xt7qnk361s9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361s9q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19261210  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1926 1926 2012 true xt7qnk361s9q section xt7qnk361s9q THE KENTUCKY KERNEL

Attend Football
Banquet Saturday


S. C.



Invitation of University Is


cepted by Southern Conference; Representatives Will
Gather Here in 1927



Prospects for Securing Southern
Tournament in Future Years
Are Brightened
The Southern Conference, an association of 22 of the largest and most
outstanding colleges and universites
of the South which have been brought
together for the purpose of pujting
ainieucs in uie ouuui on u nign juunc
and to, promote cooperation among its
members in establishing a high stand
ard of conduct of athletics, has ac
cepted the invitation extended by the
University of Kentucky to hold its
1927 annual meeting in Lexington.
The invitation was given by Dr,
W. D. Funkhouser, secretary of the
Southern Conference, and S. A. "Dad
dy" Boles, athletic director at the
university. Invitations were also ex
tended by Montgomery, Memphis
and Nashville.
The annual convention of the con
ference, such as will be held in Lexington next year is a meeting of officials of the conference to discuss
plans for the athletic seasons of the
.following year and to adjust any difficulties that may have arisen during
the past season. The conference will
abolish rules or make new ones, as
it sees fit, for the good of the 22
schools in the association. The ver
dict of the officials in the conference
is final in all things upon which they
.may have been called to pass judgment.
Acceptance of the invitation is considered to be conclusive indication that
the University of Kentucky is constantly growing in athletic prominence in the South and it is said by
some "that having the conference meet
here is the first step toward procuring for the university the annual
basketball tournament which is held
each year to determine the championship of the South; some of the more
optimistic university supporters even
going so far as to hope that the
university may possibly get this tournament in 1928.



jgr Writers Asked to Submit Out-?lines of Plays Before iNoon



December 20; Criticisms
Will Be Mailed




The date for the closing of the
Romany theater play contest will be

All tTincp RiiViTmfHncp

Tnnn- -

'luscripts are urged to get them in
The Romany would greatly appreciate it if the skeleton outlines or rough
' , scenarios of the plays could be
before noon on December 20.
All those submitted will be carefully studied and criticized and suggestions from the point of view of practical production will be mailed to the
writers before January 10 or else
interviews will be arranged for during
the first week of January.
The Romany is very much encoura.
aged by the interest shown in this
)t competition which indicates considerable change in the attitude of the
students. Four years ago when a
.similar competition
V and given equal publicity, only one
'p .scenario
was prepared.
The Romany has already learned
in one week of six plays now under
way. The Romany will agree to pro- sub-mitt-


The Kentuckian is offering a prize
of $1 each week for two weeks for the
best snapshots of campus scenes or
pictures of university life, students
or faculty members. Pictures should
be turned in at once to Fred Conn at
the Kentuckian office in the Armory.


Football Banquet
Captain and Manager To Bei
Elected Saturday Night
All students and members of the
faculty are invited to attend the
annual football banquet of the
University of Kentucky which will
be held Saturday night at 6::30 o'clock in the ball room of the Lafayette hotel. Tickets are priced
at $1.50 and may be purchased at
"Daddy" Boles' office or the Lafayette hotel.
Varsity and freshman football
players will be guests of the Athletic Council at the dinner.
program of the evening will be in
charge of Judge Samuel B. Walton.
At this time, varsity letter men
will elect a captain and a manager
for the 1927 team.

Student Art Activities Started
by Art Department Under
Direction of Professor
Sax and Mr. Crook







.marriage turned a deaf ear and bending closer, in coliloquy with Cupid,
over the map of the world and the
roll call of its inhabitants, pointed relentlessly to the name of Delos Nooe.
Cupid chuckled his appreciation and
dispatched to our Noey a little dream
Psyche for him to pursue. Over
dream hill and dale she led him, ever
elusive, now near at hand, now beckoning from tipmost top of distant rise,
until the dream became, at last, real
ity. And our favorite linotyper was
A dazed staff received the announcement in stunned silence. Then sundry were the howls. "Who'll put out
the paper?" The staff was straightway insulted. "What'll we ever do
without Noey?"
"Oh, he's not gone
good." "Who ever thought to see


Burnett, of Kentucky, and Monk-hous- e
and Isham, of Oxford,
Awarded Decision
Th first international intercollegiate
debate ever held in Lexington took
place last Friday night at the Central
Christian church when the University
of Kentucky met Oxford Col
lege of England. It is estimated
that 2,000 persons witnessed the de
bate which is regarded as the great
est event of its kind ever held in the
Representatives of the University
of Kentucky were W. H. Hanratty, of
Hopkmsville, a junior in the College
of Law, George Robbins, of Florence,
and James Burnett, of Barbourville.
On the Oxford college
team were
Patrick Monkhouse, Gyles Isham and
Michael Franklin.
The debate was of the split team
type used in England. The subject
was "Resolved: That Society Has
More to Fear Than to Hope From
The affirmative was up
held by James Burnett for the university and Patrick Monkhousa and
Gyles Isham for Oxford College, while
the negative side was presented by
George Robbins and W. H. Hanratty
for Kentucky and Michael Franklin
for Oxford.
The affirmative contended that society has more to fear than to hope
from science in that the natural
sciences are being studied and applied
to a larger degree than the social


Student at
University, Is Married

Scabbard and


The woman hater was


had been
tangled in a web of its own weaving.
The usual practical joker suggested
the usual charivorie. Instead we had
a Kernel meeting. All this university
does is call meetings. Even the cal-


Five New Members Taken Into
Local Chapter of Honorary
Military Fraternity

and Lieut. Van Ackrman.


men were taken because of the proficiency displayed in leadership and
academic work in the Military de-

At the conclusion of the ceremonies
the Company proceeded to the Phoenix hotel to a smoker, given by the
old members for the initiates.
were made by Colonel H. P.
Hobbs, Commander of the Kenutcky
Regiment, Captain Spaulding, Senior
Instructor, Cadet Colonel Goodwin,
Cadet Captain Mcintosh, and Cadet
Captain McCarthy.

amity howlers have organized and
elected officers.
Anyway, we decided to give 'em a
wedding gift only Johnny Bullock
urged us not to go too deep, intimating
that some of the others might be contemplating a similar coup along toward the end of this year. At the
conclusion of the meeting, the staff
departed happily for their respective
homes with the hope that "springs
in every human heart" reineternal
Regular meeting of Patterson Literforced by the unexpected success of ary Society will be held Thursday eve
their late
ning at 7:30 o'clock in White Hall.

Mut Be Recognized"


Ever Held in
Kentucky Aroused Great




The following letter has been received by The Kernel
from Dr. McVey concerning certain features of the bonfire
held on the Friday night preceding the Centre game:

iate Debate



KY., DECEMBER 10, 1926

First International Intercolleg-

Company D, of the Scabbard and
Blade, national honorary military fra
ternity, held initiation services Thursday night in the Armory of the university for five new members.
old Noey lose the day?" And then
The initiates, who were pledged
the men began to broadcast congratu- Armistice Day were: Lieut. Carl Hol- "Hymen! Hymen!" cried the Kernel lations.
And the girls began to primp
staff. But that smug Greek god of and crow. The old invincible was cap- man, Capt. Levison McCarthy, Capt.
H. A. Dorsie, Lieut. Hughes Bronaugh,



Dr. McVey Writes Letter to Students Concerning Bonfire Celebration Held
Before Centre Game


The Student Art Activities, an innovation on the campus was inaugurated and is being developed by Prof.
Carol Sax and Mr. Lester Crook, ac
cording to an announcement from the
department of Art. The purpose of
this new movement is to give employ
ment to a large number of students
working their way through the university.
Mr. Sax says: "Theddea of the Student Art Activities is this; many students have various jobs paying very
little and requiring very little ability.
Their natural gifts and ability will
enable them to pursue much more re
munerative work and the purpose of (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
these art activities is to provide this
Since, at present, there are no funds
available for equipment and suDnlies
the industries are being built on a
plan throueh which thev finance them
selves, according to Mr. Lester Crook.
While the first venture under the Transmitter Has Power of One
direction of Professor Sax and Mr. Hundred Watts and Is Licensed to Send on All Wave
Creek is by necessity limited to stu
dents in the art department they have
no attention of keeping it a close cor
poration and if the hoped for response CALL LETTERS
is met the scope will be ereatlv en
larged, according to their statements.
A one hundred watt radio transJ.ne hrst work to be produced by the mitting station has been erected on
the campus and successfully used by
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Professor I. G. Watkins, an instructor
in the steam and electrical laboratory.
This station has a wave length of 80
Delos Nooe,
Mr. Watkins has been at work for
some time on a self rectification cirForeman of Kernel Press Room cuit, which he has done more to perWeds Miss Mary Frances
fect than has been realized by the university. This contrivance, used to
permit use of an alternating current
The wedding of Mary Prances for transmitting, has been under the
Johnson, of Frankfort, and Delos E. study of various prominent engineers
Nooe, foreman of the printing plant for some time.
of The Kernel, was solemnized Sat
'Messages to Dean Anderson on his
urday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock by recent trip to Washington were picked
Rev. T. C. Ecton, pastor of the Cal- up by station 3CJ at Baltimore and
vary Baptist church at the parsonage relayed to the dean. Messages for
on, East High street. The only at- the military department are now betendants were Miss Hettie Sallee and ing handled by the station also.
Mr. Charles Gentry, both of LexingThe station, which is now going
by the call letter of 9 LB, will be
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. changed on January 1, and will henceG. M. Johnson, of Frankfort, and has forth be known as 9JL. This informabeen employed in the office of the tion was in the licence which Mr.
Overstreet Hardware and Toy Com- Watkins received recently permitting
pany at 343 West Short street, Lex the station to use any wave length
Mr. Nooe is a senior in the College
A device for checking wave lengths
of Arts and Sciences. He attended of amateur stations is very much in
Cumberland College at Williamsburg demand now and the engineering de
his freshman year, where he was partment is fortunate
enough to
sports writer for the school' publica- possess one of these. This machine
tion. He has spent two years at the enables the user to determine the
university, where he has been prom- wave length of any station which is
inent in various activities, being at calling him, and thus proves very
of Alpha Delta valuable as the amateur stations are
Sigma, men's national honorary jour- supposed to be limited to certain wave
nalism fraternity, and majoring in lengths.
journalism. He formerly was emMr. Watkins' first connections with
ployed on the composing staff of the the university were made in 1910,
Lexington Herald. He is the son of when he entered the university as an
Mr. J. Frank Nooe, of Cynthiana.
instructor in the College of Engi
After a short wedding trip to Cm- - neering.
cincinnati and a visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nooe returned to
Lexington and are at home at 176
East High street. Mr. Nooe has re
sumed his studies at the university.

Kernel Staff Dazed as Foreman of
Press Room Answers Cupids Beckon
And Embarks on Matrimonial Voyage


Read President's
Message to Students

"The bonfire celebration on the nineteenth of November
introduced some new features that are hardly in line with
the best traditions of the university. A number of barber
poles, signs, a cart, and a wagon were destroyed or injured
by students. The property loss amounted to more than a
hundred dollars. It is hardly right that the owners should
bear the loss. The students are responsible and the classes
therefore must be assessed to pay the amount of the damages.
This will be done by dividing the amount equally
among the four classes and the treasurer of funds will be
called upon to pay the amount. The committee of the Suky
Circle examined the claims and fixed the amounts.
"The students of the university must recognize the
rights and property of citizens. I sincerely trust that this
sort of thing will not happen again."
Frank L. McVey.


Give School Papers
Kernel Will Open Exchange Files
to Faculty and Students

that the faculty and stuCampus Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. dents order the university may read
Will Have Representatives
newspapers from other universities
at National Conference
and colleges in the United States, the
In Milwaukee
exchange editor of The Kernel will
place the papers in a designated box
CONVENES DECEMBER 28 in The Kernel office where they may
be obtained by all who wish to read
:The first National Student Con them.
ference to be held under the auspices
The Kernel receives exchanges from
of the Council of Christian Associa approximately fifty universities and
tions which includes the student Y. the ways in which the various insti
M. C. A. and the student Y. Wl C. A. tutions carry on their campus life
will be held at Milwaukee, Wis., De prove very interesting.
1, 1927.
cember 28,
This is to be a conference, not a
It is to be a conferring
together and a sharing of experience
by all groups that make up the Stu
dent Christian Movement of this
undergraduate, graduate,
faculty, alumni and alumnae, and 'Social Statesmanship in South'
those friends of students who from Is Subject of Address Made at
time to time have enlarged student
Third University Convocathinking out of their wider and more
tion of Year
varied contacts with life.
Some of the speakers invited are:
Studdert Kennedy and Maud Rayden, PROBLEMS ARE DISCUSSED
of England; Rheinhold Neibuhr, Henry
Dr. Samuel C. Mitchell, of the UniSloan Coffin, Harry Emerson
Professor "William E. Hocking, versity of Richmond, Richmond, Va.,
unithe address at the
Rufus M. Jones, and a number of delivered convocation which third
was held
Tuesday morning at the university
The size of the conference is lim- gymnasium. His subject was "Social
ited to three thousand. Representa-tatio- n Statesmanship in the South."
is on the quota basis of the
Dr. Mitchell spoke of the problems
number of students in the various
colleges and universities. The local that confronted the South at the close
Y. W. C. A. has elected Margaret of the Civil War and of the men
Gooch and Lydia Roberts to go as had helped in the upbuilding of the
delegates, and Frances Roberts has South. He mentioned Robert E. Lee,
who at the close of the war accepted
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) a position at a meager salary as in
structor in a college and whose influence prevailed in the subsequent
Dr. Lee
issues and problems confronting the
South; and James A. Curry, of Alabama, who was instrumental in the
uplift of the South. "Mr.
Delivers Address on "The De Curry," Dr. Mitchell stated, "had
mocracy of Vocational Edudealings with the various legislatures
cation" Monday
of the states and succeeded in removing many of the existing evils.
Dr. Edwin "A. Lee, a member of His appael was to establish schools."
the department of vocational educaDr. Mitchell in part said; "One of
tion of the University of California, the greatest problems before the
addressed a convocation of the stu South at present is that of building
dents of the College of Education the counties into a compact and sys
Monday afternoon in the high" school tematic mass, to make them respon
auditorium of the Education build sible to the Federal Government and
not to the county head."
He also mentioned the fact that
Dean W. S. Taylor introduced the
speaker, who took as his subject "The farm life had been helped by the soc
ial workers. The county is composed
Democracy of Vocational Education."
Dr. Lee stated that "students mav of a group of competent and respon
expect to be taught to speak intelli- sible men. There are the principals
gently, to understand the words of of the high schools, the county demon
others, to write clearly, and then un strator, agricultural teachers and a
derstand what they have written," community league.
Doctor Frank McVey introduced the
pointing out the value of vocational
speaker, Dr. E. C. Eaton delivered the
training in elementary education.
closAn enjoyable musical program was invocation and Rev. Roy Perkins
furnished by the University High ed the exercise with a benediction.
school orchestra, and a large number of Model High students were present.
Following the address, seniors of
the College of Education met for the
purpose of electing a representative Frances Lee Is Elected to the
Editorial Staff of the
to the student council.
Morris B.
Vaughn, a member of Alpha Gamma
Epsilon social fraternity, was chosen
Frances Lee, who was graduated
to represent this group in the coun
from the university in June, 1926,
and who is now at Columbia Univer
sity working on her master's degree
To Show
in English, has recently been elected
to the editorial staff of "The Inter
'King of the Rails" Is Attrac- collegian," a monthly magazine pubtion for Wednesday
lished by a group of men and women
representing the national Y. W and
"The King of the Rails," a motion Y. M. C. A. This magazine contains
picture depicting land transportation, many interesting features concerning
will be shown Wednesday afternoon at the problems of the present day youth
4 o'clock in Dicker hall. The film is and concerning the work of the two
two reels in length. The admission is Christian associations, and the fact
free and all university students are that Miss Lee has been elected to its
urged to attend.
staff shows her ability as a journalist
Land navigation is shown from time and a Y. W. C. A. worker.
of the stone age boat and the prairie
While at the University, Miss Lee
schooner to views of the operation of took an active part in college activithe great electric locomotive, "The ties. She was president of the local
Queen of the Rails," which runs on Y. W. C. A. in her senior year, was
the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul on The Kernel staff, and was a memRailway line. "The De Witt Clinton," ber of Theta Sigma Phi, Chi Delta Phi,
the first locomotive, is shown with Mortar Board, and Phi Beta Kappa.
passengers who She was also a member of Southern
the now
travelled on it. Diagrams and photo- Division of National Student Council
graphs picturing the course of the of the Y. W. C. A. last year.
electric current takes from the
streams to the locomotive are also
shown in the movie.
The picture is one of the
Rafinesque Botany Club will meet
films given by the Engineering Col- in White Hall, Tuesday, De'cember 14,
lege of the university.
at 7 p. m.


Fos-dic- k,

Speaks to
Education Students

University Graduate



Theta Sigma Phi Holds
Initiation Services
Six Girls Taken Into Honorary
Journalism Fraternity at
Ceremonies Tuesday
Theta Sigma Phi, women's honorary
journalistic fraternity, held an initia
tion last Tuesday afternoon at I
o'clock at the home of Miss Virginia
Boyd on Waller avenue. Miss Willy
King, who is head of the chapter, was
in charge of the meeting.
The lowest scholastic standing
among the initiates was 2.2. Those
who were initiated were: Helen Shel
ton, Catherine Carey, Virginia Con
roy, Ruth Kehoe, Martha Connell,
and Harriiet .McCauley.
After the
initiation a delightful buffet supper
was served at which Lydia Roberts,
honorary sophomore pledge, and Hel

Popular Band Sponsor is Reelected for Another Year by University Musicians; Has Received Many Compliments




U. K.

Kentucky Alpha Chapter Receives Prominent Students of
College of Arts and Sciences
into Membership



Ceremonies Are Held at Banquet
Celebrating Anniversary of

the Fraternity

Five students of the College of
Arts and Sciences: William Arch Bennett, Marion Hubert Crowder,
Metcalf. Grant Seaman Willev.
and Anne Humphries Williams, were
initiated into the Kentucky Alpha
chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Friday
night, preceding the bannuet held at
the Phoenix hotel celebrating the
one hundred and fiftieth anniversary
of the fraternity.
All of the above named students
are seniors in the College of Arts
and Sciences and for the past three
years have had the distinction of
averaging a scholastic standing of
2.5 or better.
Only those students
who have been here for entire college
course were pledged at this time.
The first of these is William Arch
Bennett of Henderson, Ky. "Arch"
is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, mens' honorary camnus leaders
fraternity. He is also a member of
Lamp and Cross, senior mens honorary fraternity and of Keys, honorary
sophomore fraternity. This year he
is president of the men's student
council and is president of the local
chapter of Phi Delta Theta.
Marion Hubert Crowder. Select.
Ky., is a member of Delta Tau Delta
and this year is president of the
chapter. Crowder has been an assist
ant professor in the Bacteriology de
partment for the past three years. He
is also a member of Omicron Delta
Ann Humphries Williams is from
Clinton. Ky.. and is a member of
Delta Zeta. She is much interested
in literature and is now president of
the Philosophian Literary society.
Anne is also on the 1926-2- 7 Kentuck
ian staff.
Jeanette Metcalf, Pineville, Ky., is a
Jea-net- te

Repealing the
and prece
dents of their organization, the Uni
versity of Kentucky R. O. T. C. band
reelected as their sponsor for the
coming year Charlsey Smith; who lias
had that position since the last elec
tion in 1925.
Miss Smith has made an excellent
record as band sponsor. Not only
from Lexington but from various
parts of the country wherever Miss
Smith has accompanied the band on its
trips with the football team her appearance has been the cause of much
favorable criticism. The Knoxville,
Birmingham, Danville, and Charleston papers were extremely enthusiastic in their comments on Miss Smith
as a Kentucky girl and as an official
representative of the university in her
position as sponsor.
The rule has been with the univer
sity band never to elect a sponsor for.
a second term of service, and this
rule has been broken but once before
in the history of the organization,
when Miss Martha Pate, was elected
for the second time. With the consent of Colonel Hobbs, however, in
order to show its regard for Miss
Smith and its appreciation for her
splendid service this was again done
by the band.
Miss Smith has made a most splendid record in the three years she has
been on the campus. She is a popular Will Play at Kentucky Theater
member of Alpha Gamma Delta soDuring
rority, and is president of that brgani- Between Showings of






Pre-hohd- ay

Regular Program


Bennett Is Delegate
to Ann Arbor Meeting-Art-


and Sciences Senior Repre-

sents University at Student
Federation Convention



The concert band of the University

of Kentucky will give a stage presen

tation between showings of the regular picture program at the Kentucky
theater the latter half of the pre- holiday week. A varied program consisting of popular and
music has been arranged.
One of the numbers on the program
is "Scenes From Rose Marie" from
one of the most popular and picturesque light operas of the day. Other
numbers are the "Hunting Scene" by
Bucalossi and the "Anvil Polka," a
bell solo by Parlow.
The latter will
be given by Henry Steilberg, a sophomore membr of th band. "Best Lovd
Southern Melodies," a medley by Al
Hayes, appears on the program. "On!
On! U. of K.," pep song of the university composed by Prof. Carl Lampert,
will be played and sung. As a concluding number the band will play
John Philip Sousa's latest composition, "Sesquicentennial Exposition
Elmer G. Sulzer, director of the
band, is in charge of the arrangements for the program.

Arch Bennett, senior in the Arts
and Science College and a member of
Phi Delta Theta fraternity, attended
the annual session of the National
Student Federation of America, which
met December 2, 3, and 4 at the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
There were attending the
convention representatives from 166
colleges and universities, 18 of these
being Southern institutions. Mr. Bennett represented the University of
Kentucky and was elected delegate
by the Men's Student council.
The purpose of the convention as
stated in the program was the appraisal of college education as conducted today, the integration of the
various protests against standardiza-atio- n
of college life, the consideration
of steps taken by different institutions in meeting these problems, and
the adoption of permanent forms of
organization for the federation.
Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn and President Little, of the University of
Michigan, were the principal speakers
on the program and then discussed
the outstanding problems of the
American college of today. Athletics,
fraternities, honor systems and student government were other topics of



Despite rumors to the contrary,
will give its annual dance December 22, from 9 to 1
o'clock in the men's gymnasium of
the university. The dance will be
preceded by a banquet at the Phoenix
representahotel for the



fA Valuable Adjunct to University
Life," Writer Says in Describing
Local Mezzanine Correspondence Club
Have you written your weekly letter home yet? If not, rush to the
Phoenix hotel immediately and get
your place in line on the mezzanine
floor. There you will find all modern
conveniences incidental to correspondence and in addition you can meet
and greet all the male population of
the University of Kentucky.
In fact, the hotels have achieved the
popularity of the coffee houses of Ben
Jonson's day. All collegiate social
activity centers about the writing tables. Here Benny indites a labored
scrawl to Lucy back home. He has
been having an awful time but he still
loves her.
He wonders why she
doesn't send him some of that fudge
she used to make.
He has been
thinking about her continually since
he arrived and has been faithful to all
his promises to her (except when he
got drunk last Saturday and when he

has had dates with other girls). Benny neglects to mention to her the exceptions.
It is here that Harry tells Dad all
about having been kicked out because
the prof misunderstood an innocent
little wisecrack he made.
He has
been ill for about a week and has doctor's bills to pay so would like to
have his January allowance at once.
Also, one of the boys took his new
overcoat by mistake at the last Cadet
Hop and forgot to send it back so he
will have to have another one.
there is any justice in the world he
will get back in school by next week.
He sends everybody in the family his
love and hopes the check will come



What tales of love and tragedy,
what volumes of excuses and requests
go out weekly under the coat of arms
of the city's hostelries! There, on the





Subscribe for


,The University of Kentucky is one
of the unfortunate state universities
that can boast of no endowment, no
Alumni Fund and no source of income rather than that which the members of the Kentucky legislature and
senate see fit to give it every two
from the
This income
state for the last few years
has been woefully inadequate as
every graduate and former student
knows. Only through the skilful and
able handling of the affairs and the
finances, by those who direct the
destiny of the University of Kentucky, has it been possible for the
university to keep pace with the demand upon it as well as it has. However, all the skillful handling in the
world will not enable the university
to keep pace with the demand, that
each year is increasing more and
more, without additional and substantially additional financial aid from
some source.
With the one exception of the football stadium and the new basketball
building the Alumni and friends of the
University of Kentucky has not been
called upon to give fiinancial aid to
the university. At least it has been
many years since any such call was
made, if at all.
Time and time again the following
fact has been called to the attention
of Alumni and friends of the university but it is a facjt that will bear
repeating time and time again in the
future. The University of Kentucky is
just entering into the era of its greatest service to the state and nation.
This service has been growing and expanding each year. No longer is the
work of the University of Kentucky
confined to its campus but it now
reaches out into every county in Kentucky and into every home in every
county. Countless services are being
rendered each year that are not in
Within the
the regular curricula.
short space of five years the farmers
of the state have been benefited to
the extent of hundreds of thousands
of dollars in actual cash in addition
to the improvement in living conditions and improved methods of

farming. This is but one of the many
things that the University of Kentucky is doing in the state.
Never before in its history has the
full cooperation of the Alumni and
friends of the university been more
needed. A multitude of services to
the university are presenting themselves to the Alumni and friends, and
one of the greatest and most needed
services to the university is one that
is the easiest to perform. It is the
duty of every graduate and former
student of the university to acquaint
himself with the problems, needs and
difficulties that face the university.
Mere curiosity should prompt this if
no other reason. With the needs and
problems of the university cleajrly
realized each and every one should
make himself a publicity bureau of
one and spread these needs to every
one he meets. The building up of a
strong sentiment for the advancement
of education through the University of
Kentucky is a prime necessity for the
growth and expansion of the university.
There are some Alumni whose interest in their Alma Mater is begun,
entered, and ended in the football
team of the institution from which
they were graduated. This type of
interest, while it to a certain extent
interests them in their university or
college, will not build buildings and
hire additional faculty members to
care for the ever increasing student

Captain of Championship Basketball Team of South in