xt7qnk361p0s_993 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 298-378 text Houses 298-378 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_314/Folder_11/88m6_314_11__3443.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_993 xt7qnk361p0s JOB TICKET
“.___—___- _ _ ___—
,. 70:, M5. _ :
7%.4 elem.
Date g 71// Z/
x j ~ 4 f) :9
./ ‘ , i c] '91) 1 HOUSE NO. 2/2 {I
(Form 69—18)

0 ~—-Hw~vwm~_ifl.fi, ”Fm ",sfir
P ,-u . s _ “..,...” w .. ,.. ., ,.
Pikeville, Kentucky
0 I . ,'_/
.fipril it, ljoj
Mr. Gordon Brown, President
Hountain investment, In:.
530 Anwrican Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 3220?
Dear Mr. Brown:
Enclosed is our duplicate dcgosit ticket, which is self—
explanatory, covering the sale of Wheelwright grogerty as
Alfred thee House ‘10. 20A (1;; 533:)
, K r
James B. Herron ” ” 200 (§5,;QC)
Curtis Blair ” ” 320 I(§5,383)
It has been a pleasure to be of service to you.
Very truly yours,
(S) R. B. Johnson
(Comm. to J.?.Y - 3230.00
paid 2—7-o3 #l23)

P 0. sex 357 PuAsr Anonsss RrPLv To:
PHONE 606-457-2761
Dan» Max 292 1969 ‘
To: Fiuyd County Tax Assessor, and
City of Wheulwright, Kentucky
Re: House and Lot No. 320
City of Wheeiwright, Kentucky
The above captioned reai estate was sold b, Mountain Investment, Inc.
m Curtis Blair and Helen gum Blair, H_is Wife
w n li'iq /s _vihggiygightLhegtg'49:“
w _ March l9bc) 1m “3,999.00 _ tota‘. purchase
Please inditate on the tax ruiiS ihal this property is now Owned by
the above waned purthaser(s) and that a‘i future tax bill; should be
i: )ueG in him (thv'i. Aiw; pivase r» ,y 4 our name as Owner of this
Vex. iru‘ yuurs,
. F i; W ”way 1- 7 7 1,_o,
Certifi d Mrii Fiie Ch
Return Receipts in/Ltt No. illuE/Z
Tax Motite
(Form 68-13) Lot NO. 320

Féhruary 27, 1069 .5
VA d ' V g 
?iLeville flatiwnal Bank g Ernst Qumran?
Pilrxazvilfw , Kentucky 41331
$125: IvlC‘I‘LJ."é'I‘I\.I.‘fi 11";5'VELS '1’?-§Ew§"~:‘f' , II'JIC .

We rcFer to the arrangement of Mountain Invest»
ment, Inc. whereby you are acting as escrow agent for the
sales of their nropertigs at fihaelwrinht, Kentucly, w ich
are HMEject to a mortgage from flountain Invastmemt, Inc.
to Islaufi Creek dated Novenber 9, 1966, anfi rccoréefi in ’
the mvrtqaqe records of Floyfi Ccunty, Refitucky, in Volume
32; raga 383.

Mountain Investment has now :Equestaé LLat Ialanfl
Crack release its lien of mortgage from lot ieaiqnated
PD. 320 with improvements Lhéreon situate at Whetlwrijht
and forward to you the Relea;c of Mortgagfi covering saifi
promextv. Enclosed herewith is Partial holoaac mf ”ortqaqe
covering Lot HQ. 330.

This Partial Release of Wortqage is forwnriefi to
you with the understandinc that at the time the trangacticn
is Closed, you will Ecrward t: Island Crank 809 of the
gross receipts (purchage yrice) receiVGd by Mountain In“
vestmsnt frOm tie sale of said troperty. Fountain Inve5t«
ment has informed us that it has already made arrangements
with the bank for the hawk to record his Deed anfi Ecleasc
of Mortgage and remit the balance of the rewaininq 20% to
flountain Investment, Inc.

Sincerely yours,

vzdxg'xmp ;

J Luit

Joseph L. keyholds, III

Corporatv Counsel and

Assistant Secretary

' Copies:
,///?Mr. flordon Brown
/r Mr. R. A. Bradbury
F.A. Macflonald, Esq.

 , f/lll/ , (M22 . C/ZXfl/le
cm». gm; 9%? ‘
%2W2M/fl27 .jgfiérr/fy fl/KXJT? ‘ I
TEL,886*243| .
! D) *
‘T\/’I—/ I

 John Young February 26, l969
Gordon Brown Lot 320
Thank you for the Change of Status report pregared in connection
with the sale of this groporty.
This gives us most of the information we need, however on future
reports please fill out in full the section entitled “PreSent
Status of Property.” Also, in tin Sale section complete the
information on insurance. If the purchaser is not going to have
any insurance, so indicate.
Also enclosed is the purchaserfi copy of the Agreement of Purchase
on this lot, which Mr. Arnall and I have executed on behalf of
the corporation. The deed has been forwarded to John Allen, and
Island Creek has been requested to send their release to the
Pikeville national Bank.
Very truly yours,
L ‘/ ‘
Gordon Brown

Repo "t of Proposed (Se 16 of Hou "\e No . ______3‘2__O______
7 o 2___Qflfliglfiifll‘ifififli‘lfiiifiLP;i.§z.-§i§._‘r‘}f§._._.,--.---._fi_._---_---__._
P 'e s em Add '65 s: __.ij§.€_1.:£} 21*3_§.:.._K§.>9P9_9.1:X__-__-___.-m.-__-__--_.__._____._

\jagant; 0C \\JP‘E'WT‘ l‘lfjw Long) _...._..._"..__.__.._._ _
L ‘ 0;;22913 9:,

P ' e 9 en t 7 9 me n, ' . “_”“qu __ "..._... _ ...-.....___--.__.u_._._._..-.__.-__..._-...A.___

wh (3 T ba 2‘ l S l ___ _(____m .._._....-._..__-._~_....n ,__,_____.,_ -___.-_______,,.__‘_._.._.__._v .___.___.__.

{Bate of Noti ce-

\~’~ 1 1 vaca : e: ._m___-.w...___._.~______“___--...'f D a te l to v a La t c—z ____..__________.
llf repair :2 are to be made 3:, a pav.f nf the deal . F1 1’: out and at tech PropeVIy Rehabi 17-
tarion Repor t I

if. E Edi:

Occupation of pv‘ )tpec T. 1 \ e tom—m? i).

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ins-u a": PC? 1 ;.‘y ‘0 b: it". L" +5 <3" agent? .L_-,__._“.h
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Appr ’-"e0' ...E.: A b/Em. _.. ’ 9 Ly -

,1], / Inf/[I Lhange of “Status
¢daéfgmngM -... .. _ ._ L "1 N 0- féifim
( F or m 68 — l O l, k N/ ’ ..' // "
l /' .,v

. Leiaruarz’ "in? a“ i“ E ' 1" " ‘ ‘ ' ‘
‘ 0 _‘..EymisBlaizt._fglie.l—.a§1._Lezaisemlileirlmhis. wife- _. . _.
2': E v, ..7 n E 7,79.
F i 1‘“ t': I E ' ’3
7'4" Whit? ‘ \ "15» ;""t ,,, J 3 ‘ ‘, E- m, i I 7320
‘ ‘L’fi:{7 .7.» '. 777/£72.73 7777' 1(70‘ x71" . "l 1 ‘ “‘7 7 "-\/-7“ ;' 7/1' Y- K. . I; ‘_ 5' 1 "N '
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'. = :‘w x 535/ g ”a v; 'vji TE-r »r__ ' . 177‘ 7 m. 'r‘fi y at (_E’OOO:K‘? 77 77 v
:t r ‘ r ‘13,,\;;- wzl “ p; '3: ~er ~T §3d V"? , ‘ ’- .— w ’3 ‘, ,
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7" pH r“ L VOL); ‘ ,w’ 7, "V, 7 V w ”:an - r; "7 "sf/‘7) 5."); ‘(3 ‘ I ' ' ‘
7.:77 W ‘/‘, :17 7;_':: 1" if ,7 ‘ , 61“" , '. ‘ ’5 " W'hj :‘ 7.' ~_< [1‘ ‘ ' ,
1:52;; 7 uw’ .2' -: ‘ ‘ ""1 ‘ ?» «gnu-"(g P: v =" .-
~ «*5?!ng U" 4’,Ef‘,"7‘u"€" "9. .9677 and .m ‘t'u' 5! Mn {Jr/w“ fir‘vwk 19F a! Down Lu : i
‘ ‘1: 7_777777 L; r A I _ ,77:~7,;,
Y‘ 1 45‘ .-i" 1111’ ' “H? t-‘ "“1" 1’ COM " ' w r" ‘
":4, ‘1‘» ";,= . ‘ Jug?‘ [w M p," ruyly Jay 3M v E 7
‘ 'Q‘v ,H.~ ’ Uf‘fi w" 1’ ’ ‘ 'rHj ‘ {7‘ I‘ “M ‘ E/n‘ 9‘r5r‘i ;‘ ‘f - ‘ l ’ 1H '
‘r > March 15th, 1969‘ ‘5 ~ ; ., ‘ E ,,t- ,, 7
Er; w . J W {I w ‘ “ x ‘y‘? , "it i , 1"“ ima‘“ ' Wu, ‘ r ‘
5v »" p IN" " “7’; ’ (‘5 '_ ‘ ‘ v1,‘1 I” is‘ww- ‘_ - '
~11", "‘ «lug-«u ‘ ' 'r=<"' , "J
Ill .. M., ‘77 7 :

 Eatimated taxes for the year of 1949 shall be pro—rated to the date of
closing based upon the 1968 tax rates for the City of ‘.r-Iheelwright (5.6.75 per
hundred), State and County ($72.2 per- hundred of full purchase price).

”he 15"?“9Eng ~ha i be a’ Pikeville :‘.{rati’onal Eank and Trust Co.

A: the Mme :::" ‘.'oamg a?! Jew) an: L.""wt‘e'n Gus by ‘Euye’
to ”th9’“ sha?‘ he fal'y pa'j. A; [eras an =91? p HDQV‘y ~hai‘ :e afigufif-
ed piom'ata To the (1.339 :W' twang.

Po . be gm we” $939114; ,.l9;§2_.._.._.___,.v

Any fu ’her' hence ‘1€C€$:-3’y unde‘ *h’ :~ ag‘eemem may be :wh'.
by max] to the 35‘? kmwh adil'C‘.'\ of The pa'fy to be nomflmh

The wea; “Ewe" and “Dune" hwewn emp'Oyed shal‘ be Um-
Sl‘ued TO 1hc‘iude the phyal {,3 we!” a) The i'lrWQ('l;5', and “run {gnrracr she]?
be bind”? UPon "‘6‘” Y‘E‘I F1. aimimawa'O‘ exe:..u*;x «meson; am] a:-
"gms and rhe march‘vr‘e :ha’n! !n;|.,.de We. Femnw—we ahri mare _ ”have me
context SO admflm or acquire:

IN \AIfTNEg‘; WHE REQ.?“ "Hm-n?“ ha~ (“Li 'hv ”w :' men’ 7'3 be:
exec Her: by 1r'1 Hui» au‘hz‘! we: .»FMIE' and "Bum“ 'm’ ‘:'- d «namin'cd :a'nr‘:
as of the day and ytc“ ab'i‘\'€ titers

M‘JL‘NWMN ;m’?*~;’r»1?r~i'. Wt,
A11r:m ” ‘
,7/t' ~ ‘~ /‘ * ,/'/(_
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{’,‘/g; 4_I” 7": _v > '/“'z{rflv1.:pv9 inn 3“)
EnCIOSed Ts CIOCuied deed To the SOOwC gay va9: 'OQI carsIg. uWfl“Wj
in Lurtis Blair and Helen Louise Blair, his wife
Island Creek Coal Comi3ny wlll 3h0“‘1y (C‘I~E' Iv Isa an c«ca.*:d
T31305,0UU.09) - - - IIn‘lO s.
and , I’F’lll iii/’1 the" ' (”of if) I 1i .Iml [I CC‘,’ LII/Ii ‘ft'ii‘ly. 1': ILI-_WWW JJI“ _‘C
IuItf‘ I Ts d1 Sb JVS€”15VIT iIéT ICT aisoz<3 PIC“ IrvTrc‘ In IJQCI‘iI/\T; ‘vlrti :
0F tho Trogcrty, anu SBO.53 ClOSTPQ co taI
Pocording i093 for the deed and for Ina ’Cliabursenents authOII'Cd
above), are to be deposited 1n the non—ogerating account of Hadntotn
IHVGSIant, Inc. in your bank, with advfice to us $h0wwnq all retcvpta
and disburgements of the transaction. a 1' > . 0 v I
' ’0 ‘O / ‘) \
\ / l , - I
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Presi dent

 , 7V V ‘ w r ‘
PHONE 606—457.2761
CC: Ha”. l—I L18" 9 Two-two"
:L‘, \_ ‘ . ’4 H L k " .', ' .
n. Lam- U .Lxhbfl. L; _uL (‘. i/fl
‘.teC—‘w’riql‘t: ICw‘LL‘CQ.’
Gentlen o":
The above captficmec ‘oa expat? has beer sold by T'fr‘uniiair
Tm/«estr‘er‘t In; to A .
* ’ " / i-Lurtls Blair - ,
‘ -—~‘Jhee1wri§zht,rKentucky , .7. , . \ , . ,
\fir‘eser't addressl;
.. . . ., . /. .
Toe doyrq '.»JTT‘. Lame page (F “181121 1‘3 1959 xdatrf
.. ,’ ._.“ ,,7 __» .
Ti‘o -
.,Nolwrtgage _ ., _
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at; tuniwase, 5 dam: 1*‘0‘.atec mar ms?“ to ham your ,weru’
write We {vsuraroe (‘r‘ c or‘t,‘-er"7‘.j/ in the amount LN." i3 ,
C‘TT‘BSI? LLCCBLT: them {it Vsiructhnu :"mzcj’rf‘r‘q Lbs?“ ow
77(3'7g". ’.‘C' ;;Tsx. arr‘ar‘qc for Leroe‘fatior, ;;;"o—r'ata, of this {Lew on
our 30717;“.
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"13": r)‘ (thew-11‘1"? I9‘:‘“, @1111 112' 1611.1»? ~71. Lt‘etw ‘31" k’ “5’5 a? pace “Ni. 1’1. ‘
.i '53.: E 1‘./L: 1,'-.'7'/ A ‘1‘. I,»;;‘ _ 1'}:‘.\,:
l‘ ‘ (\> a”, .‘,“. I (.1 1}.” ‘~_ ,.,..~ r (a. _ é,...11.1.1
":4 1.1 - ' ii 1I ’ ‘,‘-_4; ‘1: l. :I'fl. 5.'“ I") 15“11\ :1 174.111 h. 1 .1:- f‘ .1 E '1 ;
1‘ 1' .’fi‘ ‘ 1 ‘1 “e -1 I‘3‘1 '1 ;= 11'“ 1"»? E‘w; f1. » t .
1 1~ —- . 1441.1..1341 I??? , 1 ~ 1.: »1
::1 11 .1 i " 17' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘11‘1 - "‘.I 1 I'm, 113% 1‘1: 111 J 1' I 11 "
_ . I; 11" ..:, g

flatmated taxes for the year of 1969 shall be pro-rated to the date of p
closing based upon the 1968 tax rates for the City of Wheelwright (31.75 per
hundred), State and County ($72.2 per hundred of full purchase price).
he ‘5‘";m9 «5;; be ‘3‘ _Bikanlle--flaLMBflt,E§flK_-fl§_mlii_C°o
A! :he time or QlOiing all went; and o"1it?es due by 'Bon‘ ‘
to ”Owner“ she}? be fu-lv paid, Al' 'E"[F on zero p’opetiy shal‘ re adius7~
ed p Om'ata to the date at t bring.
Posses~ion W,;, be gt~en ‘Buy€”' on March.]5 1969 .
Any to the? notice necessa'y umdef 'b‘b ageeement may be sent
by mail to the last knewn adfl'CSs of the party 10 be nozxfieda
The word: ”BuyE“ and “Dyne" he’ewo employed shal‘ be con—
strued to include the pYural as we?? as the singuia'. and ‘his contract shali
be binding upon their nerve. administrators. exetu’o =. 'U’C9>*W'§ ano a:-
:vgn3, and fhe marroline :hait include the femlntne and “Puie’. where the
context so admits or requares
IN WITNFsi WHEREOF. ”Owne"” ha~ tin-66 'h*‘ 7“ "iW9”’ 10 be
EXECJTQQ by it" duiy au‘ho izeu oft} 6.. and ”duycr' ma er v e~etn'eo  / “Z
By" C [a , / .': .
/‘/- / "r it .. ,. " ' "
3.14;...4_-1_J_.n1.-....LIML‘Q- \
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.e - J 1 ,
»".-1/.€C_€f_l_;;7./fl :z c «a -' Zfi/a i l
(F0 m 69-i7 Dane K,

Report of Proposed (Sale oF House No. M__J§g2_flfi
T 0 = L_QILLiLsLBLLizyi-‘iei gnLECLuLige._EiLaiILPLijLQQeLLLL__LLL
P V e 3 e n t A d d " e ‘.: 3 =‘ __Tfleglfligflqfig BEREEZLLL_ __L___,..__LLLL_L____. ._

\[a C a n t ; 0 I: L U D ‘ 9 C: H 0V" L O 7‘ g ' _ ,___,__,.___._._._________

P“€sent ’enan*, _fl_wfl_umhn___r_WNN"“__W____”__m_~___m_fi_*u

What bails: ___W__nwumw”___“VW«~_“_"«_H“______”_m__w_fi_n_w

Date of Notice

will vacateé _m__uuflmwwm__w_mw___m_n’Date? to vacate:__u______‘_____
(If repairs are to be made as a pa't of :he deal. F711 out apd attach Property Rehabili-
tation RepO'tl

1.5-. 5;? Mil:

Occupation 0F prjépectvxe teranrv

M”. _~~__m__m____n_"__"___mww_ Haw long employed _“__.hu_____r“__

Emp ‘ 0y e ' W_w‘mmm MW __'_ _ r5 drlr e ,7 9 ._-.7 __.______fl_W________________fi______

Mrs. “__“____‘mw_w_n_flmw_ufln_w HCw long emplbyed mm______‘___~__m

E mp 1 Dyer ___wmwmmm ___mm ”W_W_ Acdr e 3 ‘2 "__‘_WW "______‘___‘m______________________
Bank ACCOwnt m____wm_m__mwwum_r_n_wwwmW_mmfifiwwn___“flufiwmN~_m_____“nm How Long _m_“__n_
Cred]! Refe'once<. {Inpiude adv 65:63“ mmmwh_”~_mmnnmn“W“MW_‘_““_m"___ww_"__“uuww__nn
RCdi”n f0“ Inter? r: _nfiv“m___nVHumvr“Mhh“”""““_“_“m_"mw__«_m‘"w____mflww_____w____mm

lfLifl'LEL ‘
f> a I P ' 1 c e SL__:1,;_:29_-_'0__ C I \ , n 9 U a t or ..EEE._lfieLEVLLLLLLL
P l a C e 0 "C C1 0 31‘ n 9 L‘LiiggxingL‘léflgrzélLEarlfae._929-.EFL2L99LLL
D a I e 0 f P0 '3 3 9 5 ‘ 0 “2 _.LlfégrQhLl5L_12§2L_L_ L.L _.LLLLLLLL
Fiflanc1hg: Uepmgit Pa2d $_mkl§9199__hmwflfl
Bai¢ of Down Paymf $_»V_W"wwuwflww fiu£ ”_N‘flmwwnwm___w Awtm FInanced $___“_E§§E___hum
Lehd'ng In;*utufinh _W_W_W*V_WMVWW"NVMMMHM~fimflfl___m_w'mmm"h““__wu__fi_m____wfl_”__m_"_v

Terms of Ewan: Pats “N'uwm_wfl ‘O'W- LL”____LLL Mo. Payment S nu_fl_”___~____mu
1n3L'anai: Philiy '0 by J'wf*hr by p"€aen* agenl” wwj*“nnwwfi
If ofhe’. é'ate name 830 aflfircm V_“mammvmwh_wr”WM_flflflWNWWWW“h“_rm~____________m___u_

App'Oved , 59

»Nm—mMm—UmmmWNHEHWNM- "I” Change of Sta'u5
Lot Not


 , , . ,V , . ,V , , 7V . - , . , I.“ , n , ,
4 ..9 7r , , I
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the A __ day 0‘
Edam-u __ 19_69, by and between Mountain Inveitment. In:.. herewn
called '0wne" and Cnflil m“: .': Hal-n Imlilfl m“: m. un __ m____
hwein (aé led ‘Buyer." 3
wt'rtt‘;:E'-<- i
‘HA’ WHEREAS "Owner ’ ha) offered to »elt to 'Buye* ‘ Lot No "129“ ' 7
located m 1H Wheelwright Sub-divisiOn, Floyd County. Kentur. y. ai Show“ on '
map or ptat tn Ftie 398. Floyd County Coat (New\ 7 Ottue. and tmpro emenw f
thereon except as heretnafter »et out, ‘0' the ~um 0f $__§‘90_O£_09_____. and. I
it addtften “Buyer shall pay the ~um of $38 LID glcstng costs and $§D DD for
w’wey piat 'o be :upplied by "Dr/we”, aII of which 1': to be patd a< ‘ctlom: I
S__“l_§_0_:_09____ down payment, the reretpt 0t whtch 1< hereby atkv I
now'edged. and the baiamm of €.__IA_,2}§:_59___“. (yhreh nnt’lude (Loxtng (0%» i
and the \«er‘r, rule» , on da'e wt donng, and upC‘v deW e'y of deed ct
con-«event». "r 'Buwu w‘tb (”memoir-rt of Geno'ai Warran'y of 'IYIG‘ :‘Ubteft 'm
tho: e- ep't'w and Law:- to!" .; 'o‘Wt’G "t 'tttwe tm, 't ' otter" A' New :
arue fr‘mm Idand peek Coat Cmparvy to, "C‘Nttlf' . VQTFE‘"€O m he’em t," C)‘-t"*.€' :
of title and which a’e dated Nmember 9. I966‘ and recorded In Deed Book ‘91 E
at page 501+, and LSD in those certatn deeds executed by "Owner" to Ha'old 3
Tetephone C'mpany and Tc'-Com . Int dated June 15, I96? and recorded tn Deed ;
Book '93 at page‘ 27?, 27 and 2?"). record- of the Floyd (rJunty Court Uek \ I
Otttt’e. and ALSO deed ot gUI'I e/ant_e I’L‘m "Owner" trr KOD'ngy Potter Company
dated December 29, I967. and 0! record In Deed Book ’95 at page #25. record
of the Floyd County Court C‘erk \. Offtce. *
It 15 agreed that time is of the easence oF this agreement and '
that this trah~actton shalt be aided. all money due he-eunder  or be‘ore JEMEJJEL___--___-_ In erént "Buye"' doe) not pay the 3
ba'ance a; herein D'Ovlded on or befo'e the Clo tng date then the down payment :'
a here1n provided shall be retatned by 'Owner" as liquvoated damage> hereunde‘.
I and this agreement is then void _ _ ...». ,...» , ,,

 l: Estimated tun for the you- of 1969 shall be pro-rated to the data of
l»; 1
: cloning baud upon the 1968 tut rates for the City of "bulvruht ($.75 par ,_
l,. hundred), State and County ($72.2 p