xt7qv97zpk81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qv97zpk81/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2004 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 2004 Vol.75 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 2004 Vol.75 No.9 2004 2019 true xt7qv97zpk81 section xt7qv97zpk81 fig? Volume 75, Number 9 U, S. Postage . i 24”” ; W/VV/ , a, v: M_ was. Kentucky Press Association PAID , 0W? a; 'ée 0 ~ 0% , we 00000000 000 00000 _ : . .0 0.0 ‘k l ' g0? . --0 REPROGRAPHICS . a ‘4 “W War k ' ‘ 0:: J / UNIVERSITY OF KY. / / W // eff h K“ if; 211 KING LIBRARY SOUTH * 9%; (2; + ‘ 7 i l “'v t (Vi/$2??? 3;? A LEXINGTON KY 40506-00 a??? Afi‘ifi/éwfl [fig/2’74, V t. V ’7“ ' 0'3; ' JEEEEE; 37%??? gr“: V " 7K" ; .0 ‘ k a A; we .1?" ‘ l' :4, i September 2004 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service ', ”7' 'T KPA seeks 2005 V P nomlnatlons ~ September ~ ~ ' ; Nominations and letters of appli- tors; those who have been elected to meets bylaw requirements. News & N Otes cation are being accepted until serve on the board, provided they Following the interview process, I' l 7 ,' " . '. ,. i Friday, Sept. 24 for the office of vice have previously served as either an the Nominating Committee will rec- KPA F311 'Advertlsmg ’ i president of the Kentucky Press elected or appointed director or ommend a candidate for vice presi- seminar is Sept. 16-17 . Association for 2005. those persons who have served dent to the Kentucky Press ,. {:ffh‘e‘: 2004’ Kentucky Press Any KPA member may nominate three consecutive years as an Association and Kentucky Press ASsOCiation Fall ' Advertising ' any individual who meets the crite- appointed director.” Service Board of Directors. Seminar . ‘Win be Thursday» : ria set forth in the KPA bylaws for Nominations must be sent to: Following action by the board the Friday, Sept 16-17,; .Vati'”: the. that position. Additionally, individ— David T. Thompson, Kentucky Press individual will be recommended for pamq’get ”springs ‘Conferehce , ‘ uals interested in holding office in Association, 101 Consumer Lane, approval by the full membership of Centerm ShépherdsvillegThe ., - the Kentucky Press Association may Frankfort, KY 40601. the KPA during the business session ”ne'bfiferenc’é centeris located: illsf 7’ submit a letter of application. All nominees consenting to the of the 2005 convention in Louisville 7:031:65 at exit $17.". if? f ,7; '; KPA bylaws state: ”The only per- nomination and agreeing to serve if in January. Thursday Vl'af'ténibbfirs 89351011 son eligible for election to the office elected will be interviewed by the The person elected vice president .beginsj'a't 3 p.m.-With a focus 0h ' of vice president are those who are Nominating Committee once it has will become president-elect in 2006 Fair ' 391151an , Guidelines, 1: _ currently serving as elected direc- been determined that the nominee and serve as president in 2007. j.Pederaii,"I'JQQITtadefl.',Commission“ T. 6 Th W 1d E d t th C t L ° 9 advemsmgandotherlaévérfisrf 5 and 5 Km Amnewuh Frost g . ' From a Klan rally in Shelbyville, local. McKinney believes that Brown, 3.. and 1’ ded LLC, ' ' ‘ Ky. to the Miss America Pageant in reporters don’t have to look beyond Cmcmnatt T'The Sept. 16 3310- E . -V Atlantic City, NJ. to a cemetery on the county line to find stories people grains end with "How to , ' i i the coast of France, Stan McKinney want and need to read. Minimize vYourVOnIine' Profits,” ‘_ p g. . has been there and written about ”My first employer told me conducted by CliffShaIutawith' { ‘éfi ' 0 what he saw. repeatedly that readers of his news- WestemKentuCky University. j" 0;; :23; V . Those stories and many more are paper didn’t want to read about what .1. {Oni'j’F'ridafi‘ Software guru . _ . fie ;~ " included in ”The World Ends at the was happening in another county,” TKQVifiSfimp 153433 three~hour : 4% ' County Line: A Guide to Writing McKinney said. ”He said his readers ' seSSiQn on fWhatfs: NeW'fWi’th" f: £0 3 Stories People Want and Need to wanted to read about events and ,‘PDF'Cév';Pi1es??’xKevin‘fispresently ff ‘ 0.100,. Ei 3 Read,” a 236-page book just released people in their county. If they do wrththej‘ vii-Tennessee Press ' _' by lnstantpublisher.com, a division want to know about what’s happen- Assomationand is“ Credited with ‘f H i _ of Fundcraft Publishing. _ ing somewhere else, he said, they : devétdping; [the PDF remote . . if. f McKinney worked for more than will read another, larger newspaper. 0- printing System. The fall ad sem— - p ' g 5 25 years as a reporter and editor at ”He constantly emphasized that 'inar ends Friday afternoon with, 1" «1+ three Kentucky newspapers. He is the world, as far as his newspaper r”-26rSpe'¢ial Newspaper Sectidns: 5f ~' . fitagtwfisrffii‘ now an assistant professor ofjournal- was concerned, ended at the county i'Makimumr ’ ' Revenue » ’ fwith ;I ; 7 “757% ' ism at Campbellsville University in line.” ‘Minimalffiffortffffy‘hat twp-hour .. Campbellsville. All of the stories in the book are , séSsiort lsdone :by‘l'KenVI‘Long,‘ 7, i - t Intended as a basic news writing local, though some admittedly do advertising director "of-the {TeXaS :5: 0" PEP?“ .;- '35:. text, ”The World Ends at the County stretch beyond the county line. gPressService. Ken’sbmig onlhe E; T-i‘figté‘ f Line” focuses on local stories. It con- McKinney covered three Miss '26 special’sections Will'begiven 1 Stan McKinney, assistant professor of tains stories written for The Sturgis America Pageants because three (gtjoflioselwhoattendg.31V"; i. 1' journalism at Campbellsville Univer- News, The Sentinel-News and the young women from Campbellsville RegiStration:linformatidzijwas; :7 sity holds a copy of a book he authored Central Kentucky News—Journal. won the title of Miss Kentucky and mailed{mallwnewspapers meafiy ‘11; r titled leTlihebwokld Ends dltdthe bCOllntzl’ The book details how to write had their chance at the crown. He August f: ’ Line.” e 00 is int n to euse II ' N - ' - ,_ ' ‘-’":‘1 i~ T : as a basic news writinge tax: blg stories while keeping the angle See WORLD on Page 9 (if, See NEWSOII Page 9 f; Page 2 — The Kentucky Press, September 2004 K t k l ' th en uc y peop e, papers 1n e news 1 Pat Forde, an award-winning write several columns a week with his new role, Rice will bring a wealth of Sentinel-News in Shelbyville for five sports reporter and columnist for the primary focus on college football and newspaper classified advertising years. Courier-Journal for the past 17 years, basketball. He will also write general- sales and management experience to Tom Pitt took the position of part- left the newspaper to become a interest sports columns. both The News-Enterprise as well as time staff writer at The LaRue pc columnist for ESPN.com. He will also Bill Rice was named classified the Kentucky Classified Network. He County Herald News in Hodgenville. . in serve as a college football reporter on sales manager of The NeWS- began his career with LCNI in 2001. He began his duties July 8, and will be m ESPN television. At ESPN, he will Enterprise in Elizabethtown. In his Since that time he has worked as a responsible for assisting Editor Linda 10 member of the regional sales team Parker with feature and news stories, in . where he has managed an account taking photographs and covering city 50 The KentuCky Pres S base of regional and national display and county government meetings. He 1. L advertisers. Prior to joining LCNI, is a 2003 graduate of LaRue County I; The Kentucky Press (Permit # 939) is pub~ District 10 - Edmund Shelby, Beafiyvme Rice worked as classified manager of High School, and he is a psychology th lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Enterprise ’ the Henderson Gleaner. He has also major at Elizabethtown Community ra Association/ Kentucky Press Service, Inc. ‘ had metro-newspaper experience College. . Third Class postage is paid at Glasgow, District 11 - Glenn Gray. Manchester within the classified sales arena with The Pioneer News helped to spon- SI! mpfimfinsufsméifizncgfice is 3:8 5:: Enterprise , the Evansville (Ind.) Courier. sor Craftsman Truck Series Driver p” ear. os aser: n aneoa ess .. - - c :0 The Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer District 12 — Donna Carman, Casey t Betty Wallace, M3313“: admirus— and 828,1) herdSVille flame IIWayns fu Lane, Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) 223-8821. County News ratlon manager, retlre mm The Edwar s truck for t e Bur t For W News-Enterprise after 39 years on the Tough 225 held at Kentucky ' to j District 13 —Tom Caudill, Lexington job. At her retirement party an Elvis Speedway on July 10. bl; Herald-Leader impersonator serenaded her. She Nick Wiselogel has been hired as a Officers I started working at the newspaper in copy editor at The News-Enterprise _ re Kentucky Press Association ‘ District 14 « Teresa Scenters, Berea Citizen 1965 as a two-week temp. During her in Elizabethtown. He has a master’s ' if; President John Nelson The Advocate State At Lar 6 career there she worked in account- degree from Emerson College and a pa Messenger, Danville ' Chris Poore,glg? we” ., it ‘ g . , , i“’m E; W . «‘eéfffi " U ”7m"? 3 ' ‘ r‘ .1 , begfiffi‘v , . ”11:15:? .7: : . ., .. 5W: \ ‘ ; Av,” , .- u a"? ‘ g;- . w I. : ‘ We w _ ‘- : " “e" .3 {a " " 7%” . fl ' egg ,- ‘ ' = ' ”V .:‘I=E§25ii=i§'ek:-'