xt7qrf5kdm4d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qrf5kdm4d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1969-09-08 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 8, 1969 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 8, 1969 1969 1969-09-08 2020 true xt7qrf5kdm4d section xt7qrf5kdm4d 2792 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday, September 8, 1969, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Ogletree presided. Members absent: H. Martin Blacker*, Michael Bruer*, Virgil L. Christian, Jr., Arthur L. Cooke, Robert L. Cosgriff, George F. Crewe*, Charles F. Davis, Frederic J. Fleron, Denny 0. Harris*, Virgil W. Hays, John W. Hutchinson, William H. Jansen*, Robert W. Kiser*, Albert J. Lott, Richard Mark, Ray Marshall, Gene L. Mason, Michael P. McQuillen*, Arthur K. Moore, Theodore H. Mueller*, Horace A. Norrell, Harold F. Parks*, William R. Proffit, John L. Ragland, Leonard A. Ravitz*, Benjamin F. Rush, George W. Schwert, Robert A. Sedler, Ralph Shabetai, D. Milton Shuffett*, Duane N. Tweeddale, Harold H. Van Horn, Harwin L. Voss, David R. Wekstein*, Claudia E. Wells*, Raymond A. Wilkie, W. W. Winternitz, Donald J. Wood*, N. W. Bradley, J. W. Hollingsworth, George J. Ruschell, Lawrence A. Allen, Charles E. Barnhart, Harold D. Gordon, Charles P. Graves*, Joseph Hamburg, Ellis F. Hartford, Raymon D. Johnson*, Leonard V. Packett, John C. Robertson*, Ernest F. Witte*, Winston E. Miller. The Senate approved the requests of Dick Ware, Kernel photographer; Nancy Clark of WLAP; and Jeannie Leedom, Kentucky Kernel, to be permitted to attend the meeting. The Chairman welcomed the newly elected members of the Senate and asked that they stand and be recognized by applause. The minutes of the Senate meetings of April 14 and April 24, 1969 were approved as circulated. On behalf of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Professor J. E. Criswell presented a Resolution on the death of Professor Richard Joe Amick and recommended that it be spread upon the minutes and copies be sent to the parents of Professor Amick and the parents of Mrs. Amick. The Senate stood for a moment of silence in acceptance of the resolution. Richard Joe Amick was born on a farm near Reynolds, Indian: on October 17, 1932. He died June 13, 1969, together with three other members of his family, as the result of an automobile accident in Thailand. One son, Douglas, age 12, survived the accident. Dr. Amick was a member of the University of Kentucky team working on contract with the Agency for International Development. Joe, the name he used, and his wife, the former Donna Joyce Morris, with their three sons, came to the University of Kentucky in December 1967 with the intention of joining the A. I. D. contract team in Thailand in August 1968. During the few months they were in Lexington, Joe and Donna made many friends at the University, in their church and in the community. Joe often said he wanted to meet as many people as possible whom he would be representing while in Thailand. Dr. Amick was an Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and taught a graduate course in methods of research in agricultural economics during the semester he was on the University campus. He was much interested in the education which his sons would receive in Thailand. *Absence explained [ I i . 2793 Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) I. He was an active member of the Centenary United Methodist ? Church in Lexington. Previously he had taken part in the Scouting 4§§gg program of the First Methodist Church of Griffin, Georgia, and hlfd had served on its Official Board. Dr. Amick was an Agricultural Economist with special interest in farm management. Several of his publications dealt with matters of efficiency in commerical hog production while others treated f farm adjustments in the production of cotton. Still another discussed ‘ the organization of general crop and crop—livestock farms in the Piedmont of Georgia. was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in 1954, the Master of Science degree in 1956 and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1961. He held positions of Assistant and Associate Economist with the Georgia Experiment Station at Griffin for ten years before coming to pfm the University of Kentucky. ""1" \ p f {. His formal training was received at Purdue University where he In Thailand he was studying the organization, operation and manage— ment of Thai farms, with the objective of helping the farmers to improve their efficiency in producing farm products. The study was well underway but not completed at the time of his death. In the tragic death of Joe, Donna, David, and Darryl Amick, l the University has lost a devoted, energetic, talented, Christian f family with great potential for service to agriculture and to society in general. On behalf of the Department of Animal Sciences, Professor W. P. Garrigus reported that a Resolution on the death of Mr. J. E. Humphrey, formerly in Poultry Extension, had been made a part of the minutes in Animal Sciences and he recommended that this Resolution be made a part of the University Senate minutes and that copies be sent to the family of Mr. Humphrey. The Senate stood for a moment of silence in acceptance of this recommendation. James Ellison Humphrey, 75, retired poultry specialist for the University of Kentucky Extension Service, died Wednesday, April 9, 1969. He was born in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky in _ 1894. He served in World War I with the 30th Infantry Divsion i and was wounded twice. f In 1923, he graduated from the University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture and was appointed Field Agent in Poultry in September i.’ of that year. He worked in Poultry Extension until his retirement, f with the exception of one year when he was Coordinator of the { National Poultry Improvement Plan. ‘ In 1924, Mr. Humphrey, helped organize the Certified Breeders n‘ \% Association in Kentucky, ten years before the national organization ‘W "“' of the Poultry Improvement Plan. In 1925, a state organization ’ was started to implement the provisions of the uniform ”Manhattan” plan of poultry improvement. In 1935 this organization became official state agency. Mr. Humphrey was Kentucky representative to Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) the National plan for twenty six years. He was also a Director of the Kentucky Poultry Improvement Association and Secretary—Treasurer of the Kentucky Turkey Association. Mr. Humphrey worked long and tirelessly with the young people [ of the State. He assisted County Agents and Vocational Agriculture teachers in developing poultry judging teams, some of which won State and National honors. He served for seven years as Chairman of the Committee which arranges and conducts the Invitational Inter—State 4—H Poultry Judging contest held in Chicago each year. He was a recognized judge of chickens and turkeys and appeared at many of ‘ the national shows and fairs as judge. I Mr. Humphrey was a former president of the Kentucky Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi, honorary extension fraternity and had received a ”meritorious service" award from this organization. He had also been honored by the Kentucky Poultry Improvement Association and the Kentucky Extension Service. In 1963, he was made a Fellow of the M Poultry Science Association. I Mr. Humphrey retired in 1964, at which time his portrait was commissioned by the Kentucky Turkey Association and presented to the University of Kentucky. It was placed in the Agriculture Science Center. Mr. Humphrey was a member of Masonic Lodge No 1, Alpha Gamma RhQ social fraternity, American Legion and Disabled American Veterans and a member of the board of deacons and a trustee of Calvary Baptist Church. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Ellen S. Humphrey and two sons, James E. Humphrey, Jr. and the Reverend William G. Humphrey. An administrative colleague's recommendation for the Meritorious 1 Service Award concluded with these words "the big accomplishments by Jim were not those stacked up beside his own name, but the many things the rest of us have been able to do because of his untiring ‘ efforts.” The Secretary of the Senate presented the list of candidates for degrees at the August 6, 1969 Commencement, together with a brief summary, and 1 recommended that the candidates be approved by the Senate for recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Senate approved the recommendation as presented. GRADUATE DEGREES ! Ph.D. : Ed.D. Ed. 3. A S S in Agr. S in H.Ec. S.A.E. S.C.E. S. Eng.M. .S.M.E. S. Nuc. E. A in Educ. S in Educ. B.A. S in Acct. S.L.S. S. Pub. Hlth. .8. Music TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEGREES Juris Doctor B.S. Pharmacy UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES Arts and Sciences B.A. B.S. A.B.J. B.M. TOTAL ‘ Agriculture zssssssszsssssss :i‘ix Home Economics Engineering WWWWW .S . Met. Engr. TOTAL Minutes of the University B.S. in Agriculture B.S. in Home Economics .8. Chem. Engr. .8. Civil Engr. .S. Elec. Engr. .S. Mech. Engr. Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES August 6, 1969 84 21 111 11 \O O‘NUJOONH Education A.B. Education Commerce B.S. Commerce B.S. Accounting B. of Bus. Admin. B.S. Bus. & Econ. TOTAL Architecture Bachelor of Arch. SUMMARY Graduate Degrees Professional Degrees Undergraduate Degrees TOTAL 110 19 10 14 46 321 304 631 2796 Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) GRADUATE SCHOOL Lewis Wellington Cochran Dean and Vice President for Research CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Name Robert Eloi Chanteloup Pauline Rose Clance Frederic Mull Crawford, Jr. William Richard Davis, Jr. John Edgar Diller James Edwin Dublin Paul Jon Eenigenburg John Thomas Fangman Randel Allen Flowers William Galati Chitta R. Ghosh Judson Clark Gray Henry Gaston Griggs Steven Earl Hannum Sarah L. Haycraft Enrique Hoyos Stephen Edward Lile Richard G. Marcis Terrence George Marsh Gail Marie Matthews Alan Stewart McCall Ralph L. Place Henry B. Potoczny Teofila V. Rebagay Gloria J. Roddey Brian Scott Rungeling John H. Scalf, Jr. Dennis Harold Schnack Peter Joseph Sehlinger, Jr. James B. Shrewsbury A. Edward Spitz David Griffin Spruill David John Trojan Kenneth E. Webb, Jr. Nancy Andrews Winkelman Major Subject Sociology Psychology History Spanish Diplomacy and International Commerce Psychology Mathematics Chemistry Plant Pathology Physics Microbiology Sociology Biological Sciences Chemistry Psychology Spanish Economics Economics Biological Sciences Psychology Economics Physics Mathematics Chemistry English Economics Sociology Mathematics History Education Economics Animal Sciences Sociology Animal Sciences Mathematics Min! { Address [ Lexington ( North Olmsted,01 Murfreesboro, ‘ Tenn. ‘ Macon, Ga. [ Meursault, Franc? Lexington Mam . ..!i. LeXington +MH\ Ft. Mitchell ‘ Lexington Seabrook, Md. Lexington Louisville Lexington Phoenix, Aria Owensboro ‘ Bogota, Columbia? S.A. Hopkinsville Bowling Green,0. Lexington Lexington Cleveland, 0. Muncie, Ind. Philadelphia, ‘, Pa. ' Mindanao, Philippines Louisville Brooksville, Fla DeLand, Fla. Lexington Louisville Princeton , Terre Haute, Ini‘ Raleigh, N.C. t Eau Claire, Wisbw Fairfield, 0. Lexington «I. ‘lfl. { ( J 5 E l 2797 Mnutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) ? CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF EDUCATION / $1? Name Major Subject Address { Russell Bowen, Jr. Educational Administration Stanton | Joseph Donlan Gormley Educational Administration Versailles ’ William Edward Steiden Curriculum and Instruction Lexington f ; CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF SPECIALIST IN EDUCATION ted,0J Jack Elmo Creech Richmond ro, ; Joanne Carr DeWitt Owenton TEnn.f James Curtis Wilds Versailles \ Franc? CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS firm William T. Baldwin Economics Paris ll Mary Anne Bright Psychology Georgetown Harvey H. Cohen Communications Lexington Md. , Michael D. Curley Economics Binghamton, N.Y. f Shirley Kennedy Cutrer English Hammond, La. } Janis Marie Dieruf French Louisville f Charlotte Balsiger Doctor English Lexington fiZ- l Albert Francis Eldridge Political Science Lexington ‘ Harriett Maricle Fewel French Lexington hmbl&? Mary Ann Fitts English Owensboro S-A- Susanne Phelps Gilliam English Lexington Le Elizabeth Mabel Glock Philosophy Middletown 3en,0 Ruel Lars Godbey Economics Georgetown F Harry Mason Griggs Economics Lexington § Robert Horace Grizzard Psychology McLean, Va. [ B. Donald Grose English Lawrenceburg Jock Douglas Gum Geography Lexington Virginia Floy Haughton History Tulsa, Okla. Allen Kenneth Hess Psychology Bronx, N.Y. e Robert Vernon Hoskins III English Lexington _nes E William R. Klem Economics St. Anthony, Ind. | Robert Arthur Ladner, Jr. Sociology Lexington 5 Fl”? Gene Frederick Larman History Marlow Heights, Md. l' 9 Barbara P. Laviers Communications Irvine Laura B. Luszczynska French Lexington Daniel D. Malone History Lexington . Carolyn Sue Martin French Roanoke, Va. 5 Ind Virginia Anne McDermott Communications Amherst, Wisc. C- fl Barbara P. McNew History Hopkinsville Wiso‘ William Howard McNew History Ashland 0' ‘ Suzanne Parker Miller Psychology Lexington ~ Manindra Kumar Mohapatra Political Science Lexington Ha~ Marie Ann Morgan French Bossier City, La. .3 2*, Rachel Matheis Nett English Louisville {F Eldon Joe Nosari Economics Lexington 5 Janet Dee Ockerman Sociology Danville L. MacKenzie Osborne English Carrboro, N.C. Philip Charles Palmgreen Communications Lexington f . *Edward Odartei Quao Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts cont'd.) Name Joanne Marie Parker Susan Spurr Reid Kittye Delle Robbins John Damien Rotter Marion Leona Same William Allen Shelton Frank Bateman Stanger, Jr. Richard Stoffle William Henry Swatos, Jr. Charles Wellington Thomas II William John Walker George Kenneth Wolfskill James Clarence Wright Jack Andrew Yeager Ronald Kenneth Young Robert Nicholas Yurchuck Michael Turner Zwicker CANDIDATES FOR THE Michael Arnz Brockman Kathryn Ann Daniels Alver J. Dunbar Donald Lee Garren Carter G. Hackney George Thomas Hine William F. Leach Jens Richard Lindemann Bedford Rader McClintic Foree Dennis Milner Charles Edward Pemberton, Jr. Peggy Jane Pruitt James Hubert Ray James G. Stathis Graham Karl Watkins Major Subject Communications Political Science French Classical Languages English History History Anthropology Sociology Sociology Physical Education English French French Political Science History Political Science DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Mathematics Psychology Physics Mathematics Zoology Geology Physical Education Economics Physical Education Economics Physical Education Physical Education Zoology Zoology Zoology (Cont'd.) Address gig Lexington 19F Louisville Annandale, Va. Clifton, N.J. Lexington [ Ft. Worth, Tex.‘ Wilmore , Lexington Lawrenceburg [ Prince George,Vw Niagara Falls,NJ Deerfield Beaduk Independence,Va‘ Colorado Spring, Col. Searcy, Ark. Somerville, N.L Lexington Ft. Madison, Ia Lexington Texarkana, Tex. { Brevard, N.C. Bowling Green Lexington Chicago, Ill. . Chicago, Ill. f Williamsburg, Wflfl Glenview Lexington Louisville Melber Lexington Lexington ‘iit .Ad’ CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE N George Edd Ballard Cluster R. Belcher Carl Bernard Fliermans Roslea Johnston Prateep Krasaesindhu Yan—Wan Liu James Spalding Mudd *Carroll Lee Van Meter Harold Cash Vaught Suda Yimprasert Agronomy Agronomy Agronomy Sociology Agronomy Horticulture Animal Sciences Entomology Agronomy Agronomy Agronomy Berea Lexington Lexington { Radford, Va. y Bangwah, Thailmfl‘ Taipei, Taiwan, China , Springfield M Lexington ( Columbia Thailand Kumasi, Ghana )n, Ia hailand iwan, 3&3 ( f a. 4 I ana Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Name C. Howard Read Major Subject Address Lexington CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Wallace Hampton Tommy Carson Hopkins Jiin—Long Huang Manchester Tremont Taiwan, China CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING MECHANICS James Eli Williams Lexington CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING James Butler Day Clifford David Goss Kauo—hwa Sun Lexington Lexington Lexington CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NUCLEAR ENGINEERING William S. Karsner Lexington CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Amy Lorton Abercrombie Sarah J. Adams Charlotte M. Alderson Anne Howard Baird Frank Lewis Bartlett Lucille N. Bates Lynn Mallard Beck Patricia Jean Bissmeyer Eugene Francis Blaydes Susan Gilliland Boner Charles Richard Bowling James Hollie Brewer Glenn Leonard Brody Carolyn Siler Browning William Coleman Burke John Edward Burns John Vincent Callaghan Marjorie R. Callender Theresa Marie Cash Sandra Osburn Cherry Michael John Chesebro Mary Klatte Chittum Nancy Franklin Church Ann D. Clark Nancy Jane Coates Edna Earl Cobb Philadelphia, Pa. Lexington Lexington Ocala, Fla. Harlan Frankfort Wilmore Lexington Lancaster Nashville Lexington Williamstown Bronx, N.Y. Louisville Harrodsburg Ludlow Suffern, N.Y. Louisville Fancy Farm Valley Station Wayland, Mich. Danville Lexington Frankfort Indianapolis, Ind. Lexington 2800 Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) (Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education cont'd.) _ Name Major Subject Address €339 David Lee Cole Lexington Betty D. Collins Mt. Sterling : Billie Mackey Corbin Louisville Marilyn Myers Couch Lexington Eddie Hulett Cox Nicholasville Robert Lee Crawford Lexington Constance Sletten Cundiff Somerset ‘ Iris Lynn Dann Lexington [ Carol Jo Dayton Wilmore Geneva Brumagen Dennis Cynthiana [ John Courtland Dickinson W. Cape‘ May,NJi Dale Duncan Lexington , Susan Foster Louisville Victor Pryor Gaines Lexington Laura Jean Garnett Hopkinsville Peggy Craig Gay Versailles Nina Hudson Goodman Lexington Jon’K. Groteluschen Lexington Paul McAlister Grumbine New Orleans, La James Franklin Hacker Carrollton Katherine Grace Hall Salem, Ore. E Linda Lee Hamilton Louisville Judson Spencer Harmon Whitley City Joan Karen Harris Huntsville, Ala ( Lenora Harville Lexington Theo S. Hatch Lexington Ann Gail Helman Louisville Mildred Sears Holwerk Lexington ; Ruth Ann Hopkins Russell i Johanna Camenisch Hounschell Arthur L. Isgur Joanne Ames Jeffrey Barbara Jean Johnson Huntsville, Ala. FR Kennard David Jones Lexington ; Gerald Wesley Kays Lexington E Elizabeth Newell Keyes Lexington Richard J. Kryshak E. Northport, NX-i Roy Lee Lauter Wilmore f Harry Grimes Lee Elizabethtown I Alice Sharon Lewis Fern Creek ; Sharon Prater Littrell Lexington } Gary F. Mayrwieser Lexington Martha May McCarthy Louisville Madeleine McCollum Hopkinsville l Sally A. McGovern Swansea, Mass. ‘ Dorothy Adams McInturff Lexington . Jeanne Montgomery Lexington Q? Geraldine Morley Pikeville \‘\ Yvonne C. Moulton Wilmore h Sister Mary Pacella Mueller Covington Pamala Ann Murphy Owensboro Sharon Lee Murray Lexington Midway ‘ Reseda, Calif. Fairfield, Conn ,g~ ing f l . 3 ille [ (i I ( ( .lif. Conn ,r: , Ala.l" f rt, N.Lg I own i Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) (Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education cont'd.) Name Robert Nolan Myers Larry Douglas Neuspickle Jane Nall Northcutt Stephen L. Parker Donald Lacy Parks Charlotte Hibberd Patrick Wilma R. Payne John Anthony Peake Charlotte Hunt Phelps Patricia Anne Pope Von Frederick Powell Diana Jean Prichard Sister Mary Evelynn Reinke Betty Jo Render Ethel Linda Rideout Herbert Hiter Royse, Jr. Doris Jacqueline Safriet Judy Monarch Sauer Thomas Allen Sawyer Mary Patricia Sharp Dorothy J. S. Smith Warren Widau Sproul Reecie Stagnolia, Jr. Anita Teays Stebbins Gary J. Stebbins Diane Barnes Strait Randall Roy Swann Carol Rose Thacker Tommye Saunders Thompson Joan Elizabeth Thomson James Brodene Thorstenberg Martha Ingalls Traynor Emily Whitlock Ware Kathy Bales Webb Anne Genevieve Whitt Ruth Ann Woodrum Major Subject Address Lexington Covington Lexington Highland, Calif. Olympia Valley Station Lexington Elizabethtown Lexington Lexington Louisville Beallsville, O. Covington Owensboro Lawrenceburg Nicholasville Lexington Owensboro Wichita, Kan. Sharpsburg Lexington Warsaw Lynch Norwalk, Calif. Blandford, Mass. Lexington Central City Pikeville Danville Greene, N.Y. Wichita, Kan. Lexington Lexington Louisville Lexington Middletown CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Irvin Harrison Ashlock Hartzel Lee Black Dorris Wayne Bruce William Franklin Cartee Joe Karnes Chumbler Robert Woodson Cox Sandra Lambert Elrod Brenda White Gilmour Anne Cole Hayes Ralph C. Jones Cecil Ray Roundtree Phillip L. Rudolph Cecilia Vienna, Ill. Lawrenceburg Greenup Kevil Paris Falmouth Wilmington, Del. Lexington m Upton London Princeton .‘ V- 32523;“ “ as} A: Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) (Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Education cont'd.) Name Preston Wood Sparks Harry Hayes Taylor William Howard Teague Ronald Duane Williams CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTING David L. Brooks Major Subject Address Eli/pg «V 3 f \ Albany l Lexington Asheville, N.Q Springfield, 0 Nashville, Tenm CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Richard Chaffee Berry Louisville John L. Butler II Independence am Kip Philip Farrington Crete, Ill. it“ Robert Bernard Hensley II Louisville “ John Monroe McCann Frankfort Sandra Lynn Miller Whitesburg ; Walter R. Peak Lexington ? Harry Brown Roush Frankfort ‘ Robert John Schroder Ft. Mitchell I William Leslie Shanklin Louisville James Woodard Tipton Hickman Milton L. Tulkoff Ashland CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN LIBRARY SCIENCE Anne C. Alcorn Lexington Allan Walker Anderson Lexington Mary Jane Anderson Lexington Ruby W. Bolton Somerset Patricia Mae Burgos Akron, 0. Barbara Dean Burns Henderson Michele Calhoun Patrice Callaghan ..§§§;__V/.~_a—K,~ Ft. Wayne, Ind. Atlanta, Ga. { Kay Francis Cordoves Lexington 1 Penelope Glenn Dukes Lexington v Elizabeth Marshall Durbin Covington l Miriam N. Engel Lexington l Lan-Seng Fang Watertowu, Mass-i Janice Skinner Farley Woodbine l Joyce Harris Gaines Lexington Alexander MacGregor Gilchrist Lexington 2 Rose Marie Ham Ashland Sylvia L. Hoffman Alden, Ia. Leonard A. Hoge Earlham, Ia. , Sara Lloyd Holden Hopewell, Va. ‘Ea‘ Carolyn Jean Konnert Richmond, Ind. Elli Elizabeth Evans Kugel Mitchell, S.D- ‘“ Patricia Odell Larsen Berea \ Lawrence Patrick Lynch Lexington Alice Wilson Manchikes Lexington an 2 F a Tenn. ‘ uw all i (“h Ind. {2’ a. f 1., /( Mass. A Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) (Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Library Science cont'd.) Name Major Subject Juanita Berneice Martin Sharon Massengill Sheila Anne Maybanks Norma Jean Miller Martha Lowrey Morgan James A. Nelson Beverly Nickell Perkinson Charlotte Gail Picha Erma Ruth Poarch .GmfldmeJ.P®e Teresa Gayle Poston Edna Roberts Pray Donald F. Reichert Robert Glen Roberts Wayne Huevon Standifer Paul Anthony Taccarino Jon Alan Whitfield Roberta Breene Williams Mintron Suzanne Wise Lois Jean Evans Grace Hoffman Howell CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC Anita Rayburn Morrison Address Yale, Ill. Bristol, Tenn. Cedar Rapids, Ia. Louisville Wilmore Louisville Lexington Independence, O. Emporia, Va. Richmond Hemingway, S.C. Lexington Appleton, Wis. Columbus, 0. Cumberland Lexington Brandenburg Oil City, Pa. Saluda, S.C. Louisville Knoxville, Tenn. Malden, Mass. CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PUBLIC HEALTH John Ahearn Union, N.J. CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Margie Ellen H. Wilson Insun H. Yun Phillip Ray Grogan COLLEGE OF LAW William L. Matthews, Jr., Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR William Thomas Ingerton Robert S. Kinton David Gallimore Powell Carlisle Lexington Lexington Midway Lebanon, N.J. Irvine Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Wimberly C. Royster, Dean (Cont'd.) CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Name Richard Gerald Alvey Mary Jo Archdeacon Patricia Anne Atkinson John Everett Barrett Lee Bernard Becker Dorothy Elizabeth Berger Norma Elaine Berry John Calvin Blake III Susan Sweet Blakney Hubert Lee Burton Elizabeth Politano Butler Wendell Bruce Carver Gene A. Clabes Sharon Hope Combs Beverly Gail Corbin Linda Beavers Couch Stanley L. Craig John Claud Crouch Phillip Dean Damron Paula Keam DeFeo Ralph Wayne Derickson Judith Ann Dorton Linda Hartson Dublin Benjamin Mitchell Edwards Elizabeth Ellen Elam Martha Ann Elam Howard C. Enoch Richard Lee Fain Daniel Brian Fox Jerry Allen Gaines Pamela Kay Gaitskill Julia Allison Gilmore Donald William Girone Robert Silas Goodin Ruth Mathews Gullion Nancy Lynn Gum David L. Hawkins Robert Jay Horner Connie Sue Huff Howard Kenneth Humphress Candace Lane Isaacs Freeman Lee Johnson Robert Bryant Kenney, Jr. John Alexander Komisar Patricia Ann Krieger Karen Sue Lachat Major Subject English History Theatre Arts Sociology Journalism Art Sociology History Art Art English History Journalism History and Political French Mathematics Speech Chemistry Arts—Law Sociology Journalism Germanic and Classical Langs. Topical Chemistry English Psychology Theatre Arts Political Science Psychology Political Science History Political Science Music History French Sociology Psychology Psychology Chemistry History Psychology English History Art English Psychology Address Vi _l__o_,§§l Lexington Houston, Texas Somerset Lexington Cold Spring Winchester, Mam. Stephensburg Cincinnati, 0. Camillus, N.Y. Nicholasville Lexington Hopkinsville Henderson ‘ Hazard Lexington ‘ San Antonio, Tex( Louisville Glasgow 1 Weeksburg . Newark, N.J. Lexington Louisville Lexington , St. Albans, W.VM Lexington Lexington A Hopkinsville fl Lexington ‘(1 Ft. Thomas - Paducah A Lexington Owensboro Lexington Elizabethtown Danville Frankfort Owenton Littles town , Pa. Somerset Mt. Sterling Louisville Dalton, Ga. Lexington .~ Woodland Hills, Calif. Louisville Dayton, 0. :Zgngl‘li_ _llllm \ io, Tem( 2 Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Cont'd.) (Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts cont'd.) Name James Joseph Lambert Helen Rebecca Long Charlotee Taylor McCreary Martha Burton May Paul Douglas Mays Linda Jean Miller Stephen Dale Milner Sondra Marie Moore Francis Edward Nelson Mary Anderson Ockerman Merrily Ann Orsini Thomas Reid Padgett Eugenia Cowan Pierson Mott V. Plummer David Rankin Porter Jan Lee Prickett Craig Robert Reynolds Mary Bowman Ringo Howard Kay Rosenberg Rosalind Moore Rosenstiel Julie Ann Runyan Sara Judith Smiley Gene Vance Smith Louise Lowry Smith John B. Southard, Jr. Philip Andrew Stalnaker Raymond Darrell Stamper Pamela Powell Stoltz Janet Reitmeier Taylor Michael V. Thompson Christine Yvonne Thornton David Thomas True Gary Lee Turner Walter William Turner Ann Eleanor Wallace Glenna Wayne Wash Henry Watson III Edwin Dean Willhite Robert P. Wilson Lynn David Wiseman Thomas Stephen Witt Michele Lovett Wright Major Subject Political Science Sociology Sociology Sociology English Political Science Political Science and History Psychology Chemistry Social Work Political Science Sociology Chemistry Political Science Sociology History History Psychology Social Work English English History and English Sociology Topical Chemistry Psychology Biology Psychology Telecommunications History English Psychology Political Science Political Science Topical English Political Science Music Chemistry English Economics Music CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Larry Morgan Ayres Dale Thomas Blankenship Brenda Lee Bond Mario Adalid del Cid Jeanne Claire Duncan Jeffery Kent Evans Microbiology Chemistry Botany Zoology Microbiology Botany Address Lexington Waverly Tompkinsville Danville Henderson Macon, Ga. Louisville Frankfort Lynn, Mass. Lexington Louisville Lexington Lexington Vanceburg Lexington Erlanger Westport, Conn. Lexington Louisville Lexington Frankfort Prestonsburg Winchester Paris Anchorage Pikeville Columbus, 0. Madisonville Lexington Lebanon Gahanna, O. Frankfort Frankfort Lexington Saddle River, N.J. Lexington Mt. Sterling Eminence Vanceburg Lexington Louisville Lexington Glencoe Covington Benham Lexington Farmingdale, N.J. Cumberland Minutes of the University Senate, September 8, 1969 (Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science cont'd.) Name Gary Lee Foster Donald Joseph Hillenmeyer, Jr. Frederick Joseph Meister Frederick William Meyer, Jr. William Edward Moss Barry Ray Ogilby Margaret Marker Pendley Ralph Dewey Petrey Marvin Philpot Larry Robert Shapero Pamela Ann Sheffer Richard James Taylor Donald Richard Walters John J. Whitt Marc Kenneth Zweig CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC Diane Garrick Rex Albert Conner Marilyn Joyce Schraeder COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Major Subject Mathematics Botany Zoology Zoology Arts—Medicine Geology Microbiology Arts—Dentistry Mathematics Arts—Dentistry Zoology Arts—Medicine Zoology Zoology Arts—Dentistry (Cont'd.) Charles Elmer Barnhart, Dean Lexington Lexington Greenville Beckley, W.Va. Williamsburg Dixon Lexington Lexington Manchester Lexington Millport, Ala. Lexington Catlettsburg Paintsville Edison, N.J. Agrees 49% I I r l r t a M Georgetown Lexington Loyall CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Kenneth Woodrow Haines, Jr. Dennis David Lair Douglas Warren Lambert Merritt William Marrs James Rollins May Mary L. McIlvain Harry A. Mills Darryl Nelson Nunnelley Betty Gean Schaber