xt7qrf5kdr1v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qrf5kdr1v/data/mets.xml United States Belden, F. E. (Franklin Edson), comp 1908 574 pages, 14 x 19 cm. Call Number: M2117 .C575 1908 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C scores (documents for music) M2117 .C575 1908 English Sold by Review and Herald Pub. Assn Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox Collection Hymns, English -- United States Christ in Song, for All Religious Services. Nearly One Thousand Best Gospel Hymns, New and Old With Responsive Scripture Readings, 1908 text Christ in Song, for All Religious Services. Nearly One Thousand Best Gospel Hymns, New and Old With Responsive Scripture Readings, 1908 1908 1908 2023 true xt7qrf5kdr1v section xt7qrf5kdr1v CHRIST IN SONG (REVISED AND ENLARGED) For All Religious Services NEARLY ONE THOUSAND BEST GOSPEL HYMNS, NEW AND OLD With Responsive Scripture Readings THE LARGEST GOSPEL SONG AND STANDARD TUNE COLLECTION COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY F. E. BELDEN Author of ILLUSTRATED OBJECT LESSONS AND SONGS ON THE Lung OF CHRIST, foL Eh: Bible Kindergarten in :hc Home and School; THE GOSPEL SONG SHEAP; ECHOBS ()9 LIBERTY; CHRIST IN ART; SONGS OF FREEDOM; SPECIAL GOSPEL SONGS FOR THE HOME AND CHOIR, etc. ....SOLD BY.... REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSN., WASHINGTON, D. C. Copyright, 1908, by F. E. Belden. Entered at Stationers‘ Hall. London, Eng - __._._____.....__._— ._.. CONTRIBUTORS The value of this collection is in its list of over 500 of the best writers and their nearly 2,000 hymns and songs of tested merit. No expense has been spared to make “Christ in Song” superior to all other books, even as His name is above all other names. Good singers should judge not alone for themselves, but for the multitudes less capable of rendering the difficult harmo- nies in some of the “Special Selections” indexed on pages xi and xii. Easier grades predominate in the book, and thus all classes are supplied with pleasing and enduring songs, and devotional and stirring hymns. The average Sunday School song book contains about 200 numbers. The average Church Hymnal contains about 500 numbers. “Christ in Song” contains 950 numbers, being a Church Hymnal and a Sabbath School Hymnal with 250 songs added especially for the Young People’s Society. It combines THREE BOOKS IN ONE. This is of special benefit to the youth because of the higher grades of church and special music thus placed before them with the hope of leading away from the musical cheapness more or less com- mon to modern S. S. collections. The standard tunes and hymns are set in smaller type be- cause only an occasional glance is required in order to sing the most of them. Thus we are enabled to offer the largest and the best collection in the world at about one-half the price of the average church hymnal containing half the num- ber of songs, and at a price not much above that of the ordi- nary S. S. books having only one-third or one-fourth the num- ber of musical compositions, which collections must be soon displaced because of their limited number of enduring songs. Frequent changing from one book to another finally entails large expense on the school, the young people’s society, or the church, and without the satisfaction to be found only in the use of a standard compilation prepared at large expense. “There is no excellence without great labor," and no satis- faction without excellence. Authors and publishers are so prone to speak highly of their own works, that no apology is necessary for presenting here the following commendatory words from some of the best gos- pel music judges, showing that “Christ in Song” is a non- seCtIBtIIiTm collection of TESTED SONGS OF ENDURING ME . The late Rev. J. E. Rankin, author of “God Be With You Till We Meet Again,” summarized the facts thus: “It is a very superior book. I am sure it will be useful and popular. There is an enormous amount of valuable matter in it, and yet the pages are clear and easily read.” W G. Fischer, composer of “I Love to Tell the Story,” wrote: “I very seldom give my opinion; but your work covers so much, it would be good as the regular church hym— nal’j1 and it has such a variety, too. I am very much pleased w1 1 .’ W. L. Thompson, composer of “Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling,” “Come Where the Lilies Bloom," etc., says: “You ought to receive thanks from the public for this addi— tion to Christian song. It is a great collection.” The late James McGranahan, perhaps the greatest of mod- ern gospel composers, wrote personally to the compiler of “Christ in Song": “I like the swing of your music and the ring of your words.” Fanny Crosby, the most eminent modern hymn writer, says: “I am sure your book will be a success. It contains a great many beautiful things.” The foregoing words referred to the original, first edition of “Christ in Song,” which contains 416 pages and 700 num- bers; but the commendations are still more true of the pres- ent enlarged and revised book of 576 pages and nearly 1,000 numbers. The exhaustive character of “Christ in Song” is indicated by the fact that it contains over 30 of Fanny Crosby’s best hymns, 27 of Dr. Doane’s best songs, 19 by the Rev. Robert Lowry, 20 by W. J. Kirkpatrick, 12 by John R. Sweney, 13 by Ira D. and I. Allan Sankey, 11 by Geo. C. Stebbins, 8 by Geo. F. Root, 8 by P. P. Bliss, 7 by James McGranahan, 14 by John B. Dykes, 8 by H. P. Main, 30 by W. B. Bradbury, 40 by Lowell Mason, etc. These are the cream of their writings, and only the best by others have been chosen. The oblong, flat-opening book has two advantages of im- portance: two persons use it together more handily than the upright shape, and the oblong page also permits the use of four to eight tunes of the same meter side by side (see num- bers 111 to 114, 115 to 118, 319 to 326, 619 to 626, 636 to 643, etc.), so that all classes may choose which tune to sing to any one of the four or more hymns under the eye at the same time. Another convenience is the possibility of bending leaves backward or forward to bring together tunes and hymns on widely separated pages. For instance, bending leaf No. 640 backward, the easy tune “Autumn” comes next to No. 636. a difficult tune to many people. This feature of importance belongs to this book only. In order to know what hymns may be used interchangeably, observe the meter of tunes shown under their titles. The directness and completeness of the Indexes will also be found unusually helpful, page iii being a quick guide into the nine pages of Topical Index, and these guiding into the 950 hymns. Without page iii, much time would be spent. searching through the nine pages of Topical or Subject Index. Part Part HOL‘. (‘0! Gui Rel Pen Pra 1h hym— pleased. y Jesus , says: is addi- nf mod- )iler of and the r, says: a great; edition )0 num- ne pres- y 1,000 idicated (’s best Robert :ney, 13 15, 8 by han, 14 'adbury, )f their Len. of im- ;han the 5 use of ee num- , 636 to to sing a at the ; leaves wins on No. 640 5T0. 636, portance nns may 3 shown. will also tide into into the be spent. :1: Index CONTENTS General Divisions Part I, Invitation and Repentance .................. 1—187 Part III, Service and Dependence ............... 473-847 Part (I, Consecrntion and Praise .................. 188-472 Part IV, The Home Eternal ...................... 848—950 GUIDE TO TOPICAL INDEX (Over 100 Subjects) A glance over this page saves hunting through the following nine pages of Topics, and leads directly to the subject desired. There you are pointed to the hymn desired. GOD HYMNS FOR IVORSHIP Missions ............ VIII Temperance ........... XI - Hymns -------- VI (h ----- V11; $33“§‘§f§3$§g --------- i: His \Vord ............. l\ (‘losing Hymns ....... VI P ------------- IX Funeral H mns -------- XI His Law ............. IV Morning Hymns ....... VI 1433;: ----------------- IX y ------ is Love and )1ercy...IV Evening Hymns ....... VI _ , ---------------- gui- Guide ............. IV The Rest Day ......... VI :Ilgnmage ----------- F‘E SPECIAL SELECTIONS Our Helper ............ IV The Sabbath School . . .VI P::”:: and Testimon - .Iii Chants .............. XI He Protects ........... IV V Y . P (.i’t ‘ yIIX Duets ................. XI He Provides ........... Iv IM‘ITXTIOX AM) RE; 5: ififigé .......... IX Ladies, Voices _________ XI Praise to God ........ IV REPEBTANCE Sanctigcation ......... IX Male Voices ........... XI (‘all to Repentance - - - -VI SunliGht ......... I‘X Solos .................. XI CHRIST Decision Day ......... VII T830133”, 'i'i'e'e'nig's """ IX Trios .................. XI Atonement ............ IV The Judgment ........ VII Teaching the] (Gospel ' ' .IX Quartet or Choir ...... XI Best Friend . . . ....... IV Save the Children ..... VII Trusting ' .IX His Cross .............. IV Call Accepted ....... VII Trust in Trouble :IX CHILDREN’S HYMNS ______ His Church ........... IV Returning to God ....VII Winning Souls ........ IX Following XII He Cleanses .......... IV New. Birth ........... VII Voyagers .............. IX Helping ............ XII HIS Life and LOVE . . .IV' Justification .......... VII \Varfare and Victory. . .IX Loving ' ‘ ' ' : IXII His Power ............. V Obe ing ----- XII His Sufl‘erings .......... V LIVING HIS LIFE THE HOEIE ETERNAL Praiysing ' ' :XII “35 Leads """"""" ‘. Ass‘lmm'e ------------ V11 City of God ........... X Miscellaneous ......... XII King """""""""" ‘r Call to AetiVity ------- VII Meeting in Heaven ...... X Children’s Services , , .XII Mediator --------------- ‘. Consecration .......... VII Neal-jug Home ......... X 011" Foundation -------- ‘ Christian Character...VIlI Harvest Time ......... X RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE. 0‘" Need -------------- Y Dependence .......... VIII Return of Christ ...... X READINGS Our Righteousness ----- X Faith ............... VIII Waiting for Christ ...... x _ Ch'iSt Precious -------- ‘ Following Jesus ..... VIII See the 34 Topics, Al- Christ the Way -------- V Giving ............... VIII SPECIAL OCCASIONS phabetically arr., p...xn Christ with Us -------- V Holy Life ............ VIII Baptism ............... x Praise to Christ ------- V Hope ................ VIII Lord’s Supper _________ X INDEX OF 1500 FIRST Joy Of Salvation ..... VIII Dedication of Church. . . .X LINES AND TITLES HOLY SPIRIT Kind “’0de --------- VIII Christmas .............. X See end of book, 1). 566-573 Comforter ------------- § thtlrtof tthemIJVOIEd. . .VIII Easter ................. X Guide .................. ' loya y o ris ...VIII New Year .............. X Reflner ............... v1 Love ................ vHI Patriotic Hymns ...... XI $33302}: 1}%§%IS‘Y 40° Pentecost .............. VI Love in the Church. . .VIII Peace of Nation ...... XI ‘ Praise *0 the Trinity. - 3'1 Love in the Home .. -VIII Reunion ............... XI See end of book, 1).. . .574 TOPICAL INDEX TO “CHRIST IN SONG.“ GOD. God’s Word. A glory gilds the sacred 363 A glory in the word we 362 An open Bible for the. 482 Blessed Bible how I 10v 803 Give me the Bible ..... 498 Holy Bible book divine 768 How precious is the B 766 How shall the young.. 364 I love the sacred Book 764 Lamp of our feet ...... 757 Let all the heathen wr 365 O holy Book of truth.. 408 0 word of God incarnat 322 Thy word is like a gar— 402 What is the chaff the. 809 God’s Law. I God’s law demands one 790 Response to Command- 951 The living law ......... 777 Write Thy law ......... 135 God’s Love and Mercy. Count your mercies.... 524 God is Love His ....... 129 God loved the world of. 304 God’s free mercy strea 337 His mercy en- (chant). 464 Like as a Father ....... 77 0 love that will not let 401 One thought I have my 434 There’s a wideness in 128 When all Thy mercies. 393 (See Christ's Life, this p) God Our Guide. Guide me, 0 Thou ..... 706 Precious promise God. 601 (See Christ Leading, p. v) (See back of book for Index God Our Helper. A mighty Fortress is.. 681 Call Jehovah thy salva 824 God is the refuge of His 782 O God our help in.... 725 The tempter to my soul 753 God’s Protection. A shelter in the time of 505 Bid our doubting cease. 441 Eternal Father strong. 676 God is our refuge ...... 688 God moves in a myster- 726 God of love that heare 770 God of my life whose.. 828 Hiding in Thee....... 506 In grief and fear 0.... 808 Protect us 8 The angel of the Lord 529 The cloud and fire ..... 518 The Rock that is high- 613 Under His wings I am. 507 Unshaken as the sacred 789 When waves of trouble 758 God Provides. Day by day the manna 807 Thanks at meals ....... 471 The Lord will provide. 702 Praise to God. Angel voices ever sing 269 A new song (chant)... 235 Before Jehovah’s awful 451 Come 0 my soul in.... 418 Come Thou almighty K 391 Come ye that love the 379 For the beautv of the. 375 Glory be to the F.465.466,467 High in the heavens... 444 Holy holy holy Lord... 327 I sing the love of God 237 of First Lines and Titles.) I sing the mighty power 330 Let the whole creation 309 Lord of all being thron 333 Lord Thy glory fills the 341 My Maker and my Kin 689 come let us s.(chant) 228 give thanks untchant)464 God we praise Thee 355 Lord our heavenly Ki 690 sing unto the (chant) 235 worship the King all 335 worship the Lord in 220 Praise 0 praise our God 427 Praise the King of heav 268 Praise the Lord His.. 351 Praise ye Jehovah’s na 260 Praise ye the Lord.... 378 The spacious firmament 329 To God be the glory... 191 We praise Thee O God 396 (See Praise to Christ, p. v) CHRIST. Atonement. Christ has for sin aton 204 He did not die in vain 63 Jesus paid it all ....... 107 Nor silver nor gold hath 223 Not all the blood of be 152 Not what these hands. 141 The day is dead, and.. 38 (See Christ Mediator, p. v) Christ Best Friend. Does Jesus care when. 492 0000000 He’s the One .......... 522 I‘ve found a Friend 0. 332 No not one ............ 57 O holy Saviour friend. 671 0 how He loves ....... 238 O the best friend to.. 50 Tell it to Jesus ........ 515 What a Friend we have 643 IV Cross of Christ. At the cross ........... 212 Beneath the cross of.. 350 Hallelujah for the cross 213 In the cross of Chrisi I 446 Must Jesus bear His c 185 Nailed to the cross.... 6 Near the cross ........ 289 Sweet the moments. 13:.- The cross that He gave 49-! When { survey the.... 172' (See Christ Suffering,p.v.) Christ’s Church. Lord her watch Thy ch 636 0 where are thrones.. 727 The church has one F. 619 The watching church.. 636 Zion stands with walls 707 Christ Cleanses. I hear Thy welcome vol 101 In the blood from the. 293 The cleansing wave... 110 Washed in the blood... 88 XVashed white as snow 225 What can wash away. 93 Whiter than snow....28, 64 (See Christ’s Power, p. v.) Christ’s Life and Love. I will sing of Jesus’ love 194 Jesus Thy love can we. 410 Memories of Galilee... 247 More about Jesus ...... 525 My blest Redeemer and 777 0 love how deep how. 334 Seeking for me ........ 75 Tell me the old old sto- 311 Tell me the story of.. 40 There is no love like.. 85 \K'onderful love of Jesus 245 (See Christ Suffering.p.v.) ... . 212 Of. . 350 213 446 185 . 6 ... . 289 ts. . 13': . 49J :. . . . 172 ng,p.v.) isc 636 727 619 636 707 3 F. ch. valls 368. e yoi 101 the. 293 'e... 110 d... 88 :now 225 vay. 93 . .28, 64 r, p. v.) i Love. love 194 we. 410 :e. . . 247 .... 525 and 777 10w. 334 . . . . 75 sto— 311 of. . 40 ike.. 85 iesus 245 ing,p.v.) TOPICAL INDEX OF HYMNS IN “CHRIST IN SONG.” V Christ’s Power. Able to deliver. sound. 30 Come great Deliverer.. 31 He brought me out.... 192 Jesus saves ........... 78 Master the tempest is. 584 Mighty to save ........ 41 Pardon peace and pow’r 195 Saved to the uttermost 221 Sing of His mighty love 240 There is power in the 27 Would you live for ..... 58 (See Christ Cleanses, p. iv.) Christ’s Sufferings. Alas and did my Sa.150, 212 Behold behold the lamb 82 Go to dark Gethsemane 140 I remember Calvary... ’05 I saw One hanging on. 1 8 Repeating calvary ...... There was One who was 6 ’Tis midnight and on 156 (Sec Christ‘s Life and Love. p. iv) Christ Leading. All the way my Saviou 611 As of old when the host 518 Christ our mighty Capt. 530 Conquering now and sti 488 He leadeth me ......... 677 Lead kindly light ...... 631 Lead Thou me on ..... 669 Saviour lead me lest I 527 Saviour like a Shepherd 729 Shepherd divine Thou. 820 The King of love my.. 403 The Lord is my Shep.665.666 The Lord’s my Shephe 769 The Lord my pasture. 675 Tho’ faint yet pursuing 667 Where He may lead me 305 Christ King. All hail the pow‘r 257,258,259 342 445 265 349 X) Hark ten thousand harp He reigns the Lord the Look ye saints the sight The Lord in Zion ...... (See Return of Christ, p. Christ Mediator. Arise. my soul, arise... 123 The sprinkled blood is. 116 The wonders of redeem- 138 (See Atonement, p. iv.) Christ Our Foundation. My hope, is built on... 294 One Foundation ....... 619 VVe’ll build on the Rock 32 Christ Our Need. Blessed Lord how much 597 llave 1 need of aught.. 303 I ‘need Thee every hour 609 I need Thee precious. 620 My need and Thy love 411 The one thing needful. 780 Christ Our Righteousness Cover with llis life.... 80 Saved by grace ........ 884 Seals my pardon ....... 158 Thy righteousness ..... 827 \Vhite leaves .......... 2 Christ Precious. He’s everything to me. 203 How sweet the name of 4-18 How tedious and taste- 344 487 625 236 I cease to sing of sweet I could not do without. I have a song I love to I know I love Thee bet- 301 I love Thee I love.... 650 I‘ve found a Friend in 246 I‘ve found the Pearl of 436 Jesus engrave it on my 780 Jesus is mine ......... 306 Jesus lover of my. 633, 634, 635 Jesus only 65 Jesus these eyes have. Jesus the very thought Jesus Thou joy of lov- My heart was distress- My Jesus I love Thee.. 0 happy day that fixed One there is above 171, Only Thee ............ 0 Thou in whose pres— Precious Name Since on my Saviour I 290 Take the world but give 315 W'hat a wonderful Sav— 204 (See Joy of Salvation, p. viii.) Christ the Way. I am the Way ......... 10 Thou art the way ...... 133 419 449 452 192 299 399 238 303 336 216 Christ With Us. Always with us ........ 731 A present help ..... 458,649 Abide with Me, fast fal 6'55 Abiding and confiding. 562 Blessed Jesus meek and 640 I must have the Saviou 541 I will never leave Thee 697 Love divine all love 345 My Lord and I ......... Never alone 0 let me walk with The L ' 0 love divine of all.... 356 0 Master let me Vvalk.. " Still still with Thee.... 668 Still with Thee O my.. 829 Sun of my soul ........ 775 Take the name of Jesus . ’Tis I be not afraid.... Walking with Thee my. _ We may not climb the 458 \Vhere Jesus is ’tis.... 224 (See Christ Precious, this page.) Praise to Christ. Alleluia, Alleluia ...... Blessed be the Name... 288 Come let us sing the.. 454 Come thou Fount of ev 398 Conq’ ring kings their. . 352 Crown Him Lord. 257 258, 259 Crown Him ........ 263, 265 Crown Him with many 261 Eternal depth of love.. 687 Fairest Lord Jesus ..... 312 Fresh from the throne. 347 Glory to His name ..... 300 Hallelujahs to Jesus... 190 His loving kindness... 367 In joyful high and holy 245 Jesus my all to heaven 368 Jesus the light of the. 313 Majestic sweetness sits 361 May Jesus Christ be pr 281 Music in my soul ...... 231 My salvation my all... 336 My song shall be of J 234 No other name like Jes 302 0 could I speak the... 262 O for a thousand t.288, 450 O Saviour precious Sa- 32] Praise Him praise Him 226 Sing of Jesus sing for— 453 Songs of praise ....... 351 The holiest Name ..... 217 The lily of the valley.. 246 The name of Jesus is.. 215 The sweetest Name... 400 Worthy is the Lamb... 328 (See Praise to God, p. iv) HOLY SPIRIT. Comforter. Our blest Redeemer ere 459 Speak to my soul dear 554 The Comforter has com 193 Guide. Come gracious Spirit.. 164 . "1n M. w-.. .......,m_vmmwm.m.zwmwawm~ - ,, . . ,7, m...»... .1 . .0... m.-. __, ._ U. n...’ __._._ : VI TOPICA‘L INDEX OF HYMNS IN “CHRIST 1N SONG.” Go not my soul in sear 120 Holy Spirit faithful gui 632 Let Thy Spirit blessed 441 O softly the Spirit is.. ’ There lives a voice.... Refiner. Come Holy Spirit come 161 Come Holy Spirit heav 763 Holy Spirit light divine 163 Refining fire go thro'.. 99 Pentecost. Baptize us anew....... Come Holy Spirit calm 435 Fill me now 3 There shall be showers 207 Praise to the Trinity. Praise God from whom 470' Praise ye the Father.. 377 Songs of praise the... 354 HYMNS FOR WORSHIP Opening Hymns. Be silent, be silent ..... 196 Break Thou the bread. 384 Brightly gleams our ba 657 Father again in Jesus’ 381 Father we come to The 526 God of life and God of 279 God of light and match 442 Grant thy blessing now 376 Holy, holy, holy, Lord 327 How pleasant how di- 456 Jesus come and bless. 278 With reverence let the 455 Closing Hymns. Eternal Father, God of 762 God be with you till we 504 God of our salvation... 784 Guide and guard us.... 805 Lord dismiss us with. 438 Our parting hymn ..... 382 Praise to Him by whose 440 Stand up and bless the 404 The Lord be with us.. 406 The Lord bless us and 839 On our way rejoicing.. 659 Morning Hymns. Again the day awakes. Holy, holy, holy, Lord 327 Lord in the morning... 776 My God how endless is 420 New every morning is. 794 O Christ with each ret 792 Once more my soul the 447 Sabbath dawn .. ...... 385 Sweetly the holy hymn 460 When morning gilds... 281 When morning lights.. 612 Evening Hymns. Day is dying in the.... 339 Good night ............ 556 How sweet the light of. 778 Keep us safe this night 841 Now the day is over... 840 One more day’s work.. 549 Saviour breathe an..646,647 Softly fades the twilight 800 Softly now the light of 802 The day is past and.. 774 Thus far the Lord has. 744 When softly falls the. 307 The Rest Day. Again the day returns. 380 Another six days' work 430 Come dearest Lord and 433 How sweet upon this.. 432 0 day of rest and glad 386 Safely thro another we 388 The dawn of God’s dear 385 This is the day of rest. 421 Welcome delightful mor 387 Welcome, welcome, day 431 Sabbath School. Again we meet 381 Dont forget the Sabba 250 374 God bless our school... 603 .Jesus Thou hast prom- 278 My Sabbath home ..... 608 My Sabbath song ...... 274 On time .............. 272 Sweet Sabbath school. 608 Welcome here ......... 273 Work for the school....607 (Nearly all the songs in the book are for use in Sabbath Schools). INVITATION AND REPENTANCE. Almost persuaded ..... 89 Are you tenting on the 54 Ashamed of Jesus ..... 111 At the feast of Belshaz 48 Behold the Saviour at. 112 Blow the trumpet ...... 683 Broad is the road that 177 Building for eternity.. 33 By faith I view my Sa 83 Christ or Barabbas ..... 1 Christ is knocking at. 20 Christ receiveth sinful. 24 Come ev’ry soul by sin 95 Come sinners to the Liv Come to Jesus ......... 179 Come to the living wat 165 Come unto Me ......... 16 Come ye diseonsolate.. 124 Comfort to the dreary. 117 Come ye sinners poor. 178 Crowded is your heart. Drifting away from the 4 Eternity where ........ 37 Flee as a bird to ....... 147 Get right with God..... 15 God calling yet ......... 113 Have you been to Jesus 88 Heaven is not far away 132 He is calling .......... 128 His way with thee ..... 58 I have a Saviour. He’s 53 In a land of strangers 3 In the silent midnight. . Jesus Jesus of Nazareth pass- Just one touch as He. Knocking knocking wh Let Him in ............ Let Jesus come into.. Life in a look .......... Lovingly tenderly call- Mercy's free .......... My name in mother’s. Ninety and nine ...... Nothing but leaves.... Nothing for Jesus ..... Not in the hour of death 0 Jesus thou art stand- 0 heart bowed down.. Only a step to Jesus. 0 tender and sweet was Over the line ......... Room for you to anchor Shall I let Him in?... Shall you shall I ....... Sing them over again to Sound the alarm let.. Softly and tenderly Jes Sowing the seed by the Tarry by the living... 7 The day of wrath, that The gate ajar for me.. The gospel trump is.. The Great Physician... The last call of mercy The passover ........... The very same Jesus.. The waters are troubl- There are angels hov- There is a Fountain... There were ninety and Tho your sins be as... To-day the Saviour call Weighed and wanting. . “’hile Jesus whispers. Who is on the Lord’s.59. Whosoever will ....... Yet there is room ...... Your Saviour too...... is calling ........ 39 sza :3‘ car-4 0100 hi 46 th 47 d- 118 as9 TOPICAL INDEX OF HYMNS IN “CHRIST IN SONG.” Why do we waste on. 184 \\ hy labor for t1easu1 s 69 \Vhy not now .......... 81 W 1th tearful eyes I look 180 \Vould you believe ..... Would vou be free from 27 Decision Day. And must I part with. . 169 Called to the feast by. 43 Only two ways ........ 11 The great decisive day 127 There is a line by us.. 137 There's a great day.... 86 What shall I do with.. 1 What will you do with 62 The Judgment. A great day coming. . . . 86 Behold the bridegroom 868 How shall we stand... 42 The handwriting on the 48 \V‘hen the Judge shall. 49 When the King comes. 43 Save the Children. Forbid them not the... 417 Give thou thy youth to 181 God has said forever bl 730 He calls the lambs ..... 182 Lead them to Thee.... 70 Prayer for the children 346 (See Children’s Hymns, p. xii.) Call Accepted. All to Jesus I surrender 51 A sinner like me ....... 102 At the door .......... 84,112 Believing and receiving 106 Blessed be the Fountain 28 Build on the rock ..... 32 Cast out the buy.ers. . 142 Coming to the cross.... 109 Come my soul thy suit 155 Come 0 thou Traveler. 176 Father I stretch my... 186 I am coming Lord ..... 101 I am coming to the. 109 I bring my sins to Thee 148 I can I will ............ 99 I heard the voice of 359, 360 I lay my sins on Jesus 317 I stood outside the gate 90 Just as I am Without.. 145 Look upon Jesus, sin— Lord Jesus I long to be 64 My soul in sad exile.. 0 Jesus I have prom- 319 Pass me not ........... 87 Room in my heart ..... 314 Take all my sin away. 149 Take me as I am ...... 103 Take my heart 0 Fa- 170 The mistakes of my.. 84 \Ve are On the Lord's. 369 IVeary of earth and... Returning to God. Even me .............. Forgive my doubts. . . . 119 Jesus let thy pitying.. 126 Lord I‘m coming home 17 O for a heart of praise 183 O for that flame of liv— 166 () hear my cry be gra- 31 Return 0 wanderer.... 167 Ring the bells of heav— 29 ’Twas in the days of.. 36 174 XVe all 0 Lord have... 114 Welcome wanderer wel- 3 Zion awake thy slumb‘r 771 New Birth. Dying with Jesus by.. 496 How solemn are the w 143 I can not drive the nails 23 Jesus comes with power 233 White pages before us. 2 Ye must be born again. 26 (See Christ’s Power, p. v.) \See Consecration, this p) Justification. (See Christ our Righteous— ness, p. v.) (See Atonement, p. iv.) LIVING HlS LIFE. Assurance. A child of the King... 514 80 Blessed assurance Jesus 205 I know that my Re—291, 767 I know whom I have.. 290 In heavenly love abiding 517 It is well with my soul 516 Safe in the arms of Je 222 We have an anchor.... 564 (See Trusting, p. ix.) Call to Activity. Answer the call, ye bra 673 Ask not to be excused.513 Awake my soul stretch 793 Brightly beams our Fa 480 Bring them in .......... Buy up the opportunity 596 Call them in ........... 616 Can you wait Carry the joyful tiding 722 Christian onward Christ Come let us anew ..... Daughter of Zion awak 904 Far and near the fields 547 Fling out the banner.. Forward Forward be our watchw Forward brothers forw Give of your best to... Go labor on spend and 795 Hark the voice of Jesus Ho! reaper of life’s har— If your hand’s on the. I gave my life for Thee 96 Man the life-boat ...... Men of God arise ...... Rescue the perishing.. 479 Revive Thy work 0 L0 711 Revive us again ....... 396 VII Lift brother 1ift....... 543 Sow in the morn Thy. 715 Speed away ....... . 703 Speed Thy servants.... 698 Spend and be spent... 795 The Lord worketh let 819 The world is very evil. 718 There is no work too.. 721 This is the day of toil. 755 Throw out the life- 544, 545 To be living is sublime 637 To the work to the work 576 Urge them to come.... 531 What are you doing for 542 Where are the reapers 548 Who follows in His.... 693 Who will volunteer.. . 512 Work for the night is. 720 Lord Thou callest for. 638 (See XVinning Souls, p. ix.) (See Reunion, p. xi.) Consecration. All for Jesus ........... 310 All things come of The 472 Around the world the. 473 Choose some heralds.. 407 Doing His will 78 Dying with Jesus by... 496 Father whate’er of.... 812 For Christ is our endea 623 ......... For Jesus all my ....... 821 God shall be first ...... 188 I ask not Lord for less 746 I have promised ....... 319 . I’ll go where you want 566 I’ll live for Him ...... 383 Live out Thy life with- 318 Lord I care not for.. 860 Love’s incense ....... 672 My Jesus as Thou wilt 660 None of self and all of 218 Not I but Christ be.... 230 O Lord who hidest 2.11412 0 to be kept for Jesus. 598 Parting with self ...... 169 Ready to do His will.. 690 VIII Saved to serve ........ 474 Saviour Thy dying love 614 Sitting at the feet of.. 648 So may We ............ 267 Take my life and let it 316 The Lord first empties 12 They brought theii gifts 189 Thy way not mine 0.661 Wholly Thine 395 (See Call to Activity p. vii) (See Giving, this page) Christian Character. Beatitudes Conformed to Thee. How shall I copy Him Look for the beautiful. My actions will show.. 650 So let our lips and lives 760 \Ve are building in sor- 33 468 187 8:13 523 Dependence. Just lean upon the arm 502 Leaning on the everlas- 503 My safety ............. 626 On Thee my hopes rep— 612 Faith. By faith alone ......... 712 Faith is the victory.... 490 How firm a foundation 664 I do believe ............ 186 I’m believing and receiv 106 My faith looks up ..... 108 0 could our thoughts. 81:} O for a faith that will. 723 Standing on the prom- 219 ’Tis by the faith of... 814 Weeping will not save. 92 (See Trusting, 1). ix.) Following Jesus. Anywhere with Jesus I 535 Follow all the way ..... 200 I will follow Thee..254. 409 Jesus calls us o‘er the. 168 Jesus I my cross have. 343 Saviour I follow 011.. 662 Giving. Bring ye all the tithes. 239 Cast thy bread upon the 639 Freely give ............ 533 Response to offering. 472 The needy poor ........ 694 We give Thee but Thine 787 (See ConseCIation, p. vii) Holy Life. Beauty of holiness..... 220 Beulah land ............ 691 Called unto holiness.... 241 I am dwelling on the.. 692 One precious boon 0.. 799 Take time to be holy.. 485 (See Christ Cleanses. p iv) (See Nearer to God, this page) Hope. How cheeringr is the... 724 There is a blessed hope 743 (See Trusting, 1). ix) Joy of Salvation. Amazing grace. how sw 765 Beauty for ashes. . . . .. 2;; Down at the cross ..... 300 Happy day 399 He, will mention them. 201 How can I keep from. 3:11 I heard a voice the.... 358 I was once far away... 102 My Father is rich in.. 514 Redeemed how I love to 199 Salvation free ......... 379 Salvation 0 the joyful. 372 224 236 Since Christ my soul fr Since I have been re— Singing all the time... 232 Sweet to-day ......... 487 The valley of blessing 292 (See Christ Precious, p. v.) Kind Words. Angry words 0 let them 581 Chide mildly the erring 605 Gently think and speak 796 Keep Thou our lips.... 762 Kind words never die.. 7:19 Scatter seeds of kind- 568 The helping word ..... \Vords are things of... (See Love, this 11) Light of the World. Are you Christ's light- 481 Let the lower lights be 480 The Lord is my light.. 528 Loyalty to Christ. Courage brother do not 644 (lilourageous lives ...... 591 :11ith of our fath<1s. .. 678 111111 1v stand fo1 God in '109 (iod spetd the iight... 793 Hold on 571‘: He who seeks the truth 783 lxeop step ............ 57' ’ Loyalty to the. Master 484 Never give 11p ......... 560 Our exiled fathers ..... 817 Scorn praise of men.. 748 Spirit of truth and... S38 Stand like the l1rave.. 508 Stand up for Jesus... 628 The faithful th1'ee.... 5321 Truth crushed to earth 779 Yield not to temptation 66 (See \Vinning Souls. p. i\') (See Nearer God, this p) Love. At first I prayed for... 830 Brotherhood of 'men.... 818 Meek and lowly ........ 732 0 golden day so long. 918 The gospel lived out.. 760 “'hen love shines in... 233 (See Consecration, p. vii) TOPICAL INDEX OF HYMNS IN “CHRIST 1N SONG.” in the Church. 416 756 772 ix) Love Blt'St be the tie that... How blest the sacred. Ilow sWeet how heav— (See Prayer Meeting, p. Love in the Home. Happy the home when Home sweet home ..... Let us gather up the. Love at h