '5' ' ---' ..., ‘5 . 2"”. o- ’.‘.
., 5. :: ‘20 g "Io :2: 3" Juv'Jo "‘;.;” ...
~ +30 : «,,_: go o+I°
it . ‘ If ...""o,._‘u~--.‘E :I: i :1 ‘X. I
f“; V +|o ,1 $202...
I nun ’ E. II II: '. ”___.l._______.\‘
. . . ' +30
FIG. 1

 ~ 3
R +30 +20 +10 0 - .o - -O -o
** 3500 2882 25791885 1750 1633 1531 -
. , f
...-- 3500 2962 2750 2567
** 7000 g 5765 n_ 44 4;§_3__9~°76' mum
FIG. 2
* Denotes buildings of good to average construction.
** Denotes buildings of average to poor construction.

In selecting the best location for the heater, the most logical ,
things to consider are the location of the gas supply line, how
the heater may be most easily vented, and the furniture arrange—
ment in the room. Consideration should also be given to the
ability of the heater to provide the best heating effect within
the room, and yet not lose a large amount of heat up a stair
well or any other openings. Usually the nearer the heater is
to the center of the house, the better the heating effect.

The control may be attached to the heater on either the right

or left side, which allows more versatility in location of
heater and/or gas supply piping, however, if it is necessary or
desirable to locate the control on left side of heater the main
burner must be removed and turned around so that the mixer is on
left side of heater.

For heaters equipped with blower attachment, the placement should
be such as to allow the very best air circulation to and from the
heater. A heater should not be placed in an alcove or recess
which does not allow good air circulation. In general, heaters
should not be placed closer than 6 inches to any wall or surface.
Do not place heater directly beneath curtains or inflamable material.
Although the control assembly (Fig. 4) may be installed on either
side of the heater, the burner must be reversed if the control is
' . to be mounted on the left side (See Fig. ll, Removing Burner).
The following steps should be taken for installation of control
. assembly:
(The main burner is factory positioned for controls installation
on right side)
(1) Remove the lOWer front access door.
(2) Loosen air shutter lock bolt (A), and slide the air shutter all
the way in. (See Fig. ll)
(3) Insert manifold (Fig. 4A) in position through the hole in rear .
’ of heat exchanger. '
(4) Tighten the manifold split nut (118) into the main burner.
(5) Secure the pilot burner to the main burner with wing nut (11C).
(6) Secure control bracket to rear of the heater with wing bolt
2 provided. See Fig. 6C.
(7) Insert control rod into the swivel adapter mounted on the face
of control. CAUTION: Make sure the rod is installed in proper
relation to the indicator point mounted alongside the control
knob, secure with cotter pin and install knob at tOp of heater.
(8) Install thermostat sensing bulb in the bracket on back of heater.
See Fig. 6.
For installation of the control assembly on the left side of the unit
it will be necessary to make the following changes:
. ate/1 e .
‘ §d< 5 ‘ I f‘ \‘f—TTTK .'v‘hl/
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\ V‘ I .3, C l i
/’ ( :iiifi‘i 2-»?
We. ( ~ --, ‘
‘ '.g§§%§;g ) ‘
., . ... W, . “fix/’»’
I: by; ‘- 2 F::‘wv§&.Tv .s§§%%%f
, g A“ ,;. . ,,,;- r ‘ 33¢
:fiwsfl. at /I \\\\\
' ' ’V'um-na-W.W~MM.Y- , .. ..., ._ ,
.. . -:I ,—~——~ «g? i
. I; ~ I. t 4 "v '
W” 1.. " :.» . Ems‘e
FIG. 6

On all systems where a gas heater is installed, the burner input
rate should be determined by timing the test hand on the gas
meter dial. To check the B.T.U. input rate, the test hand on the
meter should be timed for at least one revolution. The B.T.U. per
hour input can be determined from this timing. Test dials are
generally marked 1/2, 1, 2, or 5 cubic feet per revolution, de—
pending On the size of the meter. Instructions for converting
the test hand readings to B.T.U.'s per hour are given on the
following chart. Other gas burning appliances connected to the
_ meter should be shut off or turned to "Pilot" while observing
the meter. The heater thermostat should be turned to its highest
setting so that burner will not modulate downward or shut off
. . while the meter is being timed. The following chart has been
prepared to determine gas input to burner in cubic feet per hour.
1. Determine the seconds {or one complete revolution of the test dial.
2. 0n the chart, under the size of test dial timed. read the cubic feet of gas per hour.
3. Multiply the cubic feet per hour figure obtained from the chart by the BTU heating value
of the gas. If the heating 'value of the gas is not known, this information may be obtained
from your local gas utility company.
EXAMPLE: You install a 50,000 BTU/hr. heater for use with 1,000 BTU per cubic foot natural
gas. You time the one cubic foot test dial on the gas meter and find that it takes 72
seconds for one complete revolution. From the chart, under the “one cubic foot" col-
umn, you find that 50 cubic feet of gas per hour is being delivered to the appliance.
You multiply the 50 cubic feet of gas per hour by the 1000 BTU heat content of the
gas and find that 50,000 BTU/hr. is being delivered to the burner.
Size of Test Meter Dial 1| Size of Test Meter Dial
. Seconds One- One Two Five [I Seconds One. One Two Five
5:3;133; camps, ‘ Cu.Fl. 1 Cu. Fl. 1 Cu: Ft. _1 Rigglsgzn Gigi-(l. l Cu.Ft. 1 Cu. Ft. | ()1. Fl.
Cubic Feel Per Hour l Cubic Feel Per Hour
10 180 360 720 1800 i 50 36 72 144 360
11 164 h 327 655 1636 , 51 35 71 141 353
12 150 300 600 1500 l 52 35 69 138 346
13 138 277 555 1385 53 34 68 136 340
14 129 257 514 1286 54 33 67 133 333
15 120 240 480 1200 55 33 65 131 327
16 112 225 450 1125 56 32 64 129 321
17 106 212 424 1059 57 32 63 126 S16
18 100 200 400 1000 58 31 62 124 310
19 95 189 879 947 59 30 61 122 305
' 20 90 180 860 900 60 30 60 120 300
21 86 171 343 857 62 29 58 116 290
22 82 164 827 818 64 29 56 112 281
‘23 78 157 313 783 66 29 54 109 273
24 75 150 800 750 68 28 53 106 265
25 ’12 144 288 720 70 26 51 103 257
26 69 138 277 692 72 25 50 100 250
27 67 183 267 667 74 24 48 97 243
28 64 129 257 643 76 24 47 95 237
29 62 124 248 621 78 23 46 92 23]
' 30 60 120 240 600 80 22 45 90 225
31 58 116 232 581 82 22 44 88 220
32 56 118 225 563 84 21 43 86 214
33 55 109 218 545 86 21 42 84 209
34 53 106 212 529 88 20 41 82 205
q 35 51 103 206 514 90 ' 20 40 80 200
36 50 100 200 500 94 19 38 76 192
37 49 97 195 486 ’ 93 | 18 87 74 184
38 47 95 189 474 100 l 18 36 72 180
39 46 92 185 462 104 3 17 35 69 173
40 45 90 180 450 108 17 - 33 67 167
41 44 88 176 440 112 16 32 64 161
42 43 86 172 430 116 15 31 62 155
43 42 84 167 420 120 15 30 60 150
44 41 82 164 410 130 14 28 55 138
45 40 80 160 400 140 13 26 51 129
46 89 78 157 391 150 12 24 48 120
47 88 77 158 383 160 ll 22 45 113
43 l 37 '15 150 375 170 ‘ 11 ‘ 21 42 106
49 5 37 78 147 867 230 10 20 40 100
FIG. 7
On Propane (LP) gas systems, where a gas meter is not installed,
the input rate may be checked by determining the manifold gas
pressure. A 1/8" pipe tapping is provided on the control for
installation of a B—Valve so that a manometer may be connected.

City Gases
If it is necessary to change the input rating to the rating shown
on the nameplate, the pressure regualtor may be adjusted by turn-
ing adjustment screw; clockwise de3reases pressure and counter
clockwise increases pressure. The regulator is initially set at
about 3 1/2 inches water column pressure and may be lowered to 3
inches or increased to approximately 4 inches water column
pressure. This range of pressure adjustment can vary the input
rating roughly plus or minur 5%. In most cases, it will be found
that this range of adjustment is adequate to obtain the correct .
burner input. However, the heating values of gas vary widely '
throughout the country and it may be necessary, in rare cases,
to change the burner orifice. '
All heaters equipped for use with LP gas have a fixed orifice,
properly sized, to deliver the rated input of prepane gas, having
a heating value of 2500 B.T.U.'s per cubic foot and a specific
gravity of 1.53. When installed with this standard propane gas,
the manifotd pressure should be adjusted to 11 inches water column
. pressure. Although the control is equipped with a built—in pressure
regulator for LP gas, it is set at 11 inches water column pressure
and is non adjustable. If installed with an LP gas with a different
heating value or specific gravity, the main burner orifice should
be sized accordingly.
If it becomes necessary to change a main burner orifice, the chart
shown will be very useful. It is necessary to know three separate
items of information about a gas to properly use the chart:
I. The number of B.T.U.'s per cubic foot of gas.
2. The specific gravity of the gas.
3. The gas pressure near the orifice.
' BTU PER CUBIC FOOT . 1000 800 550 3200 2500
SPECIFIC GRAVITY .65 .6 .5 2. 1.53 ~
(AIR 1.00)
WATER COLUMN 3.5 3.5 3.5 11 ll
7.... .
FIG. 8

The control assembly can be easily installed by following the steps below:
1. Remove the lower front access door.
2. Loosen the air shutter lock bolt and slide the air shutter all the way in.
3. Insert the manifold in position through the hole in rear of the heat exchange as shown.
4. Tighten the manifold split nut into the main burner and open the air shutter.
- 5. Secure the pilot burner with the wing bolt provided.
6. Secure the control bracket (A) to the heater with the wing bolt (B) and speed nut provided.
7. Install the thermostat sensing bulb (C) into the bracket on back of the heater.
8. Install the remote control rod (D) and temperature dial (E);
Remove the temperature dial from the envelope and install on the five sided end of the
control rod. . .
Set the control in the "off" position by turning the "Z" clip (F) to the right
(clockwise) as far as possible.
' Insert the control rod through the hole in heater top and connect to the clip making
certain the temperature dial is in proper relation to the red reference button.
"Night off" should be in alignment with the reference button.
CAUTION: When connecting gas piping, do not twist control or pull assembly out of I
alignment. ' v ' ‘
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Fig. 1 Fig. 2


The pilot burner not only lights the burner, but acts as a safety
device. The pilot flame impinging upon the thermocouple generates
an electrical current which holds the gas valve open during normal
operation. It is important, therefore, that the pilot be checked
and adjusted, if necessary. The pilot flame should envelope the
thermocouple, but not high enough to have noise.