xt7qnk36467q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk36467q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1972 1972 1972-02-01 2020 true xt7qnk36467q section xt7qnk36467q . 5 i
. Warmer I he Henluc 9 . ‘
Forecast for Lexington and vicinity:
. cloudy and not so cold Tuesday. Chance of '
snow late Tuesday changing to rain by '
Wednesday. The high Tuesday will be in the '
' mid-40's the low in the mid-20's. Chances of ' '
measurable precipitation are near 0 percent .1 ' '
Tuesday, 30 percei' Tuesday night. ' '
\‘ol. LXlll. No. 80 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Tuesday. February 1. 1972 . ' - .
' ' J'f.::§;'i;§’;3::j§?e-'iii-53333'. 155'. .
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‘33:.gsx‘“ . ' 'i'*‘153§:¥::3-"'X By LINCOLN R. LE“ IS. J R i’hilosophv moved to amend the brought this issue to the fore are ' ,
‘ ' “sWig ' kernel Stat" f “l‘ltt‘l‘ proposal. giving the authority entirely unsatisfied. \i e re worse , _
‘ . . . ~ . V - . , , . ~ .
*\;;§s ..-."%;.’.. ' l lll\'(‘t‘S|t\' Senate met over the committee to the ( ollege off than we w ei e before 1 he '
~z>g’“ vestei'dav for the first time in of Arts and Sciences. pioposal was supposed to put the _
2:: »e ~ ~ ‘ m ‘ . . . . . 4 ,. .
veggfzgg» .5 W 191.2 and changed the R0“ and ( ol. Fugene Small. chairman R“ l ( department under
' ‘xf"\ax«‘@’vl"r 9"” .j:_... s 1', . . ’ 4 _ 5;"; 1V. ‘ H V . , ‘ ‘ . . ..
’21:” "' \‘ -. i V - N3- _. AP R()l( departments into of the Rtli( department. spoke l niversity~witie control. .
£132 ...,»- .. I" .» . programs. finallv approved the in favor of the amendment. lie lhe disgruntled St, President .- .
gf-'<-.;Eg_:.g._€=‘-f==' . .,..;;;_ ' ->. ‘ _ ~ g _ _ .
_ ' ‘3’" " ... College of Arts and Sciences said he would "feel more said ilt' wasalso unhappy with the
w .. " ’ - proposal to lower hours needed comfortable working with an way the debate was shut off
. . - :-;,.- ' I . «M: >;:-' ' . _ .. V g v _ ~ .
' * < «... ,. "~ . lor graduation and gave the .\rts and Sciences committee (ol Small said of the Senate s ' _
. .- ’ a it“ community college system a tree '“orsethaiibef‘oi'e‘ action "We'll accept it." He ' . .
' " “Erg- - A . w“ rein in course offerings. Vice president for Academic commented. however. the .
'5' H it a. i...- 4.1.? ' ., ‘ "-‘ ' w . . , , i t . v .. ~~
' .- . .1 g J " . iii” W N“ ' . Reconstitution of the Rfllf. .-\lt;lll‘.s‘ Lewis \\ ( ochran moved program status leaves both the
. - , ' .“I‘ *1. .~ - departments as academic to delete a subsection of the Rt t'l‘i'and thet'ollege of Arts and A
. ' . ' We? 7" oi‘ogi‘ams was passed by the proposal which stated the Sciences "in the dark because it ' ‘ .
' w . ' ‘66 g g I; " 3* Senate in an amended version of standing committee would advise is ill defined," -‘
. H “a. g _ . .3‘ _ an .-\rts and Sciences proposal the dean of the ('ollege of Arts \iclmlwn disuppl'mes ' ' ’
' ', . . . ‘R ‘ . g The original proposal brought and Sciences on evaluation. t‘ol .\rthur Nicholson. .
.' ' “3% "if g_ to the floor by the Senate (‘ouncil appointment and rank of the chairman of the AFRU'l't‘ ' . ‘r ,
g _ E: ' ' . "3;..49’ recommended a lii'lilt‘tllikil‘ Rtl'l‘t‘ staff. The motion passed department. said he had not . .
' . .g., $5, .-’ Senate standing committee on Student Government President asked for the status change. nor ‘
L " ' a .. ’ R()T(‘. Dr. Dallas M. High. Scott \i'endelsdorf said after the did he feel it would improve his
' . “(x & chairman of the Department of .iieeting. “The pressures that Continued on Page 5. (‘ol. 4
.. —. - B in stu ent arre rom ca 6
~ s I "52%: “V .
' ' s y . . o . . ' '
‘ ' ., 3V - a! : char es own or Wit 1S crlmin atlon .
{as-25%,... ' . _ _ 'K;.._'-'>"5'. .,;::-:' Nana“: ‘29 '-’.
' ’ “*5 ’{a . . '- »
' ‘ ' gmze Bv FR.\.\' K KlRSt‘llNl‘lR 13:00 and trim pm. with the dog hotel. restaurant or eating
' gs, “”9 " '* Kernel Staff \h'itei' unharnessed at his side. was establishment . .
, _ . ,1 (Kesa‘g‘azfi‘ ., _> K g» g.‘ ' , , l . . g , - . . g
' 3 , _' t ' 4 )lind isked to le'ive by . liam Sims. ,. .
' I ' “W: 2; ' i A": Rd‘tusl'l [OTSU'c'ie d ldkd 'th iiiinigti 'hc "lusc ldo s were lhe manager refused 8" ' '
’:' ”3, g . C ‘s 4 .‘ 9 \VI ' ‘ x “ )CL K‘ ) sf ' ~ . ‘ _ .
. g 15:. stu ent det 119: (Uh en t f tohilnttd inside th ) rcft'iura t Rowling left. knowingthe dog had '
‘ ' ».;;" ._ _ C ) ' 0 ' ‘ ) C ( '3 n g .
. , . . ' - “N ’i ...___ the filingo 5“” 0“ ‘ arres d p ‘ ‘ to be harnessed according to the
, . s g local restaurant manager. . _ . i‘iW
‘ - t Q J" Bowling immediately asked ‘ g i g
. - - ' "32* ‘ . - i ' . r A ' ' '\
. 9"“ "3 2&3»). Dennis Bowling. .21. of 123 Sims to read a co of the lxen- “m" “-
' ' (Kén'e' phom by D", Rmm , ' Cooperstown B. said the tucky White (‘ane Law he carried He returned again at 3-30 pm.
- management of Pasquale's with him which states. “No blind with the dog harnessed and
- . ('0'. Eugene Small. head of UK'S ROTC program. looks on attentively Pizza. 381 S. Lime. refused him person accompanied by a har— muzzled. Two triends, Kathy a
' ' as members 0‘ the U"in‘Sily Senate debate a PI‘0P053' ‘0 change service because of his seeing eye nessed gu' ‘e dog shall be denied Kirtley and Ray \Vash. ac- .
. ‘ 'R()T(‘fromadepartment toaprogram.The proposallater passed. dog. Shadow. admittance to or given full and eompaiiied him and sat in a g
' Bowling. who entered between equal accommodation to any Continued on Page 5. Col. 1 .
' ' ' . ' g \ ' ., , '
' “V“1'55“”:”OFF-“AN clesiastical staff. in the long-range plans l’oi‘ter Memorial (‘hurch building on South “integral '0 the Staff are the student
Kt'l‘m‘l Staff Writer the patio will be enclosed bv a librarv and Limestone is being used for Sunday members. .losh t) Shiea "i'id Tom littlkii’l‘. l ,
' ‘ . . -~ . . . .. . . ' . ‘ " . . . ' ,. . . . .‘. I‘ ' I ; Ci “" 7‘ g u f 1“ (\n
. “orkmen warm their hands over a tire education wing. Presently. staff housing. “"“hlpe luesday. ““dmbdd.‘~ “”d I “I'M N him "; \ n" 'I "\g ' th\t th ' '
' - . g . , r v . . , . . ' . . . . . ~ . i " y ‘ a g-
. ‘ ol unsalvageahle scraps of the old ”tilt-(‘5‘ and the (‘hapel are m four houses ihui sday evenings weekly classes meet to pat ish wit i t it p it osi p iy . . . g
‘ ' Newman ('enter building Across the on Rose Lane and Linden Walk. study philosophy. baSiC Roman (atholic students should play an inipoitant pait in
street the young priest. Father Larry fiche . . theology. St. Thomas Aqumas. and the running it
man. talks about the ministry of his lhe Sew man ( enter is for "'f. estimated New Dutch Catechism. Classes for con- The [K Newman ('enter was founded m
parish its past and future. 4.1”“ l k students from (atho It homes. \(‘llS. personal counseling. andmarriage m4 ”5 ”H. (mimm. (‘liib in H“. gammohc .
. ..iHlt' (‘iililUllt' ( hurt-h feels a i-espoir instruction are other responsxbihties of the students I” (K under the direction of the
. '“H‘ ('illhOltC Newman (‘enter. “THUR .sibility for our students." Father llehman staff. For the faculty there is a monthl.V tie'id of the Department of loiirn'ilisin .
more than 2.300 (‘atholic students and said. " We have a separation of (‘hureh discussion cluh‘ having currently con- l'iter 'itfili'ited with n'ition'il \ewm'in g '
' ' 's )‘lSSlll’ its most ini )ortant ; ~3 . .. ._ ' p s - iool [ukpg MW of c. '5 5- . . H 4 ' \meri a' j‘ ‘ “ . ' ' t _ <
faculty. i . it . i... . t ind st itt hilt 'lil' (I g .' sidiitd Riith (iitcning of I L (liihs, the (enters growth has reflected
milestone since its birth as a parish almost neath-nnc lite. \\e leel responsible for the Staff the growing serious ""0.th m the
nine years “:10 B." August 15 4' large l't'lifllttll-‘lllt‘t’ilhi‘Sllldi‘nl- ll isimportant Father liehinan. one of two full timi‘ university coin'iiiiinitv bv the ("itholic
\(‘l'Sillllt‘ its-“Wild." and housing complex that the student have his church nearby." priests at the (‘enter has been there for ('hurch ~ - -
. . - . iiiic ii i ' oi everyone , ‘ . .. . ~. ,. , . .H. ._
frame building on Rose Lane at Linden ' i“ - pm“. has worked there 5”,“. 1%: and ,5 l' athii iii hman sit s the t ( liltl s
. Wi'lk- The('entei'srcach is not limited to those traveling in the (‘onimonwealth trying to “NOV." 1'5 4'” (“till"“t” “‘0'" ”W m'gmllp
‘ . - v x ., . . . ‘ i ' ‘ _‘ ' ‘ , ) i ' i \ \ ‘ .
M.“ building of the ( atliolic faith. however. [he iaisc funds toi lllt Illt“ building. “ti "ill/{"5 t:l ”N "'i'.g'.'-"." fl‘l'h‘l“ '.'.'{~',")m .
l'llly‘t'i'sil) is the Newnianl'entcr's parish .\ lllll'llliit‘ nun. Sister li'ene Martin. and ”m“ «H “Int. ”t “K d) \ (Um T t” "0
The building will contain a spacious “We m“. something to offer the two W” mm. priests. Father (illldt‘ longer have a closed defensive feeling. he
asseiiiblv hall seating 350 with four rooms l'nivci'sity as far as life daily life. We (‘aspani of Milan. ltaly. and Father (i 5""! ””5 '5 “t” """""' Rht‘il” H“ 5?“
opening into it which will allow a capacity hope to flavor the university with (‘asiniir. 5 .l of “Him. mmpimp the this movement of involvement extending
of 770“)" SUHdi‘Y Liturgies, 5“”me ‘0 ”1“ Revelation " \ewinan (‘enter's ordained stall. Fathers "NM" ' ""9””5 "Hm” and toward
main hall will be the Blessed Sacrament 'l‘he (‘enter is a place of worship for (‘aspaiii and (‘asiinii' are members of the ”WH‘ .IUIHl l’l'tiit‘i'lS among the! ‘0 lélih‘S
('hi'iii‘l- (iverlooking U patio Wl“ "9 “V'l‘g more t!\;iii2.tNKHor Sunday services. Now. l'K French and (‘heniistl'y Departmen‘s "“im‘smilt‘d on """'p:§' (hr'S' d'dn.t.
quarters for student officers and (‘C' during the period of construction. the (lid l‘t‘siwclIH‘l) mean '0' u" l” “mu" "' one another.

 V » ‘ 2—TIII-2 KENTl'CKY KrIRNl-II.. Tuesday. February 1. I972
' “ 1) dl' d h, nge proposals
' 'i ‘ i ' i I ‘ lh DUNE .\'.\SHR Dr. Robert Zumwmkle, Vice copies ol the recommended code March 15. Wendelsdorl intends to Study the proposal and suggest
‘ Vv-I ' i = KWMI Stall Writer President 10,- Student Affairs changes by submitted. He will ask the Board not to vote on the ildttltitmitl changes. If nothing
-' .~ -' ; . . ' l'K students. faculty and stall “endelsdorl and Zumwinkle will then lorward one COPY t0 the pmposal until the April meeting. “15‘“ the Student (Iode would be
‘. i‘. ' ‘I who want to submit i‘ecom- thcn lorwai'd these recom- l’l't‘Sidt‘litis ollice which would “In th“ PUSt the (”d9 (‘om- passed by the “n.“re Board 0‘
i . - ' , mendations tor student code lllt'lldillltlllS to President this then go to the (‘ode (‘ommittee mittee has had absolute control ’l‘rustees and not Just the Student
. ' I i . changes must do so by 3 pm. singletai‘y‘s ollice. “lid kt‘t‘Ptht‘ other COPY to assure over changes. By waiting a (‘ode (omiInittee. explained
'. . i i. .. , y ' ' Feb. 8. its reaching the (‘ode (‘ommittee month. all Board members could \i'endelsdorl.
' - . '1 V . 'I Students “-Hh recom» 'l‘uo copies suggested as originally submitted. .
I I :' mendations submit them to Scott Faculty and stall can also Hearing li‘eb. ll CWC lannln bOOk
" ' » ' i .- I Wendelsdorl. Student “OW”? channel their recommendations _ . ». bl
. . . , mcnt President. and laculty and through Student Government. II It Slt‘HlIltmlI: l: ugIa t to mtet
'. V ' . stall submit recommendations to \\'(.n(kllsd0rf said, "Any in— 10 ct. (ea me. . recom- K t t
-‘ ~ ' . _ tliyidual or group submitting inendations “a" be given to on I ] women S 3 us
'» ' -' i ERMPAF’ERS ‘ UL” RESEAR \i'endelsdorl until Feb 14 He will
- . - ‘ ‘ CHED WRITTEN and code changes can be assured II it . th ' '
" . . - PROFESSIONALLY TYPED by our I . ... . . - . .‘ . len )ring ese recom» . .
. . x ‘ ’ . stati oi proteswnai writers ALL 0' 0U' H“ H 1“ ("mm ”with"? “ I“ be mondationg t0 the (‘Ode Com- A subcommittee of the (‘OunCll "They just don‘t consider that a
V - , , Mom haye at least a as BA and transmitted to the ll\ Board 0t . . ‘I ’ .' W' . '~ (‘ - ~ ~ (CW5) is ' . h h ' ' d " ‘
.I .; "i ~ ‘1 . areEXPERTSin theireldsin which thE’v rrrugmeg‘ Student (‘ode comv inif'ee s l‘eb. H hearing on 0” omen 5 ,onceins woman as d min . M5.
. . -_ . I T wmw Just send Us me TOPIC and . ‘ ‘ . . .gt ,d -ode 1.0.4510,“ “trying to get out a booklet on the Deneane Dragstren said. She
~,». ' ' TlTLE at your paper and include mittee unaltered by Student Mtggt- t t -- ‘ . , .. . .
' a . . 5 COMPLETE DETMSO. approach and t‘ . I . iment .. stated Wen- H . . . . status ol women at UK. They claimed some instructors treat
I . 4 . "‘wx. “we pm $3 25 99, page ,0 .onéi iII . _ Ihe (ode (ommittee will hope to have the booklet out them ”like third-graders" by
' ~ ' TERMPAggRat‘ESEZRCHI me. (it s m . submit their proposal at the “withina month or so."said CWC ,reading to them.
. ; ‘ II saverSpringMarvIandzo'IM \Veiidelsdort suggested two Board 0t TWSteeS meeting member (‘athy Martin. . 0 They were upset when it was
i - - IV ThchoImmittee wants it to be noted “women aren't allowed to
"V L if "I ’, .' - d an “Informatlve booklet I50 have athletic scholarships in the
I ' I . ROberl SllgWOO people caInVIlind out whats gomg Southeastern Conference.“
I T t ' _j - _ . . . ' 0.” I ”1 (litterent aspects 0f the Men’s athletics is separate from
V = Ill “550013110" Wltll liiivei'sity. including dorms. the L'niversity." and that’s how
1 = ' I‘ ' MCA lnC undergraduate collegesathletics they get around this."l\ls. Phyllis
-- '. ' ’ .. 5 - and medical cSre. Lal’ontaine said.
', ,I. , :5 . . (‘oncerning orms. women on (‘oncerning medical care the .
I II . IV . I b} arrangement I the committu were askingIIthy committee wants to get student
i 'i' I DOVld Land they have real Old ladies for insurance to cover pregnancy
I . V 1 ; , . , ' head reSidents while men 5 head tests and the cost of the Pill.
f , -. '. g I) reSIdents are younger. Hours
. . V . re ( l IchstrictiIons Iand the up to 59113“, quns 111 \am
." I ' . I ‘. . thanksgiving regulation were
' . ‘ J E S l ' S H R I I also questioned. Due to lack of a quorum. the
'3 . . ‘v The booklet will contain Student Senate disbanded last
_:'f ' I, ' '. statistics and comments on night without voting on the new ‘
i “ ' I' AR different departments. Two Student Government con- i
'I ' i ' _ ' , underclassmen blasted the Home stitution. The Senate will meet
‘. i t l . . Economics department. Sunday at 6 pm.
~. I . . ' -. .f" The Original (.oncert Presentation ' T
<- * M 1,. od a)” and tomorrow
i’ 'V i I - i ' i ' ' ‘ The deadline for announcements is ll 3 m
I ‘; . I . . . . -- . . . . ' . - FORUM ON “Pros and Cons of Socialized
I . I I . , . two eekda t bl t t t ..
- a. ,- Andrew Lloyd Webber .....2'...m.r‘.t.:':;.:3:..':.:.'::3.:an: mam ...m. .. mm m ma
. . V . . -. three times; twice before the day at the e" er‘
. . . . . . . V . . . I event and on the day of the event.
I' ‘ ., Q ". V L.‘ r“ b by TODAY COMING up
' . .' , v. Tlm Rlce THE UK AMATEURRADIOCLUBwill hold “MO ,, .
. . ‘ a business—social meeting at 7:00 p.m.. VEMEN? FHTMS' Peoples Party 0‘
.‘- . . a; . I R k B 1 Tuesday.Feb.1 in room3060t‘Blandlng II 59%?”ka be911r.sspring seriezfé'a Flags for
.- II I g , '- ‘ ' . . ‘ . . . p . . ' ' cen S',” ” he Hole,”an eLanguage
. . . . . I. W 1th Solmsts. (.horus. 0( and t It ull Orchestra :2. ngrgdbetffigngfhe' "Mew“ ”mm of Faces,” 7.30 run. and :15 p.m. Thurs.,
I " ' . Feb. 3, SC, Theatre. Admission 50 cents.
, , . . . .
.. .l ‘ .-.I February 4th. 8:00 P.M. Memorial Coliseum “DEVILANMHE ma.~........sp....._
V ' . ' . p Holmes Hall. by Don Nugent of the History
I . ., . department. All welcome. M'SCELLANY I
, . I . . . .. FOR ANY INFORMATION call the so 1
.- . . . I V Tlckets 4.50. 3-503 3.00 t! 2.50 ReferralServiceatI258-8531from iOa.m.t08
. . V .‘ .I TOMORROW pm. weekdays.
, . I . . ___.————————-———————_——_—.—————
I. .7 '. on sale 9:00 - 4:00 Jan. 20,” E" Central lflfOfMfl’lOfl 095k S.C. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS COUINSEILING CENTER otters free, non»
-.' . V. 5. . SOCIETY MEETING will hold a meeting credit, eight-week developmental reading
.- ‘ , I " . ' SPONSORED BY 5 c B 7:30Wednesday,Feb.2, in room 245, Student 3n: Stggzsskyrtchgssse. aAt/iaignr: ngezg’ie:
.' ' . 1 . 0 Center. Everyone invited. Pia st th' ' " ' . ' ’ ' ‘t
. . _ V VI IIII . . ° ' semesester will be made. n or '5 IIItIOhlII-IfchtIIlgnAzgriculture Bldg. no later than
v» . t . i. I
’. . . , ~ .—— PROVIDE A FOSTER HOME tor a
I IV I I I . . . ’ delinquent boy or girl, Ages from 12 to 18.
. I A . I . . The solution to problems stemming from the
. . I I I . home and community is in the home of
, . .I , '. . someone who cares. Call Hard-to-Place
. ~ I. . Proiect at 2524725. i
I 4. . I. 921 LIMESTONE ACROSS FROM MED CENTER ON LIME 11.,c "and“, “and
.' ,I I . - The Kentucky Kernel. 113 Journalism
', I,'. .‘ -I,- ,‘ I . t . Building. University of Kentucky Lexington.
‘ I . z i . Kentucky 40506. Mailed five times weekly
- , .v . . . ' -.I during the school year except during holdays
I ". .' I. ..~ and exam periods. and twice during the
. . V .I . V .' fppmrrhssszion.
IV I . . II A u s e y The Kernel Press. Inc.. 113
1. I~ , V o _ Journalism Building. Uni 't t K -
In. . - I SPECIALS. TUESDAY THURSDAY tucky. Lexington. Ky. 40501:."SI y 0 en V
.. . V . . .‘ ‘I W- _ Begun as The Cadet in 1894 and published
' - I I . 'f . . ANY PCS. Of Regular ANY ANY gratinuwfiy '5 The Kentucky Kernel since
IV._.I' 1 ' . ' Dr Cleanin 3 PLAIN BEAUTIFULLY Advertising published herein is intended to
V .' -' I- . I Y 9 hzlp "lie reader buy. Any false or misleading
. ‘. . . 8 "fr sing should be reportedto the editors.
. '. I , Coakts,DiI-zes;es, TROUSERS, lAUNDERED
u” . » z n . t 0 es KERNEL TELEPHONES
. , , . . I J“ e 5r h I SWEATERS, Editor. Editorial Editor...257-1755
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., . only $2.69 only $1.00 only $1.00 “m—___
«I I , V .1 ‘ ' ’V l‘ \ ) 2
_ I - P t 2 use the
1' ~ - mm
. . . ' ‘

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THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. February 1. 1973 5-; :'.5"‘,'.. ~'5 H.
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5 5 . l’.‘ flu-“K‘- “I H ”L”: Halderdash. on the other '_ .531. ‘ -" '* '2.
5 ‘ ‘ 3 . y t ' ‘- "N'm'lM“”“-"“‘" hand not only played and sang '. r'.‘ 5 r",
. . g ‘ . '._ ' ~ . 2'-.-’.‘-""'u.“:'
d 5 ‘5 i- .. H 550“ H l00kmk’, l0! ”1' well. but developed a more 2'“ ' '5: "= ."'
5 tertainment at a reasonable cost. stylized sound They added that {fif‘ ‘. V: 1‘ it:
.- .. _ . -* 5 5 5,-- n.1,. 1;
: ‘WUHLV- .WU might llnd II M d touch of showmanship that '.'. 3.5 .- .5 f .. 5 ' -’
5 Student (”ll” ”“m‘UWUN breaks the barrier between tfie .553
55. I lhese concerts are set up to bring stage and audience A band of 3:. ;555':,.5-‘
5t. ... .',. _ 5 ,- 5 . 3. ’.5-5-.5_' ~‘»‘.‘v'
-" ”WNW” (ntcrtainmcnt I0 this calibre seemed to deserve a 1.,5',‘ ”fig-535:5
\ 55 “Udell” ”NEW“ 5”?" major larger audience than the 12:3 to f. 5.5;155~ ' -‘ 5‘ ‘{
5 5 - concertsThe first mini concert 17;, persons who attended 5""- " ::, x .5‘"
~. was held Sunday night in the tw"; ; k .
‘ grand ballroom of the Student 5““ staging " j" 5. 5:511:52: .
5 . ' (‘enter The concert featured The lights for both bands left a "55‘ ', 5'53; "~15
a 5.’ “Gai‘uda.” a new local band. and lot to be desired. This is one of the ".554 5
5‘ / “Balderdash.” a more prominent flu'rkS that might possibly ..‘A 5’15 7‘97: 7'. - E
e band from (‘incinnatti disappear With “"19 and (“<- O .25:
t . . , Slight!) ahm e the norm perience mm the mini-concerts It‘ll"; ,z‘l
'3 Although both bands were “rsamzaimn 1“ setting Up .:}f~5":“-.<.
~ . " 3-5.
4 above the normal Lexington chipment and working with 5', H51 ‘3 ." . .
'5 ‘ 3*" entertainment. “(:aruda" still ‘WCOUSUCS might 3150 prove 5:5 "i. ,’ ‘ 55.5 5!?
0 " ‘55 lacked the experience and l"‘“"l'("al~ ‘ 3i >1;
e . 5_ r‘ organization needed to perform All facts considered. the mini- g" :.".551";
’ in a concert atmosphere. Thev concerts are a movement in the -. ‘t 1 .: .L'.» 0:3
u n . _ _ 5 5\.5>5555;.5, 5.-5.
5.5.anajsuf“:h“I‘lal;l:;:;tti;|:5:i fthrob5si t 150:5? q: :entescu rocM,5 5ar-roc gave the impression of. six in- right direction. a little 55 shy; .;
. osounsa c - .: . 4 4 .5 -. .- , ., War-.21:
ll held sundavingthe smaiiBaiir m Ph 5 bur?“ Heifer Imconcm d'mual art‘s“ playmg the 53m" “m‘nwmh' h”! 5“” d pleamm ' * ~' '-
is ‘ ~ ‘ 0° ‘ 0 0 y 'm 'c 5 music, but unaware of each evening ”l ”WSW spent ”1 a ‘ 45 .‘3i .' - if.
others presence. casual atmosphere :55‘2’5'.;-'5-.35"~.5
1f ‘ I-: .515, x i V I
. ‘~-." .4?“
'5V 5 .y" "ll .‘. .5". 3::-
I 5" 't :5 5 :’5 ' 55‘.’ ‘4:
The. American dream shattered B 5, . 7.
w—h eaux arts ‘ *1
9 555. ,'554 .';5‘5'
55 pm 1t1zen _. ane lS revolutlonary -: v s
5 5 Tuesday-February l .55: 5 ” 53'7"“, ”:5?
' World famous musican Yehudi Menuhin will _ ,5-"i11‘1:5:4‘-
. V’s ' 5r 7N . . , . . , 5 , 5 5 5 455'. 5"‘_'.'.' 5.5”5
t By BUQI‘ PENNYNGTON recollections in which the figure of Kane is first - present a \'l()llll medal at Memorial (oliseum at a: 2'5
l T 5 5 5 5 5 k‘ sketched and then slowly drawn in. was regarded as 8:15 pm tonight for the (‘entral Kentuckv (‘oncert '7 1’55. «:15 5:
v ‘ .... . . . .. l .”(;*':;'I'.".
“C W y55gr:a55t‘hAme5ri§an fllm55 afgragi-5 Se “5‘5” (55 too diificult for an ordinary audience to follow. and Lecture Series (:5; . t .5:
“5’1"“: 55” e “5‘5“ ~ Lean S r, 51‘385°~ an This style has long since come to be regarded as llzs piano accompanist will be l‘il:~ sister. fleph 5" :‘1 5:; I:
5 5 3 er 5 Ben Hur, Pr9‘eh0“ engrossmg fl ms can an artistic success. Furthermore. the techniques of' (ibah. with whom he is collaborating on tour this {.9 ' . 1.5;”.
) b9 fpddf -).VfUY;5f01dl5ng d simple plot ”“0 the the movie are impressive. For example. the season for the first time in five years 5 'j
ed magni “359‘“ 0 t e w‘de screen. shading of' light and dark suggest mood and The concert will be open to [ niversity of Ken ‘55:" .: 5: 2.' 5:
ed Katherine Hepburn on the other hand. has often emotion. The opening shots of Kane’s decaying tucky students with Activities and fl) cards and to ~. i,’ ..j ,5 ~.:' "
.. , .., . . _ 5 5 7 5 _',.5.-5:5_.’_s.
(5l“dmd the screen “1th her largei than me per mansion. surreal and eerie. produce the decadence season members of the series 5,5: ' : 4 .- e"
- ' I) “ v " ' U H . t . ., . , .. _ 5 . _ 0 v5“ - ' 5' "
foimancc m Long D‘” 5 Journey Into Mght‘ and which the movie further defines. t inenia' “Leia Montes r rench . i: to iilJl "t ‘. w 5-- .7"; T. 3.4; 5: ‘
Suddenly. 1““ bummer. _ “5 h p m , Student Center Theater 5 "p.15
of :\lH‘p|('fllm Th H I “It (I [M “the mood Student (‘enter Art (lallerv:t‘hildrens \rt tron. 2"." ,/ 's"
, w .. . r . “ - ‘ i ‘ ~'- e im i s s . "i . z: z ‘i * t' - . . ~ ‘_ "
05 And ytt rarely docsonc film combim fantastic 555 5 i o u (s tit we tthU‘ is i mt ins o. 55.555555555555115, fulementarv it 5 55 ”.55 5, 5/ ., 555 55
99 production and direction, with equally fantastic “‘91“ng the theme. “ hen 1‘ “‘90er '5 ”1’ coffee litiuse "Brown .It-nkm " H tggzt; H 5‘5; 3-5.1 ,‘ .1 1’ 7':
in script and acting. “Citizen Kane” achieves all of terviewiiig a person connected with Kane. it is ”(55”. 155555555,“ -5 5... and 5.; 5.5., p 5... . '3 , ,5 5'?
‘ these. and in so doing. takes its place as one of the 4”“?le Willing OUNdC: Th0 camera takes ”10 .‘V 17‘ ,1,
greatest American films of all times. audience up and over the roof of Kane‘s second 55 5 5 5. 5 " 27,215
. .. . . ~ . . .. , (‘fnt'ltn-‘t‘)l‘ll;ll‘\ J Y -".'..:
It is fortunate that “szen Kane is being \\1l( s nighttlub and then dissolves the viewer \5 55 55. t 55 ‘ 5‘5. \ ll) \ll . ,. -1. ,' -.. t,
l . . . . . . ..' . . . - . . . : 1((‘ll t‘ll (‘l' Hill‘f (ll'UIll ..lll . i!l\K\ ,I' '_ ,5 _'. 3.7
G 5. released to the mowe Circu1t, for it has long been fhiough a iain dienched skylight into Susan Kane s . ‘ -' - -' ..
- 8 . . )i‘esence Student (enter Ballroom. H p in ' J 5 z- ,3 .:
relegated to the late night show. where old mOVle l - . . 5 . 5 . 5 . 5, _ -5.: 5: . - .. "
.. . . 5 .5 5 5: 7. 5 5 5 student ( enter .\it (:alleiv :( hildiens u. iioit. , .' = :.i _- 1v 5‘ ‘ :
buffs have to endure TV editing and commerCials in Kane s most efficient business managei is in: \5 55 555 5 ~ 55 5 55 5 5. 5: .
. . . > 4 - ~- - - i . \‘ ‘ .(‘Hl ‘ll ilI‘\. i ll‘ ‘l‘t‘tlii' '~.’ "’ -.. .,.-'
n- order to mew this (3135510 terviewed in his office while a storm rages outside 551?le '5 l t . ll ‘ ' ' L" l . 5 . t :'5 j.
1; “( itizen Kane was a revolutionarv motion his window [his use of rain is a successful artistic (5515151 ”: 55‘ 55 5 5 55 555 (5 5 55 5 5 55.. 555-5 _. 5
. . . 7 .. : . . ee ouge “ ro \n .eti "en . u en e'i er " ‘55 r w ,. " ,1-
:5: picture for the vear 1941. and it was not well etfortto suggest both the storm surrounding Kane 5 5: ii * o \ l s o l I 5. 45, , 5-5-5
. .‘ . .. - - : ri e. i I‘ am 8 it ini “‘ "--."
received at the time. Its hard and coldly analytical life and the blurred rain soaked mystery of his ' ’ l :55. .. w...
- : , "‘i:"“..;"
re resentation of a news a er ma na e. whose (lVlll’ words. .. . . , a . -:r
3 p p p . .g t . ‘ g llllll‘sdin-l‘(‘hl‘ll‘dl‘5\ .: ; 4 ‘ , .‘g'v
a. monev and power corrupt his drive for seeial 5 . 5 .. 5 ' . .. . . . 1 , .4 fl».
he . ‘ ,. . A rosebud a young boy s sled and the hint of toffee House Biown .lenken Student ( entei .: t ,5 .55 .5
reform. struck too hard at William Randolph . . 1 5 . .5 5 5 . _ 5, ,; _. :.,,-
0f . primeval innocence lost. Kane is really the (a'ille. . so and h 30 pm i. . : 5. ... -
ce Hearst. sometimes called the father of vellow . . ‘ . . 5 5_ 5 5 5 5 .. .~ .'
. . . ' American character. the boy with thesled; innocent ( l\ ili/ation Series Heroic \Iatei ialism r , 5. t 35.
t iournalism. The Hearst svndicate would not run . . ‘ . . . - . ‘ . 5 5..» 5. ;
. ‘ . 1 bv birthright but corruptable bv the material op- ( lassroom Buildingiot». . .til p m . through 5:. ‘5
advertisements for the moVie. and all Hearst paper ‘ . . . . ‘. . , = . ' ~,J
, . . . portunifies available to him. Like the American February 1 , .. a 5: 53*;
i critics panned it. . , . . i _: .. --
, 55 ,. . . .. . . experience. Kane gains much btit also loses much »‘ : : =. 5- :_- ::..:
.2 (itizen Kane advances the idea that public , . . . I’I‘id‘n-Febr . . 5 . .5; .: .- "5 2‘
m 55 5555055 55 5555 ed 5555 the media and news 55 rs C5555 The great American dream iiiachine—Kane 5 5 . 5. Hf”) .5 .5 5; 5' 5; . 5
..., nihke the {5.2 le .believe anything frag: ‘ like Perhaps by itsnew twist on the American Success f iiiema t iienian s Halh o 30 and 5t 13 P ”l - .' 5:..i'..- *
y]: H: iist is showlfi to bc rcs ohsible for the \meiican .s'torv "(‘itizen Kane ” was most revolutionary “mm" l ”'1' law“ "l ”Ml ‘3 M“l”'ghl~ student 55.5, if“ 4‘ "r "i i
he . p . . . . Kane is the epitome of the American of humble “m" lh“”‘ 1' though “MW” " . 5 Ye; M ‘.:
sentiment that led to the Spanish-American War. . . 5 5 . 5 5 5 .. “mu.” :- 15.5515. pm... \‘u pr... . -- s ' * . 5: 3:5
5,5 .. , . . . origins who gains wealth. but does not find the " ‘ ~ '> . l‘ ~ (1‘: . P ”l~ -- ' 't.
1 and the post World Vtar l isolationism. 5 5. . 55 . 5 . ‘15,5n555.5.5l (551555555555 '5 _. _‘ ... ,:_ :
n. 5 55 5 accompanying happiness it should bring. under the 1 ‘ - . 5 ' ~ 5. 5:
' 5 Slalleable IIIJSSPS PFOSH‘SfHHf (‘fhl('. PBS Fllln ()(l5\'SS(‘5\ ”l“.- X'Iill p In _ (‘lassrmnn -r I; ." '55'
“d In an age before the advent of Marshall McLuhan. 5 Hiiildingl 14 -5:55. 5 f 5. 55.
cc Orson Welles uses the movie to prove that the lit the sense the film is a contradiction. Its anti- . 55 5
'0 medium is truly the message. He presents the American sentiment is presented with all the gutsy 5 5 .5 .5 55,5
5‘. public as one malleable substance awaiting the powerful Americanenergy [liilttlt‘son Welles could 55 5555 55 5 N‘lg‘flatlt‘hl'ilfll‘y a5 5 5 5
‘ hammer of the press m shapeitinto belief. muster “(‘itizen Kane" remains a monument to 55 5‘; “ 55mm "m” ~l“”l\“"~ Student (enter 557.5:5
Not only was the theme of “Citizen Kane“ the American film effort. a film so didactically "5' ‘« ll ~- 1” pm . 5 5 . 5555
- . . . . i . w . . ‘ . . . ~ - 1 - . - 5
5 revolutionarv but its stvle. a series of flashback committed toteaching America a lesson. that it had 55 j “”35““; l hillW'leHH 50‘ H l): 3 1" ft m . 5. : .5 :5 *5 5 ; .
. . . ' _ . . : y . ., . . .. , . . .
0 to rely upon the American experiment for its “FM” - “‘ "”"“"‘~ ”:‘”:‘U‘dmd '1 ~ 5 -
" ' ' . . . ' moral "
Original (om ert presentatlon Sun...“5.55.555“ ,5 5 .5 5 . .5 _
_———_ t 5 _, 5 I .. . h 7 5 r ‘ 5,. 5 i'
5 . 9 . . ( inema lhaholitiue . i: .to and 9 1.» p .ii . 5 . 5. ,,
6 Ch t S ‘t th ‘ I I st W .4. - M"
‘ . udent (tutti lllt .itti :.~ . 5 .
BSUS i I‘IS upers ar IS (3 re& t llll“ , . . -. ~ -
: 5 5 F liii\ersit5\ of Kentucky ,\rt tnillery r \H. __ ' .. 5 5,:
Whether Feb. 4 will be a “good Friday for me concert. which Stigwood produced iii "(fi'apliics '73 Japan" opening :3 p m .‘ '2 5- ‘5‘. ‘~
”Ohm“ “WWW’WS original concert presentation "l association with .\l('.-\ l.\'(' and by tll‘t‘élllgf‘lllt‘ll' l.e\uigtoii Philharmonic Society l lvt P in .l
the controversial rock opera “Jesus (‘hrist with David Land. will feature James Sabano 33 “(mom-H llall . , .5 ‘ ‘ ‘
Superstar.” which invades Memorial (‘oliseum for "Judas”. Ho'ly Liliton as "Mary Magdalene” and x .. . i .‘ i
an tt'tm pm performance. remains to be seen. It Tom Westeriiiaii ”5c- “.lesus "' ‘5 '
WI” (it‘llmlf'l) l)“ 3' happening ("tmplf'lf' ““31 Tickets may still be purchased at the ('entral . ‘ _
soloists. chorus. rock band and full orchestra lnforiiiation Desk at the Student (”enter ' ‘ . - i
, b l i t ' I
5 _ t s 5 5 5 5 a "

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