xt7qrf5kdh83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qrf5kdh83/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-02-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 2000 2000 2000-02-15 2020 true xt7qrf5kdh83 section xt7qrf5kdh83 m

Eating disorders



Deliberate self.
starvation with
weight loss.

Intense, persistent fear
of gaining weight.

Refusal to eat, except
tiny portions.

Continuous dieting.

Denial of hunger.

Compulsive exercise.

Excessive facial/body
hair because of
inadequate protein in
the diet.

Abnormal weight loss.

Sensitivity to cold.

Absent or irregular

Hair loss.


Preoccupation with food.

Binge eating, usually in

Vomiting after bingeing.
Abuse of laxatives.
diuretics, diet pills or

drugs to induce

Compulsive exercising.




February 15, 2000

Oscar picks

A look at the
and some past
mistakes l5




Students front area universities protested sweatshop labor near the Fayette Mall. Orion won, a UK psychology
senior, Amelia Davis. a 0K French and international economics sophomore and Carrie Blaydes. a Transylvania English


and French sophomore, protested In the cold weather Friday evening.






face eating

UK cares: Disorders such as anorexia and
bulimia are prevalent on campus

By Toni Knight


Hollywood and the fashion industry 's super leanness fad still
sends the message that thin is in

liut this "thin" ideal ofbeauty has ittsulted in an alanningamount
ofcollege men and women falling prey toeatiiig disoitleis.

A National (‘ollege ilealtli Risk liehavior Survey conducted
in 1995 found that 12 percent of students. oroiieout ofeyery four.
uses extreme measures. like starvation. liiiigeing and purging
and diet pills. for weight control.

The University Health Service and l'K l‘ARliS tt‘ounselmg.
Awareness. Resources and l-Iducatioiial Servicesl. a student and
community organimtion dedicated to the treatment and preven
tion of eating disorders. presents “;\ Week for livery liody." a
week ofcanipus events for National liating i)l.\tll'llt‘l'\ ;\\'\'ill‘t'l‘ll'\\
Week. Feb. 12-19. The group hopes to educate l'ly' Students about
the dangers ofealing disorders.

The Lifetime 'l‘elevision video. "i :\m lieautitul.” will lie
shown iii the Student (‘enter 'I‘lieatre from ti tiiitil T pin. on
’l‘hursday. FelHT.

National Eating Disorders .»\\\areiiess Week will wrap up on
campus. Friday. Felt. 18. with a speech called "The Road to Re»
covery" about the personal experience of someone who has had
an eating disorder. in the Student (‘enter'l‘heatre from i to ‘1 pin.

Vonnie Bailey. an undeclared freshman and resident iii
lilanding 'l‘owet' said. "Eating disorders are definitely a big deal
on this campus when people vomit in the showers so much that i
can smell it.”

.lill Kindy. a dietitian and health educator with University
Health Services who treats students with eating disorders at the
(‘ounseling and Testing (‘eiiteiz said the ileallli Service takes a

Channel "team approach" to treating victims.

(channel 35 on i The first goal is to stabilize the patients medically. then deal
cable) ‘ with the psychological aspects of the disorders and finally to iii-
lZ p.m. ‘ corporate nutritional counseling
3 pm. Kindy said it is important to find the "why" oftlie lieliziviors

33309-"1- through psychological testing before nutritional counseling

4330 D-"l- otherwise no progress can be made.

Mon.-Frl. Hollywood ideals. along with confusing misinformalion and
societal pressure have led to an increase iii the incidence ofeat
ing disorders. Kindy said. Eating disorders are a coping mecha
iiisiii for sullei‘ers.

(‘urrently there are no statistics for the rate ofeatiiig disor
ders on liK‘s campus. but a research project to look at the eating
attitudes and lieliaviors of 17K students is underway. says Dr.
(ialiriella l’essah. a staff psychologist specializing in eating dis-
orders at the University (‘ounseling and Testing (‘enler

l’essah does believe. however. that [K matches Eating Dis-
orders Awareness i’revention statistics that .3 to 10 million girls
and women and 1 million boys and men struggle with eating dis

“In the last 2h years we have seen an increase in the cultural
pressures that glorify an unrealistically thin body type and place
extremely high value on creating the 'perfect body.” she said.
"individual difficulties paired with cultural pressures teach
young women that their bodies are not acceptable and that they

Eating disorders

Without treatment. up to 20% of people with
eating disorders die

lsflfituiifidents enjoy saga

By Jill Gorin "'l‘hey fantasize and think about it." he said. “A
Broken blood vessels in news EDll'DR w lot of people watch shows on dating. lilind dating and

the eyes. ‘ , .. , all."
For some. the horror of saying "i do is too much But he said when it comes to

film: tbhvli‘iklii;1(l)}(])iillligl::tilglli:§(llt() Rut 5‘0”“? “W ”l” ”1“” actually tying the knot. students “AW

‘ ‘ - ‘ . . ‘ ' . . seem toliecontenton waiting. eddng
The Wedding Story. a popular television show on "The trend is m wail u W; said. Story"

The Learning (Thannel has intrigued many females. "We're seeing students that .m,
The story shows how a couple met and takes waiting “Wm married.”

viewers through their process of organizing their iirock said {hp added slt‘t‘Ss‘t‘S

3:319:11]:[grillilflti‘fylu(£591,112?!) and “10mm” n are that come with marriage seem to

* ‘ . ' ' . , _ be enough to steer undergraduate
"ll shows you many different couples from (litter- “whims {may

cut backgrounds." said Mia Conner. an English and “They “Arum {hp (am-q Ni
. i - . i . , ( i . t V

' ‘ - i ' - " ' I . i . l v . . j ‘

political science jtlnlm. l lliyt. to see how they met. sponsiliilitv that comes with mar-

who they are and what got them to this point. ri'i ,0 .. he said .. \nd they don‘t
Some students simply enjoy seeing others take 'f f‘ ' t 1‘ ' x ‘ t" l . .1

the plunge. want (.)~~ )ccomt non tat Itiona
“lt‘sjust nice to see that it does work out for some “tudmt” . , ‘

people." said Eltx Himmler. a political science junior. , B?" 5‘31““ students “‘"(h 1h"
Gregory Brock. a professor in the department of W‘3d_‘_111}‘s’ Stoiy [0 i101 $01119 Ulla." ‘ . _

family studies. said it‘s normal for females and males . ll 5 s01 Kl fOF getting Ideas. said Krista Mcilone.

alike to look forward to their dream wedding and an Integrated strateslc cgmmumcationsJunior. "l in

marriage. practically engaged now.

Swollen salivary glands.


Physical Problems From
One 0r Both Diseases

Malnutrition. On The Learning

Serious heart, kidney
and liver damage.

Intestinal ulcers.
Ruptured stomach.
Tears of the esophagus.
Tooth/gum corrosion.

problems from
both diseases


miss It
virtuoso, Kenny
Garret performed
Slum Mom at
Siegletary Center
as part of the
Student Activities
Board's Spotlight
Jan Series. For
more information
on The She's
concert series
call zsr-rics.

Shame and guilt.
Mood swings.
Low self-esteem.


impaired family and With treatment. only 2-3% oi people with eating disorders die
social relationships.

With treatment, 60% of

people with eating disorders

With treatment. 20% of people with eating disorders
make only partial recoveries

With treatment, 20% of people with eating disorders
make no recovery

"All or nothing"

thinking. mm I


Compiled by:
Samantha Essid

THE 411

wen ther

5.5 4.2

Not too bad consider-


.anred.co 7 stats.html




openers into the abundance of
dieting. including one estima-
tion that 40-50 percent of Amer-

liave to worry about our self
in‘iage." Kindy said.
This is the first year that

Sponsored by the UK
Health Services and UK
CARES (Counseling. Aware:

By Nikole Wolfe

ing it's February.


VOL. ithS ISSUE 88101


News tips?
Call: 257-1915 or write:


Eating disorders continue
to prevail as a major problem
among college age students. As
a result. UK and other. schools
are sponsoring the “Week For
Every Body." a weeklong effort
to inform students about the
dangers and prevention of cat
ing disorders.

The Love Your Body Fair
took place in the Student Cen-
ter small ballroom yesterday
as the first event of the week.

ness. Resources and Education-
al Services). this event served
to increase awareness of eating
disorders among college stu-
dents and to offer information
about prevention and cures.
.lill Kindy. the health edu-
cation coordinator of Health
Services. said she hopes the
fair created awareness of the seri-
ousness of eating disorders.
“Imagine how much more
happy we would be if we didn‘t

The Student New

UK has sponsored the fair and
its activity schedule in con-
junction with National Eating
Disorders Awareness Week.

Facts. statistics and per-
sonal testimonies about eating
disorders Were displayed about
the ballroom. Activities en»
gaged students while teaching
them basic facts about the dis-
order and how to tell if some-
one sutfers from it.

Some statistics were eye-


ican women are trying to lose
weight at any point in time.

Several students partici-
pated in the fair, including Far
rah iiallerd. a dietetics junior
and president of UK CARES. a
student organization that to
cuses on the prevention and
treatment of eating disorders.

“Eating disorder informa-
tioti should be stressed and
made widely available on cam-
puses." Bailerd said.

of Kentucky, Lexin l


incxroucctx | xterm sum

Dr. Lisa Gaetke, professor of nutrition and food
sciences, and Danielle Oakley, pyschology doc-
toral student, discuss eating habits at the fair.




2 I new; 598955! 15- 2000 "I W m


The Low-down

For 50
years, his
keen eye,
his good

heart and
his active
and pen
given life
to the
rable cast
of charac-
ters ever
to enliven
our daily


- M
Charles II.
Schulz. 77. who
died Saturday

22 die in Georgia tornadoes

t‘AMILLA. Ga. Tornadoes slashed
through southwest Georgia early yesterday.
killing at least 22 people anti injuring more
than ion. The Mitchell County town of Camilla
appeared to be hardest hit. with a tornado cut-
ting a five-mile path through a housing develop-
ment south of town. “All you heard was a roar.
woo-woowoo.“ said Johnny Jones. whose mo-
bile home south of (‘amilla was lifted up and
thrown on its side. He said be freed his 14-year-
old son. who was pinned under a washing ina-
chine. They then crawled out a window

Cyanide could poison food chain
BI'I)AI’ES'I‘. Hungary A cyanide spill
that polluted the Danube and Tisza rivers in
central Europe will “poison the whole food
chain" for years to come. a Hungarian environ-
mental official said yesterday Zoltan [lies the
head of Hungary's environmental committee in
parliament. called the spill ”the biggest envi
ronmental catastrophe since Chernobyl." (the
world's worst nuclear accident). “The fact that
heavy metals also got into the rivers means an
even worse problem (than the cyanidei." he
said in a television interview. The spill origi-
nated in Northern Romania and moved into
Hungary and Yugoslavia. The poison eventual-
ly diminished to nonlethal levels. Iiut not
without destroying the river's wildlife habitat.

Tine Columbine students murdered

LITTLETON. Colo. ’I‘wo (‘olumbine High
students were found dead early yesterday
morning after a shooting at a sandwich shop
about two blocks from the school. which is still
reeling from the worst school shooting in LXS.
history. A woman who worked at the Subway
sandwich shop was driving by and noticed a
light on inside. Since the business was sup»
posed to be closed by 10 pin. she stopped. went
inside and found the bodies of a 15-year-old boy
who also worked there anti a 16-year-old girl.
police said. The victims were dating. a relative

Clinton optimistic about Mideast

WASHINGTON . President Clinton said
yesterday that the Middle East peace process is
"in a little tough patch right now." but that he
remains optimistic about reaching agreements
between Israel and the Syrians. Palestinians
and Lebanese. The president said he hoped for
progress in the next few weeks. He said peace
was in the interest of all parties. and that they
are close on substantial issues. The president
was interviewed by (‘NN in the Oval Office in
what was billed as his first on-Iine news inter-

Comedian David
Letterman will
return to taping
his late-night
CBS tallt show
on Friday - five
weeks after
surgery. his
producer said
Monday. The
new show will
be aired next

Rosie O'Donnell
made good on
her word to be
a phone friend.
On Sunday
night's broad-
cast ot “Who
Wants to Be a
the talk show
gueen helped
out contestant
Jerry Halpin,
who selected
her as his life-
line. (Rosie had
told Halpin that
if she were
wrong, she'd
pay him the
money out of




Don't weigh your self esteem —
it's what's inside that counts!

A Week for Every Body


Feb. 14—18, 2000

Activities daily at the

Watch for details in the
Campus Calendar and

Enter to win an autographed football
or basketball at each event

For more information. contact Jill Kindy at
323-5823 ext. 238 or Gabriella Possah at 257-8701 W

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Battling rise In lymphoma studied

WASHINGTON (‘ancer experts are
launching major studies worldwide seeking
reasons for a baffling rise in lymphoma in the
United States while many other types of cancer
are diminishing. Lymphoma cases have nearly
doubled since the 1970s. Scientists want to
know whether pesticides. air pollution. viruses.
obesity or other things are responsible. Mean-
while. doctors are testing promising new im-
munotherapies for the worst type non-
Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Lymphoma attacks the
immune system.

Spacecraft orbits asteroid

LAUREL. Md. A robot craft yesterday he-
came the first spacecraft to orbit an asteroid.
settling into a Valentine's Day rendezvous with
a space rock named for the Greek god of love.
The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous. or
NEAR. spacecraft automatically fired for 57 sec
onds and then signaled success to Earth. NEAR
will spend a year in orbit of Eros. dropping to
lower orbits. It will gather basic research that
one day may help humans defend the Earth
against a "killer asteroid" like the one thought
to have wiped out the dinosaurs.

Dow climbs 83; NASDAQ is up 9

NEW YORK The Dow Jones industrial
average is up 83.46 to 10.508.67 just before the 4
pm close yesterday. Decliners on the New
York Stock Exchange outnumber advancers‘
1.6tlS-I.Itll. The NASDAQ Composite Index is up
9.05 to -t. torso. Among Dow components. Alcoa
rose 3 13 16 to TI 5 8. United Technologies rose
2 1 10 to Jo 7 16 and Exxon Mobil rose 2 3 4 to
38:; I. (In the NASDAQ. software maker Med
ical Manager Corp. soared 22 I ’4 to 87 1, 4 after
agreeing to be acquired by Healtheon WebMI).
a provider of health care information. NetOptix
rose 17 1 I to 15:; 1 i on the news that it will be
acquired by (‘orning for $149.18 per share. or
about $2 billion in stock. NetOptix makes filters
used in fiber-optic technology.

Haselt won't retire yet

BL'FFAI.(). NY. Dominik Hasek will play
next season. backing off on his plans for retire-
ment because of an injury that has limited his
play this year. He said in a news conference
that the reason he's staying is that the injury
made him miss so much of the season - three
months - that he had hoped to have a full. good
season with the Buffalo Sabres before filling a
desire to return to his native (‘zech- Republic.
Hasek is a twortime Hart and five-time Vezina
Trophy winner. He‘s 270-2 since returning Feb.

Compiled from wire reports.



Southern voters
make opinions heard



percent to 23 percent)

Whicheftlw capddatesdoyol

What is the biggest issue facing the
United States today?

- health care, it! percent

- education. 8 percent

- Social Security, 7 percent

- taxes. 6 percent

- crime. 5 percent

- federal deficit, 5 percent

- economy. 4 percent

- poverty-homelessness. 3 percent
- drugs, 3 percent

- lack of family values, 3 percent
- abortion. 3 percent

- other, 29 percent

The poll of 824 adults in
nine Southeastern states
- Alabama, Florida.
Georgia, Kentucky,
Mississippi, North
Carolina, South Carolina,
Tennessee and Virginia -
was taken Feb. 2-9. It
has an error margin of
plus or minus 3.5 per-
centage points, higher for




in Gerontology

are available to promote the study of aging at
all levels for all disciplines.

Applicants must be enrolled in. or accepted for. an

undergraduate. graduate or

professional program of the University of Kentucky.

Application forms are available from the Donovan
Scholars Program, University of Kentucky. Ligon House.
658 South Limestone Street, Lexington KY 40506-0442

or the Financial Aid Office.

Phone: (606) 257-2657

The Scholarships may range from $800 to

$1000 per yea r.

Applications must be post marked by

March 1 5, 2000.



Sexual Responsibility Week

Good sex and a good
relationship are not always


Approximately one out of
six University of Kentucky
students report they have
never had intercourse.

\bsttnentc Is a choice

The dCCISIOIlS that students make
about sC\ can atTCct school. career
plans. future relationships. and
even future health Scx should be
gutll~frcc and something you can
discuss with the other person.
with protection from unplanned
pregnancy and smually
transmitted diseases

There is a difference between
love and sexual desire.

Sex in a relationship does not
equal commitment.

University Health Service
Appt: 323-2778
Info: 323-5823 ext. 280


timwniiy M [county
I Marti." Medkzl Lcrlr”



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Swimmers a force in SEC

Kudos for Cats: Juniors Aaron Workman and Shaun Zitani
bring home Southeastern Conference honors to UK

By Will Nasser


Juniors Aaron Workman and Shaun
Zitani came to Hi in the fall of 1997 wanti-
ng to add balance to a i'ix' team loaded
with distance swimmers.

"We like to think when we first got
here UK had one sprinter and that was
pretty mucii it it was pretty iiiucii a dis-
tance program." Workman said. "We like
to think now that we've changed that."

Workman atid Zitani have more than
tnet their goals they have turned the
teatn upside down. l'K‘s strength now lies
in its sprinting.

Zitani has been natned Male SEC
Swimmer of the Week twice this season
and is undefeated in the 30-yard freestyle.
His time of 20.1.} seconds on .lan. 29
against Cincinnati is the 13th fastest in
the country. Last year. Zitani set a new
school record in the 50-yard freestyle with


a time of 19.97 seconds.

Workman has the team‘s second
fastest time in the 50-yard freestyle and
the third fastest time in loo—yard freestyle
this season. He ranks in UK's all-time top
five in the 50 and loo-yard freestyies. He
has also been a part of three school
record—setting relays.

Workman and Zitani‘s success helped
i'K bring in a talented freshman class this

"They're both real likable guys, _ . .
and they've swunt real well." said head
coach Garry Conneily. “They‘re both real-
ly good advertising."

During their three years at i'k’. Work-
man and Zitani have developed a close
friendship. Besides being roommates.
they spend 20 hours a week together prac
ticing in the pool.

"We hang out all the time. We're real
1y good friends." Zitani said.

The two rely on one another to pro-

vide motivation and encouragement.

“We pretty much push each other . . .
he‘s the biggest competition i have. so
every day is kind of like a meet with us
racing against each other." Workman

“it‘s been a great three years having
somebody to train with.“ added Zitani.
“We know we‘ll be pushing each other and
that‘s been really good for both of us."

Workman and Zitani have qualified
for the US. Olympic Swimming Trials
and plan on training this summer to pre-
pare. However. they said their best shot at
making the team would be for the 2001

“its good to know that you have a
chance to go to trials and step up there
with all the. big boys." Zitani said. "ilut re-
ally. if we wanted a good shot at the team.
we would probably have to wait another
four years."

Workman doesn‘t have a problem
with waiting four more years. as long as
he has someone to train with.

“If there‘s any way we can stay to-
gether. i‘m ready to keep going. because i
shoot to go after him."


Equestrian team fairs well at Morehead



.3: .«o

The long legs of a Keeneland stud makes its rounds before a
race. it you like horses, join UK's Equestrian club.



For all you horse en-
thusiasts out there. UK has
an equestrian team that
competes year round at var-
ious colleges throughout
Kentucky and Tennessee.

It presents a wonderful
opportunity for full-time
students to partake in an
activity without having to
own your own horse.

The UK equestrian
team competed this past
weekend in the western
equestrian meet held at
Morehead State University.

The UK Equestrian
team encourages anyone
who loves horses and is in-
terested in competing at
horse shows to join the
team. it is a wonderful club
and a great pastime. Coti-
tact Brandy Blaine at 221%
7898. if interested.


ts 0K students competed against six other
collages and universities and finished
extremely wall in savoral categories. Their
names and results are as follows:

Katherine Auchter: 4th, 4th, 4th. 6th
Martha Auchter: 5th, 6th

Rachael Barnett 5th, 6th

Brandy Blaine: 2nd. 6th

Stephanie Cline: tst. lst, 3rd, 3rd, 4th, 6th
Sam Currons: tst, 2nd, 5th. 5th
Laura Dierclrs: tst, lst, 3rd

Valerie Fonorrovr: tst, lst, 2nd, 6th
Shelby Hickey: 5th, 5th, 5th

Kaolin Redmond: 2nd

Kevin Schuite: lst, lst, tst, 5th

Jodie Schultz: lat, 5th, 5th, 6th

Sara Strange: 2nd, 5th. 5th

Jordan Strichtar: 3rd, 4th, 4th, 6th
Erin Vloodalt: lst, 2nd, 3rd, 5th


itcarucrflty aghast—j‘jiiison.traruiiivis, 2000 | 73


Smith weathers
criticism proudly

By ‘l’assica Cummins
contmeuTnc wniirn

Saul Smith might be one of

the most scrutinized players in
college basketball. Despite all
of the criticism his personality
and his game have remained

“i‘ve always been in the
spotlight or under the micro-
scope so this is nothing new."
admitted Smith. son of [K
coach Tubby Smith. "1 just go
out there and have fun."

Smith has played in every
game this season. starting all
but one. and he hasn‘t missed a
practice. He. also leads the team
in assists and is second in free
throw shooting and steals. He
made his first start as point
guard when Kentucky played

“i wear that title proudly."
Smith said. “because the great
point guards that came before
me were class acts and i look
back at them as a good blue-
print for me."

Perhaps nobody had a
greater impact on Smith's ca-
reer than former UK point
guard Wayne Turner. Smith
was Turner's backup en route
to UK's national championship
in 1998.

"I picked up a lot from
Wayne." Smith said of Turner.
who led the (‘ats to two consec-
utive Final Fours in 1997 and
1998. “He is what you call a
‘student of the game.‘ meaning
he lived and breathed basket-
ball. He taught me the way to
be successful was to love the
game and play with a passion."

Turner's most important
advice to his protege? “You can
never practice enough." Smith

But countless hours in the
gym may never be enough to
satisfy some fans' expectations.
You know the rap: Smith
shouldn't be starting. he‘s out
of control. he's daddy‘s boy.
daddy‘s girl and everything
else opposing SEC student bod.
ies conjure up. Smith‘s heard it

"The criticism 1 get. i never

really hear or allow myself to
hear." Smith said. “Those peo-
ple cannot really determine
what the team is doing just
us. the coaches arid the admin

’i‘eammates know the heck»
ling Smith gets. Freshman
guard Keith iiogans called the
criticism tough but expected.

”He should expect it be»
cause he's the coach's son and
he‘s an easy target." ltogans

in Sunday’s loss to l.Sl'.
Smith sparked a late second
iialf run for i'K by draining
consecutive three pointers.
which helped cut a once 2o
point Tiger lead to t'i\e Smith
finished with a team high 1.”.

“He's a great leader on and
off the court because he‘s been
here." i'i\' forward Marvin
Stone said. “He‘s a good point

Smith has learned a lot
while being a basketball player
at l'K.

“You have an idea of what
hard work is when you are in
high school but at the collegiate
level basketball consumes
everything you do." Smith said.
“The time and work put into
being a good player is enor»

This season has seen the
(‘ats struggle out of a 4-1 record
to a 17.7 one. Through it all.
Smith said. the coaches atid
players have remained ex
tremely positive.

“We were iii every game
down to the end. and we just
knew it was a matter of time
before we were pullitig those
tight games out with victories."
he said. “Everyone of our goals
are attainable now."

The next goal for Smith.
who was part of the 199798 na
tional channiionship team as a
freshman. is to lead the (‘ats to
back to the game‘s mecca once

“it felt great to get a ring as
a freshman." Smith said. "Now
the only feeling that could top
it would be to win another



Wanna be in

Student Development Council?

Come to this year’s Membership Reception .’

THE \fitp


Tuesday, February 15, 2000
357 Student Center
7:30 p.m.


'Ormtunonlor Imarnsiapi undShodovmp I0 Ilurn Ill Stud ’it
”Mortim- Your Test Storm Workshop 1730 I 70pm, from "all

’Math109-Zi350ll23=4d50 203 iramiidi
'ingl01 H 15pm Hoirrlalwtfmmnloliroom
'Sponrsit 57. IIoirnaslngaliB flown (mm inii
'History IOB “09 74 tioirmiwnge
‘tiistory 104 “05 ”pm 306 (mm

. ‘Phyuri 79pm, tidrmiounpa

'Mnthb i0wn. (orrlnorrs MA

'Abhu Phi Oriana, 730m, 359 Student (N
m 730w. WSIN Uranri
'Soooi Wort Assor ‘30. tth floor POT
'Graan limit 0pm Kaanaiond lirn of Voting library
: 701 Storm H ”chord Horror Fraternity lush 7pm 7ll Stud tti
’ ‘ttntonroi Panpartimonlodyimooa Horn Stud (tr Sm Ballroom
‘ '1) amount. 09m. Snot-m (tr
. 'Moviai‘heDooriprrnWorshornMre
1, 529m
j i'ioelvonDoOiA 130mm". Gyrniott



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; i'fhermtryiiOpmttoIrnasiounnaalrn limit

: i'Mothbii) tioirrmOowoornld'iwnhrrvaOfl

j'Sponnti Mom Nominhrmfiaiihl‘l (muml
‘ t'ttstorleBtiO‘t.24,(orrIrnorisBolroom
i ’fiendt U (untold


‘Ihinioythtitlm lprn (hrm‘onSrudantian-it'u
' ‘imhnmfotmllipqutistwdlhm

'1 'Devotronandimvh 12pm loprtrd Drum 51

‘PtaS-ymfiiiohottdiiw‘twyrzyluh 7arrt.7|l Stud (tr
'Hriimitoittmslious (tr
Limited Space Still Available ,
FROM lr‘nogmn partying to. 7 days ‘ h
s 5 9 9“. w m i 100 or ye-ur (loans!
"now (wands as you wit! its. popular

‘(anwsoimdeior 0|th 730 will
plrr‘q Irooln pom oi Cozumel

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1 —
‘- Afljflif
“es '1 i ii mow rmm Holt Wed
‘tiistory i085l09 689m ttoirrmlounqe
'[ng lol 69 lSprn tioimu (ioisroomt. (omrnom Ballroom
'Sponish SI Hoitnas (losuoorn L i 30 I 30 306 lorrmm
'Dinnar at the Dorms with the Natal/tomb Student Dig It 1', Blow Hull
‘iabie Truman 35pm Moqx loom (nIr iStt Stationl
'UKIIOW lprn Tim llSSludent (tr
'Pie Moi Many Stud Asset 7pm 70‘) Stud (ti
‘SAI Hormorrangiomm 75m 703 Stud (tr
'lenw Soil defense [M ”from Humor Gym loh
'loe Boning Spin Baptist Stud Union
‘Mensiiiiplin National liprn lupplienu
'Ul (hitting (Tub 6pm (Mimiiym Sb
‘0‘! Wind interim 89m Singleton (tr
'Arrhrtarture l7 ' 30”in 7'“ Km St
‘Ul Symphony Orrhestru Born Sindetory tit
we r (mung 8pm fictional Miro no 740713

ampus alen ar
'(herrlstry 7 10pm HmrMmuter lob
'Omirron Delta Kappa 530V" 706 Stud (r:
’Vtrin onidberq photography 4m til Art Muyeurr

l’v‘ebruamo 4 - F ebrua 20, 2000
'Moth 6 9pm Noggin lounge
‘UIl Drain-r Am 1 7pm in trillion tinil
wra ow Herr-ital. Bonds 530 9pm ST (mourn

The (aim (uiendor n produtod try the 0"" of Student Admirer Registered S tr and ill Dapts (an \ubrnt l" urination for "It oniuw out Milt ”RN to the MONDAY intormttor to appear at
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 Kimberly Glenn. asst. dialogue editor
Amanda Thompson. asst. dialogue editor

Editorial Board
Christopher Emmick, dialogue editor
Mark Vanderhoff, editor in chief
Gary McCollum. senior staff writer Scott Marchand, at-large member
Natalie Johnson, at-large member
. l - : - - - o l l '

Candice Jackson. at-large member
Lance Pearson, at-large member

Testing your


Gov. Ventura
ventures off

Jesse Ventura should be commended
for standing up for his convictions

Michigan governor Jesse “The Mind” Ventura
has started the next chapter in his ongoing
political saga.

. The man made famous as the non-traditional