xt7qnk364908 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk364908/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-02-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1992 1992 1992-02-27 2020 true xt7qnk364908 section xt7qnk364908 \


Kentucky Kernel

independent since 1971

Thursday. February 27,1992



College of Medicine receives $2.5 million grant

Assistant News Editor

UK's College of Medicine will
receive a $2.5 million grant from
the Robert Wood Johnson Founda
tion to restructure the college’s cur-
riculum in the way it educates med-
ical students. college officials said

The initiative “Preparing Physi-
cians for the Future: A Program in
Medical Education," to be imple-

mented in the fall, is designed to
provide more of an emphasis on
primary care, prevention, doctor/
patient relations. ethics and the use
of medical technology in a more
cost-effective way.

“This grant allows the College of
Medicine at the University of Ken-
tucky to move forward with the cur-
riculum and changes in the curricu-
lum that we think will address not
only professional needs in medical
education, but also some of the

University voices
budget concerns

Contributing Writer

Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway gave
students. staff and faculty a chance
to voice their opinions about the
University’s upcoming budget cut.

And many of them were not hap-

Near the end of one session held
yesterday, a Physical Plant Division
worker voiced outrage over the de-
cision making process. He said the
decision makers often look down on
PPD workers, thinking they‘re ex-
pendable. He then stormed out of
the room, slamming the door.

The second of five meetings to
discuss Gov. Brereton Jones' pro-
posed budget cuts for UK was held
yesterday in White Hall Classroom
Building. Others will take place lat-
or this week and early next week.

Hemenway opened the meeting
stressing the importance of deciding
how to cut the budget, and distribut-
ed a list of 20 “Principles for 1992-
1993 Budget Reductions,“ which
would be used in determining the
effects of the cuts.

Although others expressed frus-
tration, the rest of the meeting
wasn't as dramatic.

“Our academic mission to the stu-
dents must come first,” Hemenway

said. That brought many nodding
heads in the crowd of more than
ISO, which filled the lecture hall.

But the nodding heads weren’t in
agreement about the means to
achieve the end result.

Angry professors, graduate stu-
dents and staff members voiced
opinions ranging from cutting staff
to cutting salaries. Professors
showed concern for the quality of
their courses should they lose
teaching assistants. Others feared
the University could lose valuable
faculty members if salaries are cut

Other options such as increased
workloads and shoner work weeks
were looked upon with dismay by
some audience members. One
member of the group questioned
the need for duplication of profes—
sional schools throughout the state
university system.

“Do we really need three law
schools in the state?” said one audi-
ence member.

Hemenway said he thought the
session was productive.

The remaining meetings are
scheduled as follows: today at 2
pm. in the auditorium of the Taylor
Education Building; 1 pm. Friday
in Seay Auditorium at the Agricul-
tural Nonh Building; and March 2
at 2 pm. in 102 Mining and Miner-
315 Building.

Student groups
prep for primary

Contributing Writer

Campus political groups are orga-
nizing for the upcoming political

Leaders of College Democrats
and College Republicans are plan-
ning meetings for next week in
hopes of boosting support for their
respective parties on the UK cam-

For the last few months, members
of College Democrats have been
electing officers and writing a con-
stitution, preparing for the hotbed of
upcoming political activity.

The first meeting of the College
Democrats, held last Tuesday. drew
about 35 people, said College Dem-
ocrats President Andy Griffin. Grif-
fin, a communications senior. said
he believes the decline of Demo-
cratic support on campus is related
to the association of Democratic

views with blue-collar views, while
Republican views are seen as
white—collar opinions.

Griffin said the Republican Party
has a “Band-Aid policy to just
patch things up and worry about
them later.“ He CllC\ this attitude as
the biggest asset the Democrats
have in the coming election. Griffin
declined to pledge support for any
candidate but said the group plans
to offer support after the primaries.

College Republicans plan to or-
ganize their first meeting of the
year next week, said the group’s
former president N. Alan Comett.
Comett. a history senior, said he
hopes to establish the organization
in time to contribute to the ’92 race.

Comctt is critical of the actions
of President Bush, saying the presi-
dent has strayed from many Repub-
lican views — evidenced by his

See POLITICS, Page 6

needs society has,” said Emery Wil-
son, dean of the College of Medi-

“This is a well deserved honor
for the University of Kentucky Col-
lege of Medicine and it highlights
nationally progress we are making
in Kentucky in both education and
health-care reform.” said Gov.
Brereton Jones in a press release.
“This grant impacts both of these
vital services in our state. Kentucky
has already made great strides in

education reform, and it is our goal
to become a national leader in
health care as well."

The new curriculum will com-
pletely restructure the current pro-
gram by I994 beginning by offer-
ing two newly developed classes
this fall. Curriculum coordinators
plan to address Kentucky‘s needs
for more primary-care physicians,
more physicians help patient access
to health care.

“Virtually every course that we

teach will be changed . We are
wiping the slate clean,” said David
Wilson, associate dean for academ-
ic affairs at the college.

The College of Medicine is one
of eight medical schools awarded
the grant out of 70 proposals from
colleges nationwide. Other schools
receiving the grant include Johns
Hopkins University School of Med-
icine, Yale University School of
Medicine, University of Hawaii
John A. Burns School of Medicine.



Yaya Diatio, lMJ-i’f‘

[)iverSity A Fest‘xa. of LIiH He w

Staff Writer

The upcoming week has been
designated a sevenoday celebra-
tion of the accomplishments and
strengths of black women.

UK‘ s Mu Theta chapter of Phi
Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. is


ma tribesrr‘ari he”

s nsorin' “Black Woman‘s

chk" March l-7.

The week’s festivities will kick
off on March 1 with Sunday
morning worship services at Con-
solidated Baptist Church, 5-1-1
South Upper St. Services. The
services will begin at ll am.

The Kentucky Commission on

GREG EANS -.. "n ‘ “

t» a pit". f‘.‘ Cum" i"’

i. .i

‘ '1'» .L>~'">" 17’ it-XUT

Week’s events honor black women

Women and the Iota Mu chapter
of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. are
co~sponsoring “Black Women
Speaking Out," a forum on issues
that affect black women. it Will
feature some of Kentucky‘s most
prominent black women who will

See WOMEN, Page 6



Columbia University College of
Physicians and Surgeons, Universi-
ty of Rochester School of Medicine
and Dentistry, Oregon Health Sci—
ences University School of Medi-
cine and the University of New
Mexico School of Medicine.

After listing the other grant recip-
ients. UK President Charles Weth-
ington said: “We think we‘re in
some pretty good company with

See CENTER, Page 6

Irish court
OKs girl’s

Assomated Press
DI'HLlN. lrclantl Me So
preme Court cleared the way yes-
terday for a 14-year-old girl to
leave Ireland for an abortion, leav-
ing divisive legal and political is-
sues for another day.

The ruling overtumcd the first at-
tempt to prevent an Irish woman
from seeking a legal abortion in an-
other country. The case attracted in»
temational attention and reopened
the debate over abortion, which is
banned in lreland by a constitution-
al amendment that won overwhelm-
ing suppon in a 1983 referendum.

“From a humanitarian point of
view I welcome the decision. It has
been a sad and distressful case and
I am glad that everything is over,"
Prime Minister Albert Reynolds
told reporters.

The Supreme Court's five justic’
es overtumed a High Court order
that had prevented the girl. who
says she was raped and has threat—
ened to kill herself, from having an
abortion or leaving the country.

Opposition leaders, pro—ch0icc
groups and even the Roman Catho—
lic Church welcomed the decision.
But supporters of the right to an
abortion stressed the court's written
decision would indicate whether
they would seek a new constitution-
al referendum or legislation.

Chief Justice Thomas Finlay said
the written judgment would be l\-
sued in a few days.

"No girl or woman who l\' the
\‘lClllTl of rape should ever again
find herself and her family put on
trial in such circumstances and suf-
fer such barbaric treatment at the
hands of the state," said Alan Shat-
ter. justice spokesman for the iii.iiii
opposition part). liiiic (iacl

Shatter the _iIU\L‘l’Iill‘iL‘ltl
should not .lxwlllllt‘ that tli. .lt'.

“ .l,i » - I, , v i
r....\ s it .» ll\ tim.'i,.il wagons



i‘lllllt -

Reynolds. who was in London
for a meeting With British Prime
Minister John NILUOI. said he want-
ed to see the written decision be-
fore commenting on implications
for future cases.

Reynolds previously said he
hoped to avoid another bitter fight
over a referendum on abortion.

it was not known whether the Su-
preme Court had decided that the
High Court had overstepped lrish
law or had acted contrary to he-

See lRELAND, Page 6

Feuding resumes between current governor, Wilkinson

Associated Press

GEORGETOWN, Ky. — Former
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson said Ken-
tucky is “backsliding” under the
leadership of Gov. Brereton Jones,
his chief enemy when they held the
state‘s top two offices.

“Not much is happening in Frank-
fort today, in my view, in terms of
things that would enhance the quali-
ty of life of Kentuckians,“ he said in

The Wildcats trounce the South Carolina

a speech to the Georgetown Rotary

Jones, in a response relayed
through his press secretary, Frank
Ashley, said: “It is obvious that Mr.
Wilkinson is having severe with-
drawal pains. l have great sympa-
thy for him, but this administration
will move on in a very positive way
with or without his support."

Wilkinson in particular suggested
that Jones' proposed budget fails to

deliver on the promises of the Ken-
tucky Education Reform Act.

“We are in the process of reneg-
ing on our commiunent to education
reform," he. said.

During the speech Tuesday. Wil-
kinson said the proposed budget
fails to provide money to reward
good schools, buy computers and
shore up basic funding as provided
in KERA.

Wilkinson didn‘t name his tar-

gets, but they were clear: Jones'. Lt.
Gov. Paul Patton, who is Jones‘ ec-
onomic-development secretary and
who plans to run for governor in
1995, perhaps against Wilkinson:
and the legislature, with which Wil-
kinson feuded during most of his

Jones‘ budget proposal is pend‘
ing before the legislature.

Wilkinson declined to say what
parts ofJoncs‘ budget should be cut

to provide more money for educa-
tion. Senate President Pro Tem John
“Eek" Rose (I)«Winchestcr) said,
“Anyone who makes a statement
that we should put more in those
specific areas should be Willing to
say where they would cut."

Wilkinson also faulted Jones‘
plan to borrow only SlSii million
for roads, instead of a second $300
million bond issue that Wilkinson
planned: the plan to reshape the Ec-

onomic Development Cabinet, and
the state‘s job-creation efforts.

“We ended l99l With momen-
tum," he said. “i think we‘re losing
momentum in economic develop-
ment. l‘m reading today about
plants in Harrodsburg that are clos-
ing, and l don't see any new an-
nouncements coming along right







Gamecocks 74-56 at Rupp Arena.

Story, Page 3.


The weekly saga of “Common Wealth: A
Passion in the Bluegrass" continues at
12:30 in the Student Center Theatre.

Kernel critics give
guide to fast food.

Page 4.


Diversions ..................... 2
Sports ............................. 3
Perspective .................... 4
Classifieds ..................... 5






2 - Kentucky Kern“. Thursday, February 27. 1992





Senior Staff Writer

With no plot. or consistently dis-
tinguishable time or place. Tales of
the Lost F ormi'cans is sure to con-
fuse its audience.

But Rhea Lehman. director of the
UK theaue production to begin to-
day, says that's OK.

Fonnicans is “deliberately frag-
mented and open." said Lehman.
also a professor in the Department
of Theatre. “No single. clear plot

“It is unlike what we‘re used to

of alien anthropologists who are
studying an extinct culture — the
Formican society. which is present-
day. white. middle-class American

Through a series of scenes we
simply see how Fonnicans live and
cope. or don't cope, with the events
in their lives.

Written by Constance Congdon
in 1989. Tales of the Lost Formi-
cans is a postmodern comedy. com-
menung on modem-day culture.
Lehman is the first woman in nine
years to direct a theatre production
at UK.

Fonnicans will show. tonight

through Sunday in the Briggs Thea-
u'e in the Fine Ans Building at 8
pm. Admission is free.

Instead of using one point of

view to narrate the piece. the author
has fused multiple views, and. in
this sense, the play varies from
mainstream theatre.

Fonnicans is unique “in that it

creates a kind of representation that
validates difference." Lehman said.

The play questions. for example,




seeing on TV. the movies or main-
stream theatre.“
The premise of the play is a group


The Kentucky Kernel.

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“lt‘s witty, skewed commentary

on Formican society." Lehman


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our expectations that getting mar-
ried and having children ensures
happiness. And it reveals modern
culture's failure to recognize peo-
ple's differences. and how it pi-
geon-holes them into pre-fabricated

The play explores the creation
and evolution of culture and how
we are all constantly making cul-

It shows how the Fonnicans‘ per-
ception of family and community

‘Formicans’ is unique, postmodern comedy

that is ingrained by culture doesn’t
allow for solving their problems.

During the production “we're
painfully aware that they (the as-
sumptions) are not always opera-
ble." she said.

Although this production defies
traditional structure. including min-
imal costuming of sunglasses for
the alien characters. the play is a
comedy and with two acts and an

But it has no resolution.

“I think the playwright is saying
you often can't resolve things into
one point of view." Lehman said.
“Resolution is not the point.”

Lehman said although many will
walk away confused, she guaran-
teed a very rich. amusing and mov-
ing experience.

The UK Department of Theatre':
production of The Tales of the Lost
Fonnicans runs tonight through
Sunday at 8. Admission is free. For
more information, call 25 7-4929.

Artists find Grammys behind the times

Associated Press

NEW YORK — The 34th annual
Grammy Awards‘ coronation of
Natalie Cole’s “Unforgettable" sug-
gests that old-fashioned style and






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sentiment won't die without a fight
despite the show’s effort to change
with the times.

Nothing showed that more than
the naming of a 4l-year-old com-
position as song of the year — and
the writer's defiant attitude upon
accepting the award.

Cole won seven awards Tuesday
night for her high~tech duet with
her late father and an album of Nat
“King" Cole‘s standards.

“Yes, they are a little conserva-
llVC. But it certainly worked in in)



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favor." said a beaming David Fos-
ter. who won for producer of the
year for his work with Cole.

Michael Greene. president of the
National Academy of Recording
Arts & Sciences. said he's spent the
last five years trying to overcome
the Grammys‘ stodgy image. He‘s
added new categories in rock. rap.
metal. New Age, alternative and
world music and invited more
younger folks to join his organiza-

“As it stands now. the Grammys
have been known for their swtng to
the right." said Lars Ulrich. singer
for the speed metal band Metallica.
“They were, like, passing out sleep-
ing pills when everybody came in."

Metallica member Kirk Hammett
noted that his band. which won for
best metal performance for the third
straight year, was the “token dan-
gerous act."

Metallica’s musical style was
caught in the crossfire when song-
writer Irving Gordon lashed out at
the music of today.

Gordon recalled auditioning “Un-
forgettable“ for Cole in 1951. Gor-
don, who refused to give his age.
joked that the song “is getting older
than me.

“People are getting so fed up with
the heavy metal that they want mel-

odies, any kind of melodies." Gor-
don said. “This is just the tip of the

Gordon took a swipe at singers
who look like they “get a hernia"
when they sing. He said later he
was referring to fellow Grammy
winner Michael Bolton, who was
honored for his cover of a song
more than 20 years old. “When a
Man Leves a Woman."

Bolton said he didn‘t take oi?
tense at Gordon‘s comments. but
lashed out Lll CflllC\ who hissed
backstage when his round was tin-

“Critics who are insensitive and
rude people can kiss my ass." he

The failure of the Grammys to
fully catch up with the music world
could be measured by the gum-
bling backstage.

Conservative leanings could be
detected throughout the night. Marc
Cohn won the best new artist award
over three dance or rap artists that
had bigger hits: C&C Music Facto-
ry, Boyz II Men and Color Me

“I hope I'm not seen as an exam-
ple of another middle-of—the-road
winner." Cohn said. “Time will




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Wildcats‘ Jamal Mashburn squared up against No 55 deli Roulston
in last night's matchup against the South Carolina Gamecocks




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Wildcats defeat Gamecocks 74-56

Assistant Sports Editor

With South Carolina focusing on
sophomore forward Jamal Mash-
burn. UK's four seniors took the op-
portunity to give the hometown fans
a treat as UK downed the Garne-
cocks 74-56 last night at Rupp Are-
Deron Feldhaus and Richie Fann-
er put on a three-point shooting
clinic, while Sean Woods and John
Pelphrey aided a relentless press
that forced l9 turnovers.

“I really like the way we’re play-
ing right now," UK coach Rick Piti-
no said. "They keep showcasing
that boyish enthusiasm and that's
what makes it so enjoyable. They
were really up for this game."

Feldhaus connected on five of
seven three-point attempts en route
to a team-high 19 points.

“The key was I hit my first shot,"
Feldhaus said. “That‘s the most im-
portant thing for your confidence.
After that I felt like I could hit any-

The win was a boost for all in the
UK locker room. lt was proof posi-
tive that the team was not overlook-
ing anything on its way to the
NCAA Tournament

“When you look at their record.
sometimes you have a tendency to
let down, but we knew they were a
good team." Farmer said.

“We are playing for a league
championship. so we did not have
any problems staying focused."
Pelphrey said. “We had two great
road wins. and we wanted to come
back and take care of business at
home. We are getting closer to the
league championship. and every
minute of every game counts."

Farmer is convinced that UK can
win the overall SEC championship.

“I think if we can go ahead and
win out. we will be conference
champions," Farmer said. “We may
be the co-champions with someone.
but we would be champions."

UK unleashed a relentless press
and a fierce three—point attack in
the first half. The Cats hit seven
threes in the half as well, including
three each by Feldhaus and Farmer.

But things started slowly for both
teams because of the strong defen-
sive effort on both ends of the
court. But finally UK’s persistence
on the press paid some dividends as
the Gamecocks began to show
signs of tiring.

The Cats went to the locker room
up 39-21.



L.C.C. East



The proposed date for the Student
Government Association Election
Referendum will be on Wednesday,
March 4th and Thursday, March 5th.

The Polling Locations are:
Lexington Community College
The Student Center
M. 1. King Library (South)
Whitehall Classroom Bldg.
Complex Commons area

In order to vote, students need a
validated UK I.D.





Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, February 27, 1992 - 3

UK put the game away early in
the second half, slowly pulling

Pitino went to the reserves early
in the second half with freshman
Chris Harrison entering the game at
9:23 remaining and Carlos Toomer
entering at 6:41.

“The big thing tonight was our
shot selection got better,” Pelphrey
said. “Maybe our guys were more
focused. but the big thing was that
they were taking better shots."

UK won its sixth consecutive
game and improved to 21-5 overall
and 10-3 in the conference, while
South Carolina lost its 10th straight
and dropped to lO-l4 and 2-11 in
the league.

“We accomplished what we set
out to do tonight, which was to play
well on offense and play good de-
fense," Pitino said. “We did that in
the first half, and then we played
some of our younger players in the
second half and we allowed them to
score more.“


UK 74,

Leso 4-7 0-1 8. Watson 2-11
1-1 5, Roulston 7-11 3-4 17,
Manning 3-9 6—7 12, English
5-11 0-0 12. McKoy 0-2 0-0
0, Eggers 0-0 0-0 0, Wilson
1-1 0-0 2. Popovic 0-0 0-0 0.
Evans 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 22-
52 10-13 56.

UK (21-5)

Mashburn 4-7 0-0 8. Pel-
phrey 4-8 1-1 11, Timberlake
2-4 2-4 6. Woods 26 0-0 4.
Farmer 4-6 0-0 11. Martinez
1-5 2-2 4, Feldhaus 6-11 2—2
19, Ford 2-4 0-0 6, Brown 0-
2 0-0 0, Riddiek 1-5 0-0 2.
Braddy 0-1 2-2 2, Harrison 0-
2 1—2 1, Toomer 0-3 0-0 0.
Totals 2663 10-13 74.






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 4 - Mucky Kernel, Thursday, February 27, 1002


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How fast is it? Kernel surveys
restaurants surrounding campus

Fast-Food Gourmets

Journalists love juicy assignments, and this
one ranks as one of the greasiest.

Our quest was to find the fastest fast-food
eatery on the campus side of Maxwell Street.
We left out pizzerias and UK Food Services
outlets. Our stomaches can only hold so much.

Fast is a relative term, and at some campus
eateries it was stretched to the limit.

Arby’s. with its high-tech specialty sand-
wiches, credit-card approval system and some
of the best food in town, was a little off the
pace. Perhaps the culprit was the most compel-
ling conversation behind the counter between
a young female cashier and her male counter-
part in the kitchen. Every other sentence began
with four-lettered expletives.

The store was not very busy. Maybe th‘ C
were 10 people in the lobby, all of whom ca -
ly could hear the compelling discussion in the
quiet restaurant.

Bllmple was a decent place to enjoy dinner
on the run. You can get in, cat in peace and get
out in less than l0 minutes.

The campus Hardee‘s was less crowded
than usual. but that didn't help the speed at the
counter. Your basic burger meal took nearly
four minutes to prepare. Two minutes (it that
time was occupied by a cashier constant!) re-
peating to an unconcemed cook that she need-
ed the tries to complete the order When the
cook finally obliged. this t‘ll\l()lllt‘l’ knee tht
restaurant had been out of the hot oil for mini.-
tiiiie and that he could have been serxed
much sooner.

You deserve a break today —- at MCDO-
nald’s? Entering the restaurant that is the
very image of speed also was a relaxed, com-
fortable aura. Where the people preparing the
food rushed around behind the counter grab«
bing paper supplies and cup lids, the dining
area provided a more relaxed atmosphere.

Curled up in the comer of a booth was a girl
working a crossword puzzle. An employee.
who had been picking up trash, politely took
the girl‘s garbage to the trash bin. Perhaps she
didn’t want the girl to lose her concentration
This isn’t something you see at most fast-food
places. But it was welcome.

Tolly-Ho greets you with a laid-back.
small-town atmosphere. In the early evening.

one will not perceive this to be the most hap-
pening place for campus dwellers. The wall
behind the counter, adorned with fraternity
and sorority paddles, suggests that at another
time of the day. it is the hot spot.

Service at “the Ho." as it affectionately is
known. was not as fast as some fast-food plac-
es. However, the cross-section of America din-
ing with you —— and the pinball machines —
provide enough entenainment while you wait
for your food. Last night, one would have
found a small group of casually-dressed stu-
dents discussing a science-fiction novel at one
table and two businessmen dressed in suits
striking a deal at another.

Fazoll's is crowded during the lunch hour.
Two lines reach the wall, dividing the dining
area and the service counter. Surprismgly
though, the wait is relatively short once you
order, and the food is hot. You have to get
your own drinks. but it‘s better to get an extra
drink than have them till your cup. The all»
you-can-eat platter is stacked with so much
spaghetti that no one but a glutton could go
back for more. Maybe that was their plan. Vie
advise that you don‘t get extra breadsticks if
you eat in. There was an employee carrying
fresh breadsticks to customers, once the lunch-
hour rush died dow n.

The Chicago 0 Underground was a
similar experience. with its dinner offering
more meat than a reasonable person can eat. If
you get the dinner. expect to take home a dog-
e} hag. The qualitx ol the food is average.
like most harhetue restaurants this side oi
\\'estern Kentucky the meal i\ not smoked
simply cooked and then \Plil\hk‘ll with sauce
But for this region, it is as good as what you
get elsewhere.

Barry T‘s was quiet last night, and there
was no line. The food was good. but the mayo
made the sourdough soggy. Nonetheless, it of—
fered a number of sandwiches made to your
heart's desire.

So which one wins? Good question. In the
best of the ivory-tower tradition. our data was
inconclusive. We‘ll form a committee to study
it and report the findings to trustee Wallace
Wilkinson. That’ll show him valuable re-

Staff Writers Joe Braun. John Kelly and
Gregory A. Hall are full and do not want to
see another fast-food joint for at least a week.


Fazoll's, 130 w. Euclid Ave.
A" You Can Eat Spaghetti (with meat sauce) special, 9""3 Bl Classic lar elries
breadstlck, Coke 9 . 9 .Coke


Hardee's, 265 Euclid Ave.





Barry T's, 371 S. Limestone St.
Large hot roast beet on sourdough bread with lettuce and mayonalse, chips, large Coke



Toily-Ho, 395 S. Limestone St.

Tolly-Ho, small tries. small coke



GREG “What Sill

Chicago 0 Underground, 275 Euclid Ave.
380 Beet Dinner (bread, coie slaw, tries), large Coke




McDonald's. 357 s. Limestone St.

Quarter Founder With Cheese. Chicken Fajita, small tries,
small Coke






A a.
X 4'
500 L
U K./
51.1 i
Call. ‘
irame .
bath L







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060. Phone: 276-4577.

1900 Pontia