xt7qnk361r8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361r8k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19411111 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-11-oct11-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-11-oct11-ec. 1941 2011 true xt7qnk361r8k section xt7qnk361r8k Minutes of the Meeting of thre executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of ;entucky. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, October 11, 1941. The following members were present: Judge Richard C. Stoll, Dr. Lee Kirkpatrick, and Mr. H. S. Cleveland. President H. L. Donovan, Comptroller Frank D. Peterson, Dean James H. Graham, and Secretary W. Gayle Starnes were also present. *A. Suit, Public Service Commission vs J. Dan Talbott, Com- missioner of Finance, and Others. The Attorney General of Kentucky requested in open court that certain employees of the University of Kentucky who receive annual salaries of more than S.000 be included in this suit. This matter was discussed and the following motion was introduced, seconded and passed. **l. iresolved that Governor Keen Johnson and Judge Richprd C. Stoll be authorized to employ coun- sel to represent" the University of Kentucky in this suit. B. Gifts. President Donovan announced the following gifts: a. Sears Roebuck and Company. The sum of 92200.00 was donated by the Sears Roebuck Company for. scholarships for young men working in the field of Agriculture. b. Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation. Letter from President of the Foundation. * Topics discussed are identified by capital letters. ** Board actions are ident-ified by Arabic numerals. 2 THE ALGERNON SYDNEY SULLIVAN FOU0DATION 63 Wall Street New York, N.Y. September 18, 1941 Mr. Frank L. McVey, President University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky My dear Mr. McVey: I am pleased to inform you that The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation is this year renew- ing its donation to the University of Kentucky in the sum of $500..00 as a contribution to The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Scholarship Fund established by the Foundation by Deed of Gift dated November 3, 1937, and is to be available for scholarships for the year ending in June, 1942. It is intended that this donation shall be administered by the University in accordance with the terms outlined in the aforesaid Deed of Gift of November 3, 1937, and that this letter shall be considered an amend- ment of that instrument. Assuming that this arrangemenit will be satisfactory to you, I am enclosing check of the Founda- tion to the order of University of Kentucky in the sum of Q500.00 for the uses and purposes above outlined. With kind regards, believe me, Sincerely yours, (Signed) William I, Bardusch, President b* * **** * * 2. On motion, properly seconded and passed, these gifts were accepted and President Donovan was instructed to write letters of appreciation. * * * * * it * * C. Proposed A. A. A. Office Building. There was a discussion of the proposed A. A. A. office build- ing to be erected by the University of Kentucky, the cost to be amortized through rentals from this organization. No final recom- mendation could be made until the ;. A. A. officials could make a definite agreement concerning the lease of the building. D. Discontinuance of Mid-Year Commencement. * * * * * * * * 3. On recommendation of President Donovan, a motion was made, seconded and passed, that Mid-year Commencement at the University of Kentucky be discontinued. * * * * * ** * E. Student Government Association Loan. President Donovan submitted a report on the status of the Stu- dent Government Association Loan Fund, Student Government Association Loan Fund Status and Recommendations When former president Fr-ink L. McVey came to the Uni- versity of Kentucky, the four undergraduate classes had class treasurers who endeavored to collect class dues, fre- quently without too much success. During the early part of President McVeyts administration the students petitioned the administration to permit the business office to assess and collect fifty cents each semester from each student for a general class fund, this amount to be included as part of the regular incidental fee. The request was granted. For some years, the students handled the expenditures from this fund with little guidance from faculty members, but in recent years Dean Jones, the President and the Business Agent have exercised considerable control over the class fund. In general the freshman class was not permitted to spend all of its money Curing the freshman year, so that some of the money collected remained for the sophomore year, and so on, the general plan being to spend more for the junior and senior years. From the 4 senior class fund there has been appropriated annually one dollar for each senior for dues in the Alumni Association. When the Student Government Association was estab- lished. the class fund was assigned to the new organization. Class fund balances totaling $3620 were placed to the credit of the Student Government Association on November 13, 1939. During last year the Student Government Association wanted to appropriate the balance of the fund - on June 30, 1940 it was $2337.13 - to start an additional student loan fund.. After some discussion between student and faculty members and Acting President Cooper, certain safeguards were estab- lished and adopted by the Student Government Association and Acting President Cooper agreed that $500 should be al- located to the Student Government Association for the purpose of making loans under certain approved conditions. The Student Loan Committee is to be composed of three students selected by the Student Government Association and two faculty members appointed by the President, with the ap- proval of the student legislature, and the Dean of Men acting as an ex-officio members The rules governing the loan of this money are as strict as, if not stricter than, those governing the Student Loan Fund administered by Dean T. T. Jones. For your convenience, a copy of the last printed audit of the Student Government Association is attached. The 1940-41 report has not been printed. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1939-1940 C. P. Johnson, Jr., Treasurer Transferred from Class; Funds: Inactive Funds ......*......$ 176.72 Class of 1938 ............. 209.11 Class of 1940 ......... .... 1,048.65 Class of 1941 ........... .. 1,205.92 Class of 1942 ........... 708.60 Class of 1943 ............ 271.00 $3,620.00 Received from Student Fees .. .. e 1,877.00 Miscellaneous .... * .... ..* .............. . . 1.80 $5,498.80 5 5,498.80 DISBURSEi1iENTS Kentuckian - Class Pictures . ......... 742.50 Alumni Association - Senior Membershipse 500.00 National Student Federation of America, for Dues and Convention Delegates.... 115.00 Stenographic Work a .................... 12.25 N. S. F. A. for Membership. 32.50 Scholarship Awards (Women) . 27.30 Election Expenses . .7................ .50 Kentucky Kernel - Printing, Stationery, Election Materials, Dormitory Rule- Books . ............................. 76.97 Woments Vocational Conference ........ . 505.86 Student Welfare Committee ............ 11.00 Junior Prom: Decorations . .......... . 's15.00 Radio Studios ............... 15.00 Flowers ............... 14.00 Orchestra ............... 350.00 Ballroom Rental ............ 52.00 Union Guards ............... 10.00 Programs ............. . * 81.00 Bids and Placards .......... 7.50 Telegrams, Booking Band.. .88 545.38 Community Chest . ..................... 25.00 Miscollaneous . . 10.22 Senior Ball ... 535.19 Organization Fund Expense 15.00 3.161.67 Balance, June 30, 194Q . ........................... 2,337.13 Balance, June 30, 1941 ............................ 2,979.67 I recommend that the executive committee of the Board of Trustees formally approve the appropriation of five hun- dred dollars from balances from the treasury of the Student Government Association to be used as a loan fund and admin- istered by the student-faculty loan committee as at present constituted. This approval would apply for the school year 1941-42 only. It would seem wise also to make these notes payable to the University of Kentucky rather than to the Student Government Association, because the Student Government Association is a body with a constantly shifting group of officers and there might be some legal difficulty in collecting money due such an organization. C * it * it * * * * * i. On motion, properly seconded and passed, the report was accepted and approval granted for the appropriation of $500.00 from balances from the treasury of the Student Government Association to be used as a loan fund and administered by the faculty loan committee as at present constituted. This approval applies to the school year 1941-42 only. * *F * * * * * * * * F. Summer School Recommendation. President Donovan made the following statement and recommenda- tion concerning the administration of the University of Kentucky summer school: If there arc any fundamental changes to be made in the reorganization of the University at this time, it ap- pears logical that they should be made at the beginning of my administration. After a careful study of the manner in which the summer school is organized and its relation to the Uni- versity as a whole, I am convinced that our present ar- rangement does not represent the soundest administrative policy. At present, the University is administered by the president, a dean of the University, and deans of the several colleges for two semesters or thirty-six weeks of the year. Then, for the next ten or twelve weeks, the director of the summer school has been largely re- sponsible for conducting the administrative machinery. It is my judgment, after much study and delibera- tion, that now is the logical time to make a change in the administrative organization of the University with respect to the summer school, I am, therefore, recommend- ing to the Board of Trustees that the summer school should hereafter be administered in the same manner as the gen- eral session of the University, and that the presidents the dean of the University and the deans of the several colleges be given the responsibility for its organiza- tion and administration, The summer school should be an integral part of the school year, and it is my desire to have each college do its own planning for this period. 7 In many colleges of the United States students havo been advised to speed up their college work by attending during the summer, and thereby reducing the time for graduation from four to three years. If the deans of the several colleges administer the summer school, they can prepare their schedules so as to enable students to shorten their college period. This is especially desir- able at the present time in view of the fact that many young men are now being called into the service when they reach their twenty-first birthdays. I am recommending this change in the administration of the summer school solely to provide a more logical administrative organization. The University has reached that period in its development when its educational pro- gram should extend over the entire year. In making this recommendation I should like at this time to express a word of appreciation for the outstand- ing work which Dr. Jesse E. Adams has done in developing the summer school over a period of years. He has demon- strated administrative ability and professional leadership. he took the summer school when it was small in numbers and by his leadership he has developed it until it is now enrolling hundreds and hundreds of students, and has be- come one of the major activities of the University. This change is not being recommended because the summer school has failed in any respect, but it is being proposed because it appears to offer a better and more consistent method of administering the University as a whole. I am asking your immediate approval of this recom- mendation so plans may be made for the summer school of 1942 under the proposed administrative set-up. * * * * * *t * * * 5. On motion, properly seconded and passed, the above recommendation was approved. * * * * * * *E * * * Go. A2ointmcnt of Acting Dean of Graduate School. President Donova.n recommended the appointi-ent of Dr. Jesse E. Adams as Aicting Dean of thie Graduate School for the second semester during the absence of De;a*n W. D.Funkhouser evho was granted a sab- batical leave of absence for this period. 8 * * * * * * * *.* * 6. On motion, properly seconded and passed, this recommendation was approved.. * * * * * * it * * * H. ApDointment of Committee on Anniversary Celebration and In- auguration of President Donovan. In accordance with the action of the Board of Trustees at its June meeting, the Secretary presented the Committee appointed by Governor Keen Johnson to serve in making plans for the 75th Anni- versary Celebration and the inauguration of Dr. Herman Lee Donovan as President of the University of Kentucky. The Committee follows: Dean Thomas Cooper, Chairman Judge Richard C. Stoll, from the Board of Trustees Mr. R. P. Hobson, from the Board of Trustees Dean James H. Graham, College of Engineering Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, College of Arts and Sciences Professor E. F. Farquhar, College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Statie Erikson, College of Agriculture and Home Economics Professor Frank Murray, College of Law Professor M. E. Ligon, College of Education Professor R. D. McIntyre, College of Commerce Professor Emeritus E. L. Gillis Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, Dean of Women's Office Dr. Leo ivi. Chamberlain, Registrarls Office Mr. Lee McClain, Alumni Association Mr. E. G. Sulzer# Department of Public Relations. I. Aipointments and Other Staff Chanpces. President Donovan presented staff appoinGments, reappointments, salary adjustments and other changes requested by Deans and Heads of Departments. College of Arts and Sciences Appointments Mr. Cecil C. Sanders, graduate assistant in the Department of Political Scionce for the first semester of 1941-42, at ;t50 a month for the five months Period. Mr. Clay Lancaster, assistant in the Art Library, quarter-time at 9200 for th*s ten months of 1941-42. *.9 Miss 3Beatrice Mdioretti, student assistant in drawing and paint- ing studios, quarter-time at W*200 for the ten months of 1941-42. Miss Jeanne Bowne, student assistant in print ma'ing and painting studios, quarter--ime, at 4200 for the ten months of 1941-42. Mrs. isatalie Wood Bailey, graduate assistant in the Department of Social Work, part-time for the academic year 1941-42, at a stipend of 4200. Mr. Seymour Busch, observatory assistant, from October 1, 1941, 'co May 31, 1942, at 15.00 a month. Mir. Busch is to wor'k a total of fortyy hours a month. MIr. Morton Reitman, junior technician in the Department of Bacteriology, at a salary of 300 for the period October 1 to June 30, nine months. Dr. S. H. Wander, instructor in Chemistry at 1800 a year. Dr. Wender is to be paid wi200 a month .-or the reomining nine months of 1941-42. fMrs. Eunice Stackhouse Campbell, graduate assistant in the Department of Chemistry, for nine months, October through June, at a salary of ;540 for the nine months, to succeed- C. B. Ellison, resigned.. Miss Jane Haselden, Assistant Dean of Women, appointed part- time Assistant Professor in the Department of Romance Languages, at no additional salary, to teach either three or six hours each se- mester according to needs. Mr. William H. Nebergall, instructor in General Chemistry, nine months, October through June, at a salary of X,1600 for the nine months, academic year 1941-42. Mr. Kenneth D.Willis, graduate assistant in Chemistry, at a salary of 2600 for nine months. Mr. Dirk Verhagen, graduate assistant in Chemistry, at a salary of 4600 for nine months. Leave from Class Miss Margaret I. King, instructor in Library Science, is to be relieved from her teaching duties for the remainder of this years beginning October 1. Miss Semmons will carry the class taught by Miss King. 10 Resignations Mr. Francis H. Weiland, Art Library Ass istant, for 19'21-42. Mr. Weiland has been called for military service. h.-r. John W. Travis, piano tuner, for the year 1941-42. Mr. Travis expects to be called for military service. Dr. James L. Gabbard, instructor in Chemistry, effective Septem- ber 30, 1941. Dr. Gabbard has accepted a position at the College at Ypsilanti, Michigan. Mr. Henry Guhr, graduate assistant in the Department of Physics for the school year 1941-42. Mr. G-uhr will enter military service. Mr. Larry Landis, junior technician in the Department of Bac- teriologys effective October 1. Dr. Charles F. Krewson, instructor in Chemistry, effetotive October 7. Mr. C, B. Ellison, graduate assistant in Chemistry. Mrs. Patricia S. Robins, part-time secretary in Department of History. Received no salary for September. CoiE of A riculture Amtointment s Miss Esther Taylor, instructor in home economicn, effective September 22, at a salary of Q1500 a year on a ten months basis. Air. Henry H. Pope, Jr.,changed from assistant county agent in Pike County to acting county agent in Menifee County, effective Octo- ber 1, 141, at a salary of 41600 a year, to fill the vacancy cre- ated in that county by military leave being granted to M41r. Wallace Coffey. Extension of Appointment Pir. Julian Smith's appointment as graduate assistant to include the month of October at 6O0 a month to be paid from the General Edu- cation Board grant. His appointment expired September 30, 1941. Resignations Miss Pattie M4cCormack, clerk in the Department of Administra- tion, Experiment Station, since September 8. Her resignation is to be effective at the close of business September 12, 1941. 11 Mr. James Chad Mullins, County Agent in Clay County, effective August 31, 1941. Mrs. Mary Louise Ellington, clerk in the Department of Animal Pathology, Experiment Station, effective September 30, 1941. Miss Mary Louise Weisenberger, clerk in the Department of Mar- kets aad Rural Finance, effective October 2, 1941. College of Engineetinf Appointment Mr. Samuel A. Mory, Jr.s at salary of $315, effective November 1, 1941. Colle e of Education Appointrments IMrs. Helen Caldwell Randle$ supervising teacher in home econom- ics at the University High School, for the year 1941-42 at a salary of 2l00. Miss Rebecca Louise Jones, as music assistant in the University School, at a salary of 4400 for the year 19'1-42. Miss Grace Leigh Oliver, music assistant in the University Schools at a salary of 4400 for the year 1941-42. Mr, Louis Clifton, Professor of Education in the College of Education. Mr. Clifton teaches a course in visual education, and has the rank of Professor of Extension in the Department of Uni- versity Extension. Mr. W. Gayle Starnes, Assistant Professor of Education in the College of Education. Mr. Starr.%s teaches. a course in visual education, and has the rank of Assistant Professor in Extension, Department of University Extension. Student Union Cafeteria Aopointment Miss Pattie McCormack, bookkeepers at salary of .90.00 a months effective September 13, 1941. 12 Library ADpointment Mrs. Emma Jane Walker, requisition and order clerk, substitute for Mrs. Miary A. Sullivan, who has requested leave due to ill health, for four months, at a salary of $100 per month, effective October 7. Leave of Absence Mrs. Mary A. Sullivan, leave for remainder of first semestEr of 1941-42, due to ill health, effective October 15. Kentuck]Y Kernel ADpointment-s W. D. Grote, pressroom foreman and compositors $50.00 per week. Harold Hartzers pressman, 80 cents per hour for 48 hour week and $1.00 over-time. A. J. McFadden, pressman, $25.00 for 44 hour week. No over- time. N. B. McMillian, compositor, $1.00 per hour for 40 hour week. No over-time. Ao F. Williams, pressman, 85 cents per hour for 48 hour week and $1.10 per hour for over-time. William W. Hopewell, Assistant Director of Publications and Graduate Manager of the Printing Plants 4175 per month. Miss Mary Louise Naive, Secretary and Bookkeepers $100 per month. Changes in Salary Salary of Dr. Jack Campbells instructor in Chemistry, changed from $1550 to $1800 for academic year 1941-42. Salary of Dr. Gerald Grillot, instructor in Chemistry, changed from $1500 to 1800 for academic yeas 1941-42. Mr. William Cox, Stenographic Bureaus changed from $90.00 a month to 4100.00 a month, 13 * * * * * * * * * * 8. On President Donovan's recommendation, by mo- tion and second, the above appointments were approved and record ordered made in the min- utes. * ** ** ** * ** J. Ad.iournment. 9. On motion, properly seconded, the Committee adjourned. * * * * * * it * * * W. Gayle Starnes Secretary, Board of Trustees