xt7qrf5kdg8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qrf5kdg8j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1990 1990 1990-11-12 2020 true xt7qrf5kdg8j section xt7qrf5kdg8j  

Vol. XCIV, No. 68

Established 1894

Kentucky Kernel

University at Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 1971

Monday. November 12, 1990

Hemenway finalist for Nebraska post

Loss would be ‘huge’

UK chancellor in search

Associated Press

LINCOLN. Neb. — Less than
three years after coming back to UK
from the University of Oklahoma,
Chancellor for the Lexington Cam~
pus Robert Hemenway may be
headed back to the Big 8, this time
as president of his alma mater.

Friday, a University of Nebraska
search committee announced that
Hemenway is among four finalists
for its school’s presidency.

The other finalists are Gene Bu-
dig. chancellor of the University of
Kansas since 1981; Roben Dicke-
son, president since 1981 of the
University of Northern Colorado at
Greeley, and Martin lischke, chan-

cellor of the University of Missouri
at Rolla.

Hemenway, a graduate of the
University of Nebraska. said Friday
that he is “quite happy at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky” and has not
been looking for other jobs.

“Those who have nominated me
for the Nebraska presidency do me
a great honor since the University
of Nebraska is a major university
and my alma mater," he said.

Hemenway said because he was
nominated for the Nebraska presi-
dency, he would talk to the school’s
regents. But he declined to say
when he would speak with the uni-

See HEMENWAY, page 7

Chancellor for the Lexington Campus Roben Hemenway is one of


tour finalist in the running for the Nebraska's presidency.








UK‘s defensive line celebrates after a 28-21 win over Vanderbilt Saturday afternoon,
have boosted their record to 4-5, 3-2 in the Southeastern Conference.


Having won their last three games, the Cats



First Battalion on their

Executive Editor

Each day the gulf crisis strikes
closer to home. With each strike,
more rcscrvist and active military
personnel are shipped to Saudi Ara-

Today, three Lexington Marine
Reservists —— three UK students ——
will hand out yellow ribbons out-
side Patterson Office Tower to in-
crease student awareness of the cri-

This particular move is dedicated
to the 33 Lexington Marines in the
first platoon, who will leave for
Camp Pendleton, Ca., Thursday.
Among the 33 are three Eastern
Kentucky University students.

“I don’t think UK students, at

least at this time, know the severity
of (the gulf crisis)," said Cpl. Greg
Ousley, a political science junior.
“It‘s like AIDS or anything else.
(It's not) until it reaches home that
it becomes a little more realistic for
In the event of a war, Ousley said
most students think the United
States will take military action, and
the crisis will be over in a few

“The US. is not going to go in
It is going to be very bloody and
take a lot of American lives," he

The second platoon —- of which
Ousley is a member —— and third
platoon will leave as the Marines
are needed.


"I don‘t think UK stu-
dents, at least at this
time, know the severity
of (the gulf crisis) ...It’s
like AIDS or anything
else. (It's not) until it
reaches home that it
becomes a little more
realistic for us."

Cpl. Greg Ousley,
political science junior.


The Lexington unit, the first Mili~
tary Police Company, has not been
activated since it was called to duty
in Korea.

It is quite likely that Ousley will
soon be following the first platoon.

“I just want everyone to know
that we‘re UK students and we
might be in Saudi Arabia by Christ-
mas," the Lexington native said.

If called to duty, Ousley is pre-
pared but has mixed emotions, just
like one of his friends who is head-
ed for Saudi Arabia.

"A good friend of mine is leav-
ing. I asked him the same question.
He said he was scared, but at the
same titnc he knew what he stood
for," Ousley said. “All Marines
want to go. The consensus is that
we take it personally when a for-
eign country challenges the United
States or downgrades it."

Senior Staff Writer

After having recently completed
its own presidential search in Sep-
tember, UK now is embroiled in

Lexington Campus chancellor
Roben Hemenway is one of four fi-
nalists for the presidency of the
University of Nebraska, his alma

Hemenway. the 49—year—old Nc-
braskan, is being interviewed by
the school‘s Board of Regents at
the National Association of State
Colleges and Land Grant Institu-
tions convention in Kansas City.

Nebraska spokesman Joe Raw-
son said the four candidates were
being interviewed yesterday and
will continue to be interviewed to-
day and tomorrow. The regents
hope to sclcct a prcsidcnt ncxt

“I‘m quite happy at Kentucky.“
Hemenway said Friday. “ havc not
been seeking othcr positions

Those who nominated the for the
Nebraska presidency do me a grcat
honor since the University of Ne-
braska is a major university and my
alma mater."

UK Prcsrdcnt Charles Wcthington
said he knew Hemenway may be a
finalist and that the chancellor was
interested in the JOh.

"I know that he has interest III Ne—
braska, since Nebraska is his home
state Wethtngton said. He dc~
clined to commcnt further because
the process is not yet complctc.

If Hemenway were selected, L'K
would be deprived of a titan whom,
since coming to the campus in July
1%"), many people crcdit Willi mak-
ing the chanccllor‘s wfticc morc ace

While the locus cl thc I'niycrsity
I\ still the I’rcsiilcn‘. \ Utticc. Hcr
tucnway has intitlc :31; ch.in-;ll. r .
i‘lll‘c'k' tritirc \ I‘ll‘li'.

Sitiilcijt (iv. run ".1 xi.“ 3.3

35:1,“ CHANCELLOR T 37': T

tightens watch

Contributing Writer

After years of enjoying peace
and security, Transylvania Univer-
sity has experienced thrcc attacks
in the last two weeks, according to
Charles I... Shearer, president of

In response. the Lexington Fay-
ette-Urban County Police Depart-
ment, Transylvania security and
students are working together to
make the campus a safer place.
Shearer said.

Transylvania security
the attacks as followc

-On Oct. 27 at about 4 a.m., ow
students sitting in a car on Fourth
Street near campus wcrc attackcd
front bchind by two young mcn
who jumped on the car and kicked
out a tail light. As the studcnts mod
to drive away, one of the isstiilants
fired a rcvolycr into the car. \o
one was injured.

-.>\ female student was grzihhcd


way to Saudi Arabia


China's foreign minister arrivcd
in Baghdad yesterday carrying
bad news for Saddam Hussein:
China will not block the UN, Scs
curity Council from authori/mg
the use of force to drive Iraq out
of Kuwait, a Chinese diplomat

Such a measure has been draft-
ed by the Unitcd States. diplomats
and US. officials said last wcck.
but had not yet been circulated
among the other permanent mem—
bers of the Security Council.

Iraq had reportedly pinned its
veto hopes on China.

Meanwhile, Iraq said yesterday
it would attend a proposed Arab
summit meeting if it were consult-
ed on the agenda, timing and loca-
tion and if the agenda included
the Arab-Israeli conflict.

“The proposed summit should
not be part of efforts to prepare
the political theater as a cover for
American aggression against Iraq
and the Arab nation,“ said an Iraqi
statement read on state ICICVISIOI'I.

The offer came in response to
an appeal by Morocco‘s King
Hassan II, who urged an extraor-


dinary Arab summit on thc gulf
crisis. He said such a mccting
would be a “ncw and last chzincc”
for a peace ful solution,

The Baghdad govcmmcnt also
dcnotinccd food hotirdcrs and tin-
nounccd thc pricc of ricc would
increase. although it did not spec-
ify how ntuch. Iraq has wcathcrcd
three months of cconomic sanc-
tions aimed at brcaking its grip on
Kuwait, which it ovcrran Aug. 2.

Before the embargo, Iraq im-
ported about 70 percent of its
food. In September. it began ra-
tioning csscntial foodstuffs such
as rice, wheat, milk. sugar and
cooking oil.

The Iraqi move to punish
boarders of grain came at a top-
lcvcl meeting attended by Sad-
dam, the official Iraqi News
Agency said. It said the punish-
ment would be “strict" but gave
no details.

The Chinese foreign minister.
Qian Qichen, arrived in Baghdad
for talks with Saddam. Before
leaving Jordan. Qian said China
differed with the l’nited States on
the use of force and would pursue
diplomacy as long as there was “a
glimmer of hope“ that conflict

China will not support Iraqi hopes.
refuses to prevent UN use of force

Associated Press

could be avoided.

But a Chinese diplomat in thc
Iraqi capital, spcaking on (DWI!-
tion of anonymity. \lHI Qian
would tell Saddam that whilc (‘hi-
na would not support a rcsolution
ziuthoriling force. it would not
veto it either.

China has \cto powcr, along
with the othcr tour pcrintincnt
members of the Security (’ouncil
~ the United States, Iil’llllln.
France and the Sovrct l‘nion Ini-
qi officials had \‘illtl Saddam's
hopes for a veto rcstcd with (‘lii-

Qian was speaking first with
Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq An;
and was to meet wtlh Saddam Lit-
cr yesterday.

Vice President Dan Quayle
flew to Tokyo for the cnthronc-
mom of Emperor Akihito. and
was expected to hold talks on the
gulf crisis with a dozen world
leaders while there. During the
flight from Washington yesterday,
Quayle conferred with UN. Sec-
retary-General Iavrcr Pcrcz dc
Cuellar, who traveled to Tokyo
with him.

See CHINA. page 7


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‘ r I . -.
i“. .ulrlt» ~'..r .lIi

\PL\I.II I.\tt‘t~'I-‘ll : ~l
mttumtr‘rl trio ..impm

50:) TRANSY ;' is.»


At 4 pm Carov‘r‘
Bratt will repon on
the status of won‘
on in the Worsmn‘
event. this event as

She will present
the facts compiled

by the Ad Hoc




place sec
ond iii


Page 3

Sports ...........
Viewpoint .
Classifieds... .









 .f‘ "




MONDAY 1 1 / 12
0 Exhibit: Seeing Japan'(1/20); Free; UK
Art Museum; N con-5PM; call 7-571 6

~Exhibit: Mark O'Bryan-College of
Architecture; Free; Hunter M. Adams
Library Gallery; 6PM; call 77617


0 Concert: Room 221azz Ensemble; Free;
SCFA Recital Hall; 8PM; call 74929


0 Movte: 'Annie Hall; 52; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30PM

0 Movie: ’She's Gotta Have lt'; $2;
Worsham Theatre; 10PM; call 78867


- Concert: UK Jazz Ensemble; SCFA
Recital Hall; 8PM; call 7-4929

0 Theatre: '1940'5 Radio Hour‘; 58; Guignol
Theatre; 8PM; call 7-3297

0 Movie: "Annie Hall” Theatre; 7:30PMS867

0 Movie: 'She's Gotta Have lt'; $2;
Worsham Theatre; 10PM; call 7.8867


0 Theatre: ‘1940’5 Radio Hour; 58; (Iuignol
Theatre; 8PM; call 73297

0 Exhibit: New Works from Appalshop; 55
students: Agricultural Cntr Seay
Auditorium; 7:30PM; call 166—6674

0 Concert: Lexington Philharmonic
Orchestra; SCFA Concert Hall; 8PM;
call 7-4929

0 Movie'Annie Hall'; ’52; Worsham Theatre,

0 Movie: ‘She‘s Gotta Have It; 52;
Worsham Theatre; IOI’M; Call 73867

SATURDAY 11 / l 7

- Theatre: 'Zora'; Free w/UKTD; SCFA
Recital Hall; 8PM; call 7—4130

0 Theatre: '1094'5 Radio Hour'; 58; Cuignol
Theatre; 8PM; call 7~3297

0 Movie; 'Annie llall'; S2; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30

- Movie: She's Gotta Have lt'; 52;
Worsham Thmtre; 10PM; call 7-8867

SUNDAY 11/ 18

- Concert: 'Winter Solstice presented by
SAB; 58 UK Students; SCFA Concert
Hall; 8PM; call 7-8867

0 Movie: 'Annie Hall

0 Concert: The Audobon Quartet; Free
w/UKID; SCFA Rental Hall; 8PM; call

. Concert: Center Sundays Series-Concord
Trio; Free; SCFA ReCital Hall; 3PM; call



0 Other: Alpha Delta Pi/Alpha Gamma
Rho 'Greek Night at the Oscars.
Memorial Hall; 7PM; call 86707

SUNDAY 11/18
0 Religious: Organ Recita;»Darryl

Roland; Christ Church Cathedral; 4:30PM,
call 254—4497


A I V» f

.3 - K'luolty Ksrnsl, Monday. November 12, 1990



nto’vxutior‘ on "its cmemiur 0' ever": 1: \IL‘lieC't-‘t‘l "o rt the 5'1“)»: it Ac'w‘ns Ottrce 20st, 2C4 Student C(w'e' Ccrvouty oi Kentucky The Information is \uhlished Us 511 plied DY "‘9 oncom US ”50' F0' 51009”?
L p p 390

. r H . .._, guy (y we Same” A_"\ v m J" (a Submmron of Photographs 8i Graphics are emxmmgar'i Deadline No tutor than the Monday preceding tho publication dot.


- Meeting: Table Tenn-s Practice Stayear Seann Souast Cr 7 30
10PM; call 76636

- Other UK Judo CLub, F'ee ALur'tni Gyrr, 5 6 303V. caii 255 2625


- Meeting SAB partorrning Arts Commr'tee, F'ee. St Cntr 203. 6PM. caii

- Meeting Cycling Club. Free; 9 303M, call 233 7438

- Meeting Cowmuter Student Board; Free; St Cntr ‘06, 5 15PM, call 7

- Religious Catholic Student Leadership Meetrn; free. Newman Cntr
t8, Noon; can 255 8566

- Other Aerobics Free, Newman Cntr :&2. 5 SOA7PM, call 255-8566

- Meeting Commute' Student Board. Free. St Cnt'136,5'tSPM,cai 7

- Meeting. SAB Contemporary Affairs Committee, Free. St Cntr 228,
5'30PM; call 273-3556 or 78867



- Meeting: SAB Concert Committee; Free, St Cntr 228, 5PM. call 78867
~ Meetirg' SAB Public Relations Committee. Free; St Cntr 203; 5PM: call

- Meeirng' SAB Parents Weekend Committee, Free, St Cntr 203; 4PM;
call 78867

- Meeting SAB Performing Arts Committee, Free, st Cntr 203, 6PM. call

- Religious Holy Eucharist. Free. St Augisnne‘s Chapel; 5309M; call

- RellgiOUS 'Encounter', Free. 81 con 205, 79M. call 2789533


- Meeting SAB indoor Recreation Committee; Free; St Cnt1203; 7PM,
call 7-8867

- Meeting SAB Cinema Committee; Free, St Cntr 228: 5PM; call 76867
- Religious Catholic Newman Cntr Ngt‘i (CNZ); Free: Newman Cntr
3&4; 7'30PM; call 255 8566

- Meeting SAB Soeoai Acnvrttes Committee; Free. St Cntr 203; 4PM;
call 7-8867

- Religious Reilowshio ot Christian Athletes; Free; 502 Woodland Ave;
93M; ca” 86556

FACT: 90% of all full professors at UK. are men

FACT: Women administrative and professional staff
earn 74¢ for every $1 paid their male colleagues

FACT: More than 25% of all women employees and
20% of men employees surveyed have witnessed
condescending behavior they attribute to gender

Tommorrow at 4 pm, Caroyin Bratt. J.D. wrii report on the status of women at UK. Shs will present the
facts compiled by the Ad Hoc Committee on the status of women: emphasizing inequalities in leadership,
salary, and respect. This free event will be held in the Worsham theatre and is sponsored by the S.A..B's

Contemporary Affairs Committee.



- Meeting UK Amnesty international; Free; St Cntr 115; 7PM; call 25¢
- Religious: ‘Thursday Night Live’ at CSF; Free: 502 Columbia Actrvties
- Meeting: Amnesty international; Free; St Cntr 115; 7PM; call 254—0952

- Religious: Mass. Free; Newman Cntr; 653M; call 255-8566


- Religious Mass; Free; Newman Cntr;9,11:80,5&8'30;caii 255-8566

- Religious: Holy Euchanst; Free; St Ougrstine‘s Chapel; 10:30AM; call

- Religious. Holy Eucharist & Fellowship; Free; St Augistine‘s Chapel;
5'30PM; call 2543726

- Religious Spaghetti Supper Night; 52; Newman Cntr 3&4; 6PM; call

- Religious: Unrversrty Praise Semce, Free: 502 Columbia Adwites Rm'
11AM; 233-0313 '

UK Theatre Presents



; _ .. _
Organizations or University Department 5 to make entries on the Calendar, 0 Campus Calendar Form



TUESDAY 11/ 13

0 Meeting: Aduls with Attention Deficit
Disorder Support Group; UK Dept of
Psychiatry 3rd floor; 7:30PM; call


0 Seminar. ’Signal Transduction Via
Hydrolysis of Phosphatidylcholine';
Free; Med Cntr MN563; 4PM

. Lecture: 'Recent Work' Mark O'Bryan;
Free; Pence hall 209; 1PM; call 7-7617

0 Conference: English Careers 'Leam What
to do with an English Major'; Free;
POT 18th Floor; 3:30~5:30PM; call

0 Meeting: Black Student Union; Free; St
Cntr 245; 3:15PM; call 2694869

0 Meeting: Student Government
Association; 7:30PM; call 7-3191

- Seminar. 'Power and Limitations of
Randomization'; Free; McVey 327;
3:30PM; call 7-87.37


0 Teleconference: 'Enhancing Campus
Community'; St Cntr Theatre;
14301’M; call 7—1991

examination of the Gulf Crisis; Free; St
Cntr Grand Ballroom; 7PM; call 7-3191


0 lecture: 'Iieginning Finishing David E.
Leatherbarrow; I’ence hall 209; II’M;
call 77617

0 Seminar: 'Exploration 8; Settlement: the
Archaeology of 16th Century l-‘Iorida';
Free; Lafferty Hall 108; 7:30PM; call

0 Lecture: Caroline Bratt presented by SAB
contemporary Affairs; Free; Worsham
Theatre; 4PM; call 78867



0 Race: Entry deadline for 'Turkey Trot';
Free; call 7-3928


0 Race: 'Turkey Trot' Free; stars at UK
Water Tower; 4PM; call 7-3928

I lntramurals: Entry deadline for 30n3
Basketball; 35; call 742584

0 Sports: UK Swim Team vs Miami of Ohio;
Lancaster Aquatic Cntrs.

. SportsCool Cats Ice Hockey vs.
Haileybury;$3; Lexington Ice Cntr;


0 Sports: Wildcat Football vs. Florida;

0 Sports: UK Volleyball vs Wyoming

0 SportsCool Cats Ice Hockey vs;
HaileyburyS3; Lexington Ice Cntr; 10PM
0 Sports: LadyKats Basketball vs. Canadian
National Team; Memorial


OEIhibit: ’Secing Japan'lllzol

Disorder Support Group

- Iain-r 'Si'nsl Transduction Vls




- Mooring: Adults with Attention Deficit

The 18th of November brings the
‘Winter Solstice Concert‘ featuring
. Windhamiiiiimistsandbrought toyouby SAB.


0 Movie: 'Annis Hsll' I: 'She’s Goth Hove

Hydrolydssi Phosphstidylcholioo'
0 lam ’lsosst Work'Msi-RO'lryss
0 Gal-Ina: MI‘I Cars-- '1” What


' Exhibit: Mark O'Bryan-College of

' Concert: Room 221:1: Ensemble

U do with on English Msior'
' Mating Bloch Student Union

- Motrin - Student Government
Ion 0 Seminar: Tower and
Limitations oi Misstion'



' Concert: UK Jazz Ensemble
° Theatre: '19w's Radio Hour“
' Movie: 'Annie Hall'

- Movie. 'She's Gotta Have It'

0 Teleconference 'Enhancing Campus

' Theatre. ’1940's Radio Hour'
- Exhibit: New Works from Appslshop
- Concert: Lexington Philharmonic

- S IICool Cs- la Hos vs.
0 Movis’Annis Holl' '0 I"!




Water Tower





examination of the 6qu Crisis

- Other. Alpha Delta PiIAIpha Gamma
Rho ‘Gmk Night at the Oscars’

' Race: Turkey Tmt' Free; stsrts at UK


' Movic 'Shs's Gotta Have It’
0 Sport: UK Swim Tssm vs Mlsml oi

' Theatre 'Zors'
- Theatre: ’1094's Radio Hour‘


- Lecture: 'Beglnnlng Flnlshlng' stid
E. Lestherbsrrow

0 Seminar: 'Explorstion & Settienrent:
the Archaeology of 16th Century

- Movie: 'Asnis Hall
- Conan The Audobos M


- Movie: 'Annie Hall'dx'She’s Gotta Have


- Lecture: Caroline Brett presented by
SAB contemporary Affsirs

- Sports: Wildcat Football vs. Florids
- Sport: UK Volleybsll vs Wyoming

' SportsCool Cots Ice Hockey vs.

- Spock Lsdsth Bosketbsll vs.
Csnsdlsn Notional Tssin


' Concert: Winter Solstice! pros-Id by ' Cones“: Cali. Sundays

Sales-Concord Trio

- lsilgissersgui Rodin-Day!
, Isissd





 Kentucky Kernel, Monday, November 12, 1990 - 3



Staff Writer

Freddie Maggard walked over to
the sideline midway through the
third quarter Saturday with his life-
less right arm dangling at his side,
ignoring the pain and the Vanderbilt
defender who had just thrown him
for a 12-yard-loss.

He had better things to do — like
lead the Wildcats to their third
Southeastern Conference victory
this season, only the second time
UK has taken a trio from the SEC
since 1977.

“I had to forget it (shoulder)
We knew we had to score because
they had the potential to score and
run out the clock," Maggard said.

From the sidelines it looked like
Maggard, a 6-foot-2 quarterback,
had landed too hard on his side.
Fear shook through the Common-
wealth Stadium crowd — it was the
injured shoulder he had smashed.

It was fear, too, that the Cats had
lost momentum with a failure to
convert on a big third down play.

But Maggard returned in a big
way to lead the Cats downfield for a
touchdown on their next possession,
sparking UK to a 28.21 victory,
which improved the record to 4-5
and 3-2 in the SEC.

The turning point of the game
game came in the third quarter,
when punter Bill Hawk boomed a
57-yard punt that pinned the Com-


Al Baker
at a Glance

'The 5-11, 27.7-de full-
back-tailback from Cadiz
rushed for 5,350 yards during
his high school prep career at
Trigg County.

-Baker suffered his way
through his first four years,
(1986 hardships) due to a
broken ankle and knee sur—
gery. He mustered just 754
yards (24.3 ypg) and 8 recep-
tions in his fust 31 games.

-Baker's previous season
high of 373 yards rushing in
11 games was attaineed during
the 1988 campaign.

-'I‘o date, Baker leads the
Wildcats in rushing and re-
ceiving, with 518 yards and 7
TDs in 8 games this season.
This also includes a career-
high 159 yards rushing against
LSU on Oct. 20.

-Baker leads Kentucky in re—
ceiving, with 28 catches for an
additional 234 yards during the
‘90 season.

-Baker is UK’s 22nd player
to rush for 1000 yards during
his career, and has Currently
accumulated 1272 rushing
yards at UK. which ranks l5th
on the Wildcats’ career list.




modores back on their own one-
yard line.

“I knew when I hit it it was good,
I was drinking, 'just don’t go in the
end zone,” Hawk said.

It didn’t, and the bullet punt set
the stage for a pumped-up Cat de-

The Commodores went to their
fullback Carlos Thomas, who had
been racking up big yards all day.
Thomas could only squirm for two
yards, putting the Commodores in a
third down and long situation.

On third down, the Cats came
from all directions in an all-out
blitz, forcing Vanderbilt quarter-
back Marcus Wilson to throw a fee-
ble incomplete pass.

A big reason why the Cats won
the game was they didn’t hurt them-
selves with penalties or turnovers.
Maggard played virtually error-free
football, completing three of five
passes with no interceptions in the
fourth quarter.

Maggard finished the game, com-
pleting 15 of 25 passes for 142
yards including a fourth quarter
touchdown pass to John Bolden.

But the unsung heroes of the
game were the Wildcat offensive
line. The line created big holes for
Baker and Samucls to run through,
which gave Maggard time to hit his

“The offensive line was just
blowing them off the line," Mag-
gard said.

Assistant Sports Editor

A1 Baker is on a tear.

The UK tailback bulldozed his
way for 151
yards and two
touchdowns Sat-
urday, as UK
outscored the
Vanderbilt Com—
modores 28-21.

Baker, who
passed Alfred
Rawls to be-
come thh on
the UK’s all-
time rushing list,
broke the lOO-yard mark for the
third consecutive game. Over the
span, Baker has compiled 443 yards
rushing and five touchdowns. Not
bad for a guy who had managed
only 754 yards in the previous four

When the season began. few peo-
ple envisioned Baker‘s name being
mentioned when the subject of the
Southeastcm Conference’s best
backs came up.

Now, however, people are doing
just that.

“1 think that Al is probably the
best back in the conference, as far
as North and South runners are con-
ccrncd,“ said fullback Terry Stimu-


Volleyball team
finishes second

Managing Editor

The UK volleyball team indisput-
ably finishcd second in the South-
eastern Conference aftcr claiming
two weekend matches.

The Wildcats assured themselves
of a second-place tic Friday night,
after ousting the University of Geor-
gia 15-8, 12-15, 156, 15-7.

They clinched sole-possession of
second place behind conference
champion Louisiana State Universi-
ty Saturday by sweeping the Uni-
versity of Florida 15-8, 157, 18-16.

“Once we lost to LSU, this was
the spot that we were shooting for,”
UK coach Kathy DeBoer said.
“With the youth that we have on our
squad you have to give them

The wins not only boosted UK’s
record to 20-10, 7-1 in the SEC,
but served as confidence-builders
—— especially after losing in five
games Tuesday night to the Univer-
sity of Louisville.

“I thought we played really well,
and we played together as a team
the entire night," UK captain Laura
Linder said. “i think we needed
something to build our confidence.
Mentally, we knew we had to do it."

However, the Cats were playing
short-handed Saturday night against
Florida, as starters Yvette Moore-

hcad. who is suffering from jump-
er’s knee. and Angela Salvatore,
who has a pulled groin, saw limited

But their replacements, sopho-
more Ann Hall and freshman Eu-
nice Thomas, did an excellent job of
picking up the slack. Hall made her
presence felt with 11 kills and four
digs. Meanwhile, Thomas was busy
adding nine spikes of her own.

“They’re great players,“ Linder
said. “Ann Hall did a heck of a job,
and Eunice Thomas did a heck of a

DeBoer said that both Salvatore
and Moorehcad would be back for
Saturday‘s home contest against

Besides being satisfied with
Thomas and Hall, DeBoer also was
pleased with the way Linder has
taken her game to a new plateau.

“The biggest thing that has hap-
pened this weekend ha been in
leaders," DeBoer said. “Laura Lind-
er is a critical key for us. She has
played great the last two nights. Not
that she hasn't played great before.
but what she is doing now is giving
us that intangible confidence that
comes with experience.“

DeBoer who was thrilled with the
two weekend victories hopes UK‘s
success continues.

See VOLLEY, Page 4

The offense moved the ball well
for most of the game, piling up 378
total yards.

The UK running backs knew ex—
actly what they had to do. For tail-
back Al Baker, it was to gain big
clumps of yardage at a time.

“It was easy," said Baker, laugh-

For freshmen fullback Terry
Samuels, it was to pick up impor-
tant first downs and help the team
run time off the clock.

Late in the fourth quarter, the
Cats had the ball and the lead, but
they were facing a second down
with seven yards to go. The Van-
derbilt offense was waiting anxious-
ly to come on the field and score, to
win the game.

But that would not happen.

Terry Sarnuels took the handoff
and ran up the middle, shedding
would-be tacklers for a 13—yard

There was nothing the Vanderbilt
players could do but watch the
clock tick away.

“We had to get the first down, I
ran through in my mind what I had
to do and did it,“ Sainucls said.

The Cats have completed the first
and easiest step of their goal —— fin-
ishing the season with a winning
record in the SEC.

“To have three wins in the SEC
and to go on, l’m excited," UK
coach Bill Curry said.


"Once he gets those legs going
there are not too many people that
can tackle him or even want to tack—
le him. If I was a defensive back, I
don’t think i‘d want to hit him ei-
ther. He is a big, fast man running
among boys. That’s how it seems
#A like little kids are trying to tackle

UK coach Bill Curry had similar

“i think Al is a candidate for any
all-star team,“ Curry said. “i believe
we have the best backs in the SEC."

Saturday, few could have argued
with that assessment. In addition to
Baker's sterling pcrfonnancc, Stim—
ticls pounded his way to 75 yards
rushing, most of them coming in
heavy traffic up the middle.

The difference between the two
backs‘ styles __- Baker spent the day
running around the end ,, proved
to be effective.

“1 always like to run outside."
Baker said. “Whenever i get inside i
always try to bounce it out. so i
guess I‘m an outside runner.“

Baker gave the Cats their first
lead of the game halfway through
the first quarter on a 4-yard run on a
sczmipcr around the right end. The
run capped Ll drive that spanned (s5
yards - . il of which camc on sewn
Baker curries.






UK senior split end John Bolden takes off downtield on a kickoff return as teammate Von. .‘shr:scn
squares off and heads downtield to block for him Bolden scored the winning iC‘UCthWf'l :r UK's .vi-n

Baker terrorizing opponents

In the second quarter. Baker
knocked down one would-be trickier
and jumped met another on his way
to a ‘l—yaitl touchdown run. The
score gave [K a 2l~14 halftime

Baker, a senior from Cadiz, Ky,
is enjoying the best year of :in inju-
ry-plzigucd career. As .i freshman,
he broke his ankle iii only the third
game of the season. After surgery
that involved the implanting of sev-
en screws and .i metal plate in the
Lurklc, he was granted a iiicdit‘ul

The following \cztr. Baker siif»
fcrcd Ll kin-c sprain in the eighth
game of th' season [he injury rc-
stiltcd in arthroscopic surgery dur-
ing the oil‘scnson to tchiir dam»
aged tamingc

After the trials and trihtilntions of
Li difficult airccr, Baker \Lilti ill\
faith in (iod Llllti thc ltiith his new
coach had in him how illLliiC things
come together in lWll.

“1 just prayed .i lot." he said. “i
stuck with the team because I hoped
coach Curry would make d differ~
cncc, and he has He has taught me
that even though things aren‘t going
right to keep your head up and
things will workout lorttic."

See BAKER Page 4


UK junior Cathy DeBuono was just one of the reasons that the UK
volleyball team beat Georgia and Florida this weekend.

UK flanker Hut Johnson nets


Miro. CHVIUQ detnnw an n‘
terback Freddie .‘Jaotimd “ [(15317 ton“

9 up s’ioo

Skating brothers
help Cats to Victory

By Al Hill
Staff W'iter

Outside the
.’l hanncr tend»

Liberty \.l\ kci
probablv “mild : o: .: 'rcc

t‘olicst ::.iiii

't"l\l‘~.‘ .. t'w.:;i
\EI Kilt“?
\‘ .ttt .
.iid ~ .v.iit.'l hit 2% \
.lrttlhcts of;
,w iriiicd ..:ouod trio 1
.l | \st‘ckentl. .oiiibiitiiii' t it .l ill.zli‘f
t'.\ i‘l lilt‘ (.l'f‘i (lib

”till t Ml mutt“
iln‘th :‘ hiltt'

l. t'ilit‘l


cy tcniu
d the

Ti ‘
k ---







E Y c L U B i '

.iiltl \lt‘


Baptist lender ism i.il\\cll's tnsti~
tution. “illit‘ Z'ill‘ft‘HllQ their record
to b-l, h\ "t'illlllg I ibcrtv t'ollcgc
12- i. to :.

Though t‘i.‘ t Lits seemed to titlllllr
iiatc almost . \t‘f\ minute of .iction.
thlr t’otith null Liberty t‘l‘dyt‘d
tough with the limited talent they

teams ..

ek‘llcuc Is one 0f ”16
l'hcv were ready to go
toe-trying \Hlil its the) just
didn't hilh ihc inanrmwcr," said
Cool (Kits . oath l‘hil Davenport.

Although the (‘ool (‘ats scored 22
goals this weekend, the defense
played lcnlit'iiitisly.

The (iii ilctcnsc, led by goaltcnd
cr (.‘uri Roberts. would not allow
the Libcio lt‘.llll to establish any of-

! ‘llst‘lllil
it left (hotter scored three l'l \111117
,1,” \ wcckcnd t .ippcr

"it‘ll l\' the heart of our dclcnsc
lies emerging .is .1 bond tide lead
cr," Duicnport stud

Although the (‘ool (Kits h.i\c
been hit with injuries. players like
Chad Wagner, Art Wickson and
Doug Koop, illTlOng others. have
been supplying a balanced attack.

“Wc'vc had one injury ililt‘l' ;in
other, btit because no have so lllllki