xt7qnk36480q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk36480q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-03-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1983 1983 1983-03-22 2020 true xt7qnk36480q section xt7qnk36480q J l I I l . _ v . ~ : - . . .- V‘
. \ Q
\ Avoryswoott‘
‘ Swoot l6 brings out the best in Kane ‘
~ tucky's high school basketball teams.
a Last Saturday, Henry Clay defeated Car-
/ Q s: N lislo County in what could go down in
5 30%. history as one of tho tournament's best __ ,_,_,__.,____
0 games Soopogoo.
% ,I
Vol. LXXXV. No. 134 Tuesday, March 22, 1983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky Lexnngton, Kentucky
1' SGA Senate appropriates money to SATV
m ByS(‘0'l'l‘ XILHOIT nedy said. "But more importantly. the would relinquish any or all control over Board The board would consist of mem-
Senior Sta Writer service will provide training and access program‘s future bers of SAB and pt)SSll)l\' SGA senators
415 fink. protesters 3"..th for many students seeking careers in “I think the Senate ought to be aware with John Herbst. the director of student
, , , - television and broadcasting." that should this measure pass we may activties. serving as administrative ad-
VANDINIIIG All pm; BASE. Col". __ I . , I “It is a media whose time has come." he funding SATV. yet we may then lose viser Kennedy also said he did not know
Air Force guards and police yesterday The Student (iovernmenIt Association said William Burke of SAB. ”We can be- any chance of changing this should it whether a problem of future adiiiinistra
peacefull rounded u at least “5 demon- [35‘ night approved $5va "1 funding for come the center for cultural activity." he everbenecessary.” Dulworth said tive censorship would arise
Yh l P . Student ActiVities IBoard's teleVI5i0n pro- said, referring to potential interviews of Phil Taylor. senator—at-large said how He also said the service would be dif
. strators W 0 b °Ck°d "0"": and "959053“! gramtobestarted In June. visiting speakers and performers. ever that SGA finances many other pro terent from the extsiting "Bluegrass
at this base, where America test fires nucle- Douglas Kennedy. chair of SAB‘sI Stu- Kennedy said the service will consist of grams around UK but has no control Dateline. ' a show produced and directed
or missiles. deInt IAIctIivtties . Televtswn Committee. one hour of programming per week. fea- over them Taylor said that. if SGA do by telecommunications students "We
I Some were taken away for crossing a said S(.A s funding is necessary to help turing news and feature stories of the UK manded control of SATV. the Senate will have more access to production than
. painted green line where federal property pIurchase equipment to get the program communityI SATV Wlll be shown on Tele- would be required to control all the other 'Bluegrass Dateline.‘ " Burke said "Also
be ins or for tr . f th ‘ld t s aIrIted. . cablespublicaccess channel. . programSithelped finance. the problem with 'liluegrass Dateline is
9 OPOSSInIg rom . 9 WI 5 a SATV is needed as a betterImeans to Jack Dulworth, senator-at-large. said Kennedy said SATV would be con- that they are limited to just one hour of
the back of the base. Five or SIX were cap- public relations for the University, Ken- he had reservations about whether SGA trolled by the Student Access Advisory programming everythree weeks '
. tured at the Missile Assembly Building, See 56A. pages
' eight miles inside the sprawling base, and :l L" . . _ .. . “Q“ l ”-5“ 3" ' ”h ‘ "1.0 ”a '
a. state and county police arrested 105 others ‘ ‘. ' ' . ' ". , . . 3 Q ~fl, " V": t? ' ' . Reagan a Oints
" and 30 children for blocking traffic in front - A . _ .- I' ' 0 9r: 1" ' ' 0 . u‘ ’ . ._4-:“ ' . . pp
of the main gate,officials said. . » . '3... . . ' u. J" ‘7 ." . . . ‘. *i l; 3 k g: f i f EPA hI f
The demonstrators, led by the Vanden- ._ l ‘ 4.- t t, .*' u. l 1'" v 1"} t W". ormer c '8
. , ,_ ‘ fa ,. hs‘ « g n “-1-, - e s
berg Action Coalition, asked an end to first- “ . p :7 ‘ J: - .. Q ~ 1:. ' ,3; s. _. " " ‘
strike nuclear missiles and to use of Pacific “W‘Ifi‘: ._ -'::'“«'..\ns ‘2 5 J. at, w... ,- ‘.._ .. ‘l ,1 , .- of fit ' f , to replace Burf0fd
islands as a test range. U.S. Minutemen ' the ' “d'3{~ “:1 - a. “ ’ ‘ a ‘ .: ‘ '
. ’. . ‘ ~. g , r s '
missiles are test-fired there to targets “m“ P am“, ’é. ’ "i 4 ‘V s g... ’ WASHINGTON AP Wll'
.. . . . _. e s ‘ ‘ 't S4 --— 'iiam
ahcro’IsIs tlLeIIPacificd at the Kwalalein atoll in M -. f... , z‘I i ”£01. I) . . . . D, Ruckelshaus. fired when he “L
t e ars a Is an s. l "1,-“ _. I“; ‘5 ‘l in: . “ ‘ I“ ~53 ,2) .. " fused to rescue PreSident Nixon
"A . .. . - {1‘ a” I: 3 g .:. I ~ , :- . . ' , t is,“ . Ie'; I ~ I“ from the tangle of Watergate was
1 IBM contributing computers ’1 ‘ . ”f . .' ' ti 1”. W . v i W " : W "35' 9 ' flan tieaiiiziigitfiirgsasy: [it‘llpslfi
I . . I. i 5": ‘ yuq ' I .’ . ‘ x I :I . a '
std!— _ ' , {lg -. ‘I ‘ ’t“ § 3;" ¥ . " _ ronmental Protection Agency
NEW YORK — International Business Ma- Imp-5. ,., ' .14; - "’~ ‘ ‘ I“ I5“ ‘-I" . .“’ '4? President Reagan announced
_ chines Corp. announced yesterday it will do. a?” y r _ V . - 3t . :-‘ eff . .. _. 5 ‘. l - M“ -. "5.?“ Ruckelshaus' nomination as EPA
nate l,500 personal computers to 88 second- ." - 1‘ -..‘ .“ 3', a t r a: I ‘ _ '3 . " ‘ l n . -_'~ administrator at an impromptu
arY schools and colleges in California, if. ’ vwd‘r' " J" l l ., z. ’1 ~. . .. l “ - ’ik 5i” ”-a‘ 1'» - l .‘i H ‘ ’ news conference where he defended
Fl 'd d N Y k f . 5”,. .. . 3 I . I r‘. .5, -c ,f- .; - g. _ . ‘ his administrations record on the
.on,.a an my or as part a on $8 Mil- . ' ILI.I... 4.‘ 3* . " ' 3.1“ {If I . ”V I: . -. ’ KL“, . " ‘ environment. but added. "I believe
lion computer literacy model program." \ . "j. ”I ’. '. ’ ' ‘ " ‘ ‘ ” . wecando better.“
The company said it selected those states ’ ' I. 1,;1‘ 0 ’ I“ h e g ' Ruckelshaus sa'd he had been
because each has major IBM facilities that ' -’ f"; ‘ " . " " " ., .’ ‘, ‘. “ prpmisued a “free hand inhtrying [9
can provide technical backup, and because l ‘ - . ’1; l I II n I 1 f . '3 4 (s)? hie afgehgl'slhhrtlsh: 1fie;derxedmzjttoirt-‘s
each has diverse school populations. IBM "-_~“ ".7 . . r q I ll founding 12vearsago
. . . . ' - “ -s-vw‘ s: - .-.- . . * ‘- . ~.
has retained the Education Testing Servtce, . I“ I, . as. as“: . 504' .-.-»; a a “' i Mgr" mm. .. ”F35.“ _ L; HIS tOp PHONE» he said “1” be ‘0
-. in Princeton, N.J., to aid in selecting the .» '3 : {inf ., 1 s» 4' :35" , .3 , , .. . '43:?“ "'71.“ £16???) L193.“ "89‘ 0" With this enormously com-
schools. “a. f flail" -- .. “I“ - “r 3'" . I . i ‘1, - i h. '9 " kw ‘ w ""5 plicated job of cleaning up our air
. My." .33 ' ‘6. ~ in» t -' _ ' " > 9‘ w” s, [939 «a, .Sa .. , ’ ' _ t ’ ' and water and protecting our Citi-
Schools selected for the program should 9. st" ’g R1,,“ 3.x“ 3 w, . be .. y -. \V,» tug»: it" .. .5 _ 'II yo .. ~. ‘6 .,\ \t‘s’. zens against tox1c substances
: get the computers this summer, and should ' ' 5' ‘- , - “ ' “i - ‘ if” 5&3: .‘t’b min; A. " Reagan's first EPA chief. Anne
If» :JeIIready t: offer courses using them in the ”‘ Lunmflmdwu Bftfirford. reSigned on March 9 in an
‘1' ' o . Teac or training Programs will also SP ' 9 i h ? e ort to stem mUllPlYlhfl atiega-
«I begin this summer. r n ‘ are llOflS of mismanagement. conflicts
. Yes, yesterday really was the first day of spring though temperatures and snow showers on a walk that took 3,2t:1“:ffiltefsndbelligfiitfiga{15:13.
the weather wasn't about to let on. Masters of Business him ast the old iron fence wh'ch l M ll a '
. Downdraft caused crash _ _ . . _ p . . .' enc 0595 axwe six congressional committees
. Administration candidate Hal McCoy braved freezing Place, the home of PreSIdent Otis Singletary. Reagan denied that he had gem
. . out a message that the EPA should
WZSHINGLON I I Federal investigators favor corporate polluters "All thatl
:ayazezré acya: ygcliousIIwindsheaIrhslammeg P I i, r f.’ f hIind ISLE; propgsed (res that the}
. ri la mer in o e groun t, aSk a“, 8 es 0 0 e n" s ou air.” esai
near New Orleans last summer, killing 153 y I r v r r "After the dust settles and the
people. country sees Bill Ruckelshaus at
g 4 - . ,
t The National Transportation Safety Board BYSTEVE SWIFT than two weeks off. the GDP has vet to Sloane andl)r Hrady'stumho work. our people “I‘ll ”‘U‘gmle lhdl
' - As ' tedP w ' - - ~ ' . , . ~ , , this administration 5 commitment to
said the downdraft hit the aircraft iust sec- 50013 F955 “191‘ field a mayor gubernatorial candidate. Burns is a (lay (ounty natiie lie re- a clean environment H solid and
' onds after it lifted off in a thunderstorm last Three politicians who appeared '85! fall €8le his bachelor‘s degree from East- unshakeable " Reagan said "He is
_i J | 9 . . h 'l l' l _ , ., . , H.-. 7— *-V .. . to be strong choices — Congressman ern Kentucky State Teachers College. the the n ht mah for the n lht oh at the
i U Y ,gwingt ép' 0' "It ewarning. . I . Larry Hopkins. state Sen. Jim Bunning forerunner to Eastern Kentucky l'niver- n ht {lime .. g l
. The board said the pilot acted reasonably LUUSHLLE — Pulaski County law- and GOP national committeeman Larry fill)". and a 18W (19ng from the [vhl‘f’h‘l‘ (ftuckelshaus icked h head the
in deciding to take off despite indications of yer Lester H. Burns Jr. filed candidacy Porgy i said earlier this year that they ty of Kentucky(‘ollege of Law EP 'h ‘ .p . . led 9"!
, - - . . '. d to . k the Re ublic n . w x " . ‘ h) bri flv w's ' candidate for A W en n “d5 treat m I" )‘
severe weather, but said a failure of equtp- papers yester ay . see p a would "OtS‘leh‘ nomination. ln 1%8' l e - d d ‘ was iven hi h marks as a com -
, Party 5 gubernatorial nomination in the Three people considered to be minor the Republican nomination for the t' S ‘ g , g _ ’ ‘ pe
ment to adequately detect wind shears was , .i) - . - . . . . _ . tent administrator who got the agen~
' 'b . f . h Md) ~jl primary election. candidates have filed to run in the GOP Senate and later lht’ state S nth (engres- _\, on the n ht course -
acon ri Iuting actorint ecrash.I He is the most well-known of four an- primary. They are Ben Auxier Jr of stonal DlSlrICl. “'llhdranhR from hOlh (‘gn lag-r, R ~kels'naus has
The aircraft reached an altitude of no nounced GOP candidates seeking to be- Stanford. Thursman Jerome Hamlin of races beforethe primary election ail-9:18:15 senior \llt‘t’ resident 0"
more than 150 feet and was airborne only cometheparty‘s nomination. London and Donald Wiggins Jr of Win- In 1979. he started to seek the GOP 5 . ‘ . I“? j . h
. . . Th form r tate li troo r nd ‘ - 0 . ~ {0 [mm v ,1 h law and corporate a airs of t e
29 seconds before it plunged into a re5i- e e 5 p0 ce pe a chester, n mination r a 9- genera ut did W ~ h (‘ ' ant t be
. . commonwealth's attorney said he dec1d— Burns. [no (mpg unsuccessful nomi- not followthrough 9)” aeuser 0. a git im r
dential area and burst into flames All l45 - ~ "ind r FOdUt‘l“ company h"
| b d . “ ed to Ienter the race after meeting Sun- nee for attorney general in 1967. said that Burns said he would be prepartd to “ tedpaltjd it, ttl ‘w ‘h ‘
peop e 0 our and eight on the ground day Will] a group of Republican friends. he could wage a vigorous race against Spend upl0$2lll1lll0nlh9 primary ““‘9- (at 3U -1 ell tithe “Id: --l - t \
were k'lled' whom he declinedtoidentify. the Democratic Party‘s nominee in the and estimated that. if he wins the (MP t ,ea ers 2‘ \‘e (pp? 1‘1“] 'tpdr '9‘
I In a telephone interview from his Som— fall election. He predicted Democrats nomination. he would have to spend orcicasniin ‘hendwtll?()?xlr?::‘111(;?m d
‘ . erset office. Burns. 52. said he had not Will be "bitterly split" after the primary. more than $3 million in the general elec- , C ‘ l ‘
Clal’k may MV. IMCction discussed his intentions with state party and said he could attract votes of ”‘19 tion :IivIerjwhelItImnglyI'I. H sinIIiIde Majority
leaders. nor had he been contacted by “many disenchanted Democrats." The defense and t‘l\'ll lawyer said he is 6:“:ng thwart'd’r REX‘l‘lr (3‘23;
SALT LAKE CITY _ Barney Clark has devel- them as a pOSSible gubernatorial candi~ The three major Democratic guberna— willing to spend his own money to win said Rugklelshafrstwas‘ rcmwd‘ ,h
oped a fever and his kidney functions are d3“: .. . torial candidates are Lt. Gov. Martha the nomination "I am not a treeloader.” :‘able amanofmtegrttvp? " I
deteriorating doctors said yesterday as “"h "‘9 March 30 hhhg deadline “355 Layne Collins. Louisville Mayor Harvey he said ‘ ~
they tried to determine whether the artifi- l
°- Hardcas tle Dulworth announce SGA bid
fection. Clark remains in fair condition, but I
his physicians were worried about the de- ..
velopment. “()ur campaign theme lS leadership. "In SGA. I‘d like to elect the most qual- —~ both said they are not solely relying
Cl k' k'd k By ANDREW OPPMANN he said "An active leader would help the ified directors and delegate some of my on their soc1alorganizations for support
f" 5 ' neys, W90 ened bYI years 0' News Editor Senate move along »- help them deliber- authority Uur theme is representa “We‘re depending upon across-the-
cardiomyopathy — the some inoperative ate fully on the issues after they are tion." board support." Dulworth said "I really
disease which destroyed his heart muscle , , , ,,, em . , passed out of committee liardcastle and Dulworth the only think that we have much more to offer
tissue _ have caused occasional problems “As chairman of the Senate. 1 can help ticket al‘fliated with greek organizations -thanthe other candidates "
_ - - - Promising to help Student Government the different committees 1 would like
pIiI-eviouIslyI df’filingu hIIIIchonvalescence from Association communicate better with the the Senatetofullydcliberatethings H
e ”“P 0h 0 e. to °I°"°" 09‘“ 2' campus (‘heryl llardcastle and Jack Hardcastle said she would favor hold-
A hospital official said Clark has been Dulworth yesterday formally announced ing a student referendum ~ in order to - ..
running a "chronic" fever intermittently for their candidacy for SGA president and survey student opinion before SGA Q5:
' about two weeks. The hospital's lab is still "l9? president respectively. “'0‘le “99“” a controversal fee ”"
seeking its cause “Being in contact with the campus . , crease of any kind “If the t'niversny , s .
' and with the student groups is one of our was calling {Or a dorm l9? increase. W0 , A“
goals." Hardcastle. a political science ju‘ would call a referendum for the students . any. if ‘
nior, said. "We need to find out what‘s affected before makingastand. '~ x » _ . «e
‘ going on with the students . have regu- "if we could do something about it, we I I, .v. \ ,v‘ - . '
lar meetings with student organizations will."she said ‘ - ",L. .1 ‘ ‘
WEATHER and report backtothe tSGAl Senate." “If anything comes up and we feel the _ . , ‘ 3 $9 - ' '
Serving her first year in SGA as a sen- students don‘t want it." Dulworth said. ‘ l 1 ‘ t.- - " ' x : I -
ator-at-large. Hardcastle is vice chair of “we will put it toa referendum." ; d: " u » . “a
the Senate's Political Affairs Committee Dulworth also said their campaign m - " 1‘ ‘
and serves on the Program and Com. calls for the expansion of the amount of t " ‘ ;~\‘
mencement Committees. She is a memv money allocated to SOAP ”We are in * s ’ .‘cs: <\\\\\s
ber of Pi Beta Phi sorority. favor of expanding SUAF. ‘ ' ~_‘::~ .\\:‘:‘\ “‘
Mostly cloudy and sold today with lln. Dulworth. a political science sopho- “Some of the programs that were “" ,' ~:{s‘ ‘f. ~. -~ ~ ' “~\\\\\\:;“-
gorlng flurrlos and . high In 9... low ,0 more. has been a senator—at-large for one brought to the Senate should have gone ~ \ .“\' “f \g -- " ‘ “\\\\\\\\\ "I
I . _ ._ ... .. . . x \ ~‘ \x.' “_\\\\_\“ ‘,‘
mld 3°" year, Ht is chair of the Political Affairs to SOAP. he said. It would take a 4 _ “x \_\.y\ -\\ . "“\\-.
Cl ' d Id Committee and the University's traffic strainofftheagenda " “Z \\:“_II‘.~.I~-I‘ \\\\\I\\\,\\s_\\- '\
“' "9 "' ‘° ’°""’“ with ' '°" affairs board and is a voting member of Being SGA prt‘SIt‘k‘ht |5 a lWO'S'ded "9' f- :6“ 1‘: \Vx":-\\\\\‘\\ "
; near 20. the Student Organization Assistance spomibility. because of the added burden \ \,-\\\\‘:\“\\\- -
i Mostly sunny and a little warmer to- F‘Und He Is a member of Delta Tau 0‘ 59"th as a "‘9th "l the Board "l , :4. - \\\\-..§:::\\\a
l marrow wlth . M... I" 9... mu .0. '9 Deltafraternity Trustees llardcastle. however. said if x . - - “ - \\ y .
near 30. If elected Vice president. Dulworth said she is elected. she will balance her re
he would help the Senate fully discuss Is- Smwlb'l‘hes WWW" "‘9 ”'01.?“ cunu unocasm sue ucx ouswoem
sues heforetheorganization ld split the Jobs evenly. she said
. j l '
. 1 l I ‘ V r l

 . 3-. . _


K‘éi‘m cl ’
II" Mold“! Andrew W John amm- Mlfioy ”Mm llnl I. KI“.- 3.0. VIM...“ Dull ("Mord
Editor in Chief Now- (ditoi Arts Editor sport. (door SpeciatPioiocti Editor Photo (duo: Graph-u Editor
P B RSUASION Juno: Idwln mm. Dubai. his. “Ito. mu. Widow 17. ”I..." utmo- Mlllloo ”VIII“ (Ml: Alb
Managing Editor td"°"°"°"°' A“MW" A'" ‘5"0' Alill'dfl' SPO'N‘GWO' SpaciolPtoinuu Ass-Mont Chic. Photograph-I lop. Uexhl' r'
____________________—______________ _______—____
Education must be earned MORE-g a ' ' ‘M’F’CES
Reagan asks college students to pay for financml and

President Reagan recently made an asi- opportunity to be eligible for financial aid is --
nine request to Congress; he wants to re- aslap in the face. 3
quire college students to contribute to per- Others believe the proposals will weed out ) , ‘
cent - or at least $800 — toward then students who don‘t really deserve financial /. ' . of... ‘
education each year if they want to be eligi aid from those who do need it. That's also 4”; _ 4‘ ..'-. — _ - .3 -
ble for federalgrants. stretching things beyond a necessary point. r .3 31* RQAGA ’ 3.7 ; A \\

He has also proposed a tax break for par- Admittedly. there are cases of students de- I‘- fiWGé A“ .3 ,2 - _ i
ents saving up 10 $13000 a 3'91” per Child for frauding the financial aid system. but the so- / 3!; 3/. 7/ 1!. \ ’. l
schooling. lution does not rest with penalizing deserv- .' 3/ 1 .. ’/// / ' ,3 CW -. \i i5

. . . .' 't l f d mg StUdents‘ fin-h / / '1, / I/./ / / 'V t 3 i\\\i.'. ‘ 7 v.94" k

Reagan 53m. that. “"h h.” proposa 5‘ e 3' Reagan proposes that student contribu- " x ,- Z r‘ , ' 3 /,/l 3, r/ H ’3' 'l,‘ \ ‘ \ 9" A\ 33 g
79”“ studentaid dollars “”1 help more low- tions may come from loans. savings and /.',l, '/ 1.3,! r . ’.’ r '3'!” , 3 gs“ I 33’]; l _ - U § ‘ 3 ’ — l? 3
'"Come persons meet the burden 9’ Educ? work-study programs. The maximum grant. ('9 // w _,' / . -- ‘1 ,l «3. - i ‘l 1 c 3.- , / 3 3
“0“.‘395‘5 and. M” help restore confidence m which does not have to be repaid. would be ’ /, “ . 3 /.£ ¥ 3"} M: """,” .'.‘ "j‘ ‘4/ '3 ' ‘ t
thetairness of our system of education. 3 increased from $1.800 to 3330003 //3/ / g .1 3 313" I . J '3' i 3 “ ;-‘ 3 p 9 3

HOW can with. be restored m the system 0‘ Where does that leave students who must //// ., ‘ I,” l; // ' , 1 ' 3 it fit ‘7 , l
education if it 33turther denies that education rely solely on financial aid for their educa- / o/ 33 ' //,z I" 2 , ./3 ‘54 \ .~ 1’ 3 3 . LS | l
to many people. . . . tion‘.’ Will students be forced to work to pay Ill ,// ~ I. '/ 3W. ’ ‘. ,4; " 4// , g: "t“ l 3 7 , . l
3 The administration now continues alienat- 40 percent of the $846 yearly tuition 32 3 1,; 33F V 3 3 s’ 3 / 3;; 3 s 03 74$ 3 3
ing students. a course set in 1981 and last $338.40). or will they have to pay $800 of the 33/ 33 . 3 ~3i 4 p Hill? 333; 3‘ {VT/4W5 .3333. 3 l
charted “he“ the Solomon Amendment was tuition ~ leaving a mere $46 to be paid by l ‘ lit Alla! all . 3’ 1 wt _3 ‘ % ‘wg-il ,3
passed. The amendment used coerCion to the government" l 3‘ i 33. i w ‘1 ., 3‘ 3 l3 3: 33 . -. 3m§1$ 3y, -. .
. ‘ ‘ 3 . .‘ . . . . . 3 3 33 . 9 333., . ,1; 3E . 2
force students into registering for the draft if The main point is that students who need .4333 ,3 . , ill," “N333 e3 33"\‘ ’33 33,”. 33 33 W . 3 3 i
the} wanted to receiveaid. financial aid might be turned away from re- * 33/313“ , 1" .' .\q‘l‘\6 ' 3 t’ . ‘1 ‘ % / ‘, it 1

Some have rationalized the proposals as ceiving an education by stipulations set forth “‘l l3 3 ‘3’ M ‘. Q .3 33$?" 5 k l 3
an attempt by Reagan to rebuild the idea of by a president whose main concerns he not 3 3 l l ’ 3 (W l ”/liét ii 3.3 fi‘ ' «p6< 42‘ ,, i 1. l 3
the “American work ethic." The idea that with the good of the American public. but //"lllll ‘3 ‘3 ( é .1 3‘, $.33; 0V gfi‘s . , M A. 3_ 3 3
students should work while continuing their with creating an atmosphere of red tape that . . i ii‘ V it.////i3’. 3 V ‘ ‘ " 3.’ -' at... . ‘ 1' 3
education is not a bad one. But. rather. the prevents hungry minds from acquiring an i 3 3 3 ‘3 ///»* / ’/- ~ 33 ‘ 3 3 ”E22 g 3 g
idea that students have to work only for the education. 4 " . ‘ . l ‘ l - 1.2 4‘?— “ "" i
W 3
Americans take humor seriously as Labor Day/April Fool's Day approaches '

While thumbing through my cal- WASHINGTON * In a bold move House East Room for the formal an- appomtee appeared through the others. Mr. T can break it -- or an rights through human fights.“ he
endar looking for a date. I was a to toughen the country‘s image. nouncement. remnants of the East Room door. He arm oraleg.“ said. . -
lit'le surprised to see that while President Reagan has announced Before asking Mr. T to jom him at then strode to the podium and NBC‘s Roger Mudd had a follow- 3_ 3 _ . .

Labor Day is marked April Fools the appointment of Mr T as a spe— the podium. Reagan gave a brief glared at the few reporters who had up question for the president, "Will I got a b33d whuppin' m store for ‘3
Day is not cial undersecretary of state statement to the assembled media not dived beneath their seats. the American people support the use Andrf’PO“ (astro and khadafi. the "2

The work ethic is an integral part —————————— members. Reagan tried to break the tension of street diplomacy to settle dis. alppomle‘: 5?“ °f3th° leaders of ”‘9
of our national character and de The new appointment does not re- of the moment with a joke. ”Before putes?" 3‘30““ linion. (“b3 Md Libya. .;
serves a day set aside to remind us GUEST flect displeasure with Secretary of I can open the floor to questions. “I think so." Reagan said. "Amer- Thet’fl‘mna pay for what ”‘9." had <2
of its importance But the American State George Shultz or the qUiet di- we'll have to clear the floor of re- icans have never been afraid to tosay. “
sense of humor has also shaped the OPINION plomacy that he has pursued. Rea- porters." stand UP and fight for Whal'S right. After the announcement there was :
national character and I believe the gan said. But there are times when CBS' Dan Rather was the first to In Mr. T. we have a man who re concern among Washington inSiders .
calendar-makers have erred in not ——————-——- words are not enough and the coun» regain his seat and his composure. fleets that spirit.“ that street diplomacy could raise ii
recognizmg this The appomtee‘s previous experr try must have a man of action as its “Mr, T. do you think your lack of The president and Mr. T then took tenSions between our country and its 2';

They should recognize that in this once as a nightclub bouncer and co» spokesman. diplomatic experience will be a a few minutes with Andy Rooney of rivals to dangerous levels. 5
country we are serious about our star of the film "Rocky III" and the “I am reminded of a childhood handicap in meetings with foreign CBS' “60 Minutes" to deny that "If this policy of ‘an eye for an '
sense of humor' television series “The A-Team” led taunt.” the president said. "Sticks leaders?“ street diplomacy is a detour from eye‘ is adopted. I'm afraid we‘ll g

In April of 1981) I began to take the to his selection Reagan said. "These and stones may break their bones "No way. What I lack in diplo- the country's pursuit of human soon have ‘the blind leading the i
american sense 0f humor SQFIOUSl.‘ are tough times in which we live and but words will never hurt them. matic Skill I make up for in ‘street rights through its foreign policy. blmd.’ " said (‘yrus Vance. secre- s
and penned the first annual April l believe Mr T is definitely a man “I think it‘s time we throw a few smarts.‘ I know when I can rap with “The furtherance of human rights taryofstate under PreSIdent (‘arter ‘

Fools Day column Now that I've of his time ‘ sticks and stones at our enemies and a dude and I know when it's time to is still our goal." Reagan said. “But "Street diplomacy cannot remain
dusted off and put on the fake mus Rumors of the president's star I think Mr. T can throw them harder lay on a whuppin‘. That‘s what I call where the Carter administration a one-way street." he added. "If
tache. n0se and eyeglasses and ret- tling appointment had first surfaced than Secretary of State Shultz." ‘streetdiplomacy_' “ used economic sanctions and embar» other countries begin to use it. we "
wisted my sense of reality. I'm in stories carried by “The National After his opening remarks Reagan Reagan said street diplomacy goes we have chosen a different could all find ourselves on the road i
ready for this year's attempt at Enquirer“ and "TV Guide ” After turned and asked for Mr. T to jom would enhance the country‘s bar- path toreach thatgoal." toruin_" .
playing the fool millions of grocery store shoppers himin fielding reporters'questions. gaining position with other nations. Mr. T will walk down that path ,'

It is a role that comes to me with demanded an explanation. Reagan There was a loud crash and a "I am confident that should an im- and it was he who marked it for re- Ron Hall is an alumnus of UK and ?
dlsturhlnfl 9859 summoned FGPOFIPTS to the While splintering of wood before the new passe occur in our negotiations with porters. “We will now pursue human former Kernel senior staff writer 3i
Bills for undelivered utilities con tinue to come in mail

Every American must eat and. hard-pressed electnc utilities preme Court requirement that "35- FERC voted unanimously to consid- around when the plant goes on line. waited longer than they did before .
consequently. purchase groceries as Though the measure directly affects sets" (rates) be "used and useful." er CWIP-based financing for up to Senior citizens‘ groups. which favor canceling their plants. and thus the 3
amatterofsurvival only those large firms which sell If granted CWIP authority. utilities one-half of a utility's construction legislative restrictions of CWIP. costs to the consumer would have .3

But imagine. for the sake of argu- power to smaller utilities. the new can demand “front" money for costs. That is. a utility investing $100 argue that their members would be been substantially higher.“ .3
ment that grocery shoppers were rule is expected to boost electric power yet ungenerated and undeli~ million ina new plant is now eligible forced to pay for something that
required to fork over extra cash at bills nationwide by at least 6 percent vered. Secondly. regulators have for rate hikes of up to $50 million. in many will never live to see. Mean— Of course. FERC's deCision might :
the check out counter each week to and as much as 2o percent in some been reluctant to subsidize utility in— increments of no more than 6 per- while. younger families are highly not seem immediately harmful. j
help build a new neighborhood su- areas vestors on backs of ratepayers. in» centayear. mobile and business customers According to a spokesman for the ‘
Wrmarket Never mind that the old sulating utility owners from market- FERC said the change Will ease comeand 80 Edison Electric Institute. the "W95"

SlOI‘Q IS amply SlOCde. I'IPVPF mind mi“ ‘ placerisks3 capital formation and reduce “any AS Ed Petrini. an attorney for- torowned ullllt) trade group3 I10 3

that the nets superstore may be io ' 3 GLEN Indeed. for the record. utilities tendency which may discourage con- merly with the National Consumer utility ordered any new power plant .
years in construction and even then u‘ t. v and have provided good evidence for struction of needed generating facili- Law Center in Boston told our re- construction last year 3

may never open. wed all have to ‘ SHEARER such worries. Some. like the wash. ties" It would also help. the feds porter, Michael Duffy. “With project 3 _ ‘

foot the billanyway * £ ington Public Power Supply System. said. t0 prevent sudden rate hikes lead times and lifetimes stretching Yet in seven or eight years. when . 3

Despite the unfairness ot bilking . undertook massive building projects when construction is finished. Added over a decade. those who pay now the demand picture Will be different, .
customers for good“. mp3. haven't or on the basis of flimsy demand pro- FERC commissioner Georgiana will likely be quite different from utilities may want to capitalize on .
dered. an Energy Department agenv Since its creation seven years ago. jections during the 1920s As a re- Sheldon. “Ultimately. the expense is those served later." CWIP} BY then. whether 0" “0t '
cy last week okay ed the inclusmn of t'rziti' has granted "("onstruction sult. they've sunk their affiliated uti- borne by the consumer whether you Moreover. since 1975 utilities have wove forgotten the expensn'e (WP .
power plant construction cOsts. in Works in Progress" authority only litios into debt and ruined their payasyougo.0rnot” canceled more than 100 power building 0f the 19705. ll willbeworth ‘7
wholesale utility bills As in our par for pollution control or fuel conver» credit ratings. In only the largest sense. however. plants. Some have cost upward of $4 remembering that charges for unde- ‘
able above the decision sticks it to stun prttlw’ls Yet. after years of pressure from is Sheldon right: Consumers have to billion to build and then dismantle livered goods are tools of the bank»
the consumer 'I‘ruditionally. however. Uncle utilities. FERC jilted American con» pay sooner or later. But which con- and have helped send utility bills up rupt.

The complex ruling by the Federal Sam has almost always prevented sumers last week. giving an effecti- sumers pay is another matter. One 150 percent in the last decade. »

Energy Regulatory t‘rimmissmn in the inclusion of (‘WIP costs in utility vely monopolistic industry the case study has shown that at least Warns Harkin: "If CWIP had been Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer ‘
volving an PSl)ll‘ri(' are“ of minim hills For one. the arguments power. as Rep Tom Harkin ii). one-third of those who pay CWIP routinely allowed. I am sure that in- are Pulitzer Prize-winning national ‘
regulation is designed to bail out against ('thP be in an 1898 L's. Su- Iowai put it. "to gouge" as well. rate hikes today might not be vestor-owned utilities would have columnists
Hum__~____—_—_—___ 3
IAUlO' article nored. Kernel readers were short- mationThank you. Visitation. voter. who is more experienced or I urge students to make an IRA
l‘hangm Readers were "0‘ proVided Bradford‘s knowledgeable input qualified to act as SGA president formed choice based on a careful ex- .
The letter I.\ written in response to with essential consumer information (‘arolyn Burns made him an impressive and inval~ than a man whose reSponsibilities as amination of the issues and candl» .
an artich- on illllll rentals thai ap pertinent tothe chart Thus. the use- Gradute student family economics uable member of the committee. He vice-president have placed him in dates involved in this election '
peared in the March to Kernel The lulni-ss of the chart for consumer de- and management presented his views in a professional Jim Dinkle‘s seat on numerous occa~ Notice that together. David Brad-
article was writ'er. by .Vllt‘hf‘lf‘ I-jrb l'ISllln making was severely im» Member of KASC and convincing manner. As a legis- sions'? lord and Tim Freudenberg have en.

The chart .iccompunHW Ms tMIrl‘d Editor's note A credit line should lator. David‘s main objective was to Tim Freudenberg's past lead- joyed greatsuccess in the SGA
Erhs Hrllclt- was prepared by me Finally. ll ts upsetting that credit have been placed underneath the act as the voice of the students ership roles have demonstrated his They are truly the team With “the 3
and submitted on behalf of the Ken was not given