xt7qnk364d23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk364d23/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1960-02-08 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 8, 1960 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 8, 1960 1960 1960-02-08 2020 true xt7qnk364d23 section xt7qnk364d23 “men 1624 MINUTES or THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8. 1960 The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall Monday. February 8, 1960 at 4:00 p.m. President Dickey presided. Members absent were: Philip Austin, Harold Binkley. Roland W. Boughton, Jr,, Robert J. Buck,‘George B.Byers, L. H. Carter, Richard A. Chapman, Vincent Cowling. Bernard Fitzgerald, L. W.Gi1dart, M. A. Hatch*, W. A, Heinz. Samuel C. Hite, B.D. Kern, L. L. Martin, T. J. Pignani, E, W. Rannells, Robert W. Hudd,‘ Doris M. Seward. Charles E.Snow, Robert Straus ‘, W. G.Survant. Lawrence Thompson‘. C. A.Walton, G. T. Webster, Frank J. Welch. William R.Willard*. ‘ The minutes of January 11 were read and approved. The Faculty received resolutions on the death of two members of the University staff: Prof. C. H. Anderson, presented by Dean Shaver. and Mr. John S. Gardner, presented by Dean Wall. The Faculty voted apprOval of a motion that these resolutions be included in the minutes and that a cepy be Sent to the respective families. Charles Herbert AnderSOn, Professor Emeritus of Engineering Design of the College of Engineering of the University of Kentucky died unexpectedly of a heart attack on Tuesday, December 29. 1959. Professor Anderson was a native of Birmingham, England and received his education in Canada. Before coming to the University he was very active in designing and building a variety of Mechanical Devices. From 1890 to 1898 he was engaged in building steam launches and ship—loading equipment under his own patents. After that he worked in developing goldndredging equipment under Russian Sponsor- ship. He was associated with the Westinghouse Corporation and the Cincinnati Car Campany in developing railway equipment. He held many patents and was especially well known for his carburetor of a special design which attracted widespread attention. Professor Anderson came to the University in 1919 as a ‘specialist in research on motors. He was given a change of work status in 1939, but continued in engineering development and design up to the day of his death. at the age of 94. He was well liked and admired by all who knew him including students and fellow faculty members. His continued engineering activities at such an advanced age were-remarkable. He was a true scholar, a real gentleman, and will long be remembered by all his associates who were fortunate to know and work with him. Therefore. be it resolved that these resolutions be approved by the Faculty of the University of Kentucky as an expression of its high esteem and be it further resolved that they be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and that a copy be sent to his surviving sister, Mrs. Edith Palmer, C/O Mrs. Kenneth Loos. 727 Laurel. Wilmette. Illinois. * Absence explained .hhh? : ==== ”aria-“swim MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8. 1960 5 John Samuel Gardner was horn on August 23, 1885 at DOylestown, Ohio, and died on January 12, 1960 at Lexington, Kentucky. He ~ was the oldest of a family of seven children. His father, grand- . father and greatngrandfather were ministers. and his mother was a ’ teacher. The family moved to Pennsylvania while Mr. Gardner was r still young, and he attended Philadelphia public schools from 1891 to 1893s Somewhat later he attended public schools in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, and finished Grammar School there in 1898. During these early years he spent a large part of them living on a truck farm near Trenton, New Jersey, and seemingly the experiences gained during these years played an important part in determining the course of his life's work. From 1898 to 1900 Mr. Gardner attended Muhlenberg Preparatory School and then entered Muhlenberg College at Allentown, Pa., in 1900. In 1904 he was graduated with an A. B. degree and from 1904 to 1907 served as draftsman for the American Bridge Company of Philadelphia, which was engaged in the construction of elevated and subway railroads. and the Hudson Terminal tunnel to New York City. , / From 1907 through 1913 Mr. Gardner served with the Clinchfield Coal Company and with the Carolina. Clinchfield and Ohio Railroad, which Was then being built, and with the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, in the maintenance and strengthening of bridges on their_Springfield Division System. From 1910 to 1912 he also served as System Bridge Inspector for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road. Mr. Gardner entered Pennsylvania State University as a junior \in 1913 and was graduated there with a B. 8. degree in Agriculture in 1915. During 1915al9l6 he served as instructor in horticulture at Pennsylvania State, and in the fall of 1916 received a graduate fellowship in Horticulture at the University of M15 ssouri. In 1917 he was granted the M A. degree from Missouri. From 1917 through 1918 he was engaged in vegetable package survey work. and from these studies came the Federal Packaging Act In this same Year he was married to Letitia Talmage Seller, who now survives him, From 1918 through 1921 Mr.Gardner served as horticulturist for the Starkey Produce Company which operated a thousand acres of truck farming area on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River, and supervised the insect and disease control work on this large area. On April 1, 1921 Mr. Gardner was appointed Extension Horti— culturist for the University of Kentucky and served in that capacity until his retirement from active duties on September 1, 1955° / Mra Gardner started the Seed Potato Certification pregrum in Kentucky in 1923. He was elected President of the Potato Associ— ation of America for 1931 and served as a director of that organ— , ization from 1931 through 1935. Vn’ m4 :15. lot. MINUTES or THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8. 1960 1626 For 34 years. Mr. Gardner played an outstanding part in the de— velopment of the vegetable industry in Kentucky. As an extension Horticulturist, he covered every county in the state. and most of this was done the hard way— by train: by bus- and in certain areas even by horseback. He appeared before many audiences and over many radio stations and wrote a weekly vegetable column which was printed in most of the newspapers in Kentucky. This series ran continuously from 1927 through 1955, and covered about 1300 articles. In addition, he published many vegetable circulars and was always ready to take an active part in Farm and Home Convention programs or any worth while venture which would go toward the betterment of a community. Since retirement in 1955, Mr. Gardner served in an advisory ca- pacity in the develoPment of the vegetable projects at the State Penal Institutions. Mr. Gardner was a member of Sigma Epsilon Phi, national society for Extension workers. and also a member of Alpha Zeta. during his period as a student at Penn State. To those who knew him best he was a truly remarkable person. His keen intellect, his tremendous desire to be of help to people, and the ability to express himself were ex- emplified in so many Valuable ways, and he always found the time. some- how. to spread the gospel of better varieties and methods of culture for the vegetable industry. I wish to reCOmmend that these resolutions be approved by the Faculty of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics and made a part of the minutes of this meeting and that a copy be sent to Mrs. Gardner. Dean White presented recommendations from the College of Arts and Sciences for the approval of two new courses in Intermediate Arabic, which were appreved by the Faculty. Ancient Languages 242. 243 (new numbers). INTERMEDIATE ARABIC: Selections from Classical Arabic Authors. (3 each) Selections from the Classic Arabic Period with such writers as Ibn Qutaybah. Ibn abduai Rabblhi. and other writers of the ninth and tenth centuries, A. D. Prereq: AL 248 (41b) Dean White also presented a recommendation from the College of Arts and Sciences that ?rank Joseph Schwendeman be reinstated to the University. Mr. Schwendeman had been dropped twice, once by the College of Engineering and once by the College of Arts and Sciences. He has a full time job but wishes to take a course in the Evening Class prOgram. The Faculty apn proved the reinstatement of Mr. Schwendeman. Dean Wall presented recommendations from the College of Agriculture and Home Economics for changes in certain courses in Home Economics, which Were approved by the Faculty. HE 105a, b Experimental Cookery (3 credits each) be changed to HE 105 Experimental Cookery (3 credits) : ', ,-,:'x r . . 1.3 :2: iii; , .. ». - arse-use e MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8, 1960 ;‘ HE 115a,b Food for Special Occasions (3 credits each) to vi HE 115‘ Food for Special Occasions (3 credits) HE 130a.b Interior Decoration Projects (2 credits each) to HE 130 Interior Decoration Projects (2 credits) JiVj: Dean Shaver presented recommendations from the College of 2 3' Engineering covering courses to be dr0pped, courses to be changed in ' “ft credit, and a revised curriculum leading to the bachelor of science "1 degree in Mechanical Engineering. These recommendations were approved COURSES TO BE DRONPED Mechanical Engineering 16a,b,c~— SHOP TRAINING, 0 credit each Mechanical Engineering l7a- ELEMENTS OE TOOL DESIGN, 0 credit 5 Mechanical Engineering 116—— ELEMENTARY HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING, 3 credits Mechanical Engineering 130—— APPLIED AERODYNAMICS, 3 credits Mechanical Engineering 131a,b-— AIRPLANE DESIGN, 3 credits A each Mechanical Engineering 135'" EXPERIMENTAL AERODYNAMICS, 3 A credits Mechanical Engineering 136—- INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES , LABORATORY, 1 credit Mechanical Engineering 138—e PRODUCTION ENGINEERING, 3 credin a Mechanical Engineering 142-, AERONAUTICAL METEOROLOGY, 3 credits Mechanical Engineering 202b,c.d~— POWER PLANT ENGINEERING, 3 credits each (2023 will remand Mechanical Engineering 203da-HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING, 3 credits Mechanical Engineering 204b.c.d-n ADVANCED MACHINE DESIGN, 3 i credits each (204a will remain) Mechanical Engineering_214a,b—- SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN AERONAUT- ; ICAL ENGINEERING 3 credits each COURSES TO BE CHANGED IN CREDIT Mechanical Engineering 580 (114a)~r AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING , AND VENTILATING: to be changed from three credits to four credits. Mechanical Engineering 581 (114h)-e AIR CONDITIONING. HEATIM AND VENTILATING DESIGN-- to be changed from four credits to three credits. ' Mechanical Engineering 560 (108)ee INTERNAL COMBUSTION ; ENGINES—n to be changed from three credits to four credits. REVISED CURRICULUM LEADING TO A BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING \L" to ; :e roved. each redit PING iits iits ts redits edits fl LI I v emaid R N,3 ain) NAUT- é its ATING be ATING GN-- ed MINUTES or THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8. 1960 FRESHMAN YEAR First Semester 935 ME 001 (ME 1a) The Engineering Profession 0 P. E. Physical Education 1 R. O. T. C. Military or Air Science 2 GE 101 (ED 1a) Engineering Graphics I 2 (Engl la) English Composition 3 Chem 106 (Chem 2a) General Chemistry for Engineers 4 Math 112 (Math 18) Plane Trigonometry 3 Math 111 (Math 17) College Algebra _2_ 18 SeCOni Semester ME 002 (ME 1b) The Engineering Profession O P. E. Physical Education 1 R. O. T. C. Military or Air Science 2 GE 102 (ED 1b) Engineering Granhics II 2 Engl 102 (Engl 1b) English Composition 3 (Chem 2b) General Chemistry for Engineers 4 Math 113 (Math 19) Analytics and Calculus I 3 ME 110 (ME 5) Engineering Problems 1 ‘Ncn—Technical Elective _3_ l9 SOPHOMORE YEAR First Semester ME 003 (ME 2a) The Engineering Profession 0 B. O. T. C. Military or Air Science 2 Phys 231 (Phys 3a) General College Physics 3 Phys 241 (Phys 4a) General College Physics Laboratory 2 Math 211 (Math 20) Analytics and Calculus II 4 Econ 251 (Econ 51) Principles of Economics 3 ME 250 (ME 21) Shop Theory 1 ME 251 (ME 22) Shop Practice 1 ME 299 (ME 20) Analysis of Experimental Data _Zm 18 Second Semester ME 004 (ME 2b) The Engineering Profession O R. O. T. C. Military or Air Science 2 GE 201 (ED 18) Advanced Engineering Graphics 2 Phys 232 (Phys 3b) General College Physics 3 Phys 242 (Phys 4b) General College Physics Laboratory 2 Math 212 (Math 21) Analytics and Calculus III 4 GE 221 (AM 3) Statics 3 ME 252 (ME 23) Manufacturing Methods _%_ 1 ., _ .. i. i. . i. ..‘ .,—, V;',:. :._»_>;:..» ,:--,nyir.».;,r.:.:r .:."|A‘1::'a‘1§iiv '.'., ;.- ';.;._ ‘:."::.."v‘.~:':' -:e.~.e= Z,'L‘L‘.‘EL:_._‘*,3,:,';;_:;-_7.‘Lf v.3: 1::‘.::' - ----------- MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8, 1960 JUNIOR-YEAR 3.13%. inning Crs ME 005 (ME 3a) The Engineering Profession 0 Math 331 (Math 35) Differential Equations for Engineers 2 GE 211 (AM 2) Mechanisms 3 GE 313 (AM 7) Dynamics 3 GE 431 (AM 100) Strength of Materials 4 ‘ Non—Technical Elective 3 ME 320 (ME 104a) Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 18 Second Semester ME 006 (ME 3b) The Engineering Profession 0 Met 301 (Met 37) identive Metallurgy for Engineers 3 *NoneTechnical Electch ' 3 ME 310 (ME 112) Mechanical Laboratory I 2 ME 321 (ME 104b) Engineering Thermoflynamics II 3 ME 330 (ME 107) Fluid Mechanics 4 ME 340 (Me 100a)Machine Design I g l SENQQE’YEAR £23,552. “ME ME 007 (ME 4e) The Engineering Profession 0 EE 305 (EE 105a)Electrical Circuits and Machinery 3 4 #Technical Elective 3 in: Mechanical Engineering Design Elective I ‘ 4 Ufa ME 311 (ME 113a) Mechanical Laboratory II 2 7;, ME 525 (ME 129) Elements of Heat Transfer 3 ‘33fi ME 341,342 (ME lOOb) Machine Design II _3" . ll? 1 gz“: 1‘ 1" M? g’% J r Seconi Semestgg ME 008 (ME 4b) The Engineering Profession 0 GE 513 (AM 107) MechaniCal Vibrations 3 EE 306 (EE 105b) Electrical & Electronic Circuits and Machinery 3 ‘NonnTechniCal Elective 3 #Technicel Elective . 3 Mechanical Engineering Design Elective II 3 ME 312 (ME 113b) Mechanical Laboratory III 2 ME 371 (ME 122) Seminar ,_1 13 ‘ NonaTechnical Electives must be selected from the Humanities and Social Studies in other colleges and must be approved by the student's advisor. 1630 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8, 1960 #Technical Electives must be selected from the following list. Other courses may be substituted with the approval of the student's / adviser: GE 531 (AM 106) Advanced Strength of Meteria1e 0E 481 (NE 101) Nuclear Reactor Engineering I 2 GE~ 482 (NE 102) Nuclear Reactor Engineering II ' ME 566 (ME 105) Power Plant Engineering ME 582 (ME 109) Refrigeration ( ME 554.555(ME 133) Tool Design Phys l55a)Fundamenta1 Atomic and Nuclear Physics (Math 102) Vector Analysis (Math 432) Applied Calculus (Math 105b)Partial Differential Equations ( Mechanical Engineering Design Elective I (choose one) 1. ME 550.551 (ME 137) 2. ME 580 (ME114e) 3- ME 530.531 4. ME 560,561 (ME108) 5— ME 590.591 Motion and Time Study 4 Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilating 4 Fluid Dynamics 4 Internal Combustion Engines 4 Elements of Aero—Space Technology 4 Mechanicfld Engineering Design Elective II : 1. ME 552.553 (ME 139) 2. ME 581 (ME 114b) 3; ME 564 r 4. ME 562.563 i 5. ME 592.593 Plant Layout (Prereq: Me 550,551) 3 Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilating design. (Prereq: ME 580) 3 Propulsion System Design (Prereq: ME 530-531) Reciprocating Engine Design (Prereq: ME 560.561) . 3 Aero-Space Component Designa (Prereq: ME 590.591) 11 g; the reguested changes will £3 effective September lgéQL m m.- Dean Matthews yresented a that the degree of Bachelor of ( dates who cempleted their work ‘ qualify for the KentuCky State Thomas Cdates Brabant James Murrell Deacon, Jr. Charles Everett English é The Faculty voted to recommend recommendation from the College of Law Laws be awarded to the following candi— on January 23. in order that they may Bar Examination March 3,5, 1960: Thomas Edward Neal William Hunt Priest Kirk Alan Storch the above named persons to the Board of Trustees for the degree of Bachelor of Laws. / Dean Spivey presented recommendations from the Graduate Council that graduate credit be allowed certain courses already approved for { undergraduate credit, and for the approval of new strictly graduate courses, which the Faculty approved: 1631 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8, 1960 l. 2. 3. 4. 5n English lO7a,b (new 538 and 539) Library Science 113 (new 513) Political Science 152 Political Science l80a,b Sociology 113 Victorian Literature 1830n1860 , (3) Poets and essayists—: _~._ / Macaulay, Mill,Car1yle, Newman, Tennyson, Mrs. Browning,Brownhw Ruskin, and Arnold-~ in their historical setting. Prerequisite: Junior, senior, or graduate standing. Victorian Literature 1860*3222 13) Poets and essayists—Rossetfi,’ Swinburne, Meredith, Huxley, Pater, Wilde, Davidson, Henley, Stevenson, Housman, Hardy, Kipling, and some others in flmir histroical setting. (Same pre- requisite). Organization and Administration 3; the School Library (3) ’ PhilosoPhy, objectives and administration of the library in elementary and secondary schools, Covers such topics am Planning the school library prm gram; selection of and technical processing of materials; working , with administrators, teachers and pupils; library budget and reports. Municipal Government (3) I An introductory course in the 5 study of the structure and funcfimb of modern city government. Independent Work (3 each) Reading course on the graduate level directed by members of the staff qualified to direct graduaw work, It will involve selection 0f the material, books, research reports, etc. to be read by Hm student and the staff member directing the work. 3.3.2er 2f. isles. (3) Analysis of demographic and institutional patterns, social roles, psychological and phys- iological changes, and rehabil- ( itative and educational pro: grams associated with aging. their ( sea pro- 1ica1 'king md 16 ‘ 'unctiong lite ' the , raduate :tion arch - the MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8, 1960 6. Sociology 134 Human Relations inlédministration (3) Analysis of the role of social structure, leadership. authority, power, and psychOIOg- ical stress in the administration of 1arge~scale organizations in the United States. II. The Graduate Council recommends approval of the following strictly graduate courses: 1. Music 239 (new 667) Current Practices ig Elementary School Music (5) Contemporary philosophies and objectives of music in the elementary school. The in-service training of the classroom teacher; the music specialist as a resource person. Technique for developing thc child's musical interest and capacity for music. The status of music in America's public schools. Open to music teachers only. Prerequisite: Music 360 (129a) or its equivalent. 2. Psychology 254 (new 618) Experimental Psychopathology (4) A consideration of the research evidence of several problems in psychopathology. Prerequisite: One course each in abnormal psychology, statistics, and ex- perimental psycholpgy. Permission of instructor required. Also for the Graduate Council, Dean Spivey presented a recomn mendation that honorary degrees be conferred on the following persons: . lqlfifi/ . . Doctor of Literaturee Tate, poet. author, critic, and former Editor of four leading literary journals. Mr. Tate was born in Winchester, Kentucky. Doctor of Laws« William L. ClaytOn, business man, prominent for his work in marketing; has held several government positions; President of the Exportmlmport Bank; Assistant to the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs; and author of the initial plan from which was developed the Marshall Plan. He was at one time a resident of Lexington.(fUY‘CV1H’CV1 OcixtlhE-d/ _ . The University Faculty voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees that honorary degrees be awarded to Mr. Tate and Mr. Clayton as indie cated. The names are to be kept confidential until after the Board has appr0ved the degrees and the persons have indicated their acceptance. President Dickey, on behalf of himself and the University Faculty, wished Dean Spivey Godspeed and the best of success in his new position at the University of Tennessee. He also welcomed Dr. Kirwan, who will succeed Dr. Spivey as Dean of the Graduate Schoolo MINUTES or THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8. 1960 At the request of Dr. Scherago, President of the University of Kentucky Chapter of the American Association of University Professors, the Secretary read a report from the Committee on University Government of the AAUP. The report was read to the Faculty for its information not for action. Copies had been sent to the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, the Speaker of the House, Representatives frOm Fayette County and Lexington; also to the Deans of the Colleges, to the President, and to each member of the BOard of Trustees. The committee has studied the relationships between the faculty and the Board of Trustees and between the faculty and the University administration. On the basis of these studies, and a 1951 report of the University of Kentucky Chapter of the American Association of University Professors, (l) the following recommendations are made. 1. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky should be composed of fifteen voting members and one non—voting member. The fifteen voting members should be the Governor 35 officio as chairman, twelve members appointed by the Governor and two faculty members elected by the faculty. The Super- intendent of Public Instruction should be a non~voting member, fig officio. ' 2. The two faculty members should be elected by secret ballot by all faculty members of the rank of assistant professor or above, The faculty members should serve for terms of three years and be eligible for renelection. At least one of the faculty members should be a member of the Executive Cemmittee of the Board. 3. The appointed members should serve for terms of nine yearm with the terms so staggered as to prevent the appointment of a majority of the members in any four—year period. The ap- pointed members shOuld be eligible for reappointment. 4. The laws should be so modified as to insure the appointment of Board members representative of all the basic economic in- terests of the state, with the proviso that the three members of the Beard from the alumni of the University continue to be chesen as at present. 5. A Board member should be removable only for cause, after written charges have been made against him, with the member having a right of appeal to the courts. 6. A faculty committee, elected by the faculty, should confer periodically with a committee of the Baard of Trustees con— sisting of the two faculty members and at least one other member. 7. -This faculty-committee should advise periodically with the President on general University policy. The members of this committee should be members of the COuncil of Deans. \, , hire-s , Afo-s. -— ‘H \/—~ -— ~A— tar-A ves on PS 1‘, 0t 1‘s. ent er 38 \r‘ ~ '— “— entr- A. r e, ‘ pa‘ MINUTES or THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8, 1960 1634 (1) Relationships Between the State Government and the University 2g Kentucky, Report and Becommendationsi Lexington, 1951. This report is too long for reproduction here, but copies of it are available in the office of the President of the University and the G0vernor of the Commonwealth. 8. In each college there should be a committee or committees to advise with the Dean on matters of appointments, promotions. and salary increases; the methods of selection of such committees should be determined by the faculty of each college. 9. Appropriations for capital outlay for buildings for the University should be subjected to standard budgetary procedures. 10. The Constitution of Kentucky should be changed so as to provide in general terms for the establishment and support of the University of Kentucky, the terms of members of the Board of Trustees. and the government of the University by the Baard, subject only to the availability of funds and the auditing of University accounts by the state government. The first three recommendations of this report are based on recommendations of the 1951 report, with only one substantial change; namely, we are recommending that the two members elected by the faculty be voting (rather than nonavoting) members of the Board. We believe recommendations (4>u(5),(9)and<10) of the 1951 report are still sound and should be put into effect, but reference is made to it (2) for their justification. We recommend that at least recommendations one, two, four, and five be enacted by the 1960 session of the General Assembly. The Honorable Arthur S. Fleming. U. S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. himself a former university president, has said, "I believe that our institutions of higher learning should be organized so as to make the faculty the most influential group in the governing of our colleges and univoggities.” (3) A former faculty member of the Board of Trustees of Cornell University. (2). See footnote (1), above. (3) "Address by the Secretary of Health. Education, and Welfare at the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting." Bulletin 2£_thg American Association 2: University Professors Vol. 45, No. 3. Autumn. 1959. P. 407. one of about a dozen American Universities that have such board members, has said of such faculty representation. ”... whereas before the plan went into effect, the president had been virtually alone in presenting the academic point of view at meetings of the board, he was now to be joined by others whose standards of judgment would be much the same as his." The same professor stated that faculty membership on the board alone was not enough, but that if other means of faculty participation were provided "faculty repre— sentation on the board of trustees... w0u1d afford an additional Opportunity for the exchange of views between trustees at large and representative members of the faculty," (4) g.!,l._.':nh-.n MINUTES or THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8, 1960 We believe that there is need at the University of Kentucky fOr better communication between the Board of Trustees and the faculty. We believe that such communication would be facilitated by at least two voting faculty members on the Beard. Their power to vote, we believe, would be the mast effective means of expressing their views to other Board members. to the faculty. and, perhaps to the public at large. We also believe that at least one of the faculty members should be a member of the Executive Committee. Since it seems desirable to keep the number of voting members of the Board as small as is reasonably possible, we recommend that , (l) the Superintendent of Public Instruction be a nonnvoting member and that he and the Governor be the only Eg‘officio members. or in the alternative that (2) the Commissioner of Agriculture, Labor and Statistics and the Superintendent of (4). F. G. Marcham, "Faculty Representation on the Board of Trustees." Bulletin 2: the American AssociatiOn of University Professors, Vol. 43, December, 1959, pp, 617-216 Public Instruction be made non-voting members. We concur in the opinion that Board members should be appointed for staggered terms of nine years. A 1952 study (5). showed that in almost two—thirds of the state institutions of higher learning the average length of terms of board members is five and oneohalf years. The present fouruyear term of members of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees enables each Governor to appoint all of the members. Ninewyear staggered terms could be so arranged that no Governor during his four—year term could appointa majority of * the appointed members. We believe that, in addition to faculty membership on the Board of Trustees, there should be a faculty liaison committee of three or five members, elected by the faculty, which would have regular conferences with a committee of the Board of Trustees consisting of the two faculty members and at least one other member. Various members of the BOard might act alternately as members of this com- mittee. as different subjects were discussed or merely to suit the convenience of the members. Such facultyutrustee committees exist at forty-three Universities; fifteen of them are conference commifines We also believe that there is need at the University of Kentucky for better communication between the University administration and the faculty. Thirty of the fortyasix state universities on which data are available have faculty committees which advise the President or Dean on important policy matters. We believe that there is no better method of communication between faculty and-administration than through a faculty liaison committee. We. (5). Council of State Governments, Higher Education 12,th° FortynEight States._§ Report tg_the Governors' Conference. Chicago. 1952. therefore. recommend that the faculty committee which confers with the committee from the Board of Trustees, or a similar one. have regular conferemws with the President on University policy, and that the members of fifis committee also sit with the Council of Deans in their various de— liberations. We also-believe that within each college c0mmittees shOuld be elected by the faculty, or with faculty consent be appoinfld‘ by the Dean, to advise the Dean on appointments, promotions. and salary increases. fOr xted . 1 v‘ -- >ard 15 n- is at Ltteee” tucky ad 1 Ldent 3 1636 MINUTL s OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FEBRUARY 8, 1960 It is our opinion that the adoption of the recommendations contained in this report will improve the policies and admin- istration of the University.not alone by bringing about consid-