xt7qv97zpr76 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qv97zpr76/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 2004 2004 2004-09-27 2020 true xt7qv97zpr76 section xt7qv97zpr76 Monday

September 27, 2004

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er ne


Celebrating 33 years of independence


Sex education comes
to China
Page 3


UK men's soccer keeps rolling
at home
Page 6




UK cornerback Antoine Huffman chases Florida's Chad Jackson early in the third




Gators on the UK 7-yard line. The drive ended with a Florida field goal to extend t e Gator lead to 13-3.

Swamped in Florida

Cats force three turnovers, but

By Jeff Patterson


Bursting through UK‘s
seams, Ciatrick Fason left
everything broken in his

The Florida junior run‘
ning back broke a 34% tie
with 9:09 left in the first half
on a 46-yard dash to the end
zone. Fason. who rushed for
210 yards on 31 carries. shed
more than five tackles on
the play.

And UK junior line-
backer Dustin Williams ,
returning from a partially
torn hamstring had to be
carted off the field after
breaking his left arm on the

After that. the UK foot-
ball team never seemed
close to catching the Gators
in its 20-3 loss Saturday in
front of 89,741 fans at Ben
Hill Griffin Stadium.

"It doesn't matter what
the other side of the ball
does." said UK senior defen-

sive end Ellery Moore.
"They gave us three points.
You can win a game 3-0."

The Cats (1-2. 0-1 South-
eastern Conference) looked
nothing like the team that
scorerl 51 points the week
before against Indiana. UK
had 10 first downs. and four
of those came on the game's
opening drive when junior
kicker Taylor Begley booted
a career-long 51-yard field
goal for the (‘ats' only

The Gators (2-1. 1—1)
swamped the Cats in total
yardage: 523 to 207.

Despite those numbers.
UK's defense excelled when
pinned inside its own 20-
yard line. in six red zone
chances. the Gators man-
aged only a field goal and a

Florida sophomore quar»
terback Chris Leak threw
three interceptions all at
inopportune times when the
Gators were close to scor-

See Swamped on page 2





uarter. The pass from quarterback Chris Leak went for 65 yards and put the

offense struggles



Alternative worship draws students

By Lindsey Keith


Nondenominational Chris.
tian churches are seeing an
increase in students. say
church leaders and members.

This style of worship
had nearly 2.5 million mem-
bers. as of the 2000 census.
Many are saying this num-
ber is rising due to political
and social change in the
world during the last four
years. as well as a desire of
churchgoers to have a more
casual worship environ-

“The growth has to do
with the fact that there is a
growing need for spirituali-
ty in college and 20-some-
thing groups." said the Rev.
Ron Chamblin. an associate
pastor at Northeast Christ-
ian Church.

The majority of nonde-
nominational churches of-
fer a contemporary worship
style that includes bands.
big-screen televisions and
special effects . ties are op-
tional. their leaders say.
These churches are not
united under a common
faith or name. nor are they
organized under a single

administrative and legal his

“They‘re ((‘hurchgoers
are) looking for a place that
is a comfortable style. a mu-
sical style that is contempo-
rary and an informal at-
mosphere it‘s just the
culture of a college kid."
said the Rev. Brad Stone. a
college minister at South-
land Christian Church.

“It's just the

culture of a

college kid."
Rev. Brad Stone

Southland Christian Church

“Some of the shift is be-
cause young adults grew up
going to church because of
your family. and you are out
making your first choices."

Stone attributed much of
the growth of nondenomi-
national congregations to
the broad scope of the
church itself.

“We're not stuck in tra-
dition and not stuck in out
side control.“ Stone said.

Stone said members

have told him it has a lot to
do with the changes in soci-
ety and the world.

“Change happens.“
Stone said. “People need
change because of how soci-
ety has changed. If your
methods don't change. you
will be passed up."

Kaye ()berhausen. a for»
mer student director at
UK's (,‘atholic Newman (Ten-
ter. says she hasn‘t seen a
drop in members at her
church due to this shift. but
this could be because the
Newman (‘enter caters
more to students.

“i haven't seen a signifi-
cant change at the Newman
(‘enter because We bring in
younger Christians." the
arts administration senior

David Sullivan. a public
service and leadership
freshman. has just gone
through the transition of
living away from his family.
He. like many freshmen. is
deciding for the first time
where to attend church
or whether to attend church
at all.

Sullivan said he relied

See Faith on page 3

UK sophomore cor-
nerback Karl Booker
jumps over Florida's
Kyle Jackson for an
interception in the
third quarter of Sat-
urday's game. UK’s
defense had three
interceptions in the

tilts am | surr


Chiffon Robinson of Lexi on tries to avoid bei

Cats’ offense
must be more
than a kicker

GAINESVILLE. Fla. — As UK head coach
Rich Brooks finished his post-game press con-
ference. Taylor Begley walked into the room.

“Here comes our points."
Brooks said of UK’s junior

Welcome to Ron Hudson’s

In the Swamp on Satur-
day. the highlight for UK’s of-
fense was Begley’s 51-yard
field goal. After that. it was
painful to watch UK‘s offense
stumble and stagger around
Florida Field.

On that first drive. UK
had four first downs. The
Cats finished the day with 10.

After that opening drive.
the Cats had seven possessions with five or
fewer plays.

And the plays they ran were hard to

Sideline pass. screen pass. quarterback
draw. punt. Or some variation of the same
plays with the same result.

"We can control what we do with what we
have." Brooks said. “Today there were some
situations we could have done lot better job
with what we have against what they have.

“We didn‘t make those plays.“

Those plays are the problems because the
Cats would not have gone anywhere even if
they managed to execute a little better:

Each week. Brooks and Co. lecture us
about the speed of the Southeastern Confer-
ence. They tell us how UK does not have the
players to compete with that speed.

Then they come up with an offensive
game plan that exposes that weakness on
every single play

Hudson. the UK offensive coordinator.
puts his players in impossible positions with
these plays.

There's receiver Glenn Holt. asked to
break at least five tackles to gain five yards.
There's quarterback Shane Boyd. asked to
carry the ball 14 times ,. more than all the
carries UK‘s running backs had combined.

These things are frustrating enough on
their own. but it's really hard to take when
UK‘s defense produces three turnovers and
manages to hold Florida to 20 points.

“We figured the offense was going to make
a play sometime." said UK senior cornerback
Earven Flowers.

They never did.

And it‘s hard to believe they ever will as
long as Hudson keeps calling twoyard routes
for receivers and off-tackle runs for Boyd.

Brooks is right. UK can control what it
has. which means Hudson must start design-
ing plays to fit these players. not the ones he
had back at Kansas State or the ones he
promises to recruit.

Hudson has to design plays suited to UK's
strengths. He has to let Boyd throw the ball
down the field every now and then. He has to
make adjustments when the same play fails
time after time.

()n defense. coordinator Mike Archer has
found ways to succeed. And Hudson keeps
finding ways to waste any opportunities the
defense delivers.



tu‘iseman rakykernel. com

spra with streams of water from the Mains di-

rectly in front of the Faye e County District and mu courthouses on Saturday.

See more photos on page 2.



PAGEZ | Monday Sept. 27, 2004


Continued from page 1

UK junior linebacker t‘had
Anderson intercepted Leak at the
9 on the opening drive. Then. ju-
nior safety Muhammad Abdullah
cut in front of a Florida receiver
for a pick in the end zone right be
fore halftime.

"i really felt like we had sortie
opportunities." said UK head
coach Rich Brooks. "The defense
was bending iioi breaking
early. The bottom line is they
were keeping them out of the end

Trailing 103 after the half. UK
managed just 49 yards of offense
against the speedy Gator defense
in the third quarter.

Each time the (‘ats rushed to
the outside. there were Gators
waiting. After each quick pass to
junior Glenn Holt. several defend-
ers were there. Senior quarter-
back Shane Boyd had nowhere to

“They just rallied to the ball."
Boyd said. “That's the speed of
the SEC.

“They tried to contain me
from getting on the edge. It was
nothing special they did,"

UK managed 80 rushing yards
on 27 carries. The (‘ats had a sin-
gle run longer than 10 yards: a 17-

yard pitch to freshman Rafael l.it-
tle late in the third quarter.

Florida rushed to times for 263 3

Florida picked tip a lot of ex»
tra yardage because of poor tack-

"We missed too many tackles,“
Moore said. “We got to tackle.
man. We got to tackle."

"I guess we weren‘t really wor-
ried about their run." Abdullah
said. “We were playing more of

Next game

Ohio at UK
7 pm. Saturday

the pass."

Even with the Gators of‘fen
sive explosion. their ineptitude in
the red zone gave UK a small win-
dow to pull off an upset. But the

UF 3

1st 6:06 UK - Begley 51-yd F0, 14 plays-56 yards 5:29 drive, UK 3

-Uf 0; 0:00 Ul’ - Leach 40-vdFG.10-64 3:10. UK 3 - UT 3
2nd 9:09 Ul’ - fason 46-yd run (Leach lucli), 1-46 0:12, Hi 10 - UK



3rd 11:49 UF - Leach 21-yd field goal, 5-681131. Uf 13 - UK 3
lth 4:08 Uf - fason 7-yd pass from Leaii (Leach luck). 7-34 3:02.
UT 20 - UK 3

First downs: UK 10, Ul’ 26, Total offense plays-yards. UK 62-207.

01’ 83-523: Fumbles-lost: UK 1-1, UT 10; interception returns-
yards: UK 3-11, Ul’ 1-0; Penalties-yards: UK 6-54, Ul' 11-91;
Possession time: UK 26:16, UT 33:44; Third-down conversions: UK
446, UF 10-18; Fourth-down conversions: UK 02, Ul’ 0-1.’ Red-zone
scores-chances: UK 0-0, UT 2-6; Sacks by (number-yards): UK 0-0,
Ul’ 0-0


RUSHING - UK, Boyd 14-28, Little 3-18, Bwenge 5-16, iicCIinton 1-
(-2), Onion 3-10, Beach 1-3, Total 27-73. Ul', Fason 31-210 TD.
Thornton 6-31. Leali 3-21. Total 40-262 70.

(‘ats could never take advantage

of their opportunities.

Early in the second quarter.
freshman receiver Dicky Lyons
.lr. returned a punt to the Florida
‘38. instead of starting in field
goal range. UK started at its 27.

PASSING - UK, Boyd 17-35-1 134. UF, Leak 25-43-3 261 TD.

RECEIVING - UK. Holt 7-52. Mitchell 2-35. Dixon Z-l, Scott 1-15,
Marchman l~11. Tamme 1-7, Drobney 1-7, Dewalt 1-4. Little 1-2, UF,
Caldwell 8-84, Fason 5-43 TD, Small 4-29, Baker 4-22. Jackson 2-
67, Latslio 2-16.

thanks to a block in the back by

freshman linebacker .loe Schiller.
That was as close as the (‘ats

got to the end zone.

"One or tWo plays and all of a
sudden it's a different game."

PUNTING - UK, Thornton 7-254. U7, Wilbur 2'60.

INTERCEPTIONS - UK, Chad Anderson 1-1, Abdullah 1-0. Booker 1-
10. UF, Holmes 1-0.

FUMBLES ' UK, Boyd 1-1. UF, Leak 1-0.

Brooks said. “You only get so

many chances against a team like

this on the road,"
































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, ,

Dr. Kari Caipe

( )pii )lTlL‘Il'lST

Rio 1‘ .\,.i


A .




CATS DEN (UK Student Center)





Email jpatrersmi «1 k)‘ki'7‘lll’[.l‘()"l

(above) Alex Johns, 17, of Lexington, is framed by

s“ \ » the cascades of water from the fountains in front of

v the Fayette County District and Circuit courthouses

Saturday night.
Joiunwi run I smr

(left) Rachel Ryan, 18, of Lexington, tries to catch
popcorn In her mouth while watching people run-
ning in the fountain outside the downtown court-

houses Saturday.
Joiunwi nun | snrr




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