xt7qv97zpt9g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qv97zpt9g/data/mets.xml New Hampshire Historical Records Survey Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration New Hampshire New Hampshire Historical Records Survey Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration 1941 [2], 80 l.: ill. 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: FW 4.14:N 42h/no.8/v.13 books English Manchester, N.H.: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. New Hampshire Works Progress Administration Publications Greenland (N.H.: Town) -- Archival resources Public records -- New Hampshire -- Greenland (Town) Greenland (N.H.: Town) -- History -- Sources Inventory of the Town Archives of New Hampshire. No. 8, Rockingham County, vol. 13, Greenland, 1941 text Inventory of the Town Archives of New Hampshire. No. 8, Rockingham County, vol. 13, Greenland, 1941 1941 1941 2020 true xt7qv97zpt9g section xt7qv97zpt9g IIII II III IIIIII III IIII IIIIIII NVENTORY OF THE OF NEW HAMPSH'RE ROCKINGHAM COUNTY VOL XIII TOWN OF GREENLAND ACENOWLEDGMENT Publication of this volume has been made possible by a generous contribution from the Town of Greenland. INVENTORY OF THE TOWN ARCHIVES OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NO. 8. Rockinghum County VOL. XIII. GREENLAND Prepared Lv The Now Hampshire Historical Records Survey Div sion of Community Service Programs Wbrk Projects Administrafiion Sponsored by The University of New Hampshire Manchestor. New Hampshire The New Hampshire Historical Records Survey July 1941 .WDRK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard 0. Hunter. Commissioner John J. McDonough, Regionai Direcror James P. Qlixn, State Administrator Division of Community Service Programs Florence Ksrr, Assistant Commxssiune: Robert Y. Phillips, Chief Regional Supervisor mary H. Heafi, State Director Research and Records Section Harvey E. Beoknell, Director Robert Y. Phillips, Regional Supervisor Richard G. Wbod, state Superviscr Historical Records Survey . Sargent B. Child, National Director Frank N. Jordan, State Supervisor ""27"“ n E r x 3: m 7‘ . “9-,“: mafia: ~_: v ‘ r at i? - 3‘. . 1 cl . ,. . y l . 7 i y if i 2 F O R E W'O R D The Inventory 2f the Town Archives 2: New Hampshire is one of a number of guides to historical materials prepared throughout the United States by workers on the Historical Records Survey program of the Wbrk Projects Admin- istration. The publication herewith presented, an inventory of the archives of the town of Greenland, is number XIII of the Rockingham County series of towns. The Historical Records Survey program was undertaken in the winter of 1935-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unemployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers. In carry- ing out this objective, the project was organized to compile inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished government documents and records which are basic in the administration of local government, and which provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social history. The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the re- quirements of day-to—day administration by the officials of the county, and also the needs of lawyers. businessmen and other citizens who require facts from the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume is so designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in un- printed sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for printed sources. The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey program at~ tempt to do more than give merely a list of records-—they attempt further to sketch in the historical background of the county or other unit of government, and to describe precisely and in detail the organization and functions of the government agencies whose records they list. The county, town, and other local inventories for the entire country will, when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as well as a bibliography of local archives. The successful conclusion of the Work of the Historical Records SurVey program, even in a single county, would not be possible without the support of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged. The Survey program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served as Director until march l, l9h0, when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child, who had been National Field Supervisor since the inauguration of the Survey. The Survey program operates as a Nation-wide series of locally sponsored projects in the Division of Professional and Service Projects, of which Mrs. Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in charge. HOWARD O. HUNTER Commissioner P R E F A C E By authority of a Presidential Letter, the Historical Records Survey was initiated in January 1936 as a Nationawide undertaking of the work Projects Administration, but did not begin operations in New Hampshire un- til April 7. Prior to August 31, 1939, the Survey was Federally sponsored, but since that date it has been a local project sponsored by the University of New Hampshire. Until March 1940, this project was directed by Dr. Richard G. wood. At that time Dr. wood became State Supervisor of Research and Records Projects, and the present State Supervisor was appointed. The purpose of the Survey is to make accessible to public officials, lawyers, historians and students of government the records of State, county and municipal offices. In addition, church records, including those of defunct organizations, are being inventoried so that a foundation may be laid for research in this field of social history. The present volume is the eighth in a series of inventories concerning town archives of New Hampshire. A key volume, Town Government 2g New Hampshire, and a volume entitled Guide 32 Depositories 2: Manuscript Collections in the United States - New Hampshire have recently been published. Five volumes of county archives and one volume on church records have also been issued. For a complete record of these published works of the Survey in New Hamp— shire, gee List of Publications on page 71. In addition to listing the records of the different town officers, the inventory sketches briefly the historical background of the town of Greenland and describes the organization of the offices whose records are listed. The essays on the individual offices present only material re- lating specifically to Greenland. For a history of the legal background of each office, and its State—wide implication, it is necessary to consult the key volume mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Records are described in entries whose style is formalized to give the following information: Title of record, dates for which available, quantity, labeling of volumes or containers, information on missing and discontinued records, variant titles, description of record contents. manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of recording, size of volumes or containers, and location. The listing of the Greenland records was completed by Joseph A. O'Brien and Harry Gelman. The recheck was completed by Herbert E. Brown and Arthur L. Bergeron. The forms were edited and the entries written by Samuel T. Bakus, The essays in this publication Were written by Bernice ML Newell. The editorial work was done by Gordon F. Palmer, State editor. The legal research which forms the basis for the essays, and the preparation of the index was conducted under the direction of Beatrice B. Calnan. Documenta— tion was checked by Beatrice B. Calnan and Bessie ML Ryan. The maps, charts, and cover design were drawn by Edward F. Tile, project artist. The stencils were cut by Alice A. Tclge and the mimeographing was done by Rita E. Duffley under the direction of Marcellcne O'Connor. Helpful criticism of this inventory in manuscript form was offered by Mhbel S. Brodie, Editor Preface in charge of public records inventories, of the Central office. The Survey wishes to express its appreciation for the cooperation given and the courtesy shown to its workers by the Greenland officials and to the women's Alliance of Federated Churches for the use of their club— room where much of the field work was done. The Survey is also indebted to the Secretary of State, the Manchester City Library, and the New Hamp- shire State Library for facilities granted the Survey in its research work. Labor funds have been furnished by the Wbrk Projects Administration. The Survey wishes to acknowledge the contributions of the county of Hillsbor- ough, the city of Manchester, and other cities and towns throughout the State towards non—labor expenses. The inventory of the archives of the towns of Rockingham County is number 8 of the New Hampshire series. The Greenland inventory is volume XIII of the Rockingham series. Copies of the inventory will be distributed to government agencies, colleges, the University, and to libraries in New Hampshire and outside the State. Requests for information concerning the published volumes should be addressed to the State Supervisor, Administration Building, Lincoln and Silver Streets, Manchester, New Hampshire. Frank N. Jordan State Supervisor New Hampshire Historical Records Survey Manchester, New Hampshire July 1941 - 1 - T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S Page A. Town of Greenland and its Records System 1. Historical Sketch 3 Population Graph .mm-15 Greenland in 1806, Based on map by Phinehas Merrill mmmmwmlé Map of Present Day Greenland l7 Greenland in Relation to Rest of the State ................................................................ 18 2. Governmental Organization and Records System .................................................................. 19 Chart of Greenland Officers, l7u9 23 Chart of Greenland Officers, 1850 24 Chart of PreSent Day Greenland Town Officers ................................................... 25 Present Day Chart of Town Officers Elected at Biennial November Election and School Officers ....................................................................... 26 3. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records .............................................................. 27 Recommendations 29 4. Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory NotesWHWWmemwmmwwwwwm 29 B. Town Offices and their Records 1. Town Clerk 32 Family Records. warrants and Minutes. Vital Statistics. Taxation. Finance. Licenses. Permits. Mortgages, Con- ditional Sales. Miscellaneous. II. Selectmen 41 “' Town Reports. Finance. Taxation. Miscellaneous. III. Budget Committee ......... 48 , IV. Assessors. 49 ‘ V. Tax Collector ' . 49 warrants and Collections. Tax Sales. Redemptions. Reports. Receipts and Payments. VI. Treasurer. .m MW. 51 Receipts and Payments. Reports. Orders, Bank Statements. VII. Auditors 52 VIII. Trustees of Trust (Public) Funds. 52 IX. Cemetery Trustees 53 X. Surplus Revenue Agent 53 , XI. Moderator ,NH 53 ; XII. Supervisors of the Check—list 54 , XIII. Election Inspectors 54 X XIV. School District 54 A, . . District and Board Minutes. Finance. Census. ;. Correspondence. :. XV. Supervisory Union 57 ‘ XVI. Library Trustees 58 :' Minutes. Finance. Library. " XVII. Superintendent of Town Farm 59 Table of Contents XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XLW O XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. Page Health Officervc 60 Highway Agents, Read Agents, Highway Surveyors ................................................................ 60 Tree warden .Mn . ”61 Police, Constables, Jail Keeper ................. 61 Legal Agent (Attorney), Committee to Carry on Law Suits MMMWWMW62 Liquor Agent, Enforcement Agent " 62 Forest Fire warden .m63 Planning Board .................... “63 Public WeighermWw 64 Sealer of weights and Measures 54 Sealer of Leatherwwm 64 Lumber Officers ' .......... .64 Pound—keeperH“MWMWMWWWMMWWWWWHWP "Wm65 Hogreeves, Hog Constables, Hawards, Field Drivers.wwwmmmMmewwm66 Fish and Game warden 66 Deerkeepers ........ 66 Fence Viewers .................. 67 Sextonum“ 67 Tythingmen 6? Janitornnwm 67 Appendix ................................ 68 Bibliography 70 New Hampshire Historical Records Survey Publications .......................................... 71 Subject Index to Inventory,“ 72 (First entry, p. 32) A. TOWN OF GREENLAND AND ITS RECORDS SYSTEM 1. HISTORICAL SKETCH The name Greenland appeared as early as the 1650’s in reference to a farm owned by Francis Champernown and located on Great Bay within the bounds of Portsmouth. This farm was conveyed in 1657 by Champernown to Valentine Hill.1 In may 17Q5 three men "on behalfe of themselves and the Inhabitants of Greenland, belonging to the Town/of Portsmouth" petitioned to the Governor to have a minister and schoolmaster of their own.2 This petition, referred to the seleotmen of Portsmouth, resulted the following month (June 1705) in a vote by that town to pay Greenland its proportion of the 100 pounds devoted yearly to support a minister.3 The vote of June 1705 did not mention the matter of schools, but in April of the following year Portsmouth voted that the inhabitants of Greenland might have one hundred and fifty accers of Land out of ye Commons Lying and being at Greenland bounded To ye sow west End of ye great swamp and ye sd one hundred and fifty accrs to be tacken out or deducted from what may fall to tho Inhabitanse of Greenland of 5d Comons when ever ther shall be A division of all ye towens Comons ye 3d 150 assets to be Laid out by y6 Lote Layers when it may be most convenient for ye Ministry and $0001 for the youse of that part of ye towen.4 It was not until 1721 that Greenland secured the right to pay its Province rates separately from the parent town of Portsmouth, and it was not until 1732 that Greenland was represented in the Assembly.5 The Town Meeting Books do not begin until 1749. ' The first settled minister in Greenland was the Reverend William Allen who was grdained on July 15, 1707, four years after his graduation from Harvard College. In 1756 Reverend Samuel McClintock was called to perform the duties of an associate pastor. Mr. Allen died in 1760 and the pastorate was left in the exclusive charge of Mr. MoClintock.7 The support of the minister was a town obligation in the early days, and Greenland passed many votes in this connection. A few of these may well be cited to indicate their general nature. In 1750 Reverend Mr. Allen was voted "Three hundred and fifty pounds money Old tenor as the currency was in September 1749 and that he shall have 1. M. 0. Hall, Rambles About Greenland * * *, pp. 74, 79, 80. 2. New Hampshire State Papers, 9:320. 3. State's Copy of Portsmouth Records (photostatic copy), vol. 2. p. 33 (1705)c 4’. Ibid.. p. 34 (1706). 5. New Hampshire State Papers, 12:64, 66, 67; Laws 2: New Hampshire, 2:354 6- Hall. 22o 9332-. pp. 95. 214. 7. Ibid.. p. 214; [State's Copy of] Greenland Town Records, (hereinafter cited as State's copy), v01. 1, pp. 13, 14, 16, 17 (1756), fig entry 2. ‘4‘ Historical Sketch (First entry, 9. 32) Six Sheep and their lambs pastured * * *.Nl . _ When ReVerend Mr. McClintcck was summoned to act as a colleague with mr. Allen the following votes were adopted: Votted to give him Seven hundred pounds Old tennor * * * this time if he preach the Gospel for us during Mr Allens life and no other priviledges-—till after Mr Allens decease. Votted after Mr Allens decease to give him tWenty Cord of wood and the improvement of the lower parsonage: Votted to hyre him a house till we are able to build him a Parsonage house.2 The year after Mr. Allen's death it was voted that Mr. McClintock should "have the Orchard & Land adjoyning to the Parsonage House During his Ministry, he making the fence."3 In 1762 it was voted to give Mr. McClintock "Poles for his inner fence."4 It was voted in 1764 to give Mr. McClintock 600 pounds. old tenor, in addition to his regular salary for that year,5 After Mr. McClintcck's death, it was I Voted To give the Widow Elizabeth Neoclintcck the original Salary of two hundred and tWenty two Dollars and twenty two Cents, two thirds the usual quantity of wood with the improvement of the parsonage Buildings and that tract of Land called the lower par- sonage for the present Year.6 This early church, like so many of the town churches in New Hampshire, was Congregational in denomination. A distinguishing feature was the long service of its ministers. Mr. Allen served 53 years; Mr. McClintock, 48 years; and one of their successors, Dr. Edward Robie, 65 years. Methodism was introduced in Greenland in 1808 through the preaching of the Reverend George Pickering who organized a church of 50 members.9 The Baptist faith had appeared at least by 1809, when the town voted "that the Congregationalist occupy the meeting house one.half the time and the metho— dist and Baptist the other half."10 The following year it was voted “that. the Congregationalist occupy the Meeting house the first 3 months, the Methodist and Baptist the second 3 months——the Congregationalist the third 3 months-—and the Methodist and Baptist the last 3 months of the ensuing year."11 In 1811 it was voted "that the Meeting house be occupied by the different Socities similar to the year past only having respect to Valuation of Taxes as to the time each Socitiey shall occupy the same."12 1. State‘s Copy, vol. 1. p. 6 (1750), E23 entry 2‘ 2. Ibid.. p. 16 (.1756). 3. 3:21-20) P0 3.5 (1-761). 4- Lbiéo' Po 39 (1762). 5. _I____.bid-o Po ML (1764)- 6. Ibidn P. 303 (1804) [1805?]. 7. Hall. 92. Eli-Ea. PI 214. 8. Inscription on tablet at church. See also Hall, 22.‘git., pp. 214-220. 9- Hall, 9.2. Lid-20’ P. 201' 10. State's Copy, vol. 1, p. 326 (1809), 222 entry 2. 11. Ibid., p. 329 (1810). 12. Ibido. Do 334 (1811). - 5 - Historical Sketch (First entry, 9. 32) When the Reverend Ephraim Abbot was summoned to the Congregational pastorate in 1813, the town passed a vote which apparently gave the Congre- gationalists the exclusive right to occupy the meeting-house during Mr. Abbot's ministry.1 Soon afterward the town took a step toward helping the other societiestopwocunaaflweting-house of their own by voting "that the Methodist and Baptist Socities have liberty to cut them a fraim for a Meet- ing house off the uper Parsonage." "2 In 1815 a vote was passed "not to erect the Methodist Meeting on the old Meeting hill (so called)."3 Whether this rescinded the prior vote, or merely had to do with the location of the con- templated building is difficult to say. At the same time it was voted "To give the Methodist & Baptist societies their priviliges in the parsonages to be taken out of the upcr Parsonage." "4 A subscribers’ agreement for erecting a Methodist and Baptist meeting-house is recorded in the town minutes the same year. The statement is made that the church was also built that year,6 but it was probably only roughly completed, since the town voted four years later ”that the Methodist Society have hemlock logs from the uper parsonage for lathing their meeting house."7 This building was moved across the street in 1836 and was burned shortly afterward. The present building was built the following year.8 The subscribers' agreement of 1815 contained the last mention of the Baptists found in the Town Meeting Books, and it is probable that the career of this denomination in Greenland was of short duration. ‘ The Methodist and Congregational denominations continued as separate entities until 1922 when they formed a federated church, which has continued to the present day. The winter services are held in the Methodist Church of 1837 and the summer services are held in the Congregational Church of 1756.9 The first reference to a school in Greenland. dates back to the time when Greenland was still a part of Portsmouth. At a Portsmouth town meeting of 1702 it was voted "That five pounds yearly be given for the Incoridgment of a Scooll at Greenland.“10 It has already been shown that Greenland petitioned in 170511 for a schoolmaster of its own, and that Portsmouth passed a vote in 1706, relating to the use of land from the commons for school purposes in Greenland.12 In 1756 Greenland voted that "the School house be moved near to where the Old meeting house now stands."13 Another vote for moving the school house was passed in 1764-14 It appears that school sessions were regularly shifted about at times, since there was a while when it was voted periodically l. State's Copy, vol. 1, pp. 345, 346 (1813), see entry 2. 2. 1bid., p. 356 (1811). 30 Ibldoy PO 359 (181.5). 11. Ibids 5. Ibidu. Po 366 (1815). 6. Hall, _0_Eq __93£.. pg 201' V 7. State‘s Copy, vol. 1, p. 376 (1819), 322 entry 2. 80 Hall, 22. SIS-Eb... ., I). 20.1. 9. Information obtained from Mrs. Carrie Beck, former church clerk, April 29, 1941, by Herbert E. Brown. 10. State's Cepy of Portsmouth Records (photostatic copy), vol. 2, p, 26 (1702’ 11. New Hampshire State Papers, 9:320 (1705). 12. State's Copy of Portsmouth Records (photostatic copy), vol. 2, p. 34 (1706} 13. State's Copy, vol. 1, p. 15 (1756), 323 entry 2. 1“. Effigy: PO 4# (1764). . _ 6 _ Historical Sketch (First entry, p. 32) that the school should be mOVed to the Buy Side during certain months.1 In 1767 it was voted that a new school house should be built "By the Buring Yeard" and that the old building should be sold and moved.2 It was proposed in 1772 that the town should "maintain two School this year, a reading & writing School three months at the South part of the Town & three Months at the Bay-Side & a grammar School in the Centre * * *." The voters rejected the proposal, and voted instead to "have but one School."3 A vote of 1781 recompensed Clement weeks to the amount of $20 for keep- ing school "two Months from Novemr 1779 to Janry 1780."4‘ In 1782 it was voted that school be kept the whole year in the center of the town. In 1787 it was Voted the school shall be kept at the Center their pro- portionable part of the time from this date. Voted The school shall be mooved to the Bayside after the time is expired at the Center. Voted The school shall be moved to the rode geading to Hampton after the time is expired at the Bayside. In 1793 it was voted "to Build a School hous at the South part of the Town: and likewis to pay the Proprietors of the Schoolhouse at the west part of the Town for theirs."7 A family that had moved in from PortSmouth was permitted, by a vote of 1798, to Send their children to school in Greenland.8 Three school districts were established in 1807; the number was reduced to two in 1808, the Winnicut River to be the dividing line.9 At some time prior to 1650 the town must have reverted to the system of three districts. since in that year it was voted "that all the money received raised appropriated shall be equally devidcd among the three schocldistriotsw10 Three years later it was voted that all money "arriving for’schooling be equealy divided between the three school districts.”1 In accordance with a State 1aW'12 Greenland became a single school district in 1885. As such it? is new a member of Supervisory Union No. 16.13 Brackott Academy was incorporated by an act of the Legislature in 182h when twolve men "and their successors together with the Principle Instructer" Were made a body politic to be known as the Trustees of the Brackett Academy in Greenland. It was stipulated that the majority of the trustees should not' be residents of Greenland.14 A building was erected between this time and l. State's Copy, vol. 1, p. 37 (1760), gt passim 1761-1766, £22 entry 2. 2. Ibldo, P. 51 (1767). 3‘ 1219.! P. 74 (1772). he Ibldc, PP. Ill—12.. ILLS (1781). 5. Ibid., p. 151 (1782). 60 Ibidog Pa 185 (1787). 7. Ibid., p. 223 (1793). 8. gbid., p. 263 (1798). 90 Ibido. PP. 318, 319 (1807)” Pa 321 (1808). 10.[Icwn Meeting Books], (hereinafter cited as T. M. B.), vol. 3, p. 11 (1850), E22 entry 3. 11. Ibido’ P. 65 (1853). 12. See ESE Hampshire Laws 23 1885, ch. 43. “ 13. New Hampshire State Board of Educatigp Directory * * * l9hO-l9gl, p. 5. la. Laws 2; cw Hampshire. 9:33; (1824). ,—- 7.." Historical Sketch (First entry, p. 32) the first meeting of the trustees held in August 1826. The academy's bene— factor, George Brackett, gave property and money eguivalent to $2000 and this, in addition to a like sum contributed by other interested persons, was used to found the academy.1 Mr. Brackett terminated a description of his gift as follows: Though goodness without knowledge is-woak and feeble, yct knowl~ edge without goodness is dangerous, and * * * both together form the noblest character and lay the surest foundation of usefulness to mankind.2 I Reverend Ephraim Abbott,.the president of the board of trustees, was the first principal. He resigned both offices in 1829.3 The funds became exhausted during the next two years and the building was rented to any competent tea ch— ers with satisfactory references who applied to the trustees.4 There were several teachers who conducted the school under these con» ditions, but in 1854 the town set forth the terms under which it would con- tract with the trustees for the use of Brackctt Academy for schools and for a town hall. The town stipulated that it must not be subjected to any material expense aside from that of keeping the building and grounds in repair.5 AP- parently a contract was made, for in 1862 it was resolved that the town de- sired the selectmen to take charge of the building "with power to rent the same * * *",6 and in 1873 the town voted to establish a high school in the building with the town constituting a high school district. Three men were chosen temporarily to perform the duties of high school and prudential com- mittees. It was also voted that $500 be raised by taxation, in addition to meney raised by tuitions. to maintain the high school.7 There is no evidence, however, that the provisions of this vote were actually carried out at that ' time. In 1876 the legislature amended the act incorporating Brackett Academy. This amendment removed the prohibition against the majority of the trustees being residents of Greenland. In fact, the entire membership might be chosen from local residents. The amendment further authorized the trustees to convey to the town the real estate belonging to the academy.8 Shortly afterward, the trustees held a meeting, accepted the amending act, and filled the vacancies in their board by electing eight new trustees who had been nom- inated by the town at the request of the trustees already in office. The reorganized trustees voted to offer a long lea.se on the building for town and school purposes providing the town would refit it, keep it in repair, and pay the insurance. It was also stipulated that the town uses must in no way interfere with the keeping of the school.9 1. Hall, 21-29 iii. 9 Pg. 143,; I 2. Ibido. Po 111-7. 30 M‘! P. 14.4.. 4. Charles A. Hazletu, History of Rockingham County, p. 432. 5. T. M. B... vol. 3. p. 91 (1854), _s___ee entry3. 6. Ibid., p. 247 (1862). 7. Ibid., p. not numbered (1873). 8. New Hampshire Laws pf 1876, ch. 142. 90 Hall. £22. 9—42., P, 148. n.8- Historical Sketch (First entry, p. 32) At the annual town meeting of 1877 it was voted "to raise 1650 dollars by town note, in addition to the 500 dollars now raised to enable [a committee] to fit up said building for a Town Hall and other purposes agreeable to plans ' drawn up and estimates made for this object."1 Representatives of the town conferred with the trustees concerning the transfer of the property to the town and a lease was drawn up.2 The following~ year tge building was repaired, new supports placed under it, and a new stage built. In 1884 the vote of 1873 regarding the establishment of a high school was repeated and a vote was passed to "create a High School district." A vote was also passed to raise $200 annually, and to appropriate $100 from the regular school money, to support the school. The school committee was to grade the district school pupils for admission.4 In 1900 the Academy building was used for a high school and a town hall, and it contained a selectmen's roonu5 In 1903 the town gave authority to the school district to erect school buildings on the academy lot and to make any necessary changes in the "present building for school purposes." The buildings and lot were to be used "as far as may be necessary without interfering with the present uses of the town hall by the town or the citizens."6 The old Academy building was burned December 16, 1919. A new building was erected soon afterward.7 It is used as a town hall and for grade schools. Greenland no longer has a high school, but pays the tuition of Greenland students at~ tending Portsmouth High School. The first library in Greenland was a social library incorporated December 24, 1799. The Reverend Samuel McClintock, Clement March, Thomas Marston, Joshua weeks, Joshua Brackett, Enoch Clark, Thomas Berry, Isaiah Berry, Shadrack Robinson, Enoch M. Clark, Samuel Hatch, Thomas Philbrook, and their associates were incorporated as the proprietors.8 What became of this library has not been ascertained. I The first step toward establishing a town library occurred in 1893 when the town voted to raise $25 annually for the use and maintenance of a free public library in order that it might be entitled to receive a gift of books worth $100 from the State. At the same town meeting it was voted that the school board should act as library trustees.9 The matter was held in abeyance, however, until 1896 when arrangements for opening a library were made and the town actually received its books from the State. Before the appropriations were complete, funds for a library building'were donated by Miss Caroline A. Wbeks.lo In 1897 the town appropriated $100, and the building was constructed _that year.11 1. T. M. B., vol. 4, p. 88 (1877), £23 entry 3. 2. Hall. 9gp 923,. pp. 105, 110. 3. T. M. B., vol. 4, p. 133 (1878), see entry 3. [La Ibidp, p. 357 (1884.). 5. Hall, 2.2. Q20. 13. 111.6. 6. T. M. B., vol._5, p. 255 (1903), see entry 3. 7. Information obtained from Clarence E. Gowen, selectman, May 14, 1941, by Herbert E. Brown. 8. Laws 23 NEH Hampshigg, 6:596, 597 (1799). 9. T. M. 13., vol. 5. p. 83 (1893), p33 entry 3. 10. New Hampshire State Library Reports, 190471906, pp. 417, 418. 11. T. M. B., vol. 5, p. 148 (1897), 233 entry 3. - 9 - Historical Sketch (First entry. p.- 32) The next year the town passed a resolution accepting Miss weeks’ gift and expressing its thanks for the same.' It voted to raise annually the sum of $150 in addition to that required by law for the maintenance of the li- brary, the purchase of books, the salary of the librarian, and the heating and lighting of the building.1 The dedication of the building occurred May 19, 1898,2 The year after the dedication the trustees reported the possession of 1528 books. These were classified as follows: fiction, 938; religious, scientific, and miscellaneous, 324; history, 140; biography, 78; travel, 48. The library received a legacy of $500 from Thomas P. Salter in 190 .u This library receives, from trust funds, an annual.income of about $70. A bronze tablet in the vestibule contains the following inscription: T H I S B U I L D I N G E R E C T E D A S A M E M O R I A L T O G E O R G E W E E K S M A R Y T. W E E K S A N D J. C L E M E H T W E E K S B Y C A R‘O L I N E A V E R Y W'E E K S M D C C C X C V I I Pressed bricks, with marble trimmings and granite underpinnings, were used in the construction of the building. Its architectural style is Colonial, with pilasters of Corinthian order. As early as 1774 Greenland realized the importance of the impending con- flict with Great Britain. In July of that year two delegates were appointed to the Provincial Congrezs in Exeter where delegates to the Continental Con- gress were to be chosen. It is apparent that the men of the town regarded seriously the necessity for organization and training, since fifty-six of them met the following year on June 25 and subscribed as follows: 1. T. M. B., vol. 5, p. 167 (1898), 522 entry 3.