xt7qnk361r47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361r47/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1903059 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1903-05-dec9. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1903-05-dec9. 1903 2011 true xt7qnk361r47 section xt7qnk361r47 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 8, 1903 - page 233 Semi Annual Meeting Dec. 8, 1903. Regular Semi-annual meeting of Board of Trustees Dec. 8, 1903, at 2 P. M. Present: President James K. Patterson R. W. Nelson R. C. Stoll, and W. R. Ramsey. There not being a quorum present Board adjourned to meet Wednesday Dec. 9, 1903 at 9 A. M. Board of Trustees of the A. & M. College met in Trustees Room in Gymnasium Building Dec. 9, 1903 at 9 A. M. with following members present: Messrs: Hopkins CarpenterX Ferguson Hager Nelson Bell C lay Kinkead McChord Ramsey , and Patterson - - 11. Absent: J. C. W. Beckham Fowler Lindsey Frazee, Stoll, and Barker - - 6 MINWYPES CF THE BOARD OF 'IRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1903 - page 2335-234 Mr. Clay in the Chair. The roll being called, and a quorum being present, in the absence of the Chairman, Mr. Frazee, President Patterson moved that Mr. Clay act as Chairman of this meeting, which motion was seconded by Judge Hager, put to a vote and duly carried. Thereupon Mr. Clay took the chair. Reading of Minutes dispensed with. Upon motion of Col. Nelson, duly seconded and carried, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with. Reading Minutes - Executive Committee. Thereupon the Secretary read the minutes of the vaxious meetings of the Executive Committee since the last meeting. After the reading of the minutes of the Executive Committee was completed, it was moved by Judge Kinkead and seconded by Mr. McChord that the resolution of the Executive Committee, passed on August 11, 1903, found on page 111 of Minute Book of the Executive Committee, requiring all students, as a condition precedent to receiving their traveling expenses at the end of the year, to sign and swear to a statement to the effect, that they had not consci- ously violated any regulation of the College against good order or good morals during the past year, be disapproved by this Board, and be now annulled and held for naught. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1903 - page 234 Thereupon it was moved by President Patterson and seconded by lur. Clay that the Minutes of the Executive Committee, be referred to the standing Conmmittee on Minutes of the Executive Committee. Said motion was objected to as being out of order, which objection was over ruled by the Chairman, and said motion held to be in order, and to take precedence of Judge Kinkead's motion to annul. Thereupon upon the call for the question on the motion to refer, a roll call was demanded, and upon said roll call the vote stood as follows: Ayes: Clay and Patterson - 2. Noes: - Hopkins, Carpenter, Hager, Nelson, Kinkead, McChord, Ramsey, - 7. The motion to refer was lost. Thereupon followed discussion of Judge Kinkead's motion to annul, after which the following motion was made by Mr. Ramnsey, and duly seconded. That the consideration of Judge Kinkead's motion to annul be postponed until this afternoon; which motion was put upon its passage and carried. The reading of the minutes of the special faculties was dispensed with. Thereupon that being next in order, President Patterson read his report, which Is as follows: MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1903 page 235 President Report. Gentlemen of the Board o.f Trustees, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Ky. Ordinarily the report which I have to honor to present to the Board at the December meeting is not lengthy, and happily this is no exception. The current collegiate year opened Sept. 10th, with a full attendance. The work of matriculation had not gone far till it became apparent that the year would surpass all previous records. Up to date I have entered an increase of nearly 100 over that of the last year. Taken in connection with the matriculation of the several sunmer schools we have an aggregate of nearly 700 since June 1903. This number will be still further increased after the mid-winter holidays when if former precedents are followed we shall enter about 100 more. While it is gratifying to see this annual increase in the Number of students, this increase is bringing with it corresponding embarrassment. For several years past the classes have been all together too large for one person to handle. This is notably true in mathematics, in English and in Physics. The Senior class of this year numbers 77. The Junior 85 , the Sophomore 92 and the Freshman 133. The result is that these classes have to be sub-divided into sections if as in most instances the classes are instructed simultaneously requires a corresponding increase in the staff of assistants. This means that more rooms are required for recitation purposes and more money required for the payment of instructors. Our resources in both directions, - Space and money,- are exhausted and overdrawn by our requirements. This of course emphasizes the necessity of an appeal to the next legislature for more money for building, and more money for current expenditures. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1903 - page 236 The College Home for Young Women on Limestone Street is approaching completion and will be ready for occupancy when the January term begins. It is a well constructed building. W. K. Patterson, representing at his request, the chairman of the Building Comm-ittee has given it unremitting attention. he has been on the premises every day and has scrutinized closely all the work that has been done and all the material which has been used. I think it would be well to dedicate the building sometime in January a d to invite the Governor, State officials and members of the General Assembly to be present on the occasion. A suitable entertainment should be provided in the dining-room of the building for the guests and such arrangements made for their comfprt as would make their visit pleasant for them. The time has come when we cannot any longer go on under existing Conditions. We require more space for class room and laboratory work and additional equipment. This is especially true of Mining Engineering which may be said to have as yet neither space nor equipment. The Mechanical, Electrical and '-'ivil Engineering courses are also crowded beyond comfort and efficiency. The department of Physics is in similar condition and the necessity for enlarged accommodations for Normal School work is urgent. MINUTES OF THE BOA-RD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1903 - page 237 For buildings an appropriation aggregating not less than $150.000 is needed, and an annual increment of $15,000 to meet increased expenditures for assistant instructors and general expenses. These are conservative estimates and I am hopeful that the General Assembly will appreciate the situation and deal liberally with the College. The Board at its last meeting appointed me Chairman of the Committee on Legislation with power to name my Fellow-committee-men. I have selected for that duty Messrs. Nelson, Carpenter, McChord, Ramsey and Clay. We shall also without hesitation call upon other members of the Board to give us their aid when the work of legislation comes on. I feel that now when the State is free from debt and the Treasury full is an auspicious time to make a united and concerted effort to obtain from the General Assembly what the College needs. In order to inform senators and representatives in advance of their arrival at the State Capitol, of the necessities of the College and in order to shape public opinion somewhat in advance, I have written and addressed to each member a personal letter. I feel constrained to call your attention once more to the recommendation which I have made in almost every report which I have made to the Board for the last three or four years, viz: that a competent person be employed and his salary paid out of the funds accruing from the fees received by the Experiment Station from the analysis of fertilizers, whose duty it should be, in connection MINUTES OF THE BOARL OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1903 - page 238 with the Bureau of Agriculture, to organize and conduct Farmers' Institutes throughout the state of Kentucky. In my opinion, an opinion fortified by the experience of other states, no better service could be rendered to the farms and no more effective service done for the College. This College will never fulfill its mission as an Agricultural College until it leads the way in the organization and conduct of Farmers' Institutes. The fund derived from the analysis of fertilizers is ample to meet this expenditure. I desire to press this matter upon the Board with the view to immediate action. Farmers' Institutes: Upon motion of Colonel Nelson, duly seconded and carried, it was resolved to hold before the Board for consider- ation by it, that part of the President's Report referring to the establishment of Farmer's Institutes. Thereupon Judge Kinkead made the following motion. It is moved that the Secretary be directed to go and invite Prof. Scovell, Director of the Experiment Station, to come before this Board at once, and make a statement with reference to the advisability of establishing Farmers' Institutes. Said motion was duly seconded by Col. Nelson, put upon its passage and carried. The considerationi of the matter of Farmers' Institutes was postponed by tacit consent until Prof. Scovell's presence could be obtained and other business taken up. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1903 - page 239 Reading of the Minutes of the Board of Control dispensed with. Upon the call for the report of the Committees. The Finance Committee asked for further time which was granted. Report Exp. Stas The Committee on Experiment Station, through Judge Kinkead, its Chairman, reported that the Committee had gone over the account up to last June, andi found them to be correct. Mustaine Salary. - The Conmittee on salaries being called for Mr. McChord raised the question of raising the salary of Mr. Mustaine, the physical director, and after considerable informal discussion, and various statements being made as to the understanding with Mr. Mustaine at the time he was employed, the following motion was made by Col. Nelson, and seconded by President Patterson: Be it resolved that the College pay to Mr. Mustaine a salary of a $1,000 a year, from the beginning of the present collegiate year, from Which is to be deducted any amounts which he may have received in the way of fees from outside pupils. Upon the roll call on said motion the vote stood as follows: Ayes: Hopkins, Carpenter, Hager, Nelson, Clay, Kinkead, McChord, Ramsey, Patterson, - 9. Noes: - - None. Re-reading of Minutes regarding Farmers, Inatitutes. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1903 - page 239-240 The motion was carried unanimously. At this point Pro&. Scovell came before the meeting. Thereupon President Patterson re-read the part of his report referring to the establishment of Farmers' Institutes, and other documents and made the following motion. Directed to employ conductor of Institutes. Resolved that the President of the College and the Director of the Experiment Station be authorized and directed to employ a competent person, whose salary and traveling expenses shall be paid out of the income from the Fertilizer Fund, whose duty it shall be to organize and conduct in cooperation with the State Bureau of Agriculture, and under the general direction and control of the President of the College and Director of the Experiment Station, Farmers, Institutes for the education of the farmers of this Commonwealth; and whose entire time and services shall be given to the Experiment Station, when not engaged in Institute work. Said motion was duly seconded by Sour. Clay, and after statements by Prof. Scovell, President Patterson, and general discussion among the members of the Board, the question was called for and upon roll call the vote stood as follows: Ayes: Hopkins, Carpenter, Ferguson, Hager, Nelson, Bell, Clay, Kinkead, McChord, Ramsey, and Patterson, - 11. Noes: - - None. he motion was unanimously carried. Prof. Scovell then invited the members of the Experiment Station, and thereupon retired. Business Agent's Report. - That being next in order, the Business Agent read his report to the Board, and tendered the report of the Experiment Station and the Secretary read the report of Mr. Charles Meriweatier, Expert Accountant, upon his investigation of the accounts of the Business Agent. MINUTES OF' T-HE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 9, 1903 - page 241 Upon motion of Mr. McChord, seconded by Judge Kinkead, the Report of the Business Agent, the Report of the Experiment Station, and the Report of the Expert Accountant on the examination of the accounts of the Business Agent were all referred to the Finance Committee. Thereupon the Secretary read a communication from Mrs. Blackburn, which is as follows: A. & M. College of Ky. Lexington, Dec. 7, 1903 Communication of Mrs. Blackburn. To the Board of Trustees. Gentlemen: I wish to submit for your consideration the following statement. Co-education of the sexes even under the most favorable conditions involve great difficulties and responsibilities have been greatly augmented since the erection of a gymnas- ium common to the use of both sexes. Whilst the girls have been forbidden to be present in the gymnasium building except when under instruction by the directress of Physical Culture or for other legitimate reason, the prohibition has been evaded and males and females, ignoring class duties and chapel service, meet in the building to chat and waltz together. Since a hall for Physical Culture has been provided in the new dormitory appropriated to the exclusive use of the girls, what objection can there be to transferring instruction in that branch of training to that building? It is true that the same provision may not be made in the woman's dormitory for Athletic training, but we want to promote Physical Culture in the girls and not to make Athletes of them. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1903 - page 242 I think it incumbent upon the College authorities to throw all safeguards possible around the young women. There have been no cases of scandal as yet - but of late some ad- verse comment from others and things which have fallen under my own observation have added greatly to the anxiety and responsioility of the position which I hold as guardian to the extent of my power, over the girls of State College. With much regret and for the first time since my connection with the College I make the statement that some of these young people of both sexes have been subject to discipline by the faculty and Board of Discipline for violation of the regulations relating to their presence in the gymnasium building during forbidden hours. In consequence one young woman was dismissed from College and others made subject to reprimand and admonition. Therefore I make this appeal to President Patterson and the Honorable Board of Trustees to replace the room used by the Philosophian Society in the main building and to exclude female students from the gymnasium building excepting on occasions of public functions. Respectfully, ( Signed ) Mrs. L. B. Blackburn Monitress MINTTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 9, 1903 - page 243 Thereupon the following motion was made by Mr. McChord, and seconded by Judge Kinkead: - Young ladies to do Gym. Work at Girl's Dor. Be it resolved that the young ladies of the college be given instruction in physical exercises at the Girlts Dormitory from and after such time as the Executive Committee may decide that the building and the hall is in proper shape for their reception, and Further resolved that during forbidden hours no young woman shall be permitted in the gymnasium building under penalty of dismission; and until the hall for physical culture is completed and equipped, no young man shall be permitted in the Gymnasium Building under penalty of dismission; and Resolved further that the Faculty be directed to enforce the penalty of dismission upon any person of either sex so offending. It is further ordered that the President and Business Agent provide as soon as they can, a room in the main building for the meetings of the Philosophian Society, after which no meetings of the Philosophian Society shall be held in the Gymnasium building. After full discussion, said motion was put upon its passage and carried. Thereupon, upon motion of Col. Nelson, duly seconded and carried, it was Resolved that the Resolution last above passed, be read by the President to thee students in chapel. Thereupon the Secretary read a communication from Prof. Norwood to the Board, which is as follows: MIINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec. 9, 1903 - page 244 Com. of Prof. Norwood. Mr. D. C. Frazee, Secretary, Board of Trustees, State. A. & M. College. Lexington, Ky. Dear Sir: At the June meeting of the Board of Trustees, President Patterson presented a supplemental report I had made to him in which request was made, for a special appropriation of $200 to be used for a building for the Mining Laboratory until permanent quarters could be secured. My information is that the appropriation was made, but since some oversight the fact was not recorded in the minutes the amount could not be credited to this Department. As a consequence of this omission from the minutes, I have been unable to give the course in ore dressing which should have been given during the first term of this session, and for which some apparatus has been procured (including a concentrating table) I have been unable to set up what machinery I have, and of course have been prevented from, procuring other pieces. President Patterson willrecall the matter. I will thank you if you will call attention to the matter when the Board meets, and have the minutes properly amended. Very respectfully, C. J. Norwood Dean Dept. Mining Engineering I may add that I am trying to utilize the old frame structure and a mere frame it is - formerly used to house the cannon, so far as it will go, toward housing the concentrating table, etc. but as you know it is much decayed, and will have to be repaired and extended. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1903 - page 245 Thereupon President Pattersorn made the following motion, which was seconded by Col. Nelson. Be it resolved that the appropriation of $200 asked for by Prof. Norwood in communication Just read, be now made. Upon roll call the vote stood as follows: Ayes: Hopkins, Carpenter, Ferguson, Hager, Nelson, Beel., Clay. Kinkead, McChord, Ramsey, Patterson, - 11. Noes: - None. Motion was unanimously carried. Sec'y. read com. of Prof. Anderson. The Secretary then read a communication from Professor Anderson and Faig, with reference to the Summer School of last year, and making proposition for conduct of summer school of 1904, involving m appropriation of $150 for advertising, and the use of such coal as will be necessary in the proper conduct of same. Said report and communication is as follows: Prof. Andersons Com. Names K. Patterson, State College of Ky. Lexington, Ky. Dear Sir: We have the honor to herewith submit our report relative to the summer school in Mechanic Arts for the summer of' 1903, showing receipts and expenses. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1903 - page 246 Will you kindly transmit this matter to the Board of Trustees with the following recommendation: We are willing to again conduct the Summer School in Mechanic Arts, and take the responsibility relative to the payment of instructors and to give our own services, if the College will agree to pay $150.00 for advertising and meet the expenses of the coal used in running the machinery. All fees to be used in paying for instruction given by employed instructors, and the services of F. Paul Anderson and John T. Faig, and such drawing material and shop supplies as are actually used by the summer school students. It is necessary each year to run the shops for making the necessary repairs on machinery and for building such drawing tables and equipments as are necessary to take care of the increased attendance each year, so that the expense of furnishing coal is one that the college will be compelled to meet whether the sumner school is conducted or not. If this plan does not meet the approval of the Board of Trustees, the undersigned are willing to take the responsi- bility of conducting the summer school, the college to assume all responsibility for the payment of instructors, includ- ing reasonable compensation for the undersigned. The Simmer School in Mechanic Arts in this institution will ultimately be an important feature of the industrial work; but in all probility it will require a few years of close attention before the school reaches any important magnitude. If the first plan is accepted the amount that the college is responsible for is practically only $150.00 for advertising and the character of advertising is such as to be considerable benefit to the engineering courses. In order to make the advertising effective, it should be sent out shortly after January 1st, 1904, and for this reason the whole matter should be passed upon by the Board of Trustees at this meeting. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUTSTEES,Dec. 9, 1903 - page 247 Report of Receipts and Disbursements. Summer School in Mechanic Arts State College of Ky. Rec eipts J. C. Shipley $25.00 A. Ma Elam 25.00 T. W. Freeman 25.00 J. DX Pollack 25.00 D. C. Kinkead 25.00 A. R. Tanner 255.00 E. T. Strong 25.00 H. H. Megee 25..00 E. T. Dowling 25.00 C. P. St. John 25.00 C. E. Blessing 25.00 L. A. Carlisle 25.00 A. T. Lewis 25.00 $3-S . 06 Expended W. M. Marks, Instructor $100.00 Jas. G. Scrugham, in strength of materials and calculus 75.00 The instruction given by Prof. Scrugham was paid for by private tutoring given to prepare him as Assistant Prof. of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nevada. This work given Mr. Scrugham was entirely outside the regular course of the Summer School work. The work done by Prof. Scruglham could not have been duplicated for $75.00. Railroad receipt blanks .50V Total $175.50. The net cash balance left after paying expenses is seen to be $149.50 Bill owing to Summer School 25.00 $soT'75 MINUTES OF THE BOAkRD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1903 - page 248 During the summer school term there were made for the Junior Drawing Room fifteen tables which were necessary to accommodate the large Junior class in Sept. 1903. The labor on these is estimated at $4.00 each, which is less than they could be made for outside. Total 15 tables at $4.00 each $60.00 - Expense to College Advertising $150.00 Coal & Lumber 60.00 Total - - - - - $210.00 Credit by drawing tables made for College 60.00 Total - - - - - In order to make full use of the machinery during the time it was operated for making College repairs and building the new drawing tables the privilege was extended Mr. S0. M. Morris for building a minature locomotive which will be exhibited at the St. Louis Exposition. Mr. Morris for two years has been instructor in our machine shop, and the concession to use the tools was given to him f or two reasons; first to partly compensate him for his services as instructor, ald secondly, with the understanding that the locomotive that he bore the entire expense of, was to be sent to the St. Louis Exposition as a part of the exhibit from the State College of Kentucky . Yours truly, signed _ ( F. Paul Anderson ( John T. Faig MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1903 - page 249 Thereupon the following motion was made by President Patterson, which was duly seconded: Summer School - Mechanic Arts. Be it resolved that $150.00 be appropriated for advertising the Summer School for the surmer of 1904; and that Professor Anderson and Faig be allowed the use of such an. amount of coal as would otherwise be necessary for collegiate purposes if the summer school were not in operation, to be determined by the Business Agent and President Patterson. After discussion, said motion was put upon its passage, and upon the roll - call the vote stood as follows: Ayes: Hopkins, Carpenter, Ferguson, Hager, Nelson, Bell, Clay, Kinkead, McChord, Ramsey and Patterson. Noes: - None. The resolution was unanimously carried. Prof. Roark's Com. Thereupon the Secretary read a communication from Prof. Roark. Upon motion of Judge Hager, seconded by Mr. Hopkins, said communication was referred to the Special Committee on Legislation. Thereupon the Secretary read a communication from Mr. Greife, a student. Mr. Greife's Com. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1903 - page 249-250 Thereupon Col. Nelson made the following motion: Resolved that there be appropriated the sum of $300, in accordance with the request contained in the communica- tion from Mr. Greife, to be turned over to the students, for the purpose of assisting in the publication of the " Annual " for 1903-04. After discussion, it was moved seconded and carried, that said communication from Mr. Greife, be referred to the FExecutive Committee with power to act, with reference to the contents of it. Comrn of Mr. Gardner. Thereupon the Secretary read a communication from Jas. H. Gardner, President of Patterson Literary Society, asking the appointment of a Trustee for the Crum Fund. Mr. McChord made the following motion which was duly seconded. Pres. Patterson to invest Crum Fund. Be it resolved that President Patterson be directed to invest this Crun Fund of $500.00 in such securities as he may deem safest and best, and to report his action to the next meeting of this board. After discussion, this motion was put upon its passage and carried. Thereupon Judge Kinkead called up his motion which had been postponed and asked the consideration and disposal of same by the board, said motion relating to the annulling of a resolution of the Executive Committee, requiring sworn statements by students before receiving their traveling expenses. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES;Dec. 9, 1903 - page 250-251 After pretty full discussion, said motion to annul was placed upon its passage and carried, and said resolution is now annulled. The Chairman thereupon announced that the Minutes of the Executive Committee, other than the resolution above annulled, stand approved as read. Professors to attend Chapel. At this point President Patterson communicated to the Board the request of certain professors that the regulation heretofore passed requiring all professors to attend chapel exercises, be rescinded; and the President made a statement with reference to said matter. Thereupon it was moved by Judge Hager, duly seconded and carried. That the minutes of this meeting show that the request of certain professors for the rescinding of the order re- quiring the attendance of professors at Chapel exercises was considered by the Board and that the Board now declines to rescind said order. Prof. Johnson's Conm. Thereupon the Secretary read a communication from Prof. J. R. Johnson, requesting to be made a " Associate Professor " at a salary of $1400 and to be increased annually $100 until same reaches $1800. Thereupon upon motion of Colonel Nelson, duly seconded and carried, Colonel Clay was substituted in place of Colonel Nelson, upon the Special Committee to determine the Status of salaries of subordinates, and the communication from Prof. Johnson is referred to that Committee. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1903 - page 251-852 Thereupon Mr. McChord made the following motion which was duly seconded. Athletics Investigate Football Game. Whereas, the attention of the Board of Trustees has been called to the published statements of the newspapers of the State, that members of the faculty and students of the College employed and imported from other States men who participated in a game of football on the College campus in aid of the student football team, in a recent game with the ball team composed of student3 and others from the Kentucky University in violation of a rule heretofore adopted by this Board. Be it therefore, Resolved that the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three members of the Board who are directed and empowered to call before them such students of the College and members of the faculty and others as the Committee may designate, and examine them touching said charges, and any other improper conduct in connection with said game. said Committee will also enquire as to the source from which the money was obtained from which said men were paid for their services if they were so employed. The Committee will in their report to the Board make such recommendations as to them may seem fit and proper. Thereupon after discussion, Judge Kinkead made the following motion as a substitute for Mr. McChord's motion, which was duly seconded. it is moved that this Board resolve that information has come to it, of various irregularities with reference to the football game recently played on the campus, and that the Board in the most emphatic manner denounces it; and that this Board states to the Athletic Association of the College that such conduct will not be tolerated by this Board, and it hopes it will not be indulged in again. MINWTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9,