xt7qnk364842 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk364842/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-06-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 23, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 23, 1986 1986 1986-06-23 2020 true xt7qnk364842 section xt7qnk364842 . ' , ,. » , —~~A—__.-—————————-———-——‘-—m "——-———’~‘——————————'—_——_————_-———-—.—”—“ '——————— .
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N V0. XC No 126 Estublishedt894 UnworsnyolKontucky.Ux1ngton,Kcmucky lndopondontsincot‘fll Monday,Juno23. I906 , - *' '
V M. _‘;_______________________________________ _________.________________________.__—_———————————-———-———— '. 9 1
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. ,_ Issue 0 0c: - u 0 V8 uao e .
1 . . . .‘1 ",z 1.1.51“:
. . 1 V . 4 , , / adv1ce to incoming students
T. "L ' 1 ‘I " r When you're going to a place .is 45.1.11. s1.“ .1 ~1,. -...,1: ”my“ ' -"' i.""-"'. l;..
- 1 ...~ VV ‘ _ . ._ big as the l'niversity of Kentucky 11.11i11..,.1, .11- ; 1 . 1 4.4.911“... '-’-""2' :1' 1 -‘ ‘1 ;
‘ “ '1 . _ a ’ it's hard to tell the players without 1. lunk (1.. ‘.\ .1. .' '. '111- \tfiu " a:
_ . _' l " _~ ”x - - . . V"- 1‘ scorecard sonata-.10 lit-211:... 1 1.1 ~ .'.zll1;1 13 4 1' _‘ 5V "."" ""'."'1'
- . - 1 1'“ ' . 1- (‘onsider this your own personal 1.1.11..111.-.o1 : shim 1 the 1.1111111 .' 31;»: .’- 1"1'
V' l 1- .‘ W. ' ' SCOFH‘EH‘G Ht :1 '1111 .1911: ' s'1.1' ! .11111 probably "' :- -,;:
. 1 1/ “ ' (”NH . It's actually the New Students 9.11.1“ 11.1111 .11 .'1. 1L1 7.1 1111 “1111 1li- "IV ' .'-.V'._-':, V-.".*i~‘
. 1 l ' ; Edlll‘m 0f the Kt’ntw‘k) K9"'“ 1 tet'ti.1i.it.¢ j.1.ut ... 1.111111111‘ late, hti3 n" ~'. ‘~ .-' 1.
‘ . '1 ‘ . - ' , which is sent to all incoming tres‘h “.11. 1...\|.\.1'1,.... :.--..-1 :11-11111 .1 11111111-'~.i "‘ '1 ;"'. 15.": '.
‘ . 1 ' V men and transfer students as 11 1. “1111.31,; 1. rennet.” ;: t .1 good . . ';";,
' i - ‘ . - N. meatis ot' clueing them in to sortie ot 11.111.1 211111.11. .11.:,t.1=. V, 3,, V.‘ V.;-,"'.'.V"
V . l when . » *: am ._ ~ 1; ,_V . Q, . . ‘ " ’ . 1' {5‘ the 111s and outs of l'niy'ersity lite ’l‘lte 1,1. 1111121141111 tor s'uden' at - S ,‘ 3'1"}?
#VV “' 'l " .'- . ' - I ' s and offering tips on where to go and ta1rs 1:1. t1t‘ts1it. .1h1- serues as a ‘ '. . "Qt":
f" 1 s ' ~ 0 ‘ . who to talk to when they need ad 1111mm. net .1..-.11. -.t...1.~.'s 11.1! .11t111111 1" , "’- V“.;~.'.-‘ -"-_"~'""
‘ I ' ‘ ' \'lL'(")I‘ a551stance, l>ll'.tl11l'~ y\ iii 1'" "Pl'f'flul \Imtt and ""5 .. 1" ‘ .""A1","->
, ’ j '\ . .' '1 ’ Despite our good intentions. hoyy 111111.111‘. Ktttiiys ’1.. 1.111.- .11 ms .11. '2‘ " ‘ "'h ' '~. ' ."
.. ‘ 1 V. ' 31 eyer. this bulky piece ot postage 1,1-\\1,1 1..-' ‘yy 1'12 'r‘. '11» -' . V x "'."-
. 1 1 might appear to pale tti comparison ye.1i‘. as stwll .1\ 11.11 ls.)‘.i..\ .11... 1t 1. t
V ' .. g.- 1 _ ‘ to all the sleek. trim. well-packaged you ll hethe ttrst 'ok1.11\- '. “3.. ’.
. . 9 WI”? 1' mail you'y'e undoubtedly already 1\\ tar m dutiez' 11-.. :1 . ~ .11. ...11 ‘. . f. 9' :‘gV "
. ”“ "". .4 1 '7 1! ' g 1 ' \ ROtIt’n from (K. and _\'0U mlgh‘ lit‘ ccrned you slittl1‘1‘1 Hunky ”11 f din-s 1 ' ' '
’ . t . 1 tempted to throw it away without 11111113.. |Wt ..:.11 1911:;1 1'.“ ‘(f
. f K - eventhumbingthrough. Thu .11. '111 :1eu1:ev.k 11' \'U ‘V 't. .- V'_.","
1 ' _"».<' . ' ' \ ""'- Don't tleti‘ ‘i91‘\*"",l' ~ " \ssiti .1'11.’ 1‘1} '1“ .' " \1' "
l "“' \ ‘ f \ _‘ v Not only is the lovely. tullrcolor 1h. $111111" \«' ' :'1- Hunt '1'~;1- ' _';"' '. q'
i ‘. t . ~ "5 4. picture 011 the front page nice to look lt\t'lV\ 111.1 \t. \ ..';1: s \t-'. .11-. .11; _'...,9. ' .-~ 1 " ,
I V d . . at. but inside. this paper is chock new 411.11.251.11-1. 61.1:1-111 ' "1:. " '1' .‘
1 3'" ' ' ' Q ' full of advice trom some of l‘K'\ top 11111111- .i' ’ 1 Mouton ”L. ':" »V, ."
‘V . . f _ 4 ’ " '1 administrators about student health 111-13 1 u "1.. .. 21.11.19 $111111 "'1". ' ‘1‘? e . '
V ' 3., ~ ‘ , ' .' , A care. student advising. student tea 1.1-..11. 1 .. ., .- - . 1 .\'.‘..1' 111m re -1 ~ , .‘ L "V1.
. . 1 ‘ ’ .V- . . ' , -- cher relations. student aid. student 111-11.. '. '; .' t V‘-
, . j ' ‘ . , . athletics. student activities. student ‘, 1... 4.1.11". : ,1. .11... my; 1-11.,1-1 9., - . jV 5: ‘1
y “f V.) d' "" , rights and responsibilities. atid eyei1 111.1».1 1‘11 :..::1..« 1.: 3"“? protess..1\ V '. . 1.1;] . V: \V V. '. '_
V 1 1 " . ' , a" ' V , on how students can get along with ”11.1 .1 1.1.1,;1- 41111'11111- 111mg 111 a 3‘3. 7-: .
,, - . ' I . 1 . '. . 7.1;. '~ ‘~ 1' t'K'stopadministrators l't‘\‘1(lt‘t.t e 1.12. - -. it. 1111' also want ~ 7 ~. ’1 1
1 . , o ‘ . -,V . . . V — , .‘v‘t‘. '.’
" ' V ., .11 L 1' .. .tr . ‘ "“ “ ~ V - :VM 1" If you think that sounds like a lot to get 11. m1... '1. .11 your rest .1 ~ .‘ ‘4 ..3 .
' ' " " ' ' ‘ 4". ' ' ' *‘ 4"» ° 1' "l' "r ““ " me to try to cram into one issue. you're 11111;! .11121s1-r .11.. '..1..‘ ‘l‘tH‘t'l'Ir, and. 1' g f ,.-' 1' '9’?“
, ‘ V , . ‘4 f ' 23,3 .- T. . .‘ "‘3 ~ " ' x “3%”? ' ‘m 2' - right But then again. there's a lotto 111191.111“ -...111 1-11.11. 11-1.1.1 ." .' ‘- g L. 1'. ‘. VV
,. ' ' a. ' '1‘ ,1” ‘ ‘.'$. . ‘ - '1. ‘ ~" . V . V know about ['K, ,\11ott1111' 11.111 1- v.11 t1.»peyot1'll want 1‘ " I} " :-’ ._ W. '-
- . .‘ '4’ -.' ' .° ’1" my; 3'." 1. -‘* l» " 1 "3'5 1.1., For starters. it's located in Le.» to ktttm .. K. 1 t .1 Few-e. the an '. . .V .' -." ..
, » VV ' 1 . P\ “' ."' ' “ - . r. .. .. u , V; " ' ‘.' 1.4:; ' ington, Ky . which you probably al dependent student t1t’\\\p;lp('t‘ ot the " V ' , ‘V .=‘ " ."
’ ~. 1 ' " ' .l' V” ; ""1 ' - 1.)” 49 ‘ "a '\ V ~ 1: ready knew But you may not haye t'nzyerszty 1~t l\'1-:.ti11ky This issue is .1' .2 " V".
V f _' ‘1 V _. V ' V ' V . . ‘ .f' known that the l'niy'ersity is located the 11r~1 .11 1:1..1; mt: .1 .111 goes I ~: '.V~‘ .';
1" V . ", _ . V ‘44:: - ‘ v" V ‘ ’~ \jV "' i ,V _' ' _. near the heart of the city. so seyeral \yell .ytli 112.111: you entertain ' 1. 21'. .‘VI
V' g . 1' " ' . . ‘1‘ “1‘ : ‘-.‘ -. ‘. :- cu . 0' ‘ ‘13,!“ ' .. ._. “ r M" ‘ T night SptttS. hot SDOtS and resin“ you keep you 1;; '11 (Lite on impor- " ,V :'.'1'.' '-V
_ . ‘-,V { - 'i _ .VJ" ‘ ." - ‘ 5"" rants are within walking distance :;.11' «so... .1 ant 111w you .3 ' .I ‘ "’ ',
' .. " ’(;,' é ; _ 1.. ' .‘ from campus sontethmu :1. ':"1' ‘11 ;1t.11ii' during ' " "x , .
———-—-*'--1 \‘W- _.Q ,' .’ _ 4 *" p ' Another thing you should prol'uihly :.11111's:.., ..' l l\ .'. ‘ '. ' 1‘ 1 .. V,V
_ . ’ f y, 3‘ V . " " know are the names of the people at The K. 1,.1 11-1-1 set". 11;;3 the ' -' . VV .."‘ ,9
. 1.1:: "., . V "‘ the top of the administrative heap t’ittyetssty 1111:11:.11111ty 1111‘ more 'V ~.' .- . V w,”
' t t...” 1’” :w 5 ‘. Directly or indirectly. these people 1111111 9111 _\. 1:1! 1.... 11.1.1 111111111111 , ' ,, F- f
' ' L' "I are lht' ”“95 “h” ultimately (it'lt‘l' tlt‘f1t iron. '91 19:1‘.1t‘11\'!'1t',11)t. \llltt' _3' . ‘ 'j-
' ' ' I. minewuracademicfate 1917: 1: 1. 11». v11. Kernel ere» . .E..
'1 s " I .. “("1591 Singletary'. the l'mwr‘l 1111 and s :111-121-1: 9‘[.'1lv‘lV\ through ' ’ " .
g . " ) . ' ty' president and chief administra _,.11..-111\.1.£1111......“ V V V" ‘,' 7379?;
' :v 1 ‘ tor Incidentally. he will he H‘llrlthl 1'11. 53w ,~ ;1-.1111s11e11 11y stu "1- . '~ V’
V - 1 - attheendofthisy'ear .m». «1111-111. \lii'WLiy through 1 . 1 I. "‘1 ."1'
. - » m -... '; /.>\rt (Eallaher. the chancellor toi' 1:11.;11. 1111' '.'_. ‘:.1 omen... NW"- . V. i .-'. '1. 1 .',.'f'~'.1'
- " ' 5 .1 - ; ‘fi é‘tufi“; the Lexmgton campus He's sort it? ..:.~ . 11.. I. ' 51 a? svltii'slt't' at ya "4'; -V"‘..-;'
V . V " the second-incommand to the presi ",nt.‘ 111'1‘1117'~ ._.:1,11'.;s.1:1d 111 the _ ’1 “ 1 111' ..~ -";.' V/ -'
“V dent 11111111111'1'7y -' , "'» . , '. V' fl"
. ‘ ‘ - mloseph Burch. the dean ot \lll lies' ..1 1.-.' ‘1 1111 news ‘ , 't'
."- "”9“" """“'5"’“ dents If you're lucky. you'll litiyt‘ .i spurs 11'1'111'_; _,:11-1 .m-i optnmn '11'; ' 11‘ ‘, a."., '9
> . I ’ ‘ a - "' ‘ -.
.3 ()nt‘ dUW'n thance to meet Dean Burch or ;\.:,It'\ 3 . 1'»\1..11'. :t'we V {2' 1'". 1. - -'t
. tt‘iendly terms If you re careless we 11-: '-11;;_'\' \-11. : 1.ke to '. P
" 1V : . 1... 1.0... o “010, me durmg mp Role-x Threerooy Event in May at the Kentucky Horse Park. he's the guy you'll have to go 1.11.. 1‘11... V. , _,VV. 15'1"". ._
' .L‘et back your student II) after :i \ ’.'~ V . '1! ‘..‘-,1
v” .__.A.___-_,,.___.__‘,____..__________.,___________.______._____ been confiscated because you 11.1w V‘ r7”, 1. 7? 'é- ,
_> 11 to your high school buddy to :1". ‘~.'1 1 i ' - \ @1111; .1 ’7'. "_ 1V " V'V": ,
i into a basketball game . .- - : ,' ' ‘V - .' ,1‘ 9'1""
1 ...-, ‘Hn":
" U K ’ ‘ d ' ' d l d ' k d ' INSIDE "
. _, s top a ministrators 0 6 out a Vice, see stu ent input .
l Hy Hit \lH iml‘l It «11%, V “(the thing students ought to ap ,' “1 ' 1‘, i _
.' \~-"’1111'\9'\\- hid”! " if“... preciate is that all administrators " . j ..' V ..‘1
. . V > 7 “4251, ",1 are interested 111 their welfare." " 1 " ' '-' .' .'.~‘V'."~'.
. 3 wrote you he ddiiistiiig to 11 new .- ‘1 E. ' )3???" Sands said “We might not have the N ' " '. . ' 1'"
f .1 ..:.11.111ei.t 1111 the l'lx' campus this ”i "“‘ " ’m "M time to meet all 20.000 students who ews -. ' . .‘1 "".'"1!
' 1' 21.111 1» \ 1111111111111: the I t11\t‘l'\l V 1 are here individimlly but we are “Who do you [urn [0 “hell you feel " L ' "' " "
f""' t ‘ set: :.111k111u iilllt't.il.\ do not » ‘ .7. ‘ V“ ' pa~ " . ., ‘11 more accessible than 1students1 rer . , . . . r) . - . " . '.
.1 .-.‘.111t11111i".let .5; G 3' V V Q B . A alize <~ your teacher lsn t glVlng you a fan" shake. 1 '. .-;' .-1'§.' VV ..
’- ‘1 9 11 '12sll.lll)l'\.Il't‘pt‘ltl‘lt‘l‘tt‘ . . ‘ ' ‘y’ g n. Sands said that it students encoun . ’ V ' " '.
. j 1. .\ some t1ehet among some ,, ' V "~ ‘ 3% ter problems with the l'niy'ersity or see Page 6: , , ‘ - .’ , »'.-
. . 1‘ I lx’s top otticuils that studciits 3 - would 'ust like to make a suggestion VParkin at UK lsn I the most COHVC- _ - ._ ,:‘ "'
1 1 1 1 ' " . " 1 l. 1. ' 1
1 ’ '1 .111.11.. ‘11 .ttitit'ndt’i .111111111stra vs! ’ . , ',. V i“ ' at )out ow l'K mig t be improved. - - ' a 1 , ' ' . ‘ ' . 7 '1'.- -
_' \; ',\"1"i’l‘.t'\ m-edhelp ' « V . ' . m ; f" " they should send a letter to his ot'- “lent In the world, bUI II S a\ allable‘ see ' . a V‘ 'V ',
1. . tum-1 ~e19111s 1.. he .1 great reluc . ,- . ~ , " ’7’ fice “We are always happy to hear Page 12 ' . .
. Z ‘ “ '9‘-' 11.11‘ "3 "Witt-1‘ l“ ill‘ . '9 V trom students."lie said - - ' - - " ' '1 .
'1 .1 llt'ltltslt.:71tt\ sattl .llt'k ' 33“", Blantoii. Parker and Sands are VInCIUded In the CO“ Of YOUI' ILVlltlon IS , . ' ; '
1 11.1 111.1111-1-lloi‘ tor admin ‘ f three of the l'tiiy'ersity"s y'ice chan a $25 mandatory health fee, To find out ' . . I ..“
'~ lt they :11deed approach ‘ " cellors. who must answer to Art (lal- h P . ' . ' _ '. ' - '
, . ' \t1.1'~111 21111 Ml] t111d they . laher. chancellor tor the lexmgton Whatt at means to you, $66 age 15 ; ' ' . '
' 1:1 t1e‘111lly .1111lwtllitigtolielp : campus . ‘- ~
'1. Alvis» 1..1\1111111 1~111~11111 ‘ In addition to (lallaher. there are . , ' . ".
- ewes .1 iqii'u‘ty ot areas including . two other chancellors. Dr. Peter 80— Arts & Entertainment - '
1111.l.1..111ot. ot housing. 111ml plans . . . . . , . . somworth chancellor to the Medical V , . .
VV 1. 1......1»... “.11 he .11... 11.1.1. oiis,.\.s1\t.i,1.i,\m ARI(.AI.|.AHI~.R (1mm and (ham... “rpm,“gtnn wThe UK theater department offered a ~ V VV .
‘ '111‘ .1 lot 11t students seldom enter chancellor to the community college mixed bag of new plays and Old favorites " . 1 . .
4 _
"i t.lll‘1.'1l\ll.tlllll| ltlll'ltllllk’. (llll'lllL’ —_————_—__-———-———__— S\'.\[(‘m . . ' ‘
. .1.._...111\ V V “One thing students ought to appreciate is that 111 1:: chrer. thVl‘y' .s r.» last year, and next year looks like more of ~ ~.
V . lhet'i- .11‘1» 111.111j. \llll ents \\ 1o . . . V . . sponsi e ort e ‘ 'campus ' ' _ - ‘ '
..1:.. 91.11. 1111- ltlltltlll‘tL‘ .111d ~.1y they 11” administrators are lntereSted In the” welfare. While each \‘ice chancellor is only the 5am? leerSlty. see Page 4 I »
.V .,. ""1 1...”1 111 hm... 1.149,“! “'C might not have IhC time [0 meet a” 20.000 reimnsitilZVthgéar sVot~tr1:)1iVV:::V:Vh:VV(VrViVir VII S not lower Manhattan. but none- V
1- 1'1 ~.11-. . . _ "I r ' s ‘5 i ' ' ’
. ‘ .,,,..,\,,1., .1 .1 ”Humane 1... 111.... students who are here individually, but we are 11 in its entirety. including the yice theless Lexmgton has plenty 0f culture to - _
‘1 :~ 1.. meet with eyer\ new \‘udent ‘ - n chancellors and the l'niy'ersity's l3 . _
“911 “lt‘tN '11 l l\ he said tli'at his ”lore aLCCSSlblC than (SlllantS) reallze' deans. ' Offer see page 5
.1'911~ otters .1 \aricty ot \(‘l‘Vtt‘t‘S Donald Sands. “Each vice chancellor is responsi-
".'1.:vl-lytl" tttt . . . 1
.'1-...'. ci'r'y1'1'1"ltl"i'tiltiii':'1'tt"'tl was the VICE Chancellor for academ'c affairs Eligrirsiilgatlo‘r (:Lethgntfg :lrl‘d"'(?a'l' Sports
1 s . 1. - s . 7 ' .
t‘t...t . tl’l‘l'lHli\”}‘|HV uh” hp]p\ SH] —— laher said. “Each VICt‘ chancellor [There’s mc)re to UK Sports than baS'
' 11- '- «.1111. e11. ounter problems with "-311.51 \mdmm don‘t (‘YH'ISIOH us campus resnurcog that are avail reports to me and l. in turn, report - , - - .
., ~ . .....,..,. JV. 1. resource." PM” W, ~11“)..- ahle 101119 presidentyous A 5.11.1191an ketball, and it s all entertaining. See Page
.y-.11.111. l‘.1.ke1 1111- chancelVltVir probably m.“ us as a group of pen And. although each administrator Singlettgeryl.) who will retire 1n July 10.
‘ ' ' " ”‘91“ “Wt" 1* ""Sl‘ml‘llt‘ ple who have very" little interest in might not have the time to meet 1937- '5 'niversity's ‘09 adminisv - -
.. 1 .1 11. 1e1iitittiietit and retention ot students andthat's'y'ery erroneous '" every new student who arrives on trator responsible for its overSIght “Gettlng thketS to football and baSket'
“ . 4" . ~"~”91=-"1~i’1=9>“ 9” ”W “4”“ Parker said that by taking initia— UK‘s campus, this does not mean andsmooth running, ball games should be no prOblem — as long
'1. 11‘1th .md tutorial WWW“ ”P the. students can estblish they do not care about students‘ wel Singletary came to l'K in 1909 k . h S P I
‘ . 1. students tail to realize that relationships w'ith different adminis fare, said Donald Sands. \'|(‘(‘ chan from 1'9an Where he was executive as YOU “0“ W etc to 80' age 1 -
1 ‘1' _‘..s't.1t-11‘s (.111 M‘ an asset trators and lprn how to Identtfy C(‘llOl‘ for academic affairs Sec ADMINISTRATORS. Patl€6
» a ' ‘
V r.

' ; » 2-KENTWKYKERNELMV, M23, 19”
'* a servnee organiza ion .2
‘ 03"»; .. Li ‘9 2
‘ . ;5“~ ft» '§_,: 3
. . L 2 . > 2 L L" ‘5” ‘ LL t L .
for students pres1 ent says .‘ - . 5 ,. . .
Group in charge of phone books, provrdes free legal aid ,5 21* 2. 1‘ “5.!“ .2 \. , ‘3
. ' . ‘ . ,1 x > ‘ "Q to ‘
‘ ‘E‘\ . ‘ {ax t, .(- ”a”. 5H,.
._ ‘ - \ ‘_ B\ J\\' Bl.,\\'l‘0\ ———-—'——— ti\'ities tee increase. that liudget Will .. 5’ 2 LLLL‘A "‘1: ‘3' ‘g ,1 \\
. . .- NWBEdlwr l ‘ - ‘ y} I apprmchStltmoti ‘ K, ‘ ' ‘5
LL. J iLL‘ 'L» 'l‘h St d t t‘ t \ “Lomlng ”‘5 lnkn Most ot. the heart ol actual SGA " Am ’3- .. \ .
»‘ 2 e ‘ u en ""‘mem " ”ml“ 2 ' » ' business is accom )lished at the sen- LL 2 ‘ - 'L
.. .. L ~2L‘,,."-' “U“ “35 been '3 EWUP >UlLlLt‘l‘ll‘K “'0'“ “ hO are llllCFCSlCd In ate meetings “hitL'h are even other L L “ - L .
$2,242 '. LL':,L _‘ “"15??de l k ‘ k 1 SGA ShOUld not teel Wednesday at T 30 pm in 206 Stu ;.. 1" L L
g... 1 .2“ a enigma is a ac o no“ . dent um“. " ' p
. ' ‘ . . . . _ . _ 3 1 . . . , — 4 _
g 2‘. 5 Cdttt‘ among Eh} blUdf’m bod) 42‘ 1“ ltll OUI' bLLaUSL [here The senate is composed 1.) sen a». .;
.‘fi, .L'LL‘ uhatexactl} 2‘T'A‘fm‘32‘ ‘ ‘ “'1“ be plfi‘lllV of ators at large. elected h) the entire 2 t 5 . ~ _ . . ‘.
"2.52 :- “1‘1”“ d “”49 WOW)» “5 PW . . ' . campus and one senator trom each .,‘ Q" Q... , -‘
"2. .. \ide serxices to the students. said Opportunities for [hem college ; LfiL‘L'
.7‘15L;L'.a President Donna tireenwell ”.\lan_\ , a - s _\”d some 0, the meetings are to 2‘ ~. \f‘ ‘.
:.' ’. students do not realize the ser\ices l0 [3]“, part In SC'A sai‘theleast.controversial g ’ ‘ ? /~._ 3 .
r'LU‘.LT.-.‘.\‘ that student gmernmmtt prmm“ acthlllCS. Here are some topics that raised . L L .2" . x ‘ L‘
J .‘I; ‘:.L‘.LL3« l-or example. iast year the group — some eyebrows lastyear' j. LLLLMM A?
‘ .L."LL'L;L L proxided campus ph‘m‘L MN" ‘m “SGA Voted not to recommend di- \ ‘. g ‘ ,1.. ‘ t: v.
f 'L'LthtL 5L dent discount cards. d ”W legal eral neu programs in addition to the restment ot l'K immmgg 1” South p '69,. s . , ” w WWKL’ ,3 fi
2' .;?.LL‘L,L';;i-“ 5.0”“? and speakers such 3“ t. 0 es alrezid} 1H t‘XISlt‘m't‘ .\trica Later. the Board ot Trustees t M ‘ L 5. » .LL: ‘ " t“ ‘
~. 5; 7-“ _‘ ’52; (vordon led) and Mike l‘dITt‘ll Priorities tor the SGA \Hll include decided todii'est amuai L L‘ "’ , ‘ ‘ 2 5. .L'L'Iifj Grt‘t’nWt‘“ bald the 50A wtmle \Utrk on commercilization ot the Stu wSGA sent a ...,;w.gtul.m,n tele» 2 g .- _ :‘Li g‘ t. . 5 M .. .2
132:3; iL'.LL~L.‘L‘»:2‘ LLWUHH.‘ 'WIH‘ haie about W“ dt‘m (THIN? strengthening treshman grain to President Reagan tLor his \ L - ‘-‘. LLLL» L‘LL- LL Lt. leg-u L _ ”LL:
‘., speakersayear ' orientation and implementatiiig drum,” to for“. domi a plane car- "X‘s“ ’ ,_ ”if y .
,tLLL-fit Some ot‘ the more noteuorth} at“ tests that “(told determine \ihether rying the sugpvvwd liigliiackers of : . g ‘3’ .« 3 i} IL t
I"; 2» (H mm” “L" {Wk Dd” m LN .H‘dI toreigii teacheis hate command oi the cruiseshipAchillel.auro . 323%» : - g, 5.3,! 2 . “a; ,
..Lgi‘Iffu ueie the iaising ot lilttllt‘) to install the English language. Greenuell “51H raised the “an”... “.9 .2 . r, Lg '(. ‘. “ .§Lie ‘L_ 22 fl 3““ 2
". .“IL-VL‘._'.-’~:'..L".} handicap doors in the M 1 King Li said ‘ ‘ ‘ $8 50 ~ 2 - t 5; L t: “ L"- ? L L3”: L ‘ t2 £le
a ‘5 g2"; hrar} and promoting a rail) tor Greenweil said she hopes MIA \iill /S(i,-\ required H. WWW” to cuvowm tampon“
, “5:". higher education in l-ranktort also he in\ol\ ed Will] the tormaiitioii keep Office hours. but then reversed Student Government Association President Vice President Kenny Arington and Executive
.5_2T"i;.5‘.--:',-.. This )ear. houexer. recognition and turther development ot a stu unmask,” Donna Greenwell icenter‘t IS flanked by Senior Vice PresidentKarenSkeens on electionnight
L 57-19:“, 3.3L, trom among the students ma) not be dent radiostation at [K .zAnd tor the tirst time Stu voted
'_'I;*‘f_j‘..’le'}t a problem. because tor the tirst time With a budget increase this )ear. to pa) its senators Senators. my. S(;.-\acti\ities class . treslimeii represeiiame council Ap
a", the SGA senate meetings “I” he the SGA “ill lime more resources year “11] receiVeSlSUa semester (ireemiell said that m HUM“, ad The treshmen senators haxe the plicatioiis tor the 15» positions on the
L If? teleused 0“ a 10‘5“] cable 3‘1"” than ‘I “‘ er hi” ‘0 i‘W‘mlPh-‘Lh ”5 Incoming treshmen \iho are inter- \'(‘t‘ll.\‘t‘mt’tl[5 “ill go up tor frpsh same l‘t’thIl-‘Lll’lllllm and PFIHIVEW council can he picked up at the he
' 35:25:] a], channel . . ‘ , goals Last year. the group operated ested m SGA should not teel lett out, men senator elections 1 .i .) tresli asall other senators ginning ot the tall semester ‘lll the
_ Lili-L-lLLzLLL f l'nder Greenuell s direction. MA on a budget ot about $41000 Thi> because there “I” he plent) ot 0p. men are elected to 50,-“. specitically tither treshmen interested iii par S‘t..\ ottice llx‘nlt‘d m 13o Mudeiil
.55.". ...‘ “I“ also be working to institute se\ year. because ot an $8.30 student ac- portunities tor mm, 10 take part m m representatives at the 1111\th ticipating iii SGA can seru- on the (enter
I r \\
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c , »- -,;. ._ , ‘tln; 11;; .4, ‘ “I , : ‘ _y ‘ 1 “Hi ... . I “This? '1fo-
I ALPHABETICAL INDEX -3 ‘Z, ;' :3 ‘ My; 4. :. _, _, ., > . ' ; , -
: : , ' :- ‘: ,1' f . 7 ,, .. A 3:31:33 mag-:1, " :- ' i; ; J 3' I _.,. 1;:
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- B E co U N l E D -
. 5'; J 5 :.
COLLEGE: A new place for new experlences. Why not get
VT'V'fxf-‘rf‘f. 3, “.‘
o o o o 'J niff I
1nvolved 1n your Student Government Assoc1atlon. Your f;;':"
. . -. 4-,“: I'm." 1 T:
opportumty to get Involved as a Student Senator comes
5'1: 1: .. " I" .v.‘ .2. _ ,'
October 16 8! 17 when Freshman Senate electlons are held. gig;
' It 8 your Student Government. Thmk about 1t and Be Counted.
its-7:}; .- "".Lj'_
If you're on campus thls summer, stop by s _..;
our office in Room 120 of the s 1
Student Center. '5' -i-
, Donna Greenwell - President 0 Kenny Aringfon - Sen. V.P. ,
Karen Skeens - Exec. V.P. . ‘ ‘
_ I KCEA x.
.'_ " . 3‘
v. T . ,~‘ 4 . _ . ‘
.‘. ,‘ 1.. T". '4 .... a _ ' \
. N "L . ¢ . . ' .\ . , . A

a" ________.———————————-——————-—————-——-—-——-—»_.-____w-,,,, ' _ ,, -. _h ,. _ .._____.___—-——~———_—____._____________________
all: Rocco
Al's EditOi
' We! Miller
K AssistantAIts Editoi
' ‘ . ». ’s"z‘\« , 1 .
. . o 0
~ .. PreVious theater department season f oreshadows versatile upcoming year
- “ . HtlkttFH'E best, mm thick British aeeents onl_\ ltumtiu l'('ltl['[lt‘il .tLZ‘tlll ln‘ltitt‘ the another member of this ieeberg t)pe eon-red a speetrum ot e\ils that and artistiealh " :'\utllt'llt'(‘ support
. .I - .\rt.~ Editor adding confusmn to peculiar British tall seiiiestei‘ \\.i\ met to t‘llil‘t.it't' \et plague modern MK‘lt‘l}. murder was (”t’Y‘51dt‘l'iibl) ltt‘m‘l‘ (llll‘mtl ”W
,; ~ ‘ humor that somehow ot lost in the \.iriou.~ >t'\tt.i1 tatiom ind uni-mi \Hiile writing the script. Rodgers being iwrliapstheleast ot them '85-86 season than in years tint. and
. . . . , g _ . . l
. .j .l.tlllt‘.\ Rodgers. ehairman ot [h s translation when n crossed im- .-\t my” iui-itiei in the \llllll'iil produeed eiiittiiiued to ask himsell the same A 11th (‘l ‘ .' .. . ‘ .. the solidi!) ot the productions us a
. .' - 'tieater department. is giving the lantie "'l‘itiame ‘ \\lll\ll l't't'lt'\(‘tl n tlt'dt’l} question he hoped audiences would “if r 1141“.th 3‘ Alfldt'k (ottee \Ihole no doubt hutlt a lirin touiida
. .‘ I , people what the) want Or at least "Bedroom Farce" was followed UllttllllttttthIlllllttlisiiiiuti .t\l\ \that is it about Christmas that §']l;(il))“f’l’i‘l ’l.‘ ’lht )edt s most over tion on Mm.“ to wt pmdmlmm m
j J a r . .ii'e oi it \Iid what he is finding is by the painfully humorous um“ Jim prpwmnm m. \(.,m._.,..,. ”Mia-s us want to re-eialuate our tortuh )“f pl‘l" “m" ” had ”1“ "“5 this yearand man) toiollnw
‘ ‘ - '- mu «ktl‘ please some ot the pen with the Bathwater." a surrealistie hreuk t K \\.t\ llt‘mlt‘v': to .lniiim wlies“ ”month: ‘p d‘Hnig in the wake! ot an ;
v - '. ‘ {\lt .Iii Id the time and All 01 ”10990 account of growing up among a tam Rodgers ..(tdpidpiii. ..i inn-1m . ‘ ‘ Pm‘ “”“m "l “llll‘dm Looking .“lt‘nd;
. -~, . V . , ‘ . _, . , ,. _ .. , slinkesiwares “As \'o 1 iv“ " \‘-t V .' .., V ,. _
- _. . ~ t‘tt'xittttt'iit ll‘t‘llllll'. hut ily of highly neurotic individuals Diekens elassii. \ t ltl'l5llltdx 193“ ”Rd” ’0! mt mid!“ d‘l’d” ; , _ u ‘l ‘ “ 1m 361d“ WIN)“ “I“ ltttll“ “It“
. . l: stint x\.i~ :i hodgepodge ot‘ "Bathwater" sported a revolung (‘nrol " This iio’iioitk:i.:r:'eitpi~m1m. ment with the student-prmlueed ”l We‘l‘HH‘W" ~‘\l)l)4l14“'hlii~ ”A3 "Fantastieks" lit Jones and ‘
7 ; " \!\it'\ and genres. the mas-sis 17K stage «very rare for ['K produe- lltm that pl;i\ed t" mom \mx loaded “Nu“? a poignant eourtroom ‘0.” lev It ““5 ”WWI”! h} [{le 5"llmldl Jane Martin ‘ ”Ilidlk‘llg
n; i 'ti-atei «own uttered its audience a tionsI wzth three animated sets that with a 29 lttt'ltilti‘l' not .\.:li mum drama “5 Tom Topor “he” d Wm" M” and {”qu If) mm ‘4‘” ‘3‘" Wllh“ and Jt’m'.‘ Jtmt“ ”N‘H’m.‘
i w u. t‘\t't‘}lll‘.73tl. and the an a? sea- added to a controversial Christopher “My. Ipmhmm : ,i... we, “H mm" tiite w ho has killed one ot her eus “l""m'“tr-\Nldt'llls Seenes ot Halloween will l()llt)\\ tn.- ;
: \iit,1x«.erlL‘Jlt‘tllillttlllt“.‘Ull Durang script. which literally toree eiite set thm. \\.1\ limit”, ”....” ”m, toiiiers is being prertried to see it ‘ m”. (' 5 1““.- «m. [_llm ”R.
3 - i f 3 ‘iust tall opened with Alan AM'R ted its audience with continual. ar mamoth Plt't'tN and «he. ten: or. .ind 9““ L‘ mentally Nimble ”l “i““llllk‘ “5‘5 \“U 111k? ll ' I‘Hutltlt'd HUI \Vllt'h. and ”1“ “1111111)” PM“ 4‘
_1'.‘ 1.. . 'Httttli \ itittieult "Bedroom huree " resting examples ot illusion \s real ott stage .t\ lllt \t up yummy ”Ml Ulldln-‘t charges-0t Ithlltslquflh what Rtttltlt‘t‘s saw to ltt‘ ".i \er) l'K‘s traditional ('ltl'lstllttt‘x pi'odut-
I‘I‘ .: 1k rt-eeiiiioii seemed to he mixed at it)‘ \ttl]l("[tltlt'> not tietori- it'litilfi'; \\l!lt “‘l' t‘ireek In its application. “Nuts .t-lUUd Imi' all around lllldllt'l‘dll} tion .
‘.i .----------------------------- gfifimfiuummmummmumauaummnififilfiia
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